How I fixed BAD LANDINGS in one lesson

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feel sober about it do you know what I did earlier I got the life jackets half with a pump top we're gonna do a full stop at that taxi back for the circuits if that's okay all right so we're just gonna do before landing checklist here while we're in the traffic pattern so seat seatbelts secure Thanks yep cabin is Tina's we're gonna get it all right it was the runway for elevation 1600 so you rappers push the nose down to 12 hon to 2,600 all right feels good pump is on make sure is rich and here we go okay so we're just gonna stabilize the airplane slower down to 100 knots alright we lose a little a little bit but it's not the world the runways the winter coming pretty much right down the valley so here we are BMR touchdown point okay this is where we would go power does twenty first notch of laps and use the balloon to nose it over just to keep a hundred knots I'm gonna bump the trim a little bit forward just like so okay so here this is where we're gonna descend about 200 feet on the downwind leg it corresponds nicely a 200-foot descent on the downwind leg corresponds - - to a 45 degrees to our touchdown point okay so we can sort of judge our touch now point even though it can't quite see it there we go we'll turn now on to base on that base leg alright we lose a little bit of vertical list right so we're gonna pull back a little bit as we enter flaps control the balloon and continue our descent now honey dots all right I'm gonna tell us right now that we're a little bit low so pop the power up we have a slight crab angle of the wind alright we're by hundred ninety there's five hundred so that's our turn on to our final turn our turn on to our final all right we're gonna just pick up the touch get our power back now that we're corrected and Haiti not so it's half is that gonna trim up up there we go keep letting that nose cut out so the sight picture now looks a lot better than it did on base all right but that's in part because we've never been here before but I know that if I'm doing this consistently all right then why isn't the runway should be exactly where I expect it to be yeah all right okay so here's just a standard one all right our five-seven a short file over 700 million there we are runways assured so here I want to just go power to idle all right and don't let the nose drop down we're gonna slowly pitch up slowly pitch up slowly pitch up and then obviously this bit you know where he well we're just gonna fly it here a little bit of a float went to clearly dies there a little bit all right yes that was standard standard approach beautiful break yeah so the wit dies on that short final okay we've just now figured out yeah wind sucks doing nothing how to verify that that's better remember faster than rudder and when you're a dear Ranma III great thank you look for prey okay so I've done all right so let my airplane is yours I can't by playing normal takeoff 75 rotate an analyst just to its traffic better okay there are five sevens rolling - for yesterday is live my voice engine suppress the good ears but it's increasing 60 watts everybody nuts no any far already wants to come up dear host Eagles pups away 500 above capsules available collector I guess let's put that power back right away yeah so speed controls key the very beginning so 20% once we're ready I'm dampened because we've got $100 now already yeah at 20% here we are we're pretty wide on this traffic pattern I would say a good line so for why that's more ground traffic right yeah there's no whip it's nice up here a little whip so I've got the vibe that it's a bit down I'm a doctor so they're waiting for threshold but I'll do it hidden Salani so there's threshold so cowboy little 21st age yeah trouble balloon put you down that's it so now we don't really have to touch the power yeah the judge in the angle there you go it's 30 base makes not your flats yeah so that natural flaps is the judgment that judgment call right yeah yes what that does come down right nineteen on some base that's it don't put back don't put back no need to go back yep no need to pull back you see just let it come back don't pull back it'll come settle it'll settle all on its own at ninety okay I'll take fingertips there you go yeah right there that's where we want it to be that's it right cuz we were there we were slowing down to 80 already so now we're to work really high right yeah okay so now we can slow down so let's turn to final no 5/7 turning pot that's it 500 I have a shot a little so I'll just come back on the center line that's okay there you got that we pour back that's its feel that nose coming down yeah that's you point back let go there you go so there's a tea that Hey Oh so now just trim it after that that's perfect it's tough so here we are runways already assured all right now this we're gonna make it alright so let's pull throttle out that's it right now just hold the pitch right so that means increasing slowly your pitch beer back pressure to hold that pitch angle alright so increase it increase it that's yeah increase your back pressure slowly but surely Greece's slowly but trill let it come down that's it that's it right there yeah hold it so here the runway disappears below us as well slight downslope yeah so that's just the judgment that's judging man yeah that's perfect I feel most type in the approach yeah very much ran down see that no and you didn't look here at all I didn't your decisions on the power were outside yeah they were based on the outside you could look at what thing which was your airspeed oh five seventh battery that's yeah I was consciously doing great thank you so I'd say that baster