Priests & Preachers Entering Islam - Yusuf Estes

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bismillah in al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen who Allah DJ lana muslimeen or salat wa salam ala solo cream or salam alaykom rock until every cotton the hamdulillah i would like to start by doing an inventory check find out who's in the audience today do we have with us any non-muslims you raise your hand not Muslim yet like the way I said that compositive finger let me look on this side i understand any not muslim yet how are up here okay how many muslims do we have raised your hand oh how does it feel to be surrounded by all these turkish oh that fun the delight of the love they asked me to talk on the subject about priests priests and preachers who enter islam very frequently i get introduced by people that really don't know me or know the real history and i get amazing credits to me that I never even know I had I've been labeled as a presbyterian as a Catholic as a Baptist and and by the way I was none of those and I've been told that I was a bishop and a priest and I go it's amazing the problem happens actually when you tell the story in English then they translated to Arabic and then somebody translates it back out to English there's a word cassis which they use sort of as a general word to represent anybody who's really in the Christian religion but when you translate it back to english it just priests that's it so that's why they asked me to try to clarify that whole story tonight Chella God willing you'd like to make notes your women welcome to do so and then you can compare the next time you hear the story in C applause first of all I never imagined that I would become a Muslim in fact I wouldn't have accepted that even as a joke 15 years ago nothing could be further away from me than such an idea as that but one of the reasons is because I didn't understand what the words mean so before I tell you the story I'd like to share with you a couple of words and then as I tell you the story it'll help you to understand better God willing inshallah the first word is the word a wall now I'm a Texan I grew up in Texas and everybody there in Texas you know we have our way of thinking and we think everybody thinks like we do as a matter of fact if somebody said the word Allah we would probably say why don't you say God like normal people everybody else they're gone but is that really true well we can explore for ourselves we don't need to have a genius to sit beside us and tell us how to think we can figure it out Christianity is the largest religion in the world today followers of Christianity make up about 1.7 billion and from those people the majority of them single religion only is Catholic they're bigger than the Orthodox or the Coptics or the Protestants biggest group is Catholics now the majority of the Catholic speak Spanish French or Italian majority some Portuguese because that includes Mexico Central America South America France Italy so you get the feeling that a large majority of the majority don't use word god hears or do our deals but not God then if you look to the rest of the Christian world you'll find there's you have a lot of people they speak the Dutch or German languages and they also don't use what God and in fact if you go really across was one point seven billion only about something like 200 and something million are really living in America some English speakers in Canada of course England they'll use this word god that's true it's an English word that brings us to another point I think you see what I'm saying already but it brings us to another point and let us do a little bit of history now I did our job if we now do our history there was no word god G OD on this planet a thousand years ago because there was no English until the Normans invaded the Saxons then we get English language after that that was 1066 AD so I'm sure you know there were Christians before that right so then we had a question well what did they call God hmm another question for us this is a question in lang are there any Christians speak Arabic language yes or no are there any Jews who speak the Arabic language yes in fact the Arabic language has been on earth since before people wrote down words because it's one of the Semitic languages Semitic languages include Aramaic Arabic Hebrew and some of the others that pretty much extinct now none of those languages use the word God to represent the deal again it's because it didn't exist but all of the people who speak Arabic know that the word Allah means the one-gun Arab Christians today use this word Arab Jews use this word and they used it before there was English you can prove that one real easy you could go out and buy an Arabic Bible and look on page one and find the word Allah 17 times or you can do it the easy way I like the easy way the cheap way I want to buy anything any motel or hotel huh has a Bible in the drawer pull it out open it up and look and see what it says they will tell you that they're real proud of the fact that they have translated the Bible into so many languages and they give you a free sample of John 3:16 for God so loved the world for who God so loved the world so they translate it and they put it in Arabic because the second language Afrikaans being first second language is out of you and you look and there it is in Arabic alif