Command: Modern Operations Livestream - Introduction to the game and gameplay basics

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hello everyone uh welcome back this is a live stream that we haven't done in a very very long time I actually think my last command live stream was something a little over two years ago when I was actually demonstrating the professional edition of command which was absolutely wild and believe it or not I still do have the professional version of command and now that's not actually what we're going to be showing off today you might actually find it interesting to know that I don't usually play the professional Edition I actually prefer the civilian version for a lot of different reasons but um kind of again things you can ask together a little later on so the purpose of this live stream today is to basically provide folks who are new to the game to understand what it is you're getting when you buy command and My Hope also is that we get a little bit of interaction from kind of the audience who are going to sneak in there and maybe toss in a couple kind of unesced questions or unanswered questions that we can kind of go through maybe there's something you'd like to see and again I'll kind of keep an eye of that as I'm sort of doing my Spiel here so uh what is command mod on operations well command mod on operations for those of you who know the Harpoon games or Fleet command or any of those us is basically an all-encompassing air ground underwater Naval every unit that ever exists that ever sort of game smashed into one in the terms of sort of a tactical theater sort of strategy game now the base game itself of course comes with a bunch of different options if you actually come in here you have all sorts of really really cool scenarios believe it or not I spent very little time with scenarios that this kind of sound scandalous from somebody who's played it and kind of been the voice of command for so many years but believe it or not you know a lot of the time in this program I actually spent developing my own scenarios and that's actually we're going to be doing today so what I'm going to do is out from our main menu we're on 1328.7 now one thing I gotta say right now is there are a couple known bugs in 1328.7 that are have already been addressed in the next version that's going to be coming out pretty soon so keep in mind like some things might not work right and I'll kind of comment on that as we go but they're already being addressed so I'm going to come down here and create new scenario now inside of commands when you're creating a new scenario believe it or not there's this is this is what you get you get the globe and not much else and now that's what's so amazing about this program is that it actually has the whole globe the first thing I usually do in our scenario today is going to take place over here in Iran unless of course nothing to change around a little bit as we do it is we have to actually Place everything that we intend to use but there are actually some tools built in to kind of make our lives a little bit simpler now when you're first learning this game as tempting as it is to go run over there and hit up the other tutorial missions which are absolutely fantastic I actually recommend that you open up the scenarios that you're interested in playing and open them from there so you can actually see kind of what's going on in the backdrop as you're working through a particular scenario I find that makes it easier plus if you need nuclear weapons to finish the other guy off you can just get them kind of a thing like that so what I'm going to do is set up a very very basic scenario we're going to be doing a good old-fashioned strike on an Airfield now the reason I pick an Airfield for my target here is because of the fact that when a lot of people one of the most common questions I swear I've answered it hundreds of times now is how do you disable an Airfield and that's exactly what we're going to try to do so what I'm going to do is go ahead and start by getting a couple different details I'll give us some scenario times I'll go ahead and make it a nice amount in scenario we'll go ahead and do this in January we'll make it uh let's see hero 9 30. we'll go ahead and copy those so this is where the scenario starts this is the current time I'll press OK and you can see up at the tippy top here it's January 1st 2020. you can see the zulu time which if I go over here of course the local time is going to change time zones and you've also going to see up top where my local time is which is about 13 30 in the afternoon that's a little late actually we probably want to make this a little bit earlier in the day here whoops that's going to be a little bit too much go ahead and pop something like that in there hit okay 7 30. I like that a little better so we're going to do now is we're going to go ahead and add in some sides here we'll keep it nice and simple here we'll make a run and of course we'll grab ourselves another side we'll call it NATO I don't know why NATO is down here I'm sure somebody annoyed somebody and again I'm not going to get into the Tactical nature we'll go ahead and set up the sides here again keeping it super duper simple we're going to make them hostile to start We're not gonna make them unfriendly or have to do any of those like little scenario Shenanigans again we're trying to keep this a relatively basic here one thing we do want to do though is under Iran here we're going to take his proficiency and reduce it a little bit and we're going to take a NATO's proficiency and we're going to kind of leave it alone keep in mind proficiency is kind of a catch-all term for things rating from you know how capable you are to how quickly can you get a missile launch to how low to the ground you can fly to how good your Damage Control process is that's what that proficiency is and let's be honest here uh if this were a little more realistic this would probably be the proficiency ratings of the two sides one of the things that you have to know is that regular proficiency basically assumes that you have some combat experience which at this time there's really not a lot but um for now we'll kind of leave it that way now there's another thing that's really valuable here too and we're not going to change that because we're not adding any civvies but that's kind of a fun thing to do so I'm going to go ahead and double click on Iran here and we're going to go ahead and get ourselves some interesting targets now when I do this when I play the game at least one of the things I like to do is I kind of like to customize My Views before I start getting too carried away with a lot of the different stuff that goes on sort of in a scenario so one of the things I'll do is actually come up here and as much as everybody loves this I actually shut that off I find it to be kind of bright and believe it or not most of the time I actually like to play in one of the open topo maps or I like to do kind of stamen where you have the terrain the huge advantage to the train mode is that if you're building something like I will come down here and keep it really easy we're going to bond our boss here if you want to build something such as an Airfield as you zoom in you'll actually get to see the individual details of the Airfield all highlighted for you because everything's basically going to be one giant gray so I've actually come in here I had it a second ago let me zoom in whoop too far there we go you can actually see just how simple it is to see the individual components of a at Target for example or if I'm like trying to attack a building or something I can actually zoom in and see the individual buildings down here which makes it a lot easier now the topo map they give you actually works pretty much the same way and if I switch to open Topo real fast you can see look at how easy this is to spot individual structures and different items that it might be interested in doing in a given scenario the downside for this one of course is it only has so much Zoom that it is capable of but if we actually wanted to sit here and construct this entire airport I can actually zoom in and be like oh there's a medium building here and it looks like there's a tower here maybe there's a Barracks here maybe there's an ammunition this could be a control tower right here and I could actually stick in these individual components on their own now when you're building quick missions like the mission that we're all setting up here one of the things I actually will do is I will borrow the things that already exist inside of the program rather than trying to rebuild all of it on my own just because it can take a very long time you know especially if you're watching this and you're a new player to command you have to be careful this thing called scenario creep where basically you start with something really really simple and it's just sort of snowballs in Austin you have 16 000 units and you've recreated every single building in an entire country um that's that's ridiculous it's you could do that but um it's going to get pretty painful for you really really quickly so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and double check to make sure I'm on the side I want to be which is a run I'm going to go swing down to import export units load units and believe it or not they have a bunch of built-in things we can summon so if I were to scroll down here and I'll say we hit up Iran for example look at all this good stuff they have including Pandora bus up up just like that so now if I close that I can actually see here on my map that that exists unfortunately my maps here is making things a little too bright so now believe it or not check this out somebody actually model this for us already which makes this so much simpler for us to actually do the work now because I can see clearly that you know this is roughly what it is now I know some of you are probably sitting here can you turn the top of my back on for a second so we can see how well they did you can see how nice of a job they actually did as far as recreating a lot of the components and I get a kick out of the fact they recognize the hardened aircraft shelters on this side they give me some tarmac space on this side they'll put things like magazines and stuff on this side but more importantly they provided us with the oh so important this is Runaway access point and you're probably saying okay so players who know this game of course know the runway access point is the magical Target of any Airfield and we'll get into that in a little bit as I've said trying to answer that question so let's go ahead and put some different details in here so inventor of Oz here um this is a major it's International Airport there are some military aircraft here and people always ask me where did you Source how do you know X Y and Z well one of the things I love about this is if you want to Nuke your house you can nuke your house with every nuclear weapon in the entire Cold War and one whack if you want it doesn't matter and that's what I love about this program this is why I have far more hours than anybody should ever have kind of a thing like that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and select the Airfield itself and since I'm in map editor you'll notice I have a button up here in the upper right that allows me to actually edit aircrafts now the cool thing here is like if I press this it's going to pop up a little screen that has a kid you not all the airplanes if it flies and it exists and it's from 1979 on it is on this list but it's more than that because I can go like this let's say I want to do a call sign I meant to do class my bad my bad so I'm gonna do an F-16 which one do you want I have a CM here what if you want just an f-16a okay which version of the F-16 a what you have and they're all here I can even do an F16 XL if you're one of those people who agree with me that it's cooler than an f-15e it's all here and actually I love the fact that they put