Project Zomboid mapping | Random Building talk 03

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hey everybody at this video we are going to do something completely different instead of doing a tutorial i'm going to do a how i build my video how to build my stuff that i'm working on this is my actual map that i'm working on for uh for zomboid and i think it would be fun to add a little bit of a warehouse or something along those lines in this area and this is going to be like a not necessarily a build-along video but maybe you'll take some pointers of me building some stuff in here so of course i'm going to go to the tile editor and open the building editor hit up new building and i tend to go big like 100 by 100 tiles just so i have enough space to work with hit okay and there we go we got a nice grit going um let's draw out a rough shape first let's go for uh i don't know something like that with an entrance over there and i'm gonna have storage or offices or you know whatever on that so maybe i'll get a little bit smaller doesn't need to be absolutely massive now i am gonna drop into garage doors right away which are going to be open i think i want to go for an open option i'm just going to drop those in there now i'm going to put them in their spots i think that looks good i'm going gonna save this out real quick and now to keep my stuff organized let's call it outside town and then i call it i'm gonna go untitled for now because i have no not a clue what i'm making yet and i will rename it in the future but this way i can go into the world editor and let's see here you go drag it in and put it down just see how it looks you know in the world and see if it needs to be bigger or smaller i think this will work just fine if you put a fence around it it'll it'll be very pretty wrong button so there we go um i'm gonna make this two floors but first of all i'm gonna drop a bit of a layout in here and i took the wrong prefab so i don't have all the stuff that i want to use but that's okay i'm gonna go with garage and put that down there and that is a weird looking garage so i'm quickly gonna change that to actual garage after the floors i'm gonna go with the three probably that one another grime i like a lot of grime if i'm doing like a garage or industry type building doesn't need to be too too disgusting but you know a little bit disgusting is uh good from time to time i think that will look cool and then we're going to add a door in the front with a black door frame and a handle door yeah so you have an actual entrance for like a lobby or something of the kind where people can come in to do business and they don't have to go through the loading docks we have some chairs and maybe like a desk there i'm gonna have some offices in the back and maybe some more stuff over there i'm about 100 sure i'm not going to go with a white exterior or not a white wooden one so i'm gonna go with commercial let's go with commercial three i'm gonna put up another floor i'm just gonna drag it out not sure what i'm gonna fill this with at this point i just wanna have something to work with that's all right maybe this needs to be a little bit longer to give it a better better shape and i'm quickly gonna wrong no that was good go here add another floor and then add a roof we do something interesting let's go with a green roof i see i can divert the user hacking diver on discord doing this a lot i uh i tend to never do it myself but let's give it a go let's follow his style and go with a green roof see how that looks in the world it looks weird but okay let's continue on and see if we can make this into something interesting now this side i don't want to add a ton of stuff because it is an industry industrial building so i don't think it's going to have windows over here maybe we all have a window in the roof but to spice this side up a little bit there is a neat little trick you can do in timeout and i'm using commercial three for the walls so i'm gonna go there and i'm to use these little pillars and i'm going to add them as wall 2. as you can see it creates a bit of an edge or however you want to call it oh crap i'll throw it on the wrong layer let's go to the ground layer and actually draw it on the right layer and do it for both floors now we're going to add grime by pressing g i uh open up the grime menu i'm going to add the light grime option to the floor down below but to give it a little bit of an indent i'm also going to use an additional layer of grime right wait no round two put that in there like that create a bit of a raised edge now honestly this works better if we actually change the color so we go to commercial three i'm going to make these pillars black instead of the gray that we're using right now i'm gonna put those down like that and then for the wall 2 i'm gonna make those black as well well let's say black dark gray i guess but uh you get what i'm going for here it gives a bit of um different look i'm not sure if i'll like it i'm gonna keep now i'm not really a big fan let me get rid of the entire thing this is gonna be one of those videos where i have no clue what i'm doing and uh i'm gonna go back and forth just changing things seeing if i can make it better or in this case worse um let's drop that for a second and change the inside so i'm gonna copy garage again and i'm going to call this no floor and for the floors i'm not going to select a floor and for the grime i'm not going to select any of the grime options and this is how i make a well a floor without a floor and it gives me one big room which i really like and we're going to make that like that and this is going to be like an open area with a fence in front maybe let's use the garage fence on wall two i'm just gonna draw that out we have a staircase we have a staircase there maybe we wanna have a staircase at the end go to industrial and draw this in with those metal tiles and then draw this out maybe a bit like so yes a little bit like that and then we can have a staircase at the end like that as well two tiles forward maybe like that i think that looks kind of cool add a different railing to the inside you clearly see that it is well different than the other one that means we can also add a railing to actually go down to make the stair guy is a little bit safer and not have work injuries every 10 minutes of course we're