laam them ha so this word is acceptable even to Christians who are trying to share their Bible with others in the Arabic language so we've established now the common usage almost one final point there are 1.5 billion Muslims on the earth today 100% every single one of them know that the word along represents their God and they say this word Oh so for the good ol boy in Texas the common word on the earth for the one God is the law oh yeah only thing left now is to find out what does it mean does it have a meaning or is just a name there's a word in out of you which is alone Elam Elam means exactly the word God Allah means God God in English can have us after it and that makes God's God's more than one but in Arabic you can't go after something in it's more than one you have to know how to use the language because the word opens up grows in the middle and then you can know without doubt that you met plural I want to give you an example of that key tab is booked kutub kutub is books yes yeah another word Masjid our word for what some people call musk musk is actually Masjid and the plural my side gin so you can tell real clear when something is plural and there is a plural for God gods there is a plural for yellow holy hard you can make it plural more than one you can also take the word God and make it female goddess do the same thing with Elon you can also take the word God and make it mean the God of Abraham and the god of Jesus but it's a little bit hard in English because you have to make a big G capital G my mother used to see it when she agreed her Bible the big G instead of saying God she'd say God so you knew she was talking about blood you don't have to do that with the Arabiya because when you mean the only one God of Abraham Moses Jesus peace be upon him you say Allah because the structure of this Allah actually shows you who you're talking about because it can't be made plural you can't put it after it and you can't make it male or female when you say Allah who that means Allah he he is or he did something etc but the he referring to Allah is not gender it simply means respect because you don't call God it likewise you understand why he doesn't call himself here XI because again Allah has no gender he's so uniquely one a law is not male nor female besides that would compare God to his creation he's not like his creation makes sense so Allah is the perfect word if you mean to say one God by himself no partners not male not female best word to use although some proof about that is the fact as I already told you that's the word that was used for centuries before there was God as my mother would say that's one of the words that's why I use the word alone and I hope people want to understand when I use that second word Islam what is this now now today Muslims around the world are pretty much in a defensive position trying to say something nice about Islam and convey a message at the same time of a non-violent status of a beautiful way of life and they will say Islam is peace slap his peace have you heard that one when I walked out here I think I said Salam alaykoum did not write what is Salam mean peace yeah but if Islam means peace I should have said Islam our I come all right that's wrong I have to say so that money so what is Islam let's look at it Islam comes from the same root as Salam seeing Lam Meem soon but from this root you find that it has five things contained within it first of all is total surrender total surrender and then second submission third obedience fourth best word in English sincerity complete total and five peace Salaam is in there but it's only one over five one field so when you say Islam you're talking about action verb things that you do you're describing get back up here you're describing your relationship with who go see the last word I mentioned Allah your relationship with the Almighty is or should me surrender to him submitting to his terms conditions or commandments and being in total obedience to what he has ordained for people to do and to do it in sincerity not to show-off not because somebody is watching because you know you need to do it and then finally to do so in total and complete peace it's not something new it's a way of life described for us in the Quran in the New Testament in the psalms of david and in the books of moses clearly it's to do what god has ordered you to do follow the commandments worship Him alone without any partners give up this life the desires the lusts greed passions sacrifice that to follow his will the 10 commandments mentioned twice in the Old Testament and referred to throughout the Bible are beautiful for Muslims as well they're very clear and someone in Islam should know that these Commandments are for us too because they're mentioned in the Quran as well first commandment la ilaha illa llah by the way you can talk this is not Juma khutba you can answer me no problem should I say something and ask you a question you can say it's a humdinger first commandment thou shalt have no other gods beside me second commandment but shalt not make unto me any graven image god speaking in the first person when he says me that didn't mean moses is asking people to worship him that you will not take God's name in vain Muslims are very very keen about never taking a laws names in vain even we don't jokingly call somebody by God's names in fact when we name our children