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I'm being told now that the LAPD are going all out to find this Maniac as we roll into the holiday weekend what the Civilian All right what be cool [Music] what the is this jeez what the are you looking at Mo on [Music] [Music] for all clear can I help you sir I'm here to make a deposit all right 5 minutes folks final weapons check oh man we did that already won't do it again echo3 it's a soft target there's no guards skeleton staff handful of civilians nobody is getting shot today so I want safety's on chamber's empty wa might as well go in with squirt guns hey you know what I got a butter Knik in my pocket try to see chill the out I'm afraid we're not accepting deposits actually as you can see we're we're closing down didn't you get our letter I don't get mail I see um what about her well she got our letter we've asked all our customers to come in and empty out their boxes what if they don't well the feds come in and they take everything to a secret storage and and then they trace the owners I don't want that most of our customers feel the same way but it is procedure why don't I take my stuff now well you would need to have the letter I told you yes you don't get mail um do you have ID I have this well Reverend tell you what uh come over to the counter and uh I'll sort you out you go hot in 5 minutes masks on somebody wake up bigs here you are you have that back so how long now uh just a few moments I'm sorry again Mrs Waxman I know this has all been very inconvenient I'm afraid that that's not good enough young man I have had an account here for 50 years that is no way to treat a customer closing down like this well times change I'm afraid uh we're all very sad here now if you want to take a seat I'll call a cab to take you home you Danny yes sir the Reverend would like to empty his box is he on the list well he didn't get the letter but I I processed him and he's he's set to go it's all very irregular mhm but I suppose it'll be all right uh you can take him back as soon as I finish with Mrs Cohen yes sir I need to do this now as I'm sure has been explained to you it's one at a time today so if you don't mind waiting your turn I'm sure you won't mind if I go first um well I've been here for hours and I'm almost late for my Pilates class so um okay it's that important to you and are you sure yeah you see she's happy that I go first okay if you'll follow me I'll take you back after you [Music] sir [Music] we really are in the process of closing up so that's why I I'm sorry about the mess down here watch your Stu here been uh bing here [Music] long [Music] nobody move let your bu stay right where you're at Echo two c echo three C Echo two e one oh c you know what this is there's nothing here for you we're closing down everything is gone not everything you know who owns this place of course we do that's half the fun s what do you want me to do about them I don't know going to behave listen young man I wish you'd get on with whatever you're going to do because I don't want to sit here all day yes ma'am we'll be as quick as we can tell him hey get your hands off me are you talking to me where's your phone I left it in my car oh yeah okay listen I've been tied up by better people than you oh Christ old lady it's not a competition where's your phone I haven't had one for years Jesus living in the Dark Ages I'm all set here Echo 5 is that everyone we're missing two boss two males employee civilian where are they I I I don't know what you mean stop wasting our time J little stuck in here I switched off the AC last week so do you have your key I've got it from here I'm supposed to stay with you my possessions are very personal I'd like privacy please I'm I'm sorry it's procedure stay here sure what did I tell you this guy is messing with us next one goes in your head where are they in the back in the vault w w w w are you looking for me oh what sorry Danny you weren't supposed to be here Paul what the man yeah what the hell was going on here should I tell them this is my brother Danny you got to be kidding me it's been a few years yeah I thought I'd never see you again we took different paths thought you had the day off checked the Roa y assistant manager got sick so I picked up for him it's everyone okay Mrs is wack I I I really need to go home please help me absolutely I'm sure we all would look this nice little family reunion it's really touching but now what Paul nothing changes stick to the plan we're gone in 10 minutes everything's screwed up you took off your mask your face is going to be all over the 10:00 news and then how long before they figure out who the we are they shut off the cameras last week isn't that right you welcome to leave I give up my share you'd like that well then I suggest that you shut up and do your job we're still missing a guy boss any idea of standing he's in the vault okay Echo 3 get to the Vault secure the guy do your thing Echo 5 get some cuffs on Danny here and then you and Echo 4 get everyone in the back room stick to the plan people and we're out in 10 minutes walk's on Channel 6 hey hey don't worry when we're done here I'm taking care of business my way hey Paul Take a