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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] absolutely [Music] here is our mom [Music] while you're waiting and while you're waiting why don't you go ahead and share this video I'm going to be talking about the power of batteries the power of fasting why don't you go ahead attack somebody and share this video because this video is crucial to the turnaround that we are expecting from God why am i fasting why am i fast and what powers do I gain when I found go ahead and share this with some [Music] Oh [Music] you I here [Music] we [Music] you [Music] and there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] play with your husband and I came on today I attempted to head to the church on last night but my assistant was enabled to have my office ready until today so I decided I will go after and do after he with me however I was shutting my prayer room upstairs until time for me to get ready to come down here and just read the word of the Lord and hear what God is saying for us in this hour and I don't know about you but I am extremely excited about what I sense the Lord is about to do and what he has revealed to me thus far that he is going to do so then the question comes up from last week why should I fast and what does fasting do what are the benefits are fasting what are the pitfalls of fasting half what I saw the conflicts that you go through when you are fasting and I think that people don't do it because they don't understand the process of it and if you don't know the process of something then you'll get caught in the in them and the trauma of it and the drama of it and you won't get the fulfillment as to why you are denying yourself food you won't get the fulfillment of the fast if you become entangled with the thoughts of what I am going through wow I am fat because to be honest with you if you don't take the right mindset about the denial of food you are forfeiting the promises that is do you as benefit of the fact and so a lot of people have not been taught that they have not been taught how to juggle through how to navigate through the transition of a fast when we go back and look at fasting especially the three-day fast three days fast is a very powerful fast even though the 21-day fast is to the forty day fast is as well but all of these they represent significant times in the scripture where we were able to see specific benefits behind those numbers like for example the forty day fast is a fast of VAS station it is the fast where you are coming out but you are going in it is a fast that is the end of the Tribulation Period in other words you have been tested on all grounds because if you've ever done a forty day fast you would know what I mean I have and you are tested on every ground while you are on a forty day fast and when you have come to the conclusion of that fact and you in that fast you are now ready for the next dimension and the next dimension as it relates to being an authority and authority in the movement of God and the thought in authority in the direction of the Spirit of God so when you seen Jesus fasting forty days and forty nights it is also a transition of I am ready to completely completely give myself over to the will of God did you hear that I am ready to completely give myself over to the will of God in other words I'm not fasting forty days is not a fast that says I am fasting for an instant our incident I am fasting for a particular item or a particular person the forty day fast is I am fasting for the universe to be shifted as a result of this sacrifice that fella sacrifice that that day that you embrace as personal that's a sacrifice that you embrace as corporate Universal in all realms in the first second and the third habit did you get what I said in the first second and third heaven and that's why in the midst of that fast Jesus was led out by the spirit to be tempted of the devil remember I taught that a couple of weeks ago about him going to the different dimensions and him being offered him being offered that out if you make this stone turn to bread asking him to produce proof of his power to make something happen in the natural and change it from the natural to the spiritual and so Jesus said man should not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God I'm not after that bread in other words I don't have to waste power I don't have to turn something into something that I have no use for Wow I don't have to turn a stone into bread when I don't have a use for it somebody thought maybe he did because the Bible said and he hunger and he hunger and so then the hunger has to be decided upon which which one is going to be fed is it going to be my natural body that's going to be fed or am I going to feed my spiritual body because then I must determine which one of them am I going to live the longest out of which one of them will the father get the greatest benefit from and so Jesus denied the natural feeding and so when you deny the natural feeding you instantly feed the Spirit instantly instantly the moment you deny your body the natural feeding you have instantly fed the spirit and the feeding of my spirit is necessary because when I feed my spirit then the Spirit of God in me is strengthened against my adversary it is strengthened against what we are worrying for are you hearing God today are you hearing the Lord today so just imagine the amount of people that would see this video and make the decision to fast then that means