Scientists Submit Actual Proof Aliens Are Watching You Right Now

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"You mean my friend from Chernobyl?"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
We all need a bit of privacy now and again. It’s your human right after all to go about your day and not be watched over all the time by some kind of Big Brother surveillance technology. As that technology improves though, and since you willingly feed huge chunks of personal data in a connected device, to some extent Big Brother already knows a lot about you. But imagine a Bigger Brother is watching over us, surveillance that tracks humankind that’s not part of the world we know. Imagine the Earth is a kind of zoo and we are specimens to be studied. That might sound far-fetched, but there are some serious people who believe it to be true. Let us explain. There is this thing called zoo theory, which is sometimes also called the zoo hypothesis. This theory tells us that there is a chance that we are being watched over by extraterrestrial life but those guys are just not in the mood to tell us about it. We are animals living in their zoo. According to this theory, one of the reasons they don’t come down here is that they want us to evolve naturally. Their superior intelligence would blow our minds. They might be looking down right now thinking it’s about time those guys stopped having wars and started sharing things, but they want us to evolve by ourselves. Then there’s the “Fermi Paradox”, which basically states that there are billions of stars in the Milky Way and so the chance that humans are alone is pretty much nil. There just has to be intelligent life out there and it must have technology that allows interstellar travel. Then you have to consider the universe outside of the Milky Way and the number of stars is mind-blowing. Surely it’s arrogant to believe we are all alone; as if us little humans rule the universe. There is an organization called Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or METI for short. This group comprises of many scientists and they get together to discuss the possibility of contacting aliens or us being watched over by aliens. On their website, the first thing you see is a statement that says at METI doesn’t rule out the possibility of life outside of Earth. If you scroll down you see their list of objectives and the first one goes like this: To “Conduct scientific research and educational programs in Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.” Scientists from all walks of life that are in METI are doing things right now such as working on interstellar transmission technology. If E.T. could phone home, maybe humans could develop such long distance communication tech. They also discuss the Fermi Paradox and something similar called the Drake Equation, which takes into account the size and the age of the universe and what might be in it. Again, these people are not conspiracy theorists getting high in parents’ basements, they are scientists. The President of METI is one Douglas Vakoch, and he is a renowned astrobiologist. This science is concerned with the evolution of the universe. For a long time he’s been working on interstellar messaging, but he’s also well aware that human senses might not exactly work with alien senses. Even if we could send messages to other galaxies if we said, “Hey guys, how’s it going?” it might not work out. In fact, one of the latest blogs on the METI website asks if human language is any way to try and connect with aliens. The writer asks, “Is it a good way to send information to beings who are likely to be very different from us? Whose bodies, sensory capabilities, cognition, environment and experiences may be very different from our own? Then if we send out a message in human language form, which language?” She states that while the Voyager Disk which is aboard NASA’s famous Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft, might have lots of information on it in 55 languages, we might better try and communicate in signs, shapes, symbols, numbers. What’s on the disk, you might ask? Well, if aliens pick it up they’ll find images of nature here on Earth as well as many sounds of nature. They’ll hear a message from former U.S. president Jimmy Carter and be able to get down with a bit of Morse Code. They’ll see images of humans doing things and listen to the likes of Mozart and Beethoven. Chuck Berry is also on there, but unfortunately no Led Zeppelin. They actually wanted to put The Beatles on the disk but the record company EMI wouldn’t allow that. Yep, that’s true. Back to the zoo. So those guys at METI often discuss something called “The Great Silence”, which relates to the question of why do those galactic zookeepers keep out of our face. Well, it’s like we said, if aliens are that superior in intelligence if they came in contact with us they’d mess with our heads. We’d have to reevaluate life itself, and this would cause chaos. Just imagine if one day your dog just got up and said in perfect English, “Hey buddy, can we skip the walk today. I’m thinking about going to Rover’s house to discuss Wittgenstein’s theory of the talking lion.” If that happened, we’d have to start rewriting a few books. So, aliens stay away. In 2018 at a METI meeting they talked about the idea of us being quarantined by aliens. This is how one researcher at METI explained that: “It seems likely that extraterrestrials are imposing a 'galactic quarantine' because they realize it would be culturally disruptive for us to learn about them.” It’s kind of the same thing as the talking dog. If they got in contact our culture and society would be so disrupted we would just collapse for a while. Just imagine if right now as you’re watching this an alien spacecraft pops up outside your window. You’re then informed the world is an illusion and your consciousness is eternal and infinite. We bet you wouldn’t clock in at work or go to school tomorrow. Some folks at METI also say that we haven’t developed full cognitive abilities yet, that there might be another level of consciousness in our evolution. The famous, now deceased Terence McKenna, believed that certain psychedelics could provide a glimpse of what was possible in terms of developing a higher consciousness. He once said the idea of aliens coming down in a metal ship is totally