Dark Web Mystery Boxes

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hey guys so here we have a mystery box that I've purchased off the Deep Web paid about two hundred fifty thousand dollars for it so I hope it was worth it I've cut off the tape just to make things easier but I haven't looked inside yet so we're gonna get to that in just a second you know I've seen a lot of these Deep Web unboxing or dark web unboxing videos on the internet so I just kind of wanted to give it a try and yeah now if you like this video then I mean I know you haven't watched the video yet but smash that like button let me know if you want to see more and yeah I guess here we go okay so I already open the box and I went through it and I'm probably not going to show you guys the footage because this was massively disappointing I mean as you guys can see here this stuff is mostly basically trash it's it's crap I mean like I said I pay a lot of money for this so I really don't know what I did wrong I mean I went to the Deep Web and everything and there was this crazy site and I had to use Bitcoin but yeah I'm gonna have to call a friend who is an expert in this field in just a minute to figure out what I did wrong here but anyway yeah that's this is what I got okay all jokes aside and before we get into the actual discussion here I'd like to take some time to tell you about our sponsor for this episode scribed scribe is a website that allows you access to an unlimited number of books magazines and even audiobooks I'd like to personally recommend the audiobook version of spook science tackles the afterlife by Mary Roach it's one of my personal favorites and you can give it a listen by going to this link down below for a free a 30-day trial of scribed did I mention that scribe is way cheaper than audible in fact once the trial is over it'll only cost you $8.99 per month for unlimited reading and listening again all you need to do to take advantage of this free 30-day trial is click the link down below and start listening to spook I guarantee you'll love it a huge thank you to scry for sponsoring this video and supporting independent creators such as myself because honestly this video is probably already demonetized anyway on with the show over the years we've seen friend after trend to grace our screens via this lovely little site called YouTube some of them were pretty cool others were not so cool and many others were simply harmless and now we're in 2018 where everything seems to be asked backwards and people do the dumbest thing in the name of views honestly back in like 2016 I thought things were bad but oh boy I had no idea anyway one of the first and longest standing staples on YouTube has been the classic unboxing video from geeks hobbyist to beauty gurus the format was and still is one that lends itself to creators of all types personalities and genres sometimes youtubers unboxed packages from fans and other times they opened up subscription boxes on camera for their viewers to enjoy now a few years ago this trend took an u-turn with people buying mystery boxes usually from sites like eBay or wherever else they felt like wasting their money again all of this sounds pretty harmless and it was a few months ago however a new type of unboxing video began gaining traction amongst the YouTube community I know what you're thinking stop drawing out this video to make it hit the 10-minute mark just in case this video doesn't get hit with a holy yellow sign well my own patient friend as I am only on page one over the script I have no idea if it'll hit ten minutes or not anyway I'm getting off topic dark web unboxing videos you can't see it but I said this while using the dr. evil air quotes why because like most things on the internet that claim to be oh so spooky this one smells heavily of doggy Doo in case you've been living under a rock and still have no idea what I'm talking about here's a general gist type in dark web mystery box into YouTube and it'll spit out way too many results so what exactly is taking place in all of these videos again there are way too many to take into account but they usually boil down to a few things the person in question hops on the dark web they use bitcoin or something along those lines to pay for a mystery box then have it delivered to hopefully another real address people claim that the boxes are dropped off at some public location where they're able to pick them up safely okay now that that's out of the way what exactly are in these mystery boxes here's a list of examples of some items from the first page of results on YouTube human crap baking soda and old wallet voila cards a multi music box daggers more crab maybe human a lighter a you shaving razor a corkscrew a doll a mannequin head a license plate and the best part most of the videos eventually involve the person opening these boxes finding some kind of USB Drive or computer part with a spooky spooky cryptic things on it okay so the natural question here is whether or not these videos are real of course if they are real then there are a ton of issues at play here first and foremost it should be common sense not to buy a box full of who knows what from someone you don't know especially if you're buying said box from a place that's known to host just about every illegal activity you can think of a number of articles have been written about this trend where they warn of the dangers of purchasing mystery box off the Deep Web with an emphasis on stealth packaging aka hiding contraband within everyday items to avoid detection in other words if you choose to actually buy a box from someone you don't know off the Internet be it surface or a deep dark web whatever you may end up with some illegal didn't get screwed for it later again most of these transactions claimed to be done by a Bitcoin but we all know there are people out there dumb enough to provide their actual information if asked I shouldn't have to explain why that's completely stupid now since it is 2018 most articles online only choose to take things from a single angle when it comes to the internet so let's talk about all this from the perspective of people who don't mistake a meme for a threat to modern society like I mentioned earlier most of the items found within these dark web mystery boxes are either trash or stuff you'd probably find it like a yard sale so basically still trash none of it is even remotely spooky in any way there are merely everyday items that someone could easily find at home gathering dust especially if you're a slob who never cleans up for some reason on the other hand there are videos with boxes that do contain items that seem to be purposeful to some degree now what I mean by that is that they seem place in there to imply some kind of creepy narrative ie a box containing fake blood ripped clothes daggers a USB Drive etc these boxes are way more heavily themed given all this we can split everything up pretty evenly into a few categories starting from fake and real notice that both are in quotations why well if we're talking about the ones that are real meaning the youtubers did actually go to some sketchy site and buy a box it's most likely a scam ran by people who realize that you can make money off just about anything by writing the Deep Web spook train you can throw literal trash in a box charge hundreds or thousands of bucks for it and call it a day the ones with heavy theming and items that are at least meant to seem spooky are probably just hoping to lure in more customers as for the boxes that aren't so heavily themed or containing a literal crap the idea here is the same but trust me they're just trolling you and taking your money just saying again this covers the videos that are real at least to the extent of the youtubers in question not staging anything okay so given the large volume of darkweb unboxing videos the law of the internet states that at least most of them have to be faked ie the youtubers themselves put the boxes together hoping for views and at least a click on the video on the other side of the fake category would be troll in parody videos which I seriously hope that most of these are at this point the trend is so widespread that you're just naturally going to have people making videos in the same exact format for whatever reasons they choose to do so there are even creepypastas about dark web mystery boxes which just to clarify are completely fictional and yet some people including people who write these articles make the mistake that their actual genuine accounts of people who have supposedly taken part in this have I been doing nothing but stating the obvious in this video yes yes I have and just so I said it even if these videos are fake or items received are harmless please do not go buying anything like this off the internet unless you really want to risk it that's not meant to be spooky I'm just telling you guys not to be stupid hello yeah hey so I bought one of those deep web mystery boxes that you probably heard about them anyway so I figured out that it was all basically just trash inside I'm not really sure what I did wrong I'm gonna spend a lot of money on it anyway so you're the expert here yeah could you tell me where I could get an actual like you know deep web experience you know they're all fake right like none of them are real they're all scams wait wait really I mean I went on the Deep Web and everything and you know it said that there were these cool artifacts that I could get in a box and you know I just went for it out no no there there is no Deep Web lootcrate don't don't worry about it there's there's no mystery box to find [Music]
Channel: ReignBot
Views: 445,026
Rating: 4.7480297 out of 5
Id: oew7NlA7ZY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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