Walk we're all set boss follow up going on a walk well that was [Applause] fun guess we don't need these things anymore huh damn thing is d [Music] out wherever you are in this room here in in come on pick up your PA let's go I now everybody sit on the floor there not you I cannot sit on the floor will you get the old B chair all right here you go you're a nice man thank you you're welcome wow you're a real boy scout there's nothing wrong with being decent to people you should try it says the Armed robber shut up you mate what's a story with you and your brother well you'd have to ask her parents about that oh you think you're smart don't you yeah with your stupid little pie and your stupid hair you're not going to feel very smart when this is over what does that mean what she means is you won't be leaving any Witnesses what who whoa the boss said the boss boss a wuss Tracy's going to handle things from here on out you just used her name Ally Jesus I mean I go for yeah well like the man said it really doesn't matter does it happy the down I didn't sign up for this oh yeah well you just better figure out whose side you're on this is we know it Echo 3 you in the vault yet yeah I just got here there's no sign of the missing civilian what do you want me to do keep on looking no we could search this place forever we need to be out of here just get the stuff copy that Echo 6 status report Echo 6 status report all clear Echo 4 status report we're having a party back here jeez Echo four jeez you self all secure okay copy all clear quiet at the grade how much longer well not much longer if she's as good as she says she is I don't know about a girlfriend but she's pretty damn good how's it coming Echo 3 I listen to the dumbass music echo 3 pick up your radio El so Focus Echo 3 status report now Echo 3 status report want me to do it not yet echo 3 can you hear me why the is she taking so long maybe she isn't so good after all you language ah I didn't know we're a Sunday school you old prune listen you may be gangsters but at least you can show some common decency gangsters what the is this 1936 don't be a sorry I'm going to smoke not here Jesus woman stay focused it's not like they're going anywhere come on I need your phone I don't know what you're talking about come on he's in your back bucket I'll give you right back come on okay what are you doing text me 911 I didn't even know you could do that what if they come back you're going to get us all killed you shut up at least he's doing something you're supposed to be the manager here I'm sorry Mrs Cen but this is all very irregular all right let's get back in there got to move on what never mind chicken and extra avocado yeah and you know what can you throw on some extra chilies there oh you like the chili I like the chil that'll be uh 1520 please 1520 you kidding me a Wolf Gang Puck finally going to the Taco business hey fck off lady look I'm just trying to make a living man hey how about little L Lady it's detective to you oh okay well it's still 1520 detective so why don't you detect that money while I get your ordered cool comedian aren't you one William William one William 6 receiving possible 21 in progress near your location okay got it I didn't know there was a bank there it's a safety deposit Vault it closed down 2 weeks ago so who called it in then it was a text 911 hey kidding you can actually do that you are directed to attend the scene and evaluate the situation um you know what send a black and white over and show me responding that one William 6 be aware this has been best a prank call okay I'm on my way will six out hey so that's what 100 million looks like I'm all done here I got the stuff I'm time you [Music] two put your hands where I can see them where the hell did you come from clever [Music] Paul I found our missing civilian okay I'm on my way copy that you're not going to TI me up are you oh no we're going to do this my way no Witnesses you could just let me go home I have what I need yeah what's in there just some personal items nothing of value to you I'll be the judge of that what [Music] the all call signs heat say again heat say again hate sh you're it dispatch said it was a prank so they sent me a couple guys out of kindergarten whoa everyone's out looking for that Windows guy we got this got your Bachelor parties no going in come with pleasure detective who the are you [Music] boss we got badges three of them hide hide get out I just nicked your radial artery I estimate you have about 9 minutes to live if I were you I'd contemplate what you want to do with the rest of your life good afternoon I'm detective Pascal with LAPD got a report of a robbery at this location a robbery that sounds serious and who might you be I'm the assistant manager as you can see this branch is uh closed we're just uh packing things up rather near to Rober Jesus you're the Windows killer leave Jesus out of it would you mind if we came in and took a look around ah company policy sorry you need a warrant well not if there's a crime in progress well like I said there's nothing going on here yeah you know the funny thing is the uh call came from inside this location really see how that could have happened well it