The Mystery of Worms || Prophet Passion Java

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey everybody my name is prophet fortune Godiva I was prophet passion broadcast and my life was never the same and yours can change too watch out [Music] there is what I teach him a prophetic school is called body descendant of spirits where God is speaking to me I feel heat inside my heart even if someone talks you and I feel hidden oh it's not him that's God speaking when I'm watching music if there's something Hollywood on the news and a few hit I know God is speaking greetings everybody this is prophet civilian Ali son of the gaffer if you are watching me right now it means that you are in the right place at the right time you need to get the revelation of the day and I guarantee you that your life will be catapulted and nothing will ever remain the same in your life again People of God stay bless this is me signing out love you [Music] profit passion calm visit our website today [Music] this is fast old NCW james senior pastor the transformation Center in Tampa I just wanna let you know that we broadcast from passion profit Java ministries is a life-changing experience the difference between your next and you now is your knowledge the knowledge can jettison to you from where you are to where God has allowed you to be get connected today change your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] we [Music] I can see you I can feel you up [Music] gotta see you [Music] [Music] [Music] I am [Music] [Applause] [Music] Happy's here [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] we [Music] it's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] God is a good God God is an awesome God I am excited because today's the day the lot of meta to Mary Joyce and be glad in it and then not the word that God has is gonna empower impacted change lives around the world God 19 God's favor God's power is coming to you wherever you are watching me from I know that I know that I know that you are next in line for God to use you there was a time I knew God was gonna use me but there is a time I never knew that is gonna use me the way is using me right now you are next in line for a miracle if you can't I type I am next I am next I am next you are in next you are the next prophet in line you are the next posture in line god bless you make a doll for offering you are the next blessed person to bring down the glory of God in the earth realm Deb I just want you to know that whatever you are going through today it's not there to cure you but to make you stronger it's something you cannot understand now but when the time comes you understand in my life there is a time I hated the life I lived before I hated being connected to some people I was connected before I cried why God have you allowed these people in my life I cried God why am I going through this but now I have come to a place of understanding it was God for the steps of the risers are ordained by God if you can type ordained type ordained because I believe God order them ordained your steps before you were born and made sure that whatever God would take place in your life you have uprooted the good the bad the ugly the beauty God already arranged everything before you were born so I know that I know that with God all things are possible wanted to go bottom-left on on Facebook and click share those on periscope I want you two to spread the message if you're watching on YouTube right now because blessings gonna come upon you and you don't forget we are in the month of October as you give your offering find a seed of $10 you give your offering and your seed of $10 10 that speaks of the 10th month of the end and you give and you say Lord let that be a manifestation no matter one day you're gonna be watching beach next door next month and you did not have the time to connect with this blessing the blessing was to be there for you in the realms of the Spirit uuugh your God and you you give the best you can just ten dollars and they say god this $10 it is for the manifestation of what you have for me because there are blessings that already there in the spirit there are no things that are ready there in the realms of the Spirit and I tell you that the blessing of the Lord the anointing of the Lord the favor of the Lord is upon you in this month of October I want you now as you give as you pray I want you to no matter what pray even if you don't have anything to give I want you to pray pray and give your seed of 10 as we play or Sun a song I want you to be in prayer and believe that these sessions are going to help you and you are going to boost your prayer life your giving life and be in expectation of a harvest today's teaching it's another level mMmmm I felt it I felt it the whole morning I would have come here earlier that I began to discuss with different men of God calling no pasaran view of this of Jospeh takari different men of God Prophet Israel to go to help me build this revelation it is extra super spotter splitty speedran so as we play our sauna find your offering of just $10 and give it and also pray began to pray wherever you are began to pray whatever you are in Jesus name Amen [Music] feeling I am sweat dog in the flour them only pain but then you surround me with your hair you open up the head and I can fully see all the angels come down mommy you wrap your arms around me and wipe my tears away made my broken heart home and the angel said [Applause] [Music] feeling I am sweater in this law then only but then you surround me with your heavenly embrace you open up the heifer and I can fully see all the angels come down and layest and mommy you wrap your arms around me and wipe my tears away made my broken heart whoa and the angel said [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] meeting all your Qaeda [Music] for all [Music] you say no more hiding cuz your and me and not you my eyes are open with your God by my side I see your kingdom coming your love I buy you know what show me God will find filled with all your glory from the ashes alright [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cane okay [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] god bless God bless god bless everybody I am so excited to be here once again and I so believe that God is about to touch somebody and bring a blessing to someone in the time of giving I know I'm supposed to just get into the kitchen and began to teach the world god bless the judges and was by offering but in the time of giving when we were giving there is someone I saw in a vision and a lot says begin to pray and acaba here in prayer for there is a calling of God is upon your life and the devil will try to bring a turnaround in life and change and and into ABCD but in the realms of the Spirit I am praying I don't know who is Pamela I don't have families watching on periscope or on Facebook but I do see a Pamela in the realms of the Spirit and as I see Pamela the law says we need to pray and cover him and also ordained her for ministry wake there is a blessing the Lord has for her on sending ministry next week we and Pamela are watching on periscope or Facebook I wanted to confirm there is a greater grace for ministering that is ahead of you and there is a blessing that the Lord is pouring into your life there is a great door that you have been praying that God can open for you and a lot minister to me and he said I have heard of your prayer and I'm coming down to Anthony to bless you and to bring a turnaround over your life the dead a Borgia bhajate the devil CPIC Katanga Michaela berdiana Masika Melara daddy anima Saqqara under a DVD Inasa may Biden King I saw in the realms of the Spirit and angel by the name of fire and when I saw the angel of fire I saw it descending on a specific location this is a place you were praying you note it down and you began to pray for a specific son of yours that you're praying and saying God I need you to touch my son need to cover my son I need you to change the character of my son and use my son in fact when you were pregnant this is like first quarter of 2000 of the year 2000 I saw you pregnant and praying and the media prayer to say God I give you this out I did to get this out to you and as I saw that in the realms of the Spirit a lot ministered to me that the angel of Rio is going to your house I don't know if you've been in a specific place but I saw number one and I saw number seven and I saw number nine I saw the name like Lauren's one seven nine I saw Lauren's I moved in a place like a Uniondale I'm believing myself I am standing in New York City I saw myself in a place like a Uniondale when I saw they the moment I got inside I was looking for this young man in the realms of the Spirit and I began to see the angel of the Lord a fire angel holding a placard and this placard I saw a name like Dillon I saw a name written like Dillon I don't know where you're watching from but I saw a name like Dillon in the realms of the Spirit and when I saw the name Dillon the law says I'm selecting that boy and I'm going to lift him up Myra passata this is my address exit okay the law says I'm gonna touch Dillon and I'm gonna lift up the life of Dillon for Dillon's of the youthful in ministry there is a