Project zomboid mapping 101 | Part 03 | Giving detail to our world.

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hey everybody and welcome to another project somewhat mapping 101 now in the last video we created a world and we imported a basic image which generated a whole bunch of grass for us now in this video we are going to expand on that we're going to add some roads we're gonna add some trees some water you know make it look nice and like a real world so to do that we're gonna head back into photoshop and i already have my document open which we used last time and i have my document open with all the reference colors now i'm going to share these colors again with you guys in the description of this video so if you want to tag along scroll down and download the image file from the google drive link now to get started i am gonna organize my project a little bit better than this so i'm gonna start naming stuff so this is gonna be background underscore v-e-g for veg vegetation almost says vegetable for some reason that's a weird link that my brain makes with veg oh well whatever the background is gonna be a grass layer because it is the grass and i'm gonna make folders for both of them one being the vegetation and the other one being the regular map now for now i'm gonna hide the vegetation layer and not worry about it as i'm first gonna focus on the regular map and then add trees and grass on top of that one i'm gonna add a new layer for the road i'm gonna select the dark asphalt color take a road and i'm gonna draw some roads now how wide should a road be a smaller road is six pixels or six tiles wide that's still a two-way street but i'm going to use that for most of the roads but the main road that's gonna be all uh you know cutting a line through the map i'm gonna make it eight tiles or eight pixels wide to make it a little bit wider if i can do that like that i think that's pretty nice i'm gonna move it up a little bit maybe down a little bit but not have it exactly in the middle and then i'm gonna use a medium asphalt color to actually draw some you know smaller roads that connect to the main road now when drawing it is very important that you turn off anti-aliasing both in rectangular forms or in your eraser or any type of thing that's able to create or you know destroy pixels the reason is if you have anti-aliasing on it it's gonna blend the edges of whatever you're drawing and that will result in colors that are not exactly the colors that you need and then the editor will say hey i don't know this color and it will give an error and you will have to find out which color where is gonna you know is the one causing you trouble so turn all that stuff off be safe and uh you know be diligent when working let's see i'm gonna draw a little road here six pixels wide i'm going to make like a upside down u shape to kind of connect this all together that looks amazing i'm going to center it a little bit more if you don't know or not familiar with editing tools for images like photoshop or i'd recommend just playing around with it to get a hang of the tool because it will make your life a lot easier if you kinda kinda know what you're doing but either way it's it's not a necessity to actually have experience with this i see a lot of people who just come in with no computer skills at all and start making cool stuff um so it's basically up to you how how much time you want to spend on all this stuff if you have more experience of course it's going to be easier for you to create stuff now we have some roads i think that's pretty nice i'm going to move this one over a little bit i'm not working in any exact measurements here just this is just you know my gut feeling maybe this looks cool maybe it doesn't now on top of that i'd like some water on the bottom to get a little bit of a lake going so i'm gonna use a different brush for that i'm gonna use the pencil tool in photoshop you have the option between a brush and a pencil tool a brush tool can make soft edges a pencil tool always makes hard edges so in this case that's exactly what you want turn on the pencil tool and i'm going to use this brush i'm not sure if it's a basic one every time i click it rotates and it creates nice interesting ships which makes everything a lot easier now we have a little bit of a lake and maybe we want some dirt on the roads or next to the road so i'm going to select dirt create another layer this one i'm going to put beneath the road and call it dirt i'm going to zoom in a little bit make this a little bit smaller to like 5 pixels and i'm just going to scribble in a little bit of nastiness maybe a little bit like that maybe a trial trail there and maybe somebody went fully off-road and actually just you know went through all of the grass time to take a shortcut and it's something like that i think that's starting to look a little bit more interesting than just a green square now we're gonna save this file and we're just gonna save this out as a png as well and we're gonna replace the existing file that we had yes and then if we go into the world editor you can you can keep this open it doesn't really matter you don't have to drag your file in again it's going to source it's going to use the same image as the source material so if i go to file bmp to tmx and then again do the same thing that we did in the last video it will update automatically with our new image as you can see it worked just fine and we can open it up again and we can see the changes that we just made now this already looks a lot better than a basic green field and i think we can add a little bit more details and add some vegetation to get you guys familiar with how that works back to photoshop we are going to use the erase tool and cut off a little bit of the corners of the road maybe a little bit of the center to get a more distressed maybe overrun feeling for our map and maybe there as well that's a really big chunk maybe something like that now on top of that i'd really like to add some potholes i'm going to use the same layer for that i'd like to use the potholes on the same layers i do my roads