Pro Chef Reacts... To Uncle Roger HATE Jamie Oliver Egg Fried Rice

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this is disgusting who put jam today guys we're  going to be reviewing a video that i've been   wanting to review we're going to be seeing Jamie  Oliver making his egg fried rice with Uncle Roger   and i expect it to be bad i don't know  how bad but i do expect it to be bad   obviously because everyone talks about the  chili jam that he puts in and he ruins it   but in any case uh who knows maybe it won't be  if you are new welcome to my channel my name is   james i have plenty of other recipes and videos  on my youtube channel so don't hesitate to ask   me any questions or comments if you have them and  don't forget to share like and subscribe as well   so let's get started hello niece and nephew it's  uncle roger today uncle roger gonna react to   this video requested by so many niece and nephew  out there it's Jamie Oliver making egg fire rice   Jamie Oliver is professional chef very established  everybody knows him so uncle roger thinks this one   is gonna be good i've been to many of his  restaurant when i was working in brenner's   tavern in London i was i never went to eat at one  of Jamie's restaurants i was too busy working all   the time to go to eat at other restaurants so i  cannot say on the quality of his restaurants but   if anyone has eaten at his restaurants then please  let me know in the comments down below niece and   nephew, please smack the like button now like you  slap a bag of rice don't make encourages that   smack like button now let's start the video egg  fried rice it's an absolute classic and i've got   two second intuition and i already see sauce pan  hi wear your wok Jamie where are your egg fire   rice need to use wok because you need to walk hey  many people are asking uncle roger what is wake   hay it is the breath of wok when you cook with  wok the wok gives the food flavor get the wok hey   no such thing as sauce pan hey Jamie you have  25 cookbook but you can't afford one wok uncle   roger send you one wok for free Jaime no problem  if you can use a wok to make fried rice obviously   you're going to have better results but it's one  of those things if you have a small kitchen then   you don't have one it's okay that's how it is you  can use a saucepan if this is the only thing you   have or a larger pot if that's the only thing  you have but obviously, if you do have a wok   it's easier this is the proper thing to use and  if you have the space for a bigger wok or an   actual wok station it's even better i absolutely  love making this recipe yes you could do this as   a side dish no trouble at all but actually it's  heading towards being a really beautiful dinner so   wait yes you could do this as a side dish Jamie  says egg fire rice is a side dish when uncle roger   growing up when my mom made me egg fire rice  that is the main dish I never tell my mom oh mom   this egg fried rice is only side dish where the  main dish where the main dish i would have been   beaten to death yeah i mean egg fried rice it's  possible that in western society egg fried rice   is kind of like the side dish, yes i mean you can  have a small bowl of egg fried rice but if you go   through all the work of actually making it is for  the main meal and you know you can add say chicken   to it or seafood as well and make it a little  more elaborated than what it looks like Jamie's   going to be making today so you can make it more  interesting than just making a basic fried rice   with green onions but well let's see what happens  so finally slice this up and as this pan gets nice   and hot i'm gonna go in with one tablespoon  of olive oil and what one tablespoon of of   what i'm gonna go in with one tablespoon  of olive oil for egg fried rice   who use olive oil for egg fire rice why are you  making salad olive oil is like white people oil   not suitable for asian dishes like egg fried rice  now we've seen this with Jamie a lot he uses olive   oil a lot in western society we do use a lot  of olive oil the only problem is with olive oil   is that it has a lower smoking point and if  you're going to be frying at high temperatures   it's not impossible it's just that it's not  the best oil to use you know it's just one   of those things if this is the only oil you have  it doesn't mean that you can't use it especially   if you're cooking at home i mean nobody's going  to judge you if you're making this at home but   if you're trying to show someone and you have a  lot of money like Jamie does filming this with   a professional camera crew and with the producers  and everybody else you know providing for you then   you could use more of the proper ingredients  or techniques so one of those things and i'm   going to go straight in with the onions and we'll  get them sizzling straight away and no no no no   no spring onion is garnish it's garnish you put  spring onion