CM17 | Keys To Open The Seals of the Supernatural - Dr. Leroy Thompson Sr.

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Oh [Music] Luna either gets it for the word go rid of God give him the glow actually Jason been on my mind all the week I am praying for him I want him to sing them more than I - I walk by faith I like that song man it's cool man I've been listening at it you know we shout about faith you got I got a beat there I like that beat you know yeah yeah yeah give God the glory you have no idea what you mean for a night you have no idea what is about to happen to your faith you have no idea you have no idea yes you have no idea I'm wearing a watch that Dan bought me I'm trying to cover their David board I thought David had bought this cover it's a nice little coven I'd put my Bible you see my Bible endnotes ray in here pretty neat there thousand things that we're going to deal with the night I to position you to flow back in the spirit a man already know we're going to happen yeah already over grab it's just too cool tell our boy just gonna take a few minutes and how gonna take long do a quick work you know how do you but I know that something God wants to do paying God wants to see the night and we're gonna see them Alleluia yes I receive I see how many are got great expectation you know if you have the right expectation it will cause a visitation and a manifestation and demonstration of the Holy Ghost exactly I do expect your expectation has something to do with it have you you know is you can get through the little bumps in the road as you try to switch world and switch system they take a while you sometime the switch system that get out of the natural and get into the spirit where the holder goals can have free calls and begin to demonstrate himself and begin to manifest themselves in powerful ways we expect to see some of that tonight I expect it on the would you reach me which originally can I get something expect us in here tonight you and all the good and I think it's time we've been this is midweek with no Lopez mid with your Thursday so oh I never look for the testimony food I never what I did a check but some things should be happening by now all this freaking gone I don't know you [Music] [Music] hallelujah seeing a bit of wall here to me I know I've got a big crowd I know but I just tell them I'll condition out next week and put some new one in your eye so we're to do it lawyer tear mountain for the new one father we're so thankful tonight that you've been so wonderful to us you you these men of God to minister word to us in our hearts and you've been so gracious to us and we're so thankful we thank you for every person that is here we thank you for the unity of the faith the knowledge of the Son of God we thank you for Jesus thank you for the Holy Spirit we thank you for the kingdom of God we thank you for the church we thank you here in this camp meeting we have been dealing with signs and oneness and divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost we've been dealing in another realm that where we function supernaturally I think it is a proportion will receive tonight things that will advance and enhance their life in the spirit give you the praise and glory now in Jesus name Amen here it be seated stop writing some things I want you to write we're actually going to deal with some keys to open the seals of the supernatural keys that will open up signs wonders divers counting miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost and I think in no other way to begin when you talk about seals if they begin with the seals of power I want you to turn to a few Scripture with me for even guru go to work here and I don't want your turn and before I read a text of gold on text I want you tonight along with the text I've been using I want you to just turn to a famous scripture a famous scripture I want you to turn to a famous scripture that is found in Romans 1:16 it's the scripture power for in that scripture says but I'm not ashamed of the gospel see gospel will never make you a shame what's the power of God unto salvation unto delivers unto healing etc you notice that normally 1:16 pasa Paul the reason he was so powerful he was not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God now what I want you to underline for it is the power of God the gospel is the power of God unto salvation now any manifestation going to call for believing you see that on the seventh every one that believeth see so that the power cannot work without somebody believing that is worth but the power of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ will never let you down and will never leave you holding the bag it will never make you ashamed if you use it right it will produce what it says in produce and then another aspect of the power we need to look at in first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 it talks about for the preaching of the Cross is foolishness to those who perish but unto us which are saved it is the power of God so here is a combination of the power of the gospel and the power of the Cross you see its foolishness if you don't have faith for it but if you recognize how much power the preaching of the pros how much power there but is unto us who will save what's on to us who believe that God has all power power to tap into another real power to cause signs wonders God is kind of miracles and the cost of gifts of the Spirit to function in a supernatural level that calls the impossible to become possible that's our assignment in the body of Christ we are not to be on the same level of people who do not know the power of the gospel and the power of the cross and then we look again in Philippians 3:10 here's another look at another aspect of this power that calls us to be able to open the seals of the supernatural Philippians chapter 3 verse 10 that I may know him area and the power of his resurrection whoa what a mouthful and the power of his resurrection the suffering on me nothing when you understand the power of Resurrection see see the things that you have to go through in this earth suit in this system it doesn't mean anything if you know the power of the gospel the power of the cross and the power of the Resurrection these things the Holy Ghost hated me I have