Promotion Cometh To The Remnant | Apostle Leroy Thompson Sr.

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you can't be careless now you can't be careless with your thinking you can't be careless with ears you can't be killers with your mouth you can't be careless and you can't be a coward now you can't let somebody become bigger than god in your life this shaking is for man control to be over is that order he can't handle it nobody can handle this now but god nobody can help me now but god everybody no matter what they're doing in this room supposed to be assisting god but many put god as their sister can't be careless now you can't be a coward now you have to know how to stay what committed no matter what the odds look like knowing you have the victory in god [Music] now if you see me from the round a little bit it's just i'm just trying to tune in i'm back in a place i've been trying to get 37 years in the spirit all right so you see me from there i'm just waiting for direction from the holy ghost oh we're going to deal with a subject this morning that has to be explained but it's about you promotion commit to the remnant promotion cometh to the remnant now i would have to say something very strong this morning because the holy spirit says to me if you practice in sin you're not of the remnant man you're righteous but you're not of the remnant if you're practicing sin all of us sin but if you've got a sin that you're practicing even though you're a child of god but you're not part of the remnant if you married committing adultery you're not part of the remnant right you think you're transgender that's right you're not part of the remnants right people who have made up their mind i'm gonna love god i'm gonna serve god and i'm gonna repent every time the holy spirit just means something and i'm not gonna practice sin do y'all understand that yeah see because there's a tendency to believe everybody in the body of christ is at the same level but it's not so that those who have given their heart and life to god they'll say all over the bible it proved it i'm gonna show you over and over again again uh david was a reminder noah was a remnant and his family was a remnant are you following me and uh i want to believe that every one of you who listen to me are in the remnant because i'm about to talk about promotion coming to the remnant there's a certain realm i want you to write that down a certain realm that the remnant that live in that every believer does not walk in that in a realm revelation is a realm there's a realm of a word called rama it's when god unfolds you the insight of scriptures and if scriptures become spirit and life to you spirit and life to you there's a divine rest that the remnants have no matter what happened even in each time now we're going on some of y'all have leaned over and feared a bit that's come back come back on the other side and the remnant has the ability to know and to pass all tests okay that's what i'm going to establish here this morning with god words psalm 75 psalm 75. now i'm going to say something else ahead of time there's a shaking and a promotion going on at the same time the shaking is for a promotion right now the shaking the shaking it's for a reason they're shaking but there's a promotion going on at the same time don't panic let me say it again now the shaking and a promotion going on at the same time this is what i said next don't panic they're shaking it for a reason that there are some people who have authority over your life shouldn't he the only one should have authority in your life god should have the last word even if it don't seem right even if it don't sound right but you know it's god in psalm 75 verse 6 psalm 75 verse 6. you know i like the word comment i told you money coming i throw you help coming and now i'm here telling you promotion coming in the midst of a shaking [Music] now i'll go ahead and myself tell you promotion with god is never in good times y'all should be shouting out promotion from god is never in good time according to man idea but there are really never no bad times of god you understand that yes because he's god is in totally control no matter what happened right what i say don't you forget that don't you forget that write that down don't you forget that that is so important i feel the holy spirit pushing me don't you forget that god is in full control no matter what's happening don't ever let satan a man make you think god can't control a situation what for promotion i mean the sixth verse comments neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south verse seven but god is the judge he put it down one and set us up a number you see that and then in the 10th verse of that sam's psalm all the horns of the wicked also will i cut off hallelujah the horns of the righteous shall be what exalted do do you see that now do you see that huh now if i was you i would underline the word promotion promotion coming that mean he's gonna keep on coming don't come from the east don't come to the west don't come from south don't come from the north either but god is the judge that means he comes from him you see he put it down one and settles up another everybody seeing those voices so now the shaking is going on uh let's go to another scripture uh turn to hebrews chapter 12. everybody say shaken and promotion where you at oh okay now if you're not in the room get in it quick i think there's an anointing here that if you have some practice sin in your life i think there's an anointing here to move it all right see no but you're not you're not getting nobody no it's not not being jewish mental but just getting