What If You Didn't Wear Your Seatbelt? ft. TheOdd1sOut

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Hey there! Welcome to Life Noggin. Blocko: I could’ve sworn he’d be here by now! James: AHHHHHHH! Blocko: Yay! He’s here! Everyone’s second favorite simplified shape character! James: Why can’t you just text me, you walking whiteboard! Blocko: The portal is fun, dude. People like the portal. James: Ugh, Yeah. Whatever, what are we talking about today! Blocko: It’s something I think you’ll really like! James: Is it an episode on Magic The Gathe- Blocko: That’s right, Seatbelts! Seat belts save lives! James: I feel like i’m getting kidnapped. But don’t just take my word for it. I bet there’s some of you watching this video right now that have had their lives saved by a seat belt. It’s one of the safest choices you can make in a car! Back in 2017, it was estimated that wearing a seat belt saved nearly 15,000 lives. James, you wanna chime in here on wearing your seatbelt. James: Fine, but only because this IS my tagline! Thankfully, seat belts are widely used by most people. In 2019, the national use rate in the US for these little life-saving devices was over 90 percent. Not wearing a seat belt is also taken pretty seriously, with most states in the US treating it as a primary enforcement, which means you can be pulled over just for not wearing a seatbelt. Having strong seat belt laws is good, especially considering that car accidents can be way more dangerous than many people think. In fact, according to the CDC, motor vehicle crashes are the top cause of death for younger people in the US. In 2016, a total of nearly 24,000 people died in passenger vehicle crashes. Of those deaths, over 50 percent of the people weren’t wearing their seat belt. Considering that most people are supposedly wearing them, that percentage is pretty telling of how important seat belts are. Blocko: Apart from death, not wearing your seat belt makes you more prone to neck and spine injuries, internal bleeding, fractures and broken ribs, collapsed lungs, and a bunch of other things in the event of a crash. Oddly enough, even with quarantines going on and a bunch of people working from home, roads became even more dangerous in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though roads were less crowded, motor vehicle fatality rates spiked by around 14% in March and then by about 36% in April. So, for any seat belt haters out there, you REALLY should be wearing them. There’s really no reason not to unless you have a specific medical condition that would prevent it. I definitely don’t want to hear from any of you that you’re too lazy or just don’t care. However, I have heard a few things that are based in some logic that may make it seem like a bad idea to wear a seat belt. Let’s go through those, and why they’re not good reasons to avoid wearing one. JAMES: (Mockingly) “Ah well seatbelts can trap you in your car after a crash.” Well, while that technically can happen, it’s very uncommon. Not only that, but being trapped in the car would pretty much only matter in a fire- or water-related accident, which only accounts for less than one-half of one percent of all crashes. I get the fear, but it’s no reason not to buckle up. Not to mention that seat belts can help prevent you from getting knocked unconscious during a crash, which is imperative if a tricky post-accident situation does arise. Blocko: “My car’s airbags are enough. I don’t need to wear a seat belt.” While airbags are also great pieces of safety technology, they’re not enough. They were made to help save a buckled passenger, not someone who wasn’t wearing a seat belt. That’s because seat belts force you into the right position for the airbag to be effective. Don’t wear a seatbelt and you could slide underneath the airbag, get ejected from the front seat when the airbag deploys, or even collide — likely head-first — into the dashboard or windshield. So please don’t go around thinking that airbags are enough by themselves. We both want you to be safe. That’s why I tell you to keep on thinking and James says “wear your seatbelt. James: Okay, I gotta go back to my world now! I was hard at work making another video before i was rudely sent through a portal. Blocko: Okay, there you go Have fun playing minecraft and avoiding responsibilities! James: uGH AHPPshh No! Blocko: So what should we talk about next!? Leave your questions right now in the comment section below! Go check out James’ channel if you haven’t already and i’ll see ya next monday with a brand new video! As always, my name is Blocko, this has been Life Noggin, not Life Nugget, don’t forget to keep on thinking James: AND WEAR YOUR SEATBEEELLLTTTT!!!!
Channel: Life Noggin
Views: 1,132,468
Rating: 4.9557629 out of 5
Keywords: life noggin, education, education channel, life noggin face reveal, edutainment, edutainment videos, blocko, blocko life noggin, science, educational, school, explainer, theodd1sout, the odd 1s out, the odd ones out
Id: 4oVtMtBOvQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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