to prove for you to be able to comprehend what the Spirit of God is going to see to us tonight as we open these seals I'm going to define what seals mean in the aspect because it means that it's for particular people they have to know how to get in now and the power of his resurrection we'll see in a few moments hotter apostle was preaching with great grace and great power about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ because it consummated some things when Jesus got up and then you go and look in acts 1:8 but you shall receive power that followed in after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you see the resurrection in a line across the gospel consists of the preaching of the cross the power of resurrection and then the sending of the Holy Ghost Jesus in only view and Terry wait here don't don't try to don't try to work in spiritual things without the hole to go you see that but use a CVC power and notice another thing we have ticked them taking this from one aspect after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses now now you see witnesses we have just think about preaching and getting saved no we back now to our golden text we back to Hebrews 2 for now sign see Jesus said God random witness you see you you've got to have more witness and yes do you won't be saved you've got to expose them to why they want to be saved and by releasing some power to tell them you're talking about something different so sign that wanted mark tell us in Mark's Gospel signs and wonders supposed to follow us we both we support the leave a trail where it goes about we leave we leave a trail of sign and wonder operating in these various power the power of the gospel the power of the cross the power of the resurrection power the Holy Ghost and then let naught cosin that let's not leave out let's not leave out Hebrews 4:12 the quickening power of the word that can operate on a pushin why they standing up can operate on a pushin when they just got out of their greatest sin I know it because it did me I sent all night long and then didn't in that morning he operated on me and cut that stuff loose on me and got me saved anybody else to testify yeah the top that is probable so you you have to you have to understand these power the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than a to a soul then they go divided and separating and and manifesting and bringing forth then let's look at one other power in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 Paul talks about his creatures uh-huh yeah he talks about it it come in demonstration of the spirit what is false birth to advise them but first granted true in a demonstration of the Spirit and of power so those powell's has to be in place now let's read a text here oh let's go back to Acts chapter 4 you know our golden text right Acts chapter 4 and let's read a few verses here as we deal with these keys to open the seals of the super not expect something to have you tonight and I just want looking at here for a few moment praise God when you get the threatening and messin with the church or when you get the when this world system and Santana power get the threatening and messin with a believer you must shift give you must go into a room that's higher than any other room Santana grim human room any other kind of realm higher than angels you're going to you go into a surplus of power when you know how to tap into it properly when you know how to yield to the holy goals have fellowship with the holy goals and take the Word of God let the hold it goes breathe on it and the word come alive on the inside of you what our instrument you are when you find out how you work what a powerful being you are you not just a church go on the Bible carry no you can turn into another woman you can turn into another man if you know how to function prophet and it's a glorious life if if it's when the Spirit of God will visit this house tonight and you see we come in here invade your seat and you're turning into the other woman you were turning into the other man sometime all you can do is shout sometimes all you can do run sometimes I've seen people flip when their power hit them because they turn into that super poison they're no longer weak and feeble but the glory of God the present of God the power of God the ability of God the strength of God start moving in their heart sobbing down their bone like five shut up in their bowl and it water 60 and their wall instead stealing else then I want to move you just want to be quiet and calm but all of a sudden it can't hold empty for this power trying to break out and afloat you for your time saying Jeremiah I'm gonna shut up I don't talk but I can't his word is like five shut up in my phone and said John said i baptize you with water but there's one coming out to me baptize you with a whole they go by sea so it's important that you yield it's important that you don't be in a sense of mode when the gospel is being preached it's important that you don't think more highly of yourself than your alter faith when the gospel being preached sometimes the most scripture we know the harder we ought to get to to get into another flow so don't let that happen to you tonight don't let it pass you up yeah you'll be threatened in life life would threaten you and tell you what you're not going to do and tell you how far you can go but what is so wonderful when you get a threat it's still wondering when you get a threat that you know can't work on you see when you're dealing in a higher power of the Cross the higher power of the gospel the higher power of the Resurrection the higher power of the baptize of the Holy Ghost and far the higher power of the word of God his promises and you persuaded what he said he'll bring the pass he'll perform he watch over his word to perform it you can't you you say all right as a threat you threatened me Satan are you threatening me you you you five demons oh you're threatening me you do you are you sure you got the right address do you really want see that's the way we got the bank she don't look at the problem look at the possibility see you're gonna be threatened in life life was threatened you dr. Farb talk about that he's threatened his body life was threatened you but you've got to know who you dealin with