Knowing How To Live In The Extremely Blessed Zone | Apostle Leroy Thompson Sr.

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from this day forward extreme blessings will be looking for you because you understand what it's all about you understand god is the extreme blesser he'll redeem me from the curse of the lord i don't have to go after blessing i go after god when i go after god we've been doing it backwards the time you're supposed to come before god praise him and worship him and don't ask him for nothing you already know what you need you already know what you want i just come to worship you today i just come i just come to praise you today i just come to thank you for what i already got father we actually human minister to every person under the sound of my voice the message and the direction that they need right now we thank you for those who are here at water life in dale ruin around the world i think we have four countries and uh 25 states uh in service with us today thank you for your spirit [Music] thank you for truth help us to say what you say thank you we thank you for it in jesus name amen you may be seated i have to be real careful today because uh this message uh need you need time to do this you need to make sure you tune in properly ephesians chapter 1 chapter 1 is not written to religious people in order to understand what come out of the book of ephesians you're gonna have to be in the spirit you understand yeah this is a spiritual teaching and you're gonna have to be in the spirit to receive it uh beyond just excitement and definitely not entertainment you have to have expectation and desire to experience what god say to you today so what i've done and what i'm doing with hundreds of preachers that are under me that when we minister the word let's minister with a package that the people can apply not not just to entertain them but something uh that can be placed on life amen something to do with it now in ephesian uh one we're going to read uh this this messages to a particular people uh matter of fact in order to uh enjoy this lesson you're gonna have to be a disciple you have to be disciplined you've got to be a student uh you have to you're gonna have to know how to grow in spiritual things are you listening to me and when i give the subject i don't want you to go off when i change it about cars and houses and and rings and watches and stuff like that that'll come in place but we're talking about a higher value okay and you don't need to know this what i'm about to share with you you're going to need to know this because uh watch what i said the curse is on the move all right that's not my subject but i want to know that the curse is on the move in the world system yes and we're going to have to learn how to be somewhere else he doesn't get it the curse is moving but we're going to have to learn how to be somewhere else even though we're in the world but we're not of the world curses okay i want to share with you very very slowly this morning knowing how to live in the extremely blessed zone knowing how to live in the extremely blessed zone extremely blessed zone i want to uh give you a definition of extreme extreme mean reaching a high of the highest degree very great not usual exceptional should extreme mean reaching a high of the highest degree very great not usual exceptional ephesians chapter one listen very closely begin at verse one paul an apostle of jesus christ by the will of god now it is you may make a note of this it is the will of god that i be blessed all the time who lord have mercy it is said it is the will of god that i be blessed even if something has come up doesn't matter it is god's will at all time no matter what situation i mean it's god's will to get his blessing to me in spite of and he can do it huh yeah all right all right paul and the apostle jesus christ by the will of god there's an apostle you see that it's brought the will of god to the scent which are that uh at ephesus now i noticed this though he said something else now see because we're going in his blessing zone he said saint right but then he says this and to the faithful in christ jesus see so so you so it's a song that you may wear to name but can't make no claim you're going to have to be faithful what i say to the things of god to the ways of god to the will of god to the work of god you're going to have to be faithful to walk in this zone we're talking about this blessed zone it's down his dad that blessed zone is there and uh there's someone in some way the church has not walked in that blessed zone but it's time to go i'm ready you ready now these are blessings that you don't have to go after let me uh for the reading let me show you uh two or three voices uh favorite verses but we're talking about this blessed zone now uh matthew 6 33 this is a blessing that you don't have to go after see the church somewhat been taught to go after stuff no go after god and what happened stuff will come after you you see you see if you do it wrong you use all your prayer time and looking for something seek for him and then he start unfolding things to you you see what it says seek ye force the kingdom of god like that just talk about the kingdom of god and his righteousness what happened then why do you want to go to the end of that voice [Music] see the blessing zone you can't go to the internet voice you got to go to the first part of that voice blessings are designed to be added not to go after you remember solomon prayer when he had that dream the lord asked him what he wanted for his king three he said god just give me wisdom so i don't know how to go in and out among your people god say i love your answer because of that i'm gonna make you the richest king that ever lived hebrews 11 6. he say it again without faith as an apostle please god he had come as a god must believe that he is and that he's uh watch what he's saying now that that is again not seeking the blessing but seeking the blessing did you see it he's a reward of them that didn't just seek him john 15 7 4 read my text if you abide in me [Music] and my words abide in you one translation said make a demand upon what is rightfully yours and i'll see to it that you have it but notice in all three of us when i go i can go on and on all three of those voices the uh attitude or the desire is to have more hymn you know why that's the only one he can trust with the blessing because if if he's not first the blessing will destroy you are you following me now watch what it says here we go to the second verse grace and ephesians go by the ephesians grace chapter one be to you and peace from god our father and from the lord jesus christ now this third verse is the verse we're working on but that voice is uh [Music] one two three uh it's a full full voice sentence it's one sentence starting at verse three bless be the god and father of the lord jesus christ who has blessed us oh my goodness with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ when the disciples asked jesus to teach them how to pray jesus showed them some things that we must know to be blessed he began most of you all know it it's a model of prayer our father you remember that which are in heaven hallowed be thy name then he says thy kingdom come haven't actually done yet that will be done on earth as it is in heaven haven't asked for nothing yet a lot of time i pray that prayer don't pray to rest don't have to see it end with thy kingdom come thy will be done uh don't know died as it came the power and the glory kingdom of power and the glory belong to him now now proud of reading i feel the presence of god knowing how to live in the extremely blessed zone city women knowing how to live in the extremely blessed zone now this is a reality this is not this is not a message uh to excite you this is a message that you can live there's an extremely blessed zone and when you learn the principle and how to do it the blessing always overtakes you we are action for too much we already have things are yours already there are things many things that are yours look with me look with me uh this scripture now will help you before i read the rest of this center look with me uh in galatians chapter 3 verse 13. i don't have no business being cursed i'm redeemed i i was in my office and the lord said you redeemed from the curse and re redeemed to the blessing write that down i'm ready put it write that down i'm redeemed from the curse and redeemed to the blessing or you say it this way i'm redeemed from the cursing resurrected to the blessing oh my i'm redeemed from the curse and i'm resurrected to the blessing i like that lord you heard that i'm redeemed from the curse saying and resurrected to the blessing so when the curse come i'm gonna say you lying to me i left you a long time ago i'm under the blood you want me to sit in lord uh for for whatever you run in shock today the lord says you'll be redeemed from it whatever you don't have enough of is on the way christ that redeemed us from the curse of the lord being made a curse for us is written of course everyone that hangs on a tree she died across the cross right yes look at the next verse the 14th voice what that the christ may hang on us day and night we pray and fight and fight the devil and have warfare no that the blessing might come on the gentile through jesus christ that we might receive that we might receive that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith all right let me join the finished reading go by ephesians try to finish reading the verse verse 3 blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who have blessed us with all spiritual blessing in the heavenly in heavenly places in christ courtney has chosen us in him we chose him before the foundation of whatever we should be whole and without blame before him in love having protested us unto the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself according to the good pledge of his will and verse 6 to the praise of the glory of his grace when he have made us accepted in the beloved knowing how to live in the extremely blessed zone now notice what the lord says here most christian will never see or live in this kind of blessed life it's not automatic it has to be accessed are you following me not because it's not available they just don't know how to receive it on purpose are you listening you shouldn't be in this position when i finish this morning i'm talking about somebody else and i'm talking about you a life the blessed life is a life this is this that is designed to glorify god how many of y'all want him glorified with your life say this with me i am designed by god to be blessed and i am open for all his blessing now listen very carefully to float to and through me none forever you receive it now this this this sentence your authority uh gonna have to have the holy spirit to help you because i can't help you with it tell somebody we are gone and i will not be left behind the lord got to help you with that he told he told it to him so i just told you what he told me tell somebody we gone and i won't be left behind other words other words other words in other words the spirit of god will manifest in here today and many going to take off [Music] [Applause] and i will not be left behind that's what he said it's a funny story tell somebody we are gone this church is gone and i will not be left behind see it huh all right all right all right god this is so simple but it's so complicated god is an extreme blessing if you let him yes sir you all there i don't even understand what i'm saying y'all just sitting there looking at me let me say it again god will you do you know what i'm saying now is an extreme blesser if you let him don't ain't cutting up enough on that do y'all know god [Applause] listen i'm not saying it's just a tickle you i'm about to say something from this day forward extreme blessings will be looking for you [Applause] because you understand what it's all about do you understand god is the extreme blesser he had redeemed me from the curse of the law i don't have to go after blessing i go after god when i go after god now i'm gonna use a word i'm gonna