we call them the servant of a law of the law the servant of the Most Merciful of our rocky knee and the servant of the all patient of the sabore so we use these terms because of so much respect for his names the next commandment says to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy Sabbath means seven not one meant the seventh day of the week hmm we'll leave that for a discussion another time think about it the next commandment the fifth commandment says and this is the first thing that leaves the subject of worship of God says thou shalt honor thy mother and thy father in Islam says after Allah and His Messenger the first rites go to your mother and then your mother and then your mother and then your father yes it's not something new is the next commandment thou shalt not kill Slim has that I think it's interim ayah chapter five maybe verse 36 it's in that area whoever kills the innocent person it's as though they killed the whole of humanity but whoever saves the life it's as though they saved all of them this is more or less translation English next one thou shalt not bear false witness no line yo-yo ladina ama new taco la what Kulu : sadita or you who believe speak the truth again same thing that shalt not commit adultery Zenon is it forbidden in Islam how many pages dealing with the subject of zina no adultery in fact there is no marital relationships without marriage no Melvin no boyfriend no girlfriend just get married and even after you get married no hanky-panky true Wow pretty familiar in it but it doesn't stop there the Bible goes on to say that you will not have Envy for your neighbor's ass meaning his donkey then I'm quoting to you from the Catholic Bible it's a little different than the Protestant Bible and the next one it says you will not have Envy for his wife now the Protestant Bible gives women a little bit higher status and lets the woman be ahead of the donkey I don't know why but in Islam we have real clear well either high setting is the hasit I'm seeking refuge with the law from the enviar when he does Envy so it's also forbidden in Islam we didn't mention anything about donkeys and wives but it's the same thing makes sense I got one letter word and then I'm ready to take the story the next word is Muslim now again I'm from Texas old down there we said oh I'm old Moslems but you know Muslims will don't like that too much because it actually somebody playing with Arabic to make it sound like my boom Muslim is people that do wrong things bad things and we don't want them to say that Muslim say moon moon hello I can hear you breathing say moon ah there you go boom slum Muslim it comes from the word Islam whoever does an action and you're using Arabic language you put mu in front of it in front of the verb in most cases and you find the one who's doing it for instance our words Safari in the English language comes from the Arabiya suffer to travel whoever travels is a more suffer and believe me sometimes when I'm traveling that suffer but that's another story another word in Arabic suddenly when somebody is doing their worship standing bowing prostrating that's subtly the mousseline those who do this now when you put mu in front of subtly mu Sully you see how it works another one have you heard this a long like you bother along like a bob that's called the Adhan and when you do it you become the mu oven right I get it right don't let me get mixed up here now so if I want to do what God wants me to do if I want to surrender to him and submit to him obeying his commandments in sincerity and peace what am i Muslim in English we don't have a word for it you have to put all that together and say what I said but it Arabic Muslim you believe in the One God of Abraham Allah you want to do what he wants you to do you really serious you're trying your best then you're a Muslim whether you know it or not and it's on the day of judgment that the ultimate judge will help you will decide who the real believers are who the real Muslims are not me there's a final word Dean I didn't used to do this but I found that it's necessary to mention this because of the mistranslation to the English language Invicta land use of follies translations they use the word religion English doesn't have a word to handle the word Deen religion is really close it conveys a meaning so we grab it and we go with it but unfortunately it is not all encompassing the translators of the Bible actually came out with a word a little bit closer to the meaning when they translated what was in the book of the Acts of the Apostles the first book to follow the Gospels is Poe's book Acts of the Apostles in here it tells you that Paul persecuted even unto death the followers of Jesus but he doesn't call them the followers of Jesus he calls them the people of the way and they used a capital W to signify that this was the proper noun and you capitalized proper nouns with a big W just like they did with the big G for God right way people of the way I hope Dean was the reference he was talking about how many Muslims in here would like to be known as the Eiffel Dean please raise your hand I hope Dean oh you don't want to follow the Dino result in Edina in the law he'll Islam how can you be a Muslim you don't follow Dean let me try that again how many Muslims would like to be I heard a hello he made up for it he put two hands this done good oh I'm only saying