Robert Morris: Is it God's Voice or Your Thoughts? | TBN

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whatever you choose is not always god speaking to  you there's the human element involved there's the   human will so you have to come to the place where  um you learn to hear god but here's the great news   you can't because you're a sheep  you were born with disability   we have a man in our church that is the general  manager and um part owner of texas motor speedway   his name is eddie gossage and i've  asked eddie if i could use this example   he and another man are owners of eight  nasty speedways around the the country   that where you have nascar and things  like that so eddie comes to our church and   asked me to go to lunch with him and so we went  to lunch one day and we're talking and he said   um pastor i i need you to help me with something  and i said okay how can i help you and he said   well you talk about that the lord told me this  and the lord told me that and he said i um   i don't know how to hear god if you could help me  if you could teach me if i could learn to hear god   that would be great and so i said to him well um  and i'm gonna we'll go into this in a lot of depth   as i do other messages on this but i said  to him okay here's some things i want you i   want you get alone with god i want you to put  on some worship music so that your mind can   focus and get off of everything else you have  to do focus on god um i want you to pray talk   to god about what's on your heart give him your  burdens for the day it's hard to hear god when   you're burdened about something so you have to  give it to him prayer is an exchange of the burden   if you pray and you're still burdened  then you didn't pray you just griped prayer is when you give him the burden okay  and then i said to him i want you to read   somewhere in scripture and then i want you to  write down what you think god is saying to you   through that scripture and i i know that the  scripture has a contextual meaning i know it   has a historical meaning um that's that's where  we get the word exegete it comes from a greek word   and it means to draw out like you draw water out  of the well so there's a contextual exegesis a   historical exegesis a literal exegesis there's  even a revelational exegesis holy spirit since   god's word is alive what are you saying to me so  that's what we're that's what i'm asking you to do   so he began to do that and a few months later we  got back together for lunch and he said i want to   tell you something and i remember there was this  big smile on his face and he looked at me and said   i'm hearing god i'm hearing god i'm doing what  you said and i'm writing down what i believe god   is saying to me and he said many many times what  i wrote down is exactly what i needed for that day   and i think a lot of us have had that experience   where god's led us to a scripture and we needed  that scripture that's god speaking to us so um   point number one it's innate and  when i say it i'm talking about   the ability to hear god so the ability to hear god  is innate in other words we're born again with it   it's learned so we learn how to hear god like  we go to classes at church and we learn about   hearing god or our spiritual gift but number  three is it's matured in other words we mature   in the gift so let me go back to the illustration  of children learning to speak but they also have   to mature in what they say when you think about  it a child will say i mean whatever comes out   just whatever comes to his mind like man that  guy's fat you know we say no no we don't we don't   say that you know we don't tell people they're  fat uh or here's one how old are you grandma we don't ask grandma how old she is nobody  knows how old grandma is we just we just   know that she knew noah but we don't know how  old she is so okay so so we have to mature   in in it so let me let me tell you a few ways  that i think um few ways that people talk about   hearing god that i think they're immature  okay one of those is uh a message a minute   now this is those are dallas willard's word  from a book he wrote called hearing god but   i like the way he said it a message  a minute you've probably been around   people like this they're always hearing god  god just told me not to put salt on my food well you you could have read reader's digest  last month and figure that out you know   so god told me this god told me that okay well  think about that even now when we talk about   relationship do we want god speaking to us all  the time yes when we talk about relationship   but when we talk about  instruction or even correction   do you want god speaking to you all the time  now hold on uh let's again take children   uh do you want to still be giving your children  instruction every day when they're 40. i mean   don't you want to mature yeah so yes god wants to  communicate with us but this you know you know god   which which which way do i turn here you know  every street you know i mean turn your gps on   come on you know mature in it that that's what i'm  saying so it we have to mature so this message a   minute thing i just i don't think that's the  best way that's not the mature way to hear god   here here's another way is i call it the point  and hope philosophy now you've heard this   people say well when i want a word from god i just  open the bible close my eyes and point okay well   that might work every now and then it might uh but  i have a friend of mine that was um his business   was struggling and he'd heard someone say that so  he thought okay i need a word about my business   so he closed his eyes he did his bible put his  finger down he looked down and said chapter 11.   um the other thing as i've told you about dallas  willard be because i read his book and one of the   things he said in there was that he heard  this preacher one time say that god has a   life verse for every person and the way you  find out what your life verse is is the year   you were born well there's a couple of problems  with that most people were born 19 something   and when you go to the 19th chapter of every  book of the bible that has 19 chapters some   don't even have 19 chapters the highest  verse is joshua chapter 19 verse 51.   