there is a host of people whom their spirits have made a stand against the works of the enemy and I'm denying my physical body food so that my spiritual body can be strengthened to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and I see change that the Lord has prophesied to us I got my god my god that's why Jesus did that and that's why he fasted and then he offered him why don't you just go and throw your stuff down off this cliff Ridley's get some angels and they'll catch you so I'm not called to tempt the LORD thy God then he said I'll giving you all of these all of these kingdoms and all the disciplines and all of their glory and all of their magnificence and their excellence if you would bow down and worship me and so then we learn again that worship is not a song worship is not a song worship is not a dance worship is not waving your hands that's the benefit and the manifestation that you've already worshiped worship is when I should render my life so that Christ can live his life through me and now I have worshipped him because I have surrendered my being to him to be an instrument in the earth way so then when I wave my hands my hands and my song become a banner of my lifestyle I am waving a sign like the arches over McDonald's that's a sign that that's a McDonald's but the archway is a banner the McDonald's is in there you have to go in them to get the food the food is a representation of the McDonald's so if you walk in McDonald's and all this Sun somebody try to hand you a Burger King burger across the counter you can say that's not McDonald's and even though they want you to eat that and they want you to be satisfied with that you're able to say I didn't come in here to get Burger King I came in here to get McDonald's so don't wave a sign outside of the golden arches and then try to offer me another burger and that's what God says to us so now we have come to the place in our country in our country where God needs the representatives of the true servants and the true soldiers of God to stand up and be counted and get prepared for war and what am I talking about being prepared for war what am I talking about being prepared for war we're talking about war and the natural no we're talking about the fact that when I fast my spirit turns into a fight when I fast my spirit comes on God when I fast my spirit then begins to go after everything that is trying to keep me from the promise of God when I fast my spirit is called to attention to the heavens and now my spirit will begin to perform that which the heavens are declaring and that's why he said that will be done on earth as it already is in heaven and how do you know when something here this how do you know when something is happening on earth that is not the will of God in heaven because automatically there would be an unrest there would be no peace there would be an agitation of the people and much warfare I just said something right there why because the Bible said that which is from God that which is from heaven is first peaceable and easily to be entreated and without hypocrisy and without assimilation and without prejudice some translation says without prejudice without victory that which is from God is not partial so when it is not from God it will close and unrest it will cause an uneasiness it will cause a warfare it will not settle in the minds of the people of God it will settled in the hearts of the people of God there would be something that refused to allow the people of God to accept what is not the will of God and so when that happens and then there is something that is out of your reach then the only way you can grab a hope to the neck of the enemy is when you fast because there is no limitations to where the spirit can go there was no limitations of what the spirit man can accomplish there was no limitations to the power that your spirit possess because it is being ignited and controlled by God oh my god and there is no failure in God who am i preaching to right now there is no failure in him there is no failure in him my God my God when I look at the scripture we noticed in Matthew the fifteenth chapter hide our neighborhoo seat in it Amash another video thank you take your God thank you we had a situation where Jesus was teaching you just joined onto this video share this video and tag this video in with somebody why must I fast and what power do I gain from fasting because God shall surely turned this thing around the seat share change again he said here how y'all gotta do she under you that the children was sitting down and Jesus was feeding them and this is the story of the 5,000 and the scripture says in the book of Matthew he said to Jesus Jesus was saying to the disciples I have to feed them go and search and see if anybody got any food I gotta feed them he said because while I have been teaching for three days they have not eaten they have not eaten for three days but if I send them away from me in fasting they will faint so here is a connection the connection becomes when I fast I am to stay connected to God and I am to stay connected to his word because if I fast without his word then I would truly faint then we would truly st. so there was something that happens from the heels of these three days he called us the fasting for three days there's something that happened on the heels of the three days not only and here we have this instance and look at this I want you to see the revelation in this how in the time of fasting for forty days and forty