you got to know yo God who made you if he made you he can redo it but he is gotta trust him you gotta trust for here in Acts chapter 4 verse 29 at 24 verse 29 now we're talking about Lord I hope I can get this out tonight keys to open the seals of the supernatural keys open a sealed personally of sign oneness darvis can of miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost seals to open a certain thing a certain position you can push yourself in that the Holy Spirit will help you open it because uh yes you operate in faith and faith is the thing you need but your fate take you into greater dimensions of all the 29th verse there have been threatened x4 29 and now Lord behold L threaten them what's read in you tonight what what what trying to tell you you can't go no father Oh what trying to tell you you lock in your position I'll unlock you tonight anything mister me anything you've been locked in for too long on moment tonight in the name of Jesus you unlock God etc you receive it the more you're threatened the happier you should be why it's just another chance for God to show himself strong no weapon he doing that no weapon formed against you shall prosper you know most people and this time talking about a breakthrough but tonight we're gonna break loose and now Lord behold our Edmund and grant under I know the way said a grant unto now sermon that with all boldness they may speak thy word right in the face of it right in the face of a threat speak that word all right then this is in the third verse now love we need some evidence we need some proof he said while stretching forth our hand to heal you see it and that signs and wonders who watch this next it may be done whoa look at this Tim you by the name of your Holy Child Jesus oh my God look at the radiation but by stretching fold our hand to heal and that sign I know my mind went to Acts chapter 3 that sign and wonders may be done I telling us a sign and one are done by the name of the Holy Child Jesus lord please don't leave Jesus our please don't get so scripture and so deep in the spirit that you need the name out nothing is authentic in heaven without the name of Jesus I don't care how many scriptures you read scriptures don't work without the name the cross don't work without the name the resurrection does not work without the name no power in the kingdom works without the name of Jesus the name of the Holy Child Jesus he's the Holy Child he can make holy things happen he can make heaven move Jesus right up in here tonight Jesus can make that one ship jesus never I said Jesus he can make the system ship he can make the system bow because the scripture at the name of Jesus every knee must bow may become must confess that Jesus is what Oh Lord what a mean Lord he's in the thought in his Dominion he's over everything see see oh you follow me say Jesus is long over this house tonight the scripture say in verse 31 and when they had prayed and what they prayed about bowing is it prayed about the name of Jesus the pretty in the name of Jesus the place was shaken but it was someone together I have a story about that some years back I was on my job and I was studying all day and pray all day my boss would let me do it and the job we had it takes for a while to do one thing with rolling tank cause I said have been pre admitted to eat and get the Klein you know in the spirit and so they send me to check some barrels out in a little shed and I was praying and I when I stepped in that shed it's like always quick start moving I'm not in one concrete the barrel style rally and the whole foundation that coming through a shaken little bilham was really rocky so I ran out of it I knew what that was I'll and I do so I want to I had somebody calls I went called my aunt she was a proud warrior she lived to be 97 years old I went I went from there is I call the Edit on the force and it something happened to me I said I went in and and this thing thought I said is his concrete if you get back in there boy get back there quick go back in it that's a lot so I hung the form ran back in the shed and still shaking I didn't know what it was but I just knew what it was because she had been in the spirit realm so I understand I just let you know that I understand what they're shaking it now that's not the only time that have happened to me other times I felt the foundation movement because God had come on the scene so I said when they had prayed the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they spoke the Word of God with what that's twice we've heard that right spoke the Word of God with boldness and I want you to look at the thirty-third voice and with great power hear the Apostles witness that Edward witnesses again you are witness but you can't witness naturally you can't witness just by reading scripture and with great power I'll give you about five power we started gave the Apostle witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and great grace was upon them all then there was a clearing out in the church of people who make their sleep and that was a miracle that nobody won't talk about q people died in this miracle you know and I survived yet it died miraculously to get the church in alignment you can't play with this thing and after that many people wouldn't join then I know is some people afraid to come here I know that I understand verse 12 of the fifth chapter and we'll start taking notes and by the hands of the Apostles or minus-- I say many times many one wrote among the people who that's probably who that's power now let's get a definition of a seal before I thought Renan to you the seals of the supranational seals of signs and one keys of how to open these seal a seal mean something that confirms satisfy or make secure it's a guarantee it's a I'll see you Shawn but it's a divine assure do you seals we talk about a closure that must be broken to be open and that dust reveal temper in other words it somebody done open the Lord up here somebody have opened the door for the holy ghost somebody somebody have opened the power of Jesus resurrection because I see sign and I see things happening that don't suppose to happen somebody new have credentials that we didn't know and they have used keys that we don't know about and they have brought this world into