prophetic ancient that is upon your life in fact you are already a prophetess and the law says you shall be enhanced in the prophetic you shall be empowered in the prophetic and you shall be taken to another level in the prophetic this is the grass to see in the spirit to hear in the spirit in namorada that's my oldest son God is gonna use that oldest son of yours to do ministry when there is a blessing that is upon him and there is a mighty grace the Lord is pouring in his life I also moved as I am in this house Mary brought acaba honey there is a picture that I see on my left side there is a picture that I see on my left side when I saw the picture I so a boy that is light in complexion which is not the deal and boy I don't know why I began to hear something like Christian I began to be a Christian in my spirit but I looked at a picture a light comes in complexion boy and the law says we need to pray and cover this boy in prayer because in the realms of the Spirit there is a case that is following his life I looked up and I saw a man in that house right now I saw a man that in complex and I looked I said God who is this man I had the Travis Travis Travis Travis in my spirit I don't know who is Trevor I don't know who is that Travis but I had Trevor in my spirit and when I had Trevor in my speed and I began to minister to me and she said there is a kid that has to be broken because from Trevor there is another Trevor and the other say but it is something in the year 1976 that brought foot a case in his tribal life it was in the month of February Seamus is connected to the month of February Marybeth Jessica Tata hookah Behati but I saw a Travis and I saw another Travis but the face it Reba I saw I saw a Travis in your house but then I looked I saw a bigger Travis Trevor is my husband but on top of Trevor I saw another Trevor and a kiss was coming from the air that favor I don't know if it no it's not a brother thing is the grandfather of this Christian boy the Lord says I'm about to touch Trevor and I'm about to bring for the deliverance power and the grace of the prophetic over his life you numbers taro Takeda beyond Allah most secret Oscoda huzzah oh mama SATA bahasa my father-in-law is saver in this 76 old from Jamaica Koren the blade oppa hasta divine tech revolution God is sending rest to your house because of your CD that your son the Nazis I'm selling put a blessing into your house and an anointing kabab Ibaka sick I see two boys but is a guilt see also in the realms of the spirit isolator l in the realms of the spivot and the losses of Fable lockets my power move and what happened in the life of Trevor because I saw this 76 Trevor crying crying and crying and rocking I looked and I saw I saw him crying holding someone like Mack I don't know who won so who is Mack but I saw the name man because I was taken into the Bible my lebra SATA Behati I'm not supposed to be promising but the prophetic is flowing in my spirit I saw I saw this trailer loading someone like Marc and I saw him crying and the law says what happened to Mack it will not attach thy family there is a protection and a blessing that is in coming to your house and mighty favor a mighty anointing a mighty blessing so follow thee and you shall witness my power you shall witness my grace and you shall know that I am the Lord your God my blessing is upon you my grace is upon you my favor is flowing in your spirit on Raimondo satella massa Oh remand a divorce at abba and led beca kkeok upon by the nazis i touch london in the realms of the spirit the law says I touch forth I taught for the Dylan in the realms of the Spirit I touched the Chamber's family and they shall be no people from Hell that will destroy them but the calling I placed in you is about to manifest I sent for my angel FIO this angel shall bring put an assignment and a power in the prophetic to move in the realms of the spirit and ye shall see a mighty greater grace a ballad Ambra telemon sake band le prasada and el equilibrio Sakura had a meme brah techie bando la mancha Kiba ratty nan Singha a clade apparent rose salamandra kiddo Salim and Aikido named embrace table aha there is someone you're watching me few days I've got a lot placed it in your heart to saw a sacrificial seed but you've been reasoning with God and trying to see if you can do it or not the Lord is going to touch you and bring a turnaround in your like I see in the realms of the spirit and move of the spirit that is starting with you there is a change that is coming in your financial life there is an anointing that is coming to you right now as I speak I see em just being released to you and I hear the Lord saying it's your season in its own moment as you saw stand in obedience and saw that seed you shall see a turnaround coming to you says the spirit of the Living God and if you are the one and you know the Lord declares that you know how to do saw a certain seed and you haven't yet done it it's your time to do it now and the blessing of the Lord shall be there for you in Jesus name Amen who robbed a shot of a shot oh yeah Shaka Basanti this broadcast sometimes I try to do things in order come teach or do this but prayer takes over sometimes prophecy takes over but we thank God yeah belly Masato beloved Adelina Masato Rin Bronto buddy della videotape Morita Balaton this month of October to this lady that I saw in my step in the prophetess Pamela this month of October 2nd week God is going to send forth a blessing to you your eyes of the opened second week of this October there is a connection that you have with this October and your eyes are opening to witness heaven in the specific week this second week of October you will see after the 10th of October they shall be a blessing that will come upon you there shall be a favour that will come and that favor will not be passed through I don't know what is it between the tank and the 14th 10 to 14 10 to 14 this second week of October expect a blessing to reach out to you expect an anointing to touch you for God is connecting you Rhetta grace and the special blessings are come upon you there is an unlocking in the realms of the spirit bias antibiotic by Undead tenderly the Vivianna Musante rebrand a bartender like a bamboo mas c/d bundle acadia cobra hasta Doubront Akita Malika body a Totoro Monday that there is a blessing coming to you Pamela in this month of October and there's an unlocking that is taking place in the realms of the spirit in the prophetic that is coming to you right now as I speak and personally is not God speaking it's me speaking I'm personally challenging you if you can find a seed of whom 90 100 and 100 1 0-0 $100 seed and saw it for the hundred percent unlocking race to rest upon you I believe God is about to take it to another level and those of you that needs to be unlocked in your gifting be it in the assignment of spirits be it in prophecy be it in healing be it in ministry way to be it you have been in ministry and you're supposed to be prophesying or healing the sick or doing all those things I pray for you in the name of Jesus Christ find that hundred dollar seed if you want to be unlocked in the spirit connect to collect and believe it is done Pamela it's your season it is your time it is your moment in the name of Jesus I pray Sakura satella Honda LeGrande Erica ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Hanzo zimba zimba zimba toaster bomba massacre day in Jesus name I pray amen praise the Lord first the Lord praise the Lord extra tired being a New York City doing one-on-ones over the phone and live sessions and I've good news god is good god is wonderful we have reached the amount we we needed to put as the down payment for our building so we have completed the $300,000 and I am so excited and before I became a teach today I want to say thank you you thank you and may God bless you tremendously again I say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you my god be of God there are people Mike Haddad bless you $400 see they are people that have shocked me I have a lady by the name is Elia I have another one that is called Claire Cox I have my son from Vegas called Emmanuel and the wife a Baba choco a Baba choco and I have tremendous people that stood with me giving big amounts dangerous amounts I Julia Cheney from Houston Texas Dallas Texas I have different people that sacrifice the big offerings big seeds I have my son Atlanta Becca from UK I had people that gave big amounts that I couldn't sleep like like who is this person why why why this and I want to thank people that have been consistent in giving like me Kaduri Ronnie Thomas Christine Java properties Angela a lot of people a lot of people Milani 11 different people that God been using in our ministry to bring down every challenge and to make sure what the Prophet is preaching the gospel I wanna thank prophet Troy profit Lobby my son that they butchered me and dressed me booth M'Lynn Alevis and just a big offering again right now may God bless you Molina in Jesus mighty name and God lift you up higher in Jesus mighty name there's another one it's all ones a family there is the matthias family even poor Matthew different people I know names or people that I haven't even met people that I haven't had seen