was a text well then it could have come from anywhere yeah but um it's funny I'll just show you see hey thanks for your cooperation see I just severed your Emeral artery you have three maybe four minutes to live I'm no doctor your heart is actually pumping the blood out of your body I'm not laughing at you laughing with you this is a beautiful time these are the last moments of your life what does it feel like what does it feel like do you feel the joy mean I see may I see guys the cats are coming oh guys they respond oh me boss you need to see this oh how you doing hey uh good miss spot um uh uh can I help you get out of the van sir what oh who look like got step out of the van come on please give me a break not request out of the van she made [Music] Rick let me help you there you go [Music] you have the safety on now try it you idiot great got it you can cover me all right St fire they're firing at us there's civilians inside he's not trying to kill us your morons they're going to be dead the radio this is one William 6 shots fired at this location officers need assistance copy clear okay going to be okay buddy Jesus how's it look no good you're all right I can patch him up but yeah I know Fu's going on out there we heard shots ah cop are here Christ it's okay they're outside we're inside we plan for this just chill Put Your Head Up bigs yeah it's time we're going to need the Stitch man just let in and they're not going to stop it you'll be all right the eye is the lamp of your body so if the eye is healthy your whole body will be full of light but if the eye is bad your whole body will be full of Darkness if then the light in you is Darkness how great then is the [Music] darkness and did the best pyo he was the hospital yeah I know mhm okay you stay here just keep watch if we start killing cops to get messy shit's already messy yeah going to go to the Vault and sort this out stop it mother we're getting jumpy back here what the hell is going on Cops they shot Rick the somebody must have made a call a call oh that Denny I knew he was up to something I'm going to kill him that's not to okay we need all the hostages for what we're making a Last Stand at the alamoo here no we need time time time for what B's got a plan I've always got a plan AJ what's in your bag what do you mean wait what about Tracy did she get the stuff better ass Paul he's looking into it looking into what what the bigs screw this we should rush them are you kidding well we've got shotguns in the car yeah what you guys have like a death wish or something there's at least three guys in there with m4s who aren't afraid to use them and probably more inside not to mention an unknown number of hostages God what did they teach you about hostage situations at the Academy deploy overwhelming Force yeah you two don't look so overwhelming so what would just sit here and wait for backup look you guys want to be useful why don't you go check the perimeter see if there's a back way out of here you can handle this alone probably feel a little safer actually okay we're on a detective right this is detective Pascal Robbery Homicide badge number 5397 go ahead I want to text you a photo for facial ID copy that all right thanks I'm sending me out who are you [Music] [Music] mister what the Jesus Christ all right heads up heads up everyone I'm in the vault Tracy's dead what do you mean Tracy's dead I mean dead she's been killed she's in a vault with who did it best guess is it's the guy we never found I think he's moving around in the air vents whole place like this there's a whole network up and there plenty big enough well then let's go get him negative Al we don't have time for a wild goose chase you killed Tracy okay well we can get the guy or we can get out of here we can't do both I'm sorry but that's the choice now that we know what we're up against we can stop him if he tries anything so up we're bottled up in a bank what about the stuff are you serious that's the reason we came here isn't it I've got the stuff that's something so now what we go to plan B big is already working on it just need a couple hours meantime stay frosty may only be one guy but he took down Tracy so he's no one more thing he handy with a knife some kind of sicko couched out Tracy's eyes oh man this keeps getting better uh what I I need to go to the bathroom well you're just going to have to hold it you old bag no I mean I really need to go to the bathroom bathroom now what' you forget your diapers did you come on guys what harm can it do he's right I think we're going to be here for a while damn it come on Grandma Moses where's the bathroom it's all the way down the hall take a left move it come on [Music] anything up she keeping her head down any more cops not yet well she'll called for backup so it'll get busy soon enough sh's really up ain't yeah but we still going to get out of here right yeah that's the plan what was you two separated a bir of something no we're actually really close we grew up together happy family so what happened we joined the military same unit no we uh deployed at the same time but uh I was in the core Danny was always better than me and everything so he ended up in the Rangers well you go in