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[Music] little only when I still have my bed we can live we thought we can live [Music] and it don't fit tumbles off you can run in ourselves 5:1 race is too long or I feel you're that strong and now he's lost a window the river you are cuz I'm pleased I'm fine for you if any more than need to borrow these alright [Music] [Music] to the fighting bye-bye [Music] Meegan [Music] [Music] Hey Oh why Jesus me three me we me we in the lead and we nearly have you Hey goodbye well can we look at go to David to mistakenly see ourselves as David Jesus [Music] really off the key that were unaware that a bad will see the need [Music] relief for the I'm glad you saw tonight ah such an awesome lesson either in the Amanita window I realize Bobby this lot of your skirt [Music] I'm glad that you killing me I know it feels a little weird for us to be here at night but we are here as promised and I was thinking about yours today and just saying how it 3 with me is a part of my life and it is now becoming my life but I give God praise for this night and for many of you that are joining me that probably don't get a chance to join me at the ring this is a refreshing time for us to be together in them and just experience what God is saying tonight and I'm telling you I have just been just mulling over some things that that really really really really really is powerful you know I was talking about the last time we were on and I want to let you all know that uh some of my staff members have decided that they would stay over and not leave onto a Saturday to make sure that all of your books that you have ordered going out these last couple days they will go out and so they have agreed to not take their flights and leave the New York office and go home that they would stay here and get the books out and they flew in to do that because then that meant I would have had to ship the books to another place where they get the books out and so they came to me instead and so they are here working diligently to get the books out that everybody's book that's being ordered and it's going to be awesome and there was a button that was hit for the PDF and so everybody that did not get your PDF we already know who you are you can be looking in your email box between now and tomorrow and you should be getting your PDF of the book anyway because I still want to give that to you as a gift for your order and so we are embarking upon let me just send her a message here so we can get on the way for tonight's lesson we are embarking upon this lesson and I was thinking about it today and the closer came to the night and sometimes you face things during the day and you often begin to wonder what it's all about and the light one of the last two things that was on the agenda for how do I know when my prophecy is from God is because the two other things that were left is that the prophecy must be taunted by the devil himself the prophecy must be taunted by the devil himself we know that Jesus was the prophecies fulfilled and so he had to encounter that and he had to encounter that because there is a a proof factor in the prophecy and the proof factor is anybody can say that God has given them a word and anybody can say that they believe them that God is going to do what he's going to do and you know all of the above but by the same token until that word has been told it and not just proven but tried and proven you can't really properly say that um this word came from God because it Keeks and I keep saying that to people over and over again when it is the word of the Lord it keeps people it whoa Jesus it keeps why because all of the things that Jesus went through being the Word of God made flesh everything that he went through he encountered that and I don't think from a place of Revelation we really see it this way but if in the in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word was made flesh and the word dwelt among us then whatever Jesus the word encounter he encountered that so there would be living proof that there is no destroying of the world there is no destruction of the world you can do whatever you want to do to the body back but there is no destruction of the world and that when you get through panting with the body back and even when you get through causing the flesh and the body bank to give up its breath the word yet lives on and that's what I love about it the word yet lives on and what does it do it turns around and it resurrects itself didn't need anybody in there to resurrect him the word resurrected self that means whenever the word of the Lord comes under attack it has the power to get up by itself you don't have to help it you don't have to help it because that's that's one of the characteristics of the word itself resurrects itself rhetorics it's almost like I'm this little dog thing that they my mother named bought us when we were children and I'm about to tell my age for real but it was it was one of them beanie bag things and it had a had a sand bottom to it and so my mother would you know she bought us those things and so when my daddy blew it up and they got it all together you can punch that thing you can punch it and punch it and punch it and it will go all the way down to the ground and it'll bounce right back up and I don't care I will walk by and kick it and it will go all the way down and it matter of fact sometimes I would hit it so hard - it will go down and bounce down on this side and turn mine and bounce back on that side but by the time I came back on the hardware that thing be setting straight up and be setting straight up just like ain't nobody never touched it and I'd be looking at that things I got I might hit it again i'ma hit it again i'ma hit it again and I don't care how much you hit it it was going bounce back up and and once you stop hitting it it was gonna be sending like ain't nothing never have to do it nothing like nothing never happened to it and that's what I love about the word of God why because that thing was anchored it was anchored the bottom of it the bottom of it was made heavy the bottom of it had a sand in