How to know your rank in the spirit!! Prophet Passion

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jeez now what you yours what shall we do see will do just fine tsa please he's a will Oh buzzy please save finger he's a say ball to do just what he said Jesus until see cheesy we love this song simply because we are firm believers that his action he is actually today literally these are the light of the church what does it mean not sure it's fair I'm gonna say let us a successor if you have a desert one comes in first glory who's excited first of all I want to welcome everybody that's watching live right now if you are first time or if you've been watching I want you to just share the broadcast whether you're watching from YouTube periscope Twitter Facebook somebody I want you to partake of the surf let us service before you as well this is not a barrier amen amen we're doing testimonies if you have a powerful testimony I want you to come up here as well if you have a testimony online please type your testimony what God is doing in your life amen what is your name Tracy what happened what's your testimony I wanted to honor and glory to God for the body of Christ and our leaders in just those has got us placed in my life I had think when I woke up this morning I had this heavy like it was like a heaviness on my heart and I could barely like a brief and I was just like I was going on what is going on and I was you know just kind of trying to get ready to come to church and then as I was on my way Lisa had called me and I was like it's interesting that she would call me right now you know and I didn't really reach out to other people she called you prophetic company what you needed it the most you can it's a prophetic ministry it's a prophetic ministry like growing up I had a lot of fear and anxiety and things like that so I was like I don't know what if it was like health health issue or it was something like that and so she called me and she has some other questions and I was just like that Lisa like and I just pretty much like broke down and like totally like look I barely can breathe right now like I'm having trouble breathing and I'm on my way to church and she was like oh hold on let me let me tell Wallace is in house is gonna call till sunset okay so they cover like two three seconds later I don't know it's really quick and then Tim and Wallace were on the phone and they prayed with me and I call her her over and they prayed and I felt like it lifting off and then when we were here for prayer and 9:30 you heard 9:30 for prayer for yes you know the girl worries around and definitely Nathaniel I kind of knew that he was praying for me a little bit Daniel it's well voic-- or thirty and he was praying in the spirit and I felt like a refreshed go in my heart like it was almost as if it came to light so yesterday back story for those of you who's excited testimony as if it's yours as well there are people that go through big thing this one when she called me the way she explains it is like a heart kind of heavy no which when I heard her voice I said you pull over you better pull over I I thought she was gonna die you can you know how you hear someone's voices to the phone yeah she wasn't right she called her as well and when she was on the phone with us I was like this is not good like I was thinking I should even perentie discover ambulances is that the voice itself told us her situation your voice can tell us a minister your situation when prophet pastor says what do you want God to do for you I want him to heal me don't say it like that put your voice make make it known what you're going through don't be shy your voice will tell us more than what the words you're saying amen so the way she said it wasn't she wasn't fate was real I thought she was going like she was having dying issues like bad issues we prayed and immediately the thing left her glory glory glory next testimony what happened yes yesterday my mom she's like moving from a city called Fayetteville to Raleigh North Carolina and she she called her my friend's phone and basically she needed it like assistance with like paying her phone bill so I just like you know since there's our money it was like something she's no no no your phone online so I dissented on money but when I checked like just now like before I got here like a thief rate I've heard like the insulation and then I got here and then there's like the same amount of honey that I stretched the account that I sent from the money like I send somebody from it was still there like the same amount from last night thank you so much what's your name what's your testimony I am say enough I just want a no disgrace that is in this place it's working yeah that way they won't sleep my testimony goes like this I just got hired at my job first of all I don't even have the behavior training that they really didn't need it but God gave me the job so they already told me you are going to start on the 27th of last month and I said ok so all of a sudden they put in they put it in make the check when they check your bathroom and everything you know they'll be the key they go further they check everything so like I guess I didn't do one of my kids they are meddling so then you turned it back then a child called me then um miss charlie we're not going to be you're not gonna be able to size all the 27 because your own limitations your your your body test didn't cook it didn't come why they rejected I said oh why they said oh maybe what your kids name and I gave them my email it quick and it said we cannot hire imaginary time job that I am not living with it I woulda put a date and everything so when they told me I say wait a minute am I gonna be out of child I said no no no no that's not a god I started I didn't agree are you into oh my goodness I was looking at the time I said guilty of what nd they caught me the surprise that called me instead you shall we are going to allow you to see room until you your information come we're gonna pay it's so much I have seen so much that God is in my life another just the morning my son my little one just came from his rule and said mommy I wanna sleep with you okay I said go back to your woman and I check his temperature he was high and I was like no no you want me to stay home the devil want me to stay home so I will not go to church this Sunday and while the man of God was praying and he just came in my spirit when he was praying for the sick and I could see him and then I start saying in the name of Jesus be healed the same words that he was saying I said in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus be healed in the name of Jesus I took the anointing oil I sprayed in his mouth i anoint his forehead i anoint his feet and then I said no I'm going to church this Sunday I'm not gonna stay home I am going to church so less than thirty minutes the temperature went down the oil you came in my spirit while our springform I didn't get this oil yeah here in the eye it was an angel I gave it to me an angel and then you get dog to make your wall hey yeah I gave that testimony last week I remember yes by the way for those of you that you want oil we have oil that prophet passion in cells here it's actually at a discounted rate in our store in the back if you want that oil please see the store manager in the back amen continue that's powerful so I was actually thinking about you I was praying for my son cuz I remember when you let him you were praying for me you said be healing Jesus name and I was like using to say I said be healed in the mighty name of Jesus less than 30 minutes the chaplain cha when I heard him speed the law said your son is healed your son is here immediately less than five minutes my little son said to me Mommy I don't feel no more pain I'm here and I just want to glorify God for a grace one more testimony that one is so funny I have to give it where I got hired they have a dog I mean I love dog but I don't want them to touch me I love it but I don't want them to touch me because some dog got just demonic so and it's now it's no it's unclean to me I mean everybody unless you your dog is it's sanctified God has pray for your prayed for the dog and then God have cast the whatever the dog highs on it so if I don't know it I don't touch and I don't so the job that I was gonna work with the kids one of the kids always bring his dog at the depth at the other the sight the job where I work it's like a behavioral program so when I got there they said oh we have a dog that comes here with the individual with the with the kids every every day and I was like no no no no I'm not doing with the dog and I'm dealing with a child it's one thing and I said Lord that dog needs to stay home in Jesus name and after that when I left I started working on Wednesday and I went there I asked for the dog and they said no the dog is not coming anymore [Applause] then I asked the little boy I said wait your dog is that my dog is not coming anymore I say why I don't know then I said can you check the the pillow and whatever you're using for that dog take it home he said I'm going to take it home today so he took it home the dog the moment I stepped in that place the dog was gone hey in Morris I think the Bible says the Bible says that those who enjoy serving me the Lord I will give you the desires of your heart so your heart is speaking to God because you're enjoying serving him amen glory give her give her a hand clap offering amen what's your name and what's your testimony my name is Sarah Michael and I think I've twisted Simo knees the first one is that you know before I came to this church I just had a lot of question with everything that I was going to so sometimes I would even ask my friends you know who her speaking tongues but it was really good you know when you start his bah bah bah bah bah bah you know some people they just so they will tell me oh you know it's just come like Jesus but when I come here perfect passion when ye preshow you know even during the prophetic school he teach everything is clear so you know I even want to tell someone here that you shouldn't miss the life that he does almost every day on Facebook because that day I think it the life was out to speak in tongues and there was a lot of men of God that I called so though I think they were calling even people and they were speaking in tongues it was really tongues and tongues so I then at the end they put one that was 15 minutes something like that so that day I was just there and I was just listening and I was just receiving everything and since that day when I was speaking in tongues it was just different and one day I was with my friends you know we call each other on what's up and we pray so at the end one was that awesome I feel like your level speaking in tongues has changed you know I was like yeah we see many petitions you know and then school the first day of the prophetic school I was impacted so I left the church I was drunk in the spirit and my level of speaking in tongues as change again so you know I was I'm now like you know some time able to even sing when I I'm speaking tongues when I pray and I just want to give all the glory to God and I'm waiting food to Jesus oh yeah yeah the second one the second one : you have three yeah they you have three testimonies by the end of this week I was behaving like a testimonial yeah the second one you know after the prophetic school so I took I think I was going to school I was yeah I was it'll be later I took over and I was in the car I was not talking to the driver but I feel like the Holy Spirit one of me to talk to him because you know we never know and but before we arrived I started to talk to the driver and I was a hi sir excuse me are you from Africa I told me yes and then I was like are you from Senegal it was like yes and then he asked me how do you know this like you know I didn't respond and then while we were talking I was just the only who would tell me something and now I didn't want to hold it you know I just wanted to say it I asked him if I was like excuse me sir but I feel like you you you you supposed to travel a lot and then it was like here I was traveling a lot in the past I would like to buy no he just explained me a lot of things and then at the end I'll talk to him about business you know and yeah it was really the he could rely on it and when I left the car I was just like oh okay did I was in the world of knowledge I was puffy saying I don't know in their Saviour impartation and then I was like oh you know on Sunday I'm not gonna testify you know Sahaba you were