Exposing Demon's That Can Hold The Life Of A Christian || Prophet Passion Java

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the destiny of the forensic prophetic movement rests on the shoulder of one young prophet passion Java in the world of living in the time of the prophetic the destiny of the forensic prophetic movement rests on the shoulder of one young prophet passion Java in the world of the living in the time of prophetic the destiny of the forensic prophetic movement rests I'm meeting all your Qaeda for all you say no more hiding cuz you're me and I'm you my eyes are open we could go by my time I see your kingdom coming bye-bye you assure me God will find filled with all your glory from the ashes all right [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] feeling I am swept up in the flower then only but then you surround me with your heavenly embrace you open up the heaven and I can freeze me all the angels come down and then and me you wrap your arms around me and wipe my tears away made my broken heart home I'll say [Music] [Music] meeting all your fighter you say no more hiding cuz you're Annie and loving you my eyes are on pair wicked God by my time I see your kingdom come you're loved bye-bye you would show me what a pika will find filled with all your glory from the ashes all right [Music] [Music] Oh king of King [Music] [Music] okay okay [Music] [Music] you [Music] god bless everybody watching me this is the calf profit passion Java excited to bring you again another broadcast day remember in the morning with the dairy broadcast I am now here in Maryland we are back in Maryland LA was good we did a powerful service with profit Lobby I was in the Hollywood that was with pastor Benny Hinn I was with Bishop Noel Jones it was really awesome God is a good god code is a wonderful God and I pray that blessings continue to reign in our ministry as God continue to connect people like you in this ministry that you may receive the same blessing god bless you Pete Angela Peterson for the offering up today may God bless you may God increase you may God favored you and take you to nations and places that you've never been in in Jesus name Elaine Bonney bless you Douglas blame god bless you ha ha ha pegye almost zib zib zg 0 0 something like that god bless you god and power God affect you and they pray for everybody giving offerings today made a lot god bless you increase you and today I'm gonna be interrupting a lot with you from wherever you are watching me from III want you to type your question mainly about about deliverance we are continuing from the conference I had a powerful conference e on Facebook periscope and on K TV with a bish of nowhere Jones for the past three days banded Wednesday it was really powerful extra powerful and we continue today Bernardin isaac bless you free offering we continue today and believing that God is going to speak to you and God is gonna release the anointing of deliverance to somebody and that something is going to happen right now so if you're watching on periscope or you're watching on Facebook I want you to type your question now I want you to type your question as people are giving their offerings send your question so that when I start I'm just gonna go straight in to be a blessing to people around the world and speak to you and speak to other people amen and amen and amen so type your question right now I believe God is going to speak to you God is gonna teach you something important and I'm gonna be praying for people I landed I was praying for people one on one since morning and a lot of people were blessed what blessed and I'm sure I'm gonna continue 1 1 after this live broadcast I'll be praying for people so if you have registered for one-on-one and you already you take our office phone and if you are here again and you're registering now you can text again I may not be able to reach you today because we do it at least but if you have received a message of your availability and you were not available I will be available after the live session god bless everybody giving their offerings may God bless you increase you and establish you don't only send your offerings also send questions that I mean I mean I may see what you really need me to touch in exactly I just don't want to touch all on what I already have for you but I want to touch what you need to hear so I can be a blessing to you Adam last night hmm and there's some milk milk yeah I want to make sure I have been delivered all right which demon is responsible god bless know that I give if I don't mention the name forces offerings can come at the same time so it will give me names fast but I want to know which demon is responsible for generational cases that's a good one I want to make sure I have been fully delivered if you if you have been and and whisker for years how how to you know when you have been delivered from it all right I think the main question before we we go into these questions it's going to be the main question is going to be as to understand what is deliverance what deliver and what deliverance but what what liberates are we talking about but but there is a deliverance of demon there is demon casting and there is deliverance yes messages grace rprp Oh I asked you to progress after I left the room in LA I wanted to listen to her but as she's giving now god bless you we need to really touch the name deliverance and really understand what is deliverance before we get into