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you any sound feel no sound no sound no sounds yes sound yes sound is it no sound ago yes sound yes sound you can hear me okay okay all right well you all know what time it is because whenever I'm getting ready to minister on the power of the prophetic thank you lady Bolton that's my babysitter right there she'd be like money they owe it it's all friend she said yes we got seven that's a funny girl right there that's my little sweetheart don't what am i cheering but you all know that when whenever the Lord gives me an assignment to talk about the prophetic interference is expected delays are expected but permanent interruptions won't be tolerated and so I'll stop at nothing because I know what it is the Lord is trying to say to us today and today's lesson is going to be heavy and and and we're talking about how do I know that the time has come for my prophecy to be fulfilled how do I know that for a fact and I'm telling you what the Lord gave me you're going to know today for a fact what time it is where you are and whether or not it is time for your prophecy to come to pass now and I'm saying this because um some of what God gave me on Sunday I ministered that and when I tell you since Sunday every single day two and three times a day my breakthroughs are here the phone calls are coming unexpected connections with major people have taken place in the last 48 hours because it's time and so how do you know that the time is right and the time is now and so before we go into Beck you all have been operating in acts of obedience and why am I talking about this why do I have to talk about this today and why is this the day that we do this because of where we are in this book we are at the place of the third dimension we're not backtracking we're not going back to the ultra salvation the alter has transitioned for us and now we are coming into the altar of God and the altar of God is not the altar I go to when I'm trying to get holy it is the altar that I enter into because I am holy and when I touch it it sanctifies me it separates me for the purpose of what is behind that veil and into the third dimension and so if you are an individual that understand that it's your time then you're going to know why we are in this part of this book and I urge you literally urge you to go ahead and get this book and we're going to send you the PDF so that you can be right there with us but I'm telling you this right here where we are now in this book is no joke we are at that place of the third dimension and what God is about to speak today it is going to change your life so you tagged somebody in and also we only have a few more of these left and people have been getting them for Christmas presents and all of the above and so we're getting them out and this is the Signature Series Bible and we literally only have a few of these left and we extended it to 200 because people wanted this signature series it's signed and numbered and so you need to get this if you intend to have something that is going to be a collector's item one day because after this print 700 there would be no more printed of this with my face on it with the authentic certificate inside showing you that this is an authentic signed and numbered series and it would be physically signed by me not just have a step of my signature every single Bible that goes out to things you will see you will see my handwriting in the portion to number it to tell you what number it is and then you're going to see my physical handwriting where I'm going to physically sign your Bible so it will not be a signature stamp I will be sitting and signing 700 miles to go out and so we only have a few of these left and so you don't want to miss this you don't want to miss this series you do not want to miss this series we only ever feel them left so you can go to the website and order the Signature Series Bible now let's get going when we talk about prophecy and dumb funny that this would be where the Lord would have us is because I've kind of encountered over the last couple of days and very interesting comments about the prophetic and when you are embarking upon entering into the veil of the third dimension you have to know what you're doing when you're getting it and you have to know the expected posture that God is asking you to have as you enter into that posture and like I said yesterday you know when it's your time to enter into that that level and that dimension in God this is the realm where you're held responsible for what you hear because it's almost like I'm like your children is like if you you know when we were little you know my parents would be in the room talking and so we will just bust in the room you know and and and and they would be in there talking about something serious or my answer whoever they would be the living room chocolate my son a week busts up in there and then you stand up against the wall and my mother would turn on and said what do you want get out of here grunting is talking going somewhere and sit down and don't dock in that door dock in that door y'all know I'm telling my age now because only people from the south and people that's over 40 will understand what that means don't dock in that door no more you get all the way from here groan focus chocolate and so it's that same kind of feeling when you are embarking upon the third dimension and you'll not grown enough to be in there it is almost like the spirit of a lord reduce you and said go and get out of here now going set over there somewhere on the forgive me alter but don't be all up in here and grown folks conversation because this level right here is for growing people in the spirit that is not for people who are wavering and wondering you know if I want to be saved the day and I don't want to be saved a modern and the day I feel like you know giving up and tomorrow I think i'ma hold on it's a matter of you making a decision because somebody maybe even on this page that is saying you know what you that that's round like me but it don't have to be you it doesn't have to be you and it