just kissing in those whites and then I think I was wrong to say that so because I say that the Lord gave me a dream the next day the same day he gave me a dream so it was back home you know we lost someone and the Lord could like I was in church with someone and I could just see everything you know the Lord is like the Lord showed me why that the reason of why the two men died and I was just seeing everything like this and then I was an indogene I wasn't oh this is our people seen the spirit oh my gosh you know because it was weird for me you know and I was like oh my gosh on Sunday I'm gonna defy oh my god righto righto hey and then when I woke up I was out that was a dream oh my god so I really need to specify and the last one is the is the prophetic school you know when we go to school we learn we have a teacher they teach us we learn by you know in order for you to practice you need to finish everything to get a degree and then you can practice but the difference here is that one pop-up at each Reiner and when we go on the break we start to practice and also it was yeah dude that was amazing so we learned a lot of things that probably I cannot say but I still remember during the break good seats as a group outside and then some movie that oh I feel like my writing my heart and is burning what did you put your Papa said everybody take his note and it says this or I think need to point and everything was just like that and I just oh my god so thankful to the Lord to be here I had a lot of answers not only me by many people here and I'm just grateful thank you Jesus give her hand clap offering hallelujah that's so powerful and profound there's some people that come here they receive impartation without even laying on of hands they just attend and they listen and they see and immediately they can speak in different levels of tongues prophesy see dreams and visions and angels come on what your testimony is do it quickly because the Prophet is now here amen testimony has got everybody my testimony is actually a healing before I was coming here I used to have this bad headache I started worried that it may be something worse or tumor or something Lori I wake up in the morning I have a bad headache so I have to exit didn't have one in my car one in the house so if I don't take it I drink water anything nothing is going to Noth easily chance I have to take as exaggerated so almost everyone most almost every day I have a bad headache so it has been valued me for a while it's not like someone rickman money has been with me for a while so the last time when I was here and then they say who does work who need healing who was he who come come so evangelist him to pray for them that was a Sunday sales a Sunday so I can heal pray for me I really feel it and I even hit my head until today has been 2 or 3 weeks now I have not taken again three weeks no headaches no migraines come on somebody give God a shout of praise hey hey hey god bless you thank you so much amen less testimony what's her name and what happened my name is Michelle Wilson and two years ago I wasn't able to speak or anything they said I had stroke VP shunt or the right side of my brain which had paralyzed me and then I prayed to God then I had to have a triple bypass on my heart about two months after that and healing took place in the name of Jesus glory be to Jesus can we all set up to our feet may God bless you hallelujah [Music] those of you who were in the service the night prophet prophesied to my husband and he asked him who was in his shell because the spirit of death was on her and that she was scheduled to die but we were going to pray and we were going to rebuke it that's right this is Laurie won't he do they'll do it he did it where did you come from where did you come from what do you live I live manicure and jemmye chase I'm gonna nurse a home rehab facility Wow so you already she wasn't even here profit passion he prophesied hi hey when was this what wait what did it wonder he prophesied that he prophesied that first he asked my husband he said who's Tori well he said that's my son that's passed on hey he said well who's Michel he said what that story's mom he said well who's Christine he said well best stories system that's right he shells daughter that's right and he said that there was a spirit of death that was upon her and he actually gave the day that she was supposed to die hey but we rebuilt that spirit of death get the pacemaker dick my chest when it when they did it to put the pacemaker that this is a surgeon he opened up the wrong side of my chest you know one of the right side and not the left side and that's when they told that's when they said okay here I'm saying we're gonna lose her the privacy is the truth and prophesies the truth yeah we've heard of debts cancellation but we're hearing death cancellation right now thank you so much god bless you those people that are watching online if you can make it here make it here on Sundays and on Thursdays amen right before the Prophet walks in there's a key that's lost it's a red and gold come that's the money that last testimony what's your day but what happened my name is Kang Koo I think my brother John he's been telling me about profit passion and then when it was time then I called him I said oh you told me but that's a profit passion I said you said worry again it tells me where I said I'm coming this Thursday I said okay you coming I say yes I came when I came I went boom this was last Thursday so when I went home in the night I see myself like her in the basement the man was holding me like crap in me I said leave me leave me alone leave me leave me finally I throw him and I run I came out and I came again when I came again and I have a dream again they trying to come to me and I went up up they didn't get me I saw this is a really the place where I supposed to be then I call my friends like the one testify now sign up I tell her she said yeah I have been watching him and I told my sister too and I told one of my friend came for the class from Florida Tampa Tampa so she came now I'm gonna give up giving testimony now on her behalf she was here for the class and then she went to see Papa Forex cool yes so she called him yesterday she said come who you can't believe I my car had an accident does more than one year they are selling nobody is selling the mechanic assumed I I came Florida Tampa I mean I did not get home yet at airport I see the text the mechanic say that your car sold I have money here hey then yeah and they hope to the prophetic schools who's been in the prophetic school do you like the prophetic school is it powerful did you learn a lot amen what happened yep she went to walk when she went to work she said oh do you know that we increase your like if it's like if he's $20 we're gonna pay you 25 down five dollar increase per hour I said what hey I can hear 50 cents one dollar a maximum three fine I said Wow so I say me I receive it in the name of Jesus can we all set up to our feet the prophets about to walk in anybody here the first time first time good good good we want to welcome you first of all welcome welcome for those of you that are regulars you know you know how to receive the profits we like to welcome the profit we like to celebrate the profit or all the work is done doing and what's about to happen who wants a prophetic word today why today noise who wants a prophetic word today if you're watching online dry prophesied but I want you those of you that are here if you want profit to prophesy today I know him pretty well take out some little ones big one some cash the moment he walks and just put on the floor see what will happen see what will happen while he's preaching see what will happen while he's brown the sign see what laughs I just give you might even catch him off-guard he'll start prepping over your life amen pull it out now he's about to walk in I want us to welcome him very well he is not gonna be here a long time he is going to Africa soon but this is your day your day is not next Sunday your day is not next Thursday today's your day let it be your day-to-day amen are you ready are we ready are we ready I want you to make some noise when the Prophet walks it jump up it down like ever and be ready be ready be ready who's ready who's ready he said war we went on oh yeah I wish it were we share his Orion me still warrior 3d web part [Music] I have taught my gifts in the office that cotton B and the frame bring them bring them bring them with somebody next to you and say you are blessed to be here you are blessed to be here tell three people you're blessed to stand next to me you you are blessed to stand next to me I sought a hierarchy beside ricotta salata in hot air giamoro siete Ikeda bråten here more ricotta some Ovidius easy-breezy services apricot to solomon led at all in the hose amiga by a leading key somebody saw a yellow I wanna say happy birthday to my son here in my nose better day was yesterday and it looks shop today it looks extra so amen it's a bad day sir yesterday we have got better days your reign glory Oh bless you bless you amen you're ready Jesus I'll create the anointing in my sphere [Applause] pew fire in the house something is about a change in the atmosphere something is about a happened today unless there is a move of the Holy Ghost today hallelu Laurie I feel like teaching a pillock preaching a pillock proper science I feel like blessing somebody rather body Lauren take assets this one I'm gonna favor somebody I'm a warrior was ready for this one are you ready I'm gonna give this one today Libra piccata is a lemon this one is coming with a favor this one is coming with a price this one is coming with a prize glory glory glory glory glory glory glory Libra husky number AHA to receive this one it's a simple prize humming already if you know the book of Philemon give me a verse from the book of Philemon come on somebody out of is it's done too late let me find another book for the last time by Popeye Popeye Pervez Libre a salamander I'm a warrior gate of a Takeda rata yonder any why did you have been favored kin-yuen oh no no no with a price tell me some 23 by 8 and you have it some 23 no no no compensation the Lord is my shepherd it's God is God from pity confusion less one no last one hallelu okay better day guys stand up bet it a guy is tender no for yesterday I am a warrior a guffaw warrior with me weapon in a variety all right better hey Gloria any one of you give me a scripture from the book of Zephaniah one verse Zephaniah not say Korea's afonya you can take assist somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah hey come on you should just read the Bible it's very simple very simple lake have a say son you're going to father in Granada rejoice in the Lord again I say rejoice which book let's do this one next week and he sounds 100 and okay just a free stir we are more than conquerors which chapter which face which book just a simple for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son which subdivision ah they already started hallelujah somebody let us open our Bibles in the book of Hebrews chapter 7 as we stand for the reading of the word Lee kamikatsu hotel Amanda see a priest up the seven lists and for the world who is going to read today I need someone who knows how to read English very well I'm still learning someone with a voice of reading was I gonna read and a lot of verses here Hebrews chapter number seven oh it may web let me read it from verse number one for this milk is etic king of salem underline king of Salem priest of the Most High God who met Abraham returning from the slot of the kings and bless him to whom also Abraham gave tithe part of all first being by interpretation king of righteousness and after that also king of salem Andalite king of righteousness king of salem which is king of peace without father without mother without descendants with having neither beginning of days nor end of life but made like unto the Son of God abideth a priest continuously now consider how great this man was and to whom even the patriarch Abraham gave the Tinkoff of the sparse and very verily they that are of the sons of Levi will receive the office of the priesthood have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law that is of their brethren thought they came out of the loins of Abraham but he whose descent is not counted from them received tithes of Abraham and blessing and he had these promises and without all contradiction the lesser is blessed by the god father thank you for the reading of your scriptures we pray and we bless the