the topic because many times often terms we speak of deliverance referring to demon casting which is totally do two different things and I will be touching on those ones again right here today I want to know what it is to what it means to preach the gospel in the frame I think you need to go to they pre-recorded other with a rebroadcast that we did today it was talking about dreams and interpretations and how to interpret dreams and all those things amen I dream where a prophet gave me maze all right anyone with the dreams revisit the video we did or you can go to youtube and say 66 dreams and interpretation I'm not gonna be interpreting dreams but I'm gonna be attaching something that is to do with demonology and demon casting and deliverance and all those things god bless you a prophet Troy is watching right now god bless you world prophet Troy he bless us with a car in LA god bless you so much god increases in Jesus name Amen and amen and amen oh no I'm not going to be [Music] answering dreams and stuff but I promised tomorrow Sunday I will come here tomorrow and I'll be able to do a broadcast only on dreams and I will be interpreting dreams this one is a promise I'll do it I will definitely do that but I need questions I need questions regarding to two things that are that are like oh I don't know what happened with the periscope but you can still go to youtube and and watch the video of the previous broadcast it's written secret six levels of Dreams and meanings what are the origins of travel cases that's a good one that's a good [Music] all right I guess we need to start now is there anyone else's - anytime on giving if you have your offering up today or a special seed go to profit passion calm profit passion calm and give your offering now profit passion calm you plan to come to the west coast I was just there I just came back I still don't get this question karev office phone chest here teshia Watkins can you call and explain so I am no give the office one or at the summer cottage here Watkins she's gonna reach you this question always come when I'm like $200 leaves my check every time I get paid what is the cause of this try to understand is it a spiritual stuff oh she always oh it goes to a loan or some way I don't know then if you if you get to understand you give me the phone so I can I can do it they then I start and I'm gonna be praying for people with the phone - malaina Allah bless you bless you more than eleven prophets even bless you yeah I heard you Papa talking about the danger approved approved Lord bless you blessings how are you doing you know what's happening hello yes what's happening hmm okay I'm gonna pray with you on that what about the every time you're paid you lift run it I don't get that every time you get paid do you say you lose $200 now you did or are you the one just here working are you Tessa oh there's someone were expecting I pray for you right now and they commanded life spiritual life to be activated I pray any depression will not touch you any demonic otaku not touch you I speak life in abundance no suicidal spirit to come near you I played the blood of Jesus over you in the name of Jesus I pray amen god bless you you gave me the wrong person alright I think she'll show text and I'll get understand we'll go through it another time Oh God sluiced kidney bless you for offering milena a leper that's a big huge offering god bless you for a big offer god bless you alright so I think I'll be taking more questions as we go we'll be taking more questions as we go I know it's okay I'm gonna do like we'll do that later if you're watching on Facebook go bottom left and click share if you are watching on periscope go bottom right and click the three dots and share the broadcast copy the link and spread it everywhere where you are Amen god bless everybody in Jesus name so today I'm going to be talking about demons that can hold your life as a Christian as a child of God always understand this will end this this week from the beasts of no Jones as long as you have Jesus inside of your heart Jesus cannot cohabit with a demon as long as you have the Holy Spirit in you you don't have a demon that is why he said a pasta can't be delivered can't with the sea a empty a pasta cannot be delivered from another man of God unless that pasta was a pastor who named himself a pasta without Jesus in his add as long as you have Jesus in your heart and I tell you this not from the words of the bishop might merit as long as you have Jesus in your heart as long as you have Jesus in your heart you can't have a demon in you as alone as you have Jesus the Holy Spirit as long as you're a child of God no demon lives in you I wrote in my book you can download it called the fivefold ministry of the devil fivefold ministry of the devil which I spoke about a demon code a posto Leviathan prophetess Jezebel from revelations 2 verse 20 that property does lady just a bill that causes of a prophetess to teach and seduce my seven and I spoke about Antichrist being the Evangelist and I talked about Bell Belmont and belzebub those are the five fold ministry of the devil and I spoke something important that there's a difference between a demon and an evil spirit and an unclean spirit and the devil's and familiar spirits these are totally different spirits a demon does not have a body for example a demon god bless you apostle innocent and demon does not a diamond don't have a demon don't have a repeat and demon don't