doesn't have to be this long drugged-out transition you know where I got you saying I got good no because things are of the Spirit you can repeat in the next five second ask God to forgive you ask him to wash you and tell the Lord to prepare you I'm going to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying and you can enter into that realm so do you honestly think that we really have time you know for all this transitioning that we do it takes you a long time to transition into that realm because you're not finished with your sin yet I just said something right there I just made a profound statement right there when you are when you are finished and you are done with what that lifestyle does to you then they entering in is a matter of a decision and a mindset it's not days it's not months it's not weeks it's a decision that you can make today are you hearing this so when you get to that place of understanding that level of the prophetic and like we said yesterday and I'm going to I think there should be for me to go over it again that um we must understand that when the Lord releases to us a prophecy watch this it is very rare that the prophecy is released at a time when the person is in a state of perfection I just said something that I want you to really think about it is rare that the Lord would release a prophecy and the person is in a perfected state and you can and you can look back in the scripture and the scripture will show you that um Mary listen she wasn't she wasn't perfect she wasn't perfect because no man is but she was chosen she was chosen she was favored of the Lord that's what I'm talking about prophecy comes when you are favored of the Lord not because you are perfect not because a lot of times that it comes you deserve it it's what the law and decides about your life and that's why I don't know why people play with it because how can you play with something that you didn't merit how can you toy with something how can you decide not to walk out something that you didn't merit that it was favor as to how you got it in the first place and so because of that favor I've been released to me a prophecy and so when you look at that I want you to hear a clip just a little bit of a scripture it's not the whole story but I want to pull this part out because I have so far to go today Genesis 17 and 19 it said but God said no Sara your wife shall bear you a son and be and you shall name him Isaac laughter and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant and with his descendants after him now the first thing that we must go back to understanding about the prophetic and that is when a prophecy is spoken it is spoken about more than you it is spoken about more than you it doesn't just concern you this is not this is not personal this is this is business and it's connected to so many things that you know not of and so if you do not understand the character this is the way the Lord gave it to me so I have to give it to you the way he gave it to me if you do not understand the character of prophecy and of the prophetic then the abuse of it is the inevitable you are bill what you don't know you abuse what you don't understand you abused it like I see people you know out there now you know you abuse what you don't understand and I gotta say this yes because you see somebody abusing the prophetic really doesn't give you the right to expose the fact that they misusing because the Bible is still true touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm and so whether or not you you you think they prophetic gifts is as of whatever it is the Lord will judge his prophets he always has and he always will and so as students of this page we don't want to get in trouble with God call myself talking about people that's in the prophetic what do you like what they're doing or not you that's just a very careful place that's a very sensitive place to God and that's why he said touch not that's why he said touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm no harm no harm and that word harm is loaded with a lot and so let's always keep that in mind we were going to be mature students you know students of the word you know I see a lot and I tell people all the time I don't have to use other people's downfalls as an example to teach a lesson you know because I I have enough of my own I can just use me I can use me because you never you know you never climb up the ladder by stepping on somebody else and you never know when it's going to be your turn well you go into error or go into a situation that that you think in your own mind that you're right you know and and you may not be right but every everybody have their day you understand what I'm saying and so when I am teaching on this page what you won't ever hear me do is use somebody else's downfall you know calling a name I'm saying you know whatever you know they ain't preaching writers they ain't praying right or you know what I'm sayin and they supposed to be a prophet I just can't do that because he wants us to be the teachers of a gospel and not you know teachers of people and so your teacher will teach you love the Lord you know you would try to to steer your students in the right direction so that they can be healers of the body of Christ so that they can be covered and they can cover people in prayer when they see them going in a certain direction you know I pray for people because that's what I want somebody to do for me I want somebody to pray for me always always pray for me and so somebody to tap that screen is you know what I just said to be the truth amen what I say you know when attack you teach you don't use that an opportunity to you know take advantage of somebody else so I said all that to say that in the prophetic we must understand that if we don't know the process of the prophetic and we don't know its nature and we don't know its character then we'll always be flying by the seat of our pants trying to understand what is happening whether or not something is going to ever happen or whether it already happened and we didn't know what happened that's funny but it's