Getting Punched for Free

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using that jab to paw looking for the right time for that right yeah that's me you're probably wondering how i got in this situation what's that you're not wondering this is just the natural life cycle of youtubers is what you're thinking well shh why did i decide to participate in idubbbz's creator clash charity boxing event where some ripped australian guy was going to punch me in front of everyone i ever loved on my birthday and i wasn't even getting paid to get punched in the head well i used to always be the skinny kid growing up not because i was eating healthy no i was eating nothing i would see all the healthy food in the fridge at home and go ah dang there's nothing to eat it wasn't until march of 2020 that i started exercising more seriously there wasn't a lot else to do during that time if you know what i mean i have a really buff friend dj welch who you might know as the beefiest guy in creator clash we got into a discord call one day and he showed me how to exercise and we liked each other so much that we continued to work out virtually three times a week and i learned a really good life hack to keep a consistent workout schedule which is to have a gym partner especially one that's more experienced and knows what they're doing and between sets you can compliment his muscles completely platonically when you're working out by yourself it's so easy to think my feet hurt i don't want to work out i want to binge all 12 seasons of the big bang theory and not laugh at all but if you have someone waiting for you at the gym expecting you to lift weights with them you're not going to flake as much plus you're going to look at muscles in the gym platonically sometimes you have to search for opportunities and sometimes ian from the channel idubbbz drops into your dms and asks hey want to get in a fight with a bunch of other youtubers completely platonically it was probably the fact that i had been working out for quite some time mixed with ignorance of what i was actually signing up for that i without any hesitation was immediately on board with the idea and responded in all caps yes i've actually been working out i was going to be fighting an australian youtuber named i did a thing which is such a stupid username his whole username is made up of four one-syllable words that's like a whole sentence dude's got a whole sentence in his username i didn't have any information on i did a thing while most fighters got to actually meet their opponents and go on their podcasts i had to stalk my opponent's twitter for any information i could use aha a clue he says in this tweet that he's 6'4 i'm in trouble but at least i did a thing had even less information about me try finding a recent picture of what i looked like in 2022 alex google says i'm five 9 for some reason which now that i think about it that would make our fight seem way more stacked in his favor so yeah i'm totally five nine and not six foot yeah i did a thing with clobbering on a slightly taller michael reeves i told dj hey i'm gonna be in a boxing match good thing i'm starting to put on muscle and dj said oh no what we've been working on won't help you in boxing whatsoever what so ever so ian found me a boxing coach named michael flores who's a four times emmy-nominated belt holder and a total bro i started training in january with the fight happening in may and even though the final results may not have looked like it i did train hard for this and took it very seriously michael wanted me to train every single day except for sunday and dj could have me on fridays dj michael's gonna be my new gym bro bro bro i'm gonna miss lifting with you bro the very first time i trained with michael he told me boxing isn't something that you should take lightly when you step into that ring you're going to war and i said oh yeah dude don't don't worry i work out i know all about war like a lot but it wasn't until my third training session where it actually hit me huh i'm going to be fighting i did a thing in front of all my fans and loved ones and will have an incredible amount of motivation not to lose and look bad and i did a thing will be fighting me in front of all of his fans and loved ones and will also have an incredible amount of motivation not to lose and look bad this is probably what michael was talking about and this is where i learned another amazing workout life hack if you need motivation to get in shape pay someone in australia to come beat you up on your birthday you'll tell yourself am i really not going to go on a run today when there's a dude in australia who wants to beat me up am i really going to eat this cupcake when a dude in australia wants to punch me in the solar plex in february ian tweeted out looking for a heavyweight content creator 200 plus pounds who is down to box last spot available you will be fighting a legendary twitch streamer and in march dj messaged me hey is ian still looking for someone and it turned out he was still looking for someone so in april dj got added to the roster and me and him are reunited so dj had about a month and a half to train which was a little less than me but i think he turned out fine since none of us were professional boxers that meant this was a brand new and frankly bat crap crazy experience that we were all facing together every single fighter trained hard for months and we all respected the gosh darn hell out of each other the level of camaraderie at this event was insane and platonic none of the fighters had any real beef with each other except dad maybe i don't know it's hard to get a read on that guy whenever a fighter was done with their match and they returned to their locker room regardless if they just won or lost the fight everyone would applaud them and tell them good job at least that was the blue corner i don't know what the red corner was doing so let's talk about my fight if you can call it that there are a surprising amount of strategy and fundamentals in the sport of boxing but the moment that that bell rings and there's a dude from australia trying to kill you mixed with the most adrenaline you've ever felt in your life all those fundamentals go out the window i lasted .74 rounds i wish i could tell you about all the intricate strategies that played out my head but the only thoughts i had during the fight were survive survive survive ow where am i after months of work and literal gallons of sweat later i only lasted for a minute and a half which actually isn't too far off from what it's like working in animation i had a few notes on my performance like i definitely should have moved my head better and yeah i got hit in the head a lot but i did get alex with this nice body shot and he did this weird spinning move and then i just watched him do it for some reason it is what it is half of us had to lose and i lost and now there exists some amazing gifts of me getting socked in the head these are going to outlive me at the end of it all i'm still extremely glad to have been a part of this not only did the event raise 1.3 million dollars for alzheimer's association but i also went out of my comfort zone and challenged myself even though i got my butt handed to me the journey was worth it you don't grow as a person by winning all the time you have to lose in order to get stronger i didn't think i'd ever say this but i still want to continue boxing training just without the looming threat of a chiseled kangaroo beating me up on my birthday i have a much deeper appreciation for the sport of boxing and anyone who is brave enough to step into the ring and if this was the first boxing show you ever watched i hope you enjoyed it and if you're thinking about putting some gloves on and giving boxing a try then i totally recommend it hitting things is a whole lot of fun i want to thank my coach michael flores who's an amazing guy and always pushed me to do my best even after i lost i want to thank dj who's been an amazing virtual workout partner and i probably wouldn't have even had the confidence to participate if it wasn't for him i want to thank my girlfriend who got me my custom outfit for my birthday and supported me through all my training i want to thank anissa and ian for putting on this amazing event as first events go went over flawlessly i want to thank my opponent alex along with all the other fighters who train hard it was super fun meeting all of you and lastly i want to thank dave from boyinaband while i was doing the scribble showdown tour in europe dave came to the london show and backstage i was telling him about the boxing fight and he said yeah i know i was the one who recommended you to ian what it was me james ian asked me if i knew any youtubers should be good to box and i knew you'd been working out so i recommended you so really it's dave's fault i lost life isn't fun thank you all for watching i don't know if you saw but i just announced a netflix show which we've been working on for the last two years so i'm excited for you all to see it later this year also make sure you check out my new boxing shirt along with some back to school supplies with sales up to 50 off big thanks to my amazing team who knocked this video out of the park and alex if you're still watching this you're not invited to my birthday party next [Applause] dear year [Music]
Channel: TheOdd1sOut
Views: 5,557,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boxing, iDubbbz, creator clash, influencer boxing, fight, creator clash 2022, animation, cartoon, boxer, ididathing, Alex, sports, charity boxing, twitter, it was my birthday, My Boxing fight, birthday, Dj Welch, working out, the odd ones out, the odd is out, theodd1scout, funny, lol, comedy, boyinaband, dave
Id: -t8DRaf6l7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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