it it had something in it that can hold it even though it's being bumped on top it's not being moved on the bottom and that's what the word of God does when he speaks a word of prophecy the enemy comes to talk to the body bag he comes to talk the flesh he comes to find the weakness in your emotions but that does not move what God has said and when he gets through taunting you you're gonna be found standing right my cup just like ain't never never happened Who am I talkin to my bed who am I talking to right there who just got what I just said who just got this you're gonna be fella standing right back up as if nothing ever happened what because they're rewarding you because there's a word in you and in Brooke English and you can do about it there's a word in you so so so some of the idea the attributes of the pattern of the process of the prophetic is it must be taunted by the devil itself it must go through forms of the appearance of that the crucifixion of it is dead which means it must go to the face where it appear that all attributes that supposed to be connected to it to make it work everything have died off mm-hmm because God would allow that to happen when he see that somebody or something is going to get the glory besides him because the only way that God chooses to do it he does it because he wants the glory are you listening to this today and so when that happened we have to come to a place where I ran across Scripture and Matthew 6 21 and 23 if you would turn there from the Matthew Matthew 6:21 and 23 Matthew 6:21 and 23 it says but where your treasure is there your heart your wishes your desires that are on that on which your life centers will be also at this here we go 22nd verse the eye is the lamp of the body so if your eye is clear spiritually perceptive your whole body will be full of light benefiting from God precepts so it my it's my eye and I got to go back to that because he brought me back to this today about the prophecy because I think we're looking at trying to see the manifestation from the wrong eye from the wrong eye he said if the eye is the lamp of the body so if your eye is clear spiritually perceptive in other words not my natural eyes but my spiritual eye is clear and it is perceptive because you know what that word that word perception is a very very very heavy word because it depends upon like people say you know you see the glass half full and half empty perception is vital when you aim at you when you are anticipating the manifestation of a prophecy how you see it is vital not now somebody else sees it but how you see it is vital because that would you see Isis that would you see it's going to cause you the benefit from God's precepts from the things that God has set in order not by what somebody else sees but somebody else can tell you oh I see you with the victory but if you don't see that that's just something that they just said but you have to set your eyes your eyes have to be at a place of high spiritual perception are you hearing that it says but if your eye is bad spiritually blind your whole body will be full of darkness devoid of God's precepts in other words I won't be able to free how to walk in what God is saying because my eyes are in darkness by God because my eyes isn't darkness and he said so if the very light inside you your inner self your heart your conscious is darkness how great and terrible is that darkness oh my god oh my god so it's a very light that is inside of you your inner self your inner heart your conscious is darkness then how great and terrible is that darkness my god that means my heart can't see what God is doing my conscious can't see what God is doing my God my inner self can't see what God is doing and so I got it matter what's being spoken if none of the faculties that have to participate in bringing this prophecy into a full manifestation it's in the same light as the world then how great is that darkness oh my god my god you you need to understand that at some point now let's go back to Abraham and let's go back to Sarah because I want to I want to show you something in this I want to show you why the Lord has me sitting here and speaking this and why the Lord got you listening to this because I told you the other day that that which is from God that which is spoken from God is spirit and it is life it is life and what is the life of the Lord the life of the world Lord comes from the light of the world and so there is no know the word spoken that supposedly come from God that does not contain light it has light in it are you hearing that and so when you look at Abraham and you look at and you look at Sarah and you look at the fact that they when God spoke it that Abraham laughed and he said I'm a hundred years old I'm not gonna call somebody that you know am I gonna be able to just disperse some feed for for sale to get pregnant and by the way she's 90 she what in the world she she's past the age of bearing children but I want you to see this I want you to see this I want you to see this cuz this came on in me the other night and I was just like wow God Wow he said he made the prophecy and he spoke the prophecy to Abraham and then he said to Abraham watch this he says to Abraham because Abraham was wanting God to pay attention to you know all the rest who was going on he said to Abraham he said I'm going to make this covenant with Isaac I'm going to make this covenant with Isaac and so this is what I want you to see when you are in darkness when you can't really see when there is no participation of your inner self your inner conscious and your heart when your heart can't receive it your conscience can't believe it and your inner self can't even respond to it then what we have here we have what you call a dilemma and the dilemma is we got a word over here that is being spoken and we got a person over here that cannot consciously comprehend this they cannot they cannot perceive this in their heart so they don't know how to receive it and leap for joy they don't know how to have a response to it because my heart cannot concede this and then what I have is dr. Bynum when I have this actual inner self