everybody in place are you following me in hebrews 12 now i love this hebrew 12 verse 25. hmm see that you refuse him not not him that speaketh for if they escape not who refuse him that spake on earth much more shall not re-escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven whose voice then shook the earth or she shake it ain't she but now he had promised saying yet once more i shake not the earth only but also heaven verse 27 and this word yet once more signifies the removing of those things that are shaken see something got to be removed as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain wherefore be receiving a kingdom which cannot be what move let us have grace whereby we may serve god acceptably with reverence and godly fear so that was shaking on them said there's a shaking going on [Music] but there's a promotion also i'm on the promotion side i will not be in fear see being in fear is irreverence to god come on he's saying i can't trust you with this all right now one more scripture fourth i'd give you some insight on this oh hey guy go ahead and take your time and find you ought to have index bible that's what i got chapter 2 verse 7. now i know all y'all haven't found hey guy yet i'm gonna wait for you hey guys aj gg i might not be proud to write it yeah ai chapters through him deep dr foster looking for y'all all right i got in my i got his index bob i wouldn't [Music] that's why y'all got appreciate so fast chapter 2 verse 7. oh it's in the old testament [Laughter] and i will shake all nation what do you say you do how many and the desire of all nations shall come what and i will fill this house with glory say the lord of hosts the shaking oh my oh my thank god for the holy ghost the shaking has something to do with the glory there are men and women in places that have to be moved so you can go forward uh science has to be shaken psychology has to be shaken intellect has to be shaken racism has to be shaken everybody must know that i'm in control that's what's going on now but look what he said in the seventh verse and i will shake all nation and dissolve all nations shall come and i will fill this house with glory said the lord of hosts what we've been saying what y'all been decreeing how many times you say this is not true you see some of y'all ain't seen them on one town i told y'all to say you say you gotta say it i decree the glory is fall now it sounds silly they talk about the glory is falling when all these demons fall in but the glory is there to handle the demons demon can't function in glory so when you walk in your house and say the glorious farm dean said we've got to go somewhere else get another we need another address called headquarters and tell us tell headquarters this woman is talking about the glory is falling i'm getting out of this house send me to somebody how don't know that [Applause] you understand that now listen let me finish reading version eight the silver is mine now we talk about the glory what do you think about the silver now what if god lost his conversation the silver is mine and the gold is mine said the lord of hosts look like the glory the silver and the gold go together [Applause] look like when the glory fallen the gold folded the glory of this latter house should be greater than of the former say the lord of hosts and in this place will i give peace say the lord of hosts write these things down i found out that i i type in my ipad but i found out that i'm going to start writing sport of moment things that god telling me at a certain moment in this promotive mode that god got us in and you're not going to see less by revelation uh you won't see it by religion by revelation that's what god will give you some revelation this morning right you want some revelation and sometimes i look at some of yours if y'all gonna respond just look at you oh in this remnant there's a powerful partnership i want you to write this thing down a power for partnership surrounding only his purpose chuckling is stepping into peace that passes all understanding this this promotion this this roman remnant who uh loving god with all their heart all in mind all that sort of strength not that you're perfect but you love it and and when you got to make correction uh if you see if you got your dress on and you see a ravel or a uh some type of uh spot on your dress you clean it off right suit you do you do the same thing right right that's all that's all that is you're going to see a spot every now and then but you're not going to pull no spot on your dress right right see that's the difference you see i'm saying oh oh i love this third one he told me this morning uh in this uh remnant uh walk with god and some of y'all need to hear this pulling the cover off of fear fear is fake power you have to at this time because you're a rumor and you're walking with god and you're trusting god you you the holy ghost gonna in your life the holy ghost gonna pull the cover off of fear somebody say hallelujah what is he gonna do i need him to put in me all this mess going on how many to be truthful yeah that's what you hear for this morning the next thing he told me to tell you and i'm just giving you these now to set you up uh plant in the truth in your heart not to be rooted up conversation news media when that truth get down they don't let nothing rooted up nobody talk to you or nothing right amen and i'll give you this one was a good one promotion from god usually does not come in good time so we're in the best time for promotion i thought that sounds stupid well that sounds stupid yeah it's stupid in your senses it's stupid if you never read the bible daniel when