preposterous. He believed alien life could already be here, and they might actually be in psilocybin mushrooms, hidden in the very atoms of the things. He said those mushrooms are disguised as a drug, but might really be aliens. They are here, according to him, but we just don’t get it yet. This might sound crazy to you, but serious scientists are now talking about how the mind-blowing substance Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) takes people to places that are out of this world. Yes, lots of people visit aliens on their colorful trips. Research has shown that some people are absolutely convinced they saw aliens. This is why scientists at Johns Hopkins have been studying those “breakthrough” trips. We found more scientific research in the U.S that is taking seriously the possibility of DMT shooting people to another universe. In the mind, anyway. We’re not saying this is proof that aliens are among us and we are being watched by them, but it’s interesting that science is taking DMT so seriously of late. Joe Rogan must be very proud, because any chance he gets he mentions his DMT experiences. He certainly wouldn’t dismiss the alien contact theory. Then there’s this theory. Maybe millions of years ago aliens detected life on a blue planet, the one we call home. They thought, hmm, let’s send some signals to that place and see what happens, but let’s just say that vampire squids and the Gojirasaurus weren’t up for chatting. We weren’t evolved just yet. We pretty much spent most of our time eating, fighting, procreating and pooping. The aliens had to wait. So, what did they do next, once they’d been snubbed by basic life on Earth? They sent a probe here and bugged a rock. Why, you might ask? The answer is they wanted to keep and eye on us. Back to the zoo theory thing. The rock they bugged though was what is called a co-orbital, meaning it flies around Earth. If you want a good view of Earth there’s not much point in bugging a rock actually on the planet. A researcher named James Benford, who’s also part of the “Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence” group, came up with this idea. Why does he think that? It seems like quite the longshot. Well, it’s not that he’s certain, but that it would make sense. What he’s saying is why not go check out some of those co-orbitals and see if any of them have been bugged. Another researcher wrote, “If it costs very little to go take a look, why not? Even if we don't find E.T., we might find something of interest.” The closest one is about 38 times farther away from Earth than the moon. We call it the “Earth's Closest Companion” and NASA has said that it’s not going anywhere. Well, we mean it’s gonna hang around near Earth for centuries to come. That’s why some folks are saying we need to do some more extraterrestrial archaeology. Start digging NASA, because there might be a chance that we are part of an alien-led surveillance state. You might think it’s very hard to send a spacecraft that far, but from what we can see it’s not that hard. In fact, China said it will send a spacecraft to Earth’s Closest Companion in 2024. The spaceship, ZhengHe, will be equipped with robots that will do a bit of digging around. Maybe they’ll come back with some bugs and blow our minds, but if there’s a trade war still going on you can expect the Chinese not to share the spoils. If in 2025 China suddenly starts speaking alien you know how it happened. Some of those researchers really do think that those space rocks might be bugged, and they are the best chance we have of finding out if we are in a space zoo. One scientist said, “If we don't find anything, that means no one has come to look at the life of Earth for over billions of years. That is a big surprise, a stunning thing.” When you consider what we’ve done over our 10,000+ years of being fairly civilized, imagine what a species could do given a million years. Imagine what we will be capable of in a million years. Yes, we’ll be all over the universe. There are things we’ll achieve that we can’t possibly imagine now. Imagine telling a guy in the Dark Ages about a show you watch online called the Infographics Show? He could not possibly envision the future and neither can you. With that in mind, maybe a supercivilization did visit us a long time ago. Maybe we are just slow to get out of the blocks. The idea of there being these super-civilized space folks has been embraced by a lot of our greatest scientists. Carl Sagan was one of those scientists, and here’s a lovely quote from him: “The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space.” So, that’s it really. When you look up into the sky just imagine someone has been watching us evolve. The big brother who’s been around for millions and millions of years saw us crawl out of the swamp. They watched as we stood up and started making spears and drawing pictures of buffalo on cave walls. We hunted and gathered and a few thousand years later we started talking about Gods that live in the skies. They must have loved that. Then they witnessed endless wars as we struggled to fight over land or which religion was the right one. Come on guys, they thought, it’s us, we’re your Gods. Get with the program! They were astounded when we built bombs that could destroy the entire planet. They knew who killed JFK and why those guards were sleeping when Mr. Epstein ran out of air. They are confounded by President Donald Trump’s Twitter feed, and they are keeping an eye on you right now as you get to the end of this show. We might also add that while it’s very plausible that aliens exist and are watching over us, in terms of scientific proof, well, that’s yet to come. If you liked this video and want to see more videos about crazy and unbelievable topics then click on this video right here or this video over here and start watching right now! Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, and we’ll see you in the next video!
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 2,441,076
Rating: 4.639235 out of 5
Keywords: science, aliens, extraterrestrial, Experiment, Watching you, the infographics show, solar system, science experiments, proof, Fermi Paradox, zoo theory, earth, humanity, alien, alien life, twilight zone
Id: DEEsU58zpYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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