gonna need a different door to connect this to the rest of the areas use like this one let's add a bathroom in here for the people working there that's probably useful there so we can have stuff in the corner and extend this to here we can have a really cool interior wall with like open glass like that so people in the waiting area can see what's going on over there let's go and add a hole and for the hull we are going to just draw it out something like that all the way this four four should be big enough for a nice office it's kind of dead space empty space right now so i'm gonna get rid of that like that and this hallway is disgusting let's quickly give that a little bit of a different vibe the green bricks don't really work for me go with something like that something like that yeah it should work maybe just a gray pouring grey or of course so just great and let that crime of course because crime is amazing crime is the best thing in this entire game i love it and so should you add a black frame let's not add a door actually there let's add the railroad frames or an open or idea interior walls we go with none throw that away now we have an open door there at a little bit of a counter oh counters it's a very no that's kind of disgusting let's go with something that looks more it could be long in a business something like that maybe and let's add a chair behind it so we have like a reception area from medical we have these nice waiting chairs which we can put on this side i think there's gonna be offices on the other side i'm gonna make this smaller like that maybe i don't like the overhang idea that looks really cool let's uh let's go with that for now let's just keep it like that um maybe this is going to be a car shop that makes sense to have a reception and uh well actual garage doors and a garage behind it i'm going to hit alt and click on one of these other tiles so i just hop back to those and use that to go to counters and just add a couple more counters over here i you can not i mean you physically can put stuff beneath the staircase but if you put it beneath the staircase it's gonna block the movement of the staircase except for this last tile because even though this staircase is overlapping here if i can show this this square there's actually nothing going on out there but you are free to put it there but if you put it here or here i mean you can hear it it's visually casting issues but over there it will cause issues with collision and your character will get stuck going up the stairs so don't do that that's a that's a safe safe move don't do like that let's go for a sink this industrial looking sink and was it garage or industry i always forget which one is uh like the car parts ruxin carpentry no no no no oh man i always forget now i look like an idiot making a video industry let's just go with the drag one that's gonna cause an issue because i don't have enough space between the garage door so we need to make this a little bit bigger move this over one square and let's go do the same thing for the top otherwise we're gonna run into that issue later it doesn't line up i really don't like that so where are you from from machinery okay sure i can work with that if i can type in at least location machinery and they actually have very cool workbenches never noticed those before but that's cool we'll use those as well let's go for furniture let's put it in front first so we can actually see what we're doing but that is the size that we are going to go for i'm going to copy that and just move it in and is that handy to have them side by side no probably not let me put them like that because that doesn't make any sense either now i'm not a car mechanic so i'm just going to go with this that seems more logical than putting him right next to each other um i'm gonna actually copy them both or cut them away from furniture and just put them in furniture too because that way i can't put other stuff in furniture one beneath it without having putting on issues layers let's deselect that so i can see stuff let's put like the workbench over there because that seems like a very cool spot these may actually be new i'm not entirely sure they look very cool i really like him um yeah that's that let's add a bit of an indent so we can actually have a feeling for uh you know where oil and stuff would spill into now let's add this on the vegetation layer because we're not using it for anything else maybe something like that and we can add these on floor overlay and just run them along so we have it look like it's a little bit deeper i know this one is a bit bigger than that but i really don't mind as much completely forgot to get rid of thing in front there we go and that's starting to look pretty cool let's add some grime my cat completely agrees with me thinking that this is an interesting looking build add some grime here and there and then add some shelving i have my own deer kia shelving which is a little bit taller and then it also has different overlays so it adds a little bit more of a visual variation compared to just using all the vanilla stuff put those down like that and then in my containers [Music] i'm going to use some of the crates because everybody loves crates i mean they're amazing let's just uh keep that up with a shitty crate in front maybe one of those boxes and let's go for a cardboard box as well you know you need to store your stuff i have some more counters over there for tools that looks kind of nice not the best build that looks pretty decent on the inside let's add a bathroom both here and let's say there maybe yeah that would make sense and we don't want a bathroom with a red wall because that's weird i've never seen a bathroom with a red wall i don't think i've ever seen a bathroom with a red wall so we're not gonna use that just make it a generic looking bathroom i don't think anybody really gives a single if pun intended but what the bathrooms in this in this game looks like because i don't to say if they have all the required stuff for bathrooms i think you'll be fine with a little mirror in both let's change that up and let's add some trash or trash containers to you know for people to throw away stuff i think that's kind of cool i think that works add a second sink on this side i don't think actually that has option to go on that side let's see no it doesn't but