Project zomboid mapping 101 | Part 14 | angled/curved roads.

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hello everybody and welcome to another project zone with mapping 101. i got a couple requests in regards to how you do curved roads or nice smooth angles i guess then it's not an angle but you know how you get my you get my drift um so i decided to do a little video on it now the first one we'll be doing is in the building editor i recommend doing most of the curved roads in the building editor because that way you can repurpose the same piece over and over again and if you have pieces in tile that are um there they're gonna be one use it's just gonna be that specific spot that you're gonna be able to use it in but that's uh you know you kind of have to choose which one works for which part of the map you're working on now to get started we are in the tile editor and i'm gonna do basically everything in tile mode and i'm gonna search for street then we have the streets i made my background gray then i can actually see some of the traffic lines otherwise everything is you know white and transparent let's say we have a six lane street right here and we want to make a curve in well let's say a direction so let's just for visualization let's go six in a different color and then six out in the other direction now i haven't practiced this one so i'm probably going to make some mistakes in this video but i'm just going to try and convey the message as best as i can so we want to smooth this out of course and to do that we are going to go let's equal one two and with one and then we have one two that will work just fine maybe we want to go a little bit smaller like that i think that will work nicely now to do stuff we have these blends and we are going to use the straight blends that makes no sense because we are working on a street part and for all the blends you have a well dirty edge and a clean edge and we're just going to be using the clean edge once in this video so we can do it like this and get a bit of a curve going and yes i know a lot of this stuff is clipping in some way it's not connecting nicely um that's just the way it is and there's nothing i can do about it so i bear with me we'll fix that in a little bit but we don't need to worry about that right now now the thing with these roads is if i pick up the projects on the map real quick and throw that in here and zoom in on luffil bluesville louisville um you can see that the roads that are um i have no clue what the english terms are for these but the ones that you align with with your viewpoint are a bit wider than the ones that are horizontal to your viewpoint or you know in contrast to how you're looking at them that's correct so don't worry about that that's the way it should be because of the isometric perspective that you have in the game i swear guys i'm a lot smarter if i talk in touch just you know bear with me um but in this case though that's why the road gets a little bit wider for this viewing angle and then grows smaller again i need to make it as wide as it is right now but i think maybe even one smaller will i think that looks pretty good and we're gonna look for the pieces that we are gonna need on this side and i think that's easier like that and i would need the one on the other side which is oh my god i hate i hate these tiles there are so many of them i think it's this one yes there we go now we got a nice curve for the road could have been a little bit smaller let's uh make it and then we it up let's make it a little bit smaller still i just move them over a little bit and then just put that one there like that i think that looks a little bit better i could have made this smoother smoother by doing it like that um i guess that's just your your preference do it however you feel is right actually that looks kind of nicer so we're gonna go with this yeah um let's get rid of the different colored street so everything looks the same make it look a little bit nicer now the thing i did with these curved pieces of these is that i put them on the same floor layer as i did with the other pieces but that is incorrect this will cause issues because then there is no information about the floor tile that's on the other side of you know the half tile that we're using here so we're going to cut all of them away i'm going to put them on floor overlay it's just a little bit quicker to do it like this instead of switching between layers all the time so this is kind of my cheat method that you don't need to follow exactly this works for me next up we're gonna add some curbs to these and i'm not gonna do everything because it's a it's a mess to find what you're looking for with this and i am just going to put them on for gram two because that works for me most of the time i'm gonna try and draw these out like so and we have the basic one here that's the problem basic one there and then we have the other basic one up top and now we need pieces to connect these and this is a hell hole are most likely in diagonal or diagonal two there are curves in here that are in both tiles which makes it even even more confusing um yeah and then basically you just gotta look for the ones that you need actually that was a quick find so that's great and hopefully that is that piece but now we need a piece to connect it there could have been inside or we're using the wrong one actually use that one that connects nicely and we look for the other angle i'm guessing that is this one and i'm very lucky at this point this is really just being lucky i uh yeah i'm quite lucky with this one that's great all right let's give the other one a try let's see if i'm just as lucky with the other side um yeah so