as brothers and you come out as what enemies I want to talk about it oh come on man you ain't got nothing better to do for that hour so go ahead hum me other than Dodge a psycho serial killer on the list yeah that's that wait this is the menro so take a dump in the urinal bag thank you well Bo saw some pretty up at least I know I did and I I think Danny had the same maybe worse we both came back in one piece but uh you know something like that changes a man a lot of vets are really up in the head me I just learned that life is short and crappy and you got to take what you can while you can you know yes the cry yeah and your brother I guess after all the Mayhem and Chaos he just wanted something structure in his life a little bit order did he know about you before today no no I don't n not really he uh you know I fell off the map so let me get this straight why are we out here doing all this felonious your brother playing superhero holding back the ties of Chaos I never pegged you for a philosopher but yeah I guess uh guess we're two sides of the same coin time's up old woman I'm coming in having a few problems a [Music] coming in you son of a [Music] go come on Ally what the I don't think they're coming back shut the up I've been gone a long time something's moving around up there you don't know I know you need to keep your eye on that bend I know you need to shut your mouth and let me handle this okay just trying to [Music] help W [Applause] boss they're [Applause] everywhere [Applause] [Music] So It Begins bigs update I'm about done here machine room is next time I'll know when I get there took you long enough yeah we had to stop for donuts so what do we got DET J well we've got multiple perss with automatic weapons we know how to use them too so I'm thinking some kind of military background possible hostages any CS no not yet but I did talk to one of them yeah I know that photo you emails really got them excited at headquarters feds are taking a big interest in these G what are they doing here AJ Ally update this is AJ what is it Allie's gone man what do you mean gone she took the old lady to the bathroom down the hall and she never came back now you're telling me hey guys I think you're going to want to come in here and listen to this so I've been scanning frequencies in case they're using radios hey I'll put it on speaker yeah okay okay AJ sit tight uh we're getting out of here we'll find aliat okay sit tight we're being picked off like flies here we got to do something like what there are four of us in one of him we've got automatic weapons he's got a knife be patient AJ so I'll be over soon all right but if he does one more thing if anything else happened I'm going after him I'm in the eyes man it's disgusting you don't think say Al nothing shocks me anymore this is time to talk to the cops hey Detective what's this looks like you need to go and talk to and detect you last time that didn't go so well well then it sounds like you've already got a report you surrendering we need to talk I'm unarmed all right so why didn't you tell me what the hell's going on here we got hostages how many I can't tell you that how many are you I can't tell you that either well that's great quite the turnout you got here yeah when the LAPD gets its head out of its ass we throw a real good party so we have demands I'm sure you do I'll play 747 at LAX space shuttle maybe just a school bus animetic for my guy you have 2 hours it's cool bus want to I can't tell you that of course you can't tell me that so what happens if we don't when we start shooting hostages yeah I don't really think you're the type you don't know my type I'm guessing you s [Music] core you my husband you didn't come back I to B that sorry which is why I don't understand why guys like you do like this I mean you made it back you should be doing something good well we all have our re sorry about your friend yeah I'll work on getting you a minute thank you what about the bus what do we get well you give me the medic I'll start releasing hostages fair enough I'm going to go back inside now simplify [Music] Detective big status update it's going to be a few minutes all right we need to get the hostages ready go help AJ bring them down what about Ally hostages first then we look for Ally okay hostages first hey detective uh we're out back but there's no door just a window is it big enough to get through um I'm sure we could work it out you know what you guys stay there if this thing goes off you might need to go inside Roger AJ in here get him on his feet up let's go go come on move for a walk let's go no ideas okay I guess you talk to Paul about me huh mhm yeah we're not the same yeah I got that you were with the Rangers right once yeah so you got that field medical training you can stitch right sure but so when I get your ass downstairs you going to take care of my boy rck gunshot you going to take care of my boy rck or I you got a trauma bag I got a first aid kid well then he needs a hospital there's nothing I can do see that's the wrong answer when I get your downstairs you going to take care of my but rck you going to stabilize him now they sitting in America that's what you going to do let's go move