have a body so it seeks for a body to possess in order to operate Kai but if you look on the other side Ephesians chapter number six says we don't fight against flesh and blood flesh and blood it's a realm of demons mmm let me repeat it flesh and blood we don't fight against flesh and blood it's a realm of demons for example our talk about those demons but we fight against the Principality principality is not a demon principalities are fallen angels that's why if you read my book called angels vol 2 where I spoke about 14 types of angels you see that in heaven right now they're angels that occurred principalities then the angel that occurred rulers of light collisions 116 then there are angels that are called the virtuous powers so efficiences we don't fight against flesh and blood but against principalities again it's a wicked spirit against rulers of the dark world against those evil spirits data in the heavenly places these ones are not in flesh these ones are not in someone's blood these ones are spirits that are in heavenly places so let's go back someone asked a special question here says and what is the origin of the trapper cases I want to talk about all regions of both spirits both worlds right we have the origins of demons where you see a pea arms or do you call it Genesis chapter number 6 and Genesis chapter number 6 you see that a demon not demons the angels rebelled you from God willingly said we no longer want to be in heaven they left and they came on earth and they saw that the daughters of men were beautiful that's the law of attraction right we can only be attracted to something that looks like you angels beauty and they are attracted to the daughters of men that way beautiful and if they slept with them they had sex intercourse and the Bible says those three ladies physical ladies gave birth they gave birth to Giants and if those Giants when they were growing God says let me destroy all the beings that are at because sin have become too much so God told Noah to build an ark and put two by two animals and his family and everybody was destroyed what about a spirit that was in these Giants they did not go anywhere when the flood came God judged them and says on earth you shall be vagabonds on earth you shall be moving to and from they can die but the angels that way they that were responsible for impregnating him giving Beth the Bible says they were placed in prison the angels with the bodies were placed in prison but if the spirits after the bodies were destroyed their children were not destroyed the punishment was that you'll be moving on it why because they have their rights to be on enter why because it was given to men and they are both children of angels and of men so those ones are what we call demons they will to do what they were doing in Genesis chapter 6 what is it they were drinking they were becoming drunk smoking having sex listening to music and all those things the pleasures of the flesh they want to enjoy but they don't have a flesh they don't have a body right now because they don't have a body they seek for someone with a body to possess so they can express themselves they can satisfy themselves they can have sex they can drink they can smoke they can have they can express their anger they have anger issues but they cannot express anger less they possess a body they have got the attitude problems they cannot express their attitude unless the ex enter someone so both won that those are the ones that we say we don't fight against the flesh and the blood why once they get inside somebody they express their anger in the flesh they express their attitude in the flesh they want to have sex they make someone masturbate six times ten times in five hours in two hours why they seek satisfication but they can be satisfied because they've got issues that cannot be changed by anybody but if you go to Ephesians chapter 6 now those ones principalities wicked spirits rulers of the duct work those are fallen angels that have fell down and they saw heavenly places and said we'll stay here so when you're fighting with those ones they don't seek for your body to possess you they don't need your body so a child of God does not have a demon that seeks for a body that stays in your body that demon that we say if a demon is casted out to look for seven more spirits and come back no that's not the one we are talking about when we talk about the fight of a Christian with the spirit we are not talking about a demon inside of you we are talking of a witch coming to your house to attack you in a wall and which is coming to attack you fighting with you you've got to sleep you see someone coming trying to have sex with you these spirits are trying to introduce a lot to you because they know they cannot enter you number one fallen angels already a bodies they fell from heaven with their body they have a body they cannot seek to possess anybody they can't possess anyone so we are now dealing with two things then we go back to demons some of you you were in the world for a long time and demonstrating you for a long time until they are happy to become your habit their character became your character their issues became your issues for example those demons left you when Jesus entered you so in you you don't need to be you don't need any demon casting because the demon is no longer in you right but the character that you are glued with to smoke to drink three have six to watch dirty videos that becomes a