people that have been consistent in giving and my god be your God I pray the anointing of Revelation I carry let it be on me I have my son from Vegas who said there's $100,000 for the building profit I have people that have been tremendously giving Douglas Blair thank you for your now offering family chambers $2,400 offering I have people that have been there since we studied at this ministry wake and I just want to say God bless everybody I decided when I was in Africa if I came I have Shawn Williams I'm not sure she's watching she stood by me like to stand stand stand we had the new way need of 22,000 for K TV that time I didn't have it on that man because it's a monthly payment for the TV she cleared everything and paid everything went further to even take a loan to pay and I haven't paid it back and I have a big people that have been a blessing I have a lady called Barbara she's no longer follow me on social media she said that it was about seven thousand dollars just to make things work when I needed money to make things working for me to come to America and Shaun Williams and in big amounts I've been having one that also unfollowed me from way back from Africa Wallace job even even changed his name to Java and different people standing with me being a blessing to our lives Christina and job I've been giving every day even change their last name and giving every day every day and I'm like God without people like this how was I going to make this I have the Thomas family they pray for me every hour they say we dedicated six minutes as a tight to every hour in every sixth minute where were six minutes to only pray for profit passion prophetess Lily your ministry your future and I say may God bless you I have Isaac Abraham hmm I've never had a son who challenged me and showed me like him he gives to an extent that I'm shy to text him shy detecting you from the time we started doing ministry he has been everything I need I'm shy to even tell you my need he he came to a place of even empting everything that he had to give to the Ministry and after all that he came to a place where he had to borrow to give to the minister I believe I was going to LA and I'm in need of money to bless I can meet a man of God intended I need to bless pastor Barry I don't have much in my account me I just shared with him because he has been a blessing to my ministry I wanna text great men of God because of the English I have to send him the message then you put it in the right English and the right comments and they send him so I'm sharing with him what I'm about to do he had to borrow money to make sure the gospel keeps on keeping on and pastor Benny came life blessed us tremendously deep revelations three types of a 19-hour pastor's wife destroys churches all those revelations I think we'll be repeating them next week or this week and I have been having dangerous people I have gone out Palmer coming with instruments my performance from from what do you call it from it's not New York Connecticut from Connecticut coming and driving every day being a blessing Anika tema bless you ioanna fatima a call and they all this lady that shocked me last week and blessed us and made us to pay the building grace appear grace appear oil also a big hole and the app many people I keep I can share and share to tomorrow but in brackets because we need to get into it I want to say thank you but those that keeps being a blessing in our ministry right now we're gonna be need of microphones instruments and decorations lights in our new building and I don't know how we shall do it but I know with the people God have blessed us with in this ministry God is ever doing the stuff I have a lady all the way from India but just as in New Jersey I am shy to even tell you we are need of this anything it's done mmm it's done it's done when I passed by let's say we are driving to New York City let's pass by a house or no way to change every time she writes a check I'm like oh god it looks like I'm coming for the money so I don't know if I don't go if I go there are people that have been just more than a blessing more than a blessing extra extra a blessing sometimes I I don't sleep praying for them crying to God on their behalf and some of you don't even know you don't even know that but I just want to say thank God for people like that and the message I have for you today is for everybody if you are ready for a relation to data I'm ready ready ready ready ready ready if you already typed ready ready ready ready oh car Basanti baha'i god bless every Kingdom financier if you are ready tapped ready so we can begin to move in the power of revelation that we may begin to bless everybody watching the anointing of the Lord the blessing of the Lord the grace of the prophetic to rest upon everybody everybody everybody my liberal SATA bahasa and I apologize if I did mention some of our partners names was we have a lot of people somebody called our office and says but I gave prophet person did not mention my name sometimes I don't see every name that tickles and sometimes the names are too many that I can't shake ordinance but I pray that I may not see your name on I mean not mentioning but Jehovah God in heaven he is watching you and he will tremendously bless you keep tapping ready if we are ready for today's revelation all right [Music] thank God for people that are saying profit you have been a life changer in our lives to made the Lord bless you and the Lord bless you today I am going to talk about a mystery of worms I did a mystery of Adam which is important for everybody to watch it the mystery of paying the mystery of Eve the means mystery of a bell the mystery of job I did a mystery of different people and today I am doing the mystery of when's when's wor M when like when and when they are solid to that many times we often don't look into ends but I am going to share with you mystery behind worms because it is so important for you to know what you are about to fight but so happened that I was asleep and in my dream I saw a when it was only sing when that was released on earth and I saw it devouring a lot of things on earth and the end of the Lord shouted with a loud voice and says tell people to be in the right place for this is the time this is how they overcome this one it was a huge one and I had to tell my people to be in the right place for it is the right time so God began to make me meditate and I began to read some scriptures today and when I did that I saw the blessing of the Lord flowing through the population so if you go to the book of Genesis chapter number two it's a continuation from chapter 1 where God created the heaven and earth and he introduced the time on earth and when he introduced the time on earth it says evening and the morning for the first day meaning to God who God Day does not start in the morning it starts in the evening and it ends up in the morning but we start in the morning and we finish in the evening that is why we are different from the ways of God now if you are to start do you see that it is that light and darkness which is separated so that the term can exist marking times and seasons that this is the first day second day third day and whenever that is time that is what we call days so if the time goes up to 24 hours we now have one day and when we deal with the days we deal also with expiring things there are days that can expand this is what you need to understand whenever we deal with days days expire on earth that is why we say it used to be the days of a lighter they were the days of Moses in the days of king Isaiah in the days of Oz in the days of job in the days of Michael Jackson in the days of William Branham in the days of Katherine Coleman in the days of way Allen the reason why we are saying in the days of those are the times in the deaths that we marked is specifically for that person to shine meaning you have your own days you have your own time that you are supposed to shine you have your moment you have your season to shine and it is in that moment in time that you need to be in the right place for you to begin to do what God wants you to do so everyone watching me and those that watch later you all have an assignment from God you all have an assignment from God and with that assignment in the realms of the Spirit the assignment is locked in time and in place I was preaching in my New York City branch that I always preached everyone is dead and I said you yet to be in your place at the right time for God to use you for once you are in the right place and the right time death cannot touch you that is why God created Adam outside of the Garden of Eden but he played him in the Garden of Eden so that Adam can begin to operate in his tongue in his place and when he was in his time in his person he did in that if God never took him out of the Garden of Eden he was not going to die why he was in his place and his time but when he came out from the garden we began to mark day number one two years twenty years five hundred years nine hundred years and Adam died in the office the reason why we are commenting we are counting to see how many years you lived before he was a removed from the garden there was no dead therefore we could not account how many years meaning