daniel uh was uh cast into the uh line then you know what happened to daniel he got promoted hebrew boys cash in the fire you know what happened when david feds go live you know what happened he got promoted see something or somebody got to be taken out for you to get promoted that's all going on what they're shaking is about is uh there are people who being removed from over your life that god can be lord of lord and king of kings yes everything that have has prevented you from rising is being removed in the shaking praise god hear what the lord said now see the bright side of the shaking oh i hope i'm helping somebody see the bright side oh my god i'm gonna dance see the bright side of the shade you mean the bright side yes sir absolutely there's a bright somebody always going to die don't be scared of this somebody always going to die some people going to heaven early some people going to hell early that's right but there's a bright side of the shaking shaking has to be jesus told you before i come back you're gonna be a shaking prepare yourself for all deception [Music] and false promises will be exposed and then i know you know this one remember all things are possible with god even this prevailing times or here for the remnant prevailing time or here for the remnant and then this last one to give him to write down for this morning then we're going to people who put themselves on pinnacles above god's word is coming down people who put themselves on pinnacles above god's word is coming down now go back go back to song and let's go to work hallelujah i said hallelujah what's mad with your mouth hallelujah glory to god what are you doing there you inviting him in so you need to say something push next to you get something to get something because you didn't say nothing you i sensed his prayers when we did that just now glory to god [Applause] see he ready to fill this temple you know that right yeah promotion coming to the remnant i if i was you i'd decree right now i'm a part of the remnant man [Applause] now let's define the remnant in the spiritual sense let's define remnant spiritually those who remember and obey god in every season and situation knowing that god can fail [Music] bothering that right help us help us i believe god remember spiritually those who remember and obey god in every season see this is a season and situation now here's how to do it knowing hallelujah that god can't fail the shaking will reveal a remnant [Music] glory to god god is shaking the pharaohs of the earth that's what's going on now the pharaohs of the earth he or she that practice sin is not part of the remnant right why now for satan has a case against you in the coast of heaven you want to read about the code of heaven i want you to just go ahead and read it uh let me give you some uh hebrews 12 i'm not going there verse uh 22 and 24. now i'm not now not a sermon begin now that was the introduction number one you can't be careless now you can't be a coward now you would have to know how to stay committed no matter what odds look like [Applause] knowing you have the victory in god i'm gonna say that again i want you to turn the judge judges chapter seven it's a remnant it's a remnant you want me to say that again hold it goes breathe on it glory to god you turn it turn the turn to judges chapter seven in the old testament and i'll give you the first fighting points you give it to you again you can't be careless now say i can't be careless not you can't be careless with your thinking you can't be careless with your ears you can't be killers with your mouth you can't you just can't be you can't be careless and you can't be a coward now you you can't you can't you can't let somebody become bigger than god in your life talk to me up in here this shaking is for man control to be over it's not order he can't handle it nobody can handle this now but god nobody can help me now but god everybody no matter what they're doing in this room supposed to be assisting god but many put god as their sister you can't be careless now you can't be a coward now you have to know how to stay what committed no matter what the odds look like knowing you have the victory in god i'm going to read this in jerusalem and you get the revelation out of yourself georges chapter 7. hmm let's look at verse four and the lord said unto gideon the people are yet too many bring them down unto the water and i would try them for detail we're being brought down to the water know this is and it should be that of whom i see unto thee this shall go with thee the same shall go with thee and whomsoever i say unto thee this should not go with thee the same should not go so he brought him down so he so so he brought down the people into the water and the lord says in the gideon everyone that lapis of the water with his tongue as the dog lapis him should set thou set by himself likewise everyone that bowed down upon his knees to drink and the number of them that lapped putting their hand to their mouth was 300 men remnant y'all didn't get in the revelation remember kelly's people can't be in the remnant but all the rest of the people bowed down on up on their knees to drink water they wasn't paying attention and the lord said in the gillion about a 300 men remnant that lap will our save you and deliver the the middle night into our hand and let all the other people go every man into his house let him go back to his place so the people took victory victims in their hand and and their trumpet and he sent all the rest of israel every man into his tent and and retain those 300 men and the uh wholesale million beneath him in the valley in other words i think