A HUGE UPDATE, Remaking The World of Oblivion | SKYBLIVION Development Diary #4

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So this is amazing for so many reasons. Oblivion is my favorite elder scroll game. Especially with the Shivering Isles dlc.

👍︎︎ 117 👤︎︎ u/Cheery_Falcon86 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

Haha I thought at first glance it was about a major update for New World.

👍︎︎ 202 👤︎︎ u/AkahitoDE 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

I think people in this thread are missing the context of this, it's a huge huge incredible and high quality effort that began YEARS ago and is an endeavour to take years. That's why it's not got the graphics of Horizon Zero Dawn. It's taken years, quite rightly, and is done by a bunch of modders. Incredible effort

👍︎︎ 168 👤︎︎ u/james___uk 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

I often think when i see this and projects like it, why doesn’t Bethesda just give access to the newest engine to this mod teams, and have them remaster an old game, sponser it to some aspect. That way when it comes out they can benefit as well by selling it and they have a dev team that they are not paying for. Pardon my ignorance, but what am I missing here?

👍︎︎ 76 👤︎︎ u/youknowthename 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

Still patiently awaiting Skywind

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/5Gmeme 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

Amazing work so far!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Dragonpreet 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

I hope they add some motion back to the trees. One of the amazing things about Oblivion when it came out was that all of the folliage was affected by the wind. Every video I've seen of Skyblivion just has completely stationary trees which looks weird and unnatural.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/_Fibbles_ 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

I'm just glad you all are still working on it. So many mod projects promise the moon and just fizzle out.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/notjawn 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies

Looks great. I am very interested in this. I have no skills to offer, regrettably, but I find this very impressive.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/LooseConnection2 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies
For the past few years our team has been  chipping away at a seemingly impossible feat,   to remake the elder scrolls IV Oblivion in the  latest elder scrolls engine. While we are still   a ways out we hope that this series will show  you how far one of the most ambitious modding   projects of our generation has come and where we  are headed. Welcome to the making of Skyblivion Since our last development diary we  have made a great deal of progress   which we are excited to share with you all today.  Most notable updates for this period are the   reconstruction of the city of Bruma, new goblin  tribes, clothing for the citizens of Cyrodiil,   unique weapons, Daedric artifacts and much  MUCH more. While progress has been steady   we are always on the lookout for more volunteers  to help us finish the project and get it into   your hands as soon as possible, especially if  you have modding experience or 3D knowledge   but also any of the other skills listed  on our website at www.skyblivion.com To kick things off we highlight a group of green  almost human-like creatures, Goblins. These   highly aggressive critters are considered good  sport for the keen hunter but be warned though,   they range between the size of a small child and  a fully grown Bosmer. What they lack in height   and intelligence they make up for in strength in  numbers. These feral creatures reside throughout   the homeland of the imperials, often huddled  together in dank caves and abandoned ruins.   With their limited intelligence goblins are not  known for their resourcefulness but they have at   least recognized civilized areas are a treasure  trove of food, weapons and tools. Goblin raids   are therefore a genuine concern for residents of  smaller settlements away from well-defended cities   and strongholds. It's no wonder Goblins are so  widely despised across cyrodiil and regarded as   pests akin to rats and slaughterfish. Indeed  goblins often group together to form tribes   with a hierarchy of sorts, generally goblin tribes  are headed by a shaman that is revered by the rest   of the group and functions as a spiritual leader.  Beneath the shaman are various goblins that take   on certain roles within the tribe. Warlords  for example are the most skilled in battle   and typically lead the charge in armed conflict.  Other notable roles are Skirmishers, Berserkers   and even Chefs. That's right even goblins  need someone in charge of serving up the grub,   nothing worth trying out mind you unless  you have a taste for rats and (raw)fish. Throughout Cyrodiil it is thought there  are at least seven tribes of goblins   that can be identified by their tattoos and  skin tone. The Bitter Fish clan based in   the ruins of Miscarriand, the Bloody  Hand tribe based in Crackwood cavem   the Dust Eater clan based in Baron mine, the  Rock Biter clan based in Timberscar hollow,   the Sharp Tooth clan based in Derelict mine,  the Skull Breaker clan based in Wendebeck cave,   the Three Feather clan based in Plundered mine  and lastly the aptly named White Skin clan   based in goblin gym's cave. While these clans  belong to the same species they can be found   waging war against one another. The exact reason  for which is not clear but what is is that goblins   are willing to fight to the death to assert  their supremacy and eradicate rival clans. Recreating 3D assets is a significant element of  the Skyblivion project. In order to give you the   fully realized remake oblivion deserves we  are remaking all 3D assets such as plants,   cutlery, chairs, bookcases, potions, weapons,  clothes, armors, creatures and buildings.   While we have a clear vision for  these assets and how they will appear   it has always been a struggle to find 3D  artists to help us realize this enormous task Swords and plants for example require quite  different skill sets which means not every 3D   artist on our team is able to work in the areas  where we need the most assistance. What we have   achieved so far however is beyond incredible and  we are proud to announce that the majority of the   3D assets on our to-do list have been completed.  Architecture is perhaps the greatest challenge we   have faced during Skyblivion's development cycle,  indeed the city of Leyawiin alone has 111 separate   pieces. In that number are entire buildings but  also interior kits and smaller bits and bobs   like doors and quest related pieces such as  pipes and boilers connected to the fighters   guild that have been tapping into the power of the  Hist, a species of trees that grant much power to   those who drink its sap. A lot of time and more  importantly people are needed to recreate those   hundreds of pieces for every city. While work  is complete on such sets as the Ayleid Ruins,   lower class houses, farms, forts and with the  help of our friends at Beyond Skyrim, cities   like Skingrad, Bruma and Bravil there is still  much left to do. Currently we are chipping away   at the city of Leyawiin and the famous Imperial  City. If you have the skills to help us with the   last leg of Skyblivion's architecture development  we would warmly welcome you into our ranks. An essential distinction between Oblivion  and Skyrim is the people themselves. Unlike   Skyrim's hairy towering Nords who seem just  as comfortable in armor as clothes Cyrodiil   is inhabited by a more cultured population.  While the clean and mostly clean shaven   faces of Cyrodiil help to create an important  contrast from Skyrim's more rugged counterparts   it's the clothes that really make the  difference. We pride ourselves in the   recreation of the distinctive attires of Cyrodiil.  When wandering the streets of the Imperial City   or Skingrad you may behold the upper classes  flaunting their colorful suits and dresses,   but if you find all that color a bit too  nauseating we also offer more modest garments.   There is something for everyone here it's just  a matter of finding the right trader or donor. One of the great draws of the Elder Scrolls  series has always been the hunt for artifacts   and unique weapons. Skyblivion will  not only reimagine them but also   overhaul how artifacts work. Daedric artifacts  are weapons quite literally forged by the gods.   It is only fitting that they should be elevated  above the mundane smithery of men and mer.   