Adam never lived for nine hundred and something years he lived for billions we don't know how many years he lived in the garden that is why I flew to LA and we entered in a specific house where they deal with the stones from from outside the earth and stones that are found on earth and if they have forty years for each year or for its strong and the oldest stone in that house which they had was seven billion years old and if they began to lecture there they say that they they was an earth before this earth because this F is ever recorded that it studied from the days of Adam and from the days of Adam up to now we don't even have one balloonist and I lifted my hand and I said I think you need a correction of what he said and everybody looked at me I said we are measuring the days of Adam he lived in 900 years but if those are the years we are counting outside of the garden so for you to prove any other thing you have to tell us how many years Adam lived inside the garden before you came out and also to recount the days Adam lifted before body placed him in the garden so the days of Adam began to be counted when he went outside the place of his assignment when he went outside the time of his assignment that is why there is expiring dates even in ministry they are ministers of the gospel that are still preaching now but their time expired because there is what we call an expiring date your dads can be numbered your days can expire so you have to understand that John the Baptist died how they are not beheaded him the reason why I wrote cottagey said is because his the time had expired when your time expires you die and when you die where's they don't come inside your body once they start existing inside your body to remove and destroy what is not needed every dead thing so when you die every part of you dies and becomes a dirty and Wednesday have to take off every death until there's nothing in you number two Jesus time to die came there is a time they wanted to push these are to die and he says my time to die is not yet but when it's time for death came they are not ordered him to be to be nailed on the cross and Jesus was crucified on the cross why because his time came but when he wrote this so that the piie we're pleased by him killing John the Baptist he went further to kill Peter but if it is a prophetic word in his assignment that the Peter Peter go and comfort others Peter Peter you shall preach my gospel to the four corners of the world therefore Prieta epinet free to the four corners of the world so he's the time to die is not yet so when he wrote they began to order Peter to die he was signed with the guests and whims came and ate him alive the reason why wells are eating him is because worms they operate in toys they destroy all they protect when the ADA protects you or they destroy you so spiritual worms they are sent to destroy and they are sent to protect that is why you understand that every tree every grass every meditation eat worms the original purpose why God created ones one who are not created by the devil the reason why worms are created or why God created worms was that worms can be in the Garden of Eden so that if there is any bacteria or any bad stuff on the fruit now we'll make sure that bacteria or the poison or anything would affect the whole tree the virus that is now in the fruity supposed to make a watery dry but Williams appeared to eat the whole food and also to eat the virus the poison whatever we can name it in order to bring forth understanding to us that the tree is protected by the power of the winds so when we're not meant to destroy but they were meant to protect so they protect in destroy so when the blood dead in the life of to protect the life of PETA because when the deals with the time unless it's not really the time for PETA to die therefore they stood to protect him it was the time for John the Baptist to die therefore they ate so you have to understand something important that the will and the assignment of John was aligned it where to baptism in the wilderness to prepare the way of Christ and when he prepared the way of Christ and he told everyone in this is he that I'm not worthy to untie his sandals at this very same time he finished his ministry and his turn to die came why because the John the Baptist was supposed to be the last prophet to prophesy about Jesus that is why the Bible says among all prophets born by a woman and none is like John for the kingdom of God suffered violence but only the violence shall take it by force since the days of John the Baptist until now why because it is ending now that Jesus is to be released so if duty is done whims are coming to attack him the apostasy yes they are still preaching but their ministry is not affected by Williams why are they affected by worms their time in their assignment is up when you see a peach or any fruit every fruit doesn't carry a worm but when it time expires worms they don't enter in the fruit they made from the food why because every time a virus comes a virus is connected to time or Brasada Behati Wednesday o appeal now watch this God is about to take someone into ministry Wallace there are people in your life that are I heard I was preaching and prophesying in New York City and I promise that one of the splitter with us in the church and I said you were in a church and pastors called you a witch man of God I called you a witch woman of God but you you are not from God US Attorney's the reason why they are telling her that it is because we have to understand yes these people that are telling it that they are from God and God is now using them to push the lady out from this edge to start their own change God sometimes uses people and Dennis you to fight for you you think your enemies are fighting against you when you don't you know they are fighting for you there is a difference between fighting against you and fighting for you they are not fighting you they are fighting for you so there are people there are people that you have to understand that when God is about to bless somebody he stops by an assignment that comes with a prophetic word and when that prophetic word is released that prophetic word becomes your protection because that prophetic word you have to lead you to a specific place that protects you and it was a specific time that protects you let me explain the Bible says in the Book of Jonah when Jonah went to the city of Nineveh and appreciate the gospel there was the sunnat' that was so hot daddy Jonah cried to God for protection and you got to met a tree the Bible says God met a tree to grow from the ground and the tree covered Jonah and here they said why because it about it right when he set it down that time for the son just watch people X hire and adjourn a supposed to continue preaching the gospel but is to sitting under therefore the Bible says of God not the devil the Bible says God has sent a man to eat the roots and the destroyed that sea which was covering Jonah and that tree fell and the tree was destroyed white because a God sent a web there are people in this daily world did not operate in the realm of worms hmm these are people that comes to protect you or to destroy you that is why you understand that trees and grass and vegetation cannot do it not worms why when Z jobs water helps water and ethiope's interrupts water and it erupts and to maneuver and get in today into the trees very well and when the duty also is to eat any convex they eat any convent whatever it be it leaves or anything into manual into best a fertilizer that makes everything in that ground to be better to be good so you have to understand that when God begins to give a vision when you are singing well it's odd that there is a supernatural provision that is coming to grow you that is ways that God is connecting to connect you so Williams they can be found under the ground to pair ways for water to reach to the root they can be found under the ground to pave ways for the air to reach into the trees into the roots so you have to understand that the unloading of God when God begins to operate in your life for you to grow do you need some people that can offer like wins because they will be underground wireless you don't really understand or see them well but they'll be doing that whether they are people behind the scenes of persons of a ministry that have been dipping that have been praying that when you see profit patterns said this man is going far oh this way man is moving wow what is blessing this man but you have to understand for profit person to be when is there are people behind the scenes and I declared that over your life many god release people right in your life people that can be a connection that will bring a blessing over your life and the mighty turnaround for my son diversity in your ministry I'm setting people that will operate behind the scenes in your business in your career in your future I've read that God deposit people that wait behind the scenes to make you a success we love race under budget le Verrier tortora monday radiator now worms operate also not only with the time but also with places if you take a fish out of the water and you put it in the ground by tomorrow same time you see wells dealing with the fish it is a