The Power of The Walking Prayer Closet..

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ok I think I got it right now ah I'll be trying it's just me and I will wait and see if you all are coming yeah yeah yes I think I hit the wrong one because there's two there's a friend's page and there's a this page and so I have no engineer here today and probably won't be for a little while getting ready for the conference so you all have to just bear with me going on live with my iPhone by myself and so it may be a little shaky but we're here and I think I got the right page now I don't have it on the way of looking yeah we're on the right page I was on the three o'clock over there and then when I started seeing that you know I said this is the wrong thing right here so I just erased it and I'm here and I'm here I'm glad that you are here today just had something in my mind and I think I didn't think I was going to come on today but I decided to come on and let's just have a quick moment of worship just a quick moment cake [Music] use me [Music] Hey [Music] yeah [Music] and after Jesus [Music] yeah MSS Jesus Oh ah Oh [Music] my god man Oh come and [Music] yeah [Music] Oh [Music] and I was here she's getting myself ready and you know a lot of times you can have a lot going on and but there is just a way that I do things that you know just may seem to be a little different than other people but it works for me and what's on my heart today is as we prepare for prayer as we prepare for Rosh Hashanah next Sunday as we prepare for what God wants to do in the conference as we're preparing for what it is God is about to do as it relate to this prayer and I was kind of making some decisions about even about that about where I wanted to where God wanted me to do the prayer at and I just started hearing today in my spirit about doing what works for you doing what works for you there is a way that we have to come through a place that um that somebody don't know I'm on at 3:00 with me or they would not be calling me but um it is still can you all hear me can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me mean-looking C can you hear me can you hear me can you hear me just heard somebody said no sound really call can you hear me yes no can you hear me okay thank you yes you can hear me okay I just wanted to make sure um today I woke up with and just walking around the house today you know by myself and just really you know sometimes you have people here and you know everybody's working and doing whatever and just this moment that I'm preparing to take us into this time of prayer and teaching on prayer I just kept hearing you know the Lord talked about to me what works for me and the scripture in the Book of Revelations begin to talk about how the Lord wanted the people of God in the fourth chapter when he said come up here come up he said and I looked and I beheld there was an open door and that this door was opened in heaven and I want you to hear the connection here the connection about what he's saying and then he had me to go to the nineteenth chapter because sometimes we are drawn to intense prayer when we are exhausted and I know that I'm ministering to somebody because of a couple of Texas that I got today from some people that were struggling and going through some things and I'm not going to be on here long I just want to say this when everything around you is so loud and the works of the enemy is so loud and the threats of the enemy is so loud the harassment of the enemy is so loud sometimes it becomes difficult for us to hear God because we want God to scream over the noise we want to hear God but we want God we're saying God I can't hear you and God I just need you to say something to me and we want God sometimes people to scream over the noise and what we don't realize is that first remember when I say yesterday a lot of times you have to just stop and you have to allow yourself to go through those those moments of the wheel the wheel of transition that when things happen you can't just stop right there you have to just allow your madness a you know is this the will of God is this the enemy Dada Dada you know how do I handle this you know am I in transition you know this is some this incubation moment all the above that's the transition I'm talking about and people that have been following the page you know what I'm talking about when things happen you just have to stop and let yourself go through the process before you react to the moment and so a few minutes ago you know I have a man that comes and cut my yard and he takes care of my yard and I had the door open and I had to worship music on and I was just doing some things in the living room and just walking through the house and you have the door open and he started mowing the lawn and so I was you know where I was and in the place in my house you know his his lawnmower started competing with my worship the sound of the lhamo rollin rollin rollin and first of all let me say this you know if it you know when something is it is concocted and it is a it is a a twitch it's not even a or fare it's a twitch is when something happens and is just enough to get on your nerves but not enough to make you just flat-out just say that's the devil but just in agitation and gum and so I became a little twitch because you know I'm worshipping God she's lawn mowers all loud you know and I went over to turn the music up and then I thought well I can turn the music up turn the music up went back in my kitchen doing some other things still hearing the lawnmower and I went back and shut the door when I shut the door the music became overwhelmingly loud and then I was able to turn the music down and still enjoy the worship because I shut the door not because I went up there screaming at him talking my turn your lawnmower down because I'm a volume pitch on the lawnmower it was at which that was trying to interfere with something that I was trying to hear that's what pumped me to come on this page today because I really almost didn't it was a twist that made me feel like I needed more volume when what I really needed to do is shut the door and when I shut the door I could hear the intensity the intensity of the spirit because you could always hear words and