character that Bishop says you you you are sick you know need someone that can deliver you through the world that is why you can't go general to December two inches that is saying come out come out come out come out come out come on and they say we don't have the word it's a place like a hospital ministry where you grow anyone to demonic out out out out you go it out when it out you no need to grow you no need to be healed for example when Lazarus was inside the tomb Jesus applied resurrection power and he got resurrected and he came out from the tube and when Jesus's loose him and let him go loose him and let him go loose him and let him go give him food to eat lose this man and rip this man that's the process that's the process what Jesus did is resurrect the main body sends his feet his eyes they are all bowed out believe that the men that came to lose another earth did not lose everywhere they lose the seasons why so that is him is to unwrap himself that's my duty my duties to unwrap your hands so that you the Bible says wake out your own salvation with the trembling with fear that means you are not waking your own salvation by telling yourself I'm not gonna drink today I'm not gonna be drunk today I'm not going to sleep with somebody's husband I'm not going to sleep with someone's wife no I used to but I'm no longer that many anymore so there is a process that comes after demon casting which is different from deliverance you can be delivered because deliverance is a process but talking about demon casting as long as Jesus is in your heart you don't need an out out out out out you don't need that I have made people in Africa that now knows if we go to this type of ministry that is out out out out out and we manifest the demon we can run away from our from our court issues oh this so they go and they go to the court and say ah it was not himself look look at the video what I'm trying to say is as long as you are in Christ you don't need any come out demons are no longer in you but then we move into another level where they are covenants they are covenants outside your spirit their covenants that are connected to your blood for example your grandfather met a covenant that all my daughter's belongs to the devil he is a satirist from the day you were in your mother's womb we were pregnant you were sacrificed your life was sacrificed to the devil the day you were born they took your blood when they put scars on you whatever they did and they sacrificed you to the devil you can't say because Jesus is now in my spirit that devil is saying goodbye I'm no longer married to you I'm no longer connected to you it becomes a war it becomes a fight it becomes a battle whenever you get a boyfriend that spirit will bring a problem in your relationship because that's fitness it can't be in you you have Jesus but it says I cannot go without a fight you can't just take my wife so we have what we call spiritual husband's spiritual husbands they don't even if you don't have Jesus they don't live in you they come to have sex with you they come to have sex with you but they cannot if you have Jesus in your heart and if you didn't give them a door if you open a demon a door if you open a door for the spirit whether you have Jesus in you and you open the door it's done for example a child of God with Jesus in Assad can never H IV never but if you open the door and you go and they have sex with someone with HIV definitely you have HIV you have opened a door for yourself you opened a door by yourself so you need to understand that there are things you can allow to yourself and there are things that cannot happen because a child of God but now you have to establish this when the power of the prophetic comes upon you the anointing of God begins to teach you all things it's a process to let go from your past be it a tribe or related casts someone is asking how did the original tribe okay studied the power of the blood you find out that if you bring a man here and he is out I can take five minutes to cast out a demon from its out but if he carries the same power I have you take thirty seconds why there is a physical authority to obey his son that you already have that I don't have and then the power that moves a demon he can be faster what am I saying I'm saying when the Centurion men come to Jesus and say you don't have to come to my house right you don't have to come to my house just give me a word and I'll go and put the house in order what he meant is I authority to my people in the house when I say go big go when I say run there and if I say new than you so if you give me the power you are carrying Jesus Walker Basu dellamonte's that is what you need to carry an anointing from this broadcast and go lay hands on the clothes of your son and they declare as a mother that you are born again you are coming to Christ this week all of us on Telemundo or go on the website and download the hand of the Prophet you take the prayer I made for you there on the head and together with your prayer and put it on the clothes of your husband and declare in the name of Jesus my husband is saved in Jesus name acaba Santana Mandela gyaku prodigies oh so you have power over someone connected to you there is a connection that takes place with the blood that is why you see people as draw or sleep or normal Jones they are grand grand grand grand father was a bishop grandfather was a Bissel the father was a bishop his brothers a bishop he is a vision his