it because it's important for the non-muslim to realize what we're talking about our book the Quran tells us in no uncertain terms by the way this word Deen is used over and over and over maybe more than the word Islam itself in the Quran in Edina in the local Islam huama me Abdullah viral Islam Edina follow you Balaam in hoo-wah who will fill out here to mimic a serene Almo act now to welcome Dina come yes or no at the end of that one or ready to Lacombe islam Adina Jenner Dean & Co yeah you'll have Katherine how does it end welcome Dina chrome walling addy how many times you think that word is in there and if you keep saying religion religion religion you know what the problem is going to be in some cases it won't make any sense how do you tell an atheist mullet-head lakum Dina come Walia Dean he doesn't have any religion but he has Dean Dudley to you you're way to me my work make sense well if it didn't go talk to scholars because I asked them they said use the word way in then when I found it there Paul's using the same expression makes sense to me people of the way the people of Jesus time were called people of the way they were never called Christians the Bible said they were never called Christians until after Paul goes to Antioch because Paul said that himself they were never called Christians until after Antioch prior to that they were called a holding people of the way did Muhammad bring something new the Quran says no the Quran clearly tells us in chapter 42 real clear that this is the dinner dean way that was with Abraham and it's the Dean for you meaning Mohamed Salah Salaam and the Dean of Moses and Jesus Noah are mentioned in this verse reading it's not new and Allah says in surah bayyena well my only rule illa li yabba-doo Elohim are we seeing Allah who demon huh una 5y you Camus allow you to zakat what article Dino que uma how many times you got to hear the word for you go oh wait a minute I got it Dean I heard E Oh translation sorry the people of the book the Jews and Christians were not ordered anything more than this and Allah tells you to be on the Dean he said this is what they were ordered to worship God alone without any partners keep religion clean pure for him establish regular Salah worship don't call it prayer okay they don't have a word for salat establish this ritualistic worship setup pay the zakat which means charity you have to give charity you have to give charity you have to give charity or you're not a Muslim Allah said that in front clearly you're not guided by Quran until you give of the things that Allah gives you first verses in surah bakra and Allah said this is the deal most clear and we're not going to call it religion it's the way it's the way to get to whom alone I want to be with Allah in the next life and really I want that for everybody here I do but the only way we can get there is to do it on his terms I cannot make up a religion and expect him to accept it can I can I go out into the bush pull up some trees carve them up into some kind of little statue and start praying to those little sticks and stones and asking them to help me can I do that physically you could do it but would it work duh how is this thick going to help me when I was just cutting it a minute ago and he couldn't help himself some people by the way carry a lucky rabbit's foot I don't know if you have that in Australia or not do you have that lucky rabbit's foot have you ever heard of that very popular in Texas when I was growing up lucky rabbit's foot there you get the foot put it on the little chain wear it around their neck put it on the keychain you ever heard of that one very lucky for the rabbit though wasn't get a think about them I saw somebody is a driver of taxi driver he had a little statue in India he had a little statue in front of his steering wheel when I got in the car shut the door little statue started to wiggle I said what is that he said that's my god said that's God he said yep they said but that's only one god that's it okay he said that's the God for driving around the traveling God I said you know when I slammed the door I noticed he wiggled a little bit I fear traveling God you better put a seatbelt on him otherwise he's gonna fall on the floor you have a problem what's amazing is his comment back to me because I'm playing with him a little you know I just want it falls on the floor what if it breaks he said I'll just go buy another one besides he smiles reaches over and grabs it it has velcro on it so you can make up a God with Velcro on it didn't go out and cut up sticks and stones and play around but do you really think that's going to benefit you who created everything who created the heavens in the earth and you asked the people and they'll say along God and who created the Sun set who created colors and beauty who created you they'll say the same thing gone is that right the other said it so the question becomes then why don't you want to worship Him on his terms why do you want to make up a religion good question having said that introducing the subject and giving you the meaning of the words that I'm going to be using I think it's time that we start up now and tell you the story about priests and preachers entering Islam first of all Muslims should always begin whatever they do with bismillah with the name of the law but there are a lot of people that say they believe in one