use the word i want you to be mature enough to catch his word backwards we've been doing it backwards the time you're supposed to come before god praise him and worship him and don't ask him for nothing you already know what you need you already know what you want i just come to worship you today i just come i just come to praise you today i just come to thank you for what i already got [Applause] [Music] you ready that's what he just said to me there is nothing i don't want you to have i heard that whoa i received something whoa there's nothing i don't want you to have you wrote you you didn't write that down you didn't write there's nothing i don't want you to have i received though there's nothing there's nothing god don't want me to have i could dance on that boy huh huh huh have you ever heard that before no you never there's nothing god don't want you to have [Applause] i mean if you don't get into the extremely blessed zone you're gonna have to understand that you know this this this song we talking about this living in this extremely blessed zone uh this type of life must become a registered revelation in your soul a registered revelation in your soul this type of life third john 2 beloved worship of all things you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers that's in your soul all right but it must be resident in your soul now go back to our text ephesians 1 3 coming out of your spirit must be registered in your soul coming out of your spirit this type of life this this this uh zone of blessing life now paul knew when he ministered this type of ministry to the church at ephesus that's why he in the first chapter he didn't go wait till you go to the second chapter the first chapter he went down to about the uh 15 verse look at the first chapter 15 point then i'll take it some more principle i want you to know this thing could this cannot be understood by just clapping your hand all right this this this uh uh this revelation [Music] must be impressed within you by the holy spirit is it's not gonna come from notes [Music] see you're going to be the holy spirit the ornament can make this real uh the bible not real lest the holy spirit make it real so you know your notes are no real in the bible so you're going to feed on it to the holy spirit make it real to you are you listening see now ephesians 1 3 have to uh minister to third john 2. ephesians 1 3 has to minister to the third john 2. your spirit always has to minister to your soul now we went so long thinking our spirit and soul was the same thing but they're not your trinity must be in divine alignment your spirit your soul in your body just like the father the son and the holy ghost your spirit soul and body got to become one that's what romans 12 1-3 is talking about your spirit your soul and your body becoming one are you listening to me it's possible now jesus how many believe jesus knew what he was talking about if anybody else don't believe jesus knew he's talking about i can't help you baby you find you in a deeper church than this because i know jesus knew what he was talking about jesus reveals the keys to this extremely blessed life and i want to show you one thing if i don't show you much out of this but i'm about to show you turn to matthew chapter five matthew chapter five if i don't show you all the things that he showed about yeah i want to show you one thing that real deep and i think it's going to get you i think it'll get you shouting and understanding that i got it already hallelujah you understand my preaching have changed right pandemic brought my preaching to another level hallelujah in matthew 5 you're there i don't want you to miss this because how many of y'all ready to go to the extremely blessed zone uh all the time rest of my life got it i don't care what you're up against nothing can handle the blessing of god when god bless and start flowing everything starts flushing [Applause] jesus reveals the keys to this extremely blessed life then matthew 5 verse 1 and seeing the multitude i want you to read that with me because you about to see something that's right and seeing them all too let's see it all right seeing them all too thank god for the multitude and seeing the multitude you brought you got to find something about you now and seeing the multitude all right see the mark two not gonna walk in the blessing multitudes of christians will never get in this zone for first thing is they gotta reverse the order don't go after the zone don't go after the stuff go after him i mean that they don't even even know it they don't even know it they're praying and writing books i got bold and which caught on board vision bold and writing it i did it a little while for two days many many years ago i said i don't need this bold shoe you know you run up on somebody doing it you know and this is what i wanted i said no i don't need this this thing this thing question me instead of blessing me now i want you to know i pass everybody up with the board it's still on their boat i'll pass them up what you got to find out is very important listen seeing the multitude he went up into a hard mountain who we talked about jesus right and when he will set jesus here you don't see it and the multitude came unto him and seeing the multitudes they were there because of the blessing they were there because they healed a lot of people in the 23rd and 25th verse of the chapter four and seeing the multitude uh the multitude not ready the multitude is just together but he went oh my god and when he was sent his disciples came unto him and he opened his mouth and what taught them taught them you got to be taught to walk in the blessing zone [Music] i almost had to quit what do you want from me i'm i'm putting this out you better catch a hold of this the multitude will never walk in the full blessing okay how big a church is i don't care how many thousand they got but if they don't get a hold of the truth that we have to seek him not no housing how's they come what are the house shoes somewhere to sleep i slept in my old house with the buckets on the floor