the truth so how do i how dr. Bynum can I can I judge for myself because I if you like me not only do you get tired sometimes just waiting on somebody to come and give you a word of the Lord but by the same token um you come to a place like I said yesterday what I'm going to hear from the Lord intimately for myself I want to come to a place where where I know his voice and I'm not shaken what I don't see instant results because I know the pattern of the prophetic yes even though the prophetic is spiritual there's a pattern in that spirituality we do not operate as people of God and spiritual chaos though God moved like his spirit there's a divine order to that spirit and if you're living in the kernel in the natural you will never understand that order because in that to you it's chaotic it makes no sense are you hearing me that's what the Bible stated that Jesus spoke in parables because he wasn't trying to get everybody that was listening to understand what he was saying I'm talking to who I'm talking to I'm talking to those that I mind my god because he was questioned at one point by the Jews I said when are you going to tell us when the Messiah is coming when are you going to tell us whether or not you're him or it is coming and his response to them was the people that belong to me already know the answer so if you understand me this you're not of me cuz those that know me already know what time it is and who I am are you hearing that and so he always spoke in parables for the sake of those that were the paparazzi at that time and we can't wait to talk about the prophetic from this side of the fact from those that were of the spirit of the paparazzi who they were just nosy the people that just want to see miracles but you don't want Jesus and so he said I'm not going to talk and allow all of you are out here and some of y'all achieve ins to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God I'm going to speak in a parable and though that I in the spirit will catch me and they will know what I'm talking about are you hearing God today are you hearing God today so sometimes the Lord will speak something to you or the passion would be afraid I know you've experienced this because I have the plastic can be preaching and he can be saying something and he'll say something that just really is kind of off-the-wall to somebody else and I son jumped up and started shouting and dancing it people look over the church like what is wrong with us because a revelation wasn't revealed to me because the Spirit of the Lord had my pastor to say what he said because he was sending me a message that's why you don't judge your praise by whether or not somebody else throw their hands up but as God can be saying something to you that makes no sense for nobody else God could be speaking a word that that becomes a divine witness to you and nobody in a church shop but you but it's your word and that's why you must learn how to become prophetically independent well you know your spirit you know the Spirit of God and you trust what you're hearing God say wow wow wow who was that you who is that true so let's look at this pattern so he says here in this passage of Scripture I want to go to this part he said you're going to name it this because it's going to mean this they just see that first revelation you're going to name him Isaac as a revelation of his name means laughter oh my god so the Lord may say to you name your situation it's done but the nature of that situation is I've already worked out everything and if all the things that you have been praying about but the first thing you have to do from the prophetic you have to name what it is that God is saying to you Who am I talking to you right now you can't just say well you know the Lord oh he gonna do something I don't know what it is where he gonna do something no you got to name it he didn't say and something's gonna be born and just name him something because that's not what he's doing he said this child is going to be born and it's going to be a male child I want you to see the prophetic in action it's going to be a male child what is the name of that thing that is about to be born for you I just said so I just shut you a loaded question right now what is the name of it that the Lord has spoken and told you this in your life is about to be born my god I still am young I still is thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you you got a decree it today you watching today you got to name that thing the day you got a name that thing today because it can't be or something because if it says something that means you anything anything can happen but the one thing that I love about the prophetic the prophetic is designed to be specific to be specific when the angel came to Mary he didn't says I'm gonna be born and we can't tell you what what is gonna be whether it's gonna be a boy or girl but when it crime just name it son it didn't say to the three wise men girl going down there and follow starting see some no we got to send them to look for whose name is cheese whose name is the Messiah when looking for the Messiah we're not looking for something I'm saying something right here anybody getting this no no we like have looking for God to just bless us what is it that God said he was going to do then you're obligated by God to keep calling it that I don't care what it looks like you are mandated by the Spirit of God because you have entered into this dimension to keep calming it what God called it when you were in this dimension another we're not going to talk about the day that you sly down when I'm going to talk about the day when you don't feel this pivotal we're not going to talk about the day when you vent your best to the altar of Lord forgive me it doesn't change what he said when you were in that dimension and so our honor for that thing to come the pack you got to get back in the whale where he spoken it because the prophetic is not given so you can hear it it giving so that you can live a different lifestyle and so now you got to get back into where that thing live it doesn't live out here in