Man Documents Fatal Insomnia Mental Breakdown

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Inget inget nama antibiotik biang penyakitnya, Ciprofloxacin.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kneejar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Serem amat itu antibiotik, gara gara itu jadi ga bisa tidur.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nehemiaadrian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Aduh dibaca lagi dong. Penyakit fatal insomnia itu genetic karena ada mutasi gen. Sifatnya bisa familial/keturunan atau bisa sporadic. Kata kuncinya di sporadic, berarti gak ada penyebab yang diketahui tapi muncul aja. Kalo diketahui penyebabnya gak dinamain sporadik

Kerusakan saraf akibat ciprofloxacin itu biasa refer to kerusakan saraf perifer alias bikin kesemutan, baal kesetrum pada tanngan/kaki biasanya.

Memang di list side effect ciprofloxacin dan berbagai obat segolongan di list ada insomnia. Tapi itu refer insomnia biasa bukan menyebabkan fatal insomnia.

Mungkin penamaan penyakit ini yang sedikit menipu. Sebenernya dia ini penyakit prion, cuman gejalanya mencolok insomnia.

Coba aja kamu gugling kata kunci "ciprofloxacin AND fatal insomnia" kalo kamu baca isinya gak ada 1 artikel pun yang bilang satu ada hubungannya sama yang lain. (

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gorodoe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rest in peace