place that introduces worms if you take the fish and you keep it in the water you don't see the ones but if the time expires for that leaf is to leave that your fish is going to worms what is it is in the water wife is not only about the place but it is not about the time so when show up if someone is in the wrong place and they show up if someone is now out of time so if you are out of times we have to deal with the worms if you are inside of the time in the wrong place you can also deal with them with with the worms let me go deeper there are people that are working against you but they are working for you there are people are saying they are my enemies but they are there to make you they are people in your life that you are hating but you don't know what do you is using them that is why God prepares you a table in front of your enemies he doesn't repay one big table and all of you sit no your enemies are they don't have a table what doesn't repair temple for your enemies no it's wrong God prepares you the Bible says God prepared you a temple in front of your enemies why so that when you begin to sink what provision on the table you don't need money to build a newspaper to advertise your business or your change you don't have money to be on a radio you don't have money to be on TV huh you don't even have money to upload videos on YouTube what happens God uses your enemies to see what you are doing on the table so they can spread the news to everybody because you can never be on top unless you are the topic that is why you have to understand there are people that are watching my videos on YouTube on Facebook on periscope not because they want to watch there are enemies that they are seeing a good table what you prepared and the bear Jew tea is to go out and persecute and it then persecuting they are telling people there is a prophet called passenger so they will make YouTube video saying exposing a prophet they will make a videos or they'll go on radio and talk they will do life on their facebook on their periscope saying this is not a man of God what are they doing the a marketing profit pattern in a place where Prophet password is not found so there are people that are watching me right now because you are all my platform but there are other platforms that you are not finding passenger therefore because you are on passions you are not taking these pictures this video suppose on your platform for people to be blessed to good uses enemies because there is no Christian to stand on the gap and say are today I'm posting prophet person this is a mighty man of God visited page and your life will never be same he can prophesy he can do Disick God sees that there are no Christians who can move that therefore he uses people that are outside to bring the gospel to another level so it prepares you a table in front of your enemies they are not affecting you they are fighting for you let me give you an example when a Judas betrayed Jesus he was not a fighting Jesus he was fighting for Jesus because the time for Jesus to be on the cross was yet come so Jesus cannot be on the cross unless is betrayed so that is a Judas that is a way that is evil and it can be your husband it can be your wife it can be your son it can be your daughter it can be an t can be your boss you can be someone close to you that can become a worm to betray you to break you to lie to you to despise you to destroy your life what are they doing what they are doing is this they are creating a platform for you why because they are not working against you they are working for you they are not fighting you they are fighting for you so you have to understand the setups of God that the winds are coming to build you or to destroy you they are either protecting you or they are destroying you let me explain kasatonov Ahoskie the purpose of the worm in the Garden of Eden what to remove every dirty stuff so there are people that are in your life unless the worm shows up they will never leave your life and women can be your boss that can fire you into a place so that people that are loving you for your money can go a worm can be a thought if you're writing like this number one and when can be a closer person number one a close person it can be your best friend it can be your own brother it is someone with access to you someone with access to you can be a web that can either protect you or destroy you number two and thoughts can be a web because right now if I think of starting to sleep around that is going to destroy me but that touch doesn't just come there are worms in the realms of the Spirit demonic spirits that can bring that thoughts because you are defeated in your thoughts and the manifestation happens in your life so number two worms are a thought number three a worm can be a wrong place a lion is the king of the jungle but if you put it in the middle of the sea is going to die what choose a lion is the wrong place an ego sauce beds do fly but a chicken is also a bed if you go up high with it and you leave it in the air it's going to die what use the chicken it is the wrong place when the snake is fighting with an ego the ego doesn't have time to play that ego simply comes to pick the snake from the ground its own place and say let us go to my place when the ego is the air it drops this neck the snake dies before it touches the ground what killing the snake is the wrong place so worms appear when someone is in the wrong place so number one clothes people are worms number two totes albums number three wrong place it's a way you can be arrested for being in the wrong place number four time introduces worms you need to master your time let me explain you need to master time God himself would provide manna from heaven right and after providing manna from heaven what will happen when they provide manna from heaven God you litigated this manner to the next day and if they ate manna the tested ahead was extra super photo speed speed your Lanting delicious like KFC it was extra it was nice it was extra deep in and wanna they say it was strong I promise and I'm glad they say your prophecy strong now they say - what is this manna is not a name to say bread or anything manna simply means what is the same tomorrow bring the revelation of manna manna means what is this and I will tell you how they were cooking manner you will be shocked but the scriptures that they are blessed with it more but what then shocked them all was that the manna God bless you provenance Angela what did Benny show them was that mana mana mana the following day it is expelled because mana is expired what they are going to see is that they are worms that are dealing with mana worms are coming to take care of mana white because the time for that day have expired so you can only take - sufficient for that day but if you keep it for the tomorrow it's going to expire that is why also when you go to demands it has to be done in time if God says give me milk don't say I will wait until the shops open then I will get the milk and God says give me two dollars don't say I will wait and you may need to check and I'll give you two dollars go the Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice because when God speaks he wanted to say yes say if you can tell us HIV when God doesn't stand up and pray it's a word for now why God lives in the yesterday in the today and in the tomorrow and they tomorrow day today and the yesterday and God is enough your past is now - God your future is now - god bless you Shawn Williams for offering your today is not to God so I have a son narrative of shotta he Kaaba Santa listen to this so god when he says next year by this time I will give you a cup he's telling you now I am given a car but what God did is that he given you the raw material of that car which is the word and that word must be processed and - it becomes a cup and God is telling you next year by this time but when you go to your neighbors gonna say next week this time I'll give a cup and when you look at someone you say in the future I'll give you a cup why is it to someone what is nice is not saying the specific diamonded because God is dealing with the way or the power or the ability to you for you to produce to convert to process the way to becoming as I told you when God decided to the children of Israel go to Canaan a place for me to milk and honey it was not only milk it was God saying I'm giving the raw material milk so you can process it to become cheese why because cheese is the byproduct is the byproduct of milk so God was saying I'm giving you home interior so that you can process it to become cheese to become your gut to become ice cream so you can never come out with a butter and they said milk so what God does is he gives you the raw material and the manifestation to happen is not on you so someone have been ability to pray someone is the ability to fast someone is the ability to give it is a line I will repeat it it is a lie the gospel that we have read that if it got the profits on us pretty a husband every man begins to reject you it is a knife that when according bless you professors you a million you start becoming broke I used to believe that until God gave me this revelation this morning when it got this I've given you a million