the carnal good Lord your mercy Jesus who my god from Zion Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus it don't live out here in foolishness it lives in a realm of a supernatural and if you want to get it out of that realm into your natural watch this if you're going to get it out of that realm you must understand that my natural is nothing but a body bag my natural is nothing but a body bag I'm pulling this thing down I'm so the spirit into my screaming and it is in my spirit that is that is it right relationship with the spirit realm with the gods Rama that's gonna keep my prophecy alive am i talking to anybody right now oh my god Isis so he calls it calls him Isaac and he said his lame Isaac will mean laughter which means behind this thing there is a there is a there is a spirit that's going to come behind what God is going to do so the Lord may say you know what i'm going to i'm going to you know give you a car and and and you know your credit is messed up you don't know how it's gonna come but this car is going to bring you peace so there's always going to be a nature behind the release of the prophetic are you hearing this and so he set their watches and i will establish my covenant with him and i will establish my covenant with him what is he trying to say to us and i will establish my covenant with him with him with him and i will establish my covenant with him so my so then let's go back and look at what what does he mean by my covenant because somebody said well you know what he had a covenant with us you know he made himself covenant with us yes let me get you look at this I told the people I said you know long time ago people I was taught about covenant that you know friendship means I will if you will you know if you buy me a dress or about your dress and you'll be my friend I'll be your friend and I was told that the word covenant means that I will if you want you know even if you won't be my friend even if you won't be committed to me I'll be committed to you that was that was one definition in my earliest age and it was the elementary definition that I was given so that I could understand what covenant was until I'm retort and one day the Lord sent me on a journey because I want tell you some thing that can happen to listen the worst thing that can happen to anybody is something that they never happened to nobody I just said something right there I want you to think about what I just said people that ain't never been to nothing let me tell you something revelation that is released when you are in transition is out of this world because once it is taught to you through your experience nobody would have to ever teach you again nobody would have to go back and say oh let me help you with this listen and when the Lord transitions you out of an issue and change your circumstance and you have to walk through that journey with the Lord Himself and he becomes your teacher there were some profound things that he teach you that you would not have ever learned in a book you would not have ever learn that just by sitting down you said well you know what I just I'm just going to read the Bible and just you know spend some time with the Lord no because your reading becomes intensified to a place of survival and there's a difference between I just want to get spend some time with the Lord then Lord I'm reading this because if you don't help me I will crack up if you don't speak a word out of this scripture for me today I'm guarantee you imma be here tomorrow so then the Lord then has to regulate that scripture it can't just be the written word it has to be the word where the Spirit of the Lord is added to the world so that it can bring life because the Bible says that was the Lord speaks in spirit and it is life in other words is I'm going to live I'm going to live because the word that's been spoken is spirit and it's life are you hearing me so when you look at this same covenant and then I started reading about coveting one of the things that that the word covenant stated it says that that covenant means to restore to rejuvenate to resuscitate it says covenant means to regenerate and then when I start looking at that word regenerate regenerate means every time it looks like you getting ready to head down off the Lord regenerates you in other words he makes you brand new all over again every kind of looks like you about the dog alone resuscitate you in other words his dependency in this word covenant is not on what you do but it's what he probably said he would do because he know you don't have the power to survive but every time it looks like you're not going to survive then it's my responsibility because I made myself covenant to you when I save you I have to revive you I have to resuscitate you I have to spank you and bring you back to life I have to breathe the breath of life into you and that is the reason why that is the reason why people then when we feel like giving up when you make a mistake and feel like you know what comers will walk away from this thing called Christianity you look up and all of a sudden you got a new breath coming you got a new wind coming you it's almost like a spirit of encouragement drops out of the sky and all of a sudden you start prophesizing yourself that is a covenant of God in operation because he said I'm covenant with you which means today forever when you need to be revived I'm going to revive you why because now I have a vested interest in you what is that vested interest what what is the best interest somebody lives in you that belongs to heaven oh my god I'm telling you that's a revelation my death somebody lives in you somebody is trying to live vicariously through you somebody is trying to get the world to see Christ and so now the Lord has a vested interest and that's like he keeps resuscitating you who am I talking to Who am I talking to Who am I talking to that's why she keeps reviving you toribash ah yeah thank you Jesus whoa my god are you hearing this are you hearing this no somebody tapped that screen somebody tapped that screen somebody tapped that screen right now that's right