nights him being chipping of a devil he would not turn the stone into bread but here at the end of people hearing the word for three days and the people being filled with the bread of life for three days at the end of that third day he was able to take two fish and five loaves of bread and multiply it and feed 5000 are you hearing me because now the multiplication was not about him but the multiplication was about the satisfaction of the people and so when we sit in the Word of God for three days and we fast there is going to be a manifestation and you will be satisfied who am i preaching to and though that is a prophecy when you sit among the word of the Lord for three days and you deny yourself and your meal becomes his word there is a multiplication there is a miracle on the heels of the three days there was a manifestation that was out of air to you at the heels of the three days who am I talking to I can go on look at Esther when it was said that they were going to be destroyed this is not the first time God has had to intervene on behalf of a nation and because that was coming from God is not partial and God is not partial and God looks at all of us and he recognizes that America is his country then what God did for Esther and what God did for Mordecai and what God did for the Jews he is going to do it for us Corrigan Amish under a Navajo yeah the Bible said that Esther began to prepare herself and she began to prepare herself and the Bible said that when it looked like there was no hope and when it looks like that the country was about to be destroyed when it looks like a whole nation of people was about to be annihilated she said call of fast call the three days fast let everybody faster children fast everybody fast because it begins at the third day the Lord would enter us and the Lord calls diversity he calls a distraction he calls all kind of distractions and confusion in the camp and before you knew it God had entered the prayer and I'm here to tell you today that God had called this three day fast he is calling that would represent this nation somebody said well you know what it may only be a thousand people that do it but the Bible says give my people and my people is not everybody but my people is a remnant that understands the power of what I am going to accomplish my people is a rim that understand the necessity that just like it is a necessity for you to vote and your vote is counted your prayers will be counted you for it will be in this press that God worked when things in our favor are you hearing God today you can attack that screen and tap somebody into this video because our future depends upon it our family depends upon it the welfare of your churches depend upon it the gospel that we preach depends upon it you that attack somebody in this video because God is talking to his people his remnant vote that he has called not just to be servants but to be soldiers who died by Shia thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and so he sent here he sent here that the scripture tells us that the disciples was asking God Lord we tried to cast this demon out and the demon wouldn't come out and why is it that the demon came out when you cast it out but we could not catch it out because this right here is one of the differences that fasting does because is the natural mind and please hear this in the natural mind it is impossible when we have lived a life of carnality it is almost impossible for us and look at another human being that is a man and call him God and so though the disciples believed him to be the prophet and though they believed him to be the Son of God watch this watch this I wrote this down because he get faith it's not just about him and you believing him to be the Son of God but faith in Him says he is God today the differences but then the fact that I believe in Jesus and I believed in his works but unless I believe him to be God then I don't know the name that I'm coming in and the Fleshman mind would not want you to see that because we are always in the posture of maligning people and trying to make us all even in some kind of way well if I'm on this status that's somebody else that's on that status or if I'm on this status there's somebody else on this status and so naturally in our minds people we will start looking at Jesus as if he's man and not God but he said then that's what fasting does fasting peels away your intellectual thoughts about God and fasting allows your spirit man to reconnect itself with the omnipotent God the God that can do anything the God that speaks and middle is the God that speaks and men die the God that sends his waving hand and he called this a storm the club and then the God that speaks in the storm and said peace be still and everything comes down we're talking about God we're talking about when we called on God not man not the preacher not the Evangelist not the property but the power of the Living God that power cannot fail and that power has the ability to get it real done what he connects with a spirit in the earth realm that is willing to surrender your everything to him and say use me as an instrument and I was stay on the wall and I will not calm down until that which is done in the heavens is now in the earth realm am i preaching to anybody today why must I fast why must I says why must I said why is fasting powerful what does it do somebody said well you know what I just got the body but when I fast I get sick and when I fast my back hurt when I fast I just