you can become a millionaire in the same minute but what is the demise that is the processing anointing that is in you for you to process that word of god to become a million dollar in your life is the timeframe but to god it's already done so God is speaking to somebody and is saying I'm about to bless you oh I already here bless you with all spiritual blessings pretending life in this world the Bible says I have already blessed you with all spiritual blessings pertaining life in this world but why is it that you don't have those blessings right now God is looking for you to convert to process that prophetic word into the manifestation now manifestation is in time so if God says wait up and pray right now and you say I'll pray in the morning in the morning your mana is gonna have some whims it has decayed so God is and now God if God says you faster right now don't say I have eaten in the morning begin to faster right now Robert a pathetic embracing because you don't want to delay the processing season of the processing time because with you delay worms they show up so man could not stay for two days if you have to eat the manna today for two more is not going to work why because God deals with the time now this is what George chapter 2 says your job is number 25 and I will restore that yes I will restore the yes which is the great army the locusts have eaten how restore the years not our restore the things God never said I will restore the grapes I will restore the cars I'll restore the marriage I will restore the money I'll restore the favor God is our is to DA what does it mean it means there is a a God he commanded you to fast so that when you fast there will be a manifestation of what is in the spirit and you said God are and the calves is smelling so good and you ate when you add you delay the processing moment therefore nothing take place in your life the more you delay the more nothing takes place and some of us we are grown-ups that we can't keep rotating because it is in 2019 that go to restore 2014 that is why some of you you end up driving a car that is 1999 model why are you buying a 1999 model car today it is because in 1999 you should they process the what was as in the spirit into becoming natural but you failed to obey God mom baba baba CD AM ba ba ba ba ba ba ba CT Tanabata bahasa Kataya so God will tell you as night wake up and pray don't say I shall pray don't listen to the voice that is speaking to you in your heart the moment you feel a push give don't the reason as I have an epic man it I don't have this I meant when I leave tomorrow that very moment when God says give you mustn't do it immediately when it God says and fast you must do it immediately when it God says the pray you must pray immediately because it is in the power I feel the anointing it is in the power of obedience that the process becomes now so what brings the manner is that there in the full obedience of God and what makes it decay is that they're out of time or Raimondo Puteri frittata chakra hot idly braja scolding Braun Takeda so God is our restore the years that is why sir I never get back because the time was no longer allowing Sarai to get better sir I was no longer allowed to buy time to get back and because the term is not only allowing Sarai to get better what happened God says I will retain according to time and the sir I shall have a child according to my promise I did not promise you now but what I'm going to do Abraham you did not give but right now because you have given next year by this time you shall be tough and next year I will return according to the time I promised you and the Sarai sorry babe what makes a woman to give birth is because it's a woman that is why not all women can give it women sleep stupid seven men 20 men hundred marriages and Norman they tried science right there is no Marian there is no giving birth why time is not allowing them to give it yuria and his wife they decide to have kids for years and whenever it get better Shiva only met David one single night for few seconds of few minutes and she became pregnant time did would allow her to be pregnant with the husband meaning to say it is a time that allows you to give birth or to be buried so God is not dealing with the Baroness God never said or Eva perón is no God says I will return according to the time promised and decide I'm sorry of a child why because there is a time where the web is not eating the kids the women is not eating the sperms the oil is not eating everything in the womb why because time is no longer allowing God bless you boil a microwave oven so God is speaking to somebody right now but there is a specific place for you and there's a specific time for you don't let the enemy speak to you to allow Em's to be introduced to destroy what I am building with you in your life I'm about to bless you I'm about to take you I'm about to lift you to another level but you have to understand for me to live - you have to work with me you have to operate with me because when they show up to destroy what is already your enemies are coming now ADA to protect you or to destroy you so they are good enemies and they're bad enemies Jesus enemies when he cried for water why is Jesus crying for water he was in a desperate moment he was in a moment of suffering he was in a moment where blood was gushing out all over his body he is sweating with blood yet been blessed with a crown of thorns they are / - nose on his hands yep putnams on his legs they appear this side is bleeding everywhere the wooped is back Jesus blood is running all over his veins nuke water the enemy knows exactly what you need not what you want that is why when you saw a seed you don't sow a seed according to what the men of God want but according to what the men of God need because the passion once but a prophet in partial needs something right now I need a jet and I'm praying and believing God for a jet but I am NOT in need of idjit I am in need of the church beauty because the prophet in me needs a building to minister the passion is not comfortable to fly in those planes everyday he needs that so prophet person wanted it but the Prophet impassion need us so you don't provide it the ones you provided in it let me explain something Jesus want water but the enemy's a given vinegar why because he was in need of vinegar why because Jesus is about to die and the moment he dies winds are going to show up and they are waiting to eat his body if then it is body there is no Holy Communion if there is no it wins gets to touch any part of Jesus body there is no body communion there for the enemies gave Jesus a vinegar vinegar is beatta there are people that are giving you a better life but you need to take that bitter life because vinegar is a brief preservation that it presented the body of Jesus for three days together with the anointing and the glory of God therefore your enemies are coming blatant publicity profit estimate for offering God is giving you something that you are in need your phone and somebody says who come this men have broken my heart and left me you need you to leave somebody sky no I just did an accident I lost my cat individual means God did it for you the reason why God is allowing those things to happen he is putting you in the right place where Wells cannot touch you harmony Raja Akuma rasatala Mandela very at all there is someone watching me right now crying somebody well somebody left me you needed him to leave you you needed somebody to walk away from your life you needed somebody to betray you because if they don't tell you you will never be where you are supposed to be baba Baba Baba Baba Hasina I pray for you today that you have to understand that God does not restore the car you lost God restores the areas God says enjoy two verse 25 and I will restore the ears which they Babel locusts have eaten something has to be restored but what restores is time and you have to understand that worms they deal with the time and they do with press a fish outside water it's in the wrong place that was gonna die and Williams are gonna deal with the piece that is what in Nigeria they can put a person in the moisture and keep a person for a year and we can still see the person but if you take the person from the mortuary and put him outside just for a day you will not even look at the person why Wednesday deal with the pestle don't be in the wrong place what is the place God is calling you your breakthrough is title to a place your death is waiting for you in the wrong place so you have to be very careful because there are worms that are coming to destroy all to protect to make you grow and those worms are people those waves are thoughts those worms are a place those worms are not good for you don't entertain every thoughts don't entertain every decision you make it takes one thought for you to master bed it takes one thought for you to cheat it takes one thought for you to quit it takes one thought for you to do something that you will regret for the rest of your life don't entertain Williams in your mind don't entertain people in your mind there are people that are Wims they don't mean anything good for you they are there for your destruction I'm just here to tell somebody you need to come to that place