god but what did they believe and I'm going to change the subject a little bit suppose we're going down the road you know maybe as an example we wanted to drive from here to Perth would that be a trip I'd be a trip wouldn't it so as we're going along in the middle of nowhere all of a sudden we see somebody out there hitching a ride so we say wow man look at this guy out here in middle of nowhere let's give him a ride you know and then we'll share the message of Islam with him and who knows what will happen we call it dollar give him the invitation right choice slam on the brakes he gets in the car you know hey where you going we're going to Perth what else you gonna go to rodeo he goes one way okay so here we go and along the way we say you know we're Muslims he goes really I heard stuff about you guys in the newspaper news and stuff you know what do you guys believe we believe in one God he said me too man no joke yeah he said I only believe in one God I go it's almost a Muslim already but we believe that he's really one he said yeah we're not believe he's three no no no no no I'm a one guy one one guy okay oh yeah and we believe that you have to do what God wants you to do he goes yeah that's what I think too we're going hey that's it for far as I'm concerned he's a Muslim give him Shahada Chevrolet little hour Mohamed Salah and Dec Birla Akbar temporary like my paranoia that's good gimmick are on this stuff but along the way he sits up the car stopped the car whew we stopped the car and he runs out in the desert but there's this huge tree nothing else out there but this huge dream huge he runs up in front of that tree and he's standing there like this and bowing down on the ground of this tree what's up could be a Sutra could be he comes back we go ah what is that what you just do is it would believe me God yeah worship one guy yeah we do what God wants us to do yeah yeah yeah this well that was God I was saying thanks Oh get it what did he mean when he said it what was in his mind what's he trying to say some people put God in the creation some people put God in the creation and if they do that they're always going to come up short a little later we're going to go into that and break it down but now I want to tell you what happened to me this is how it started my father was ordained minister and a businessman at the same time non-denominational Protestant just for the record I also had become a preacher but I was also a music minister meaning that I spent a lot of time playing music selling musical instruments to the church etc and one day dad came to me and he said we're going to be doing business with a man from Egypt I said hey good he said yeah we're going to be you know important things and sell them in our store said it's good man now river pyramids the Sphinx Oh boohoo you know cool he said yeah and he's a Muslim I said of what said a samar dad you know I won't have anything to do with it you know those guys are terrorists hijackers kidnappers they don't believe in God they kiss the ground five times a day and they worship a black box in the desert which is what we knew that's what we've been told Paulo dad said I want you meeting my set away he said you have to meet him I said no dad said you will meet him not it's my dad's house dad's business and owe me but I said has to be on my terms he said okay what's your terms I said I got to come straight from church and come straight from the church and I'm going to have on my cross have my Bible and my cap that said Jesus is more mm-hmm that's it okay and I'm going to bring my born-again wife with me and we're going to really pray this man in the salvation okay we came straight from church on Sunday afternoon I went to my dad's store and by the way in the United States you can be open on Sunday so we went there I said where is he no I'm expecting to see some guy in a long you know black dress and some kind of what we call a buy out over it or be and maybe a big turban on his head eyebrows it go all the way across from one side to the other with a big sword I'm looking for ayatollah khomeini let's surprise me that's it here he is i want where this guy I'm expecting big beard this guy has no hair at all not even up here he's bought and when I shook his hand I was surprised it's warm like a human being last week in Sydney after our program the daughter of one of the ministers that was there came to us and she said she was so surprised she said you guys are human just like us Wow I think we need to get a new press agent we're not doing very good with our PR so I asked him straight up do you believe in God you know like mom God he said yes I'm talking about the God of Abraham said yes Moses yep David Solomon here hmm you believe in the Bible do you believe in the Old Testament yes Psalms yes yes but do you believe in the precious my megasis said yes this is going to be easy yes sir I told that let's let's yeah bring him on that would be great in fact we got an extra place out at the house let him stay with us dad said don't try to convert him I should me hmm so I decided that here's what I'm going to do I'm going to work with this man day and night and witness to him that's what they call it Christianity showing him the Bible until he realizes the truth and he becomes a Christian now along the way we were working together I was very impressed with his work ethics he was a very