another world how many see what I'm saying somebody I'll miss what I'm saying you see she you have you have credentials you have credentials by revelation to open up heaven to invade earth wherever you are any given time and when that happened people recognize that there's somebody else operating here bigger than up oh you didn't hear mute oh you don't understand what I'm trying to tell you I'm trying to change them all right aha it is it's all these are key are these sealed or too close or make secure against access anybody can go into these these are supernatural is not accessible to any old body the supernatural divine supernatural power of God is placed in place for his church for the believer to open God up to unseal God in nourish rim for God to bring for the manifestation that can't be denied like open the Red Sea and make the brown solid that can go fall not taking a go liar out who thought he was he like open a jail with no key and then men walk out turning a rod into a snake that at the other snake up see these things still available to us today but they're beyond the sense real and tonight is my assignment to tell you about these powers and to tell you how to open these fields and how to access activate and eliminate access activate and eliminate now who being eliminated they animate the situation when you access and activate these divine substance that are sealed on your behalf in the name of Jesus then you eat a lemonade any demonical power any or tack it is circumstances and it's such a way shoe that try to come against you can I get a lot of in minute and I get a whole lot hallelujah because you see your spirit don't have to be opening here tonight your eyes gonna have to be open the scripture is going to have to be open to you you understand your understanding don't have to be open that deep where you're going the spirit the more open you gonna have to be you see it's not the little hop scotch some in here you see I'm we bout to go deeper into the spirit so I got to warm you up that you go and we start flying you can fly with us because the Spirit of God want to invade this place and I I feel a turbulent I feeling I'm not you they're going to change your life forever but you can't stand I'll sit and be regular up in here you've got to have a divine expectation for a divine dilatation of the Holy Ghost a manifestation that you've never seen before and a demonstration in your life right here right now tonight that pays you in another position before you came here tonight I want God to like a holy change in your life tonight put you in a hole a position to be able to do things that you wasn't able to do for you came here tonight I want you to know how to draw on the power of God release the power of God are you follow me you have what you have to be open you have to go beyond church services you have to go beyond the normal song and the normal praise and you got to go into another dimension with God Oh Helen 200 hallelu other fella go ahead into you there's another dimension man that's another dimension that's another place you can get with God God not through with you yet God Wallenberg Alcala God won't put a greater anointing on you God wants you to stop being satisfied with two scriptures he wants you to hold hand with it well we're Tom with it whoo being partnership with divine setup and to being that power accessing their power applying that power I hope you didn't come here for normal service' now let yourself go let yourself going that ring the hoard of gold hit this place and turn you into another woman turn you into another man turn you into a greater inertia there are always my sisters and brothers of Greater or knowledge there's a greater notion awaits you even though I know you anointed anointing of bodies in you but that's a greater unknowing they want to come upon you and I want you to get ready for it because it will hit this place tonight greater your budget we're done okay I'm ready God the flow in a greater 90 don't get stagnant don't become satisfied in the spirit realm I feel hot all going on in the spirit realm there's always room for you to go somewhere else oh it's such a vast dimension God is such a big God the Holy Ghost is such a big holy gold Jesus is such a big Jesus the kingdom is such a big Kingdom pow-pow that you have never seen before it Paolo your neighbor never seen a lot of time is power your pastor Devils here I'm not putting them down but I'm just telling you you can't go to a certain dimension and become satisfied because you're speaking in tall more than that and so we a my ma'aming to drill until we get a little deeper tonight I'm a man to be an instrument that God can use in this house tonight as your apostle and bring you where you will see more signs and wonders and diverse miracles in your life in your ministry in your home it's dead but you cannot work with people who only let the hold it goes open the scripture open their eyes open their years open their understanding see the whole to go they're open you won't see it you're saying you're standing here blind with scriptures before you we need the hole that goes in it to wake up in here tonight we heal to the hole to go I'll yield my spirit my soul and my body to the Holy gold tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight as a believer you may be seated God has given you the divine right to have access to the spirit world and all of this benefit what I got to create man yes my just watch come on yeah three or four people let me read it to you again because there's no me about Hank or no father a religious spirit and a familiar spirit will make divine things common i'ma read it to you again because you see that should be a line rolling like that because you know only one God access to this as a believer God has given you the divine right to have access to the spirit world and all of his benefits well I just just air pass over that you know it somebody here but you can't pass over that what a privilege in the name of Jesus heaven opened up when I use that name in faith that land man they said when a man was healed through faith in his name faith in the name of Jesus to open up the spirit world for me that I can go into places that I never been before see things I've never seen before here things I've never