Honcho Wholesale Unboxing - Women's High End Apparel - 25 items - Can I make money? Reselling

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hey everybody heather from hooked on picking here i have got a box from honcho wholesale 25 clothing items we're going to see if we can make some money it's on the off season so that's why i got such a good deal on it and we're going to figure out can we make money on this you guys are true blessing in my life thank you so much for helping me put this content out there to everyone if you'd like to join these great people please consider supporting me through my patreon page check the link below all right before i open this box i got a deal for you there's a promo code that are only specific for my viewers so the promo code if you want to order from honcho wholesale you get 15 bucks off if you put in the promo code hooked h-o-o-k-e-d so because you saw here you already get 15 bucks off you can use it as many times as you want but let's get into this box let me tell you the specs on it 25 units women's high-end apparel hundred msrp is dollars total cost two hundred and twenty four dollars and twenty five cents um shipping was thirty bucks which puts me at an average cost of about nine nine and a half dollars per item okay so honcho wholesale um they're based out of illinois which makes my shipping nice um but i think they do about 30 shipping on almost any box that they sell so we're gonna go ahead and get these um high-end it's primarily like um summer stuff but we're gonna see if we can sell it right now um because it's gonna be a good deal all right if i can ever get into this box alrighty okay this is pretty much just a packing slip yep high-end apparel primarily spring and summer msrp seventeen hundred dollars so we're gonna just have a look-see shall we all right here is a nice black kind of well this isn't summer this is perfect this is a nice cardigan jacket almost look at these cool buttons it's kind of a neat little it's royal laurel um original retail price of this jacket is 195 wow yeah that's a good deal i am never disappointed anytime you get a clothing box from honcho wholesale it's always in phenomenal condition all right then we're going to go ahead and look at this next one what is this bathing suit bathing suit yes bodysuit it's a bodysuit so it's an ash and violet size small bodysuit original retail price is 60 bucks on this one so it's a women's bodysuit then we have should i be pricing these while i do this yeah you can i could all right so here is a dkny original retail price it doesn't tell me on this red dress zkny oh 79.79 on this one do you want my phone to potentially scan yes we can do that and then i'm gonna go ahead and grab stickers stickers and nothing all right so i'm going to price it as we go along because a lot of these things i'd like to go ahead and just sell on the fire sale and so we're going to just go ahead and do that right now and then you'll get to see exactly how much what size was that ralph lauren code that ralph lauren co ooh good question that is size they covered it up on the sticker size large that's a good yeah that could go well so we're going to go size large on the um ralph lauren cool i think we can go see if you can scan it okay paul's here by the way i'm here he's the voice from behind the camera he's behind the camera someone called him odds one time because he never saw him pay no attention to that man behind the camera all right 171.74 on amazon on amazon i'd say let's make a pile for amazon and then what we can't yeah so we can make after fees 136. so this is going to be my amazon pile and then anything else we'll put over here so we're going to write that down we're going to put 100 did it have a sales rank let me see it's a million five that's not too bad i'd still probably go for it yeah i'm gonna put it still probably i've already got an amazon order working because people are just starting to buy coats and whatnot yep so we're gonna go 130 is what we're making on amazon let's check the um ash invite that was even after the fees after fees is 130 because it's selling for 170. nice so now this is a size small i prefer to sell it on amazon if at all possible um it is on there but has no sales rank so we're gonna okay that's probably another yeah we're gonna go ahead and just price this since it's a size small we're priced at 10 bucks okay that'd be a huge deal for somebody yeah it is a good deal so small is harder to sell yeah they are harder to sell but that's all right okay 10 bucks on that one so this is gonna be fire sale then we're gonna go this one's 70 bucks so let's see if it even scans what's that size again this one is a size give me one sec this one is a size small as well um this one requires approval but if i can sell it i think i would like to sell it on amazon because even after fees it's going to be 25 bucks because it's selling for 34 35 so we're gonna just put this on the amazon pile okay and i'm gonna write down 25 after fees all right there we go so now that we're all set up to do this all right look at this gorgeous top it's kind of an off the shoulder international concepts looks like this got three quarter length sleeves original retail price is 70 it's a size large purple top let's scan this and see where we're going with it all right we have got hold on i think it's getting the wrong one because there's another weird label on here that was the return label it probably tried to pick up that one didn't pull up what's the size it's a size large i think we should sell it on the fire sale original retail price is 70 so i think we're going to go 15 bucks on the fire sale 15 yeah you could have gone 20 probably on it yeah heather's just discounting