we do have a big and industrial one does that make sense not really but i like it let's put it down i'm also gonna change these shelves for the ones that i am making for my medical tile set which have more shelf space and i fit in nicely and looks very cool so to spice it up a little bit we are going to use those that's kind of cool all right for the reception i want a different floor because this is very bright and not as disgusting i as i had imagined so we're going to go with the dark floor that's the yeah dark dirty one not the broken down one the dirty one that's cool for interior wall we are going to go with go with oh i want white one that's kind of boring see i kind of like that grayish maybe we'll go with the grayish in there as well that kind of works for me yeah i like that i like to look at the now in here we are going to add does it make sense to add a lot of offices in here if it's a garage not really not really okay let's scrap some stuff but we are going to add an office having a single office it does make sense instead of doing all the stuff again for the way it looks i want to copy all colon office and drag it out here actually include the corner i'm going to have some of yeah i think this will be fine let's get that let's get rid of the bathroom of course we need to shrink down the upper floor as well how far like that actually is all the way there yeah that's it i'm going to decrease the size of the roof make it look like that i i think the overhang looks kind of interesting so i'm going to keep that but i do want it to look a little bit more supported so i'm going to add the railroad wall pieces of frame pieces and just add them as walls in between i think that looks a little bit better i think we can do more so in my race tile sets i have these pieces which i like a lot because they can be used as all kinds of stuff but most likely in this case as the little people using the right one that's that one yeah i am using the right one just awfully clipping in the wall shouldn't do that make it look like it is actually being erased a little bit or it has like a border it looked nice i think it looks pretty cool so yeah that is a simple build that looks cool so for the office we probably also want to add like the window also the same trick i did with the counters here by alt clicking it you can do with you know walls and stuff so you can actually have a window in your office and have a regular door like that i actually have regular windows on the other side but i'd like these to be there and add some no let's add a counter first we can have some kitchen stuff maybe going two counters and then a sink regular sink a refrigerator little one maybe add a trash can there go to see where we go we go to lost uh office generic yeah let's add some desks people are actually working here as well that's quite cramped maybe like that that'll work let's add one white chair and i want grey chair got a different floor if we could go with the dark wood all around actually to give it a little bit more in the same same style and if we go to this we can also add some filing cabinets that's too much let's add one one filing cabinet and maybe like a little little board what we're working on that could be useful here as well then we have lighting lighting outdoors and i think we have like the open side which is very cool that works a lot of stuff it's not listed here but we should have these boys which also fit very well into a store like this that's kind of cool i like that save that again go up so what are we going to put up here well this is probably just going to be storage but then what we put in this area i like the overhang i don't want to get rid of it now to make this lowered so what are we going to do with it maybe add some more offices maybe i'm actually maybe there is a living quarter on top of the garage for the for the owner or something that could make sense let's add a stairs on the back side different type of stairs let's add these and then we are going to get a little bit lost here because we can't see so we're going to take this out go to let's go industry let's keep it in the same spectrum take this metal floor put it there i'm going to throw in a door one we're going to use oh that's disgusting but the yellow one and we know exactly where it is you know where the stairs are gonna end we're gonna have a quick railing because otherwise you're gonna falter that death every time that you uh get out the house and we don't want that because that is not a nice way to go and where are you there you are that is good enough for me then we can make this bigger again to actually accompany the entire thing um i want the front to be very generic looking so all the windows are going to be on this side that means the bedroom which i deleted previously it's going to be over there we have living dining bathroom and kitchen so we have all the other stuff so that's good the bedroom is going to be here we'll get rid of that in a second with the bathroom which is a little bit smaller then we have a kitchen kitchen there and let's make the rest just the living room rid of all these hope i have none selected get rid of all the interior walls real quick and keep the corners little bit of a divide inside of the building and then add regular doors now to the bathroom and the bathroom bedroom bathroom whatever bedroom has a nice little carpet of course no disgusting interior wall brim and then a normal person wallpaper and then the kitchen goes for with the graham cream cram colorish thing tiles and the bathroom is the same thing as downstairs so that'll be fine let's go to the same floor but then for the interior walls we are going to go with the same color as the kitchen because then it blends nicely counters of course for the kitchen let's go with the wooden ones and then we have a cooking element a refrigerator let's go with the red one because it really doesn't fit in there like the person living here doesn't really give a about how everything looks let's put this one there and take different colored one on the other side just boost the idea that they really don't care um i like a bookshelf at the end that makes sense to have some sort of reading material in there and this of course also looks like it will be a nice base um when starting this build i had no idea what i was going to make usually i