this right at the top here to sort of give you that little hint but the cool thing is if I want a bunch of Iranian f16xls I could stick it in there if I want to give them some big 29s what version would you like but one of the things that's so nice about this program that I get such a kick out of is you know I can come down here and I can actually click around and of course I can click from for dates and I can see when different aircraft actually came in and out of service for example we know that they have a lot of phantom so we have f4ds and f4es f4e is the correct Phantom by the way in my opinion but that's just me and you can even see things like this um UAV here actually came out of service in 97 so if we were being accurate here we could actually take the time to actually go through it and of course we have 14 A's if we want to have some fun we could have the 1980s f-14a that had the aim 54s uh we could do make 21s we could do things that were basically stolen from Iraq during the ROM the Persian Gulf War the first one 1990 and all these things are all located in here that I can just summon now one thing that I will share really really quickly which is again so fascinating about this is if I were to go up here and actually click on my database viewer all this information is accessible so if I wanted to I could do let's go back to our f14a for a second here we'll go the wrong one from Iran and here are the details but notice the level of detail and depth this program has and again people who watch me all the time this is review for those of you who are new this is incredible it tells me what it is how big it is how big the crew is what its weights are how long it takes to lock and Destroy something it tells me to take off Landing distance climb rate agility it's got how durable it is where's the armor it's visibility it has all of the different sensors on board with an OG 9 which is yeah it's decent we have all of this countermeasures and we have all the different loadouts we have communications radios we have easy how easy it is to detect different types of them we have different types of fuel consumptions at different altitudes everything is here for all the units that existed militarily honestly you could buy this game just for the database it's that good kind of a thing so what we'll do here is that we'll go ahead and just pick our little aim54 here just for fun it will scroll down and look how cool this is I can actually come here and hit this and it will tell me everything about this radar and obviously it's not going to tell me how far I can see a big 29 for example that depends on the math but what does it tell me it tells me how many targets it can eliminate gives me an idea of the generation it tells me what kind of information I can have tells me how often it updates basically it has its range and one of the cool things is a back under 14 it even shows how tight the nose is on this now notice here my search Arc is much much tighter than my wide Arc DCS fans you're screaming at me going no no I can make it to us let me do an eight bar scan or something like that don't worry about it it doesn't matter kind of a thing like that and it's just like I said absolutely fantastic so let's go ahead and stack the deck a little bit here so we're gonna go back to our airport here I'll control F6 by the way if all you're kind of following along with this Mission as we go so we'll go grab it um let's see 1990 we'll stack the deck a bit here and we'll do 12 here uh call sign um what was it from the movie I can't remember the movie it was a Hot Shots a part where uh had all the different like uh they can do Baba canoosh or something I feel like there's something wrong about that uh we'll just leave it'll make it automatically generate one of these and of course it adds it on here and one of the cool things is if you swing back to their screen here you could actually see how there's this little icon that tells us that we actually have uh people at this particular shelter so if I click on this one right now and actually hit edit aircraft that is the aircraft at that specific shelter now there are people out there who actually like to come in here and edit all of these individually and put individual airplanes and individual shelters go for it um Again by the way you have to press the 9 key on your numpad to switch between group mode and not group mode because otherwise you won't be able to select them as you can kind of see right there so it's it's up to you again for our simplicity's sake we're going to do that we'll go ahead and add in some more juicy targets here because Smith 14s we'll do some f4e's because why not uh upgraded project Duran well it's after 2015 so we'll go through 24 of those on there uh what else should we do we should add some uh what's uh what do I want to do two believes oh again let's see what we can throw in here let's open up a bunch six 104 of them so we'll add 10 oh why not and you know what just for color we'll go through some money yeah I think they had to hide no no no they had cobras what am I saying of course I'm creating my own countries here that's embarrassing let's see Iran 2022 2013. that looks pretty good too fun it looks pretty good what 12 those too now that we have a little bit of a stop populating our Airfield here we're giving ourselves a plenty of Juicy targets for the purposes of actually you know engaging which is what we're going to start doing in a minute so I'm going to go ahead and tap the F6 key on the keyboard and that's going to bring up a list this is what you would see by the way if you're in a conventional mode where you'd have the ability to basically see like if you're playing the scenario not in editor mode this is what you would see but one of the things you'll notice is all these aircraft are red right now and uh the reason for that is they're telling us I've got no Loadout and I'm just parked so if I took this aircraft and hit launched individually uh nothing would happen because unfortunately it doesn't have anything it doesn't have a job yet so we can do is we can actually come down here you know we can actually change what it is you know I can right click on this and you can ready arm it and go ahead change the different items so what I like to do is actually like to hold down the shift key and I can arm them all in one whack here so I'm going to press ready arm now you're going to notice that all of these loadouts right now are all italicized the reason for that is because the fact that we don't actually have any of these different items available now one of the things that they simulate really well in command is logistics and there are no missiles anywhere in this place that they can actually draw from if we wanted to and I'll show you how like again how sophisticated you can get very quickly here I can see here let's see here aim97es I can come up here and say okay that's 181 it's the am 70s aim 70. don't forget aim 7A let's see here go ahead and close this real quick and we need to go find the ammo facility here ammo shelter so I can actually go here edit it and I can actually edit what's inside of it so I could come in here and I could say add some weapon filter by keyboards and I can actually aim 7e oh it helps if you type it incorrectly aim70 and I could add I don't know a thousand of these if I wanted you got to be careful make sure you get the right one here so let's add um I don't know I'd uh oh ten thousand why not that's an awful lot of those but too bad said 50. now watch what happens when I go like this click on F6 if I were to go back to this one hit ready arm you'll notice the fact ta-da it actually recognizes the fact there it is uh sure lad now if you could give me a rough detail of what you're interested in I might be able to help you out with a little bit but but for our purposes obviously this would be quite a pain in the butt to go through and have to load those magazines so one of the things they do for you which thank you people like command for making our lives easier so we can actually go up to the magazines and when we add the different weapons and stuff like that we can say only show weapons compatible with the aircraft that exist here this is awesome because it's only going to give us the different weapons that you can actually get at this Airfield now I know some people are like well can you do one of these things or you go like that hold down shift and go like that no you're gonna have to actually still go through click this one at 100 click this one at 100. the other method of course you can use again for people who are not familiar with this game is you can go up to editor you can go up to scenario settings and you can actually press OK there you can actually tell it you have unlimited ammo and uh the nice thing with that of course is you have unlimited ammo the downside is is now the Iranians have you know anti-ship missiles you have nuclear weapons maybe you don't want to press that button you want to be very careful with some of these by the way we're actually going to leave that one off Communications disruption that works fine for me so now if we go back to the Airfield hit the F6 key again you'll notice when you go to ready arm all of these are available so again for the purpose of our scenario we're going to shoot up this Airfield real nice and prevent them from taking off so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to select all of them again hold down the shift key ready arm and we'll go ahead and put them some nice yummy things here uh this looks cool I like that let's do that press that button and you can see they're all now green they're ready for launch let's grab our handyfandy rho ones and we're gonna assume these guys are basically equipped for Reserve you know they're just training exercises kind of a thing like that so we'll leave them like that actually not Reserve will actually set them to be fairies so they carry plenty of fuel so they're nice tasty targets for us grab our f14s here we'll go ahead and load them up all sorts of yummy stuff too look at this a hawk missile yes a hawk so we'll go ahead and I'll throw that on there as well minimize that we'll go to our two polyps here grab them all and we're gonna order them to be maintenance now the interesting thing is people always ask me why would you ever ever use the maintenance Loadout because it takes the aircraft out of the availability pile the reason you do this is to have targets if you're ever kind of wondering it's also a great simulation of some of the things you'll actually see in a real Airfield you'd never have this many aircraft ready to go but I need to give the F-35 something to shoot at so that's why we have that many aircraft there so my report is pretty much ready to go our Target's ready to rock we definitely want to consider some kind of Defense though I don't want to leave this one all alone when we show up with a bunch of cruise missiles in a little while and absolutely smoosh this thing we want to make sure that uh we're kind of ready to go so what I'm going to do is occur since I'm in map editor mode I have this ability if you weren't a map editor you'd have to do these things manually I'm going to press insert I'm going to go find a nice little Hill nearby and go ahead and click a real quick Pro tip by the way if you actually go up to view and there's this great thing this is a relief if you go to relief layer it shows you where all the hills are now the reason this is so super cool is like let's say I'm planning a strike or something like that oh obviously come down here and come around kind of a thing which is what we'll do with the cruise missiles but for me who is planning oh where am I going to put my early warning radar of course it's going to go over here kind of a thing like that on the absolute highest point and it looks pretty good right there have a facility real fast we'll get ourselves an early rewarding radar here I'm a huge fan of the tips everybody knows that but um we'll go ahead and use something a