a song but you don't get the Ministry of a soul unless you can hear the intensity of the spirit and we go through those things where you know we ride in our cars and whatever whatever and you're knowing the music is jumping and you know we in there we did it up but then there comes a time when the Lord wants to reveal something to you but my whole nother place and remember now we're constantly moving and that's why he said in the Book of Jeremiah you know in the Book of Revelations you don't come up here you know and he begin to show us and say and I looked at my the hill that there was an open door there there are things that that God would want to reveal to us and show us but everything is to allow everything is absolutely to loud it's like your kids is loud and everybody talking loud and in the world is moving loud and you know everything that's happening it seems as if the volume has been turned up and the reason why the volume is turned up is because when a person is afraid that you not going to hear them they start yelling yelling and high volume is a sign that I'm afraid that you're not going to hear me and so I must become more aggressive and I must become really loud because I got to make sure that none of everything else that's going on you get my point of view so what am I saying when the enemy knows that God is about to speak some hard Arabic I see error Alleluia that's about to alter the very course of your life he starts turning up the volume because he's afraid now that you just might not hear him he's afraid that you might not hear him because there's another voice let me just say something to you the enemy is still from the spirit world it was he was an angel that was designed by God which means he still has his breath in God he's an agent that no longer can be used for holy things and righteous things but he is an agent now that is being used to perfect the Saints and to house those that will refuse to come into the fold of righteousness so he's not jobless that's the reason why when when it was time for God to take job to another level the very first chapter said and there was a meeting called in heaven and Satan came to my god he was welcome he was welcomed in the meeting so that he can get his assignment he can get his part of what what part you going to play in this Satan so that I can perfect this man's life and give him a life like one he has never had what part will you play in this so you allowed at the meeting because you were too - you are too - so you allowed there which means when the meeting was called are you here another honorable course under you my when the meeting was called Satan heard God's voice call the meeting now I most sit Dublin right there how do you know he knew to be present how did he know to be present how did he know there was a meeting going on okay someone make this point really clear I'm gonna make this point as clear as I can because I I could I can since the Lord make it the same point he can hear when God is calling you up hither he know that there's a meeting in a high place he knows when you are being called to attention from your inner man not all of what's going on up here but what it is a Lord desire to speak from the inside and he knows that when there is about to be a change of direction a changing of a God when there is about to be a refreshing brought to your spirit when there's about to be an encounter like that of the Prophet and he had this encounter where he was in the cave and he was discouraged and somebody's discovery I feel it discouraged and going through and just feeling like I just might as well just stop right now the Bible says the Bible said that different things begin to happen and God said to him I want you to go forth and I want you to stand up on the mount before the Lord so here it is now another coming up another coming up in the Book of Revelations it was a coming up it was a looking up it was a come up hither it was I looked and I beheld I looked up and I beheld here in first King the nineteenth chapter and 11th through the 13th verse it's no come on I want you to go to a high place before the Lord and it said he was indicate and below I said no I want you to come up out of that place and I want you to go to a high place and he said and behold the Lord passed by the Lord passed by and a great and strong wind ripped the mountains and break in pieces the rocks before the Lord watch this now watch this now while the Lord is moving he's breaking things while the Lord is calling you to come up to a higher place the minute you reposition yourself the Lord passes through the situation and that which was a high mountain the Lord began to break it before him and his presence are y'all hearing this are y'all hearing this and it says but the Lord was not in the wind watch this things were being broken up because he was passing by but that's not where he wants us to stop that's not what he wants us to park ourselves he doesn't want us to park ourselves in the happenings of his passing are you hearing that when the Lord is passing there's a lot of things that's going on and we are so quick to get stuck right there and say oh I can stop right here because you know what I know the Lord came in my situation because when he did you know what God broke up some things or when he did like the scripture said you know the winds died bro and the earthquake started shaking because the presence of the Lord and the moving of the Lord is a mighty thing the presence of the Lord and the moving of the Lord was a mighty thing it is a mighty thing all of these things happen as movement of the Spirit of the presence of the Lord but that is not where your victory is that's not where he wants us to stop he said what I want you to understand is I can't give you direction in the fire I can't give you direction in the strong wind I can't give you direction where everything is broken up all of those things are a result of my passing so it is my presence being made known but it is not just my presence that you are after are you hearing that because the presence is not just what sustains us it's the word that fits in that presence and he said and I want you to come here because even though all of that is loud and it is an attention-getter for