word today as you shall keep us with a literary experience we pray that you open for the weakness of heaven and PO the rivers of Revelation that God is you up and forth there our ears of our eyes to heck in and perceive what the Spirit says to the church do bless us Lord in Jesus name I pray and somebody shout a tension Evensen ava i prophesy you will see in just a day you will catch fire today you receive power today in the name of Jesus so Damon as we take acid a there is fire in the house there's fire in the house I was here yesterday with some leaders and we were just doing some grooming some teachings and empowerment and had some one-on-one that I left I went home but as we were here with some leaders yesterday they began to ask some questions and one of the questions was why is it to Gotha you said we can't pray for you not we cannot pray for you but we can't pray for you so I think that is something that the church needs to learn from today because many times we have been in battles that we don't know what's happening in our lives simply because we prayed for the wrong people there are people that went broke simply because they prayed for the wrong people there are people right now that are in a spiritual stroke because they prayed for the wrong people pray as they've got some jewry dictions players they've got some boarders that you Krauss so we are gonna deal with that today because I strongly believe there are people here that God is going to unlock in the realm of prayer especially those that are here that are shouting here you have to understand that if you have your phone on please switch off your phone you have to understand something here that we are a people of Prayer the motor of kingdom embas is we are of prayer always we are not a church or prophecy we are not a church of healing another church of miracles we are a church of Prayer and whenever you get yourself on your knees to pray God responds and the response of God is what we call prophecy now a then God responds in miracles in healings in different levels so I strongly believe today before we leave we are going to pray I have proven lot of prophecies wrong simply because I went into prayer because prayer is the only vehicle and that can take us into the throne room of the Father you cannot see God unless you pray you cannot view God unless you pray you cannot hear God unless you pray everything starts and ends in prayer but the mystery behind the prayer is that Adam in the garden ever prayed Adam in the garden never prayed if never prayed they had what we call intimacy relationship with God meaning to say prayer is for spiritual babies and the prayer is for those that are not in their assignment and the prayer is for those that do not know anything because we mainly pray to know I don't envy Anacin we pray that we may know we pray to see angels because once you enter in your assignment you see angels automatically but if you are outside of your assignment you have to pray to see angels if you're outside of your assignment you have to look for the job that is why you pray for a job if you're outside of your assignment you pray for your wife but Adam is in his assignment God brings a wife so the people that pray much are people that are outside of the assignment we pray to know what do you want us to do Lord we pray for miracles but those were in the assignment they are a miracle themselves I wish I was here any God when you pray he doesn't respond to a prayer God responds to your rank this is a tongue some of you hear demons they don't respond to your prayer demons very sponsoring Redeemers they don't respond to the name of Jesus demons responds with a rank you carry that is why those who receive Jesus he gave them power am i right to be called the children of God John 1 verse 12 so everyone here has power to manifest a demon but not everyone here is a ring to cast it out so the sons of sceva are with the power they walked in the building and the demon manifested but they said in the name of Jesus that the poor preachers come out that demon respondent says Jesus I know because the demons are not afraid to say Jesus they just can say Jesus is Lord but pay them something and say Jesus what did they fail to submit and I was not the name of Jesus but it was the rank or the sons of sceva so that demon says sapore I know him is a ring Jesus I know him he's a ring but who are you guys the sickness is in your body data in your body not because you don't pray you pray the sickness is in your body not because you don't first you first not because you don't type you type they are in your body because they are asking you a question which you cannot answer person I know Raghava I know Jesus I know but who are you so when you say to a demon come out in the name of Jesus first thing when you say in the name of Jesus the weapon name means Anoma and Norma means character so if you say my name is passion I am confessing that my character is passion therefore I'm passionate about what I do are they so when you say in the name of Jesus you are saying in the character of Jesus so if your character does not match the character of Jesus if your character does not match the character of Jesus that Ramon you laugh at you that demon is responding to the behavior which Jesus said because it Jesus means our Savior so you are saying in the character of saving come out if the demon doesn't see any character of the Savior in you that demonic lip you HIV will laugh at you cancer will laugh at you because they don't respond it to you they responded to the character of Christ they responded to the link you carry in the spirit so when Jesus cast out a demon which jesus never said in the name of Jesus are you there do you know in the Old Testament I consider demons but they never considered demons in the name of Jesus that's what Jesus says if your forefathers casted out a demon with a finger are you then demons were not responding to the finger but the demon was responding to the link which the elder said so the only way to be better is to increase your ink dribbles also difference and the higher dreamers they don't invite small boys believe or you are their demise the demon that attacks you I wish I was here it's not allowed to for Saturn himself to come and fight you until you increase your rank have you ever seen any demonic tempting Jesus any principality fighting Jesus any any wickedly spirit attacking Jesus Jesus was a fortified Saturn himself because of the language he was carrying Jesus was supported by Kings because he himself is the king of kings it detects a king to fight a king I wish I was here satella Hadi I received so when you apprai what you are doing you are excising your right according to rank so when I say don't you pray for me what I am saying is come to be boil two people one two what I am saying is I am listening and you are different so my rate makes me righteous in my assignment righteous means what right standing there is a place which I'm standing upon you pray for me what it means is you are coming on my stand you are praying for me you are covering me according to the level of the rank I carry so if a principality is the language I am in the spirit principality demons they attack me if your rank is small and then you come on my stand and it's knowledge a principality you don't have a reg that will protect you from a principality that's when after prayer you become sick [Music] after prayer your husband depression after prayer you perspire sooo it's because you expose yourself in a satin during which you are not qualified I wish I was here so when the Adam in the garden was attacked by a kerubim Lucifer who fell from heaven as an anointed Carol God knew that the Caribbean access to the garden when you remove the Adam and Eve you took another guru from heaven to protect the garden because a guru who might secure a setup invites a Seraphim I don't have fear there so it takes a ray to fight a ring that is why the purposes we don't fight against the flesh and blood but we fight against principalities rulers of darkness wicked spirits that IND heavenly places but you don't see the principalities fighting Jesus when he was walking it Ted bacon says get behind me people because it was no longer Peter speaking it was that they were challenging Jesus I wish I was here today so you must know what to pray for because there are people that when you pray for them you are putting yourself in a ring which you are not qualified Hara debacle Shakira Tata so God is not responding to your prayer because you afraid God responds your prayer because of the rank which you are in the spirit Elijah was a man like us with the persons like us with the feelings like us but the g-code Manatee happened to shut in it such and you commanded the rain to come down and rain came down why there is a regulation heaven is not responding to a human being heaven is responding tearing thank you I can't be here today to increase somebody's when I received I came here with the anointing of elevation or receive because spiritually God is or telling your mouth to answer the sickness in your body when the sickness is a passion I know I know Jesus I know who are you you are going to say I'm no longer the one you knew it two years ago you see Pegasus when it Jesus stepped in Galilee six thousand demons manifested six thousand again this one and the demon perceived car on eboshit Alomar the pastor's of the church did not perceive Jesus idea that the prophets in Galilee did not perceive jesus the apostles of Galilee did not perceive Jesus I thought the church was supposed to put a red carpet for the coming of the Messiah but instead it was a demon waiting to welcome Jesus in the demons and son of man have you come to destroy us before our time that diamond knew who you was that diamond knew the time the only way to prosperity to knowing Jesus the way to prosperity is nothing to do with your prayer prosperity is nothing to do with your fussing but understanding time and unknowing who Jesus is that is why a pasta is praying for a loaf of bread bacon and cheese and God is not answering but later on six thousand three months Jesus says to come out they ask it can we get two thousand pigs that are they and Jesus says you know I am how can I say no go and grab two thousand pigs are they the only way Jesus is giving is because they demons know who he is I don't know if you're there it's not your holiness that qualifies God to give you anything it's knowing who Jesus is but your disciples who do you say I am when Peter said who he is we also said Peter I'm giving you the keys the only way I'm giving you the keys is because I know who you are all right let me go deeper now we read about a man called Melchizedek who is magnetic is it good if the Jesus is he bigger than Jesus yes he's bigger than Jesus on earth because it's Jesus is not a born God his upon is the son of men in the Bible we have two fathers we have father Abraham and we father God those are the only two fathers we have in the Bible kk- about rings milk is ethic is being met arranged in the spirit he is being unlocked not by anyone not by lot why it takes a father to unlock say father it takes a ring to unlock the range so makers ethic is the king of peace are you there he came to a look and to empower Abraham you know what is it he says he blessed be Abraham the possessor of heaven and n [Music] idea that I prom is being unlocked to possess heaven did he not know one unedited the power in heaven so milk is etiquette to come down himself and the Melchizedek unlocked Abraham and he met him the possessor of heaven and earth [Music] and the title deeds of paradise were given to Abraham if you look in the title deeds of paradise today the name day is Adam why because the main Abraham met a mentor to Melchizedek the man you sit under better minds what to possess in the spirit to meet Edmond Cuauhtemoc ascetic to possess heaven and earth if it was not a milk ascetic no one was qualified to give him that power I wish I was here Minda balakey the acocella Monday so what qualified the Abraham to be a father is because milk is ethic made him a father are you there so when you pray now you say according to the order of God the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob are you then so when we jump from there and we come to Jesus we've been under sin Jesus is the Prince of Peace but Melchizedek is the king of peace I wish away Melchizedek is the king of peace I wish I was eleven private periscope that is deep on this one he is the king of peace Salim is the shortcut of Jerusalem Jerusalem is the