child is born in a family like that so Year's Eve child does not understand if you come and you say ah let's destroy our tribe all cases how what case are you talking to him about Bishop Jones is blessed at the age of twenty one is born already he became a millionaire the age of 21 but if you go down to Africa to Tito Nigeria Ghana Zimbabwe Botswana Zambia my god your great-grandmother is a wish your grandma that killed your great-grandmother to show you yeah that she has more power in witchcraft then she gave birth to your mama then your mama took the power from the grandmother hmm and when you were in your mother's womb she was eating dead people meeting at the event and if similarly witchcraft drinking people's blood eating big one is joy in the mother's womb kissing people practicing witchcraft publicist even Josefa offering practicing witchcraft and you're in your mother's womb ha ha ha then you are born from the family and you become the first man of God Allah Basanti Hey right now you are in church they are busy gathering switches with your sisters with your brother cannabis aunty hey it's never easy to break forth because the people connected to you they are not like Moses well you see Moses mother is a Levite and Moses father is born from a Levite they're both children of Levites which are Levites they met and Moses is about a prophet with a better night to be a Levite so Moses you cannot compare himself you cannot compare Moses with Joshua because Moses is a prophet by bed and also a Levite together God cause in my friend why look at what is coming from it's now easy to be example but because the Abraham interceded for you before Jacob you're born and Isaac interceded for you before your birth so no matter you a thief you can be delivered overnight rain angel why you're better is not as soon as someone in India the grandfather is a Hindu the grandmother is a Hindu but Hindus they met they gave birth to your parents your parents gave birth to you you grow up a Hindu after 39 years of knowing Hindu listen someone said there is a greater cause you said no and you were shown the power of Jesus you gave up everything you began to follow Jesus everyone in the familiar Hindus they are praying and interceding in the in dualism ways to bring your bread to Hindu you've got something to fight before you fight the devil hmm so your batter is never easy there are some ministers that will they become millionaires billionaires by now but it is holding you call a boy antonov a seka by your own mother is holding your progress I'm praying for you today and I'm believing God for your coming out and the speed Cara basanta so you have to know that is demon come out or do we cut diamond cutting then there is you come out you come out you are under a roof sacrificed to idols you are under a roof sacrificed to Saturn is it you are under a roof full of some warmest spirits your father is a sangoma your mom is a Sun woman your brother is practicing to be a sangoma you has to end at the same house before you said Lord bless me with a car you have a mountain to climb I'm gonna pray with people today I believe you are coming out demons came out from you but are you out from that hill it's different demons can come up from you but are you out from here I thought one pastor city I think your major problem pastor is you you had poet he became so angry he says you have pride I talked to a humble you apply you come him I said ok sit down sit down and he said I said I'm not gonna apologize to I'm good in apologizing but I want you to give me a reason for me to apologize to you yes I said I said pastor how many years of study teacher said I've been doing chest in 2007 how many members do you have said about 34 desayuno noon last Sunday how many chairs we're in church and how many people said in church he counted about 8 people without him and his wife eight people were in church I said O'Kane scintillant seven you've been running Church of eight members already that's step number one the car that you are driving is it under your name is it your car first yes I said the DuPage says it's a so paying for it it's a loan loan payment okay at the house I'm renting alright I'll order you I'm 42 years old okay what do you have to your name right now that you can say this is mine the only thing that was close Church puppet and instruments which are just two speakers with a micro nativity speaker I said unless you accept that you don't have anything in life you can never have something in life if you keep lying to yourself that you are someone when you are not you can never become someone first step in life check where you are know where you are so you can know where to be you can never be there unless you know that you are here how can you fly to Africa if you don't know that you are in America you need to know the airport you are going to fly from to know where you are going to land many people you have arrived before you depart it you need to check yourself step number one ho beery with yourself my mom is a subtlest my father is a satirist alright which is not a problem Jesus is greater than all that my brother you failed because of the spirits that were introduced to us as kids my sister failed everybody failed I'm in Christ Jesus what you have changed from the time I came to Christ before I came to Christ and now what are the changes check yourself marika ba ta Kokomo cicadas Nelly BIM Prasad Allah has it this is the map of July which is the