catching the water when the rain came news people newspaper stuck in the crack i've been to the outhouse they had no inside so jesus began to reveal and i may not go through all of them but he says blessed are the poor in spirit verse three for those in the kingdom of heaven that's a key there's a key that you know you can't do this yourself and you know you need help every day and you are not dependent on yourself but you depending on god [Applause] i'm not designed to live a flesh life i just can't live by my senses i have to recognize that i need more the spirit to move more more fully in the spirit [Applause] more fully in the presence of god more fully in in revelation more more fully in wisdom oh blessed are the poor in spirit i i need more of you god more more understanding of you [Applause] there is the kingdom of heaven i can't trust a person who not poor in spirit a person who thinks they know it all he just keeps giving you go i go further blessed are they that mourn for they shall be confident huh you're almost you're almost uh uh in recognizing how great god is it keeps you in a mourning position because you don't know more all right can you wear a bravo you know brother putting your mouth pull it to the right and poison their life can you can you stand to have a brow yes sir because that's what the next voice taught my voice 5. can you be scared can i remember when i used to ride my horse i pulled back both ran that me and stopped he you you're hocking his back leg yeah uh to walk in the full blessing of god you need a brother on blessed are the meek yes before they share hair do it you with your hard-headed self and you all you won't do everything your way that that brother got to be poor i ain't wearing a brother well goodbye could you they get brought a blessing out of me lord i want to go left but i hear you saying going right who asked you anything about finishing high school ain't nobody asking about no high school i'm talking about the bridals these keys jesus just teach them he teach them to a disciple students who would learn blessed are they were too hung and they said oh my god verse six hung and thirst after blessing [Music] for they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy you see the blessing these are blessed are the pure heart oh my voice eight for they shall see god you you can't see god and stay in the same position you are in when you begin to see god everything changes hallelujah you go on and on blessed are the peacemakers you call the shooter all i'm saying is that this life uh jesus revealed a key uh down uh verses one through ten and uh i wrote a footnote the beatitudes were not taught to the multitude because they're too much of a renegade they want things to go that way it's people it's people who wanting to be me people who wouldn't have recognized i can't do this myself and people recognize that i want to praise god at all times not just on sunday now i wrote down here's here here is the zone here's the zone but you don't automatically go to the zone look in ephesians 320 now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we actually think that's a zone there isn't it but you don't jump in that zone you'll go to that zone tomorrow you got to do some things there just see see love your love got to be in pledge to get to that zone but it's a song it's a blessing zone you remember i told you this is not a flipping 419 zone it's an ephesian 320 zone it's not a need zone it's a blessing zone y'all been shouting off the need zone no god wants you to be blessed the blessing's on you see it that's what he said to me when i was studying and again i want to remind you from matthew 6 33 this is a seeking the kingdom of god operation are you listening to me yes sir the spirit of god said to me don't do not let the enemy quench or grieve the spirit through the soul and rob you of your blessing or persecute your soul and block your spirit from releasing the blessing now i want you to stay here a few moments where we're going now hallelujah but i want to go there just for a moment might shout there for a few moments uh uh right now you're not stepping uh into the blessing zone stepping in hallelujah i feel it coming on right now before i tell you what text we're going in stepping into the blessing zone that that those you got to qualify and not to walk in the blessed zone so you can be a christian unqualified for the blessing zone some of you ought to taste the blessings on some i know that i recognize that but the lord want to take you further because the more you walk in the blessing zone the more you're witness for god god is a blessing he's a good god yeah he's a good guy [Applause] yeah he's a good guy you know that right say it then yeah he's a good guy god said god wanted me blessed i agree with him now i don't expect you to stay in the same zone where you've been for many years i expect this word to to bring you into a new new be a lamp to your feet in the light to your path how the answers of his word give you what light now we uh stepping in into the blessing zone uh very few go into this extremely blessed zone that god wanted to have but god's looking for a remnant to walk in it because it's advertisement for his goodness people get saved when you walk in that zone if that's your god i want him what his name what does i do get on my knees what i gotta do to get that he who did it god did this for you i want him then i want your hardship god y'all going to be standing here what a song amen stepping into the blessing zone now jesus taught us in matthew 5 give us keys here in deuteronomy 28 it's talking about god will bless israel how many are ready to really be blessed without going after it blessing comes to me now say it day and night even while i'm sleeping blessing comes to me i'm blessing the field i'm blessed in the city i'm blessed by god everywhere i go hallelujah i expect to be blessed all curses are under my feet from this day forward i will be surrounded with blessing matter of fact while i'm here blessings are seeking me [Music] i'm no longer seeking