really think of like this is going to be used for x and x but in this case i uh really took a free freestyle approach to it and for most of your wheels i wouldn't recommend doing it in this style i would recommend thinking of what you're going to make but this worked out in my favor as everything looks pretty cool and it was more of a fun fun build than a uh i need to have something here that specifically suits this purpose let's go for a couch a nice couch is always the way to go let's go for the orange one because it has a i messed up orientation up on that one like a feet chair thingy um let's add a collax cost because of course those are the best a television or something similar next to it a little bit of a cabinet like there we go then we're going to add some decoration on the walls maybe a trash can in the living room because you need to dump your stuff somewhere at the little one yeah sure let's put it over there um yeah let's add a wall decoration because this guy probably has a mirror somewhere let's add an american flag add some light switches as well and to forget those that kind of makes sense there we go let's add also some light switches downstairs and then one up here i think that works fine let's add some shelving up here we do something like that maybe some boxes we use some bigger shelves over here and maybe add some more crates because like i said before everybody loves the crates and they spawn some interesting good loot this looks like it would be a very dangerous situation because they could fall downstairs but that uh you know they'll be uh it'll be great let's add a smaller one as well and i think that's an interesting looking build i think i'm going to change the floor here though let's go with street more change this out like that of course we need to do the roof let's go with something um yeah first we're gonna add a glass window because otherwise the people working the garage don't get any daylight and that would suck a ton yeah basically a space there and let's add some more space there as well i think that will look cool now we're going to space this out a little bit better because then it looks nice and even on both sides can i do that i can do that now we have one two three and we have one two three on the other side that's completely by coincidence but uh it works in my favor so i'm not gonna complain about it actually i added these flat roofs but i think i'm gonna go for these angled pieces i don't need to do it like that actually just add a regular peak with the roof slopes that i like roof caps that i'd like get rid of those for a second and work around what i had before the flat tops like that and we're gonna remove the tabs that we drew earlier kind of like that i'm going to add a railing tiled mode like so instead of doing that three times i'm just gonna copy paste the entire thing and put them on the other sides as well i think that looks cool so i'm gonna put some grime around it as well not the very dark one the the lighter version because i have two tile space um it's not gonna overlap and i'll be fine i put everything on the same layer so i don't have to worry about it and this makes my life a lot easier i hope that makes sense for you people watching there we go let's add a traffic line the yellow one i for some reason i like to put those around the buildings to you know mark where the edge is because players are dumb and i don't want them to falter that that's too there that's that's jesus christ but yeah that looks better we're going to add some grime around the sides of the roof as well so grime floor let's go with the same color grime after select mode on draw over there another side then i switch the other ground layer i do the other two sides makes it easy to keep track of stuff now let's add the trailer trim on the layer create a bit of an indent in the roof and then on the other trim layer let's go with the park one i think the part one yeah that one's very disgusting looks very cool use that all around i'll create one the little fixes for the corners you have a nice edge and that looks a lot better already not as plain as it did before of course you don't need to put in a lot of time and effort into your roofs because most people are never going to see them but you know it helps sell a nice effect anyway one there one there let's connect those up and then wrong one this one there and then this one i like that that'll work and we have these nice little missing tile pieces which would work very well on the floor there so let's add that maybe even i want there but now of course the outside is still very plain and very boring looking so i'm really trying to think of a way to make these look cool and i think we i'd like to have a big sign on the side there and i have no clue if there is a fitting sign in uh any of this stuff well it's not a logging company but that's kind of the style that i was gonna go for let's find something that's uh better fitting hopefully probably skip this uh in the video because this might take a while actually i think that's better no clue what that company's supposed to be making in the game but i'm just going to put it up there and uh hope for the best hopefully nobody complains it doesn't make any sense so that's cool but it's still quite boring so we're gonna add the grime of course because i love the grime and we can add some more grime manually as well for the walls and the corners so we're gonna put this on wall overlay too just draw out a couple of nasty little grime streaks everybody it's gonna be very happy because of that that already looks a lot better but of course we're not done yet so let's think of a way to decorate the site a little bit maybe maybe that's not going to look good just see how it looks in the world for a second right do that let's crop the minimum and then just make it one bigger or two bigger and let's move it one over so we have space to still adjust it without having to move the building around all the time right all right that looks pretty decent i like that i'm going to open that in tileset do a little bit of manual work regarding the road let's go with light asphalt and drag no yeah let's go with light asphalt and drag that out like a square like that and of course it also needs to go around the building because there is a path now for medium asphalt we're going to drag it out