he started out with 32 000. and there were 300. now make sure you know you're part of the rimmel because you got christian running around not just as scared as a baboon and a hailstorm with a fire coming behind it shouldn't be shouldn't be shouldn't be it shouldn't be be still and know i'm god the shaking is not even for you the sickness not even for you and if it hit you you're going to walk right through it [Applause] he didn't say you're gonna have to go through nothing write this down christ gives me the victory over every crisis look in second corinthians quickly verse 2 voice chapter 2 verse 214 second corinthians chapter 2 verse 14. christ give me victory over every crisis every christ everything now thanks be unto god which always causes us to triumph in christ i want to can he handle it now and make it to make it manifest the savior of the knowledge by us in every place in other words in other words we ought to be out there representing christ now jesus can handle it we don't bother being alive with the cheese eaters we supposed to be singing zion's song i know it was the blood are you following me see i got that i got all about chata i got the minister to you i'm your shepherd i got the ministry i got to let you know that your god not gonna fail you you listen you listen to god when you're praying don't you do all the talking you listen to god he's gonna tell you turn left turn right stop be still don't move go faster my sheep hear my voice the voice of a stranger there's a lot of strange voices out there now my sheep will not follow look what he said put that voice back up second corinthians 2 14. i got a long way to go but i just wanna i want uh nah thanks be under god give him thanks [Applause] now look what you're thinking for look at the next part of the void saying say it with some bowling it doesn't matter what's going on it doesn't matter what it looks like it doesn't matter what man say it doesn't matter what the system says doesn't matter what it feels like he always calls us to trial you must stay in a triumphant mode at all times no matter how you feel no matter how i look no matter how many fall no matter what it's saying because of christ because of the cross because of the blood because of the resurrection because of the throne of god because of the kingdom of god because of the wisdom of god i stand because of grace he always causes the triumph yes uh who report you're going to believe and now who is somebody else so i believe that didn't go down in your spirit that happened you see yeah these ain't gonna come back up the holy spirit gonna bring them back up because boy they got a lot of stuff going on all right now why is this because we read the bible and we make quotes about the bible about god but when it's time to use them we don't use them but we say some nice things we both but when it's time to use them see see you know so so what i'm about to say now this is statement you're gonna know it and uh you're gonna you're gonna shake your shoulder and all that uh but but hear what the spirit said it's time to count on all joy knowing this turn the jam one it's time to call it all joy knowing this see these are not phrases this book is this book is not phrases this book is god's voice call it all jaw when you're fought in fierce trial and temptation knowing this that the trine of your faith work is painted james chapter one verse uh one two six yes everything you go through support to increase your spiritual muscles and so what we're in now is spiritual exercise that demons are not stronger in the blood the devil can't lift up as much weight as god can so we're in the supernatural gym working [Music] [Applause] out god is still in control hallelujah hallelujah we got something to be happy about he rose on the third day all the odds was against him but he got up to let god say sam where he got up you get enough sam power sam glory sam god sam oh man come on you know sam grace you got to dance if you don't want dance you got to shout if you don't want to shout you got to wave your hand if you don't feel like waving your hand you got to make some kind of move to let the enemy know i'm still going to praise him i'm still ah i'm still going to worship him i'm still going to magnify him no matter what you say no matter what i feel like no matter what it looked like i'm praying with the fever i'm praying with my nose running and i know he's gonna take care of me [Applause] i belong to god says i don't belong to this world i don't belong to the devil i don't belong to bad report i belong to god no i'm not perfect but i'm happy i mean the point he won the project won't eat me [Applause] i believe you got that counted all joy and not by your feeling not by your situation count of joy hallelujah i said hallelujah [Applause] i received the remnant be seated the remnant the remnant is held together in time like these this is not very simple turn the romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8 romans chapter 8. uh i'm about this this is yours right here yeah yeah yeah because i i know some things try to worry we're human you know but but i i want i'm gonna handle it this morning i won't let the holy ghost use me anymore can i let the holy ghost human anymore hey can i let the holy ghost human in the morning i'm hollering at your fears don't miss this one the remnant is held together in time like these by the love of god and love for god roman 8 20 the remnant she you held god loved me then let it happen to me [Applause] i love him i have i'm hearing this right now i have a divine love circle around me listen listen listen the remnant see got to be held together