little more around in here here let's see here scroll down we're just going to get ourselves an ew radar ew radar and again if we want to find more facts about it we can click anything ah dog ear oh my God they're there again spoon rest oh it's a little bit bigger here TRS if Olex is actually pretty good let's see what we have for this one and once it's done a little bit bigger if OLX x what do we got 145 that's not bad we can work with that and then we also have a TRS this is actually an SSM radar oh my gosh that one looks a little more modern what do we got here 275 yeah that's what I call an early warning radar let's go press that one real quick now one of the things that shocked people when it comes to a command is that believe it or not after I place a unit it doesn't just start turning a radar on and not looking around that's just not how it works we can actually instruct it to turn itself on so what we can do is after selecting it if you come over here you're actually going to notice there's some controls over here that gives us Direct Control of that unit these controls are also going to be available if you're playing in regular single player without being a map editor mode but what they basically will do is give the ability to turn stuff on and off it's a factory would come over here to the sensors window for example you can see that it says emcon that's just Emissions Control if I say no ignore you'll notice I now have the ability to turn individual things on like for example I can come over here and turn on the radar if I want to be lazy I can click this little check box here which turns out all The Radars now the reason that can be useful of course is we want to see things the reason it's not useful as you'll see in a minute is we're going to blow it up because he turned himself on but if you actually zoom out a little bit you can see just how wide of a range this is going to have it's not going to make any difference there's going to be a bunch of f-35s knocking on the door anyway way and of course there's the identification problem so we'll have to deal with that a little bit later on so let's go ahead and shut off that it's going to make me absolutely crazy and we'll add a little bit more defense here so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go and toss up an sa5 which has a staggering range on it for those of you not familiar with this one it's excessive like if I clicked on it real quickly that's his range now keep in mind this is one of those things that surprised people with command that just because it's in range doesn't mean it can hit it as a matter of fact one of the things you're going to see when this weapon if it gets actually any action I have a feeling my um like the f-35s will come steamroll that thing but the reality is is um you can't necessarily hit something that's inside of this Arc for example if I take my little airplane a duck behind this mountain guess what that missile will self-destruct if I'm trying to take pot shots at people over here in Dubai I just hide behind the stuff and cutter here and I'm gone they can't do anything for me likewise I could just outmaneuver the weapon I could basically turn around and fly away from it it couldn't keep up with me all those things are possibilities and they're all accurately simulated when so we start getting to the shenanigans and going zods now one of the things I had mentioned earlier was the fact that this guy right here is an early warning radar in this sa5 here has his own ability to turn the sensors on inside of command the units are smart enough to know not to turn their Radars on unless they absolutely are ready to start shooting but one of the things we can actually do if we wanted to is we could come in here and activate its Battalion radar and this is basically going to represent its kind of organic sensing capability I'm actually not going to do that and the reason I don't want to do that is I have an early warning radar that will give this guy a good heads up whether or not he needs to be operable and start shooting at things it's very very tempting to activate his radar but if we do that we're just giving away what he is one of the things I see players do to kind of add a nice little layer of complexity to it is what they'll do is they'll grab a p50 radar and they'll put it somewhere else or they'll grab a square pair and they'll put it somewhere else Square Pair by the way is gigantic uh actually I'm hoping you can see a picture of this I don't think they're going to give us a picture of the square pair but believe me when I say that thing is huge and they got to give me a square pair I don't have the square repair so let's go ahead and put a p50 in here humbug I say humbug so it looks to me oh it's riveted this way let's see do get anything do we get anything do I get anything ah there we go so if I do p dash uh you do a p19 and fake it yeah let's do a P20 Erp 90 or something like that and fake it so I'm actually going to grab this a long track that's uh Iranian defense and we're gonna pretend that that radar is actually uh radar so check out how cool this is I can come in here and say I give me a P40 head down to Iran real quick and then I can take this unit rename it instead of a P40 I could rename it a p50 press OK and then what I could do is I could actually change the sensors on board of this to simulate as if it was the actual p50 that we have over here so by clicking this real quick I could actually come over to sensors you can see it got long track I can actually shut that off click on it remove the sensor keep in mind you can't do this in Regular Ad sensor and now I can actually grab that other radar you can even set the arcs and everything like that so if I come here and say p50 ta-da there's my bar Lexi just like that so now if I flip this thing on anytime they're doing esm work they will automatically be picking up this radar even though it's not coming from this battery and again those are little teeny tiny details that scenario designers really love to throw in to make things a little more complicated for the other player who's trying to come back here and kind of smoosh all this stuff which like I said don't worry we'll get to that we want a couple more surprises of course I'm just going to press nine on my numpad there I'm going to add a couple more um you gotta have a rape here it's just it's required if I could spell it correctly I love how they said it's no longer a missile it's a Hittle because it's a so capable kind of a thing like that there's one right there it's a blind fire which means it's the radar version this is going to give us a really fun surprise later on I'm not going to turn the sensors on I'll just let it fire when my F-35 gets too close it's gonna happen you know it's just kind of the nature of the Beast so to speak so I'll leave that right there and perfectly fine with that and of course uh you can't have anything without having a little bit of surprise so we'll go ahead and throw in an sa14 too which is basically uh you know some guy with a little rocket launcher on his shoulder they have to be funny if this is the thing that Taps the F-35 I have quite a smile on my face there so grab that one I'll go ahead and copy and paste one in the other one this basically represents the guy getting angry and running out of his little Jeep kind of saying what are you doing and popping one of those into the air oh one more thing of course I will do is I'm just going to come over here a quick tip by the way if you hold your mouse over the shore when it says depth it means you can't put ground units in it even though it looks like it's on ground like you zoom in see how this looks like Earth it's not it's because the map is separate from the actual height map so if I bring my mouse right here we'll go ahead and put an observation post in there I like that um observation post yeah we'll just do a little tiny one and the nice thing here is you can take the smallest Observer oh my God that's a real observation post and one of the things I like to do as a programmer here is the designer of scenarios is I always come in here and throw in some kind of generic lltv so basically you're simulating a night vision goggles like if I type in night vision yeah here we go so we can do um second generation night vision goggles go ahead and toss those in the nice Advantage here is if it is nighttime they have a slightly easier time of seeing your aircraft it also makes it easier for them to identify incoming enemy aircraft which they kind of need to do so they can start popping things up at you now a couple more things I'm going to add to our scenario just have a little bit of fun we'll go ahead and throw up a couple ships here let's see here we'll do a surface ship oh they've got all sorts of pcfgs and stuff like that we'll go ahead and grab a couple of those again the insert key is your magic button there uh there's the Bender or boss right there there's actually two of them on 1974. these things are kind of small if I recall correctly uh 108 proof take it back that's pretty big we'll keep it oh it's a pack in here we have a 20 millimeter and we have a 23 millimeter that's uh not great now we're gonna need something with a little more severity here uh here we go C killer replaced with c802s nice anti-ship oh by the way if you have an issue where all your ranges are starting to kind of merge into each other um all you have to do is go to map settings and set this to selected unit and it will only show you the ranges of the thing you're clicking on so they're not all kind of going all over the place on each other if you're playing like a really really big scenario it gets ridiculous how um crazy that can get on you so anyway I'm gonna go ahead and set myself up a generic little pattern in this way set them to nice and slow again you can control the actual speed of the units like if I want it to be weird I could come in here and say you go 11 knots he'll do it because I told him to and again if you need this level of fidelity you need this granularity it's available if not you can be like me come over here say just uh go cruising just do your thing now one thing we do though is um again for a little bit not necessarily realism but just one of those kind of little details is you can come in here shut off the M con again and we can actually find the DECA now for those of you who are not sure what a Deca is it's like this little kind of you know civilian radar thing and one of the reasons I like it is because of the fact that it shows up as a civilian radar so when we're doing our reconnaissance a little later on of course so we'll know exactly oh it's a civilian vessel we have to get closer to identify oh it's a military vessel we got to be careful kind of a thing like that so I'm pretty happy with this side I'm not going to go too too crazy here because um the details we'll see a little bit later on are going to be sort of centered around you know how do you disable this Airfield efficiently you know we're going to kind of do that part next so what I'm going to do now is I'm happy I'm going to do my quick little save as and go save it as a scenario here of course I always name my initial scenarios the same thing and then I go rename them later I don't know how many copies of that file I have I don't want to know so now we're going to switch over to the other side here so we can start you know kind of planning our little strategy here so I'm going to sucked on we're going to go over to Nato and um NATO notice by the way my Graphics got all kind of silly looking that's because when you switch sides it resets this I don't know why it does that I kind of wish it didn't do that and you know I always like to joke about Uncle Demetrius there you know when he's watching and listening kind of a thing like that but it's like can we have drawing tools one and number two can we have it keep it you know what I mean anyway so what do I do now is we're going to go ahead and get our allies set up and we're going to do a couple