Project zomboid mapping 101 | Part 07 | Adding a little house.

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hey everybody and welcome to another project somewhat mapping 101 in the last video we made this little cute chat over here and it looks wonderful and in addition to that i figured we could add a little house that would kind of make sense for the to you know be next to and to do that we are again going into the building editor we're going to click file new and we're just going to select the same template and the same size hit okay in this case we are going to draw a living room um let me think for a bit how am i going to design this house let's go with living room controllers lock living room i think 4x4 works just fine let's add a dining room next to that one also 4x4 let's add a bedroom and i'm just kind of doing this as we go bathroom in the middle maybe another bedroom on the side and then a kitchen something like that make it a bit more square and we're going to add a laundry room in addition to this now like last time the name in here just defines the name in the editor and the internal name is the one that we really care about that's the room definition that we need and i will again provide a link for you in the description to where you can find the room definitions that you can use in this editor now the thing i didn't point out last time of course these are all just you know called kitchen and bathroom but for bedroom they're all called bedroom even though the real name or their editor name is bathroom123 that's because their room definition doesn't care about how many rooms you make the room definition is going to be the same even if you made 40 bedrooms or 40 living rooms the internal name is going to be the exact same we're going to add a new room and we're going to call this one laundry and the internal name is also going to be laundry some of this stuff is very straightforward makes it very easy and let's see for the internal walls we are going to select something different let's go for a blank whitish off-white canvas if you add a new room by default it's going to give it a trim for the bunker um you most likely don't want to have this in your building so i'm going to select none again the floor i like you know what i'm going to do i like this where are you checker pattern and then of course we're going to add some grime okay and i'm gonna draw that out here i have a little laundry room right next to the kitchen and we're gonna make the kitchen a little bit bigger make this bedroom with a small bedroom a big bedroom and a little bit bigger kitchen now in this case we are going to use the place wall tool and i'm gonna use it to actually remove a wall which is kind of different from what the name suggests by default nothing is selected just like we had with the roof tool last time and if i drag it will create an object shape saying hey there's a wall here but there's actually not a wall being drawn and we can use this to our advantage because if nothing's being drawn we can also take out balls in the middle of our house and this will work in game you don't have to question that this this works just fine it really takes out the wall for you and this gives us a more of an open house or open floor plan which i really like in game um you may have you could you can ask yourself why not just draw a giant living room that's because we want living room stuff to spawn in the living room and dining room items to spawn in the dining room now with living rooms and dining rooms it's probably not going to matter that much but if you're doing the same thing for let's say a living room and then the kitchen either it's going to be a whole a bunch of books in the kitchen or your living room is going to have pots and pans that's a bit weird and that's probably the way you're not only what you want to go for now we have the rooms out i will also show you how to actually draw a wall if you have the draw wall tool selected you have two options up here you have the exterior wall tool and the interior wall tool for the exterior wall tool it will draw the exterior walls so i can select let's select this this one to make a point i can draw this wall here but if i draw this on the inside it will still have nothing selected that's the one that's selected in the interior wall if i take these back out and then go for an interior wall i can select a wall there draw that on the interior but this will not reflect on the exterior but you can have two different selections one for the interior one for the exterior now i'm going to change the look of this building a little bit but i'm not going to use the draw wall tool i'm just going to change the rooms and the walls that they have selected now i can do this from here like we've done in the previous video but the way i like to do is is to select the draw room tool then right click on the room i know it's selected up here and then i can use the interior wall tool to select another tile and it will change it in the room to me this is a lot faster than going in clicking clicking clicking and going back and forth i can just go to every room quickly select a different tile be happy with it and then don't really worry about all the other stuff we want to have a orange house i don't know let's go for let's go for this boring ass wall pattern i think that looks good now for the floor i want to do something different as you can see there's a floor section in there and then we go with i like this dark wooden one i can just go to every room here and change it up a little bit and this is way faster than doing it in the edit room option i'll show you trims as well in this video i'm going to change the wall here real quick to this default white one go to trims for the interior wall and now i can as i still have the room type selected i can scroll down and select something and it will apply a trim just like it did a floor wall top i like to have a trim