let's go AJ how the medic I get with the bus yeah seems too simple what's your take I think they're up to something just get the feeling we're about to be had you is this looks like the beds are crashing our party Captain Franklin it's detective Pascal she was first on the scene I'm Sinclair this is Chen these two Smith and Jones where are the others coming we're it one team one crisis that's not SWAT protocol we're not SWAT then who the are you detective DOD contractors what the hell happened to SWAT SWAT is who cops like you call when you get into trouble who do you think SWAT calls I just smell the testosterone from here let me tell you what we got I know what you got you got him you know him been chasing him for years when your detective sent the photo through for ID All the Lights Went red so here we are all right Chen you go up high up there should be good all right Chief Smith you're it two minutes Jones you're with me so what is a master criminal doing in a RI V dump like this I mean the place isn't even open anymore you don't know do you there's 100 million in be Bonds in a safety deposit box it's cartel money doesn't sound like a cartel operation it's not our guy's been making a career ripping off the cartel must have a death wish or something anyway this should have been an easy job for him something must have gone wrong inside our lucky day yeah about that there's been a development I'm listening there's a possibility there's a wanted serial killer wends operating on the inside sounds like he's taking out a couple of your man's crew and you know this for sure we intercepted their radio traffic good Go Chief we heard they want a medic inside Smith's going in I know we just a minute this man is wanted by the LAPD that makes this an LAPD operation I'm I'm not going to stand here and argue jurisdiction with you Captain you don't have positive confirmation that this Windows guy is even in there and the radio calls you heard could be deliberate misinformation what I know for sure is that there is a very dangerous armed criminal inside and your men do not have the training or equipment to take him on we do you got a problem take it up the chain of command until then this is our operation clear fine have it your way but this is still a joint operation detective Pascal will act as leaon get me headquarters welcome Avo detective move come on come on come on come on come on let's go let's go come on come on move move move not you you and me go sit down don't move there he is he's over there Stitch Washington Sinclair must have been the picture the detective took shit's about to get interesting yeah so what's the plan Smith will go in as a medic and get into Chen will take OverWatch and shoot out bad guys once he gets a clean Shot Jones and me will breach what about the hostages we don't know that there are any hostages Smith will tell us but it doesn't matter a whole D we're going to breach anyway this is pretty much the worst idea I've ever heard going be blood bath in there you're playing with the big boys now detective This Is How We Roll whatever happens in there is on you damn right it is what happens if window is actually in there take him down to he's our caller I'm going in with you then you better get a vest on [Music] detective sorry about this man you should have F about that sir best laid plans boss you might want come see [Music] this there you go uhhuh put your hands by your back on your back you are the medic you asked for no you're not you're Sinclair's guy AJ take this medic to the back room you don't know understand yeah I do we've all read the same manual get upstairs face let's go move move hurry up what's the next play Danny why should I care come on you used to be good at this stuff they're going to breach they just send a real medic otherwise then yeah need to get him up he's barely breathing he's better off out there than he is in here hey he's like you're going home come on I got you ready Come on Come on B there you go you okay hold him steady you take care of me all right hey Cat we got your some hostages team two go get them everyone else [Music] [Music] cover what about me no you we [Music] need than now your time to shine boys I want you to go in the back and tell me where you can see yeah we're on a detective what what if we make contact Observe and Report only do not engage these guys do you hear me Observe and Report my ass yeah that we're going in get down one two this room you listen carefully you want to live you do everything I say yeah yeah tough guy shut the up and stand right there you you you do everything I tell you and you won't get killed sit down move how you doing up there Ken found my spot setting up now copy let me know when you're ready I could kill you with my teeth oh it's great cuz I can kill you with my gun hey on your knees hello I said on your knees I just need a moment of your time you take one more step and you die [Music] okay you killed my friends I saved them you cut out their eyes I just want to go home you should leave me alone found an x-ray good shot stand by you good let's [Music] go what have we got here it's taking him so long than Tik Tok 2 minutes [Music] all systems go boss all systems