heard before they said by become so they say in the revelation to John things in the spirit on the Lord's Day and II heard something so you're going to be in the spirit to when somebody preaching in the spirit you got to be in the spirit see that's for John 2:27 those are nineteen in you that teach you all there when somebody teaching out of the anointing you have to let your nudging kicking so you can keep up [Applause] I'll tell you right now I'll tell you some things we'll hit this room to operate to manifest to overcome as a believer God have given you the divine right to have access to the spirit world and all of his benefit look quickly when I read at this time over not thinking in you know Galatians 3 is talking about access board is in confident and then if you're looking Roman five first two or three verses in Romans five Romans 5:1 you see something there about faith and you see some things about access therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ go on keep moving by whom also we have what by what into what when we stand and rejoice in in the hope of the glory of God so this access is a faith thing see you got to breathe beyond the problem and beyond the person who's standing next to you who thinking you have failed see now now now listen this is gonna be very carefully now moments when you look like you fail it or a moment God by the move you [Applause] because what his he's erasing the know you know they preach them preach appreciate about the ego sturdier than that all the ego Stern's and this is about is the little eaglet don't want to leave because it got it made so that Mommy go put some stone and then when they said that but down the stickum and then they jump on the phone I think and fly when you attack sometime God is just trying to let you know you can flies you don't have to stay here you don't have to ride normal God God come that you know you you don't have to live a normal life you don't have to sit on you on this level I can take you to another level that this what you're dealing with not even on that level but don't fall out and break down because something messing with you rejoice because God got to do something Contador door cut it all joy when you fall into various file cast and temptation knowing this the China your faith wicket patient divine patient divine patient is on increased level whole fast is your confident some of y'all right now God is developing divine patient in you here alle believer God have given you the divine right have access to the spirit world and all of his benefit to release determine irrevocable or indisputable evidence seal of sign the seal of wonders the seal of divers miracles and the nine seals of the gift of the Spirit they will open to you if you listen and it will open to you I said I say they were open to you if you going oh my FEMA I feel it perfect if you're going to open these seals of the supernatural one of the first seal you have the puppet katate the permit to be open for you is the person of the Holy Ghost come on set on time with no future through scripture the poison of the Holy Ghost you have the open at that seal that's one of the first seal you have to open the question of the whole ago listen listen and know you have a right to be poison up with the whole ego that the Holy goals know your poison and God has given you the divine right to know the Holy Ghost watch my dinner wisely said I know the Holy Ghost twice on it [Applause] do you know what this long start in your life huh I don't know if you ever said that before uh-huh I know the Holy Ghost pricing it that's a gift from God to me what a privilege to know the holy gold price on it we own every day speaking basis I can talk to the Holy Ghost and the Holy gold will talk back to me I can say to the Holy Ghost I can tell the whole that goes my trouble and the Holy gold can tell me my secrets that take me up well matzah Jesus is not jealous if you talk to the whole to go that's why sister Kuhlman wish you living she ran a ring around most ministers because men are scared to talk to the Holy Ghost because I think there's no jealousy in the Trinity but there is no jealousy I talked to the holy goes all the time oh there goes you my friend poor the goes we're gonna work this out pulling the girls I need a seal open on it I need to see I need to walk in the secret place of the Most High Holy Ghost open that secret place up for me say holy go open that secret fades off of it I see some of your name over your mouth huh y'all said y'all scared to go to do I want one I don't want to commit I check it on deeper don't go here you can teach me puttin out of scuba dive and you see I'm panning here bring them back up to the top they all wanna go deep because see a hundred percent of your problem just been solved you got the name of Jesus you're talking to Jesus then you can turn and say holy go what is this how do I hammer it give me a ram Oh give me a live word that turning to the soul of the Spirit let's cut this cut our self through this [Applause] the reason many of us not know follow we have not personally talked with the holy ghost in action what's the next move a day you say I'm going to do it so John 16:13 let's look at look at through Scripture John 14:26 John 16:13 the Holy Ghost is the spirit of divine truth he's the spirit of supernatural answer see the Holy Spirit and see we read in that text is reading our free cross we on the other side of this he has come he's the Spirit of Truth and now he's yet a goddess in all truth say for he should not speak of himself but what's up he now the Holy Spirit is the supernatural I said would he drop or what it is drop he his supernaturally eavesdropping 24 hours a day to hear what we need to know then healed a supernatural speaker he got a way to put it where you can handle it he might say it one way to me when he said another way to you he meet you where you are there carrier where you need to be thank God for the whole ego [Applause] you will find out our prolonging our night you will find out because I preach one of our men or it is you're like I've been up to three minutes you will find out that you really don't have a problem you will find out your problem really is a promotion [Applause] your problem is to convert you off of self your problem is