you but he said when I looked and beheld all of this and after the earthquake and after the fire it said that after the earthquake it said a fire but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice and it was so it's said here that then I heard a still small voice still small voice are y'all hearing this then I heard a still small voice and it was so and Elijah heard it and when he heard it he wrapped his face in his prayer mantle when you hear it you don't come back when you hear it you don't take the rocks that's been broken by the passing through of the Lord and using that as a weapon to throw you don't do that the first sign of you really really being able to hear God is you will wrap your face in prayer you will wrap your face in there and pray because when the Lord's voice shows up he is getting ready to give me instructions after not how to change it temporarily but how to change it permanently well you can't do anything else the Lord will give you instructions as to who can get it done and who can help you get it done and that's why sometimes you got to shut the door sometimes you just got to take a minute sometimes you just got to get by yourself sometimes you got to get in your car and turn the music all the way down and just say speak Lord who am I talking to right now who am I talking to right now sometimes you got to call it to a halt sometimes everything is just so loud so loud because the enemy don't want you to get what God is about to do for you and then you got to just tell yourself be still my soul because I need to hear from the Lord anybody on this pacing to hear from God today anybody on this page in to hear from God today because if you need to hear from God today you got to get somewhere where it's quiet if you need to hear from God today you need to get someplace where it's quiet you need to get someplace where your worship music don't have a lot of jumping in it and maybe can just be instrumental you need to get someplace where everything is so quiet and so still until you not only do you hear God but you can hear the voice of your own heart and you can hear your heart asking God in the way that your heart feels it do you not know that I realizes sometimes sometimes everything can get so loud this stuff is kind of sweet and nasty but its vitamins is a liquid vitamin and sometimes everything can get so loud that you can take on the form of the noise I just said some right there you can take on the form of the noise and sometimes and we gonna cover this that you don't even have your own identity and prayer because you've taken on the form of somebody else and you've taken on the form of the noise around you so when everything is really aggressive you think that you know I just got to go now and you start really yelling because when sometimes you would be surprised you would be pleasantly surprised and what would happen if you just sat there came out of the noise and just say God I know you hear me because you always hear me and I know that there are some issues here but I need you to speak to me and there are some things that I need you to do for me and I don't want to do it by effort and I don't want to do it by my own works I need you to do I need you to prove yourself and not that you haven't always but I just need you one more time to just show me that I can trust you and I can depend on you and I don't have to I don't have to shake at the noise but I'm here today and I'm coming to the mount to the mountain that you asked me to come to which means I'm coming up in the spirit because I want to be like the book of Revelation said then when I behold it and I look up the scripture says God immediately I'm in the spirit and I'm no longer in the chaos and the noise of what's going on in my life what's going on around me I'm now in the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there's Liberty and what the Spirit of the Lord is there's peace and when there's peace I can hear you because the voice of instructions it's a still small voice the voice of advancement God is a still small voice and so take me to that place and go down in my earlobe of my spirit and bring me up to a place where I don't have to demand you to yell but I'm close enough that my ears are sitting at your lips and I can hear you every word and I thank you for the victory that you're giving me and I thank you for the Peace in it and so now I'm going to sit here Lord and I'm going to let you speak and if I have to move from this place keep my spirit in this high place so at any moment in the midst of all the noise my inner man can still hear you and I thank you Jesus I thank you people you would be surprised you would be surprised at what would happen in your life if you ever ever became addicted to the still small voice I'm telling you it's addictive its addicted will you see everything going to use it go wait wait wait wait wait somebody asked me was like um oh I wish you could do social suicide and I said I can't and they said why I said because leading up to this conference I got to hear the still small voice I got to hear every piece of instruction that the Lord is giving me I can't I can't move from this place I can only do the things that are of a necessity but I can't shift right now and I got to get off by myself and I got to be able to walk through my house because I can turn the corner coming in a living room and he will speak that word that I've been waiting for I can be on my way upstairs in the bedroom and he'll speak that word that I'm that I'm waiting to hear why because I have quieted my surroundings because I've gotten in that place because I'm gonna tell you something about prayer and then I'm gonna let you go sometimes we can become so addicted to a place yes I have a prayer room but my prayer room is not a religious addiction it's a it's a special encounter I try to live my life now where my prayer room is in me I try to I try to walk in a way that I'm trying to develop this this cave thing in my spirit in my in my womb where I can I can go in and come up hither at any point in the car in the mall walking through the house my spirit can grab me up and I can immediately start hearing that and there are days that the Lord will call me too late for days on my face in