month of fulfillment right but you also you have to fight because you have to understand you don't have a demon but we fight against the principalities rulers of this dark world which are in the the places that when the angel is coming with your package or fulfillment Prince of Persia can hold the angel in the heavenly places let me explain the Bible declares something important that when it Daniel the prophet without a demon when he was in prayer and fasting God released the angel Gabriel not only an ordinary angel a hireling the angel Gabriel with a package to deliver and a the demon the spirit the fallen angel instead the fallen angel Prince of Persia to hold of him in the spirit and says you are not going anywhere goodbye Asante so I have people watching me right now your marriage is not like you do need a demon to come out for you to be made your marriage was released 17 years ago seven years ago seven hours of our seven days ago seven weeks ago God already released your wedding your car your husband your wife your children and just to burn enough to know why in the heavenly places they asked some things that we need to do it today for your package to be released kada beyond OBO Sidibe and LED so I have different types of people here number one I have people they are free but their sons needs to come to Christ their sons needs to be delivered their son needs demon casting their husband their wives their parents they are post people around them people they love they are demon possessed spirits around them there is no freedom to them that's first people second people you don't you need to come out come out you already born again you have Jesus in you but your marriage needs Jesus your marriage needs Jesus right your marriage needs Jesus you know they are spirits in your marriage that needs to be dealt with someone is your sexual life that needs the end of God someone you know it's your business that means the hand of God I'm going to pray for you that's the good news I have for you today I'm gonna pray for you right now and something is going to take place in the realms of the Spill then there are people you know opportunities come but your door closes before you get into the opportunity then there are people that just need Jesus in their hearts I'm going to start with those that need Jesus in their hearts in the name of Jesus I'm going to pray and I wanted to follow after my prayer and receive Jesus in your heart and say Lord be my Lord and be my Savior then we'll move to another things so if you have never prayed their prayer to receive Jesus I need to pray for you right now I can't find the book or the end of the Prophet it's not the end of the book the book is called fivefold ministry of the devil fivefold ministry of the devil as the name of the book which I'm talking about it is stuff here so Jesus is God who visited us on earth in flesh and died for us resurrected and he said if you can receive in your heart I shall be with you in heaven I will take you as mine and I shall be with you forever with him with an everlasting life so right now I wanted to say Lord Jesus I come to you with all my scenes with all my paths forgive my sins today wash me with your blood as I open the door of my heart come inside of me be my lord be myself from today and forever take over my life I belong to you Jesus amen the Bible says to those who received a meager than the power to be called the children of God from today your life is no longer yours Jesus owns your life you have given your life to Jesus now the app comes on peoples broadcast there are people that comes to watch there are people that goes to church to be delivered Iko passes for deliverance ministry some of them they care what we call a delaying spirit delaying speed does not only work with us even demons can be delayed for example they don't introduce Jesus in someone's life or they introduces commode commode now that demon the Bible says it will come out but it will look for more service spirits and they come back it will come back when it comes back what happens when it comes back it will make your situation Wes so I would never encourage you to go to a church for come out if you don't want Jesus because coming out is not the solution the solution is having Jesus in your heart always have Jesus don't say ah eh eh no Jesus is the answer to everything you need as long as Jesus comes into your heart your life will never be the same again Jesus is the answer to everything you need second group I'm gonna pray right now for people that says we are in situations we need in the hand of God we need to be touched we need to be blessed we need our marriages to change we need our kids to change we agree with you prophet pass on today that their spirits holding our businesses spirits or holding whatever T's and I personally challenge you to find a seat and is so a seat but people also expect a harvest without a seat if you want your business to grow bigger and you have wagged and done everything to do that you have to do and it's not working find a seed that you sow right now go to the website prophet pass on Comm sow a seed as I pray for your business as I pray for peace oneness unity in your marriage as I pray for your son as I pray for your dreams I pray in the name of Jesus came another coming I pray in the name of Jesus that Jehovah God touch you right now may he visit you wherever you are from tonight let your marriage begin to become sweet and sweeter than