city of peace so Melchizedek is the king oh that is City Code Jerusalem but Jesus is not coming as a king he is coming as the Prince because if Jesus comes is the king of kings no one will be qualified to crucify Jesus on the cross muradabad Asiago Sumayyah no one will be qualified to crucify Jesus on the cross because he who fights you he will fight you it is responding to the language that you are by the refugees can echo deeper that is why Jesus was a prophesy that Europe in Jerusalem Europe in Egypt you will be pulled by a vision you people this is all the prophecies mentioned Jesus but one error they were asking Jesus one question on whose authority are you under who qualify during so when they asked him the other day his reply was when it's all baptized people was he baptizing people by people or by God's will qualify the John and they said we don't know and he says that is why you do not know who qualifies me but the question is why are they not asking the man John whose authority are you caring to baptize because they know John is the son of a priest John is the son of with the priests his father is a priest by birthright he is authorized to be a priest he is a range in terms of the spirit let me explain right now if you go to Israel there is what is called the bet bb-bet my best bet is something but it remain is called a bad bunny spa - Bama spa is to is to ordain or to keep hearing or to authorize your own son at the age of twelve you stand and say this is my only begotten son from today listen to him whatever he says I have said it's a Bar Mitzvah to the women is bad bad bad means for something like that because a Brahmin son of Batman trot off are you then so at the age of twelve Jean was authorized and unlocked by his father so they cannot you question his authority because you have been authorized by a priest but Jesus at the age of twelve he ran away and the day of a mitzvah because if it was a big bear miss for Jesus Jesus who operate with the authority of Joseph so I ran away and went to the temple because Joseph was not his father because the Mary was upon the pregnant with a powder Holy Spirit Mary was the found with the shadow of the Holy Spirit so the part of Jesus was not Joseph by the Holy Spirit so he ran away from the age of 12 and 13 is notary to 15 16 18 28 29 at the age of 30 he went to John and John by his rank and his authority the deep diseases in the world why because the Jesus is a lamp and it zone is a priest and it is only a priest who is authorized to present a limp on the sacrifice so journey is an authority in length to take Jesus a limp and oppress him in the outlier but the Pharisees are not aware the Sadducees are not a the describes are not a so when they saw Jesus in power they said water rise due to Casso demons and their question was not that are you noted the son of a carpenter because it kinda does not have this authority does not have this ring so was authority I you and listen that there was immediate you because they know your father doesn't have a ring to authorize you they know in your family nobody can say that a demon nobody was anointed so in the demon to see you prospering they asked you authorize you go tell them after service the car by himself authorized me I'm Phil exerting in here it's called a switch summary such switch there is a shift of Pathology the spirits they said easy no the design of it yourself how come is the prophesy among the prophets whose son is he they don't know God is with the GSA and Samuel and the anointing and the authority and the rank of Samuel is the one authorizing soul to prophesy among the prophets after today I see you profess saying like a cuppa cuppa Solomon LED at all touch on Emma's I am authorized to cast out demons I'm authorized to you the six I'm authorized to prophesy I'm authorized for a million dollar eyes for a two million dollar house I'm for a Lamborghini I'm authorized for a Rolex because I know is my father Pegasus Pegasus the reason why God is not taking you from your pasta to give you a profits it's because when Jesus came to the temple nobody was who authorized in the temple to touch his sodas and it dipped him in the water so from the edge of curve to the age of 29 he was in church but the church could not unlock him there are people that were in church for years yet no one was a qualified to unlock you hyah hyah man there was a man sent by God his name was iiiiii Malik Ottapalam and a Pegasus Cobra taka sigla haughty God is to medical ships there's a turnaround in the spirit so John is not authorized to beliefs for him but is authorized to give access to Jesus for his beliefs velocity by a access they are people that are authorized to give you access in the spirit I wish I can professor right now they are people that they don't need to pray they can say God bless you god bless you it's done it's time to move it's time to go why they said god bless I'm the prey to for years and prayed and prayed after shaprut for a long time one this is fasting and praying and crying to God Eli walked in the house this young later you drunk whoa why are you losing your voice you're wasting your voice you only need a raincoat Eli and Eli said to go and break your fasting you don't need to fuss God you've granted you what you're desiring grow and eat Korean tricks go and relax it's already done the Bible says she became pregnant who made you pregnant somebody's words can carry power to give Mecca somebody's words can carry power to give your husband somebody's words can give you power to give you a million dollar they are pitiful that Jerry lamps in the spirit I know people cannot understand it they said no you don't have to follow a man no you don't have to say the God of Abraham the god of my prophets no is wrong there is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Elijah himself arranged to come down for fire to come down he says the god of the Prophet Abraham and Isaac to party believer into - this is the one in support of Elijah they are people the tiring but the water is bonded to the rank not in a man bosses follow me as I follow Christ Arabica Shakira tatatatata my young guy Katya Katya Katya Katya sambro boom boom boom ba Chaka anda den de condado Sofia TECA topo tapo tapo take the NDP Thapa my Centro Agrabah Nina mahavakya and I han doori Katia cut Tsonga Mutombo go to gamma Z Meghan yakushova the law says I'm increasing the running in your lives I'm even giving you more power to walk upon serpents and scorpions you shall drink poison in it to not hit you promotions are waiting for you at the wave places I'm authorizing you in businesses go make money go gotta wealthy I will prosper you in the next season Healing is coming into your body marriages already set for 2020 it's your tablets or season it's our they loved it - it's your turn now to rejoice I will sing again I say rejoice in the Lord I will sow my favor is upon thee saith the spirit of hobro Masada by Pegasus hae-yun do llama say so John they cut his neck remember John is the voice crying in the wilderness they beheaded him but Jesus is not the voice in the beginning was the word now it was with God in the Word was God and the word became flesh and dwelt amongst Mendham and we beheld his glory the glory of the only begotten of the Father so Jesus is the word come come Jesus is the word but it John is the voice voice is the transport for the word because if you don't have a voice we cannot hear your word a muted person is full of words but you cannot hear his words because voice is the transportation for yours so the Bible says in here or the cut in the head of of the voice when it is silent the ones Jesus went to Pilate you spoke to Pilate when he went through a road you could not speak to you parrot he answered him not a word why if you silence my voice how can you hear my word Jesus was saying you have removed my voice I'm going to be mute I am the world how can you hear me if you really silence my voice so to Pilate he spoke but really became silent they are people that are fighting the voice of God the prophets are the voice of God and once Hussein is the voice of God how can you hear the word from God so I have a problem with the processor that I'm fighting the prophetic menacing don't go to a prophetic church because the prophets are the mouthpiece of God how can you hear his word if you silenced his voice Pegasus the Bible says the greater so bless the lesser so you cannot bless me you cannot come as a prophet I bless you with my phone you cannot bless me with a phone because blessing is not a material thing it's a supernatural force but it was forced to me my blessing commanded you to give me a phone so it is not a blessing it is a result of a blessing [Applause] [Music] that is why we gotta give to be blessed with us I'm giving a lot of a bless you don't give to be bless you give because you are bless giving is a result that you are already blessed guests people cannot give can see people can never give but blessed people they gave to manifest the blessing that is already inside let me explain tim is in passion it's a tongue let me explain there are people that are inside passion there are people that are possessed by people but they are people that carry other people that's why the Bible says you cannot bind their house unless you bind the strong man because the man is carrying everybody so if you want to destroy my company attempt the CEO when you distribute the CEO you take over the company they are angels that ekr the Angels that's why Bible says Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon and his angels so Lucifer was carrying a hose when it built all the Angels a bird with him angel Michael yes his angels Petronius his own sons and daughters [Applause] so Abraham was he carrying Isaac Jacob and the tribes of Israel in him they live my travel time when they were in the loins of Abraham why because a Brahmas carrying or delivered we are all sons of Abraham by faith white because Abram was carrying all of us I wish I can explain better so when the team is coming to give me a car he is not helping me tim is giving himself a car because it Tim who is the outside is giving the team that is in person Iike tip is acknowledging that it is reg that this person that is occurring mean that reg for me to operating datalink I need to acknowledge this inside of passion so John the Baptist known as the Jesus is only participant I see everybody but what baptism no but so the only way for John to be baptized is to Bob diseases because but doesn't Jesus is baptized in the Jordan isn't she [Applause] that is why people John is born the mother became drunk because John was baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire oneness was in his mother's womb by Wu by Jesus so the only person qualified to baptize John is Jesus so when you come with the 2020s a prophet I'm helping you to build no you I open yourself to build [Applause] you don't in your payment of God you help yourself by allowing the you in a man of God to get access in the ring that is in a man of God so the widow of Zarephath came to the Prophet Elisha a little kinky if I give you out I'm wrong you are not the hoping Elijah Elisha at the ego's Robbins that were fitting him with the meat and bread every day so don't think because you are with Elisha today's when to stop no God already takes care of Nagappa [Applause] so when the window give Elijah legs are open to the pot how or provision so Alexa warriors a bottle provision is now opening it because she acknowledges there is a part of me that is inside the man code Eliza if you have not given a car to your own men of God you are not acknowledging in him is your Lambo if you have not a given apartment to your man of God you are not acknowledging that do you have a two-million-dollar access that you can unlock me too I wish I was here libras God Allah meeya Christos zebra has a Prius of races kk a negative 11 do you know how much I'm wearing right now a $50,000 here are you idiot [Applause] this is 14,000 this is 9,000 without Texas before but before Texas this is 20,000 this is about $2,000 this is two point five thousand dollars and the suit and the shoes and 128 everything is around fifty thousand why they authoritative race me into that level as an example not for me but as an example for you Peter said what I have I give a pass I can never give you what he doesn't have he can only give me a Vienna he acaso la la Li gong-gong he a quorum and a thank you I wish I was here so they a spiritual principles that are not taught in church because the pastor's already know if they