different things here we're going to be interested of course in demonstrating some of the different weapon systems we have at our disposal as well as you know kind of some of the what's the best way you know just a little bit of strategy again we're trying to keep these really basic for today for people who have not had an opportunity to play or not sure what this game is all about so we're going to go down here we got our you know to buy of course we have Qatar and all that stuff I'm gonna go up to editor and um instead of actually adding a bit of pieces in what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to switch over to Topo mode which is going to cause all sorts of nasty Graphics to sort of I mean look at this this feels like a Windows 95 GPS application kind of a thing like that and the reason I'm doing that is because it actually highlights all the no-fly zones which I think is kind of cool and now the reason I want that is because I want to basically if I can get zoomed in enough without you're going to get this happening by the way you are at the mercy of the speed of the servers you know I have a two gigabit line coming into my house right now and that still happens but now if I zoom in a little bit ta-da we have ourselves our Airfield that we're going to be operating on of today now some people are going to be sitting here saying um so could you go ahead and uh go to your load thing like you did earlier I'm not going to do that you know coming from a scenario designer who's I've literally played this game for five six years now you don't want to do that if you don't have to so instead what I'm going to do is first of all check to make sure I'm a NATO side here I'm going to press the insert key click somewhere in the middle of the base and I'm going to insert a unit that is a single unit Airfield so if I do single unit ooh s-i and you know what I'm just going to do the easy way switch off around here that probably would help type in Airfield apparently it's still an Iran mode here go away so we have a bunch of different airfields here um you can see the different lengths different number the 2x just refers to Runway any of these things and people are like well how do you know how long the runway is it's actually pretty easy value you press Ctrl D and you just go ahead measure it you can see here that it is two nautical miles and uh people are always like what is two nautical miles what does that even mean uh two nautical miles just multiply by two and now you'll be close enough as far as your Airfield length goes so a two nautical miles that's a really really really long Runway so again that's one of those little things that you get it's going to be about 3 200 meters is what it comes out to be and now I'm looking closely and I can see that we have that's a standard Runway it looks like a Runway grade uh taxi too bad I'm just going to do a 1x 3200 here now the other thing I like to do too is after defining this let me go ahead and hide all this junk that you don't actually hold on to it is we have to tell it what direction the runway is pointing you know the easiest way to do that again is if you press Ctrl D and you just drag the line you know it's hard to say I can see that this angle right here oh my God is if I can see what that angle is right now oh my gosh uh I've got I wish I had a little Shadow that's 309 degrees so it's Runway three one so Factory would come over to this right click on it scenario editor I could actually sit in here and Define the correct angle that the runway is actually coming at keep in mind runways airplanes will always take off in that direction no matter what the finger quote wind is so they're always got to be going that way so let's go ahead and hide that real quick because uh it's slowly burning my eyeballs out here and we have our airport and it'll say air base and keep it nice and simple like I said I'm not going to do anything too too complicated I just don't need to for the purposes of it oh one thing I like to recommend also is that if you right click on this and I go ahead and head over to scenario editor shut the auto detectability of this off the reason I say that is because one of the downsides to this being a unit is that it'll appear in the other guy's targeting Scopes and if they have nuclear weapons and they're set on just shoot things you end up with a bunch of icbms writing down on your you know a little air base the other thing of course you're saying is how come we can't see any of the other guy's stuff the reason we can't is because we haven't run the scenario yet you can always press Ctrl V by the way to switch to God's eye view and you can kind of see clearly how it's all kind of spread around all right so the process here is going to be exactly the same as it was on the other side we're actually going to have two different forces we're going to be working together with on this Mission today we're going to have an Air Force component and of course we're going to have a naval component helping us out as well so I'm going to put the naval component into place first I'm going to press the insert key click right there go ahead and click on submarine and of course which one do you think I was going to use I'm going to grab myself the SSG in Ohio here the Michigan's kind of fun because it is something called irpcs for those who are not familiar with this it's a ballistic missile it's an HTV a Hypersonic Glide vessel it's fast uh vehicle by the way not vessel so what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab this one press OK and if I click on this all you'll notice it carries not one not 17 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles which um it could win the scenario on its own to be honest and what I have to actually do is I'm going to click on this guy real quick click on WRA and I'm actually going to order him not to do that because if he does he's going to ruin all the fun before I can have any fun myself so I'm actually going to tell him to hold fire I'm going to forget that I told him to hold fire but um if I don't do this he's just gonna go whoa targets and just basically drop a deck of cruise missiles into our Target but the f-35s gets dibs so you go sit there and you relax Mr ssgn all right so let's go ahead and get some stuff at our air base I'm gonna click here and press Ctrl F6 again we need a couple things to help us out here uh one thing is I love to get some a-wax actions so well we'll go ahead and grab ourselves an E3 if you're not sure what E3 we have uh Saudi Arabia is right there we could borrow theirs we could also borrow you know an American version we could buy our French version this is supposed to be a NATO operation here so I'm actually going to grab the E3 here uh we're gonna grab two of them I press the F6 key I'm going to grab this dog Quahog one yeah that makes sense I'll come on we'll fix that in a second but I'm just going to go up and give them a quick Mission a quick by the way is simply saying that um if I have to land in a hurry just refill make it be back in air one more time otherwise you're looking at like a six to nine hour turnaround time for some of these planes so uh I'd recommend it if you can so he's ready to go I'm gonna rename him real quick just for my own sanity I'll rename this is going to be eyeball one one I will do one dash one we'll do a hardcore DCS here we'll come over here rename and this will be eyeball 1-2 just so I can keep them apart as I need it um so we need some escorts for these guys I'm not just going to send up these extremely expensive planes oh by the way I remember I had the sa5 uh yeah that's gonna be in range so we're gonna have to deal with that before we can actually launch them we'll deal with it don't worry so I'll press my Ctrl F6 again we'll go ahead and get some escorts here is uh we'll get some f-35s here actually what I'm gonna do let me see if we can just type in lightning here and I should be able to get the one that I want ah here it is we can go oh that's the wrong lightning that'd be fun to bring out one of those don't you think all right let me actually we'll try the regular F35 here I believe I'm trying to think the UK gets them okay they get the spear version they get the B's and they also get the A's I believe here we go nice f-35a United Kingdom Royal Air Force Suite um what's a really really British thing uh uh chicken no I'm not gonna do that so we'll go ahead and say how many of these we want we'll do 12 and they're f-35s I'm not going to need a lot of these so go grab them we're going to arm all of them nowhere in the universe we have all 12 of these available for an actual Mission but again for the purposes of this we're gonna do it it's ready arm we got plenty of yummy things that we can carry here we've got all these uh amrams we have some ass Rams we have some internals we have some srams all these different tools and of course conveniently we also have the ability to carry a pair two a pair is two of these a lovely Mark 82 homes which are awesome so I'm actually going to ready those immediately and now we're ready to go these guys are not really equipped for air-to-air you can see right now it's a C5 and got the Paveway mark IV this is great and it's going to Dent up that Runway beautifully which don't worry we'll have them do it but they're not really going to be much of a sweeping aircraft here so what I'm going to do instead is I'm also going to add some more let's go ahead and give myself something ah that'll do it uh let's see the f-15ex which could be a very fun very amusing aircraft for this purpose but we're having fun so let's go all out here so I'm going to grab myself an F-22 because I can let's see here TPU small diameter bomb it's like cheating so let's see here how can we really unfairly stack this deck here we lose the hmcs oh this is a pointing we have link 16. man these are fantastic versions of this aircraft honestly I need four of these would be probably enough to win this scenario but I'm just demonstrating how you can stack the deck here F22 so grab them all ready arm and we'll make sure these guys are ready to rock here so standard internal gets us look at how many missiles this thing carries and of course if we want to we can get the aim9x3s which it's not fair these things are so not fair and you'll see what I mean when we actually get to the engagement here so those guys are good that's plenty of aircraft I don't don't need any more than that so the one thing else we of course want to do is we want to grab ourselves a little bit of some carry operations here too because why not someone hit insert again we'll get ourselves an aircraft carrier let's see here uh surface ship let's see here we'll do CVN oh which one do we want today which one do we want today oh I'll do the John stennis that's a pretty easy one he's looking pretty happy he's not carrying anybody right now and because I'm a jerk we'll put some f-35s on him too this is just not fair let's see here 2019 I like that oh we'll do 12 again oh my God it's 21 that's way too many I didn't say this scenario was designed to be balanced I said the scenario is to demonstrate the capabilities of the program uh let's see here so we have J Sales which are great uh let's see J Sales we'll do internal Ones J cells are basically if you haven't seen one of these things it's a giant box with wing yeah there he goes and basically what it will do is I'll release this thing and just sort of Glides very very long distances the interesting thing here is let me see if I can find it for you uh yeah here it is notice it's barely detectable by radar and that's going to be important for us because we're going to use these guys basically to Dent stuff up these other items here that are really really good too like the GPU 31s they work great but they just don't have the reach go ahead and add that and now we're ready to go I think everything we could possibly need for this scenario has been equipped some of you of course are like uh well shouldn't this guy get an escort you