is held together in time like these by the love of god and love for god in romans 8 20 they say what something together [Applause] look at look at the 37th voice roman 8 37. you brought your shouting clothes y'all ain't gonna shout i'm not gonna preach eight thirty seven look at wrong ah okay y'all excuse me now roman is 37. nay oh shook it now in all these things man we are more than conquerors through him that love us hey what thing pandemic whatever come up do all these things what we are what more than cochran go to go to the third voice go to the 38th voice go to the 38th voice anybody got a shout out in them here trying to sweat it how many of y'all persuaded that neither death no life no angels no principality no power no go to the next way go to the next verse you get ready shout no height no death nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus somebody give him glory yes here's what the lord wants you to hear this morning here you listen look at me here's what y'all have done with the lord yeah yeah oh my goodness help help i'm trying to get it out here what the lord won't say to you i got your back no he no no i'm not repeating something i'm not i'm not not some other book he said that just now he said tell everyone if they receive it i got your back [Music] [Applause] no that's god talking to you right now that's not something made up to come tell you oh jesus come on let's go huh that's god talking right now i got your back no this is a live one this is a real word i've got your back no this coming it's coming out right now you see i've got your but no you don't understand what i'm saying this is not something i made up this is not this is not acting this is this is god talking this is jehovah he's talking up right now i got your back let's go no this is not something this right now right now he's standing right now god no god's saying it right now he's standing right now i got your back he said let me have your back don't give it to nobody and i got your back [Applause] see we have to know uh when the word is being ministered god is talking to us but then god said i want to say this too add this to what you're talking about [Applause] see what he said god got my back then what he said yeah that's what god said i got your back [Applause] just like i had david back just like i had dan your back huh just like i had no back i got your back i'm the same god [Applause] that took goliath this is nothing but another goliath david seemed defenseless because this man was so big and so strong and his voice rallied everybody else was scared but david was a remin [Applause] i was trained you to stand [Applause] day after day and night after night i prayed for you for a time like this [Applause] you not no regular church you've been taught the word of god [Applause] if you don't know what to say shut up let god talk so only love love is the only ingredient that can hold you together right now it is it's your love it's god's love for you and your love for god now you know it no matter what come the love of god can hold you all right write this down mama wants to i'm almost [Music] [Applause] do i have any fighters up in here [Applause] [Music] i gotta do i have anybody in here believe in the arm of god you you believe in the arm of god hulk you bleed you believe you're covered i got anybody here believe in the blood [Applause] i got anybody here believing the shield of faith that didn't quench every fire duck huh your natural man will bring worry the news meter doing their job we're bringing worry signs doing their job will bring worry see you can't go number four and you know but when you live by revelation and ramble that's a different world now how can i say this lord you see i don't know if some of your children have never done this you see following the spirit is not like crossing a ferry see crossing the ferry uh you might make it you might not see that's a natural but following the spirit no matter what the weather conditions become the spirit's gonna take it to the other side so notice you going to the other side of this [Applause] because you follow in the spirit i'm here now you need not fighting this battle the balor [Music] is not yours it's the lord praise god that's right oh y'all i bet y'all all right the glory and the gold are about to get stronger and stronger because actually oh y'all hear this oh y'all y'all gonna take this actually what's happening now is a world transformer no y'all don't know you don't understand what i'm saying don't let the boys know it's a there's a world ain't got to be confused to put things back in place so now the economy is being attacked but it's about to be transferred to those who it belongs to at the voice it's a wealth transfer money coming to me now i don't care what they say i don't i don't care what they say the money ain't moving right now the money the money being shaken out of the hands that they don't supposed to be in and put in the hand of those who pull their hand [Applause] that's why i got the money money moving right now it's a wild transformer see what is never transferred in a good time the glory and the gold about to get strong and strong and the people who know their god and trust in him at all times and back to head guy 279 right you got it already got that blood boldness breakthroughs are on the horizon for us right now blood boldness revelation chapter 12 verse 10 turn that quickly revelation chapter 12 verse 10 you brought your shot and clothes cut out of my shot and i heard a voice saying in heaven now is come and strength yes look what he said all the things he said and the kingdom of our god right yeah i went