gonna maybe happen a little earlier but it could have happened earlier yes yes agree all right so let's we keep it Connie not here let's keep 90 knots there you go that's it I'll be pulled back on me you trip it forward now let the nose go down 500 there we go now it's turn now trim it 480 that's it yeah in your turn you see if this turn we could do it nice and calmly right this is only 20 degrees Bank backs right no need for more if we overshoot the big deal this you're wondering why that lights flashing it's because it's calibrated to 4 to 1/2 degree by slope okay now we're doing 3-degree glide slope robbery yeah that's it so are you trapped filled trimmed yeah yeah it's easy right yeah they're so we could probably take a bit of power out now yes right does this 20% I'm gonna give us guys so for this airplane that's it right there yeah perfect hey go run wears a shirt idle that hold the pitch that'll help us slow down T there we are 73 knots crossing over and then that drink of this transition to landing and it really reduces the really reduces the flow stunning beautiful landing the whole I print with a portrait and I think that's the first time we've had on the trip it's fantastic truly fantastic okay I set out here my controls that alright you'll find Evelyn yeah okay so here we are 80 knots 20% alright and you can see the light there on the side of the runway steady steady yeah so that means we're at a four and a half degree glide slope okay so we want it to be flashing yeah actively alright so if I pitch down no power change right at the point where it's flashing yet alright so there now we're flashing yeah yeah all right so I've accelerated now I'm gonna level off again to maintain that to set point all right I look at it it's back to steady yeah yeah it's back to study so actually I haven't accomplished anything yeah I'm still hot yeah right back into eighty knots where if I take power out right so here we'll go power out and we'll hold 80 knots right if I hold 80 knots just like this you see how that the touch now point is coming closer yeah you feel that we're now gonna land on the trees yeah I can see that right yeah that's the difference yeah now we're gonna land in the trees right we're not really guys I know we're out then you put the path now you put the power back in and guess what back at it at 20% power I'll never see the solid light again right never see it again yeah now back on glide path with my power set twenty eighty nine eighty percent twenty percent power right on glide path yeah yeah right so if I if I if I make only a power change for my altitude yeah I get back on glide slope if I make a pitch change for my air speed or yeah if I make a pitch change for my altitude I back off glide slope yeah yeah all right let's just go around our five sevenths go around that was good that makes I was it yeah that was a really really an effective demonstration yeah totally see that with the runway moving in the trees coming here basically you can see oh yeah that's where we're gonna be now and you just come through the glide slow to the point that you want then you pick it up again with power Zack nice all right you want try that if I say that were final ready okay perfect so we're hi alright just trimming please be doing it she went out right off glide slope damn it what keep the power bumped the power up okay I bought the power up till you see solid light there I thought let's try to correct it so don't so pitch up a little bit so let it go up yeah so there you go so now we're high there we go okay okay your control some power back now I now figure out what do you want to do right so try to correct this okay so we're high but we don't want to change the airspeed so we didn't come back on the power yeah now we're really high we're like 6 degrees pitch up right so now we're Rick wicked high but look just by taking out power by holding the airspeed it's gonna come back in a solid slight here go over all the way idle yeah there you go you idolized how you're really gonna get it right so that's 4 to 1/2 degree class hope we know alright we're now a little bit under glide slope again which is exactly where we want to be 3 degrees that's it now bump the power back up yeah and I'm watching the SB appears yeah done oh my gosh this is beautiful that's it land sure now we'll go around I don't I don't I later come back okay okay this is that's fine I know your father never pasta that is going around okay so let's see that final the final magic again the final magic so we can do this kind of abbreviated traffic pattern just because you're confident I would obviously normally do this yeah but it sort of avoids big circles altitude I never 5/7 it is final for a to four let's do this one all the way down all the way down remember find a server and I don't movie Garfield thanks for us five hundred there you go if we see that solid light coming out then we know we're high right yeah it's just flashing like this and it's probably okay it's hard to judge with ah there you go yeah feeling it your eyes are not even inside then I'll just outside I can see that look at that they're micro correction it's right you're making one max one inch of manifold pressure manifold pressure change all right well I made beautiful oh my gosh it's 12:20 is it oh we should get going we should get going can teach an old dog new tricks
Channel: Stefan Drury
Views: 81,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bad landing, fix bad landings, flight training, learn to fly, student pilot circuits, touch and go, circuit practise, take off, landing practise, how to land a plane
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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