with this wall because it looks very cool and it gives us a really warm feeling for the living room in the dining room now how do i change that for the outside room because or the exterior walkers of course there's nothing to select by right clicking on the outside and that's a bit tricky either you can have the draw room tool selected and just change the exterior wall that works just fine or you can go to building properties and change the exterior wall from there i kind of like the wooden blanks idea but maybe you want to go for a darker one that works for me i kind of like that i'm going to stick with that now like like last time we are going to add some doors and some windows because you don't want to live in a doorless windowless hellhole at least i don't so i'm going to make the house that i kind of would like to live in if possible at some point and add some doors there i like to have a back door in the laundry i see that a lot of the vanilla houses and in houses in general that i see online in america so i like to do it and it it works right in game if you want to get the out i mean let's let's be honest it's a nice get out of jail card and some windows and i'm gonna match the white ones in this case or these yeah like these and then i'm not gonna add any curtains for the dining room space them out a little bit more and there and then for the bedrooms i am going to add a little curtain there and there we have a let's add a window that with a closed shutter in the bathroom move this over now in this tool you have a select the move object tool that lets you select move objects very straightforward doesn't need much explanation that's all it does um but yeah i'm quite happy with this now i need to add some doors to the inside as well maybe we want to change the door frame for that and change the door type again to the basic wall and just space them out nicely that looks quite good one there i'm quite happy with how this looks yeah let's uh let's stick with it let's add some furniture because we haven't done that a lot and i'm just gonna go through it and this shouldn't be mind blowing because i'm really just selecting and putting stuff down and i probably have more stuff than you do because i have a bunch a bunch of custom tiles um i will explain how to make and get those in a later video see the door is over there so maybe we want to at the table first so we get a better dynamic of how things work let's add the chairs they don't have to all line up because that i mean it's a zombie apocalypse you don't have to be too too specific with how things are standing i'll choose let's go to this one we can have it like that add a nice table in the middle and then add a little television between the doors and maybe in storage we want to add this cabinet there i think that looks decent for a living room it's not the best it's not the worst go to the kitchen real quick we have a counterstep with a bunch of counters and we are just going to draw them all over the place um i tend to just drop everywhere and then when i place an oven or a cooking element i just take one out and put it there and for the refrigeration i do the same thing now in sinks we have sinks you want to place those on top of the counter if you place the sink first and then the counter the count will be on top of the sync don't do that put them down in logical order a good tip here is if you hold the alt button you can select any furniture and you will then jump to that selection so you can place more stuff so if you want to take this out and maybe add a corner piece you can easily select it delete it and then put in a new piece and you know it will save you a little bit of time now that's what i'm going to do here for the betting i'm going to select a bit so i don't have to scroll down again i can just select it and then maybe do like this kids thing and add a little playing rug around and then add a storage cabinet on the side like that and maybe a box with toys i think that looks pretty good now for the bathroom we are gonna add a bath tub a sink see the doors there oh wait if we have a pretty big bathroom so we can actually add a nice counter again selecting the counter so i don't have to look it up and we're going to place that one down there selecting the sink and then put these a bit more stylish ones now there is a tab called walls or decoration walls yeah i moved it up for you it's probably somewhere down here and there you have a bunch of mirrors and they look very good in the bathroom i think everybody has a mirror in the bathroom so you should probably add some um that covers most of the house we're gonna add a laundry laundry mod mat whatever the thing is called in english i really don't know i'm just going to put one down um this one is laundry i think the bottom one is the dryer so i'm also going to put in a dryer and be quite happy with that and let's add a shelf we can actually store some stuff there as well um oh wait we could add a trash bin and then i think we covered all the bases except for lights let's add this one in the order and let's add this one outside i'm gonna hit ctrl s and save this out as house zero one of course the name for the house can be whatever you want um i'm gonna hit o o hides all the objects and i'm gonna hit ctrl g to hide the grid to get a better look of how this looks and i'm just gonna go through my rooms a little bit to see how they you know look without a grid and all the object squares and i think it looks a bit boring but pretty decent for a first house again i'm going to hit ctrl g and i'm going to hit o again because otherwise i cannot select any of these options and i'm going to go back to my furniture tool go to lighting indoors and add some light switches i think this one makes most sense near the door on the other side and then for the dining room gonna put it there i'm just gonna go through every room and put them down try to not put them on the door and like there