expose some set in truth with the church members who run away they run away membra khadiyah column and led Otto Lim Brasada by Yahoo shala Havana hidden key some prosthetic lahardee namaha see such as I have a given to you there's a room code access there's a realm code access and Lysa give access to gas and gas began to see in us you cannot give what you don't have you can't are you then this is what increases your rank number one your ring is increased by time I want you to understand why you were in your church before you came to the passage the best search in this search know what the best search in the world is the Church of God is the body of Christ we are the best church in the church [Music] sinner the reason why you were going to a church before is because the Rings are unlocked by time are you there so John is in his time but the Jesus time is not yet so the rank of John qualifies himself to operate through Jesus because the time of Jesus have not yet exposed his rank a general commander in the AMA was a general commander from the day he was born from the day joined militant but he did not join as a general commander he started as a nobody he went to be a cop Rock what was qualifying him is the time so when you came to Christ God allowed you to sit under a cobra and a co-op Roku to only qualify you according to his rank then go to move through to another Church when you started dealing with a surgeon in the rooms of the spirit and a surgeon did his best and you left that it's why God was elevating your rank live pop I'll ever step by step when it Jacob was in his father's house he was this morning and he received a blessing from his father his mother Lydians on him why he was mourning but he being ordained by his father his egg increased so yet to leave the church and if you went to the church of Lebon and in the church of lovin he worked for 14 years for women the Ranger open up and qualified the Jacob only in marriages there is a change that qualifies people for marriage that's it but when he left and he went to the church of angel and this says made him to be a warrior in his father's house he knows how to cook he knows how to keep the ships right but when you went to a different church his operation changed he began to work harder than what he had worked before he began to get women never before why your place determines your functionality and he left when he went with the angelic church he began to fight he never fought in his father's house he never fought in lovers house in the Angelica she was fighting [Applause] and the angel said his name because your first stop your last bus stop is when you given your name when you are given an identity where you find your identity becomes your place of dwelling I wish I was here and his name was sent from Jacob to Israel before he became a nation so Jacob is innocent simple became what a nation right why is it that you all his sons nobody prayed for him Joseph became international but Joseph was not qualified to pray for him you don't pray for someone because you make money more than him you don't pray for someone because you went to school better than him you don't pray for someone because we've been in such more than him you pray for someone according to your righteousness and you rank your right standing where you are qualified to stand are you qualified to pray for Jacob no why Jacob is a nation are you then are you then Sabich are the haughty somebody saw Jacques Amazon jackets so Joseph became a great leader in Egypt God that oil sons even provided a shelter for his father but when at the end Jacob got all his sons and he began to lay hands and bless them one by one why the greater so blessed the lesser you can't say to profit passion god bless you you are not qualified to stand in the position angel gobbler said I am angel Gabriel but he knows there are many angels Cody Gabriel so you to specify the one that is tense in the presence of God because others there for others the new but I'm qualified in my rank to stand in the presence of the angels of ranks in the main of rank so there are people that are qualified to be rings by time so there is a time you are allowed to go and be prayed by another person the problem is that it going to be increased your rank when that the pastor miss you today you want to lay hands on you it doesn't work like that they are people now you are no longer 10 years ago you are no longer 5 years ago you are no longer two years ago you are no longer 6 years ago some things were unload in you [Applause] number two melon dimande Misha Behati you are qualified arranged by another man one is time number two is by another man are you there somebody Supriya Moses parted in the river Jordan do you see the amount of power he carried but the power does not mean erinc poor what 27 books no 14 books in the New Testament Paul wrote miracles that affirm his body approach negatives left and cast out demons and holistic that's power but do you know any porn 8 Ananias he noted oh and Ananias authorized him and prayed for him and in physical scars was seen falling down on the ground and his eyes were opened [Applause] [Music] they amend that another scene on TV they are not living on Facebook or periscope or YouTube but they carry links in the spirits [Applause] Moses with all his power there was one man the high priest of Midian his name is Jethro he is the only man that could pray for Moses he is the only man that could authorize Moses he is the only man who could advise Moses because what you qualifies you to pray for someone is your ring not your love for him Mary is the mother that pushed Jesus from the womb but Mary is not qualified forever Jesus that is why on the cross Jesus is woman he looked at Mary Lou to John he says a woman it is a mother he said woman your son son your mother because he can say mother because his rank makes him a father to marry that is why when I met my physical mother she news on my physical matter when Elena sabapathy Newtonian circles my father they at least she saw when she was giving birth to me when I was growing up the prophecies again do you know I prophesied that death of my father the day is going to die the time is going to die when I was six years old and my mother warned my father and my father could not listen and when I told him not to go on your wedding day and in few hours it I'd seen was this growing up she doesn't call me son she they have never put a hand on me when she was coming a counselor in 2001 I prophesied how much is going to win I told the results this mean this is how many people went to vote for you the second candidate to get this results that they'd won this adult and the profits came to pass exactly as they prophesied when she miss me she says father she's a Senate ensign Bubba right now but when she sees machine used on why they are things that she saw that is she doesn't just call me a boy she knows there is something in this man so Mary was not called a mother by Jesus she was called woman you know it's an insult to call your mother woman I don't wanna go there are you there so Jesus himself need to be somebody to Opera's his death this is off your phones jesus said to Pilate what you don't have the power to take my life unless my father authorizes you but you know what campus was not there there were two high priests that is signed a letter and handed it over to a rod and say let us crucify him and kept us the priest stood and says one man should die for the sins of the others who shall we set free Jesus or Barabbas you didn't get it come come let me explain to people because you read your Bible running let me teach you Barrabas is not a name it's a coming in of towards ba means son of Abbas Obamas father so Barrabas means the son of father's and it's jesus is the son of the father so they don't know who years should be setting free others they don't know who should die for the sins of others because according to the law whoa big the in the ends of the priests one minute to detain for the sins of the others so he said we shall we said three year Barabbas was opposing me me me but you wanted to steal the cross to fulfill the law and they pointed Jesus are you there what is happening Jesus is being authorized by the priests and on the cross they were two priests that we're standing there why when God spoke to Moses to be the ark the ark of covenant they were to carry beams that were in the Mesa City and it was the two priests were representing those two Cara beams to authorize Jesus blood because you would enter into the Holy of Holies and present the blood at the messy City where two angels are covering so the blood of Jesus could not be spelled without the presence of true priests because the priests are authorized to present a lamb for that the sins of all people in the outer Court in the inner court can be forgiven I wish you were here so Jesus was bill authorized by the men who are already authorized by the law I wish I was here so the problem is we all want to be authorized but we are in every church we are following every man of God there's a difference between a ship and ghosts a God is everywhere and God if you have a flogging what you are behind it accords with the dogs with the sticks you are running you're taking it back but a ship you go in front in the ships they follow your voice reasons they know their father's voice but God's Padonia voice they hear voices wherever there's a sound in a Ron Barassi DePiano cosas I just came here to unlock somebody today receive you must be able to come to a level where you acknowledge the man God says to unlock your life Jean was qualified men of rank they don't speak was they are too quiet when they speak your life will never be the same when Elijah are logged Elijah did he speak no he only took out a jacket and three jacket and Elijah's life changed his own only tip diseases in the water and heaven opened and a ruby Mizpah from the father of jesus with the holy spirit happens this is my only begotten Son that was not the first time to hear those words those are the words for / Mizpah in Israel up to today Maya Bacardi hey Stella hello we are going to pray before we begin a prophesy here [Applause] there are two types of Prayer when Adam was in the garden he never prayed Cain I never prayed Genesis chapter 4 says and then the generation of self began to call on God people began to call God for y'all according what they felt according out they were feeling so the Old Testament they did not really have a real prayer because the spirit could come upon them and speaking go back but in the New Testament they began to pray through a format and the format was quote the Lord's Prayer the Lord's Prayer Jesus did not introduce that prayer it was already there our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come the letter will be done on earth as it is in heaven blah-blah-blah-blah thy kingdom that prayer expired because Jesus says the kingdom is now in you so you cannot bring down the kingdom it's already in you I wish you understand this it's now in you so the prayer expired are you then the prayer expired thy kingdom come is now in you but there is one man in the Bible that is a real prayer john the baptist's that's what the disciple says teach us how to pray as John teaches his disciples how to pray because a real prayer does not come from what you are learning from outside it comes from within so John never had anyone teaching him but he was teaching them how he was getting it from within him why because in the New Testament John is the first person to receive the Holy Spirit because when he was in his mother's womb Jesus baptism with the Holy Spirit and fire and the prayer is inside the Holy Spirit we don't know how to pray but the Spirit of God help us in our infirmities so you knew how to pray he knew how to communicate with God and when Jesus died on the cross he died for all our sins collusive are anonymous yakity there is a major wave of the Spirit coming here and I see people rising in prayer here we are a people of Prayer we are a people of Prayer malleable my lady Mamiya bah bah bah bah bah bah kut zumba Byetta BR we are going to pray we are going to talk to God we are going to touch heaven there is going to be a major move of the Holy Spirit here things are going to change in the spirits I saw a vision I saw a vision I began to see you know a spring a spring spring that when you you press it it it bounces I saw Springs a lot of Springs Springs a lot of them and I said what is this and ahead in the rooms of the spare that this is what I have made these people to be