guys just want everything so we'll go ahead and stack the deck some harder and we'll add the zoom faults here uh sm2 I like that go ahead and grab that version and this will be the escort and you can see it's not the longest range it's not really the best carrier escort out there but I'm not worried about that at all so let's go ahead and group those two guys we're gonna order them to kind of do a little one of these sort of things here in a little box and again we don't have to do that much we'll set these guys to creep speed and uh let me check check to make sure that this is working properly now it is and one thing we will do is we will have the zoom Vault help us out with radar just to kind of act as sort of like an early sort of a wax thing so again I'm going to go over to sensors here Radars we can turn them all on not needed honestly just turn in the ants by here and that will be plenty so if I actually zoom out a little bit you can see that this is his radar coverage here which is absolutely fantastic he'll be able to keep more than enough eye on things before we can get the E8 in the air now there's something you have to remember here is that we do have that E8 at our disposal but the moment we launch it it's going to get shot down by an sa5 and we're all going to feel really stupid about it because that was an expensive plane to get cheap shot by a year in 1960s surface Terror MSL system so let's go ahead and save our scenario and now we're ready to actually begin the execution sequence here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to play and I'm gonna wait a few moments and pause again and what you'll observe is the fact that all these items are suddenly appeared on the screen and one of the things you have to do of course yeah one second has passed you have to actually go back up here and I just change this like that press OK save it again and now our scenario is ready to rock now this is where a lot of people who play command start to get a little lost in the minutia is sort of kind of the details is sort of what I like to call how does one strike an Airfield that is a well protected by enemy Radars including the ones we can't see well the first things first you have to know they're there in order to engage them by the way we never actually set the weather so let's take a couple moments here to establish a weather hey this is our Persian golf it's a little warm oh go ahead and put some clouds in the sky I would have said and it's actually really bad clouds let's try that cloud I like that that's pretty good I'll make it a little windy not too windy here go ahead and save that again this is what I love about this program I could just do this so now what I'm going to do is that we're going to plan our strike here and as work anything you have to Define what you're trying to achieve before you try to achieve it that way you know whether or not you didn't achieve it and the key thing here is we want to this Airfield we want to prevent it from launching any aircraft whatsoever at any time so in order to do something like that we're gonna have to Target the part of the Airfield that it is most vulnerable at and now for those who are veterans of this we know exactly what the vulnerable part is and that's the access point of the runway so what an access point does is just like you can see here that's going to be this little guy that allows the airplanes to actually tax you on the runway and go many people are like I got an idea let's just shoot up the runway let me show you why that doesn't work if I scroll down here you're actually going to notice that the runway access point has a thousand damage points and if I recall it has no General armor now if we take that knowledge and we take a look at the runway itself let's see if I can find the actual Runway here uh there's the runway let's take a look at the runway the runway on the flip side has uh let's see here 1400 damage points in massive heavy armor that means if we want to start tomahawking this thing it's going to take 25 tomahawks and then they're just going to repair it anyway whereas if we want to go ahead and shoot up the access points which are completely unarmored if you actually go back and look at the Tomahawk missile let me go pull one of this up so you can see just how much damage this thing can cause it's such an old picture but if you come down here you'll see that it actually does let's see here we want to get it so Warhead 311. three four tomahawks basically will an access point but it will take probably 25 to a Runway you start to see where we're going with this so what we're going to do to uh kind of kick everything off here is we're going to the runways so I'm going to go ahead and press the uh click on my little handy dandy sub here I'm going to press shift F1 and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to click on the airport what that will do is that will bring up a little screen that looks like this and that will allow me to manually Target the targets remember I told them to hold fire because I didn't want him to like waste 25 billion dollars worth of taxpayer money so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna go find all the access points here watch how simple this is I'm just going to scroll down here ah Runway access points you're sitting here going oh you have to get all each one of those individually no no don't waste time click on the first one hold shift click on the last one click on the tomahawk and now you can select how many you want that'll do it so all we have to do now is press this button right here and we've automatically allocated 32 tomahawks um some of you Sharpie viewers will immediately say wait a minute did you say it would only take 24 to kill the runway shut up of course the real world would also be thing interested in things like the ammo bunkers we target their fuel fuel doesn't matter right now a lot of scenarios require you to hit the fuel tanks for points but we're defining our own scenario here so it doesn't matter that should do it uh that'll definitely inconvenience those tomahawks to say the least now the other problem we're going to face of course is I've got my scenario paused right now assistant's gonna fire basically a conga line of those tomahawks directly at our Target here the problem we're going to face is that our Sam systems remember I had a Rapier here is going to start going Nutters and taking Posh shots at those tomahawks because believe it or not Tomahawk is it's pretty easy to see if you actually click on it it's going to sound dumb but the thing is basically a stupid straight line airplane you can see it actually has this very very tiny nose that is completely detectable by enemy radar especially if it's coming at it so we have to keep these sa5s either completely out of commission or we're going to have to actually go ahead and them and Destroy them so now it's time to put everybody to work here so if you recall we have J Sales and JoJo one I like that so what I'm going to do is I'm press Ctrl f11 I'm going to go ahead and give ourselves a name I'm going to call it C indeed and these guys are going to be responsible for basically destroying all the good stuff before our tomahawks get into position remember our aircraft are going to be a little quicker than our tomahawks I'm going to press OK here it's going to yell at me and say you need a reference point that's easy control right click draw area drag a box sure uh targets Zone press the OK key and now you can see this area is nice and highlighted I press OK and it's happy it'll work so this is going to be my kind of kill box is another way to think about it and again there's more sophisticated ways to do that but that could be a hundred other videos in the end this is just keeping it simple so we need to find a group of f-35s that are ready to rock here and I have plenty I'm going to go ahead and grab them one of the biggest mistakes that you can make is uh not hitting hard enough and of course a lot of people sit there going oh so we'll send two I mean it's an F-35 no problem we could do that but then you're going to be embarrassed when the fsa-5 how could you not we'll shoot down half of your J Styles before they get to the Target so you need to buy a little bit of force otherwise they just reload and they're ready for you next time so what we're going to do is we're going to launch a pretty hefty chunk of these and we're not going to launch them all you always want to have a reserve remember you can always add these to the mission after the mission's already started so I'm going to grab these press the down arrow it's going to shove all these in here and then all we have to do is Define a couple settings so let's see here we have eight units going on the right here flight size of two makes no sense in my mind I'll do a flight status of four so it's two flights of f-35s fantastic I like that of course we can do things like what time do you want to go to station what time do you want to take off we can establish all that but I'm not going to do any of that today because I just don't need to oh when we do the big coup to grow on the rest of the Airfield don't worry we'll get to that but I don't want to do that yet instead what I'm going to do is I'm gonna check these guys they're good to go the mission is pretty much all set a prosecution looks good looks good mcon WRA we actually you want them to use their radar and um you're sitting there going why would you leave your radar they'll know you're coming at 35s are what they call they have a low probability intercept radar on board if you actually clicked on this hit this F35 scrolling down here let's see here where's our fantastic God radar the and apg-81 but it's an LPI radar uh right here so there's very very very little chance they're actually going to detect the radar emissions which means let me see them and they can't see us that sounds perfectly legit to me so now we're pretty much ready to get our scenario started uh one thing I do want to do is I want to prepare my follow-up strike I just want to do some quick little math here so 85 nautical miles 85 whoops let's get my calculator here scroll down here 85 divided by uh what do we got about 450 I think is a cruise speed times 60 is going to be an 11 minute flight time plus uh six minutes that's going to be 17 minutes before the enemy airfields are I should say before we're actually able to destroy the Sams here so unfortunately that means I can literally take off at any time but for the sake of safety I'm going to order my rest of my Strikers to begin their takeoff process a little bit after the fun kind of starts here so let's go ahead and press Ctrl F oh actually we'll do it yeah we'll do it properly so what I'm going to do is I'm going to zoom in here oh by the way if this bothers you can't see what you're doing you can actually come over here into a map settings you can shut this off if it bothers you can actually shut it off completely if it makes you crazy so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and press the start what is it I always get this one there it is star asterisk go ahead and see what's going to be useful targets um my opinion it's going to be this side of the Airfield and so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to drag a box around it control f11 let's see Mission here uh damage a boss sounds good to me we'll do a land strike press okie doke and now we're going to get everybody else involved in our little engagement here so let's see here take off time in Zulu I'll see the current time is 3 30 we said what 17 minutes so we'll say our takeoff time is going to be that'll be 47 so we'll call it 350. so we'll say oh three fifty zero zero and that's going to be my take off time it's an important Point targets we're going to eliminate anything that doesn't make sense so ammo shelters do not make sense control tower uh ammo shelters in the real world these would be very important but we're not I'm just interested in Striking all their hangers and stuff