that premise but me going in there is training me as to what I am supposed to experience and what I'm supposed to gain and getting me a custom to what that inner chamber feels like so that when I come out of that room and I have to live my everyday life I know when I'm being called to that inner chamber in my car if whether or not I am there does that make sense to anybody yeah we go in there for the training we come out to see if we learned anything is anybody listening to that I go in that prayer room where everything is still where everything that I look at is something that is symbolic of something spiritual where my altar is where my prayer table is I have a big tapestry of Jesus on the wall and the way he somebody did this type of but the weight they did the eyes it depends on which way you're looking at the painting I have a picture of a rabbi scribing the scripture and knowing that if they make one mistake they have to throw out everything they do and start over because if I made this error there may be another error I have things in their Bibles olive oil pressures everything in their symbolic symbolic of my spirituality so when I walk in that room and I am embraced by all of those symbolisms that are in that road it brings my spirit into a center and a focus on why I'm in there and I'm in there because everything else is shut out and it's all about me and God so when I leave that place I have to learn how to do that on my feet I have to learn how to do that while I'm moving through life I have to learn how to do that on a movie set in an office at a desk in the restroom on my break while I'm on the treadmill is anybody listening is it because we can't afford to be stuck to a room because you may need God in the store you may need God in the airport you may need God on the train you may need God in the mall how you gonna get back to the room but it would be entrained by the womb how to go in the room then we can carry the room with us everywhere we go and I'm feeling this so strong the day Karara revolution thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus I'm feeling this so strong and when people don't know how to retreat into that room on their feet those are the people that walk in consistent offense those other people my god now I know why Elijah after doing all of the mighty works that he did with somewhere in a cave cryin exhausted offended hurt you wear your fillings on your on your sleeves when you ain't been to the room in a while my god at least little thing somebody say and do to you you are hurt and offended because you ain't been to the room in a while because you think coming up hither is going in there when it's really going in here okay breaking the ties of religion and embracing the mount of God we got rosh hashanah is coming up i'm not going to Israel I ain't got no money to be going to Israel you ready to get on the plane to go to the Holy Land I have a buffet in my house that I operate from doing the Sabbath and it's set up with communion and all of the above it's a symbolism I have a picture of Israel on the wall of Jerusalem it's a symbolism so where I set my eyes I am now present are you hearing that so when the book of Revelation says in the fourth chapter I looked up hither oh my god let me go to that just God helping anybody today is he helping anybody today he said after this I looked and behold a door was open in heaven and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said come up hither and I will show you things that must be after this and immediately I was in the spirit and I beheld the throne of God immediately I was in the spirit because I did this because I went and that's key today you got to ask the Lord Lord teach me how to go teach me how to go teach me how to go teach me how to go in my prayer room while I'm walking down the street teach me how to lock in to the point that the lock-in is so great that I have immediately locked everything else out and I promise you you can do it I do it all the time I can be in the car with somebody and all the sudden as if nobody's in their car but me I do it all the time I can go to the mall and I'm shopping and all of a sudden I feel that call in and I'll just keep walking the mall while God is talking to me until he finishes until he releases me to come back I'll just go and you don't have to have a white dress on to go and so I'm trying to tell you we're not talking about religion we're talking about relationship you got the wrong are talking about relationship we're talking about you having the ability to carry your prayer room in your spirit feel small yes Laura I just heard the Lord say so many are in frog by my doing but very few are sensitive to my voice and so let me just say something let me just say something naturally powerful right here because Elijah was a prophet of demonstration he could have gotten caught up in that because trust me when I tell you that that right there there was some spiritual movement going on and I told you once before it won't be it won't be sin that would be the deception of the Saints it would be the misappropriation of divine information in Revelation it would be the inability to perceive in no timing thank you lord thank you for that thank you for them I couldn't repeat it if I wanted to right now it just came out I kid you not I could I couldn't repeat that if I wanted to right now I hope you grab what he just said cuz that he literally used my mouth that time I don't even know what I just said but all I know is this that's the weight and the longevity in the voice in what he will speak would outlive out stand anything that you may see as a demonstration and an action because his word is eternal what he does is in The Times oh yes Lord because there's a time to be born as a time of dad there's a time to weep there's a time to cry are y'all hearing that so the doings of the Lord as a result of his presence are all mocked in time which means there is an expiration date on the moment that you would feel the joy and the inspiration from back but when you get a word from God when you get a word from the Lord and he speaks and he take you to a place where you can hear it that word is so eternal then when the Lord has done something at six o'clock with that