there we go now outside i want to add a light there there and for the roof we're going to do a little bit more of a interesting style roof than we did in the last video we're going to go up one floor and then we have a whole bunch of options now i'm gonna go with what i'm gonna do let's make a shallow roof so we have regular slopes and a peak is basically a slope on both sides as you can see by the icon and a dormer just connects to the other pieces although it's all separate how to make cool roofs video so you don't have to worry about how to figure this out um but i want to make a slope now i'm going to go with the west side which is on uh you know that side of the building i'm gonna go with a vertical peak i always mess those up and draw that one out there and then i'm gonna go with a shallow slope on the east side hit the control s i'm quite happy with that um i kind of want to change it up a little bit though um i go to rooftop or roof slopes the tops tops are the flat ones slopes are the ones we have now slopes are the ones you can click on afterwards and change what you already had rooftops and all the other stuff stays the same row slopes actually are dynamic and you can change them which is quite nice there goes for the roof caps i now have the blue ones but i really don't like it and we're making white to get a little bit of contrast between the lower floor and the upper floor and that looks pretty good the only issue is we have a ginormous gap here in the wall and we need to fix that now be a default there is nothing in isometric mode the tool or the mode that we have been using so far to fix this that is because there are more tiles available to you than there are actually by default setup in isometric mode now to set them up in isometric mode we will do that in a future video for now we are going to go and export tile mode real quick now tile mode is a little bit different from isometric mode the main difference is it doesn't select a layer for you to draw on by default you have to select that layer manually now you can draw anything on any layer but that may cause issues for you in the future probably want to draw stuff on the layer that it's meant to be on now if you're not sure think about it real hard because you will probably find a layer that it's best suited on in general most stuff is drawn out of furniture layers but like the roof caps that we're gonna draw right now should probably be drawn on the roof cap layer if you have any questions just put them down in the comments but i think you will be able to figure it out you can always you know save your building put it in the world and then test it out in the game yourself to see if it works now we want to add a roof cap to this side so i'm going to select roof cap you can do this afterwards that's not relevant at this point i'm going to look for roof and i know that the one we're looking for is in roofs underscore access01 now these are all the tile sets available to you even custom ones that you add later on will appear in this list so the search tool is really really handy i want to use this one i have roof cap selected and i can just drag and draw i can drag it out and put it wherever i'd like but i'm gonna you know drop it in the lines and just put it where i need it i'm gonna select this little cap piece on the end and draw that over there now i already have a roof cap on this side which is on this layer which was created when drawing the roof so if i actually put a cap there it will take it away because there can only be one tile on one square and one layer now that's okay there's another roof cap layer so i'm gonna click click on that one and as you can see the the white roof or the white roof cap doesn't disappear i can just draw on top of that one but now if i want to draw on this one i have an issue with the roof no let's do this here the roof that we have here the peak that's creating a roof cap here but the slope that we've drawn afterwards has also created a roof gap there so we have two roof caps drawn on top of each other now to bypass this i'm just going to draw this item on the wall overlay sorry on the wall overlay layer and it will work just fine don't worry about it i'm going to select the other tile and drag it there now as you may have noticed i'm not able to drag and rotate these items that's because in tile mode that's not been set up for you that's what isometric mode is for in tile mode you really just draw the tile one to one to the thing that you have selected maybe you want to add a little bit of a peak just draw this out i know exactly which tiles i want to use for this you may want to play around a little bit but i think that makes the house look a lot more finished i'm going to save it or again before i save i'm going to crop this to the minimum save this out and drag it into the world right there drag them out a bit i'm quite happy with that and in future videos we will kind of dress up this nice me this video a bit nicer wow jesus words are hard in the future video we will dress up this building a little bit nicer add a little bit more details to it most likely in tile mode and i will show you how to get the tiles from tile mode into isometric mode so you can also use more stuff there as always a shout out to the people supporting me on patreon thank you very much i really really appreciate it and if you like these videos consider liking and subscribing and i hope you have a very very nice day
Channel: Daddy Dirkie dirk
Views: 11,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project, Zomboid, Mapping, modding, tutorial, worlded, buildinged, building, editor, tile, tiled, Daddy, dirkie, dirk, 01, room, definition, definitions, rooms, world, mapping, tools, steam, the, indie, stone, spawnpoints, spawn, points, lots, cells, cell, create, playable, play
Id: NgT4uhp2ShI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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