like crazy discount it like crazy yeah i don't make a lot of money on that one because like i said i spent about nine and a half dollars so all right dkny right here this is the extra large nice top i love this top i would totally get it dirty though scan that okay that one didn't pop up but the original retail price is 70 on that one so we're gonna go 20 i think 20 bucks yeah what do you think paul yeah i think you know at least you're saying what you would price it for somebody else depending on where you're at where you could sell it you might get 40 for it you might get 30 for it yeah i like to sell good deals we're coming up to q4 so it's you might get closer to full price here awesome cardigan look at this lightweight cardigan yeah it's really nice vince camuto that's a good brand it's a macy's brand original retail price is a hundred dollars on this one yeah let's see it's not on there so i think i'm gonna go what size is it it's an extra large i think i'm gonna go 25 on this one 25 yeah there we go so i think we're going to make our money off oh yeah yeah so here's another red top really pretty i like the shoulders on this let me show you who's your size steal it it's a size small it's not 89 is the original retail price on this size small so let's scan it and see if we can get it to go to amazon ah yes and it has a pretty decently good sales rank it is a million seven but in clothing i'm i'm willing to go a bit higher but after fees i can make 70 on it 89 is what it's still actually going for on amazon wow full price so we're definitely gonna send that to amazon and i'm gonna write down 70 bucks is what we're going to make remember if you send it to amazon pull the clearance tag off yes that will annoy amazon and the buyer yes all right here is a white top with some cute bell sleeves on it v-neck it is a size 14. it is 69 original retail price we're gonna go ahead and scan this it's selling on amazon for wow great sales rank look at that sales rank right there oh 196 000 enclosed yeah 100 close is a huge category yeah we usually go up to about a million and a half now that other one i did so we'll make after fees will make 23 no app fees will make 19.41 yep so we're gonna definitely send this one to amazon i'm just gonna put down 20 bucks just to make it a nice easy number ups is here round number what are we getting ordered no idea probably returns could be returned could be returns they're they're clearing out the the space in the amazon warehouse lately so all my overstocks coming back all right international concept size medium this one is a 59 original retail price so we're going to scan this and see what we get yes that one's on there it's got a a 10 million sales rank yeah i wouldn't that's a little steep so this one's a medium original retail price is 60 bucks what's it going for on here 40 so let's go ahead and just go 15 bucks there you go 15 bucks so he always knocks when we have stuff all right so we're gonna put that on the fire sale okay he doesn't really want to come in does he no i think he does okay hi that's all right that's a signature required oh perfect you just type your name in there now okay thank you sounds good thanks signature required look at that signature required hebron kentucky should i just open it on this video in kentucky do you have any idea i have no idea who it's from hebron kentucky it says amazon fulfillment sermon oh this is probably just something i ordered i don't know did you order is it a return oh okay it was something i ordered off amazon but it's from a third party so i must have ordered it um drop shipping merge fulfilled yeah so that's why okay all right all right real world folks you got to see it real world okay calvin klein it's a great ups laurel he is an awesome ups guy 79.50 it's an extra large let's scan it kelvin klein 354 000 sales rank which is amazing so we're actually going to make after fees 29 dollars there it is yep see that sales rank yeah great sales rank yeah it's good 33 16 yep that's sending it to the warehouse yep so we're sending it to the warehouse we're going to make basically 30 bucks after fees well 33 is after fees but that was merchant fulfilled number so it was 29 for amazon oh yep i did not see that yep so um dnky size small that's a cute top it looks kind of it looks a like it'd be a loose fitting small so this is 69 original retail price remember if you want a box like this you can get my promo code this one requires approval we're going to assume that i will get the approval so after fees we're going to make about 15 bucks um it has a 5 million sales rank but so i'm not i think let's just you want to just thinking fire sale fire five million it's not going to go all right so it's going for 21 right now so let's just go 10 bucks on this okay so we'll put a 10 price tag on that okay all righty then we're gonna pull this one out this is a tank top that's cute international concepts size small 54 dollars and 50 cents let's scan away we got a that is not the same shirt you got to be careful of that yep that's a different shirt that's what popped up when she scanned it yeah so people reuse barcodes what happens they do let me just get this out of the way and try it one more time just to be sure it's a little taggy thing was in the way yeah same thing all right so we're gonna definitely it's a size small we're gonna go ten dollars on this one she's slashing prices i'm slashing and dashing all so right four dollars was the original retail price on that one okay and then we've got this one boy that's a pretty top and then it's a bling got some sparkles don't wear that through the airport size medium anything with sequins sets off the detectors the detectors i learned that the hard way