in and he kissed him and and and oh i like that god get to talk he said now i heard a loud voice saying heaven now it's come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our god and the power of christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused him before our god then i go to the next voice you got the child grow though [Applause] hey over and they overcame him oh jesus by the blood of the lame and by the word of their testimony and their love not their life on the thank god for the blood [Applause] now i want you to see the effect question on your life about that blood turn to revelation chapter 5 verse 12. there's seven ingredients that have been put in your life saying with a loud voice word is the lamb that was slain for nothing who who was he receiving that power for shed his blood to receive power not weakness and riches talk to me up in here and wisdom and strength and honor and and put somebody put the mass on run put your mass on huh shoot do something put your mask on and start running start running [Applause] running the sevenfold anointing running that seven full power i know we're gonna probably be moving i know we're gonna probably still have a god doggie we gotta do something here this morning what you run you're running that seven full power for now devil the devil's a liar [Applause] there's something put your ass on and running put your masks on and run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm preaching myself i'm through all right i'll find you see y'all gonna run all day find your seat [Music] i gotta close you get get back to you get back to your computer or to your pin quickly i'm going to give you something get back to whatever you got get back to your phone get back to your phone or whatever you got uh i'm about to tell you something fakes f-a-k-e-s i mean i gotta feel right now fakes will be exposed and fate will explode write it down the wealth transfer is here in the sky let the holy ghost open your eyes let me go over it again watch what i'm saying now cause i'm getting a scripture over there fakes will be exposed and faith will explode the wealth transfer is here in disguise let the holy ghost open your eye don't let the enemy distract you are you following me yeah proverb 13 21. you all got a few minutes proverbs 13 21. evil pursue sinners look at their voice look at their voice that's right everybody look at everybody evil pursue sinners but to the righteous go to the 22nd boy go to the 22nd floor pop 13. a good man leave us an inheritance to his children children no wait wait wait wait wait wait gonna use a word now shaking shaking i'm gonna use a word yeah see that that there is two shaking going on see see see the wealth is being shook into the hands of men and women who won't preach the gospel [Applause] and the wealth of the sinner is later for the jesus but the lord told me one time reading the voice says stop saying it land up it's moving this morning are you here let me hurt oh my are you here adam and eve was a remnant until he led satanism that's right that's genesis 3 1-7 noah and his family was a remnant genesis 7 1. there were one language until the tower of babel i got to go through this right quick you are irremnant by preparation and separation our obedience obligates god and there's something else that got to go in there i will surrender thank you i want you to surrender oh my i'm hearing something right now i'm about to tell you something right now oh my i want you to surrender to god rest right now wait no no i'm not gonna talk to you listen to me what i'm saying i want you to surrender to god's rest right now if you know god can handle it no matter what report come up no matter what you feel or what i want you to surrender to god's rest right now say i surrender to the rest of god right now no matter what come up i'm going to stay under the umbrella of god's rest hallelujah i heard somebody say he'll never let you down somebody said you never lost the battle somebody calling me a shadow the almighty god somebody said he's the greatest somebody say he got all power in his hands somebody said the earth is here the world and then after what in it somebody said open the gate let the king of glory come in here like we open the gate let the king of glory come in i got to close children i got to preach although we got to preach twice tomorrow during the church was a remnant they had purpose and was persecuted for believing a dead man was alive now i got to read that again y'all ain't got it the other traitor was a remnant they had purpose and was persecuted for believing a dead man was alive he's alive [Applause] so persecute me because i believe he [Applause] alive and i still believe he's in control i believe the wind blowing in my favor let's talk about results of god's remnant who choose to be remnant by obedience no matter what happened nor will save from the flood of the 12th spies i'm closing it was 12 of them but there was two boys called caleb and joshua wouldn't go with the crowd don't you go with the crowd most christians are fred as sinners right now don't go with them god can't handle them god can't bless no cowards are you following me but caleb and joshua they said uh we're well able i come by to tell you this morning we well able world of life christian center and all who connected to my ministry i'm here on behalf of god to tell you we're well able in a time like this is when you really know you're a christian when you really know you're walking with god when you really know you're led by the spirit when you really know god hands upon you i'm telling you we're well able come hell or high water god