that is so used to things be in one way until I cannot fathom myself function in any other way than what I'm used to doing and I can give you an example of that let me give you a grammar though let me see let me get my pen it makes me get my I want to write something I don't want to forget this hold on a minute something just hit me hold on mm-hmm okay my inner self I had to write that down because something hit my spirit and I just didn't want to just bypass that my my my inner self is used to respond in a certain way and I can give you an example of something that happened to me the other night I'm always praying I'm hot I'm alive I'm just one of those people I just love air-conditioning I'm not I'm not I mean lease look man I'm I I'm hot so the other day it was like below 20 and it was so cold outside and so I did not turn up the heat on and I got on the couch and and I said to my assistant I said put a fire on us on the fire place it is the heat on and she said no I don't think you turned it on I said turn the heat on cuz I'm high and so she turned them on I looked at me she said huh I said turn the heat on and hurry up and light the fire cuz I'm hot she said you HOT what you covering up I said to her not better preach that'll preach right there because I'm freezing cold but because I was so used to saying I'm hot I'm hot when I was cold a natural instinct came out of my mouth that came up out of my country that said I'm hot and I wasn't hot I was cold but because I was so branded in my brain to say I'm hot that when I needed heat I was still saying I'm hot are you are you are you getting that are you getting that do you not know that in your inner self when God is speaking a word in your spirit you have to allow your inner self to connect with what God is saying and that's why we continue to talk on and we continue to do all things because we have not yet connected to the reality of the prophecy and we still calling it this when it's really been are you hearing that oh my god you still saying I don't know if it will happen when it Sun already happened oh my god I just said somebody isn't already happy because what you don't understand is this when in the washes that God spoke the prophecy true Abraham and God spoke the prophecy to seller and watched it and the Lord waited until they gave him their circumstance now she will allow you back well Lord you gonna give me a house when I have it going through the rain got no credit ain't got no money okay that's acceptable okay I'm almost I'll heal your body well I don't know about that because I know the doctor said okay the Lord said that's acceptable all right all right everybody get one pass everybody do you want ask but what had to happen watch this wipe it when the Lord spoke that word when God spoke that word and Abraham responded the way that he did and then he talked about what he felt about Sarah's body the Lord spoke the word of prophecy and watch this please listen to this he immediately made a covenant with the prophecy he made a covenant with the prophecy that's what my Bible says he immediately said to Abraham and I'm going to make he didn't say I covered it with you and Sarah I'm going to make a covenant to the prophecy I'm going to make a covenant to what is going to be birthed out of her I'm going to make a covenant with that now watch this and if here it is young thank you God if I make a covenant with what I said I'm going to do then I gotta fix your body to receive that good lord have mercy jeez did somebody here that who that thing went through me I've got to fix your body to receive that I've got to fix your mind to receive that because this thing is going to come through you whether you want it to or not because I get made a covenant with the things that I saw side that I was going to do in you and now I got to fit you ain't nothing wrong with the property I got to fix your heart until your heart burn - trust me I got to fix your mind until your mind can conceive it I gotta fix your inner-self until you start dreaming over into what I called you to do and you start walking like it and talking like it and acting like it and holding your head up and fixing yourself up and speaking those things would be not as though they were why because God has to get you ready because the thing is on the way somebody better deal got a praise right there I said the Lord has and get you ready because that's faint then he had promised you his own the way who is he talking to right there who is he talking to right there oh my god from Zion he said why need I had to fix him Sarah was too old Abraham wasn't written up no sperm at no hundred no I guess it I had to go in and fix something kind of rubbish under I never hire yes Lord Jesus yes Lord you I got to defy some odds I had to define age I had to define whatever was wrong in her body I had to wake it up again watch it because I made a covenant with the thing I told you the other day that the word covenant means regeneration the word covenant means to regenerate to revive to resuscitate so whatever was lying dormant because she was 90 years old I get to resuscitate that I had to revive that I had to regenerate that because my thing was coming through those loins are you hearing God today there's anybody listening today is anybody listening to what God is saying today then I have to turn around and get another bank officer at the total money get another bank manager I have to try to rather put somebody else over it are you hearing that when I say that I'm going to do something safer Lord and I say that I'm going to give you something that the Lord when I say that this is what I have ordained for you I don't care what they're half the I got to play chess on the chess board I got to move some people I got to try and drift in some stuff I got to change some things I gotta move from one state to the other are you hearing me but my work can not come back to me boy it has to accomplish that which I had fitted out to do it has to prosper in the thing whereto excited and I'm asking you today on this book did God sent a word in your spirit then if he sent word in your spirit then you