as the last thing in your meal not   the first thing in the frying pan higher we'll get  them sizzling straight away no you don't sizzle   spring onion nobody sizzles spring onion if you  cook spring onion now it will wilt it wilt this   should be garlic first step should be garlic yeah  i have to agree with uncle roger yes green onions   they're the last thing that you add yeah and  if you do add them at the end you add them for   just a few seconds before then you serve because  otherwise they'll turn brown they won't just wilt   they'll change colors if we look at the fried  rice that chef wong made and compare that to   this i think we'll see a big difference because  his fried rice looked perfect this is already   looking to be a little bit on the side so this  first three step all wrong already i thought you   professional chef, you have website and everything  uncle roger don't even have website and uncle   roger know you [ __ ] up and then i've got some  packet pre-cooked rice yes you can cook your own packet this guy owns so many restaurants and  he still can't be bothered to make his own rice   packet rice imagine if you go to Japanese  restaurant and you ask for noodle and the chef   gives you instant noodle everybody was talking  about this being the worst fried rice because   jamie added chewy jam i've never seen this before  and i do all the shopping yeah and i've never seen   packaged pre-cooked rice like this before and let  alone for a cooking video for me this is a little   more important than just putting the chicken or  not putting the chili jam or putting the chili   jam in it i don't know if he was in a hurry or  obviously he didn't do the shopping and somebody   else did it for him but this is something  that this is a big no-no yeah packaged rice   if it's the only thing that you have to use  because this is your lifestyle okay but um for   cooking video to show other people that is what  this guy is doing own rice white rice 12 minutes   but for stir-fried rice you have to drain it and  chill it uh you have to chill it he correct but   don't don't drain rice uncle roger made a whole  video 12 million views now of auntie Hersha draining   rice don't drain rice but chill rice correct  45 second in first thing he got correct so for   me that feels like a good cheese you can hear  it sizzling he actually used packaged rice for   this though to me that's the worst thing that  you could do for this recipe besides the chili   jam but packaged rice you hear sizzling i hear my  ancestors crying it's fast it's hot it's furious   we're just going to toss it around right then  oh uncle roger i don't like the look of this   he's taking ingredients from this drawer and this  drawer looks so white because asian ingredients   never come in jar you ever notice that asian  ingredient always come in plastic bag or   bad packaging if your packaging look this nice  nice jar nice bag over there that is not asian   ingredient next ingredient i have this in my home  all the time now chili jam it's what i tell you   it's not asian ingredient what he doing with  chili jam let's see brilliant for cooking it's   got heat but it's also got the sweetness and  it's going to kind of glow oh no no no no no   putting jam in rice this is disgusting who put  jam first of all what is chili jam all right i   have to admit the chili jam the consistency  of it looks a lot like jam no Jamie's saying   that it has spice to it that it's sweet so okay  it's a little like sweet and sour sauce maybe   but still this is something that i  don't know i'd have to taste it but   again there's a difference when making  something for yourself that you like   and then making something let's say as the base  recipe to show others because a lot of people   that don't know especially if you have a lot  of influence may take that as the actual recipe   for the actual traditional thing now if you say  that this isn't how you make it this is just my   way of doing it that gets you off the hook um or  if you don't have the ingredients but guys let me   know in the comments down below what you think of  the chili jam but not just the chili jam yeah let   me know what you think of the other ingredients  that he added like the pre-cooked packaged rice   uncle roger no fresh chili, chili oil, chili flake,  never heard of chili jam is this how you treat   white people to eating chili you give them fresh  chili they go no no no i don't actually like chili   give them chili jam and they go oh chili jam is  so weird thing to use Jamie do you know about   sriracha this is asian chili just use this no need  to use jam what are you gonna put in there next   you know i go through like a bottle of sriracha  at least every three weeks to a month i love it   chili jam i've never tried it i've never tasted  it sweet and sour sauce i have quite a bit and i   like it um i have never used it for fried rice i  would put sriracha in this after cooking