feel like I got headache one time when I went on a fast the church was called on the fast and I was fasting and I said god I don't know if I could do this and we were fasting then for 21 days with nothing okay that was one pastor boy it was alive and I was he told us to come to church and around about I think it was around about the 12th of the 13th day we had to come to church and we had to do prayer and I remember when everybody was on the altar standing up clapping I got so weak until I went and sat down and I ended up laying down on the bench and I was laying flat on the bench and my arm was hanging off the side of the bench and I began to weep and I began to weep and I began to say to God I can't do this I can't do this and the Lord said to me because you're trying to do something he said you don't know how to convert you don't know how to convert the pain into a yes Lord and I said what God he said one either when you're fasting you have to know how to convert the pain into what you asking God for a myself in anybody right now so if we ask in God to turn this country if we asking God to step in and intervene then every time you feel pain you're supposed to say out of your mouth turn at God because that's that's the pain that you need for God to turn it because a price has to be paid and order for God to do it oh my god our salvation was not free Jesus had to pay a price for that and when he felt the pain on the cross that he was moving and the pain was unbearable he was still asking God to forgive them for they know that what they do are you hearing what I'm saying to you today in the midst of him dying on the cross his motive and his concern was the fact that I've got to down this cross for all of your friends so if you're here on this page right now and you are fasting and you're saying with that divine know how I'm going to make it because I never did three days you got to turn the pain into the will of God you got to turn the pain into conversation about what you want when you're back start hurting when your stomach start hurting when your hands start shaking when the toxins start trying to release itself out of your body you got to start saying God have your way in this country Lord let your will be done in this country God take over the seat in this country in the mighty name of Jesus every time you feel the hurt you got to begin to pray for your loved ones begin to pray for what God has promised you that is fasting conversion because what the enemy wants to do is keep you in the discomfort of it he was to keep you in the discomfort of your mind and how hungry you are you can eat again food will be there but when gonna cause of fast is because there is something he wants to try it cannot be turned by itself it cannot be turned by itself it needs your spirits to turn it we need the spirits to turn this it cannot be turn with writing it cannot be turned with rallies it cannot be turned with marching it has to be turned by the spirit who am I talking to it cannot be told what just us being mad it cannot be turned it has to be turned with the spirit bigotry has to be shut down with the spirit because that is a spirit you don't send flesh after spirit you don't fight Thresh Oh to flesh you fight the spirit with the spirit are you hearing this are you hearing this it becomes the image of people it becomes the image of a seat but we wrestle not against flesh and blood we wrestle not against flesh and blood and the wrestling against oppression but it's there to distract you out of the will of God is that to distract you and take you from arrest and put you back in your flesh so that all of the things that is in the fresh room can now root and in the fresh we can never win but in the spirit well OH things under the control of God then there will always be victory to those that turn their traits that Oh somebody better tap that screen right this because I know what I'm talking about you're gonna tap that screen right there you gotta tap that screen somebody but okay then then then wait a min where are we then he took me to the spirit of joy the second chapter and I want you to hear all of what is happening right now this is prophecy I told you I'm not gonna processor out of my flesh I'm only gonna give you what the Spirit of God is giving me to give you through his word and then if anybody want to argue with God you you be my guest be my guest I'm only gonna give you what the Lord is saying my God my God my God it says you're the second shot I'm reading from the message Bible it said blow the ram's horn trumpet in Zion trumpet the alarm on my holy mountain shake the country up God's judgments on its way the day almost here he says he said the day is almost here a black day a doom day clouds with no civil lining like dawn like moving over the mountains a huge army is coming there's never been anything like it and never will be again wildfire burns everything before his army and fire licks up everything in its week before it arrives the country is like the Garden of Eden when it leaves it is Death Valley nothing escaped unscathed the Lotus the locust army seems all horses galloping horses an army of horses it sounds like thunder leaping on mountain ridges or like the roar of wildfire through grass and brush or like an invincible army shouting for blood ready to fight straining as a bit at the sight of this army the people panic faces white with terror the invaders charged they crying barricade nothing stops them each soldier does what he's told