and that point where you have to be careful will you give access in your life somebody's smiling at you but that person is a wimp be careful of the church you can go to it can be a church from God it can be a real Church of God but it's not your church and it is not your church it becomes the wrong place at the wrong time libras Sunda molarity was satavahana hakuna Melania t under a divorce attire I want you to begin to pray wherever you are right now and let this be your prayer father in the name of Jesus remove every worms in my life number one worms are a people when's our thoughts when's our a place and worms are time don't be in the wrong time we found in the right time don't be in the wrong place be placed in the right place la bimba male bebés CB Rhonda kena Masika depakote Rhonda lady baby ama competetive on Sally Regina mulatto dinero no sin dilemma Manama kacica mulatto Devon day Devon de delito Bhansali rindo Kisan de mama Papa send Lily dbb Biondo sattell Imani randos operatic Ida a Clarence Amy Papa atelic up on the key da ba ha begin to pray wherever you are began to pray I know that I know with God all things are possible leap in profitable eco parinama hacia rendang Sela Mendes random Allah Monday's Le Monde Le Vasa Madrid on Sally pre-k de azúcar on Amazon de Reb in bomb asunto breed animal each a a key bondo malady lolly nonso lolly jump on Jenga kampung gandhi naman combinaison de durante gdb condo la musica practica dig upon tally rocky vishakha la bestia rocky vishakan 'his Kea Robina bean a bomba Macedo Palamon den de need a bottle Tsukuba retros leap Ronda kita band o Malley crassula Monday Rita acaba Baba Baba Baba Saqib Angelica prahasta I'm gonna stand up right now and I'm gonna join you in prayer wherever you are as I stand and begin to pray I want you to know that I am praying together with you can you assume that that come give me this one and so this I'm gonna stand and pray I know that as I'm gonna pray with you something is going to be broken in the room in the rooms of the spirit someone is in the wrong place and my son called Isaac he was in his house in his place with his own job and I told him the Lord is saying go to North Carolina and his breakthrough was already there his sister of his I think she was in Georgia Hall or Dallas I don't know and I promise said that your breakthrough is in in Texas I think what Dallas or Atlanta and God did it according to the prophets why your breakthrough is standard for your place and your breakthrough is locked inside of time if the time expires Wednesday we'll deal with your breakthrough I want you to begin to pray and begin to talk to God wherever you are if you are at your workplace find a place where you can pray if you are in your house and there are people find a place where you can pray it's just 2 minutes of prayer and those 2 minutes will bring forth a different will bring forth a change in the name of Jesus Christ I pray in the name of Jesus Christ I pray give me that camera male prasada body divorce' lebara generate idea Kumba Merced elevator at home father in the name of Jesus I pray that you do speak to these people right now lead them to be in the right place bless you Aaron Thomas were offering lead them to be in the right place at the right time I pray that and we performed by the enemy against them who not prosper that depo comes to kill to steal and to destroy father they've been destroyed by being placed in the wrong place they are blessing have been stolen by them being in the wrong time but I pray today that to read the rest of it put us back where we lost it father as pastors and preachers of the gospel there is some way we lost it in your presence we are crying today leader to put us back in the right place at the right time I pray God for divine connections in the reigns of the Spirit larger mercy and Latrobe blessing rest upon the kaboom bomb escena de didn't ADA become abandoned I command echo King diagonal at Robert Roomba epic on diphallia band I belong show a brand Ikeda Brigadier concluded in amis it'll handle Ronda kinder akhaten Sally praça dos TD Bangla Radd entre sacra Hadi Ravi night and came Umbra husky rodenandrew dia Cobra husky satella husky Ahoskie Ahoskie Ahoskie Ahoskie Ahoskie oh Jesus there are people father they are crying to know the assignment because they know if they are not in the assignment when you show up there are people father that are crying father for the right people in their lives because they know if they are married by wrong people ones who eat them in their life in their marriages there are people that are growing unto you God to be in the right time because they know we now the right type worms will destroy them I vomited on - come on buddy raccoon baby Agumon bonding mind antioch awesome Mallon dou mu let me I'm operator in NamUs owned a dynamo Rettendon American dynamo logo custom band a that will cut under a debauch ago Simba Naruto to narubu kuma Simba means I envy meseta member sonda male band le Brasa Rhonda Rhonda Rhonda bird a baby on a seat and Ibaka Ginga maka maka ba ma baby ZZ Tata mak tik bomba in the name of Jesus I decree and I declare by the authority of the Holy Ghost failure to everybody watching me right now favor paper to be protected from every worm every bad thoughts every bad person every bad place and every bedtime I pray for the unknown team to cover thee to bless you and to take you to another level in the mighty name of Jesus may the blessing of the Almighty the vapor of the Almighty take you to another level in the name of Jesus you are blessed in your soul you are blessed in your spirit you are blessed in all sectors of your life and I pray that God would take you from one level to another level in Jesus name or da ba ba ba ba ba yeah ba ba ba ba yah yah yah khuda ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba da da da da ya akhi ba terrible Ian Anand under D Kaba caught salmon deer TT Ducati tatata tatata Neera bah bah bah bah Lake Rhonda basanta by Nina mama de l'aube receta by a key hula buddy Dan Roden buh-buh-buh-buh-buh Marie de sandy thank you Jesus Wallace I'm gonna introduce a wireless to you here and I know God's blessing is gonna be up on somebody and you will share with people how we met and how I've been this Jenny in the Lord this man showed me this year last year 50 he was having his life in Cuba in Cuba is from Jamaica what one world papa he was in Cuba reasoner from Jamaica with his family to Micah and it so happened that I don't know how easily knowing me and if I ever professor can you share testimony then computer it's just one is a blessing to somebody here who is watching me and you may be dead and you're next in line for a blessing there's a that is a body change your life what happened so Papa thank you for the opportunity so it was my wife Papa who found you on YouTube it was her it was in 2016 she was she was on YouTube and she bumped into your video on YouTube then she began to watch it because we were searching before for somebody alright yeah we were searching for somebody before so she went on YouTube and she found you and she began to watch the videos I was in Cuba at the time and she spent all night that night watching the videos and so in the morning she messaged me and she said I found a prophet and he's the real deal and I said okay give me five her passion is I do to have a passion and she said he's the real deal somebody said finest fashion easily finger yeah but she said he's the real deal and I said okay so she gave me the information and I went on and I when I went on Papa I I connected right away and and I started to watch to eyes I was up late watching for hours I didn't sleep yeah I should go to work in the morning I and wake up late going to work but I just got hooked on the prophecies and the revelation and and stuff things that you were sharing and teaching people and so she encouraged me to toe she actually got got the number from the office in Zimbabwe she was the one that did it and she gave it to me a knife I connected to the office there yeah and when I connected somebody prayed for me in the office there was someone that was in the office that prayed for me and after that the Holy Spirit um told me to become a partner in the ministry in Zimbabwe so I called the office back and I became a partner there in the ministry and then like about three weeks after that that's when they told me that profit is gonna call me and pray with me and speak with me so I must prepare myself and then they gave me a time and I said okay so they gave me like I said profits gonna call you like in 45 minutes so prepare yourself so I prepared myself and you called me and you prayed with me but we did not know each other at the time Papa huh you prayed with me and you know that you pray blessings upon me and you pray for me and you pray for my family and you prayed for where I was but then after that in October because that this was 2016 in October of that same area pray from in September but in October that year you did a series called the Mary Mary anointing where you were it was teaching me yes you were teaching on on an anointing that Mary carried that changed time mm-hmm that lesson time and it was a one-week series so this it was a Saturday because