honey I pray in the name of Jesus that you sleep well like a baby wake up like a lion notable new Aqaba Sultan attacking your attack but they will not win in your dream they will not come near you do not touch you i repressed sexual activities in the dreams I break what ever connection that is connected with you and any spirit in the realms of the Spirit I close the door that was opened by your grandfather's your father your mother would ever open the door for demonic world to operate in your life I closed it in the name of Jesus Christ with a prophetic authority I carry let those doors be opened in in the name of Jesus let them be closed in the name of Jesus as I open spiritual dolls that introduces angels angels that to carry generational blessing that will break the generational kiss from today the blessing of the Almighty who reign in your blood in a place in your spirit i Cordoba an talega protect Leda I pray for a generational blessing in your business Jenner is not blessing in your marriage and your family and whatever you shall do in the mighty name of Jesus I pray Rocka bushi kavaja telemond a recon Jameson Toler pratik a Skoosh column on paper Hozuki tag I pray your restoration be now I want you to tap your prayer requests on periscope on Facebook I'm gonna be praying for you right now god bless you Benjamin you're super Sheikh for your offering as you are giving something is happening in the rooms of the spirit but I need people to type whatever they need Muraki Vasudha Balotelli Musante Labbadia I wanted to type your prayer request right now as I'm praying for you your family need Christ all right zakah bahattin begin to type as fast as we can the lujah guy to bless you I'm back home now bless you Zulu Rock Abbado shekel M&D my health and finances all right my brother to come out from a coma all right bless you Miriam rockin gumas Agabus aza my children to be married restoration of my marriage marriage breakthrough this year my marriage needs Jesus financial breakthrough I pray right now good sleep will happen to you your total will be married your mother your father will receive Jesus your friend marriage cancer is coming out from your mother's body right now as I speak in the name of Jesus academic excellence and your job your mother your sister to be served your merit that is about to end we reverse it Simeon James whatever you have sowed your seed form let it be granted in Jesus name deliverance of my brother my daughter Brittany from drugs and alcohol I seal it in the name of Jesus Christ Francini so Lozano whatever you have given your seat for I seal it in the name of Jesus God send me husband it is done marital settlement it is done better job my prayer requests Beverly Mauck Malcolm bless you for your offering whatever you have sowed your seed form let there be an answer now in the name of Jesus Christ I want to read and write open my way to preach his words my family to be delivered my husband left to go I command lust to go in the name of Jesus my husband to to us and of marriage in two weeks I sell it in the name of Jesus Christ also given offering for your wedding breakthrough in the name of Jesus my spiritual gifts dreams with the demons in the in in the in them dreams having sex with demons at night I can't saw it in the name of Jesus you will not experience it any more in the mighty name of Jesus Christ fab bedroomed the big yard house it is sealed and done in Jesus mighty name Oaxaca body durable shotta met declared iike parody esta maraca bassoon de la bestia khumba Masako Pandi my marriage needs Jesus bless you debits in theory and me bless you for offering Cardella Nosa whatever you have sold your offering for let there be an ant in the name of jesus Korando musica para conga Makunga ma goon goon goon della petaca conga masipa baja sakata's letter de compras GDB on tosai helen born bless you for offering whatever you have so deceitful let there be answers in the name of Jesus Wakaba say Kelly Mandy Palani quali bless you husband breakthrough and from a hub spirit my mother to be free from alcohol addiction her relationship restored with him mother for God opened doors for me i sealed this request in the name of jesus bring father husband in the name of jesus i pray i pray whatever whatever prayer requests you are typing i disconnect to yourself and your situation from demons principalities wickedness wicked spirits rulers of the dark i speak freedom and i pray for the power to always overcome in every battle you are in with this spirit i seal it in the name of jesus i plead the blood of Jesus right now and I command your freedom in the mighty name of Jesus I pray for you it is done it is sealed in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus tack it is done it is done it is done it is done it is done it is done Mary Kate Etta Mae Lisa Jones Robinson bless you for your offering may God grant you answers to anybody have so do seat for in the name of Jesus bula brusky d idn't Carondelet Mandela kiss aha yes mean Easter bless you for offering Rocco to skinny Micawber the husky whatever you are giving form letter B answers in the name of Jesus were Abba Telamon the leg ADEA common bomb-ass Aqaba war upon Takeda bahasa Gerry oh man bless you for offering it is done it is done as the people on periscope are responding it is done it is done it is sealed it is done it is done in the name of Jesus give me this coming in the of Jesus if you are here and you know you are carrying