all right so this one does require approval but we're going to assume that i can sell it on amazon because generally i can get approved fairly quickly 22 after fees uh three million sales rank i think we should just sell this on the fireside fire sale yeah 20 bucks on the fire sale um or what were you thinking well it's only going for 32 online so let's go 15 okay a little more than half i like to to half it all right perfect did i write that down i don't think i wrote it down here you wrote the label probably the table keep track of it all right then we have this cute mason jewels polka dot top this is an extra small um so original retail price is 40 on this it is online but i think let's go ahead and just um let's sell it on the fire sale we're gonna just go 10 bucks how much more we got in there um not many i mean there were only 25 things to begin with right yeah so i love every okay so the thing that i really really love so far is everything is in pristine condition even the white clothes which is a miracle um so this is an extra large uh let's see where's the tag at here we go it's a vince camuto original retail price is 80. i love that they leave the original retail price on it just i mean i have a manifest that comes with these which is nice but it's just nicer when it's right there on the product so this extra large i think we're going to go ahead and put this on the fire sale we're going to try white doesn't sell real real fast for us so i'm going to go 15 on this one i know it's way steep cut yeah way cut the price we do have a hard time selling white i do i almost tried to put a red mark on that i didn't but i tried i didn't put the cap back on all right then we have a black i think this is the exact same nope it's not it's an alfani but boy it looks similar to that white top this is an alfani v-neck this is original uh the size is six the original retail price is 69.50 so let's see if we can get it to go on yes it is on amazon it's going for a decent price 196 000 sales rank we're going to put this on amazon screen sales rank yeah we're going to make 12 so i'm just going to put 10 of profit but i think we're going to sell it really fast on amazon because it's got a great sales rank so anything i can send to amazon i do because it's so much less work on me i'm not having to package it i mean i do label it and then just throw it all in one big box but it's that many less transactions that i have to deal with on a regular basis boy this is a nice sheer top size medium original retail price is 59 heather hasn't stolen anything on the box yet i have not i'm gonna have to find something it's gonna happen all right so this one is original retail price medium 59 i think i'm gonna go 15 on this one on the fire sale we go great job heather thanks thanks man all right white paint white pants white pants hardest thing in the world to sell size 8 original retail price is 75 let's see if we can just send to amazon because i'd be happier that way um i can it's got a four million sales rank that's look at the bottoms of these two those are cool you see the bottoms they're basically uh ankle pants ankle pants should i send them to amazon because they're white that's very high sales i'll only make 10 bucks so i should probably just put them on the fire sale and charge 10 bucks on that yeah i think that might be a poshmark when it's all said and done yeah we'll start higher at poshmark and yeah we'll probably list it more around 30 bucks on poshmark people are nervous with white pants man all right then we've got ooh look at these pants these are cool not white pants not white pants can you see them they're camouflaged they're hiding behind them yep all right free people 98 is the original retail price see if we can put them online it's a great brand i can after fees they're only i'm only going to make 11 but it has a great sales rank so i'd rather just go ahead and send it to amazon because it's a size um it's got a european size 26. so that doesn't sell a lot of times as quickly on the fire sale it's a smaller size and it's a smaller size so i'm going to go ahead and just write down 10 bucks on amazon all right what is this it's fancy fancy okay how's it go all right so it's a dress you need to wear that dress either should i extra small i'm not going to be wearing this you could get in an extra small i'm sure you could get in there for you paul all right extra small 89.50 let's see if we can send it oh my goodness it's on there it's shiny but i think we're gonna just go ahead and sell it on the fire sale oh yeah okay so sales rank too high probably yeah fifteen dollars 15 is all yep because it's an extra small that's fine original was 89 then you figured it was clearance probably all right this is a cool tank top look at that it's a free people again three people is a great brand it seems to sell really well um this one is on amazon so we're gonna sell it on amazon and so we are going to make after fees we will be making twenty dollars nice we're gonna sell that one i could never make see i would have thought you would have made more on the camouflage pants than i would have on a plain tank top playing tank top well i think it's the size on this one this one ends up being well no the tank top is only a medium yeah but that's still better than like an extra small or a much smaller pan okay so here is a plain pink top so size small international concepts 29 is the original retail price so let's see if we can send it in and just get a little bit of cashola all right um that is not what that is that's what scanned the joys of reusing barcodes yes so this is a size small we're just going to say 10 bucks on this one kaboom so from 30 to 10. not bad yeah we're doing pretty good