don't get us on the other side are you hearing what i'm saying tell somebody we're well able god is on my side i heard in roman 8 31 if god is for you who can be against i heard in psalm 23 yeah do i walk uh in this time of shaking through the valley and shatter of death i will feel no evil but i rod in the step [Applause] comfort me and i heard in psalm 23 he prepares a table before in the present of my enemy you anoint my head at all and my cup just keep on running over i heard him saying i'm never going by myself he said somebody behind me shoulder goodness and mercy shall follow me all of my days even in this time when sickness disease is all around i look around me and i see goodness behind and i see mercy behind me then he said i set a throne up for you in hebrews 4 16 let us come boldly to the strength to the throne of grace that we can find mercy and grace in a time of need no matter what going on i heard he said he'd lead me beside still water hallelujah [Applause] is anybody going to shout up in yet shout out [Applause] ciao [Applause] because the wall falls when they hear your voice shout [Applause] coleman 19. call then 19 isn't it corbin 19 and you got to fall shout [Applause] hold on 19 you got to turn some people's news right now cause we say shout out no we're not going to be solemn no we're not going to be afraid we're going to shout the victory thank god we got the victory hallelujah i trust my god trust in the lord all your heart lean that to your honor and say come on montreal ignite him in all your ways he'll direct your prayer i trust the lord [Applause] shout out for your help shout for your wealth shop for your protection shout the victory glory glory glory glory glory shout out god bless your health i bless your immune system bless your heart and your liver i came back back [Music] i can't back up at a time like this i can't bow to man at a time like this it's too dangerous i have to follow the leading of the holy ghost and i'm asking you to do the same don't bow down don't bother we're not against anybody but i'm for somebody i'm for somebody who fought me god these days the prophet said these days will come where man will think they got the show but they don't have it nobody can handle this but god matter of fact he wanted to tell you there's no solution for the pandemic but him [Applause] man don't have no solution but you know why man i have a solution you know what they say another one coming well hell i thought you had a solution i'm not gonna make a decision for you but i hope you let the holy ghost it's very dangerous it's a very dangerous time in the natural but in the spirit all as well will you follow me yep yep yep god can handle it powerful partnership that's what i told you earlier you got to brew down surrounding only his purpose stepping into peace that passes all understanding take that home with you please put that in your house pulling the cover off of all fear will you hear that please plan the truth in your heart not to be rooted up jesus said you should know the truth what'd it do i like this one promotion from god usually don't come in good times and we're talking about uh uh god promotion cometh to the remnant say promotion cometh to me because i am a part of the reminder and you don't have to say this but i want you to listen to it and if i'm not straight i'm gonna get it straight today you know what you want to say see i have a lawyer in heaven named jesus he got my case but there's another person up there too they'll accuse him and he bring accusation against me but i make sure all his accusations are alive because when i do slip being human i repent as soon as the holy ghost tell me you know you get angry or you say something about somebody you shouldn't say about them so i'm determined to be a holy man now make sure everybody say the right way now holy man and holy not perfect but i am to do what god that's 47 years i haven't practiced no sin in 47 years practice no practice in no no but what is now i'm not bragging on me i'm bringing up my information turn turning toward his glory no woman can say i got out the way with him no i love the women of our church i love as sisters i love them as mothers you follow what i'm saying and i'm just bragging on god now i'm just gonna tell you you got to be real at a time like this you know what i'm saying yeah i would not dare and i would not let no men be around me i've got i've got rid of men who around me and supposed to be doing one thing and trying to do something else new that ain't going to happen yet baby i believe in holiness yes i believe in sanctification i believe in purina i believe you want a woman you ought to have a wife one wife one husband sure is quiet in the house part of the remnant i'm i'm not perfect but but but i listen to the holy spirit when you're just you don't have you know you don't have to fear yeah i feel trying to come your soul and your senses is there and it'll try to take fear in but you got to talk to it and you start saying jesus and blood phil says shoot i understand yeah no you got jesus come on montreal [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Views: 10,997
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: lttv, leroythompson tv, leroythompson, apostle, apostle Leroy Thompson sr., dr. leroy Thompson sr., money cometh, finances, wealth, money, prosperity, abundance, seed, sow, rich, money cometh the body of christ, supernatural money, supernatural money cometh
Id: tDxLGzjpwZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 59sec (4439 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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