I was watching you know I would sneak away at work and I would watch when I could but this particular started that could because you came on ten o clock and I should start work at 10:00 and so I couldn't watch the broadcast so in the evening though I left work after said when I went from about 7:30 and the Holy Spirit kept on prompting me to get on watch the broadcast watch the broadcast I was like I'm tired I want to you know I want to take a show I want to go and sleep but how old is it kept me waiting yes but but yeah so so I obeyed the Lord and I went on the broadcast and on that broadcast you were teaching us you were teaching about the anointing you know and you began to speak in tongues and anoint fell on me I was on the bed I fell off the bed on you're watching I'm watching I'm speaking how you're speaking in tongues and I've never done I fell down I think it was their own date under yes the Rosetta Stone IV got that talk I don't papa under the power of the anointing and you were speaking and it entered my spirit and I was underground speaking in tongues also over and over over and over until that ended and you began to prophesy to a lady and you prophesied to her and then I heard you said you are Wallace your last name is once this is the first prophecy I'm getting no I was not like I was watching rebroadcast Wow and you said your name is Wallace your last name is Wallace and I believe you're gonna watch on a replay you said that I believe you're gonna watch on replay Mike that was the first encounter I had the first prophecy I had in 2016 October I said you will be watching on replay and the other watching had by watching and at that time my name on periscope was not Wallace he was not Wallace at that time it was not Wallace not you Provost I mean you gave me a prophecy that time so this Sunday morning you came on 10 o'clock and I came on and I introduced myself as a prophet this is Wallace and you said to me I gave you a powerful prophecy yesterday write it down for each I'll surely come to pass top of my life changed since that day since that since that broadcast I've been following you know I became a partner I began to give in the ministry and I must stress on the importance of giving you know things opened up for me in Cuba I received money that was owing on Geneva this platform didn't mean that you'll become in line yes from the power people to raise something for me Thank You papa that's me for the unpleasing I can go home that's your assignment from Denis okay papa all right and so I became a partner I began to sew in the ministry I began to connect and since I I did that I I heard the Holy Spirit clearer I began to have visions and dreams just from connecting then in November but when you texted me you said son I want you to get into prophetic school hmm because I saw myself in a vision looming you and I obeyed and immediately I went into the school and I became a part of the school you know I we began to learn about the prophetic I began to learn about prophetic and my life changed but coming over now into 26 2017 Papa that's when the Lord began to speak to me about leaving my job as he started to talk to me about from January 27th hmm that's when he started to talk to me about me leaving my job you know I'm coming here into the country you know coming here to be a part of the ministry at first I I I was reluctant is it ated I spoke to my wife about him and she said only if it's the Lord and then I began to talk to your body Papa and from that time God has been ministering unto me saying you your car you're gonna relocate you need to come into the concho this is what I want you to do for your testing and we kept on talking about it back up for back of what until the oldest red said to me no is the time in in July when you are getting ready to come into America the Holy Spirit said to me now is the time and I texted you and Papa you guided me and you counted me and you told me you know what to do and how to go about it but it was a it was a sacrifice Papa because I was in Cuba I had a good life I had a good job I was taking care of my family back home we were not wanting anything but the Lord was pushing me into my destiny the older spray was telling me that this is the beginning of your destiny and I'm not gonna tell you that the decision was easy he was not but he wasn't worthy I came here into America I came here into America and I'm here now in Maryland my life has never been the same since I connected with my spiritual father I've been searching for years for a spiritual father somebody that I could that could teach me could groom me too could guide me in the scriptures in spiritual things in Revelations I must say something Papa I in 2008 the Lord gave me a scripture and he told me to go in 21 days fasting and the scripture was Isaiah 55 and he talks about why do you pay money for bread and pop I never understood until I met you in 2008 and that is like last year when you opened up the scripture you are sharing on you open up the scripture and I understood what he was talking on it I needed a spiritual father and God led me to you my life has not been the same since my spiritual life has grown to a level but I thank you and I'm encouraging somebody today you know connect to this ministry you know connect in whatever way that you can there are things that are happening in this rich if God is moving mmm amen thank you we're praying for everybody watching today and those that watch a letter or every broadcast that's M blessing I carry the same anointing be upon you and pray that have been opened for everybody in the name of Jesus Christ every seat so every taita in this Minister every personal monthly partners be blessed God is connecting you with destiny I prayed unlocking power to rest upon everybody the prophetic power to rest upon everybody in the name of Jesus Christ I pray that God be with you I create that girl empower you and take you to another level and that's your life will never be the same again I pray for your upliftment we won't give you the appetite to pray that you learn fast to give in the name of Jesus Christ the proper worship to move from your spirit in Jesus name be increased and be blessed prophet passion come visit our website today [Music] [Music] profit passion calm visit our website today profit passion permeant the minute the Spirit of God fills your dr. Cindy tree brain times you singing tongues Kenneth Hagin he feels your life and the next thing you find is passed a quiz you will draw and Rodney Howard yt transforming tongues by gods generals part 2 next an illegal [Applause] Dominika borracho Solomon who is Allah I'm gonna move to the right the anointing is gonna ship economics in here [Laughter] Marone justanna Liga von Cosel on Monday got deeper get even less yogurt elaborate a no yes or no yes or no Helena Mary Hagen mama mama mama mama mama mama for HIV meridians of Agrabah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Amaya Jesus Nexxus Donnelly Guevara column and a Spanish Ghana Maggie - commander key - Kamala Kiba ask America poverty Gudivada Buddha Marie Marone own externally Gabara Kuala Monday I'm hoping all the way straight visit w a moving on the road returns w as a moving all the way are they is a left him but am turning right is written airport roids airport rods I'm telling I'm seeing a places within Walla Walla Walla Walla Walla Walla Valley gabacho soleimani to go offer me the hundred a gas station the middle of usages they're assaulting given practice so romantic like Ron said para Hadas the gross fish come on I decree and declare that the speaker that's open up and now father like a tsunami and I decree and declare that you are going to begin to move from my right and left on that mighty Korean Nikolaev father that you remove from the front to the back up scrubbing as I move that deceives me as I we'll be slain and you apart you up right now the stage are gonna be shifted finances economy shifted in Korean expanded the wealth of the wicked it's no longer laid up for you but the winner it's being released in Korean declare that winds of the spirit of beginnings of noah and the flowing into your home i decree and declare that your sons and daughters by virtue of the fact of your praise you are going to put them into the kingdom you are your sons and daughter are gonna be worked into the kingdom wandering prisoner they're gonna be part of the different a whopping in crack houses and your husbands are gonna come back your ministries are gonna turn around i can create declare a supernatural anointing sweep my tea transforming tongues by God's channels are too [Music]
Channel: Prophet Passion Java
Views: 16,106
Rating: 4.7843137 out of 5
Keywords: power demonstration, td jakes, chris oyakhilome, bill johnson, kris vallaton, cindy trim, benny hinn, todd white, rod parsley, juanita bynum, prophet passion, powerful prophetic move, ruth heflin, russ moyer, joshua mills, jane lowder, tb joshua, alph lukau, uebert angel, james w goal, dan mohler, bobby hogan, bishop noel jones, robert henderson, joyce meyer
Id: 62V0RoamKCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 29sec (6809 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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