just my   just to spice it up you know just for me if it's  not spicy enough but chili jam peanut butter okay   why do you go bake PB and J egg fried rice how  many think can a chef get wrong in one weejo   hi two nice teaspoons go in to our pan and then  just start tossing again it tastes very pope but   it toss all the wrong stuff all style no substance  that'll start to coat every single rice grain and   it'll shine in the most beautiful way i mean it's  pretty easy in this video to make to pick on Jamie   right because he has gotten quite a few things  wrong and i can tell that this is the video that   made uncle roger super popular um because this  is just it's golden for uncle roger is so easy   to pick the things that he should have fixed just  give it a little splash of water wait what what   oh no no in the middle of cooking you put water oh  uncle roger say if your rice too wet you [ __ ] up   but if your rice too dry you're also [ __ ]  up this is a little trick that Jamie did with   cooking the fried rice i'm not just saying that  this is a trick for the further ice this is for   anything in general when you're cooking whenever  the pan gets a little too hot or if it's a little   too dry you have a few choices you can add more  oil to it if you need to say fry more say if   you're frying chicken or meat or vegetables like  this or if it's getting a little too hot you can   drop the temperature by adding a dash of water  doing this with rice is a bit of a no-no because   you don't want to add more rice or sorry more  water to the rice it does drop the temperature   but it can make it extra wet um it depends again  on how much you add but you know it's just one   of those things you have to be careful at this  stage just push the rice up the side of the pan   like that and then straight into the middle we're  going to crack in two beautiful free-range eggs   all right now this is another little trick that my  dad actually taught me my dad was a chef he worked   in Asia for quite a while you can make a hole  in the middle of the pan and then add the eggs   to the center of the pan is one method of doing it  it's not a bad method it's just a different way of   doing it okay okay the egg look good egg look good  and then it's time for the last ingredient which   again to a lot of people he reaching for that  shelf again so uncle roger don't think it's gonna   end well uncle roger just don't like that shelf  i think it's wrong shelf for egg fire right maybe   during filming they put the wrong shelf there and  jamie's like oh [ __ ] you bought the wrong shelf   what i do now and the filming people are like  we don't care just use whatever in the shelf   people is a bit of a new ingredient tofu top  firm silken tofu tofu why your tofu in juice   box who makes your tofu capri sun when uncle  roger buy tofu at asian market always come in   plastic bag plastic seal wrapping no tofu look  like juice box what are you going to poke straw   and drink your tofu 50 grams and what you  can do is just break this up no no no no if you actually look at the tofu yeah if we  take a quick look at it before uncle roger   commentates on it just breaking it up like that  it doesn't look nice if you add it say in cubes   okay and find ice cubes at the very end so it  doesn't fall apart this is you know a possibility   if you want to make it say a vegan option then  you know this is something that you can do   he make uncle roger put my leg down from chair  baking tofu like how auntie helen pick uncle roger   hut asian cooking when you cook tofu you preserve  the whole shape of tofu and serve to customer   this video so many sad things happening  he wastes the spring onion he wet the rice   and now he tear apart the tofu like paper and  uncle roger forgot he added the chili jam and   so far no msg I don't really think it missed you  can save it at this point but you know well let's   finish the video i don't know if uncle roger  can go on this depression is too much i want   chunks of egg and i want little bits so the  nice thing about this stir-fried rice is it's   kind of random what'd he say what'd he say the  nice thing about this stir-fried rice is it's   kind of random random is not compliment  you made food for your friend one day and   your fans say why your food so random and jaime  say oh my god so random gonna start restaurant   Jamie has to talk yes for his show he has  to say something it's possible that he had   a gaffe and he just said the wrong thing i mean  it's common to say this all the time especially   when you're doing something live or you know  you're in the midst of doing something you're   not thinking and you say something um but this is  true it shouldn't be something random it should be   something that was intended so it's not a random  creation because if it is a random creation then   you can't remember what you did then it's going to  be a little more difficult trying to