whoever will come upon them or be elevated to another level I'm giving them power to carry others on their shoulders you will carry your family on your shoulders your mother's life on your shoulders your father's life on your shoulders your children your children's children there is a world of the spirits now is a blessing from the Lord that is coming in the house of Jehovah today a baby on Amanda ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba Rika caucus equity I want you to stand up and pray no music no feelings I want you to pray like never before you mentioned I want you to pray like never before and talk to Jesus there is elev taking place in the spirit promotion taking place in the spirit gaze and windows are unlocking in the realms of the spirit hear amamori de bazan lift up your voice and pray you are not praying you are not praying I want you to pray like never before I want you to pray like an African prayer when you can roll yourself on the ground you can jump up and down you can run everywhere you can scream your lungs out in prayer like Oprah taco Co Co yeah volunteer retail a two-party bill Macatee allah ma ma ma ma ma ma Alisha by a NAPA me abortion [Applause] lyosha [Applause] me Baba Baba Baba Baba Baba Ditka Priscilla mundo kapre shuttle Ahmadi quia lob abortion [Applause] Kahraman Derrida bossy Roman arrabiata terrible shame [Applause] here kabayan Derrida Baba shame he and opieop up a Piazza in Erie debauch IOC [Applause] Yokota satella Bob oh ok DuBose Aiea [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] prayer yeah Raia Raia Raia praying for your family pray for your sister pray for your brothers prayer wherever you are pray wherever you are pray Hawaii pray for your family pray for people around you God is ordained in your pocket any VOSA [Applause] animosity little Indiana terrible beyond Amasa pray for your family pray for your family name prasat ie hallelu hallelujah amen Jimmy J and so J is you to ashes from the we have Jesus we have Jesus power in the name of Jesus roar in the name of Jesus favor in the name of Jesus giving in the name of Jesus in the name of the station in the name of whose I want you to pray again touch your neighbor and say neighbor excuse me I got a pray I want you to pray like an African guy walk up and down if you can crow crow if you can jump up and down if you can hold your hands if you can set yourself it will help you to pray more lift your voice begin to pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray pray only ghosts only ghosts hey hey hey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] yeah [Applause] yeah [Applause] yeah just sounds just sound yeah [Applause] just business emotion we are brown always a banner on a plan is a brand pase roscha the boys in that is it well Hey yeah Oshin no shame Oh kkk-katie namaste my oh our city Boston oh something is happening something is moving or somebody said that noting is here the spirit is here both somebodies and build tools aye-aye-aye aye-aye-aye aye-aye-aye ah giamoro no momentum hace que llamo Rumaki acadia Kosala hava b-2s to zeus i authorize you to intercede for your neighbor right now i unlock you as an intercessor be to stews Monaco Salah paya when abide Akira by redecoration aha girls that are watching life Peters be toasts that are watching like Beatrice take each other's name and kappa somebody prayer I'm authorizing people an intercessor right now with your 30 I am as a prophet he come on lightly lift up your voice everybody lift up your voice in a prayer being afraid be in the talk to Jesus right now hey yo lady de prata Brisa la salida Bronte praça dos column and Alina Bronte sit posted in a compromise for the bride Breda key your boys a prey lift up watch and pray walls of technical I freely Hey roscha Malaysia brother gadiot Oh Hey bring yeah yeah caught up is caught up by your sub I am no sir no sir wrote a note a note that led need of an ocean lift up your voice autocracy ah it's not the brain goodbye my name so for themselves run away from listen I saw here there you there land come on Yvonne Lily Deborah I'm sorry you [Music] right now in the angelic type of prayer are you ready warrior my shaco bahattin Malaka he busts in a boss I Venna my lord indeed a blossom ruddy salim-javed a dinky I ever saw which are released two days ago is now on your website which we are going to play here they're prophetic chords in that sea salt there is the angelic sounds and a song mahasin SAT completed some now but however I want you to pray and tap into the angelic I believe your tongues are gonna change I release angels into your spirits connection with angels I receive an a moment to hear angelic words I receive to speak with the tongues of Ages I was fearing are you ready yes are you ready lift up your voice begin to pray being a pray bring in the pray being a brave beginner pray satoru to the Dawei walk up and down shut up and down lift up your hands so lift up your voice claw Neil run whatever you can do your voice at talk to God people that are watching right now just that our visit to you aim because distance is not rep area Kalama now what tell us if you have you tight or your especial seen I wanted to come forward not a bad tape and those that have a special seat come in front [Music] [Music] Titus valerio's ooh dinner in army I am I wish to when Omega lab reverse attaboy everybody soon sooo No Oh No guitar ah I bless everyone here and I repeat the Devorah for their sake I pray for your hand or push spirit over them I speak a blessing realize or on dos navigator but if not married abiding he'd leave us ought to improv at aqui double I love in I preside to take outside PSO BB hey Decatur bharata's in dual America Deborah hi see Jesus name I bless you give your type that sees I am out we Mario boy Noren Lauren glory glory glory glory glory miss Ibaka hottie I received Libra satella Methuselah Xavier I receive the blessing of the Lord is upon me and I speak the blessing of God over your life I receive amen amen amen amen amen their gates and doors that uping unlocked right now as you know that peace of the spirit cannot be discerned by the physical anyone in the canoe canoe and the same things of the spirit Cabaret Deepika Sagada Hadi see when a prophet speaks a word that word cannot risk I did roof is what it came for the Bible says Elijah the Prophet spoke and said they shall be no famine tomorrow by this time there will be abundance there's gonna be a lot tomorrow by this time people that way around him doubted the words and some believed but they never acted on the world but the way to looks for a willing heart I wish you were here the moment i prophesy marriage is coming to you you should go and buy a new set of makeup you are acting for the world don't spend the whole day in 19 the house on monday to friday in the house now go to some expensive hotels dress nice just order coffee then when you finish add another one finished two hours then live if you do that for two months you come into me here I just professor marriages to Sahaba see you receive profits you go to KFC you've got to spottily then it's a feeling somebody ops you feel a level marry you do you know you are married by a person that you are connected to by a bless the flesh bless the place that's why your crash is in your neighborhood or in your classroom or all your Facebook where you are is what affects you if you want higher livers go to higher levels places and I tell you what will happen business breakfast is coming to some people he is on Vienna I received Libra Cassata Baja Dara Singh Amira prophesied and lakhs of people in the yeah voluminous a Deborah I will sleep Karen emotes on Amara Taurus errotica receipt very simple you complicate them they're very simple God can never operate outside of the world what his speaks comes with us simple like that all you need is to hear God speaking in a life once God speaks in your business your business will never be the same again Irish once it God speaks in your physical life your physical life will never be the same again all you need is the prophetic words receive it today you mind if we extend some few minutes and prophesy because I saw this one is it your first time to be in yes your very first time yes how did you find out about this place um actually a friend of mine told me about you and I was looking at you and Facebook I've been watching your Facebook for a while your bliss are you here are you from MDB I used to live here I used to live no way yes they know New York so you came from New York yes what they said is yes you weigh in Maryland yes before yes have you ever been married no I've never been married no you know why you give me new yoke here a yolks but you are coming to a land of marriage so there is a million spray crew coming to you I receive it and receive it and I'm seeing ministry in front of you and you're in your marriage your miniature unleash you into ministry wake I missed my see revelation revelation revelation and power coming down prophesied prophesied I receive and I'll not open my eyes can I promise I shall not open my eyes and my my eyes got up and I saw her in the rooms of the spirit and a lot says unlock it into a million-dollar flow coming to you I see chaotic 2020 is gonna be a great year for you prophecy might be your year of great achievements Rufus I perform because I so caught elevating you there are three major breakthroughs coming to you next year I receive it where you remaining pitiful before God yes tight and keep offerings to God and live right with him I am seeing your exploding because number one I saw a marriage breakthrough coming I see this bahasa save Aida I so let us see and I saw letter P and the law says the letter P you understand it when you sign the papers prophesy Roth aye and after I saw that I moved in the rooms of the spirit I saw money coming into your business amen amen when I looked into your business I learned I saw little m um that's my business name what is it Marco's Marcos e there is a million dollar flow coming to the mikoshi company I see blessings coming upon you David IVC and I'm seeing that breakthrough in New York City and also crossing to California breath is one of the New York City and California a major great paper at the end of the Lord is coming upon you happy today is the day the Lord or take for you to receive your major professor I saw the pip of the Lord coming to you I saw the mighty end of the load committee and the law says it's a time yes it's a season you all be celebrated 20 20 you walk with it like no one else a Caucasian person coming and walking next to you and I see you sitting on the table when they see you signing papers and I saw a business connection California and in New York City I saw I saw not only clothes I also saw it there were kids from the hair from people's skin into clothing it's gonna be too business coming together like a partnership I receive it la pareja de catanduva SIA why is it I see this lady in lonely I don't know why I saw a lonely makota Behati 19 years yes when do you understand again next year I see you impressing yourself with Armada I look in the spirit moved in the spirit and I said how can I confirm that you may know I saw later SSS Saffy it is why it is done it is done ah it is done Senate ridiculous it is that have not yet seen their families may God connect you to your families right now Jesus in the feminist be broken right now paper comes to your family right now receive green cuts coming to you so you may see your families right now papa bong God aha I accept less than coming to this young man sitting at the back there is a blessing coming to you right now what God is giving you the anointing of Elijah right now oh I so need to be at the end I so let up be and Allah says prophesy over his life there is analyzer anointing that is coming upon him right now well perfect prophet what's your last name whoa Brown I saw letter B and the law says the anointing of Elijah is coming upon you or receiver there is going to be a prophetic wave that you walk with or anointing of Jehovah God but God is releasing you to operate with the Lord is say Aqaba sia I'll receive it I don't know if you have kettles or something but I'm seeing like Cowboys around you Cowboys Cowboys took me to tell us the moment you said understand the Lord says you're going to release a prophetic word and tell us I receive you will prophesy and deliver many families as you delivered about this anointing will go with you whenever you so call or you minister in the prophetic with anointing of the lightest in the spirit of