Project zomboid mapping 101 | Part 06 | Making our first building.

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hey everybody and welcome to another projects on white mapping 101 in the last video we had our world added to the actual vanilla map and we were able to successfully run around in it and actually play the game now our map looks great as it is but it is a bit barren we could add some more stuff like what we're going to do in this video we're going to add some buildings i know how i have some other videos in regards to the building editor um but to keep this tutorial series streamlined i am gonna take a little bit of a different approach but i'm gonna explain the same stuff so if you have the other stuff if you watch the other stuff you don't necessarily have to watch this but you may want to stick around maybe you'll you'll learn something new and uh it'll be fun and maybe you can you know play along and build along as we go on now to get to the building editor you want to open up the tile editor and in the tile editor you want to go up to tools and open up the building editor from there i have already done that so i can just open it from down below it will be faced with a screen that looks a little bit like this now you will most likely not have any recent buildings and your list on the side will most likely not include a ton of buildings in there no worries there that's because i've been doing this for uh how long maybe two years i guess we're working on stuff for a long time but to get started you may already have guessed it you want to click on the new building button now you're faced with three options the first one is the template option this just gives you a preset of how your building is going to look what kind of rooms will be in your building all of this can be changed later on so it doesn't really matter i have changed old suburban and i probably have a lot more stuff than you do don't worry about that you can add stuff as you go to make your life a lot easier for now it doesn't really matter we're just gonna select a random one i'm gonna go with suburban one and that will work just fine now for the building size the default is 20 by 20 tiles that's 20 by 20 meters that should be big enough for most of the stuff that you're going to make um you can make this bigger you can make this smaller but all of the stuff that you can that you see here can be changed later on so if you start out too small i want to make a bigger building later on you want to change the size you don't have to start over again don't stress about that you can just start building and expand from you know where you are i'm going to press ok and it will take me to this screen you can see that i have a grid and i have a cursor with a red square beneath it now i can zoom in holding the control button and using the scroll wheel to you know zoom in and if i let go of control and just press the scroll button i can pan the camera to you know go left right up and down now there's no rotating in the editor because this is a tile editor with 2d images there technically is not a back side of the building so there's no way to rotate around it for this very first building video in this series we are going to make a very simple building and to do that we are going to use the draw room tool that's the first tool that is selected and i can left click and hold the lift mouse button to drag out you can see the red square growing as we go and i'm gonna make a simple shed that's the simplest building i can think of for this video and i'm gonna make my three by three tiles there we go if i draw more it will make additional spaces and it will connect to the additional room that we made of course i can reverse what i'm doing with using ctrl z or z and if i hold ctrl and drag you can see that the color changes of the tile beneath my cursor and i can take away the stuff that i've drawn now the stuff that i'm actually drawing the type of room that i'm drawing is defined in the drop down menu right here so right now i am drawing a living room and if i click on the drop-down i have a couple other options now these options have been set by the preset and this may be a little bit different from you but don't worry we're gonna go into this in a second and change it up first off we're going to draw a different room just to show you how that works i can just select a different one and draw that adjacent to the one before and as you may see it draws a room but there is a wall between the two room types that's because every room type is a standalone room and it will always be walls in between them unless you take those balls out later on and we're not going to do that in this video because we're going to keep it simple we're just going to make a i'm gonna press ctrl z to get rid of the other stuff and we have a nice room here i can right click on this room and it will change the drop down to that room that i'm selecting so if i draw the dining room over there i can change back and forth as you see that may be useful if you're doing bigger rooms or bigger buildings but for now we're gonna go with this one now we don't want our living room or our shed to be a living room type room so we are going to go to this little button up here this is the edit rooms button and it takes us to this little menu now in here i can change any of these rooms or i can add a new one now the settings that you can change are the name this is the name for the editor only this is only something that you will see and it is what is displayed in the drop down menu and over here you can call your rooms whatever you want it doesn't really matter this is just for you now the internal name however is very important this is what defines what gets the spawn in the room now there's a whole list of stuff that you can use i will provide a link for you in the description um stick to that list or you really have to put in a lot of work to make your own stuff but that's not as easy as making a regular building and that's not something we will cover for a while in this series so just stick to the real to the original stuff and there's plenty of stuff to pick from but don't we you know don't worry about it i'm gonna go with i know that chat is a room definition that i can use for this so i'm gonna go with that one i'm just gonna change the living room to i could have made a new room by hitting the plus icon or i could have duplicated this one but in this case i'm not going to use a living room so i'm just changing this one up to the now for the internal wall i'm going to change it up and pick something else i really like this industry one to make a bit more well put together shed instead of one that's you know falling apart and for the trim i'm not gonna use anything a trim is like a decorative piece that gets put on the side um in the shed i'm not going to use that so it'll be fine i'm going to hit cancel on that one now for the floor i yeah we can use now let's go away for a bit more of a concrete one or tile one i like that one um you can by the way you can hit choose where you can double click it to open up the tile picker and then just pick whatever tile you want for the grime i like adding grime to my buildings it makes it feel more uh complete and in the end we are playing a zombie apocalypse so it gives a bit more of a good immersive feeling when you're playing the game now to apply these settings i'm going to hit okay and as you can see our room has already updated and it's now called now i could have made a different room type but like i said i'm not going to use the living room room type and this will be just fine now we are going to skip over the draw wall tool for now because we're not going to use that in this video i will cover that in the next one and we're going to go to the place door tool this one is quite self-explanatory because you're gonna place a door with this one and for the door you have two options now up here between