word at eight o'clock he can do it again at midnight that same world can do it again my god from Zion Yong hiya boy who you at 3:00 in the morning you can take the same world and the same word transcends time so we won't be involved by the action we will seek to put our ears to his lips and we want to hear still small voice because we want to hear his word throughout this whole conference all he keeps sending me this time it's going to be easy I don't care what comes up and I have watch things come up and the Lord that word Shh something else come I said okay god I don't know how I'm gonna pay for this he mighty he mighty that's why I got a set on facebooking big y'all for money cuz he mighty God I said up but God I says my God my God my god oh my god somebody said well you have not because you ask not and you have not because you ask the wrong people okay my God my God dang dang my God my god I'm telling you I'm telling you yesterday he started doing but the small voice I pay for some things for the conference and they said we gonna need that letter I said it's coming I said cuz God then gave me a word secretary called me right before I went on the show and said I just went to the post office box and somebody just sent you a check for $5,000 I don't know that person they just said God told them I saw sweet I don't know that person my god because when you got a still small voice word I feel small boys word and you've been brought up here and immediately you in the spirit I'm not gonna get excited because the rocks and the mountain is falling cuz that's gonna happen again I'm not going getting frog in the fire and miss the boys because because of the word oh that's why it won't happen again I'm Elijah I didn't call it down fight it is oh oh I feel the wind of the Spirit blowing oh this won't be the last time I feel that this won't be the last time I feel that because the voice that I'm seeking all that come with him my god it said when he passed by all of that comes with him the moment of his power comes with him the breaking of the shackles come with him the fire that needs to be started in the hearts of God's people that comes with him so you know what I'm not gonna get stuck right here I'm not going to get stuck right here because there's still small voice when I get that word that can be produced again how do I know that because when I got that word he told me now I want you to go and I want you to lay your hands on Jehu and I want you to unknown him to bring down Jezebel Oh what am I saying well you get that still smile boys word you take that same word and keep working it because that same word is eternal heaven and earth will pass away but my words shall forever shall forever stay shut forever space heaven and earth shall pass away everything that that we see God doing it was in that time but what about this time and what about the next half and so you got a lot of people shouting in that time you got a lot of people dancing and shout on what he did but what about what he doing now and what about what he gonna do but if you ain't got a still small voice word all you got is a memory you don't have an experience and you don't have a future I love y'all that's all our jump in the spell [Music] that's what we asked you for ask him today to give you a still small voice word everybody on this page every bumblebee on this page if you've never been on this page before you ask the question what is the bumblebee about keep asking somebody on that page your answer you ask the Lord but sometimes we think we need to talk to people sometimes we think if I can just get so so so so let me just encourage me when all you needed to steal small boys then you can keep your business to yourself okay you can tap that screen right there I just spoke a real world right there still small voice feel some of the small boys to tell you the weight still small voice like you secondly this time it's going to be easy and I just said okay God who does ban whoever conference and take off the registration in the lower stage but this time is going to be easy I'm watching him do what he says and I didn't get that from a boy screaming at me over microphone I didn't get that because I was listening to somebody else tape I got that because I learned how and I'm going to teach you how to go to get your prayer room from over there but move it back and practice in there so you can sit that thing in here and you can learn how to operate from it on a daily base you can learn to be self-sufficient in God you can learn how to be strong in the Lord and then the power is mine you can learn how to be strengthened in your own mind and in your own heart you can learn how to position yourself to the point that you know and you don't have to wait for somebody to tell you that you're low longer the tail but you're the head and you're no longer being need but you are above all things and that you are more than a conqueror you're not a survivor you're more than a conqueror you better know I heard somebody say it the other day and it bears repeating this right here is not a moment this right here is a movement this right here is not a moment this is a movement people that get hot in just demonstrations are people then will always be looking for a moment people that take their ears and stick their ears to the lips of the father those people always be people who will the experiencing consistently movement which means nothing in your life will be stagnant while you are speaking it God will bring it to that car another moonshine because my trust my trust is in the still small voice the Bible said he that secret for thine is the wicked and the perverted my thought about the way I serve God and about the way I worship God is perverted but when I got a word I can keep moving when you got a word if you don't ever remember nothing I said today when you get that word you absolutely positively unapologetic can never decide nothing you won't ever please believe that I love you
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 25,044
Rating: 4.9114585 out of 5
Id: zfHgUplnXk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 24sec (3264 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2017
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