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tetrajack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kalo kyk gini apakah medically induced sleep (if its even a thing) berguna?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cupatkay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
so here I want to try to explain about the meaning of what so-called God a tiny handful of families in the world are unfortunate enough to fall victim to a rare disease called fatal familial insomnia a degenerative brain disease that affects the ability to sleep the disease stays undetected for a large portion of one's life until eventually usually between the ages of 32 and 62 they begin to experience mild insomnia the insomnia rapidly gets worse and that they completely lose the ability to sleep ever over the course of about nine months to a year they slowly experience cognitive and physical deterioration until they die sleep medication and other sedatives only speed up as decline it's hard to imagine how scary of an experience this must be but back in 2016 a man suffering from this documented the entire process of his mental decline up until his death [Music] ricard seojin started uploading videos to YouTube in 2013 initially there were nothing out of the ordinary most of his video centered around the art he was working on they would show tattoos he was doing for people as well as his extensive sketchbook it was clear that his life revolved around two things his art and his son in January of 2016 his video started taking on a very different tone he uploaded a video titled che fatal insomnia neurotoxin induced CNS seeking neuroscience hospital support or stem cell whoo I have I have not sleep means I have total insomnia sleep disability right now it's already four months in this video he says it has been four months since he slept and he runs us through the entire story he said in 2015 he moved to Philadelphia and found a new job there around the same time he also ended up getting a UTI which who's worried about affecting his performance at work because he didn't have insurance he spoke to his boss about the situation his boss offered him an antibiotic that he had now to clear up the UTI pretty quickly Ricard took the antibiotics and after only a few days started experiencing some pretty unpleasant side effects heart palpitation and lehem my hand what a man was crooked like that then it does ha palpitation muscles back pain the big pain is so terrible regardless he continued the medicine for two weeks but the side-effects progressively getting worse at the end of the two weeks he found he was no longer able to sleep at all his body wanted to sleep but his mind wouldn't let him he finally got around to seeing a doctor at this time in his prescribed sedative drugs to help all these were able to do were to help him sleep for two hours a night with extreme nightmares when he describes what it feels like whenever he tries to sleep he describes it as a painful experience so when my body tired they say my body asking my system to sleep the activity of the brain is never calm down it's been four months since my brain is active and never sleep you never want to go down but there is a feedback there is a really painful feedback physical feedback neurons feedback on my back on my back around my spinal cord he says he is so desperate for sleep that he would gladly sacrifice both of his legs for even just three hours of sleep at night he acknowledges that he is going to die soon but he says he wants doctors to look into his condition for research purposes he ends the video calling off for help and Lena's contact information in the description help me help me I put my number down down here and the information subscribe and my email whoever you are thank you what initially comes off as odd about this and that his condition isn't actually fatal familial insomnia since it doesn't run in his family and the symptoms are still practically identical the onset however seemed to have been caused by the antibiotic he was taking later on in his videos we get more useful information about this throughout the course of his videos he demonstrates the physical toll his condition has taken on his body at first reports an awful burning sensation in his spine as well as losing the ability to walk very well and the sedatives he is taking are slowly becoming less effective later on he goes to show how he starts shaking and the dead skin cells on his face resulting from his cells dying the most noticeable effect we can see for these videos however is the cognitive decline the first becomes apparent in his video titled conspiracy theory fact rate goes on rambling about the nature of conspiracy theories most of what he's saying really doesn't make any sense conspiracy theory has never been a theory it's a practice so the world that create by the system or the sentence then become conspiracy theory is itself it's conspiracy to make people think it is secretary in later videos he shows us exactly what happens every time he attempts to sleep this jolt you were seeing occurs when he feels what he describes as a violent and jolt shooting through his spine just as he's about to drift off eventually the condition becomes so bad that it becomes completely bedridden in one of his videos prevails the name of the antibiotic he was taking that caused all of this it's called ciprofloxacin we'll talk more in depth about this antibiotic later in early November we can really start to see how hopeless he is and honestly it's really sad he talks about how he could no longer even get out of bed because of how debilitated he is and the pain is so bad but he often contemplates suicide cannot kill myself I'm not it's really hard hearing him talk about how much he misses his son as time passes he puts more videos of the normal stuff art rants and videos of him trying to sleep when eventually he uploads a lengthy video it seems to be addressed to his neurologist for cards Facebook page sheds more light on what this is all about after seeing many doctors about this with no help who is able to get in contact with the hospital in Beijing as specializes in stem-cell research the doctor said they've treated someone with a condition similar to him and was confident they could treat him as well this treatment would require two expensive procedures whoever so Ricard created a fundraiser page to get money so he can afford the plane trip as well as the procedures the fundraiser paid has gone now so I have no idea how much money he was trying to raise nor how far he got to hitting the goal all I know is that the goal was never reached the final two videos on his channel that are in English are the saddest in my opinion it really show us how far gone his mind is at this point there does more nonsensical rants one of which is titled what is God and the other is HIV fact where he talks about a conspiracy theory about how HIV was created by the Mafia to control people about HIV itself is so far viruses made me be human drugs mafia the desire to [Music] they're there recall that the mission agenda of controlling human being after this he just stopped uploading now with every strange thing we seen on the internet there comes a certain degree of skepticism but this whole thing is definitely real I did a background search on this guy and I was able to confirm that he is indeed dead [Music] one of the most puzzling things about a specific case as house conditions seemed to be entirely caused by an antibiotic that he was taking I was really skeptical about this at first but upon further research the reality behind this is Erie Ricard says that he was taking an antibiotic called ciprofloxacin before her symptoms began ciprofloxacin is under a class of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones what are typically used to treat things like respiratory infections and UTIs what's alarming however is that for over a decade now the FDA has been issuing warnings about these antibiotics cautioning that they can cause permanent nerve damage and peripheral neuropathy more on that later because of the risk involved with these drugs they are really only supposed to be use as an absolute last resort many people feel that doctors prescribed these way too freely and for that reason a lot of people experience very horrible side effects completely unnecessarily some of the most common side effects people report are tendon ruptures organ damage and even paralysis becoming permanently debilitated by fluoroquinolones is so common but there's actually a term for when this happens it's called being fluxed one notable case of this was a man named Matteo Rojas who has prescribed ciprofloxacin in 2017 to treat a UTI shortly after taking this he started suffering from severe tendinitis it got so bad that he actually experienced his tendons rupturing multiple times which landed him in a wheelchair the side effects only got worse causing them to experience psychosis extreme memory loss and even blindness to this day is still dealing with all of this it practically ruined his life Rojas is only one of the many people experiencing permanent side effects in this class of antibiotics more than 60,000 people have complained to the FDA about experiencing similar side-effects all these people say they were never properly informed of the risks when they are prescribed it and if they knew that never taken it in the first place it's unbelievable this stuff hasn't been banned yet I believe that what Ricard was experiencing was peripheral neuropathy caused by the zebra fluxes in peripheral neuropathy is damage to the nerves the send information from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body symptoms of this usually begin rapidly within a few days of starting ciprofloxacin which is exactly what Ricard reported and a specific starting symptoms reported are also very similar including numbness tingling and burning in the spine we all know how awful it feels to miss even a single night of sleep I can't even begin to imagine how torturous it must be to go an entire year without sleeping this seems like a truly horrible way to go and I find it really alarming that fluoroquinolones aren't getting more attention for the unnecessary arm they're causing people thank you for watching and I will see you on the flip side [Music]
Channel: ScareTheater
Views: 1,164,112
Rating: 4.96735 out of 5
Keywords: scare, theater, theatre, scaretheater, scaretheatre, Ricard, Siaigian, fatal, familial, insomnia, cipro, ciprofloxacin, fluoroquinolones, documents, mental, breakdown, break, down, cognitive, declines, descent, spiral, downward, creepy, real, or, fake, debunked, analyze, analysis, explained
Id: R_YFluy_Tp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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