these two lines there are the doors and the door frames options if you click on these you get to select a door frame for your building i may have a couple more options than you do at this point again don't worry about it um i'm gonna go with a dark wooden color i kind of like that one and for the door itself i'm gonna use this one basic white wall or white door with a little window in it and we're gonna put it on the left side i'm gonna go to my map real quick i kind of imagine this shed to being somewhere there right next to a house so if you go out of your house it's quite convenient if you get to go into your shed instead of having to walk around it now you can click your door on a wall and it will create a hole for you so you can actually get through the door if you want to get rid of door you can just right click it and get rid of it it's very simple very straightforward now for the next tool we are going to use a place window tool i'm going to place a window on the side now maybe i don't want to use this window and again we can change that in the menu on the side between the two lines there are windows i'm going to go for this little now let's go for the white one to match with door or go with black for contrast let's go with the black one for now as you can see there are curtains and shutters like the door frames apply to the doors the curtains and shutters apply to the windows so if i select any curtains let's go for this one to make it very obvious that it's working we now have a curtain and we can click we can choose the open or closed state for this doesn't really matter just depends on what you want to do with it the same goes for the shutters we can select an option i put that down but for a i am not going to add any shutters because i think that's a bit odd i've never seen shutters on a ship maybe that's just me but yeah feel free to do whatever you want of course and i'm going to place that down there i'm going to hit ctrl z because i kind of want my curtain to be open in this case and put it down there i'm quite happy with this but we need some stuff on the inside as well and to do so we want to use the place objects tool place furniture tool right here but by default you cannot click on it that's because there's no furniture selected and that just out of how the editor works and then if you don't have anything selected you cannot use it now all the furniture is below this second line that includes the stuff that's called fixtures floors furniture location whatever all this stuff is categorized as furniture i have chairs selected which is kind of good because i like a chair i'm just going to scroll down and select a chair at the moment i select a chair this button will unlock it will allow me to actually click on it and from there on actually plays furniture click on this chair and now this button is clickable so i still have the windows selected at this point i'm going to click on this button now i can place furniture now most of the furniture has options for west north east and south and it will snap automatically to walls based on the facing of the wall if you want to override that you can left click hold the mouse button and just drag around to change the orientation of the object this case i'd like my chair to be kind in the middle of the room and a little desk there and maybe a shelf on the side of making it too difficult for this first build i'm gonna go to tables hi and select a nice table maybe go with this one i think that works for a and that in store or in furniture shelving there is this nice shelf i'm going to put that to the side now my stuff may be organized a little bit different from yours but it should be in shelving just scroll down a bit and it should be somewhere around there not quite happy with this the only thing that's missing is a light switch for actually there to be light in the room and then a roof a light thing in this game is very simple as long as a room has a light switch which is a lighting indoors it will have lights so if you in game flick on the switch this room will just have lights hanging from the ceiling nothing you cannot see the light source that's not a visible option but you can just add a light switch and it will light up the room or you know darken it of course there's always also options to actually add visible light sources but in general a light switch just does the trick and that's basically the way to go for most of this stuff now let's add a lamp on the outside as well this is a fancy shed maybe not that fancy do we have something and i'm quite happy with that now outside light sources generally just work until the power goes off in game but you don't have to put a light switch for that one it just works and then in game you can turn it off or on and it'll automatically go on if there's electricity and it's dark outside now this looks pretty good i'm going to press nothing because i still have to make a room above or a floor above but add a roof or another floor to your building you want to go to floors and then click on the plus icon you can also duplicate an entire floor but we're not going to do that at this point we're just going to add a new floor and add a little roof on top now the simplest roof that you can make is in this place roof stool in the drop down there's a flat top now if you drag this out by default it will create a well transparent square that's because nothing is selected and it's trying to draw a roof but there's no roof tile selected for it to actually draw i'm going to right click this to get rid of it scroll back up and then go to rooftops in rooftops you have a bunch of selections i'm just going to go with the first one and draw that over my little roof i think that looks a little bit bland i'm going to select something else i made up or i changed my mind i'm going to go for this green one and that looks pretty nice now i'm going to change the size of my canvas here to not be ginormous and actually kind of fit the building and there's two ways to do that in building you can resize the building and then you can manually change how many tiles there are this is also a good way to make it bigger if you decide you want to make a bigger building than you originally started with the other option is crop the minimum which is scale the entire thing down to exactly what you need and that is the easiest way to shrink it i'm gonna hit ctrl s and just save it out in my tutorials folder and i'm gonna call it shed i already recorded this once and it was a total failure so i'm gonna do it again i'm gonna replace this one go to the world editor and then navigate to that same folder and just drag in my chat into the world if you press h both in the building editor and in the world editor by the way you will highlight the current floor so you will and you will hide all the other layers you will highlight the current floor yeah it made a lot of sense i know but that's kind of it that's how you make a basic it's very simple it's very straightforward and that's about it in the next video we will do a little bit more of a difficult building and then we will kind of you know go up the ramp as we go on and then at the end we will play in our map and see the buildings in person now as always a quick shout out to the people that support me on patreon thank you very much i really appreciate it if you like content like this consider liking it and subscribing to my channel i hope you guys have a very very nice day
Channel: Daddy Dirkie dirk
Views: 18,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project, Zomboid, Mapping, modding, tutorial, worlded, buildinged, building, editor, tile, tiled, Daddy, dirkie, dirk, 01, room, definition, definitions, rooms, world, mapping, tools, steam, the, indie, stone, spawnpoints, spawn, points, lots, cells, cell, create, playable, play
Id: K0p4s7mKoJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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