Madeline hallelujah [Music] on his back I shot a lot going all the way to India your mother-in-law is big you'd right now I still can something removed or peace or whatever they are saying they are going to do what what do you call chemo D chemo this is Bill and we caught us there is going to be a miracle but when you go up by next week to the hospital we saw people not believe I also saw later s in the house I don't always know that is in India isolator s with namizo Sandeep the Lord is gonna touch it as well and I see service and coming upon his life by saying being a minister of the gospel and sa impressive that his deliverance coming to your brother there is really coming to your mother to your mother-in-law the Lord is saying I have released paper and the healing already on itself there will be no spirit of death what ever doctors say intimidates the Lord says she shall live declare the words of the Living God it's a godsend somebody said Alleluia cerveza propaganda bhagavati surmise our professor let me spy in the house there is an anointing in the house what do people in your house what answer will live in their body don't believe in their body sickness you live in the body slightly queer daddy clay healing in the body name monaco samehada such a father's name my stepfather's name is George gérard [Music] gérard ha I don't know I saw a Bible name I don't know if the jared is that like a baboon in battle there is a man that I saw with a Bible name in your house in a family my father's name is Francis hi that's not a Bible name but I saw it I'm gonna wake it and come back to you kattappa s- Rubina customizing he de brazza what do you want going to do for you la Riva something my spiritual life to another level I'm coming my ministry there are three blessings that I saw what do you want [Music] God to restore your grandma you say wherever she goes like people don't want her there that she feels like a bad like we break it right now we break it right now we break it right now and we speak favor open in the fear of God in Jesus mighty name I've never met you I really don't know you I saw letter n I don't know where you are coming from but I saw later in New Jersey and I saw prophetic fire upon your life you see God is about to embarrass you with money I see many God is about to use you with an apostolic and prophetic anointing receive I don't know why I saw seppuku shiri here but then in the spirit I saw a sheep there is a city that is taking in the realms of the prophetic and what God is showed you and your husband in our Lord says I'm about to fulfill it there is an assignment for your own ministry and this as excitation that is coming in one side we see waiver is coming upon you receive in the name of Jesus I don't know if you two are related but I don't know why I saw you saying mommy mommy something I don't know what is that huh she's your mother in the Lord there is a prophetic blog that is coming through her to you because I saw it's like I saw a police officer here and I said God what is a police officer losses the police officer represents the wedding there is a wedding door that got opened in the Rebbe's of the spirits but I saw that they were attacking to bring a problem but the law says because of their prayers there will be no problem what which is in the spirit is that which is being manifested in your life who doors will be opened officially as you leave be seen upon you since the speaker box that reads you have been having the loss is normal God is not sending angels to your dreams there will be not demonic attacks from today every evil out of what you are seeing in your dream the Lord is saying now you will see angels is a shift taking place in your spirit God sent you here for a reason a quorum and a believer there is a child that I saw this word there's a child my son your son where is he bring him please Khalid a Borgia merida Babu sir I don't have there - or something like that but you have to I'm officer - I saw I I saw - in the realms of the Spirit my ricotta so Jellyman ever seen demand okra day I don't know what to be the meaning of silver but I saw like a a a a silver car in the realms of the Spirit the law says I need to cover and pray for those two kids and release a blessing in their lives raka does a techie sobriety Mimbres attaboy a KD what do you want they were in the court case they were in the case recently somebody filed a case against them police case but they didn't do anything because they are fighting for their own land so the other party they they charge they put a full police case on them that they were trying to beat the other party but they were at home they were not even in the city and in that day now they my mother-in-law and her brother they are actually in that case I don't know why I saw it okay I don't know why I saw it ok I'm coming Lambros kabocha so what do you want exactly the case should be and also the site that they are landfill for my mother is fighting my mother in lies fighting for riddle we want as she wants that land because she owns it she bought but else cheated and then took it they are they produce the wrong people's February you bring a testimony hallelujah I receive a healing also is coming my Jesus name a mother see I receive thanks lay Grasser to Salah Hadi come son depakote saw a new dawn new Don lamb bravas at a legend says with me a calf a living legend Raja dhaba bring it later Davos atta boy a meme bro de Baca say I bless this boy right now I cover him in the realms of the Spirit God is gonna use this boy there is a calling upon this boy cover him with care even from the tummy was in the womb God cover to him and God protect him because there is a blessing upon his life yes that is God's favor upon his life I think there's a prophetic word that is already in his life and the Lord is saying it shall come to pass that which I promised I will use him and now bless him and at the expansion in his life this God's favor is upon him Miranda he Tobiah I don't know why in the realms of the Spirit I saw another boy this is my son the first one is 23 years old 23 years old you shall tell him not to go to New York City it is in Richmond you will tell him not to go to New York City I should tell him not to go to New York's because that opportunity in New York City is a trip you will not go to New York City okay the fear of the Lord will come from the Lord not from people people deceive him the New York City people will lead him to do things that you regret when he's in prison so he should do whatever he's doing and remain where he is he's working you should remain doing what everybody is doing right now because the people will come lure him with money put him into doing drugs and other things that are not permitted and I'm seeing him in prison his counsel in Jesus name in may in strength of the Jesus name I released the prophetic blessing of Ahana upon this young girl in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen about sick bakka see IIIi don't know why I don't know we as an app I saw a 1 and 4 a 1 1 at the end there's something like a 503 503 something Kazu kuba knew down control facade multimedia zakat a lira know so River AHA see if they around seven there's a phone call that's coming to you I saw to zero to something and Allah says there is a phone call that is coming to you amen it's a beginning of your progress for next year God is preparing so the door open now next year you walk in this door and you see prosperity taking place you pop the anointing of God and the grace of the almighty Jesus money somebody subtle hallelujah it is done yes the doctor can't find it and staying mighty my fault so what's up angelic my fault they need Oh for God to help me for them to place them a needle need oh yeah the doctors can't find it they can't find that they open but the wood but they could not find they need what do you guys say if the doctors can't do any of you God can help you yes male course a pocket a ricotta's Ibaka team RC and you [Applause] come here on on Thursday oh yeah Oh New Jersey's in the house I mean I come from New Jersey Wow what let's do Jays in Jesus name Oh he said I'm supposed to pray for you this one is a millionaire I don't know if you know it but what happened now is these millions are hanging in the spirit because you don't just choose anyone to be your manager people can mess you up without you knowing yes I saw witchcraft here yes through people around him you know what I'm talking about yes have you ever been in Jamaica yes prophesy Papa because I just thought was st. bought in the room yeah oh my oh my god why ording your mouth because it's true is it true it's prophesy property is millions oh come on brain thank you pray you'll be seen on TV this young man I don't know where is your sister I don't have sisters I don't know one isn't Philadelphian was an innocent trinidad male Cosa Badajoz i received my rapid ah who is that boy to you that is my stepfather son so it's a step like he's your brother America complicates things Arabica does a gay day my father just passed last week I'm sorry thought about that at school and I couldn't come because I have to go to the funeral in Trinidad I'm sorry about that yeah go to comfort and restore your family Jesus name thank you so what what do you want God to do for for your boy I want deliverance of my entire family we entire family no charlie Emily not only me we have been battling with a lot of like generational stuff and a lot of which graph the yes yes years ago I saw Indian blood yes African blood that's how your family was met yes and because from the Indians I saw hydration pie it was idols idols that are still haunting people within the familiar because they were passed from one generation to another generation we will pray what is the young men doing right now nothing but you just all pray for you boy isn't that isn't Trinidad yet but why was I see Jamaica and is now that is where he started his his career was in Jamaica right what was he doing there an athlete was running there we'll pray they'll be fed by his millions will come warrior he were and Nami I saw you stand up I saw I saw this man yet I saw letter J I saw a letter J this one like like a last name or something it's awful I don't know why you were like jumping or something I'll jump I jump ayah is your last name where you thought originally where was born hospital is about village along a South African citizen that's where I come from so you are using Babu in as well yes oh so your last name is from way it's awkward that is not Zimbabwe somebody's our hallelujah hallelujah there is deliverance coming to you and your family today that is a major city that is coming to you at your house I don't know why I saw kids and then I saw a woman but I saw the woman looking on the other side and I saw you standing alone young I have a student and I have a wife but there be some challenges of course but it will end today today because I don't know if you know a place word for error [Music] I don't know if you know a place called O'Hara yeah yes I know that place I saw poeira and I saw some rituals that we met in a place called O'Hara and those are the rituals that are following you and your family and the people but your coming here is going to change things IRA favorite our affiliates are the recipients IRA favorites I don't always like nasha nashe is something nice ain't nothing I don't know I saw a name something something nice she likes something naughty something like is it like the power of God or something like that I don't know I cannot see the name that ends with like Nash did not she trying to figure out I don't even know but I saw those people covering and I saw them way too poeira and when I saw them going to boil at us when I saw a flow coming as a kiss but you be free what we touch it on the ballot Muraki De Aza who should I start with in oh why Hodgins I will submit all of him Janine's what do you want God to do for you what I wants my spiritual values to go to another level and to be successful in ministry I won't got to help me to go finish my schools let's all focus on the ministry more don't you come from originally Sher Ali on Sierra Leone yes what about Sarajevo senior yes I thought you are hope Nigeria Nigeria like Africa some winning series general in Africa nothing nothing all right Libra Cassata so you know what's pretory you know two above right no kebab just means sound quoi it's double sound it's just double sound it's it's something that is too [Music] exaggerated something with extras i unlock you in the prophetic and you see you have been