a prophetic word that have been held in the spirit be it days a Prince of Asia beta is a whatever principality holding your answer you received a prophecy God spoke to you direct or through me or through an other men of God Javad bless you for your offering and ma bless you for offering you are here someone ready prophesied to you or you prophesy to yourself or God spoke to a dream or a vision or a declaration and your prophecy have been held for a long time you should have received the answers Alfred blue blazer for offering you should have received the answers by up to now nothing is happening I'm gonna pray for you quickly right now you are here and you know your answer is already there in the spirit I want you to quickly believe me with this instruction of a $24 seed and I wanted to believe in today and tomorrow this weekend I want you to believe in the next 24 hours whether you be watching now or you'll be watching every broadcast or you'll be watching later on get TiVo on YouTube I want to right now to go to the website profit passion calm as written on the Lord that the red on the reddest string that you see there I wanted to go and give you $24 offering now and believe that whatever is held in the spirit in this month of fulfillment Dorothy guy to and bless you for offering in this month of fulfillment may God fulfill every prophetic word and we pray that nothing will hold it in the name of Jesus if $24 is small for you you can give something in 24 the Bible says I will not give what cannot cost me it can be 240 it can be 2,400 whatever with the two for it could be 24 cents if you said under $24 I can between $0.04 24 $24 - and for whatever with 24 give and believe in the next one four hours your breakthrough cometh it is seat it is done I pray right now connecting myself together with you believing and declaring together with you in the next 24 hours let there be an answer let there be every list let there be a release in heavenly places whatever God he released God Abba Santo let it build up over yonder maja zicatela let it let it hear me Monsieur something I pray for you in the name of Jesus for that seed you have saw let there be answers in Jesus mighty name in the name of Jesus Christ I pray Cara sociological Kumasi Pepe Tanner co-owned the lemon dia Corazon god bless I gave everybody two minutes to give the best we can give and we sue it and pray in Jesus name say louia guy to bless affair $24 offering Maria Baba Ross blessed for a bigger offering Melissa Jones Robinson bless you for offering Teresa steed bless you for your offering Semyon jams bless you for your offerings Socorro takasaka Parata teyla Masika Anika Tama bless you for offering must sue to look cudapah under Mandela Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba be related efficacy and ayah in the name of Jesus in a Masato Lamoni testimonies will be badly from this broadcast testimonies will be bad from this broadcast I pray in the name of Jesus yeah Carrabba Santo protocol so Ron take e da ba la lagune Kabaddi Benny Masika des Telekom rastelli become began to pray wherever you are open your mouth and pray Benjamin bless you Elaine bhiwani bless you wherever you are lift your voice and begin to pray pray pray pray Amit Akuma Gupta bless you for offering in the name of Jesus voila on delibird dango Macedon brand is drunken tone takes our obvious one we have pictures for you text the office phone god bless it was good seeing you in Ellen rain not more Ginga bless you for offering Donna phrallan bless you for offering Zapdos Tolliver Tallahassee Kelly basta Bruin Takada got a lemon mousse kata-kata Qadir Khan Kumasi g'day say ye Kumar Lou Johnson bless you for your offering Macabre Siddha Purusha mera Kadena Moscato Lomond s akkada des des des des des des des des laka Daka decayed element and la khadiyah guess conquer mastica des conca masse goddess conquer para Katia ko-ko mah-seeta des in the name of Jesus nana king mu t o new king new TIA god bless you for offering Rockabye lemma zindabad EST levé Hecker bahasa father i sealed this broadcast with a prayer and i connect myself with the people that are believing for a 24 hour breakthrough in the name of jesus i seal it now and forever and I speak as a prophet let there be a blessing and anointing a favor favor favor favor in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray it is done it is saved Francine bless you Quran bless you Cordelia Thomas bless you Shirley Julian bless you I pray in the name of Jesus that the Lord will keep blessing you Jeff Warren locks lock reads bless you I will be doing dreams and interpretation tomorrow I bless you all with the blessing of the Lord I want to stay here for a long but I got to go clearly to farm but bless you for offering god bless you and God increases wherever you are I pray that you be sealed another mounting of the Holy Ghost amen and amen [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 12,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prophet passion, passion java, demonstration of power, kenneth hagin, dan mohler, todd white, bill johnson, joyce meyer, katheryn kulman, benny hinn, noel jones, td jakes, myles monroe, rod parsley, cindy trim, uebert angel, alph lukau, tb joshua, jesse duplantis, christine cain, hillsong
Id: XR9zKH_UrkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 55sec (4375 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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