that's the highest verse so if you were born after  1951 no life verse for you you know uh and but but   uh dallas was born in um 1935. so he thought  well i'm gonna see what my life verse is he   just went to the first book of the bible genesis  19 35 says so they got drunk and slept with him that's his life verse okay so there are more  mature ways to hear god here's the third   immature way i think of hearing god is what  i call the case syrah philosophy casarossura   was written by an american we don't know  if he took it from spanish or italian   it actually doesn't work in either language but  what his translation is whatever will be will be   you know if you're my age or older you remember  doris day used to sing that song whatever will   be will be well there's a problem with  that saying that that's god's voice   because we make mistakes and whatever you  choose is not always god speaking to you   there's the human element involved there's the  human will so you have to come to the place where   um you learn to hear god but here's the  great news you can because you're a sheep   you were born with disability so let me  tell you something happened to me recently   it was earlier this year i have three grown and  married children and my son middle child son   and his wife have two boys and they were praying  about whether to try for another child for a girl   the reason they were praying is because she'd  had difficult pregnancies and they had had two   miscarriages and so they were praying and we  did a 21-day fast at the first of the year   and fast however god leads you you know things  like that so some people are doing vegetables   only or some did all the way to water but some  just whatever well she prayed and said god if   we're supposed to have another child have  someone give me a word who's close to us   during this 21 days so we did our fast january  10th through january 31st so on january 31st   it was a sunday i'm standing there about  to speak and she's on the worship team   and i look up her name's bridget and the lord  said to me bridget's pregnant just like that and   that night we were having like a family meal  you know everyone come together at my house   and so i said hey i have an announcement to  make and they were like uh really you know uh   so what's your announcement and i said uh  bridget's pregnant and they everyone kind   of laughed you know and james my son and  bridgette they say hahaha are you serious   i said yeah i'm serious bridget is pregnant the  lord told me this morning bridgette's pregnant   and i could see the look on her face because  she had asked god for someone close to them   to give them a word and this was the last day  of the fast and we were actually breaking the   fast at this meal that night you know and um so  james my son said well she's not pregnant she's   i can just say right now she's not pregnant  it's impossible she's just she's not pregnant   and i said well um she is pregnant and he said  well she's not pregnant i said well she's pregnant   because i don't care what you say god said she's  pregnant so she's pregnant well it was so strong   and they even got with me later before they left  the house they said how serious are you about this   well some various years god said she's pregnant  and james said well she hammered her prayers she's   not pregnant i said well she has spread it and uh  so because it was so strong they decided to go to   the doctor now on the way home by the way she told  james my uh son she said about her prayer she said   i was praying that if i was we were having another  child someone give us a word who's close to us   during the 21 days and james said why did you pray  that you know i said you know my dad and you know   so why would you do that so they go to the doctor  well the doctor says well she's not pregnant   as a matter of fact she she could not get pregnant  right now because her progesterone is so low she   couldn't get pregnant it'd be medically impossible  now that's the reason she had the two miscarriages   is because her her progesterone was so low and  so they decided since your dad's got this word   and it's so strong we should start he said if  you're thinking about you should start taking   progesterone so they started taking progesterone  then that day they went back about a month later   to check her levels and the doctor came in  and said uh you're pregnant and they said   really and uh he said yeah and uh when you came to  see me last time apparently you were pregnant then   uh and so they counted up because you know you  count the days there she was had been she was   pregnant at that time four weeks and six days  and i gave her the word four weeks and five days   before she'd been praying one day now it's  great that god spoke that word but here's what's   amazing god spoke that word to save that baby's  life because she started taking the medicine   that's a it's a natural hormone that your body  should produce that her body was not producing i'm just telling you god speaks here's what i'd  like you i'd like you just to close your eyes   just for a moment and if you're watching home  just just close your eyes for a minute i want   you to just pray a very short but very simple  prayer say lord thank you that i'm a sheep   just tell him that in your heart and  thank you that you as the shepherd speak   to sheep and lord i pray that all of us  will realize we have the ability to hear you   and we will learn and mature  in hearing god in jesus name amen friend with the support of heroes  like you tbn is beaming the hope   and grace of jesus around the  world in multiple languages   this month for your gift of support in any amount  we're excited to offer best-selling author dr   david jeremiah jeremiah's book forward take a  moment to visit go forward god bless
Channel: TBN
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Keywords: robert morris, robert morris sermons, robert morris 2021, robert morris free indeed series, robert morris the god i never knew, robert morris blessed life series, robert morris more than words series, robert morris series, robert morris gateway church, robert morris frequency series, god's voice, hearing the voice of god, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, pray, pastor robert, gateway church
Id: K5Y6nOoo4Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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