When recreating unique weapons we first unleash  our concept department on the original oblivion   weapon in order to conceive of a design that  better fits its name or origin. A good example   is the legendary sword by the name of Umbra. You  will be tasked by none other than Clavicus Vile,   Daedric prince of trickery and bargains to relieve  its current owner of the burden that is Umbra.   You may find however that once the sword  is in your possession it will be hard to   part with as its whispers pursue you to wield  it in its name. The new and improved artifact   will glow as it consumes the souls of those  who perish in its vicinity and not only those   by your hand. Should the temptations of this  dark power not sway you however you may return   the blade to the Daedric prince as instructed  and in kind received the Mask of Clavicus vile. For those who prefer blunt brute force  Volendrung has to be a fan favorite.   This mighty warhammer once belonged to a clan  of Dwemer and has since mysteriously come into   the ownership of Malacath, god of curses, who  offers it to you in return for a bloody favor.   If fulfilling the scheme of the Daedric prince  does not deter you then a mighty hammer that can   quite literally shake the earth at your will  shall be yours, until it decides to vanish   as Daedric artifacts are known to do. Moving on  to another fan favorite we have Gold Brand. This   splendid golden katana is one of the most powerful  weapons a mortal could ever wield, granted by none   other than the prince of treachery, Boethia.  Granted in this case however requires murdering   nine other chosen of Boethiah in bloody  tournament combat you will find the blade   is not only blessed with an unrivaled cutting  edge but also a magical enchantment that scorches   your enemies when crossing blades as well as from  afar. If you'd rather not make deals with Daedric   princes we have plenty of unique weapons that can  be obtained as quest rewards from scavenger hunts   or even with your hard-earned coin. Our current  favorite has to be the Bow of Infernal Frost. In   the steady hands of a skilled marksman this weapon  is a force to be reckoned with and best of all   the arrows melt away in time. A perfect weapon for  the discerning assassin which is why you can only   obtain it via membership of the dark brotherhood.  While we have many more fascinating unique weapons   and artifacts I think it would be best not to  spoil you and let you uncover them for yourself. Bruma. This northern city blanketed in snow  is home to a thriving Nord population and   has been for centuries. This is no surprise  as Bruma is situated near the Skyrim border.   This race of hardy humans are known for their  resistance to cold, just as well with the harsh   climate of Bruma and the Jerall mountains beyond.  The nord influence extends beyond the population   of bruma, when entering the city you will  be greeted by none other than Tyber Septim   ,better known to the Nords a-s Talos. This man  turned god is viewed as the embodiment of Skyrim   and therefore plays a vital role in Nord  culture, heritage and tradition. In fact,   the great chapel of Bruma is dedicated to Talos.  Many Nords leave offerings at the shrine of Talos   as a mark of reverence. While Talos receives  the lion's share of worship the remaining Eight   Divines are also represented within these sacred  walls and they too are acknowledged by most Nords.   While Bruma may not seem like the ideal travel  destination those who brave the frigid trip up   the Jerall Mountains can expect open Nord  hospitality and many places of interest.   A warm and cozy inn is just the relief  required after a long and cold trip. For   those whose coin purse overfloweth nothing  beats the Jerall view in. Sanitary patrons,   good food, as much high quality mead as you can  drink and a warm bed. For the traveler on a budget   Olaf's tap and tack is a satisfactory alternative.  While the patrons may look a bit rough we assure   you they are harmless and even merry as long as  the mead keeps flowing. Besides mead making Nords   are also known for their smithing. Bruma has the  luxury of two master blacksmiths who specialize   in weapons and armor. For those seeking something  sharp you can't go wrong with the Hammer and Axe,   if you need strong well-fitting armor  then look no further than Nord Winds.   Both shops offer a wide range of well-crafted  items to suit a range of requirements.   If your heart yearns for adventure then be  sure to stop by the local fighters guild,   they are always looking for  able-bodied keen-spirited souls.   Should the arcane pique your interest then the  nearby mages guild has exactly what you are after.   If you are feeling charitable you can pay the  lower class district of Bruma a visit. While   far from welcoming the residents mostly keep to  themselves and do not pose a threat to visitors.   From the lowliest part of town we  can turn our eyes to the loftiest,   castle Bruma. This fortified structure  houses the honorable countess Narina Carvene.   While there is more to Bruma than discussed  here we shall leave that for you to explore   yourselves when the time comes. Be warned  however, while bruma is seemingly peaceful   there are hidden dangers brewing that are  sure to reveal themselves sooner or later Keep your wits about you. What started out  as a simple side project has evolved into   one of the biggest modding projects to date.  Despite the massive scope of this project   we are finally seeing the end of the road but  there is still work to be done. We hope this   video has given you a better insight into the  project and perhaps has shown how some of you   might be able to contribute yourselves only with  the Elder Scrolls modding community's talents   and the support of this fantastic community  could we have ever gotten as far as we have.   We hope you continue to support us as you have  for years and we are excited to share much more.   For our next dev diary we would  love to hear what kind of topics   you want us to talk about, be sure to  let us know in the comment section below.   Thank you for watching and we will see you  in the next development diary take care.
Channel: Rebelzize
Views: 351,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, oblivion, skyblivion, tes6, elder scrolls, bethesda, modding, mods
Id: SuXy4i0eg2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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