in places looking for prophetic anointing yes start to elevate you and put you into the land of prophecy today is the day the Lord is unlocking you in the prophetic tyrosine as a prophetic flow and the prophetic dress coming upon you today you say or sign biosign Baku Tanika Papa Papa and I support a patella suture with société de boracay so Maple Heights I tides and CEO cited kita Brasserie I give you the anointing I really miss CPT know you might the name of Jesus everything I pray that you life will never be the same after two days in the flight in a more innocent way wavebrake any form of witchcraft in your life and we speak life abundantly in a mighty name of Jesus I pray you don't flap or shut about it why did you stay here how come you don't cut me yeah you just arrived from Africa Wow so you're not staying for long I'm to Jesus come so this is a chase no clapping Jesus now our second Zimbabwean envisaged glory [Applause] you know when you're international you got all races here if you're national if we come out from your country your change to be full of your people if you make any change before Jamaican you even preach it apart well if you are a Nigerian you tend to be food with Nigerian but I give you grace even in your business I will give me a blessing and a break any case in which all any words spoken over your life in Jesus name I speak life and life in abundance in Jesus mighty name your prosper in the land it detects a man of rank to unlock your inner ink-jet ro is the priest of Midian that is why is a low key Moses canna go deeper Moses when he was in Egypt the higher rank in Egypt was Pharaoh so far was a grooming him to be the next one so when he knew who you was he had no authority to challenge Pharaoh so the best thing I did was to run away from father when it said ro unlocked him now he went back to meet and face father because now he is authorized how is our Xia I pray that is you gonna mercy go and make money I receive it go and make disciples go in preparer I received for it function better I receive because today Jehovah God gives you power and authority position your way through Jesus what do you want God to do for you yes he'll proteasome from okay yeah aku's oh that is oh I know yeah my son have problem with alcohol and I came here because it's a lot of things like I can't work good because I think of him when I leave him home he was standing he was here and he stepped outside so he needed help or my family needed help we have problems ISM Oh seemed opposites organize shall be deliverance God you will not go through what your family went through from you they'll be permanent blessing that no animal will enter to divide or to bring any conflict so follow you and you will be established in Jesus purity I hear something like like Veronica [Music] lift up in lico ombres a la música de que se toca kilo taka baba kety saba total de Deus a biocide damn pocket a Katia Fupa I mean so homosexuality and see this is your last day to drop your chance I saw like a like a Kiki okay get a Capon that's my lord is touching you today and is wiping your tears they might eat a Godrej or celebrate it is thank you no more tears and she's a spy didn't my labels about that enables [Music] Macha disability son [Music] there are people that are fed you sleep at night because of the attacks the animal bring over their lives but the Lord is saying your way to be free as from today I receive you speak every whisker up to your forty-two dreams God is giving your Thorat and power over those merry see there will be no suffocation in your dreams from today I receive the petrol has been won a victory is yours sing alongs anything the families receiving peace joy happiness and breakthroughs receive the hour is now i bind every demonic attacks and i set you free from your dreams you'll be free tosai demands er my way of approach is kinda and Akita Parata in the mighty name of Jesus I pray and I speak your freedom now in Jesus name we pray how many would you want to come here tomorrow night just for prayer just for prayer 7 o'clock is just for prayer [Music] tomorrow come 17 we are gonna pray here we are gonna talk to Jesus here is gonna be a favor of God here and before we close we we we don't want to keep talking about money money money money money in the church because you know people that are willing to give they are ok with us talking about money but it stingy people are offended whenever you say give they look down or they feel like leaving the church and if you say it again next Sunday they will never come back to church so there are people who want to protect so that we don't keep offending alright so I want people that will partner with us every Monday you have you are you every month end you're an automatic partner in this ministry right you can give us 500 dollars every month end or you can give us $300 or $200 or hundred dollars minimum fifty dollars right if I have fifty people that can give us $100 that's five thousand every month if I have 250 people that can give us two hundred dollars that's ten thousand that's what we need a month so I want you to lift up and if you want to be a partner lift your hands this one is the strong partner this one true my god Sega seeds if you want a partner with 500 every month lift up end one two three four come hey I should prophesy beside these ones what is giving come come we'll find names for this partners 500 every month Malaysia card is a data reader you look sharp where you going where's my wallet I left it in the car get it I'll give you some more money for that we need people no look at this one Veronica here we need people that are looking deeply people look at me like father like son but I don't I don't know about this one now look at this one from the from the polar day from the lines so NDS third partner from the month of November Papa yes what about Wendy's - this man no no the end of this month are started all rights now and open know him no no no in November next let me get the end of the month and a month yes sir end of the month end of month on my birthday my birthday is on the 29th of October I'll be on your perk if on your birthday on my bed yes I'll be turning 33 years old [Applause] is that too old I think I'm getting too old I won't tell you this one that I wanted to just buy a 400 tell me not want to be partnering with 400 come come come come the 400 come we'll find a name for these ones Libre Bukka Reddy Busan [Music] for Lukey shall become close your eyes and pick one not close eyes and pick one not one there is a dollar that is five dollars there is ten that is 50 there is a hundred she pesters there five days she took a twenty it is done say they have took this one this will attract more money more cash it's done in Jesus name with me wherever when do you start November next Monday next Sunday only 22 22 it is done for finance what this was three hundred dollars every month come we have one for 300 what happened to my best side now even those that are watching life please someone check let me check myself YouTube there someone will be giving eyelid ownership or Lisa oh I'm over here Creason which one now are you 500 here's someone checking Facebook and periscope make the bones illegally Yokosuka dejarte zimbabwean how did you find out about me I I've been following you on facebook facebook and then I had to conduct a pasta cannoli who might know in this in that way and then he gave me the number to Israel would then give me - I don't know well a sort of something that's that Oh give me that dress yes it was a chain which I and you're finally I hear you are rise above the ground I received virtually your extra blessed in Jesus name Amen thank you amen we need partners online Facebook and periscope please hurry bruce sutter by a alright somebody check facebook and paris for being partners de 200 every month come 1 2 3 4 5 - v oh no - Anna - v is it - v with everyone s turn to 50 what will be the name for the 250 no was 250 is one person no it's 500 and above it's a 400 to 500 is 300 - five - four hundred it's 200 to 300 so you only 200 ones when do you sell only 38 that would be my first check thank you it's already happening it's already done return I can start today today montón why are you skipping oh is B period what is that the day of your anniversary my advisor of my paladin suit ago my birthday oh my I'm missing your birthday my birthday bless you yes at the end of the month end of the month hundred dollars with me we're in army right since we have a lot of partners maybe tomorrow is prayer day but after that every other Monday's is personal service just to bless the partners wendy is such is there anyone who's not studying today studying today starting Thursday and of November my bad my bad end of this month you paid three months for you being three months three months trouble November and another handle but she's getting ready to go to the hospital so she can come $50 the last group 50s what so it's a double portion yes god bless you huh and of this month we are doing three months ago god bless you some of you need to start partnering for your son's here in their two years one year partner for them amen and our teacher in our partner save is what you do when you partner those receipts what do you do with those receipts how to pray before God with your seeds with your offerings and stuff I'll be teaching you amen let's go $50 come yes if the person can come you can't stay pay for them yes my son-in-law and my daughter I don't think they will come but I would like to pay $50 each of them for the last tip we'll be praying for them 50 I thought you are going to come for the 500 we have someone for 1,000 we have another one another court well I limited people do I invite us for 1000 they're the back 1000 when do we start your dues 12 months yes that's Koko's yes about how bless him big-time big-time you take the names and the phone numbers when do you start today today 15 on your birthday my bed and I'll do the end of the month and a month the million in next week next week you're coming back um I'll come back next Sunday next time bless you next week end of the month end of the month well as breed end of the month next month next month next week next week on my birthday that's your baby yes you'll receive a better day blessing amen father I bless them and I command the finances over them your word says you give seed to the sower and bread to the eater in the mighty name of Jesus we pray and we speak the blessing of God over all these people in Jesus name those that are watching live right now YouTube there's a lot of people those that are watching life starts now set now and write it there for partners we have partnership right link for partnership on our website does it bring the city as an option to put a phone number are you sure or the comment field right I am starting to partner with you every month with this amount then you put it I need numbers of all partners so we can from a group all the partners here and those that are giving online right now you show these ones and these ones can also do swipe and they can always bring cash here but there's a link where you just go once and you just type monthly so it's an auto payment every month even on your Bravo easy we just take automatically but I bless them and I pray give seeds to the soul they will never run dry giving me is giving themselves when I give them access into their world the access into their prosperity indoor Lama said Akita Bharata in Jesus body amen tickles his thought that are giving now give now does letter give letter giblet father I bless live demands people that are giving online is profit password for profit pasado everybody lift up your hands closed eyes but I crave to touch everybody here let prophetic fire be upon them prophetic blessing be upon increase your anointing in their lives let their ranks be empowered with your authority with the anointing in the mighty name of Jesus I speak a blessing today and forever I pray they would never be tried there will be increased it and everything in the mighty name of Jesus I pray somebody sorry and how many were blessed today all right you heard what the Prophet said tomorrow night is going to be prayer
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 38,947
Rating: 4.8528428 out of 5
Keywords: prophet angel, prophet brian carn, bishop norl jones sunday, prophet tb joshua, prophet bushiri
Id: 7rFp7ryTS1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 24sec (12144 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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