the conversion of yourself and your problem is to convert you to the revelation that you have control over Satan he can make you do nothing he cannot pin you down he cannot knock you out because greater is He that is in you know then he doesn't Satan's cradle he knew then he does him Satan Satan himself Jesus greater than Satan what he proved it they thought he talked about a temple he throw money chefs here three days I'm coming back up again I'll build him three days I built it up and then didn't know what he's holding on now you know Satan had all this best demon had his muscle demon said we're gonna hold him in yeah Jesus got up and what I like about Jesus wouldn't know how you're folding nappin come on hold a nap and you think you've got a problem that's falling down brain folder that it's just fallen average do you think you got a problem Jesus God I'll be winning no hurry you know I know how this is gonna come out yeah yeah hear what I'm saying I have it I know how it is I know how to talk tomorrow but you gotta say it a little number like you like you're drunk some I'm not either see you review this again not just in the service now that's your house nobody nobody knows what you're going through yes I know how it's gonna come out let me fold a nap [Applause] I know how to do I know how they don't come on then in John 14:26 I had a hurry little bit John 14:26 still talking about the poison of the Holy Ghost now the Holy Ghost I have a personal relationship with the whole to go but the comforter is a confident what's just a hole that goes with whom the father will send he already sent him in Jesus name he shall teach you all things and bring all things you remember will serve our say - you know what s for well when you study the script you and you need a scripture the Holy Ghost our ticket to the right scripture and when you get to that scripture turn into a rainbow it turn into a soul it turn into the power of the Cross it turned into the power of the gospel and the Holy Ghost power is relief and causing to happen supernaturally now when local sana Masha look with me in Romans chapter 8 now you know it says as minute led by the Spirit of God that's that's one of the seals of the supernatural is being led by the Spirit but I will mention a minute here about the prompting of the Holy Ghost prompting mean the action of sand Sutton to persuade the Holy Ghost will persuade you in victory he will prompt you he will prompt you you give you an anointing he he'll give you a preview of your victory it arrives it'll rise up in your spirit and in your Noir and you just know nothing and change on the outside but you got the prompting of the Holy goal I think the content of the Holy Ghost is if the hold it goes also giving you a little push giving you a shell to step up to the plate don't back up press forward stand your ground I'm about to tear this wall down oh man come on somebody shout Neil Hannon see that's why that's why over there the promises of God are yeah and a man you see promised his work with grace and faith but that's why over there they're talking about these all died and faith they say they had received the problem but they've seen them before all then they said it will fully persuaded ya and them and then they embraced it and they confessed it they stuck with it you've got to stick with it when God is bringing you to another level so you don't know what you're going so you got to you got to pray and tongue you've got to praise you got to dance you got the worship Him you've got to meditate the word because you need fuel for your brother going along journey you better go in places you never been before see the Word of God is whew it gives you energy to operate in the spirit world then Philippian 1:19 it talks about to supply the Spirit of Jesus Christ you see if you're gonna function in a supernatural you got to have an F for supply of the spirit the spirit supplies power and anointing and wisdom and insight and then all of a sudden come the glory of God now when the glory of God is God manifested present your faith and your anointing can move on the side now God by the do it himself see you subpoena God by having faith standing your ground it's a subpoena to god there's somebody not trusting me I got to go see about and when God come everybody wiped out see God won't you subpoena him by your faith by your noise Ian then his glory car when the glory come all that God healed all that God had all that God can do come to your disposal [Applause] every problem in your life and you're not operated by faith not to trust God every problem in your life should bring us out not not a sad face not a sad face worried about what you're going to do God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power love in a psalm I feel not he said I'll help you I hold you up I did what fought it in 4110 I'll hold you up with the right hand woo I could I wish somebody got a problem you know it mean prompted me into action of sand something to persuade what's in NYC next would encourage the holy goals isn't encourage he'll bumpier he believes inside I worry about that we got this you bother be promoted I'm here about to take you above this thing he's got the feeling our border holding gold elbow order ela nerd he's prompting you he said we got this thing rip already you have some other little elbow I don't know to hold the gold XR man [Music] we got this one got this we got it bad we got this whoa what do you need to happen in your tonight well what what what did you come from your state with from your city with what do you need to happen tonight what what what what what you need God to pay you for your trip for your sacrifice will coming what do you need to happen God never let you do something for him that he'll do something better for you feel annoyed feel up often what do you need to have me here tonight what do you need God to do for you tonight what do you need the Holy Ghost to do for you tonight the Holy gold have no impossible case he's here he will do it for you he will prop you to understand how to follow him [Applause] praten means the action of sand something to persuade encourage or remind someone to do or say something it's a nerd it's a leader now let's go back to one of these powers if for a minute turn back to acts 