honorable honest and truthful person had the admired I really had to admire I couldn't help but notice it didn't matter what it was he was always fair to the customer and unlike some people I knew he never talked about people behind their back usually after a customer well I don't know if you go in a store and you act like an idiot and you see this the clerk is standing here going mm-hmm no matter what you do customer's always right as soon as you leave what an idiot he never did that it was amazing ain't driving our business took us a lot of miles every day and what we'd be driving across country in Texas would be buzz maybe like you got here but big I would engage in certain kinds of debates with him amazingly enough he avoided debates and just keep throwing questions back to me just to think finally he told me you know what I'm willing to go to your religion I'm willing to go to your religion if your religion is better than my religion my baby there's no religion in the world easier in Christianity is it oh you there do and say one thing and that's it one thing you're done good to go let's start filling up the bathtub we're going to dump that board and now we're going to baptize him but then he threw me a curveball I don't know where it's coming from maybe he watched those cricket players of those rugby guys or some'in come from nowhere he said but you're going to have to have proof so what proof I remember telling him religion is not about proof it's about faith brother you know what he said in Islam we have both proof and trait and one helps us to get more of the other huh I can see I need help I have a friend in those days another preacher that quite a few preacher friends but this one particular one it's pretty well known at least in our area because when he feels like when the spirit moves him he takes two huge beans big wooden boards bolts them together carries it on his back like a cross goes down the highway with this big cross and then people stop and he gives out these little miniature Bibles so I went to him and I'm telling him Europe up this and talking about it I said in by the way he believes in Jesus the miracle birth the miracles that Jesus did with people to help them you know and heal them and restore sight to people that were blind and even bring a dead man back to life like Lazarus in the Bible that's what the Muslims believe that I was telling him he said you got a demon I said what said you've got a demon I said I got a date how did I get her demon he said don't talk about them don't talk about those guys and he kept putting across all around then something happened just real soon after that we went to his great big prayer meetings I don't know if you ever seen him on TV where I got 5,000 people sitting in the audience over oh like this he had a heart attack now that's funny but not funny but strange let me use the word strange because the guy on the stage is healing people and here he had a heart attack back there first thing they said was call an ambulance he went to the hospital Veterans Hospital there in Oak Cliff which is south of Dallas and I was glad because they said well it was a heart attack but he's going to be all right you just need to stay in the hospital for a while and take it easy and cut back certain kind of foods and whatever you do don't walk around that cross anymore so I went to visit him on a regular basis he was a good friend and I liked him and I like to visit people when they're in a hospital they need it you know a lot of times we forget people in the hospital by the way it's a good thing people do that and while I'm there though one day a guy comes rolling in in a wheelchair cuz they shared the room then I began always had my Bible under my arm by the way and I began to witness to the man in the wheelchair jesus loves you he just looked at me like get out of my face and I said where are you from he said I'm from Pluto well now in Texas we have a Venus Texas so I thought maybe it's the city I didn't know about but it was basically telling me to buzz off I could have said there the word you guys use in Australia but I decided buzz was better buzz off I tried to witness to this man and I'm trying to read to him from the book called Jonah it's Yunus you know Yunus we have him in the Quran he's in the Bible the same story he goes to his people in Nineveh and he they don't listen to him so he gets out on a boat and he leaves and a storm comes up he goes in the water the whale swallows him he goes down to the bottom of the water the only thing missing out of the Bible is like I consider maybe the most important point of the story is in the bottom of the water that that Jonah says an amazing statement somebody copying the Bible I guess left it out but this is a beautiful statement la ilaha illa anta subhanaka and he cooked a minute all of me saying there's no God to worship except you along the glory the majesty is to you and verily I did wrong doing to myself beautiful statement right after that God caused the whale to spit him up on the land he went back to his people etc another story anyway I was reading this to him witnessed to him he started crying his tears coming down his face he looked up at me and he said I'm sorry for the way I've treated you and I'm sorry for my behavior I had no reason act like that it's just I've had a lot of problems in my life that I never imagined I