recreate that   if it's good season with a little salt give  it a little toss salt again no msg but uncle   raw to talk about msg too many weejo now mix it  all up and then we're ready to serve get a bowl   put a little oil this guy loves olive oil like  how auntie Hersha i love colander he put olive oil on   everything do you shower with olive oil also don't  go get massage from Jamie Oliver he will put olive   oil on your body i understand why he's adding  oil to the bowl yeah it's to lubricate the bowl   it's not necessary jamie must have some  really good quality olive oil as well if he's   adding it to everything because good olive oil  especially extra virgin the strongest the first   press has the most flavor to it and then  Italian and Spanish cuisine you should see   the amount of olive oil that they add to things  here but if you add this much oil to the rice   it's going to look like what the rice looks  like now it's going to look very associated   with being unhealthy this has been made to be  healthy if by healthy you mean disgusting then   Jamie you are right all right you could have that  as a meal i think it's the time to have a little   this rice looks so wet look at this you can  see your reflection inside mulan is going   to start singing when you see this rice  so silky and delicious looks fantastic   it's really good fun i do understand that jamie  has been trying to make food healthier for many   years now and this is something that is a good  thing yes we should be eating healthier obviously   but cooking in general cooking for yourself is one  step towards this process i need to take a look at   the ingredients on the chili jam but i don't think  something like the chili jam and the prepackaged   rice and all these other things are that healthy  for you i do applaud him that he has tried to at   least make food healthier for people try to get  people more interested in healthy food tonight jamie is professional chef  all the step he messed up   does this guy hate rice or something  what else have he done with rice oh this guy i think he just hates rice in  general maybe he's sponsored by potato company   their competition there's another instance  that uncle roger didn't look up and that was   an instance a few years ago with Jamie Oliver  making a paella but making a paella that was   of course it was with chorizo because every  chef outside of spain makes it with chorizo   because that's what they think that should go in  it every time but in any case um it really ticked   off the locals here that really really ticked off  the international Spanish community and i guess   that he was receiving threats and everything else  i mean it was serious and nothing should be taken   that far i mean many other famous chefs have done  you know paellas like that but i don't know Jamie   when he messes up people tend to  take it a little more seriously uncle roger don't like this Jamie Oliver recipe  cool wet no garlic no msg she break the tofu   no walk it's all wrong subscribe to uncle roger  channel for more video see you next time bye bye   you know to be honest before reviewing this video  i was thinking as everyone talks about the chili   jam that was going to be oh okay i expected just  the chili jam but the pre-cooked packaged rice   for me that was number 1, 2 was the chili  jam 3 was was the water for the garnish   well and of course no msg the tofu as well  well in any case guys let me know in the   comments down below uh which ingredient  you think was the wrong ingredient or   the matter of importance which one should  have been added first again there's no reason   to honestly pick on jamie he's been picked  on quite a bit he did obviously mess up and   there's no way to defend it he messed up  for this video and at the end of the day   this is how it is it was his own version of  fried rice maybe not something that anyone would   really want to eat not everybody at least some  people but me not quite i would taste it but me   i wouldn't order this in any case guys thank  you for watching i hope you enjoyed the video   don't forget to share like and subscribe and  if you are interested in another video then   be sure to click on this one here and i  will see you guys again very soon take care
Channel: Chef James Makinson
Views: 1,903,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chef James, jamie oliver egg fried rice reaction, jamie oliver egg fried rice uncle roger, jamie oliver egg fried rice response, egg fried rice uncle roger, egg fried rice, uncle roger jamie oliver, uncle roger egg fried rice, uncle roger fried rice, uncle roger reaction to jamie oliver, uncle roger hates jamie oliver fried rice, uncle roger hate jamie oliver, jamie oliver, nigel ng, uncle roger, pro chef reacts to jamie oliver, pro chef reacts to uncle roger fried rice
Id: T1aVlo3x32I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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