that one is that one actually it up here because if this is down and that side should be up so let's not call my clock luck just yet because we need to fix this now and then oh my god yeah okay let's get rid of this because that's no longer fitting and let's search for a knew i knew things were going too smooth so let's go back which one was this right there then maybe yeah the other one is also around that same spot all right and get that right oh okay that one was nice how do i connect this p okay so we were right with the other side oh my god yeah this is this is why i don't like it um there we go i think that's it that looks decent right that's how you do it that's how you make a curved road by a lot of pain and tears and just trying it out now to apply this in game i have a angled section right here it does not have a smooth in or out it's just straight and then it's like was it 22.5 degrees and i'm gonna try to make this look nice right next to my baseball field and i'm just gonna grab these that actually doesn't work this is well this counts as gravel i'm gonna use floor overlay one to actually put all of this down and i think this is the one that i'm looking for so i'm gonna put that down i'm gonna copy this over and over again along the entire line and i'm gonna do the same thing on the other side so i don't have to do this twice um as you can see i can't draw my floor overlay layer here because there is already an overlay right there i should have fixed it all right four overlay two is on top or three or four is four oh yeah that's going to be a little bit of a pain so there are different ways to doing this i'm gonna draw out all the corner pieces with more grass just to get rid of that blend and then we'll clean it up afterwards so now i should be able to all right of course of course so that's good this one goes there and we get the same thing over and over again just like we did the other one there there there and so on we're gonna copy this entire piece i put it on the wrong layer are you on floor of life 4 yes or i'm an idiot dude actually i could just like that okay let's give this another go copy this but fits over and over again as you can see oh i don't want to rotate it till the end now we have a whole bunch of well let's get rid of the rail tickle up grass real quick so you can actually see what we're doing maybe get rid of the piece but we got an albanian ugly ugly blends in the middle that we really don't want to have and in this case we are just going to turn off a lot of the blending or the other layers let's figure out which layer this first i thought was four it is layer four so we are just going to get rid of the bigger lens there foreign that's kind of it that is an ugly spot let's see what's happening there that one should be made grass and then everything will be fine like that we have an ugly blend here which is probably layer three that's layer three then we have layer two on the other side there we go we got a nice nice straight line i could copy this if i hadn't used like the gravelly broken down side and then the sharp edge on this side to this side now i have to do it manually again because you know i'm an idiot but i am a proud idiot and i will work with my up that's not really a in my point where is the other one all right go grab those and then we do the same thing on the other side and i'm probably just going to connect those anyway because that makes more sense get rid of this because that's going to have a sidewalk or maybe not but it's going to be a straight piece same goes for these these are all just going to be straight pieces i'm not really going to worry about it at this point fill those in there we go actually we need that spot as well there and then we're gonna use the same thing we did for the last one get rid of all the big blends [Music] go and we just need to fix this a little we can actually do that with our painting piece there and there and we can just go in and copy let's me select the copies there and that really fixes up the street nicely a light fast folder another ugly blend there and that cleans it up i do a lot of my curves on grime too so i'm just gonna keep doing that and just like we did previously we are now gonna be searching for uh pieces that we need and see i dislike doing that this a lot there we go that's the piece that we need we're gonna hide ugly parts this piece i think it's this piece then again just copy the entire thing work our way down the street i think this has become a longer video than i anticipated but nonetheless uh i hope this was useful for you guys angled streets are a giant pain in the butt and it takes some time to get him uh to look nice there are a lot tons of different ways you can do this and i uh tons of different ways these are the the two main ways you can do it and just you know take it from here and go make your stuff looks nice stuff look nice i'm too tired for this thank you for watching as always shout out to the people that support me on patreon i i do really appreciate it and if you like these videos consider liking and subscribing thank you very much and have a very very nice day
Channel: Daddy Dirkie dirk
Views: 5,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project, Zomboid, Mapping, modding, tutorial, worlded, buildinged, building, editor, tile, tiled, Daddy, dirkie, dirk, 01, room, definition, definitions, rooms, world, mapping, tools, steam, the, indie, stone, spawnpoints, spawn, points, lots, cells, cell, create, playable, play, foragin, zones, zombie, type, types, zombies, curved, angled, roads, tricks, tips
Id: KnxfMtB8yj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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