Redditor Disappears After Discovering Disturbing Secret - Creepy Reddit Accounts Ep. 2

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[Music] in July of 2017 a user on their relationship subreddit made a throwaway account to ask for advice on a strange situation she found herself in the post was titled I found a hidden journal of my husband of four years and think he has some kind of disturbing obsession with women according to the post she was cleaning up the house when she found a notebook in the closet hidden behind some clothes out of curiosity she decided to flip through it what she saw was disturbing the notebook belonged to her husband and was nearly full every page was devoted to a different woman that he met this included his friends his wife's friends people he worked with and both of their family members as well as the dates that he met those people there were even random people listed that he met through normal interactions like cashier at Walmart or Burger King drive-thru attendant or woman I passed in front of Target after writing their names dates and where he met them he'd write detailed descriptions of their appearance this included what they were wearing their hairstyle and makeup their bodies their weight and proportions and they'd even rate some of them on a scale of 1 to 10 like I said nearly the entire book was filled so she wasn't even able to read all of it she says she doesn't feel like he's cheating on her or anything like that overall he seemed like a normal guy in all their interactions and they had a very healthy relationship her question was whether it would be a good idea to confront him about this they said most people stumped there were all kinds of speculations on the situation some people said they've seen similar situations occur and people who had OCD or autism in which case this behavior would be weird but harmless some said he may have been an artist trying to make notes of people's appearance others said he was using the book to get sexual gratification from the memories of all these women that would be really weird considering he listed his own family members in the notebook then there were some people saying this behavior was extremely alarming someone who works in mental health commented saying this could potentially be a massive red flag that her husband is mentally unstable or dangerous they created a five-step plan for this woman to follow for both her and her husband safety this involved documenting the situation telling a friend making a plan with the friend confronting the husband in a safe environment and then getting couples therapy one day after this was posted the entire thread was removed along with her account no new information ever came forward some say that after reading these comments she decided to confront her husband in a situation took a dark turn with him being the one to delete her account on the other hand it may have been completely innocent and she just elated the post because it was no longer needed it's still strange that she never bothered to update anyone though and of course there's still the possibility this is just a troll that never moved past a single post I think it'd be odd to create a post seeking for attention but not actually interact with the people whom you're seeking attention from let alone deleting your entire account at the end of the day no one really knows what happened to this woman I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with the concept of quantum immortality for those of you who aren't quantum immortality is a thought experiment stemming from the many worlds theory that theorizes that you can never die since you could not experience being dead then give it like this according to the many worlds theory whenever you make a decision the universe splits into two one universe in which you make decision a and one universe in which you make decision B now to take that a step further imagine you are holding a gun to your head and she pulled the trigger the moment you pulled the trigger the universe branches off into two realities one in which we die instantaneously and one in which the gun jams and you live since you cannot experience the reality in which you died because you're dead you can only experience the reality in which the gun jams therefore no matter how many times you pull the trigger you will never die since dead you is unconscious it's just a thought experiment don't actually try this the reddit user AAF h-43 thought about this concept way more than was healthy for him AAF h-43 was an active user of Reddit making normal posts for over a year until in February of 2017 something completely changed his mental state it all started with a post he made titled the theory of quantum immortality has driven me to a state of pure anxiety and terror over the last week is it true has it been debunked I can't do this anymore the actual post itself just read I can't do this anymore the only comments he received or from people trying to understand why this scared him so much he simply said he didn't want to be forced to live forever against his will this is only the start of what would later become an obsession within the next four days he traded thirteen more posts all asking basically the same question many times he references this constantly making him lose his mind causing a never-ending existential crisis and bringing him to a dark state of mind people constantly tried to ease his mind by storing a massage just a thought experiment and had no real evidence behind it but nothing seemed to please him every now and again someone would taste something that would briefly calm him down but it was only a matter of time before he started panicking again some might say this was an elaborate troll but to me this seems like a helpless person lost in an existential crisis his final post was on February 6th 2017 it was titled quantum immortality I'm killing myself soon it's too much I can't do it anymore no one even saw the post since it was automatically removed by the Auto moderator for a title formatting issue he never posted again so it isn't out of the question that this obsession actually drove him to the point of suicide I really hope that he was able to navigate his way out of a dark situation like that the reason this guy's post resonated with me so deeply it because I've experienced something very similar to this only about three or four years ago I was actually freaking out about the exact opposite of what he was instead of immortality scaring me it was my mortality that was scaring me I woke up one night randomly in the middle of the night to the thought that one day I was going to be dead and that could very well mean my consciousness but permanently cease for some reason it just hit me so hard that I had a panic attack and started associating this wasn't the worst part though I had experiences feeling it few times before and usually it just goes away after a few minutes or so I'm sure some of you know the feeling that I'm talking about what made this particularly terrifying was that an hour passed and I still hadn't stopped associating the next morning I got up and I was don't associating all throughout the day and the next day and the next day it never stopped all I could think about was how I was going to die one day and nothing felt real anymore I didn't even feel like I was in control of my own actions anymore like I was just sitting there in autopilot after about a week of this I was genuinely worried that it was never going to end and I just went insane I ended up dissociating for a month straight before it finally stopped that was one of the most freeing moments of my life and I'm thankful it never happened again it sounds like this reddit user was experiencing something similar and that's an experience I would only wish on my worst enemies [Music] an early February of 2019 a user named 2j Shepherd 1997 made a peculiar post to the paranormal subreddit titled weird group of people moving into my small town he begins by saying he works in a Walmart in Wisconsin and within the last month and a half a big group of around 50 people move into his town his post is pretty vague - saying that these people seem to have trouble being normal human beings since they moved in Walmart has hired thirty of these new people and they all act a really strange according to him they all have blue eyes and like they're pretending to be someone they're not he insists he isn't crazy either because even as co-workers know something is up as he updated the threat in the comments the details about these people continued to get weirder and weirder they move weird they say things like I'm sorry and thank you and situations that don't make sense and they always look around as if they're paranoid about something according to one story some kid that just started working there walked up to a random couple and on ironically said hello parents which they responded hello son the more Jay Shepherd posted the more disturbed he became by the situation after a couple of days he removed the post with no conclusion at all this bondsman creating a threat of their own that trying to investigate what was going on and what happened to him people flocked towards complex theories of aliens and cults but sometimes the answer is much simpler than that looking through Jay Shepard 1997's post history reveals important information he was active and drug subreddits and posted about his meth use before one of the most well known symptoms of meth abuse is meth induced psychosis some symptoms of this include paranoia and delusions what seems like a likely explanation of what this guy was experiencing meth and a psychosis is especially common in people with drawing which makes even more sense seeing as J Shepard 1997 made it post about trying to get clean only a couple months before this post was created my guess is that he finally snapped out of his delusions and removed the post after realizing nothing serious was going on he's definitely still alive and well since he has posted since then so get on him thank you for watching and I will see you on the flip side [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,248,098
Rating: 4.9322267 out of 5
Keywords: redditor, reddit, disappears, after, discovering, disturbing, secret, creepy, accounts, ep, episode, two, notebook, secretnotebook, afh43, jashepherd1997, scare, theater, theatre, scaretheater, scaret
Id: E7ro7FTkDm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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