might want tell everything about you to move over and get ready to be changed because God has made a covenant with the thing that's coming through me oh you better hashtag and say that the Lord has made a covenant with the thing that's coming through me then it's amiss in your wine and it's go still happen in the mists of your tears it goes still happen all about Shia in the mission your days when you feel depressed it's going to still happen in the midst of the days when it looks like nothing is working out it's still going to happen oh my God my God my God why because we made a covenant with it he made a covenant with it oh Jesus he made a covenant with what he spoke thank you God thank you God thank you God I want you to see this oh yes Lord look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this look at this look 11 look 11 whoo Luke 11 and 34 says the eyes even length of your body when your eye is clear spiritually perceptive and focused on God not all over the place not on everything that everybody's faith not on everything that everybody think but when your eyes is focused on God your whole body also is full of light benefiting from God's precepts but what it is bad spiritually blind your body also is full of darkness the boy does devoid of God's words lord have mercy when I take my eyes off of God my spirit becomes devoid of his word I forget what God said I ignore what God has said I can't remember what God has said I can't respond to what God is said I can't move and what God has said I can't operate and what God is saying because I took my eyes off of God now my spirit is deployed of God works Oh God have mercy anybody listening to this anybody listening to this oh it's like somebody just takes an eraser and they raced out of your mind everything that God said it's like somebody takes an eraser and they race it out of your heart and so now you lose your praise and you lose your joy and you lose your faith walk and you lose your walk of confidence and you lose your walk of relying on the Word of God it's not there anymore Arabic Allah what because you can't shift it it didn't shift you shift it down into another realm and just keep telling you all this I keep telling y'all this you shift it down into another realm and so that's why you can't hear it normal all you can hear it isn't dumbness and the foolishness that people are talking about you can't hear what God is saying about you because you have shifted yourself to another dimension and that's what you guys are coming back up to this dimension you got to come back up and around you got to bring yourself back up into the third dimension so that's the world that God speaks can be spirit and they can be life because if you stay down there your body your mind your spirit your actions will become devoid devoid devoid of God's words who got some mercy Jesus anybody who Carol are abou who SIA thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I got no yes love one yes Who am I talking to oh yes god yes god yes God somebody's a while and what a matter do get back in that place and avoid I just had to looked at a devoid devoid devoid it says empty and vacant and and deprived and destitute lacking it said without - it wanting and the one that I love right here it says that the boys means to be bankrupt to be bankrupt in your spirit or amicus failure no no no no you can be bankrupt in your bank account but you can't never afford to be bankrupt in your spirit because that's where my wealth comes from it comes from the possessions that I have in my spirit and so when I'm not bankrupt in my spirit your pocket may not have money but because my spirit is wealthy it shall fill my pocket it's your brim over remember when I said that remember what I said that that yesterday that that which is in you it will brim over your children will brim over into true words true words are you hearing that true words in other words what I'm full of it spills over into my life is shuttle Abajo Shia who the who the who bah bah bah bah bah ha am I talking to somebody am I talking to somebody it said here that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks which means the heart got to be full of something in order for to spill over and come up out of your mouth it's the same thing with your spirit if your spirit is not full of the Word of God it will not bring him over it would not pick out it would not defend it would not cover are you hearing it will not secure what God has spoken and that's what you got to be filled with what God is saying you got to feel your spirit with what God has said and then you got to push yourself up into the dimension where those words have life who am I talking to right there Who am I talking to you my dear D Boyd but watch this the Boyd the Boyd so then what does he say heaven ocean what if you say here is the boy of God's Word be careful therefore that the light that is in you is not darkness uh-huh hmm be careful that that that that's a light that is in you is not darkness how can I tell that the light that's in me is darkness because it doesn't produce anything how can I tell when it's just a false illusion of light how can I tell that it's just hope at a false belief then it is true prophecy and it is true to the Word of God because the true Lord of God brings about a nomination which means when my inner man is illuminated I can see what God is saying when my inner man is illuminated I can do what God is saying when my inner man is illuminated I can walk in what God is saying are you hearing that when my inner man is illuminated what did I say we don't shake with what wishes uh-huh so then it says here so if your whole body is illuminated with no dark part I'm not to run if your whole body is illuminated with no dark part it will be entirely bright with light and when the left gives you light with its bright rays with this right rate in other words if my whole body my inner man it's for the life it raise it with it you you you radiate people don't understand what that means and they look at you and don't understand why does it seem like you glowing because my inner man is full of light but listen it