1:8 not only because you need to know the person of the Holy Ghost the prompting of the Holy Ghost but you must know the power the Holy Ghost you got it person of the Holy Ghost prompting of the Holy go now they're going into the power Act one images that we see power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you know didn't they come in you Jesus say the spirit marv increases the Spirit of the Lord is upon me I remember my spiritual father preaching about the Holy Ghost within and the Holy Ghost upon see the whole that goals come up on you for action in this world he's within you to reveal action but then they come on you to act it out decided so but we should receive power after the Holy Ghost come on you and you shall be witnesses unto me both ends you're in all Judea and in Samaria and on the other part of the earth in the second chapter cam you know holy ghost camp then the third chapter and boys while operating a new power I mean a man without ever this thing trying to get some chain and boys the silver and gold I had no ain't got time with these young boys I got something else for you so in the name of Jesus rise up war and he got up didn't ya that's a miracle right that you see and then I want to quickly tell you because I did this tonight in the morrow night turning back to Roman 8:14 because for this moment I will talk about the partnership of the whole Eagle Roman aid 14 14 through 16 it give us as minutes led by the Spirit of God they're the sons of God keep going see going through the 16th for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you received a spirit of adoption whereby we cry out for probable ruler next we the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit not now the whole school just unlike me the subject we read the Bible too straight we read the Bible to English we read the Bible to natural that statement that we are the children of God is more than that T because now that's all the promises all the blessings in that stadium because of my divine sonship everything the Bible saying now belong to me if I really understand I see the spirit has a bad winter with my spirit with our spirit because you can't understand and no other way that we are the children of God now when we say we the children God have we taught properly if we fed properly then we live in another level than normal choice for we live in a glory level we live in a shouting level we live in a victory level then all these things you are more than conquerors if God is for you who can be against you I trained my infirmity when I turn my infirmity in the words they all thing with the nether for good for them that love God who are call or coordinate Weber then the scripture I will let nothing separate me from the love of God I don't care what come hide look as long as I see in the love of God I have the victory come love never well then whatever one love never fill it and that and that spam love corner Roman find find the love of God but the shade of brought in my heart hope maketh not ashamed you see hope will make your shame without love traitor make your shame without love see love is a key fruit that run the whole system of the kingdom we walked by love walk in compassion be he kind to one another tender-hearted love suffer long con and not puff up low bad all thing believe it all they didn't do with all things you can't you can't mess with love love will wrap itself around you love I'll forgive you for you doing let me tell you everything alright love a smile cuz love know that you have to victory partnership of the Holy Ghost partnership of the holy gold oh now this might be the one with my clothes on ooh turn the Roman chapter 14 voice 17 oh ma yeah the seal got to be over when you open this CD do you see for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace now I will deal with this last aspect this last in the short of the Holy Ghost do you have any joy you recognize a daughter who they go will make you laugh and shout when it looked like the bottom the fella that joy just keep jumping on the inside everybody to the daughter hold it go I want you to fake it tonight I want you to act like you got joke I want you to begin to smile I want you to begin the laughs like everything all right as you laughing the Holy Ghost will make it right the jar and a Holy Ghost if a kingdom kapa risk you've got joy unspeakable and full of glory Jackie Shore without the glory of God you get enjoy it becomes I unspeakable and full of glory then the scripture says stir up the gift is in you have some joy Jesus said be full of joy joy in the morning joy at noontime joy at midnight joy coming from the Lord my job don't come from my situation my joy don't come from my neighbor my joy don't come from the government my joy don't come from the political pie I got a special joy my joy coming from above my door stepped out the grave one Sunday more I replace through the rabbit and Stila going down he'll send the back to the Father my dog seven on the right hand of God he told me come sit with me I'm seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus that's where my joy I got a privilege to sit at the right hand of the Father in Christ Jesus in him I live move and hand my feet nobody's out there and stuff I will not be stopped because I had to draw the law working on inside of me it's all in my hand the toy in my feet guitar Deema I want to shout right now the God of all don't move the floor is moving with the job so I uh speak less physical science piccola and for the no arrest I've even more product in you tonight happy I want to modern or I got ad I got one and game and it can't hang it away I guess nobody can stop the guy of the horrible [Applause] Oh [Applause] Oh [Applause] sure trap someone a high five got door I feel a joy dance come along I feel a joy they're coming off I'm dancing I got job I feel adored I got the family I've got to seal a job how cool it still feels like when you drink the wine of the Spirit when you drink the new why you get empathic in with Jesus intoxicated with the whole ego intoxicated with Sue intoxicated with victory then you've got the Danes JA Dan go ahead Dan you've got that job and so I think the decision ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh nobody's this one you really