that's right cuz watch this now why am I saying this why am i saying that that that that God has a covenant because what did he do here we're talking about the prophetic what did he do here not only does he have a covenant with you people not only does he have a covenant with us all people of God thank you Jesus oh my god do you think God don't trust you to carry this thing out why do you think he told you don't put no trust in the flesh do not put no confidence in your flesh oh my god I'm not trusting your flesh to process your prophecy that's that's not where my trust is oh I'm not trusting your emotion to carry this thing out because because one day you feel up the next day you feel down the next day so like killing yourself a next day you feel like home hallelujah I can make it I can't trust you I can't trust your emotions oh my god lord I thank you lord I faint you gonna faint you lord I thank you no why am i thanking God why am I thinking God for you if you're not thinking God why should you be thanking God because all of the emotional ups and downs and swings did not have the ability to cancel the prophecy that's why I just started faking God because in David I said I only want to be saved no more he didn't cancel the prophecy the David I said I just give up and I'm sick of going through this it did not can show the prophecy why because that's not what the prophecy had launched it is in your spirit and what about my spirit that's what he has made a covenant with that he put the prophecy in a Rama in your spirit that he can constantly revive it and with separated are you hearing God today it's anybody hearing God today my God my God who somebody needs a shrinking right there cuz I feel that hole - under a video Sonya thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus good news for somebody oh good news for somebody the prophecy ain't going away good news for somebody today the prophecy is still alive good news from somebody he hid it away from you a durable Shia he put it in a ram that not even you can destroy it because I keep telling you that's a prophecy it connected to more than you let other people there's got to be a part of this prophecy that's other people who haven't given up and that's what you don't understand what I'm saying when God prophesied to you and it is connected to other people do you not know oh you're weekdays there's strong days is keeping the prophecy alive oh mercy God and mercy god are you hearing this are you hearing this are you hearing this when I give you prophecy about your children I'm talking to some mother today when they give you a prophecy about your children and it's prophesized to you harder than abortion video saya the reason why the enemy wants you out of the way he wants you to say I will kill myself because he know you the carrier you're the carrier of the extent do you not know we don't know the extent of the stretch of this frame called a word from God but watch this What did he say here he said I have made a covenant with him look at this look at this they got my Ferris yes the God loves hey Graham yes were they favored will to God yes God made them a promise he prophesied to them yes but who did God cut the Covenant with he said my covenant is going to be with the processing my covenant it would abortion become my covenant is with that which is going to come out of you that's why I know for a fact it's going to come to pass I don't know who I'm talking to you today but I feel like getting up out of this room and running up you're like running for you it's going to come to pass it's got to come to pass because God has made a covenant with that with that thing that still sitting in your spirit corner my momma shundi with that thing that's still in your chest that almost shut none of us from that he'll shut up he's made of covenant was the word that he prophesied to you and it's still alive you can't unknow Sunda and it shall come to pass because he said the Covenant is everlasting oh my god I'm not going to stop sick God until I see it come out of you until I see you lay hold of it until I see you with it in your hand until I see your children why I prophesied that they would be my covenant is with that which I have spoken are you hearing that my gotham's I mean Jesus who by Sunday yeah who by Sajid I think thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you so so so so wait a minute so wait a minute so wait a minute she said she said she said my covenant it's everlasting to the thing that I had prophesied so now don't not only do you have a covenant but your thing got a covenant oh my god your thing got a covered it that thing you plan for that thing is connected to God outside of you hold on um I you ain't nobody but a carrier I keep telling you you ain't nobody but a carrier you ain't nobody but a carrier and I keep telling y'all stop adding stuff in the scripture stop adding stuff oh you know what did I do when you done well yes you would win the Lord spoke that to her but you know she had to believe it that's not what he said then to Mary he said you know according to to your belief be it done unto you America some things that the Lord did for different people he said if you would only believe we're here he asked somebody to believe nothing he spoke what was going to happen because in your finite mind don't fool yourself and don't let nobody blow smoke in your ears we as human beings do not have the ability to believe the masses of stuff that God is proper sign to us he's you're trusting us to carry it and that's why we fast so we can get out of the way that's why we fast and we can get a human man out of the way that's why wouldn't God speak something the first thing you start trying to do is figure out how it's going to come to pass 1 because you don't possess the ability to believe that that has to be given to you by God and watch this and watch this and watch this when God makes a covenant with it when God makes a covenant with it he closes it to come the past not just because people believe but there were times that the law would allow things to come to pass so he can catch