like that so going back to my units here I'm going to go ahead and throw tons and tons of units into it we have our f-35as these are the ones that we have I'll wait for us they have the Mark 82s we're going to toss all those in the pile down below uh we have to have 35 C's they're already busy that's why they got this little color if I click the Switch by the way it hides the ones that are already busy and then now we can do is we can grab all the Raptors and we can use them all to jump into the fight click on the Raptors and we can actually tell these guys to be escorts so I'm going to come in here and Mark selected as escorts which is going to make all of these aircraft here basically going to keep an eye on these and protect them so swing back over to settings there's so many things you can do here I've made plenty of videos I'm kind of going through all the different options that you have at your disposal but a couple different things I want to do here the first one here is I'm going to go ahead and say that they were going to split our attack we're going to do multi-axis we're going to make it nice and painful we're going to do 30 seconds separation here and we're going to do a I'll do a 10 out of 10 20. that's going to split our flight plan up all right actually zoom out a little bit let me go into one of these things if I were to come down here to the bottom hit create or update flight plans what we'll actually do is depending on what unit I have selected it'll generate a flight plan for it that allow you to kind of see it on one of the things you have to do is you have to actually sit here ah the air unit's not Airborne yet so you won't be able to see that but it will create this nice little split zigzag thing to make The Intruders have a much much tougher time another thing that's really nice if I go to the ATO is you can actually see the takeoff time is set exactly like I said it was but it also gives us an important thing this is time over Target which is going to be 8 30 8 16 which again if you want to do the math that you can actually calculate that again I've done many many videos and sort of the complexity that this involves but that works pretty well now one thing I do want to change though it just occurred to me that our Strikers are British f-35s here we did oh no we did we did we're good that's exactly what I wanted three groups of four it'll be fine oh one thing I will change though is actually make my escorts that'd be groups of four as well that just seems to make more sense to me let's do four of course when you do that we have to go ahead and update all of our flight plans because uh like I said now those f-22s are now yeah see I broke them up into the proper size groups so this is going to be fantastic all right wow so now there's one more thing we get to do and then we get to watch the fireworks as I like to say and that's to give our E8 or E3 something to do so I'm going to go over here and press Ctrl F1 control insert control insert and this is going to be where r-e-a-r-e I'm going to say it 10 more times it's basically going to be doing some donuts waiting to see for things stuff coming up here so I'm going to press Ctrl fill of it again we'll go ahead and call that a wax again keeping it super simple for this I'm gonna set this to support not Patrol press okie doke grab our two e3s dump this on here they're ready to rock and then of course what we're going to do is we're going to change their takeoff time you you've got to change the takeoff time because if they take off early the stupid sa5s will shoot them down so we'll come in here and we'll give them a four o'clock that's actually pretty fair we've wanted to be safer we could do 350 but that will interfere with the British lightnings that are going to be taking off at about the same time one thing we want to do here is we're just going to say just keep one on station so that way when this guy's done with his flight he's going to fly back and the other buddy's going to take off at the same time the last thing we want to do is we just want to pop up here real quick and double check to make sure his radar is turned on which it isn't because um it's supposed to be an a-wax plane it needs to be able to see all right my friends it is time and this is one of the cool Parts about this uh before we do all this Shenanigans though I'm going to save because if I broke something terribly you want to be able to go back and fix it and that's one thing I love the fact that they do one more mistake I've noticed uh these are do we we don't actually have tomahawks in here uh we have tombox so our swim vaults would have joined it in the tomahawk Shenanigans um I'd rather him not so what I'm actually going to do for him is I'm going to take the tomahawks off and again look at how easy this is to do I can just come up here click weapons I can go to the ppls and you see how he's carrying all these tomahawks guess what not anymore so that takes care of that and of course so we can put in a bunch of what could be fun here uh we'll do sm2s why not and how many do we get 16 out of 160 out of four is eight is 36 right hey good math good man all right let's come up here we'll go ahead and get rid of this one I already knew that was 36 might be oh well you want to read about an sm2 you can now go up to here to change we'll set that back to 36 and you can see we're good if you're wondering why it's 36 and not 40. it's because the other cells are occupied by something else so now we know he's not going to go and um actually uh destroy anything that comes by and that is the sound those missiles make when they launch by the way let's go ahead and save one more time there's something we have forgotten this entire time and that is the fact that there's no enemy aircraft that are going to come say hello and that's not fun so what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch back to Iran one more time here press Ctrl right click add area I'm just going to drag myself a little cap area there's okay call this a cap press Ctrl f11 one more time we'll call this cap and we'll go ahead and set this to a patrol aw's fine for us and what we're going to do inside of this Patrol area is you're basically going to throw everything we've got up there tops that one in and we'll be fair here well we'll keep our flight sizes at oh do flight sizes of four and we're gonna use the one-third rule which just means only keep one third of the airplane up in the air at a time now one thing we're going to change here is we're going to make it through the transit throttles a little quicker and we're going to make it so the station throttle is a little bit quicker too because we want them to burn fuel to kind of come back and forth we're also going to double check to make sure the radar is active which it is so this will keep at any given time let's see there's going to be 12 airplanes in the air at a time that's a lot that's actually my opinion maybe a little too much here so what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to say keep four of each because I'd rather not have like I said 12 airplanes buzzing around here all the time that's going to be a lot to shoot out for the f-22s and especially that first round of f-35s that's going to come ripping in now the important thing is you will get to see us disable this Airfield so many of those airplanes will never launch let's do it I all right switch to the other side now I love this part this is the bit where I have to remember to turn on my audio so you can actually hear the fireworks of the fireworks here it's kind of fun now you can see I don't use sound very often I don't actually know what the music sounds like in this game like I know that sounds odd but I don't think I've ever actually listened to it I just got one of those things unpause all right so a lot of things got to happen here um obviously the aircraft have to get themselves in position in the airfields I noticed by the way we've already identified the emissions of that one radar which doesn't surprise me uh contact emissions uh let's see here all that's what I want to say that's really honest me thing so ssgn right now is uh floating his way up he's got himself up at a pretty good depth these are basically getting ready to fire and uh I forgot to turn my volume down from last time so off go the fireworks and one of the fun things to see here is if I actually switch over to a 3D View let's go to this I'll go ahead and click on the cell one missile here and you can watch them actually come a gushing and gushing directly out of our little sub here and one thing I really love too is if you click on the actual sub you can see that he's just chilling just kind of doing his thing and the only missiles you actually see are going to be the ones that are already out of the water you can see just this little whipped to do and then of course the real world it goes Kush splush and then it arcs and it does that and there's a bunch of smoke and drama that comes out of it but I don't care I think it's absolutely awesome man that is going to be an awful lot of those in a minute I'm gonna make sure there he goes cool so one of the cool things is if you're like doing a display you can just like shift click it and be like oh yes as you can see by this time oh if you're about to get blown up nice I mean while on regular Carrier Group here tap the X6 key you can see all these people are almost ready to go it's gonna be about a minute and a half they have to spot them on the carrier deck and then they got to kind of push them out the window and it's a big old mess go ahead and unpause speed up time a little bit but again this entire scenario took me 30 minutes to make you know if I weren't explaining it as I go I could probably do it in about half of that time off they go notice by the way that as soon as my f-35's got Airborne the instantaneously picked up this vessel we didn't even know was there so I feel bad just like leaving it there so uh shift F1 I don't think I have anything that I can actually oh I have no anti-ship weapons oh oh well he's got to get away free today theoretically I could take this F-35 and I could be like really really mean or something like that also notice as soon as the enemy aircraft got Airborne I instantaneously detected them by like the 50 Radars I've got going on look at how accurate of a picture I have with them too if I zoom in there is zero ambiguityus to the position of this target I know exactly where it is I know it's out I know everything about it modern equipment is insane now one of the things that'll really really amuse you here is these f14s are actually going to come around and they're going to start looking and chasing after all these tomahawks that we launched so it's actually kind of neat to watch everything sort of happen all at the same time here but that's kind of fun let's see how things are going for Ron right now notice we've identified every single one of these automatically as soon as they got launched we even have a suspicious idea that they probably got launched from a submarine about right here isn't that amazing when you really really think about it it's not that he stuck his head out of the water it's the fact that we were able to kind of work backwards from where this giant stream of comic missiles is coming from so it's just like I said part of the fun part of the fun by the way notice we have no concept that there is a bunch of f-35s literally right there but that's kind of the fun too so f-35s as you can see here have already launched their jsows and now one thing I don't want my f-35s to do is I don't want them to waste amre I'm actually going to pause control shift F9 I'm gonna go up to the scene this is WRA and I'm actually going to order all aim 120s to not fire at maximum range because otherwise you're going to waste a lot of them trust me so on magnifying range I'm going to say half range now a lot of people like why would you do half range these missiles Go 75 miles no they don't don't delude yourself don't dilute