because potholes are always going to be on roads i've never seen a pothole in grass because then it's just a dirt hole maybe not put it in the same spot that would look weird maybe a smaller one we can have a bigger bottle there and just mix it up between the darker and the lighter one if you use a really light asphalt i'd recommend only using the light pothole because it will look better but besides that one you can do whatever you want i think that looks pretty interesting maybe we want to add a bit of a sidewalk for the for the little streets and use a one pixel line to draw those in real quick there we go all right so now we have a little sidewalk next to our you know not the main street street that should be a great name for the street by the way not the main street street definitely works now it's time to add some vegetation i think the grass will do no maybe let's add a little bit of a different type of grass first so we have a lot of dark grass let's add some medium grass to spice things up and we're going to use the same rotating brush from before because it works very well i can imagine a lot of houses are right here on these two little things and maybe a couple ones down to the sides i think this works very well i'm going to create another layer real quick and take this random brush the 55 one and it also rotates every time it creates a nice random pattern so i'm gonna click that a bunch of times just to get a little bit more grass everywhere and then i'm going to use the same brush with an erase tool to decrease the amount of medium grass that we have now we have a nice random pattern i'm going to merge the two layers and cut of medium grass and now it is time to move on to vegetation i'm going to turn on the vegetation layer i'm going to turn off the black layer because otherwise we can't see anything and i'm going to start with a layer which i will call trees in this case i'm also just going to use the tree color and let's put some dense forest areas around the lake i think that will look pretty and then maybe a little bit smaller put a couple of spots in the middle then maybe put a couple ones around the edges like so i'm just clicking a bunch to make sure they look a little bit random i'm going to add another layer which you're going to put underneath and i call it trees under very creative with my layer names i'm going to use the second one i'm going to use a little bit of a bigger brush and i'm just going to click away in the same areas where we did before just to make sure that there are still trees and still a bunch of grass but less trees than you know everything is a tree the thing is this one is fully 100 trees this is about a 50 50 mix and then the less trees with more dark grass ones is mostly grass with just a couple of trees in there which we will use on the edges i think this will look rather nice like this maybe put a little bit like that there and this is you can always tween over tweak this later on you know get this feeling the way exactly how you'd like and spend a whole bunch more time on it now i'm just trying to show you guys how to get started and make something that looks pretty decent if you want a slight path there that's a little bit less dense you know just do it how it feels good i'm quite happy with the result so far so i think i'm gonna oh you can add some more tall grass tall grass is great the best way to do it is just take a random brush pattern like the one we did with the medium grass drop it in and then the beauty of the dark grass will shine because the tall grass i said dark grass before my back tall grass has a unique property where it will only generate tall grass when it is on one of the grass layers beneath it so if i'm drawing tall grass in water or on roads it will not do anything if i draw tall grass or if i drop trees for example on water it will just be a tree in the water which is very weird now with our vegetation map looking pretty nice i'm gonna turn on the background and i'm going to save it out and we'll replace the old vegetation map i'm going to hide the vegetation layers i'm going to replace the regular map i'm also going to save the file so we you know can go back and edit it if we close photoshop by adding accidents go to the world again generate it you can replace or update it doesn't really matter i have not found any case where it actually replaces anything it always seems to update um i may be wrong here but i have not found the use for these two options hit okay give it a second and it should update and you can already see that it looks a whole lot better i'm going to open it up and there we go we got a little bit of a more decent looking detailed looking piece of land now we've got some nice dense forest areas where we can do some foraging later on we got some water for fishing and with a little bit of an urban area we'll probably trim out some of these trees to get more buildings in but so far i think it looks pretty pretty good yeah you could spend some more time to not have clusters of trees but keep in mind that when you are the player your view is most likely going to be like this and everything behind the trees will be in shadows so you won't notice it as much as you're having a top-down perspective i hope this helps you guys out a lot um my biggest tip for this is just replace the files that you have instead of dragging them in every time that's why i'm a bit anal on the folder structure that i set up in the last video because it really speeds up your process by a lot my categories with me so that's great um quick shout out to my patrons on patreon thank you very much and if you like these videos consider liking and subscribing and i hope you have a very very nice day
Channel: Daddy Dirkie dirk
Views: 31,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project, Zomboid, Mapping, modding, tutorial, worlded, buildinged, building, editor, tile, tiled, Daddy, dirkie, dirk, 01, room, definition, definitions, rooms, world, mapping, tools, steam, the, indie, stone
Id: rvd1jRYfDpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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