you so he can order by shunda so he can give you a belief there was something that god is going to do for people that did not deserve it but he's doing it because of his favor because he has to show them who he is in order for them to believe who he who am I talking to today Oh Bosh under annamaria oh thank you Jesus somebody oh my I feel God I feel God on this so heavy I feel God on this so heavy I feel him talking to somebody he gonna do it you feel messed up but God said I got to do this thing for you you feel like you know what I ain't worried I got it and I just feel like I just want to quit but God said I got to do this thing for you because the reason why you feel like you ain't worthy and the reason why you feel like you want to quit and I'm talking to somebody and don't know who I'm talking to but gods you talking to somebody today the reason why you feel like you want to give up and the reason why you feel like you want to quit it because you let into all of God yet you haven't seen him work enough in your life you haven't seen God do enough for you and order for you to be anchored and who he is and not move about what you see and so God is saying that there are people on this page that I'm getting ready to bring the prophecy the past but I'm bringing it the past to save you I'm bringing it the past so I won't lose you I'm ready to pass or you can get to know who I am as your God and your Savior he says show up the road in the rounder --corner when I make you another promise you want to have a reference to what I just did for you Oh before this here is out the Lord said I'm going to prove myself tear it person that is on this page he said because some of you are still doubt me because guess what you have not been put in a position for me to fulfill a prophecy that you know that you have not merited you have not earned it I'm not here nobody talk to me I'm not worthy of this God but he said but you're worthy enough for me to save you and that's the object of the fulfillment of some things is that God has to do it to save you Oh God who is he talking to who is he talking to who was he talking to and so he says here no God let's just get to this let's just get you the special scriptures so he makes a covenant with the thing he makes a covenant with the thing Herradura video she under a Mariah globe Arabic RC television he makes a covenant with the Thames he must have covered it with you and then he witness beyond you and he makes a covenant with that would you believe with him for so he said I got a resuscitate that thing when it looked like it ain't gonna come to pass I got a revive it I got a give it a life and then what do I have to do what did it what does the Bible say these are the words that I speak they are spirit and they are life so guess what why do you think you keep getting confirmations why do you think that God would send people to prophesy to you and it would be a confirmation of what the Lord told you the confirmation watch this the confirmation is sent to you not just to assure you but to keep the thing from dining Oh God I love you Jesus thank you God thank you God because he has an obligation to the fame and so in order to keep the finger lies the thing cannot stay alone of my bread alone not on abortion da da da da ba hiya man cannot live by bread alone aha nothing that God is doing can live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God so when it looks like the enemy is trying to attack for prophecy well it looks like the enemy is trying to bring some kind of interruption to the prophecy when it looks like there a barricade that's been set up to make it appear that the process is not going to come the pad when it looks like the person that you thought was going to do it for you they end up going on the beam of the Lord and they can't do it no more let me tell you something God was being send a prophet to we prophesy when he has already spoken to you so we can do what keep the prophecies alive make somebody else speak it so the prophecy can be rerouted and stay alive I don't think y'all hear this do you hear this today because you got it locked in one person you think because this person didn't do it it ain't gonna come to pass you think because oh this one right here said they was gonna do it and they let me down but God said I got I got 7,000 I never bowed to me I got some people get you know not else your job is to continue to be a carrier because I've made a covenant with the thing and because I made a covenant with the thing that is my responsibility to get it in the right hand so that the right hands can put it in your hand are you clearing God today oh jesus oh Jesus who young my time is out my time is out I'm not through with this this week you can't miss this week I'm not through with this you have for knows day he made a covenant my God thank you Jesus I just heard the Holy Ghost it to me and said that's why you still here I just heard him speak that to me he said that's why you feel here that's why you still here thank you God because I made a covenant with what I called you to do and I'm speaking to somebody today and I'm commanding your spirit to take this in I'm commanding you to set your mind to set your emotions down and I'm commanding you to come into this third realm so that you can see that a covenant is attached to the prophecy and the Lord just fit and in will not rain and it will nothing Kuroko cachaca removal sia and it will not fail hey Kaka Boca Chica name is Natalia they seek a bit of opposition it will not fail and will not fail for even and I am preaching the Lord and resuscitating it in somebody right now somebody that's been badgered by the enemy somebody that's going to offer warfare right now the Lord which fascinates the prophecy he pulled it back to safety Nevada Hakan daddy Osama ha he said daddy be Shia otona memorable Shia no weapon let's film the density plasma watch because it's not in the realm of the weapon it doesn't live in the vicinity of the weapon my god from Zion my god from Zion it wasn't back from that rail it doesn't survive in that way it lives in the realm from