so disciplined so determined they don't get it each other's way each one knows his job and does it undaunted and fearless an unswerving unstoppable they storm the city swarm its defenses Luke the houses breaking down doors smashing windows they arrive like an earthquake sweep through like a tornado Sun and Moon turn out they're like stars blackout God Himself bellows and thunder as he commands his forces look at the size of that army and the strength of those who obey Him God's judgement day great and terror who can possibly survive it but this but watch this but the Bible said in the 12 verse but there's also this it's not too late God's personal message come back to me and really mean it confessing and weeping sorry for your friends change your life not just your clothes come back to God your God and here why God is kind and merciful he takes a deep breath puts up with a lot this most patient God extravagant and love always ready to cancel catastrophe he is always ready to cancel catastrophe who knows maybe he'll do it now maybe he'll turn around and show pity maybe when all said and done they'll be blessings full and robust from your God for your God are you hearing God today that's not me talking that's not me talking that's his word talking that is worth talking he said the Lord is always standing by and ready ready to turn and in catastrophe ready to turn everything around in your life that the devil has called an upheaval about I'm comforted in this and I do not shake that I know what the Spirit of the Lord is saying and Joelle if you read it in the FFI Bible that's what the birth said therefore also now says the Lord turn and keep on coming to me with all of your heart with fasting with weeping and with the morning until every kindred every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored when your heart and not your garments and return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness and he will Oaks his sentence of evil when his conditions are met the Lord will revoke this rate when the conditions are met and the conditions are if my people if my people who are called by my name what humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven then will I forgive their sin and then will I heal this land America needs to be healed and God begin to say to me this is the first time that America has a reason to pray Coronel Amish and an aha we pray because two planes went into a building and then we stopped but this is bigger than that this is bigger than that this is the arm front of a enemy let's come into course this country to stop this truck and God said the devil is a lighter and the Lord will built this and it will not be what the enemy thinks it is going to be because God is saying I've got a people that you know letter and some of you that have been weeping and crying saying God do anybody understand but the Lord speaks today and he says what he said - it wasn't Elijah don't you call yourself the only one because I got 7,000 that have never bowed to veil I've got people that you know not a that is calling on my name and the Bible said the Bible said oh my god if we call upon him if we call upon him he was here us he was here us and our Dale fasting in our day of fasting the Lord would not reject us in the Book of Isaiah the 58th chapter let's go there Kodama Casilla care Adama who am i preaching to who receiving this who is receiving this who is receiving this serenity Oh Shia thank you Jesus who was receiving this my god from Zion my god comes on my god bums on who's receiving it oh thank you Jesus oh thank you Jesus hiya thank you Jesus he talked about this fast and he said to the people in the fast why was the people saying in Isaiah 58 we've been fast and we've been doing it and it don't seem like you're hearing us and don't seem like you hearing us hey see mike is just for naught but it is not for naught it is not but not when something is wrong with the way you are fashion watch this I want you to see this I want you to see this he says here he says here in the first verse shout a full-throated shout hold nothing back I trumpet blast shout tell my people what's wrong with their lives face my family jacob with their sins they're busy busy at worship and love studies all about me to all appearances they are nation of right living people to all appearances to all appearances they are a nation of right living people lower-body god-honoring they ask me what's the right thing to do and love having me on their side but they also complain why do we fast and you don't look our way why do we humble ourselves and you don't even notice well here is why if you want to know how god is going to do it this time for real the reason why he had me sitting here today and i don't usually do this when i'm fasting when god called fast i shut away but the reason what he said you must come on here today is because they cannot flip this up we cannot mess this one up we can over she catalana me and Sonia the country cannot afford for us to miss it this time we cannot mess this up we gotta hit this one bull's eye are you hearing God he said and I'll tell you what the bottom line on your fast date its profit you drive your employees much too hard you fast but at the same time you bicker and fight you fast but you swing a mean the kind of fast thing you do we'll get your prayers off the ground do you think this is the kind of fast day I master a day to show off humility to put on a pious long face and parade around solemnly and black do