Project Blue Beam and Unexplained Sky Anomalies

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This year has shown me that anything really is possible.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TomThePosthuman 📅︎︎ Aug 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is all to create a one world government! Divide the people, break down the nuclear family, make them reliant on government. It's... HAPPENING

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TopToks 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Yeah there's fake shots of the Lebanon disaster recently..i noticed shots of people not reacting to initial hit. You would have to see a jump or someone falling outa a group of 6 to 10 watch and keep your eyes open.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/wetWaterespirtions 📅︎︎ Aug 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] this video is sponsored by expressvpn and the digital era we live in our privacy is always at risk expressvpn is here to mitigate that risk when you send information through an unencrypted connection your data can be monitored and collected by your ISP the government or really anyone with basic computer knowledge and this data is constantly being used against us expressvpn will have clipped your internet connection using the highest standards of encryption currently available keeping your data secure and hiding your IP address so no governing entity will be able to monitor what you're doing i've his expressvpn in the past when i needed to access a video blocked in the US so i could reroute my connection through to a server in a different country you can get three months of expressvpn for free if you use my link in the description expressvpn comm slash scare theater take back her privacy today with expressvpn one theme many conspiracy theories share with one another is the idea of a nation's government turning against its citizens for the use of technology this concept isn't unique the conspiracy theories however there's plenty of literature throughout history warning of such an occurrence such as Orwell's 1984 all in all as not like this type of thing doesn't already happen this theory takes that notion to a much different level this video has been popping up morning that a conspiracy from back in the 90s called Project Blue Beam has finally reached its year fruition as just a brief overview the Project Blue Beam conspiracy says that NASA is planning on projecting a large image into the skies at different locations around the globe the goal is to deceive the planet into believing in a new global religion some people seem to be pointing to other instances of unexplained sky anomalies as evidence that this type of technology has already been tested we'll go more in-depth with these a bit later [Music] this theory began in 1994 when an established Canadian journalist named Sergei monist Serra focusing its work on something different from his usual publications his claim was that NASA was going to attempt to implement a New Age religion with the Antichrist at its head by creating a worldwide simulation of the second coming the following two years after Monash lectured on this topic he became very paranoid claiming he was being hunted by the authorities he'll Draenei Umi homeschooled were taken away from him in 1996 so they can receive public education shortly afterward he was arrested and spent a night in prison and the following day he dead from a heart attack this in combination with rumors of another unnamed journalist working on this dying from a heart attack that same year makes proponents of this theory believe they were assassinated by the government to keep this all under wraps in which case that would have been pretty useless because we're talking about it right now a Project Blue Beam was said to have four steps step one was the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge at the stage this stage involves staging earthquakes at various locations around the world and at all their locations planting evidence that would prove all other major religions wrong according to mo Nast this falsification already began with the film's Space Odyssey Star Trek Star Wars and et to push the ideas of space invasions he even said the film Jurassic Park was created as a way to push the theory of evolution step two is the most widely talked about part of the theory in this stage holographic lasers will be used to beam projectors in the sky all over the world of whatever God is most predominant in that area the God will announce themselves speaking every language and then at the end of their performance every God will come together as one step three is to use low frequency rays from satellites though abuse it telepathically communicate with everyone making them believe that this God is talking to them from their own souls I'm sure you're all seeing how ridiculous this is right now and it only gets worse step 4 the final stage it's make all of mankind live an alien invasion is about to take place in every major city the purpose of this is to make every nation strike back with nuclear weapons eventually creating complete chaos in addition to this they will try to convince the Christians that the rapture is about to happen in the midst of all this anarchy people will be desperate to accept the new world order to restore peace to the world many proponents of Project Blue Beam like the reference unexplained sky anomalies as tests of this technology already being implemented the most popular example of this is the 2009 Norwegian spiral anomaly on the morning of December 9th 2009 in Norway many of the residents witness a strange spectacle a blue beam appeared to shoot up into the morning sky and its peak turn into a giant miles wide spiral the spiral was able to be witnessed all throughout northern Norway and Sweden and there were many videos of it from awestruck people that day the event lasted about 10 minutes and then the spiral appeared to be swallowed from inside out by darkness immediately they started getting media attention and speculation from everyone yesterday morning just before dawn this appeared in the norwegian sky a blue light small at first growing into a spiral and then disappearing into what appeared to be a black hole of course there were the tinfoil errs the cried aliens responsible for this while others thought they had witnessed a black hole meteorologists looked into this and concluded that no natural phenomenon could have caused a shape as precise as this they suspected it may have been a Russian missile test this would make sense as there are other videos of failed missile tests that do create very similar spiral patterns Russia initially denied this but the following day issued a statement saying they did test a missile that failed that day making this the likely explanation similar things have happened numerous times in China Russia and Australia some people just want to make some things more exciting than they really are Project Blue Beam warns us of an oppressive government using advanced technology to deceive the masses while the scenario depicted in this theory may be unrealistic the main premise is very real there are all kinds of ways to easily be manipulated through technology right now dr. George Popkin as a scientist who studies voice morphing technology and this demonstration perfectly shows how easy it is to deceive he took this voice sample from this woman I think everyone wants to be able to mistake when you hear the tragedy you want to think that and turned it into this look I made her say this oh my god this in combination with deep fake technology where you can easily pretend to be literally anyone you want to could easily be abused President Trump is a total and complete dip stay will goes even the technology described in Project Blue Beam isn't that far off from where we're at right now in 1990 after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait the u.s. needed to take him down a senior Air Force officer suggested projecting a holographic image of Allah floating over Baghdad to encourage people of Iraq to rise against Hussein a military physicist was tasked with looking into how realistic this was they found that this was something that could actually plausibly be done however they never pursued it because the costs were too high all in all this idea of global deception through a hologram is a completely ridiculous idea but mass spread deception is much more common and simple than you may think thank you for watching and I will see you on the flip side [Music]
Channel: ScareTheater
Views: 391,713
Rating: 4.9049087 out of 5
Keywords: scare, theater, theatre, scaretheater, scaretheatre, project, blue, beam, unexplained, sky, anomalies, anomaly, norway, norwegian, spiral, serge, monast, monaste, analysis, explained, debunked, real
Id: jK0TQn24bzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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