yourself all right go ahead and do that that's for the c5s the D is on the flip side look at the max range in these things whoa these things aim 54s set 15 of course some of you go why don't you just do it to dlz uh not needed 50 of range is plenty and then my aim nine six nines as well uh no Escape zones probably pretty safe for these guys and that's simply saying don't fire until you're pretty darn confident that you're actually going to hit the target that you're interested in hitting really important with things like you know those kind of missiles now the reason I did that is you see this aim 120 here by the way if you want to see something incredible we'll open up my 3D view this requires the professional attack for you by the way and I use stack view for everything so I'm totally fine with this but check this out look at how high up they go they're just like whoopsie daisies and I'll speed up time a little bit and these things just climb and climb and climb and climb and climb and then what they do is they hit their Apex and they actually start coming back down to earth now the most incredible thing here is if you look really carefully you can see all of these uh lovely amrams basically coming back down Earth and as they descend you can see that their speed is actually going to drop significantly because they're no longer burning their Motors right now they're just basically re-entering our four friends in these f-14s on the flip side look at this they have a vague idea there's missiles here but the only reason they have a vague idea is because it was detected by the early warning radar otherwise these poor f-14s would get a real real surprise without any knowledge they're going to get smart though and what they're going to do is they're immediately going to beam the missile and they'll do all those things automatically I don't have to reach in and tell them what to do here they're going to be smart enough to settle those things up themselves there they go notice these f-14s just turn on ran that's the best strategy there's no reason why you should beam it if you could just leave so unfortunately remember those really really expensive am 120s that fired automatically because we didn't tell them not to they're just wasting their time and basically they push the f-14s out of the way which technically speaking I don't mind that oh you almost got them but notice none of those amrams did anything because they were just too far out of range so our f-14s now um this is a real fun game if you've never played this game before but basically you have to come down to like you know 500 feet and chase after these and actually take shots on them as they're getting into position here now the cool thing here is as I zoom in a bit you can see them just spreading out to a really really wide fan as they start preparing to actually strike the individual components of the Airfield meanwhile simultaneously you have all these AJ Styles that we launched that are basically going to damage all the different radar systems and stuff like that of course our f-35s um they're spent they've done their thing they have a couple more amrams you know one of the things that I do sometimes is I go find the guy who sells missile left which is not him uh how about you do you have some missiles left you do I'll actually turn him around and I'll go put him to use here we'll actually drop him out of the system here we'll press d right click and we're actually going to cancel this Mission here because I'd rather just use them let's get them to work here you're unassigned sir so now I'm gonna order him right into the combat and we're going to sneak up on those sneaky f-14s and do our thing here I hear some explosions not a very exciting explosion [Music] now notice our 14 buddies are having a heck of a fun time problem here is all it takes is one remaining access point and it won't matter and now we're getting warnings saying missiles are being launched again these missiles are chasing after Jay's house here which is exactly what I'd expect to happen here so let's go up to afterburner we'll go up to F-35 altitudes here put this up to Max altitude kick off the afterburner and let's go I think I was controlling the missile there instead of this guy my bad there he goes one of the downsides of the F-35 here is it is an incredible plane but it's not the fastest thing going believe it or not so we're gonna it's not really his Focus I noticed by the way almost none of my jsows uh got to my target oh man ah oh most important thing though is that we crippled the F sa5 here even if that means I have to fire a couple more tomahawks at it there goes the main 120 is doing its thing now notice by the way this was shot at a much much shorter range this is much more reasonable 43 miles but unfortunately it's stupidly shot at a Target that's running don't shoot at running targets um I didn't see that coming but I'm not annoyed about it I guess I did say destroy anything by the way notice that all the second group was automatically launched their weapons when they realized that the first group had basically not achieved their goals ah go back home you're done one of the really useful things to do by the way is you could leave this guy up here doing donuts acting as an a-wax plane for you well which makes it much much simpler for it and I see that none of these got remotely close this is the only thing I actually need to damage here everything else is nice to kill but um look at that Phantom's like I got it I'm gonna get it I've got to get it nah that's got to do it right there hopefully that crippled it because if it didn't this battle is going to be a lot longer for us meanwhile if you recall we ordered up some stuff to get launched in a few minutes if you actually go up to the air tasking order you can see there that our takeoff time has been established that's about 750 in about six seven eight minutes uh we're gonna start doing our thing here so speed up time oh it did a lot of damage that was expensive that was expensive notice by the way our aircraft are automatically here and if you just heard that 750 roll around there goes their first airplane and that will be our f-35s or English f-35s so one of the problems we have here is we don't know how much damage we did and if I actually zoom in here you can see that some of these access points were damaged badly but some of the access points are probably still kicking pretty strong here so if I actually uh switch on to this mode real quick you can see that a few survived you know we have to disable them because as long as the things survive they can still launch planes at us so I'm going to go ahead and order up another attack there let's see that's cripples let's go sneak up it this way there's a trimex spaces ammo shelters I think we got the other ones pretty well there tarmac space I'm just going through each one individually Tomahawk you know 20 million dollars is worth a wooden Shack we're also got to deal with that um blind fire because they don't want that Rapier shooting up our expensive f-35s and you know what you get a missile too and you know what you get two missiles because I like you and I just spent you know two billion dollars for the taxpayer money you know this submarine is literally gonna have to go all the way back to New London and reload oh well notice by the way that all these Tomahawk or these um Tomcats are rushing towards our other aircraft the reason they're interested in with those them out so you can see why is because if you remember that a wax plane I was talking about notice this is now detected um so these um f14s are like let's check that out I wanna I want a piece of that a-wax plane but they don't realize though is about to fly in a range of something much more deadly which is again why you have to be so careful about these things all right we'll go speed up time here comes the next round of tomahawks oh man this is what happens when you launch un escorted Tomahawk cruise missiles happens every time you should have sent them over the woods there it's okay though it's it's part of the fun also I'd rather their f-14s waste time chasing those things down than my much more expensive planes that are going to be there in a few minutes they don't work I love how my earwax planes got such a good radar I can detect the individual missiles launched at the tomahawks at that range oh man these guys are having a fun time with us yeah strategically this is the incorrect method to do this bam I didn't even get the Observer oh I got the radar though unfortunately the Rapier is still super strong so um I guess I'll do this correctly I'll wait for my other planes to get into position so remember those f-22s I was telling you about these guys are going to be very very unhappy uh when they discover that these things are in the neighborhood look at the range and the radar in this thing it's staggering it's getting into range patience remember I believe it was about 43 miles and I still got a couple miles to go here notice these f-14s are chasing okay I'm picking something up here now watch this actually I flipped the radar screen around real fast you could see the clueless that there's a wall of f-35s but we know there's an a-wax plane out there so of course he's got to come to his thing here not realizing he's about to get steamrolled sometimes these things happen uh also let the steamrolling begin what are you guys waiting for all right let's go and take a look at our mission one of the things we have to check is real quickly is uh Double C let's see here uh damage bass we need to double check to see what range we're allowed to engage at here now 80 nautical miles that is in range so there's really no reason why we're not engaging these actually press shift up one real quick I just want to confirm the fact that I didn't goof something up here um it's the difference in altitude is the problem oh I did not I did not anticipate that let's see here so his altitude is two thousand feet so if I'm a smarter person here I have to actually order my escorts to get down get down get down again so let's see here military transits uh let's see your strike intercepts Let's see we are on damage a bass here looks down submarine settings we're not doing any of those Crews we don't need to worry about any of that uh nope I guess we're just gonna have to fly past them otherwise I'd have to take my main group one thing you can do at any point by the way is you can cancel them and manually work with them so if I wanted to for example I could actually kick them off the mission here I'll see here I just saw it assigned to Mission every time I see it I don't see it there we go let's go ahead and dump them off the mission and then I'm gonna go press F1 and we're just going to engage them the old-fashioned way go down to minimum altitude things you got to watch out for because remember these f-35s are very very very high Flyers speed up and look at this we're in range here comes the fireworks no those f-14s are never gonna know what hit them all of a sudden there's just going to be missiles that appear from the sky and it's just gonna start splattering on them notice by the way the F-14 still has a pretty heavy amount of agility here and go ahead first you know what I think they're doing a perfectly fine job I'm going to sign them back to that mission when you do this by the way make sure you set that as escort otherwise it won't be escort it's kind of a thing you guys in the correct Mission yeah how about you are you guys at the correct Mission yeah you're good one of those things that I must have right clicked the wrong button at one point I'm good we'll see what happens as the admission kind of shakes out here oh what a hit what a hit all right let's click on them looks pretty good to me it looks pretty good to me that's Oh I thought that was an airplane today I'm just doing its thing all right cool so far so good so one of the problems is that Rapier is still alive um that's very problematic for us because it means that we're gonna