like so and then connect those together get rid of the foliage vegetation here and kind of see what we're doing and then back to medium asphalt let's add a parking space in front so light asphalt first so we can have a place to walk i always draw it underneath the building so you don't have the little grass if you want to have the grass keep the grass if you don't want to have the grass do it like this and then we have a five deep for the parking i think it'd be fine if we just stretch it out and just make the parking uh signs or the lines over there just to make an indication of where that's going to be we're going to draw these out like so let's maybe add one more yeah one more go back to the medium asphalt draw that out and then we have a bit of a square here people can turn the cars around and we want a big exit area we all light asphalt over there that works with vegetation of course we're going to get rid of it again like that and that already looks a lot better now we could do a smoother edge over here so let's go for the actually medium grass let's go for the medium grass and let's go to street yes and medium grass has these options so this could work um brain is putting so this is definitely not going to go well on the first try um we need to have this one but now we got our way around so the arrow needs to go down jesus christ my head is really not going to help me out here that's going to go there and we're going to use this one and what the other way around this one go there and we can actually do this that's a nice little nice little curve i'm going to add a curve on the foreground two layer because it really doesn't matter that much hit ctrl l to hide that stuff so you can just draw it all around hold alt to start on the other side so if i drag it usually creates the upper side for the this side basically if you hold alt it draws on the other side and if you hold ctrl you can create the indents for like exits and stuff for driveways so that looks cool let's add some ram and grime to the sides of this actually let's also do it like that and that works rather well now trollo kitty made very cool yellow pillars to work wonders for stuff like this so i'm gonna put those down like that maybe a little bit further down the path okay with one you know ah could i go with one i don't know this works very well this side is still too boring for me so i'm gonna change that up maybe add some um more yeah details i guess one two three that's not gonna have one two three four five now technically cars are only three by four but i am counting this space as parking space even though a car is never going to be parked on top of that piece of course unless you can't park for then you're going to park your car on that but in general it's not going to happen and you don't need parking lines on the outside both for the reason that you're most likely not gonna see him and of course it's an extra tile that the game needs to you know calculate and compute just like the little grass here you don't want to have the little grass there or in most cases because the game does need to calculate there is another tile there which which means there's a whole bunch more stuff that it needs to keep in check or keep you know keep in mind when doing stuff so try to keep your builds clean and that's my best suggestion here so that real quick and then we're gonna do the same thing here so we don't have these disgusting overlays we have a nice little interesting building with a very boring boring front i'm going to check real quick if i can think of something to make that more interesting i don't think i can without changing the shape too much let's try a glass front or a glass upper floor exterior that makes more sense three maybe even if i do it like that you know it's still weird and if we go to the commercial part again go to yellow i like the yellow actually this does look interesting that better oh really i'm not even sure if i like the is that better just a regular color change could do a lot for us i think that already looks better so maybe just the color is not right for the building that means we can get rid of these but then we need to do something else for it to look more interesting maybe we can use the gray as the details detail pieces like flip it all around i like it here but not really over there so that's just a simple fix of course and then it's gonna look great except for the freaking text that you now can't read now we need to think of something for that but that's going to be you know a little fixed later maybe i'll make a sign custom sign for it in general that kind of created something interesting maybe you could add some gravity to this side let's go for where is the balls gravity put that down there it's too clean it needs to be overlapping because you know gravity artists always screw each other over i have no clue i've never done any gravity in my life i am i am an upstanding citizen do we have a small let's do it like that and then we add another trash can in front again these are trello kitties tiles and they uh they look great inside as well in the corner that looks dope to me that looks very cool looks very playable it looks like fun also if you get your hands on a sledgehammer you bash out one of these walls i think you can make a great base out of it as always thank you guys for watching and a big shout out to the people that support me on patreon thank you very much and i know this has been a bit of a weird video because i had no clue what to do you know going in but uh if you like these videos or like my other video videos in general consider liking and subscribing to my channel and i hope you have a very very nice day thank you very much
Channel: Daddy Dirkie dirk
Views: 4,709
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project, Zomboid, Mapping, modding, tutorial, worlded, buildinged, building, editor, tile, tiled, Daddy, dirkie, dirk, 01, room, definition, definitions, rooms, world, mapping, tools, steam, the, indie, stone, spawnpoints, spawn, points, lots, cells, cell, create, playable, play, foragin, zones, zombie, type, types, zombies, curved, angled, roads, tricks, tips, random, talk
Id: lD-ihbWH2HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 47sec (2807 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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