The Mystery of Mel's Hole

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[Music] On February 21st 1997 a man named Mel waters called in to the coast to coast AM radio show with quite a bizarre story the radio show hosted by art Bell has experienced a lot of weird moments the show is focused mainly toward conspiracy theories the supernatural and more Mel waters was no exception to this his first two calls taking place in the 21st and 24th of February in 1997 sparked the creation of an urban legend he claimed them in the small town of Menashe - Ridge Washington that the 9 foot wide bottomless pit for decades residents from Menashe - Ridge and surrounding reportedly knew about the hole and always kept it to themselves and had been known to locals for generations and even Native Americans who lived in the land before them all right when did you discover this hole well the hole has always been there we've been out there for a couple of years now and you know the holes been there since we've been there it's been there since the previous owner was there and previous owner there was quite elderly and I I'd say he was there for a good 30 40 years before we moved in Wow apparently it was a dumping ground for many of the people's unwanted property from broken refrigerators to old tires and worse Mel claimed that he had bought the property with his wife in 1933 and discovered the hole sometime after rather than using it as a garbage bin well became intrigued with the hole and began his quest to discover its mysteries according to Mel using a small weight and a lot of fishing line he determined that the hole had been almost 15 miles deep it couldn't throughout the many years of living on the property who would add fishing line down the hole as often as they could maurices acclaimed 15 miles which of this were true would be the deepest hole on earth known to man as the current deepest hole at the Kola super-deep borehole in Russia it's only seven miles deep however that is not where the story ends yeah I this could be an apocryphal story but one guy claims that he threw his departed canine down into the hole really and he sware well the story is the guided to this where's the dog actually came back to him and Lily as you heard a local told Mel that he had seen his dog alive and running through a nearby forest after apparently dropping the dog into the hole knowing it was deceased after being asked if he was sure it was his he stood by his word saying the dog even had the same collar on does that mean this whole of some supernatural features to it and most following calls in 2002 more in 2002 he revealed that after going public with the information on the whole things began to go awry apparently in the months following his first two calls in 1997 government agents tried seizing the part of his land that possessed the pit according to water story who is walking to the hole on his property when two men dressed in black stopped him it claimed to be working with the government and said a plane had crashed on his property and he wasn't allowed any further this upset and Confused Mel why could he be allowed on his own property gals who never even heard a plane crash any for certain that he would if that were to ever happen after talking about this on the show many speculated it to be some sort of cover-up by the United States government being understandably frustrated Mel attempted to access his property Regas promptly told that if he continued could be arrested and falsely accused of concealing a meth lab on his property this is completely defamatory there was even more questions to him and made him further questioned the proper authority of the assumed government figures as it turns out military officers in the area completely denied the accusation ken cooper a spokesman for the Army's akima training center dismissed the entire incident by saying what I understand is this Ellensburg guy said he had some property I'm an ass - Ridge he's going up there to visit it and was stopped by soldiers the Army's not hiding an aviation accident nor an 80 thousand foot deep pit or just training just like we always do this may be true but it also might not be it's very possible these are just orders being told from a higher authority assuming that Cooper and his assailants are classic black ops or similarly in cahoots with men and black or the same government agency earlier shortly thereafter an opportunity arrived at his doorstep orders was given the opportunity polices property to the government on a few conditions the property would be completely theirs he would receive $250,000 monthly and he was required to move out of the United States immediately waters accepted the offer and his marriage had been in some hot water and decided they would be best for him to leave being a lover of nature he decided to move to Australia but ended up returning due to being homesick in December of 2000 given that he returned his leasing fees were cut off meaning he didn't get paid anymore he also claimed to have witnessed a dispute between an officer and a civilian recalling it as a last thing he's remembered for two weeks to which he arose in San Francisco claiming to have blacked out and not remember anything sending most believers and other conspiracy theorists into a dizzy haze and that's basically where the story ends many have gone out in search of the infamous hole but still nothing has been found it should be noted that no person has ever been listed to have resided in that area or as any credible evidence been found to prove the hole exists however many claim this is because the government covered up Mel's hole to conclude it is still unclear 20 years later and this man's claims are true now many of his accusations are grounded in fact the many used this absurdity as more of a selling point if Mel were telling the truth my one of the government tried to cover him up and why wondering he want to capitalize them as mysterious findings well hopefully in the years coming forward Mel or someone else will come forward with the truth surrounding his mysterious pit thank you for watching and I will see you on the flipside [Music] you
Channel: ScareTheater
Views: 744,438
Rating: 4.910974 out of 5
Keywords: the, mystery, of, mel, mel's, hole, urban, legend, creepy, coast, to, am, radio, station, waters, government, agents, men, in, black, scary, bottomless, pit, debunked, explained, real, or, fake
Id: u9RNroDOKtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 11 2018
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