have to be really careful so one of the things that you can do is you can actually just take a guy and have them take a pot shot at as it goes by so what I'll actually do is give them a pre-order to basically take that shot another reason that'll give us an advantage later on is when he does go by he'll kind of hit that Rapier do not be surprised by the way if we lose in F-35 now notice by the way how all the aircraft of us split themselves up in Every Which Way also notice we've detected a couple more bogeys but knows there's less of them all right there goes my initial drop there goes my initial set of drops and notice my f22s are like me me let me have it me me watch this sort of them to be manually hostile here and the F-35 is like no no my shot my kill my kill my kill notice by the way um Iran is just sitting there oh the fireworks begins oh ah oh here comes the lag once you get enough units going at one time it starts to get a little chunky oh there's some jerk with an essay seven or something like that that tried oh man now notice our Striker's return but here's the scariest part of all if I actually would have switched real quickly over to Ron you can see that we saw a couple of the airplanes at least for a couple moments there basically visually because of uh you know just looking up kind of a thing like that it looks pretty good everybody go home oh why not right really easy way to lose an airplane by the way is hanging around the target area too long kind of a thing like that and that pretty much that takes care of our scenario here so this is the fun part this is when we get to take a look at sort of other results obviously we didn't put scoring or anything like that so that's going to be kind of a big aspect of it so let's go see what we did I'm gonna go switch over to the other side one thing you'll notice by the way is Iran continued to launch aircraft at us that simply meant that we must have missed one of the uh access points here you can see most of them are absolutely splattered here but I'm sure that just takes exactly one access point to survive and uh everything's fine so I think we got like I said most of them ah there's one we missed I don't know which one we missed but it only takes one folks and it will just Cha-Cha line aircraft onto there but one of the things you could do is you can actually hit F6 here look how much damage we did if you order him to land you can actually see how much damage that we had here including several aircraft that actually returned to base uh safely here and gives you some pretty good times there all right let's see how we did so we come up here we go over to LA is an expenditures uh let's see um wow uh that's embarrassing we we did nothing this is an absolute embarrassment from a tactical achievement here and yes you're like why would you knock the airport and scared them no this is terrible like this is embarrassing let's see decoys none of those expenditures let's see here and we used a lot of stuff but um of course take a look at the cost to the taxpayers here as the best part see NATO none decoys none expenditures watch this 16 of these one of these 37 of those what are they eight hundred thousand dollars U.S each uh we got some nine x's and 24 paveways and oh my gosh uh cost of uh Tomahawk cruise missile let me go look that up on Google for you real quickly here oh my God they're almost 2 million a piece so this entire operation today probably costs the United States in government and NATO and the United Kingdom you know half a billion dollars for the achievement of eliminating I don't know six or seven airplanes and doing quite a bit of damage so there's a lot of things we could have done to do this one better and like I said this is one of the reasons I love this is we can reload the scenario and try again you know we can individually Target individual buildings we can go through we can very very carefully precisely allocate our tomahawks so they have an escort as they ride in there are so many other things we could have done but that's the beauty of this program and that's hopefully what you take away all right so we've gone about an hour or so this is the point in the little live stream here I'm gonna ask if anybody has any questions or anything that they would like to see in command real fast uh there's definitely something I could call up for you or maybe you have a question about something you're not sure of this would be a great time to kind of throw that over in the chat I guess that'll keep it going for a couple of minutes here to see if anything comes around while that's going on of course we'll have to go back to uh somebody whose name was belugan who has the reason why I play this game and we'll get that all set up while you focus through your questions in the chat should you have any if you don't that's fine again you can always I'll go visit the forums that those folks are super duper helpful as far as that goes let's see here [Music] today we'll do Minot Air Force Base that sounds pretty good to me swing over to the side actually you know I could do was even easier uh let's see here uh just just fire willy-nilly um don't don't think that you need to wait around or anything like that so we'll let them uh kind of do their little thing here apparently lost helicopter at some point no okay it's fine I'll do it myself see shift F1 oh I'm on the wrong team whoops that would have been embarrassing oh man that would have been so embarrassing could you imagine me doing that that I would have laughed pretty hard a little laugh pretty hard so hopefully people in the audience I caught my little boo-boo there all right so let's go try that again import export oh I actually selected all of them that's probably not recommended let's go to the United States I'll do ICBM go back to my knots it's easy enough grab that Ctrl shift F9 I would say uh nuclear weapons yo let's go grab that uh let's go ahead and press the shift F1 and we'll do the old-fashioned way there we go uh let's see you get a nuclear weapon and you get a nuclear weapon uh you folks unfortunately can't do one of these things up here so like you can like click on one at a time sort of thing because you can only get one at a time so you get a nuclear weapon you get a nuclear weapon you get a nuclear weapon you get a nuclear weapon and you know what you get a nuclear weapon too why not okay so now of course when you do that Ctrl shift F9 you can just tell them to willy-nilly just go so we'll let them do that and we'll see what happens all right um safety guy says why do you prefer this over the pro version you know which US play has the best radar the rivet joints um so safety guy um the reason I don't like the pro version is a lot of things in the pro version are the best way to describe it is to say that it's designed for data use scientists and it's designed for data users and there's a lot of little gameplay things that are for from an older version that have really really really kind of gotten used to that I actually prefer in the civilian version in the pro version the pro version is fantastic if I want to run a scenario and see exactly how many missiles I used out of 10 million times I could do that easily casually no problem with the pro version and it does a delightful job the other thing the pro version does which is incredibly awesome is the fact that it gives you the ability to actually watch uh you can record everything and load it into attack view afterwards that's something I really wish they would change in a command as well so we have it now the other thing too is the way the licensing and some of that piece works like I'm not going to describe how it works but basically it makes it a little tricky to actually open it's not to say if you're part of this organizations it is hard but it is not it's just for me as a consumer it's a little harder to use um and asking about the uh which US plane has the breast radar I that's it's going to be like anything it's it's going to be highly dependent on what you mean by best radar uh there are definitely Radars out there that are fantastic at detecting ground units and they're definitely a bunch of Radars out there the mission end already what happened to all my business they just launched that was interesting do we have any missiles left nope they all got launched huh did anybody just watch all the missiles do that I would not be surprised if I found another bug I'm famous for that um so as far as the river joint goes also that's entertaining to watch um let's go take a look at the river joint real fast I'll type in a river Troy uh 2020. I don't think this thing has that strong of a radar actually this is an apq it's a ground mapping radar yeah you can't do much with that radar the one that I really really really really really like it's actually where's the uh E2 where's the new one the D I think it is uh this one the radar in this thing is ridiculous and of course if you really want excessive I'll go get the zoom vaults uh that the radar on that thing let me grab it real quickly here is absolutely positively incredibly good like it's it's just it's like cheating and then of course if you're a weirdo like me you'd press insert and you type in spy and oh that's not the one oh what is it uh apx oh SPX it's gonna come to me in a second here x-band uh band radar I'm gonna get it I'm gonna get it oh it's gonna take me a while I gotta remember the name of that one but basically it's a giant radar that floats and it's it's just it can see into space and stuff all right cool I have no idea what happened to my uh Minuteman I'm actually gonna look into that kind of curious what happened here oh let's see here weapon end game we'll go ahead and open that up real fast uh uh I've never oh [Laughter] incompetence incompetence yeah that's something that was on me this kind of thing happened oh let's see here uh I have no reason to do so but I've done scenarios all around the world all right I'll give everybody a few more moments if they'd like to throw me some more questions otherwise I'm just going to kind of enjoy uh What uh what is that you know two and a half billion dollars for the tomahawks can do to one Airfield let's see here ah not much as a matter of fact all we did is out Dent up the same six pieces of tarmac space a hundred times again if you want to waste tomahawks do an automatic attack otherwise it's a hella heck of a lot more safer to just not manually do it yourself all right cool so other than that hopefully you guys enjoyed our live stream today like I said I usually don't do command live streams it tend to be longer and take a little more prep but again the purpose here was to let everybody see what this game is all about and give you a fairly good idea of what you're getting with it I have 100 gotten all the money that I put into this game out of it like no doubt in my mind in the slightest if this is something that appeals to you this is like heaven there's a very very few other things SPX one thank you too late there it is thank you thank you there it is I knew what somebody remember I'm right it had the word expand I wasn't wrong but yeah this thing has a radar that can see oh 2800 miles I think that's enough I think that's enough but other than that I have a wonderful rest of the day everybody uh for me it's the afternoon in the United States I'm gonna go get some lunch go take the dog for a walk and everything like that uh coming up next week we've got like I said every Monday we do a release another video I do the best I can to try to keep it sort of timely it's the things that I see like on forums and Discord and that's usually where I'm looking for comments more than anything but uh other than that enjoy
Channel: P Gatcomb
Views: 24,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Command Modern Operations, Tutorial, Examples, Scenario Designer
Id: Y9T2YfdWn8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 0sec (4740 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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