you call that fasting a fast that I God would like no this is the kind of fast day I'm after to break the chains of injustice to get rid of exploitation in the workplace free the oppressed cancel death what I'm interested in seeing you do is sharing your food with the hungry inviting the homeless poor into your homes putting clothes on the shivering ill-clad being available to your own families do this and the lights will turn on do this and the lights will turn on and your lives will turn around everyone your righteousness what pave your way the god of glory will secure your passage then when you pray God will answer your call out for help and I'll say Here I am are we hearing that are we hearing that test that screen with some hearts of you hearing that and you agreeing with God he said if this not the fast that I've chosen if this at the fares are not chosen because we are secret weapon and that's why we're supposed to walk around as if we're not fasted we're supposed to look as if we're not because we don't want to expose our weapons to the enemy we don't want to expose our weapons to the enemy did you just say what I said that's the reason for it we try to turn the light on so we ought to get it right with everybody we have to get it right with your families whoever it is asking for forgiveness and keep it moving we got to get it right for our prayers won't be hurt this time it's about our country people this time it's about where we live we've been sitting over here in America for a long time looking over in Ethiopia saying poor them we've been looking on Africa parts of Africa sampler them we've been looking over into us I reckon all of those places and saying poor them now it's for us now it's for us I don't know but the difference between them and us we would not deny our God we will not turn our face away from God we will look to the hills from which comment out here I have come upon the Lord who made heaven and earth we will not we would not turn aside from seeking the face of our God and we want to know Lord what is it that you would have us to do that you may turn this thing so that we would have a land of peace Khoda have a Shia are you hearing God today are you hearing God today are you hearing God today my god I feel this presence my god I feel this presence my god I feel his presence do you hear him do you hear him the way I hear anything do you hear the way I'm hearing it no you could always go back and get you some doughnut stop being tempted by crazy stuff stop that because that's the works of the enemy oh I just want to do that oh I just want that chicken oh I just want that french fry oh I just worked that hamburger oh my god this is killing me wrong cluster wrong posture wrong posture when I read this scripture I email my office and says shut it all down shut the phone's down for three days put a message on the message machine that was fasting for our country shut down the workplace shut it down because I have the power to do that then if you may not be able to not go to work but don't look like you're fasting somebody said you like eating I'm just going to drink some tea right now no I'm not hungry because what I'm hungry for is changing the country what I'm hungry for is change in the way that we love each other what I'm hungry for it's change that God will deliver this country what I'm hungry for is that the presence of the Lord will put his stamp of Appeal back on America and we will be known as God's country because we have freedom to come after our God and serve Him and serve Him only is anybody with me today because I brought it over Lord is sitting on me I could feel my brother level or I could feel his desire I can feel Heaven's pulse and this is not heavens pulse and I don't care what anybody say God wait it's not bigotry guards away it's not partiality God's ways it's not hatred gods wait it's not profanity God's Way it's not dictatorship all rubbish under the CC a Arabic Australia but God got a people that was extra this whole and the only way you spin back and enter when a spirit stands up like this is you send an answer back under the power of the Holy Ghost and I believe that God is going to turn it around and therefore you shall not fear I don't care who you are I don't care what your nationality is you can be what you can be Muslim it doesn't matter the Spirit of the Lord is speaking to me to tell you you shall not fear what man shall do to you but I am still gone I am still in control kamikaze today today Haiti you gotta put your mind and remembers of Nebuchadnezzar when Nebuchadnezzar thought he was in control of something well never connected thought he had it all good will never connect a thought that everybody that was at his service was people that was going to make him run the country the way he thought but God visited him on his bed the Lord disturbed his peace and Adam told you another peep old saying that every King has to have an encounter with God every King has to have an audience with God you don't sit over God's people and God don't talk to you you asked for rock Obama you can ask every president have they ever felt the conviction of God sitting in that seat and they would have to admit to you yes I have go down at my shop we will not back down we were not giving for the time of God it's what rules the earth ram and don't you ever forget it the power of God is what has a last say so over man God can speak and he will die God would speak and men would live who am I talking to right now we