blessing bless god blessings are seeking me because i'm seeking god [Applause] hallelujah that scripture that scripture is seeking me wealth is seeking me long life is seeking me right now i make myself available joy and peace are seeking me right now i make myself available [Music] right i command healing all over the auditorium right now in the name of jesus i'll command new parts new organs to be passed out in this house this morning in the name of jesus a command live to be extended date change in the name of jesus thank you i heard the spirit of god says somebody had been left out too long this is your day [Music] oh if you listen here's what i'm saying if you listen you'll hear him calling your name right now there are places you want to bring you things you want to do for you watch what i say now and i'm saying this seriously there are so many people in this house that love jesus right here right now i'm talking about see i've been passing y'all for long i know there's a there's so many people in this house right here right now that really love jesus living for him i don't want to skip over this just make me the gusher i don't know where this originated from but it's a hush hush somebody called in my name that's what i heard i can't i i stopped skipping over stuff god tell me hush hush somebody call in my name thank you you don't have to suffer no more you have to try to hand it by yourself you're being anointed right now with grace and mercy thank you lord everybody say thank you lord jesus see my life will never be the same the blessings are flowing right now grand wave at the blessing wave at him let him know you let him know you're available you're flowing right now i said the blessings are flowing right now lord calling word of life to take a blessing break just time time let the blessing let the blessing flow here and at my house hallelujah this extremely blessed song i i desire that every member of this church walk in it i'll tell you what you're passing on walking i've been walking in i've got been seeking god you see god and god will seek you thank you i was standing by my car my wife was in the store i was standing there i had uh take taking her out on a date your boys better start taking them girls out on a date and now with no tennis shoes on dress yourself up and get a fancy place and take off i was standing there young man jump out the car he says apostle man i haven't seen you for years when i was a little boy we used to come uh uh do you have a what you call them apps put money on what cash house no i give me one of them i said i don't want that so i said it i said no i don't have any well he said let me run the store you be it when i get back i said well you know caught up with my wife come out this door my wife come out of the store i ain't waiting he ran right in the store and come back and uh you know he put money in my hand i thought it was twenty dollars a hundred dollar bill young man he said man i'm going to call mama not until i saw you [Music] what i'm trying to tell you is i was able to sit in the car what i'm doing standing outside the car standing up like that you got this now your blessing you got to know the ah how to follow the holy ghost you know you can't spend goosebumps it don't work the real thing god wants you blessed you understand sit down i'm gonna let you go in a minute sit down i'm gonna read this and then we're gonna go everybody says stepping into the blessing zone now don't put down your no deuteronomy 28 1-13 because i might not get this for but i just want you to see uh the qualifying factors beginning phrase one the qualifying factor and as you come to pass if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the lord thy god to observe and to do all his commandment which i command thee this day that the lord thy god will set thee on high above all nation of the earth let me stop you and say something their rule start flourishing when this traitor was planning i would ride going home and stretch my hand toward the supermarket and those little businesses it was trying to have out there and told the lord because they're in daryl let them flourish you pass the parking lot now you can't get in they don't even know what happened to them it happened [Applause] listen i mean the last statement in the first verse that the lord thy god will set thee on high above all nation of the earth well you know you're not no nation but you're a prisoner he set you on high if you can set a nation on the high side and all these blessings shall come on thee and you're gonna have to go after them and overtake thee if thou shall hearken to the voice of the lord thy god you see those two voices qualify what i've been preaching this morning i only got a few minutes left because i'm not going over but you did those two voices let you know if you seek him he gonna seek you with blessing i got news for you god never come after handing it [Applause] you oh no you get listen if you desire to be in god's presence get get ready to be blessed [Applause] god never shows up empty-handed if you say you've been praying you've been in the presence of god and nothing happened you god wasn't that's right i wouldn't serve a broke guard are you gonna tell me something he broke now this thing this thing gets so good y'all stand up this thing gets so good get your bible stand up don't read it i'm gonna read it because they are y'all got to get this i'm gonna read this and close verse two and all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake you i receive lord if thou shall hear come to the voice of the lord to god you notice that now qualification here we go verse three blessed should i be in the city and bless where should i be in the field don't mean them where you are blessing shall be the fruit of thy body and the fruit of thy ground and the fruit of our cattle the increase of thy king and the flocks of thy sheep all right verse 5 blessed shall be thy basket and i stole anybody got a basket i got one my life become a basket this morning [Music] verse six blessed should i be when i come again