which it was proper socks and that's the third dimension and it will not fail Oh Masha sin daily because here thank you Jesus my god I feel this today I feel this today I feel this today I feel this again the devil is a liar the spirit that speaking I was a liar don't you dare hear that I don't care what it looks like but the Bible tells us that nothing that God did was based upon what was he didn't have to use nothing that already existed in order to create what he decided to create so nothing that God speaks is based on what is he speaks it according to his will and he speaks it according to the favor that he has granted all your life and God don't need uncle bother to make it come the past he don't need your grandmother to make it come to pass he don't need nobody else but who he chooses to make it come to pass he don't need people that you know to make it come to pass but when people that God has endanger bless you you haven't even met him yet horn arabic i seek a deliverer here stop wasting time trying to butter up people that you think is gonna do something for you God has already got this thing planned out and it's already worked out and all you got to do it remember one thing today that the Lord has made a covenant with my dream my god and we speak it in the name of truth we seek it by your power God and we learn the hand of discouragement right now with a new kid in the mighty name of Jesus we bind the works of the devil right now we cast him out of the body right now I speak healing in the money name of Jesus from the top of the head down to the sole of their feet God sent an angel over in the house good an angel over in the hospital room right now in the money name of Jesus and we thank you for the victory right now with thank you God that one you have a covenant with what you have spoken and God we choose to believe your report header honorable course in da da da ba hyah in the Murray name of Jesus and the money name of Jesus we have God that you are and make ways out of no way but that's the way you learn to operate you love to operate like that you love to walk through doors and a shut you love to walk to go in a locked up you love to do it - and yet in the money name of Jesus and father and peel it under the fear of God that the whole of the king is in your hand and I commend God that you begin to turn it right now in the money name of Jesus according to your real father Aaron of Australia and godly preacher we thank you because we know that was you have spoken is eternal and nothing can stop it from coming a path and we praise you because you're teaching us a pattern of the prophetic and therefore this very day we don't shake but we internet dimension horrible casaya we there we ship to where our promises we ship the way I promise it because whatever promises that we are praises it so God we praise you and so we paint them because your credit is good with us we bring to God because we thank you in advance because we know that you're not a failure we know the nothingness to speak can fall to the ground and that is you God there is nothing that is not possible for all things are possible to those that believe and to those that can't God we praise you lord but the in o'clock and the courage to just be able to stand on your word outside of our feelings and we praise our God but the word is power by self the word has its own power or God we praise up because the world doesn't depend on us to be powerful but it's powerful and it stands on its own and so we thank you God for a lure called favor and we thank you God because you have decided and we thank you God that you didn't decide based upon what we feel and therefore what it will do and how it will come to pass it's not based on what we feel but it's based upon your Divine Will and your divine plan for us and we give you praise hood right now and we tell you thank you somebody tell them thank you somebody tell them thank you order an affinity you Shia over the car somebody give it free right now Oh glowing Rachel Rachel Rachel Rachel thank you Rachel Rachel Rachel thank you Lord we thank you for gee we thank you for Jesus we thank you for the compliment you mean without prophecy or globally we give Him praise for the Covenant that he's made without from [Music] Thank You G thank you we thank you for the covenant holiday that you made with that which was supposed to be we thank you for the Covenant that you made with that is when they said she was too old and their child we thank your God because you made covenant with a Barren womb blow it to your name Jesus how does we shut up uh Laura Laura to your high name ah Oh glory glory glory glory you may covered it with a Barren womb you made covenant with a woman that was too old to do it but because you decided me thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you made a covenant with a man that was too old to produce it but when you decide you consider not the flesh and so we thank you Lord we paint your Lord we're not considering our flesh we thank you Lord for not considering where we are but we thank you God because you prophesy according to where you're taking us and your prophesy according to our future and so we get your movie for that and we give you praise and the marine a machine and the mighty name of Jesus Vader - under you and the little trust we have is in you thank you God thank you thank you [Music] [Music] gotta go for you we send in the last shipment out on Wednesday which is tomorrow day then we're shutting down for the Christmas holiday so you expect to get your book in the mail before the Navy to order it within the next 24 hours thank you you have a Bible for me a few of the list I got up at our car I shall be anointed anyway and Shia to deliver Muhammad strategy Thank You G covenant and believe with your face believe me 50 years [Music]
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 6,038
Rating: 4.9134197 out of 5
Id: FeJl8LbwuzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 37sec (3337 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2017
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