better stop thinking about God like God as a man when God wants his way and he wants his will he was tough at nothing until he did it he will get his will done in the earth realm by any means necessary pas de bourree o Shia or an ever higher glory to your name Jesus my god I still them I still the presence of a lord I feel the presence of Allah by any means necessary as long as you keep him as a ruler I said keep him as a ruler I said keep God as a ruler keep God as a controlling factor hold on among Shia I have prayed I afraid that many times are you prayed and asked God to do things but people that were over in other countries and the Lord turned it don't tell me what God can do don't tell me what God can do hola Shia don't tell me what it can't do in a few days we're going to begin to see God turning some things here that are about share that and I'm a higher ed of the ocean in a few days in just a few days be still be still and stay in your preaching about Kushite than a messiah for God is not finished with this yet my God who glory to God glory to God glory to God if this not the fast that is chosen because I'm going to break the bands of wicked my god from the cheese's I got to read this one more time I'm going to break the chains this is the message Bible verses 6 to 9 enjoy L 6 to 9 to 6 to 9 I'm going to Isaiah I'm sorry Isaiah 58 6-2 now I'm going to break the chains of injustice I'm going to get rid of the exploitation in the workplace I'm going to free the oppressed and I'm going to cancel dead [Music] did you hear that I'm going to break the chains of injustice I'm going to get rid of exportation in the workplace me talking to you that will obey him on this fast I'm going to preview press and I'm going to cancel day there's a spirit of the true and living God that is promised to you in this hour but those that would obey Him all this bad I'm going to break the chains of injustice gallon of oxygen and ammonia I'm going to break the chains of injustice I'm going to get rid of the exploitation in the workplace I'm going to free the oppressed and I'm going to cancel this set of spirit [Music] after living God saith the spirit of the Living God and the ceaseless rain away [Music] this is what we've been doing playing from the third dimension this is one this is why because except we learn how to go up into another dimension we will be destroyed in this way we were walking fear in this one we were Shake in this one every time the devil show his head will go trembling you know what I'd love to do you know why I'm still here because I had to learn how to get in this ring I had to learn how to leave this rent and get in this way I get to learn how to pray from heaven down and not from earth up and that's what fasting does it takes you out of this whale even though you are walking around in the physical your spirits have extinct to the third dimension and you're now able to look on high and see some aha on high and see what is to come and you're able to create what heaven is revealing for you to bring you're no longer subjected to waving through the wilderness of all of the intersections and interruptions in your prayers because you in this earth ramp but when you fast you escape into another realm and that's the realm that the devil don't want the believers to be in in this hour he wanted to stay in the flashing but he is a liar we are going we are going at midnight last night we decided we voted we voted on God we voted on the will of God and we will not retreat we would not retreat and we were not wave a flag of surrendering coral Arabic Oct reveille reveille Shia we will not we will not what are you going to do are you going to stay in the chains of injustice are you going to take Muslims I'm talking to Muslims are you going to stay in the chain of injustice Episcopalian Catholics Baptists are you going to stay in the change of injustice are you a second Americans are you going to stay in the chains of injustice Hispanics is that what you're going to say you want to stay complaining about what somebody else is doing to you that is injustice or are you going to fight the fasts of the Lord and that's the fact that he has chosen to break the chains of injustice this is the fact this is what's going to do it the fast is going to do it glory to God the fast it's going to cause Hispanics and african-americans and Muslims to stop being treated and being exploited and working like a slave for pity's the fast is going to do that off with the lives of people the first is going to catch your death put on a rush of the fast is going to do it says not Juanita Bynum but the spirit of this world this is who said once again when you feel the hunger pain when you feel the headache when you feel the back aches when you feel the siding put a situation on it when your stomach started hurting talk to God about the country got out a double shining when you feel yourself getting weak talk to God about the country talk to God about your children talk to God about that thing that have oppressed you pain that I caused you and just talk to it so it is your fast and we'll call your prayers to be heard on high and the Lord will say unto you here and I set the Spirit of the Living God thank you
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 25,469
Rating: 4.9329844 out of 5
Id: p46sivAD53w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 47sec (3647 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2017
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