got this you you you understand what happened do you joy unspeakable and full of water when the enemy not see this type of job [Applause] he knows he's defeated [Applause] when sickness and disease see this College all its noise defeated when lack and limitation see this kind of job when Bill see this kind of job it knows that is the feel the anointing of joy is on you tonight for one more time dance it out [Music] Chris [Music] [Music] oh my this is all you really got this you you you understand what happened to you ah ah joy unspeakable and full of gold when the enemy see this type of job he no interference [Applause] when sickness and disease see the college all is noise defeated when lack and limitation see this college or when bill see this kind of job it knows that is defeated the anointing of God is on you tonight for one more time stands it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] office regular joys you gotta thinking to join you that's why you put on a hole to go don't bounce people and pull of all your Paula died you the worries would George you here you can't worry about you want to work you can't be sorry if you want to be solved your job John your problem under your feet a handle on your back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] [Music] [Applause] you may return to you see I'm calm down livid you want a mellow time the comedy they drunk it drunk with joy if it's bring out that joy ball [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah we're hearing enjoy the Lord brand enjoy his present his wait a few minutes you Junior Justin wait a minute I enjoy the present year whoa he's here for Hendra see he's here [Music] easier receive what you need see what you won't receive what you dissolved he's yeah our mama thank you though it gives you the glow [Music] hallelujah thank you for healing thank you for new parts Thank You facade wonders and miracles just of the holy rule going through people bodies right now going through their finances right now thank you for welcome your prayer [Music] I give all applause Thank You Haleh cool thanks be unto the Holy Ghost for helping us thank you thank you so much [Music] thank you thank you back someone has been caught in a spot of whale and I've noticed spiders in the web I have one bull caught in a spot of well they actually wrapped them on Shiva that well keep wrapping them but whoever it was I heard the word spider I remember one other time in my ministry some twenties are musical he taught me about the spotter realm in the spirit that we're really can't hold you you saw me in it and so whatever it was the Lord says you loose from it it seemed like every way you tried to go out of it it caught you in another way but tonight in joy unspeakable and full of glory you honor that well now I try to teach people spiritually I try to teach people spiritually want a word like that come for you look at your neighbor and said I don't know they're talking about poor him what are you talking to me you see see the Word of God is all-inclusive when it's spoken in the room by the anointed it can Hal anything oh yeah I'm saying because you hear whatever way alkyl or whatever we you've been held back it's taken from you tonight all you got to listen for instruction what I say there's a funny story but surely the law is in this place and all God want you to do is be still and know I'm God that's none beside me when you come in these services like this the Holy Ghost gives an invitation you all yield to it so now you do your manifestation and your demonstration and then sometimes it hit you suddenly sometimes a hit you're blindly sometimes you look up you out the whale and that's what's gonna happen the minute you all I don't care what you didn't listen to me I don't care what you're dealing with it's not impossible with God are you follow me and you might not be dealing wit nothing you're trying to go somewhere [Applause] I confess in the name of Jesus that you are there [Applause] [Music] now you believe that receive that and constantly praise God for it so actually no more praise God you already have it so you go into the mode of Thanksgiving I thank you Lord my child back home I think your Lord that problem we've been having is over I thank you so much I think it as been putting me in my body that pain is gone lord I fix it and just keep giving everything give it a thing give him thanks three or four five six seven eight time I did thank you Lord is done say thank you lord it's already done I receive it it's mine now thank you Lord you may be seated lift a hand if we need off and I'm a little bit us an aisle to serve those that are watching by internet if you look right below your screen you see how you can participate in tonight's all fronts day [Music] [Music] things are start popping up you understand oh there are many things good things about to slip up on you [Applause] I'm prompt to see some things you've been dealing with for years about to be a sign and a wonder in your life haha you've been dealing with every year [Applause] especially hard thing quitting thing thing that had your free think that was hard the answers and the manifestation will slip upon you within the next 21 days [Applause] now you received that all kind of thing gonna happen you cannot drink from the bottle joy supernatural joy you can't drink super NASA joy and the whole ego don't do nothin let's stand to our feet if you can father thank you so much for your visitation tonight and a very particular and special way father we honor you with these seeds thank you for giving us these seeds thank you for giving us somewhere to sow it and father we thank you for the harvest that will come from it we give you all the glory all the honor in the name of Jesus we pray amen you may be seated and us as well serve [Music] by travelpod [Music]
Views: 5,968
Rating: 4.8734179 out of 5
Keywords: cm17, camp meeting, camp meeting 2017, massive production, miracles, signs, wonders, apostle leroy thompson sr., leroy thompson, dr. leroy thompson, lttv, leroy thompson tv, leroythompson tv, supernatural, seals, keys
Id: -i7oVlepSLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 54sec (6354 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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