and bless should i be when our goal is out say that's me lord listen verse seven the lord shall call thy enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before thy faith they shall come out against thee one way don't be all angry and upset just leave them alone and free before these seven ways you ain't got time to be angry look at verse 8 somebody ready to dance up here look at verse 8. the law come on read voice hey women the lord [Applause] not stole hop what what and all that i said to hannah too it's your blessing in the land with the lord died god give it to you from our second now oh from this day forward everything i touch [Applause] turn into a blessing you see it you seen it i see how you seen it lay your hand on your place touch it let me lay your hand on your wallet touch it oh some of y'all too deep and do it all right just stand up on your stupid shelf i said touch it y'all so deep y'all don't believe the spirit world y'all if somebody somebody's psychology told you to touch you to touch it i'm a man i'm a pastor telling you to touch it you gonna stand look at me like i don't know what i'm talking about [Music] see the lord just check you out yes just now he just touched y'all see what you're really listening i ain't gonna trust no boy you better touch it he said just told you anything you lay your hand on the very point who ain't got enough didn't touch it did you stand there yet i believe in jesus touch the place i i told you to touch the dog on things [Applause] until you ask you what you believe me i'm trying to get you somewhere i'm trying to follow the holy ghost [Applause] i'm just trying to follow the holy ghost i'm not trying to be smart and all that stuff and being placed for you i'm just trying to follow the holy ghost the law trying to get you somewhere [Applause] but the law said touch the priest touch [Music] [Applause] it now i'll tell you right now you will have more coming than you ever had in your life because you're being gone i'm not gonna make it happen god gonna make it happen because you're gonna be in god [Applause] look at this i want this one i want to get to though verse 8 the lord shall command the blessing upon thee and not stole house and all that god setting our hand unto and uh he shall bless thee in the land which the lord thy god giveth thee the lord shall establity and holy people unto himself as he sworn unto thee if thou shall keep the commandment of the lord thy god and walk in his ways you see all that qualifies right and all of the people of the aries shall see that thou call by the name of the lord and they should be afraid they need to see it [Applause] they shall see it in the fruit of our body and the fruit of our cow and the fruit of the ground in the land which the lord swear unto our father given thee the lord shall open unto thee his good treasure to heaven to give that iran unto our land in his season and to bless all lynn unto many nations and i shall not bother and the lord shall meet you the head not ten thou shall be above only and i shall not be beneath if thou art hurting unto the commandment of the lord die god what i command thee this day to observe and do them i might do part two because i didn't get full blessing song lift your hand father i decree according to your word which i've heard today i totally agree that from this day forward i walk in your extremely blessed zone as i obey you and believe you for the best thank you for removing things in my life that had been a hindrance to me i heard your word i decree now the lord is my shepherd and i shall not want [Music] he leadeth me in green pass he leaded me beside still water he restore my soul and lead me in the path of righteousness for his name sake yeah do i walk to the valley and the shadow of death i will fear no evil because they are with me thyroid and thy step half of me god prepared the table before me in the presence of my enemies that i'm not in my head at all my covenant is over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of these into my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever [Applause] [Applause] say that with me i will live in the extremely blessed zone the rest of my life say i receive it i believe it and i will live it [Music] [Applause] put your hand on your body and command it be whole be healed right now in the name of jesus i watch this is gonna be a little funny what i'm about to say now put your hand on your marriage be whole be healed be happy be peaceful right now [Applause] put your hand on your hall be blessed in the morning at noon time all night long put your hand on your business you got a business business you prosper beyond measurement right now in jesus name all right some of y'all seeking to mate some of y'all seeking to make and what you got to do now just stop all that secret and listen to what we're about to say made coming in jesus name i just let them come male a female you're a woman a man and you want a wife or a woman you're looking uh you need a husband just say mate coming and just just put the date down uh we calling the mean it's so easy i know we're gonna go all the way out there but we out there now y'all y'all hustling too much trying to make it happen shut up shut down make coming [Music] [Applause] you normally walk up to you [Music] yeah anything else lord [Music] thank you [Music] the lord i bless everybody around me i bless my neighbors i bless my neighborhood right now [Music] i refuse to worry you have not given me the spirit of fear but power love and a song let's just shout out hallelujah [Music] [Music] you
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Keywords: lttv, leroythompson tv, leroythompson, apostle, apostle Leroy Thompson sr., dr. leroy Thompson sr., money cometh, finances, wealth, money, prosperity, abundance, seed, sow, rich, money cometh the body of christ, supernatural money, supernatural money cometh
Id: eDKAvRvpME0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 12sec (4152 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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