first Corinthians one 24 through 26 oh God it says here hmm but to those who are the called both Jews and Greeks Gentiles Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God so when I have Christ in my life have the power of God and I have the wisdom mm-hmm it says this is because oh I love this amplified bible because it talks our language this is because the foolishness of God it's not foolishness at all yes God and it wiser than men far beyond human comprehension the foolishness of God is not foolishness at all it is so deep that it goes beyond the comprehension of men why would God do that for them oh good job give back that was somebody given to say about you now y'all think I know y'all think I'm playing but I'm not but what why would God do that I don't make no sense that's foolish but the foolishness of God is not foolishness at all and it's wiser than men far beyond human comprehension watch it and the weakness of God is stronger than men far beyond the limits of human effort when I'm weak terrible shot my wicked days and God it's still muddy and strong are you hearing that are you hearing that so the gains if I double write to us and tell us that we are weak we are really hit through it oh my god we are really stronger than we think we are who am I talking to right now oh Jesus and he said just look at your own calling believers not many of you were considered wise according to human standards not many powerful or influential not many of high noble birth are you all hearing this is anybody listening to what God is saying in other words he said yeah this was foolish because y'all were smart enough you yeah you what you it wasn't wise enough you who is these people who were these people that God would choose then are you are you hearing this is anybody listening why would God choose these people why would the Lord choose these people listen at this listen at this watch this I'm going to show you something right here that's going to bless your socks off it says him it says him just look at your own calling believers not many of you were considered wise according to human standards not many powerful or influential not many of high and noble birth but God has selected for his purpose for his preference for his purpose for his purpose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise revealing their ignorance and God has selected for his purpose for his purpose for his purpose the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong revealing of their frailty are you hearing me he said God has selected for his purpose his purpose his purpose the insignificant base things of the world and the things that are despised and treated with contempt even the things that are nothing so that he might reduce our Honorable Shia to nothing the things that are and y'all hearing this is anybody defended cuz I'm about to run by myself then what he saying it I chose you I chose every last one of you all I chose you I chose you just for who you were oh my god we wasn't worth it we were nobody we were insignificant and I'm not good enough I'm not different you're perfect you're perfect for what God wants to do you're absolutely perfect you're absolutely perfect old Jesus he said I chose you and he said watch this so that no one may be able to boast in the presence of God but it is from him that you are in Christ Jesus who become to us wisdom from God revealing his plan of salvation and righteousness making us acceptable to God and sanctification making us holy and setting us apart for God and redemption providing our ransom for from the penalty for sin are you hearing this oh he talking tonight people he talking tonight people he talking tonight he talking tonight my god my god one more one more Jesus Jesus Jesus just stay right there just stay right there stay right there cuz he talkin up in here today my goodness my goodness my goodness my goodness my good here it is right here here it is right here whoo-hoo getting some oh Jesus who gets him here it is here it is here there I'm closing with this I'm closing with this look he said 2nd Corinthians 1:18 through 22 2nd Corinthians 1:18 through 22 but as surely as God is faithful and means what he says good lord have mercy can somebody say he mean what he say can I get somebody to just just just type that in there he means what he said can I get somebody to say that he means what he said if he told you something he means what he said he ain't got a backup he ain't got to take that back cold outta my shuttle that idios in there out of my hand already on fire thank you Jesus thank you Jesus there's somebody on this page I just I just got a witness in my spirit there's somebody on this page and they say my first rodeo when I felt this before and the young woman lived in London England right now more than 11 years ago and this this it's something that I just sent and when I sent it is the truth somebody on this page tonight that's been trying to get pregnant God said you shall conceive guarded abortion drama yandere Rebecca's gender Alleluia the Lord said it shall happen here another Yong Seon Dorado booyah coriander chili nd Bianca Khanderao SIA pour Ibaka SIA yes Lord he said un yo mate 27 days pass a 7 day pass harada bajalia with water lemon and honey and a durable casaya seein dorababu Shara mahalia sooner arabic a street le rêve a hiya it's going to come the pants at the speed of a lord he said prepare yourself and I shall do what I promised hold on Umberto Sonia yes Lord Jesus but as surely as God is faithful and means what he says a message to you is not yet and know at the same time I want you to hit a message to you is not yes and no at the same time for the Son of God Jesus Christ who was preached among you by us by me savannas and Timothy was not yes and no but as proved to be yes in him truth and faithful the divine yes affirming God's promises I'll y'all hearing that he said yes tonight I don't know what you're praying for on this page I don't know what you've been asking God for on this page but he had me to come on here tonight to reap it scripture because the Lord is saying yes glutton ah McCutcheon better be hating