all right but at 10 we're basically breaking even with the items so we need stuff to go for more than ten you need to have it well we have found several that are okay so this is a tdc i've never seen this brand before it's an extra large original retail price is forty dollars i think i'm gonna go 15 bucks just because it's white but it is a really really nice top and it's a good size so 15 bucks for an extra large that's not too bad my alerts going off yeah alarms going off so all right then we have a mason jewels hey this looks familiar yeah is that a duplicate yeah it is what'd you do the other one for i'm gonna look real fast and see i thought it was this one's a medium i'm pretty sure it was a ten dollars but did it go to amazon did it go on amazon where did i put that one how i don't have very many clothing people here it is we priced it for this one is an extra small so we priced it for ten dollars i'll say let's just do the medium for ten dollars too okay that'll go fire sale fire sale car sales on fridays fire sales fridays at 6 00 p.m central standard time so check your time zone we're in the central time zone so we do it 6 p.m um and then that has been a huge blessing to us we were able to move so much well inventory get steep discounts for folks mason jewels size medium let's see if we can scan it original retail price is forty nine dollars and fifty cents um and on our first is we don't have to pay amazon fees and ebay this one is online i think we're just going to go 10 bucks on this one i'm going to find some more stickers there they are right here so drop them there so 10 on this one that is a cute top it's got kind of a halter style neckline what size again this is a medium medium yeah so 10 bucks for that my hair keeps falling in my face today all right then this is a cute this is another bodysuit ash and violet size extra large 59. 59 even is the price on this one this one is on amazon it has a 400 000 sales rank wow which is great so we're definitely gonna sell it on amazon we'll only make eight dollars so i'm just going to write 10 because it kind of works out price wise it's a great picture on the model too it is so i'll write down 10 i just like to keep round numbers give or take a book or two all right so that one is going to amazon look at my amazon pile i love it because it's so much less work no picturing not no shipping i just throw it all in one big box well i do ship it once but a lot easier all right so this is another free people so i think we sent something already i want to say 8 million 8 million yes you're correct sir uh no you're not all right it has a 1.2 million sales rank but i think it's gonna sell pretty good we're only we're gonna make 11 so that kind of evens out my eight so i'm gonna put put down ten this one's gonna go to amazon because it's a smaller size so i'm gonna do all of the addition for these 25 items let's see if we made some money if you love the content that i give you can support me on patreon just follow the link in the description below and i will offer you lots of exclusive things you can be in the hooked on picking coffee club have your naven lights be in the hooked on pick and reseller club or the reseller pro club you get different perks for each club so if you'd like to support me and my channel please head on over to my patreon account and start supporting thanks all right you saw how i priced it and i have the avenue of fire sales but you may be able to get yours to move in a different location so you may have a retail shop you may have a garage sale you may have consignment shops near you where you can move this stuff in a different way and so you saw how i did it so we ended up with the total number of 565 with the shipping included we paid 254 dollars for this and so we ended up with a profit margin of three hundred and eleven dollars so over fifty percent profit you know we made we doubled our money and so we're doing awesome on this one and you saw the condition it was phenomenal condition so if you wanna buy a box like this from honcho wholesale go ahead and go to their website the link is down in the description below and make sure you use that 15 off promo code hooked h-o-o-k-e-d because every little bit counts i mean that's one garment sold right there that you can make a profit just by using the promo code hooked so hopefully it's been fun to watch this honcho wholesale unboxing of spring and summer clothes with a great msrp and remember in the end jesus wins hey i get this question all the time where are the liquidators i buy from down in the description of every single video i do i put some liquidators that i definitely agree with you still have to do your research and make sure you're buying a good box but go ahead and check them out there also i have great items available on hooked on picking.com and reseller advice consultation phone calls and ebooks so check all of that out at hooked on picking.com
Channel: Hooked on Pickin' Amazon FBA Seller
Views: 3,543
Rating: 4.8969955 out of 5
Keywords: Hookedonpickin.com, unboxing videos, Bulq.com, ebay, sales, selling, picking, Jesus, amazon, pallet, unboxing, business, reselling, reseller, sold, profits, bulq.com, liquidation, wholesale, money, Amazon seller, picker, How to, Amazon FBA, poshmark, Smashlots, Heather, Hooked on Pickin’, Hooked on Picking, Raikin Profit, pallets, merchant, fba, via, trading, liquidator, mercari, posh, seller, fulfilled, facebook, steve & steph, bulq, Barbie, Family Flips, Reign, Watch, Jewelry, Extreme Unboxing, A&E, Honcho, Wholesale
Id: Yo318Bpsh40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 36sec (1596 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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