go I should kill you right now why don't you I'm not a murderer I'm not like you we're all the same in God's eyes just shoot him I'll be with you in a minute shut up come on shut the up it took me a long time to understand that we're all the same the street Punk the professional like you the cop the banker we're all the same Sinners and then God spoke to me oh yeah what's he sound I you wouldn't understand it was like I suddenly knew what I had to do you're crazy I've been told so but you know what maybe I'm the only one who isn't crazy did you think about that when God spoke to me he told me to save Souls as many as I could does that sound like a bad thing to do God told you to cut people's eyes out couldn't just preach join a church he told me the eyes were the windows of the soul and it was my destiny to collect Souls you see it's very simple God just spoke to me about time mhm x-ray is about to execute a hostage green light repeat green light say hello to Tracy for me God protects those who serve him I just need a moment of your time x-ray down x-ray down time to settle up keep your men outside whatever happens I don't know about it listen it's going to be crazy enough without your men blundering around just stay out of our way all right the things start going South we're coming in fair enough ready Showtime [Music] oh [Music] you hey Paul you still with us that's you Sinclair you know this guy they go back a long way so our mutual friends and I were wondering did you get the stuff oh I got it it's right there on the counter so it is doesn't look like much well it's all there shame you won't get to spend it and you will sincl you're bring up a good point I don't think they'll miss it what's going on Sinclair just one of those Macho moment you like so much detective so Paul you know the boys aren't too happy with you fifth time you've ripped them off six actually Trent that was you we get around that's enough really until I figure out what the hell's going on you're under arrest I can see the wheels turning detective so let me guess you're not really DOD he's cartel if you hadn't already figured it out is that true it's a gray area but at least you nailed a dangerous criminal we only realized what was going on when you sent that photo through so thanks for that detective you're welcome God Jesus what did you say he said run looks like the calvary's arrived hey detective just in time boys like I told your boss DET take stay out of our way Jones [Music] over [Music] here don't me easy for you to say you don't have a family drop it drop it we can all get something out of this we you say uh Paul got to away with the money we split it three ways it'll be a pretty good Payday for all of us good luck spending it in FAL some it was just a thought I wouldn't worry about me Detective give it up Paul there's two of us and one of you it's time don't you think you know he's right well you nearly really did it yeah 10 minutes in and out supposed to be the easy one place like this I didn't think they miss it what was the backup the elevator how' you know about that I'm not an idiot Paul I read the building plans but you got it working yeah they burked it up but they left everything there smart not smart enough obviously no sry [Music] Paul so this is it huh yeah worth the trouble don't you think oh yeah sorry about your brother go yourself I'm starting to see the family resemblance but what are we going to do with you if you're doing what I think you're going to do I'm the least of your problems but you can't be too careful chin I'm here I'm [Music] here it was h second this is [Music] okay oh fck are you okay I've been better I got this detective do me a [Music] favor go put a bullet in [Music] absolutely [Music] [Music] what the [Music] [Music] [Music] D is that you don't with me Danny [Music] uni Denny hey who the hell are you you're that Windows guy I just want to go home I saw what you did to my men you should leave me alone oh yeah well I think I'm going to do LAPD a favor please allow me to explain [Music] ch [Music] girl for the eye is the lamp of the body the lamp of the body so if your eye is healthy you're stop right there you got to be kidding me looks like you and me had a pretty bad day Danny that Windows guy it's a bit of a handful huh and not anymore good for you so now with Danny you taking me in those are my orders your orders you too huh M staches like this all over the country there's always someone like me nearby by keep an eye on things and You' have stopped him your own brother if I had to that's cool that's a lot of money Danny and then what like I said there's always someone else someone like me you shouldn't have killed Paul it's a bad world all around [Music] the eye is the LM of your body so if the eye is healthy your whole body will be full of light but if the eye is bad your whole body be full of of Darkness if then the light in you is Darkness how great then is the darkness
Channel: CinemaID
Views: 2,023,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4ZgRhkKu6JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 43sec (4843 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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