the Lord is given somebody a yes you better give employees right now because I'm filling in the Holy Ghost the Lord is giving somebody a yes I don't know what you pray and pull but the answer is yes to you tonight down another shout yeah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus I will know it set the Lord I will do it set the Lord the answer is not yet n-nobody yes in Christ Jesus thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you God he said for as many as are the promises of God and Christ they are all answered yes period t7 aware that a bear was either need what is this what is that assay for as many as other plumbers of the moon in Christ they are all answered yes and then there's a period will you just received this he's turning it around right now will you just receive it realize well he is for all learners your strength as many promises of God in Christ they are all answered they're not a question on this page to know that the Lord had already answered that question and the answer he said according to the scripture I told you I don't trust in my flesh according to the prosthetics cookie he said all he said so through him we say our Amen I can take a job so through him not through that not through the dimension down there from the third dimension through Jim we say are a man to the glory of God a young human oh my God my God my God [Music] for as many as all the promises of God for as many all the promises of God in question Colonel Aleutian they are all infantryman yes so through him we say our a maze to the ruler everybody on this nation I need the hashtag amen never you've been praying about tonight you need to have sagging border then I agree with God quickly when the Lord speaks in you agreement here considered natural flesh consider not the circumstance but agree with him and say Amen oh yeah we see how they made [Music] I'm using to discuss anything come on everybody everybody that's watching tonight it's a hope use the hashtag Amanda de ever you to agree with God - no not agree with me but this is work this is work for as many as the promises of God I don't care how millions on this rate I don't care how many view this video for as many on the promises of God they all answered yes and through him we say [Music] today I'm telling you God is doing it and whatever God has to do he would do it today I receive a little confirmation I was asked to join the impact Network television in a partnership not just coming on to be seen on television but I was asked to come into partnership with Bishop Wayne T Jackson and the impact television I just waited on God I just wouldn't sat down and waited on God I'm telling you I told you instantly that the Lord would start doing it I told you that the Lord was speeding up things and so those of you that don't have Comcast those of you that don't have DIRECTV I will be coming on that network on contact and DirecTV as a flagship face of the impact television network the only African American owned Christian Network and other things that I can't speak of right now but I will be by the first of the year goddess flip this thing upside down and I keep telling you I don't care what he has to do when he makes you a promise he'll fix the body because he's made a covenant with what he said to you who's receiving this don't tell me nothing about where they they gonna do to the end when God speaks to work to you he makes her covenant with the world and whatever he has to shift till shifting whatever he has to do he'll do it whatever he has to do in your body he would do it whatever he has to do in your mind he would do it cuz the shift is awesome not a motion and every time it that was made by God are all answered and the answer is yes coming up the first of the year January 12th we will be launching on impact television on DirecTV and Comcast because God made a promise to his word he spoke it and you don't have to worry you don't have to fight your way you just sit here tonight and be confident in the fact that God has made a covenant with the thing that's to come out of me [Music] be happening in this you remember email and Isaac they messed up they try to help God but when God gets ready to fulfill the promise that he made to his world he was chef whatever he needs to hona Bacchus in the river Ganga he was moving your body whatever he needs to get an abortion anima concider he was people on your job know about shanmuga he was getting rid of people and put people in place to fulfill what he said that he would do because he cannot forsake his prophecy he won't forsake you can mess up but he wants the fake back as he know how to straighten you out on behalf of that which is coming through you and I'm going to tell you tonight it's coming through you Haribo who seen de anima ha he's fixing you right now but not cover your head of a show me your feet he fixing you have no feel for what the Lord has spoken with or Detailers coming to you cut out of cinema with many and all the promises of God there's a little quieter they all answer and the answer is yes races team [Music] so to him tonight we say a man loved a he said sit here on Facebook and I need he said do what I tell you to do when I said she said be still and I did now I will be sitting in front of over 90 million homes because I just heard it and I just don't bathe it and the Lord has a covenant to what he plumbs what he calls you to do and that's what I want you to know some of you all on this page the Lord has called you to do some things and I'm not talking about in the church I'm not talking about what a microphone I'm talking about in business the Lord has called it he's given you a passion for something and I just want you to know that the timing is nice and you watch what I say the Lord is going to begin to ship everything because he has to keep his 1 because he made a cup with the thing that's coming out of you [Music] [Music] Texas Afghan history we [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 31,486
Rating: 4.9087453 out of 5
Id: vrpx0LbKwv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2017
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