would have just unbelievable and I saw you coming at me like that I just you know I'm really sorry and I need to confess something to you I said stop I'm not a priest don't confess to me I'm not Catholic we don't do confession he said I'm Catholic and I know you're not a priest because I am I want oh we became very good friends I was Protestant he was Catholic that's okay when my friend got out of the hospital I continued to go visit the priest and when he got out of the hospital I asked him to come and stay with us and let us take care of him well he got better he agreed and he came to be with us now watch I'm on the way home from the hospital going to my place I'm telling him about Islam because I've learned a lot about Islam he told me on the way out he said you know we already know about Islam I said why he said because priests have to study all religions and we have to study Islam I already know about it's not said really he said yes and they do believe in the Risen Jesus he's with God and he'll come back in the last day and Jesus is the miracle birth etc etc confirm things which I'm just summing it up right now it's amazing if the priests know this time they don't tell anybody we get out to the house I introduce him to everybody and now I've got a new plan what we're going to do we got a priest man we got an ordained minister a preacher a born-again Christian music minister we got everything right here so around the table every night we're going to pull out the Bible and we're going to witness to this poor infidel Muslim and get him to get over to the right way got it this is a true story by the way I do turn things toward a joke from time to time to keep you interested but trust me this is the story as it happened and sitting out there in the country in my dad's big old house around that table after we get to eat clean it off I bring out the Bible and I begin to talk about the Bible but my dad brings out his Bible begins to say no the Bible says so and so I said but Dad you've got the King James Version and I happen to have this version I actually my dad had the masonic version which is still king james because he was a Mason and here we've got this Revised Standard doesn't agree it says there are verses in there that are interpolated it says verses in there don't belong in other verses are not complete and it quotes from older manuscripts and in the beginning of it the introduction it says many good things about the King James Version it says but yet it has grave defects huh so I'm trying to show the most up-to-date version of the Bible then my wife brings her version jimmy swaggart s-- good news for modern man boy is it loaded up but to be fair he said real clear in the debate one time he wasn't a scholar of the Bible and if you ever read that good news for modern man you'll see that he could prove that any help we realized that going around and around with the subject of the Bible is a problem finally I tried to take some pressure off us we're arguing with each other and then the priest says he's got the Rings do a Bible and that's got 73 books we got 66 books so where we're going to go with that so I looked over at the Muslim and I said how many versions you gather that book you get that Koran thing how many you got one only one in 1,400 years one book in the Arabic language and every single verse is still the same regardless where you go in fact every single word is still the same no matter where you go and it begins with bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim and it ends with mineral Janaki Wan nuts and everything in between is the same whether you go to Iran or if you go to Saudi Arabia whether you go to Indonesia or if you go to Pakistan or if you go to Maghreb or Cairo Egypt or if you go to Texas or if you come to Melbourne Australia still the same doesn't change the reason is because it's not a book as in paper and ink it's a recitation that's in the hearts and minds of the Muslims and every single Muslim on earth would love to memorize the whole Quran and every single Muslim on earth has memorized at least some of it there is no Muslim that I met yet that didn't know how to say this meal oh hey Rob mentoring him the vast majority and I'm not going to say 90% because people do that I don't know I didn't do the statistics but all the Muslims I've ever met what we can do it right here we we had a few Muslims I noticed a while ago when we did the inventory so let me just ask are there any Muslims here that have memorized an entire chapter a surah of the Quran like Fatiha raise your hand look around the room folks hold your hands up real high so they can see that's all up here to every here's memorized at least one chapter how about 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 upon the law Wow do we have anybody in know born that memorized the entire Quran cover to cover one well usually sisters I always find sisters at memorizing how about half of it there one appear of masha'Allah and how many wanna memorize all of it absolutely so Paula law and it's only memorized in Arabic we don't consider it Quran if somebody stands up and said in the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful huh you know letting leads a lot like that I don't think so so there's one book I'm going home and he told us one never changed hmm we have the original mmm let's change the subject we begin to argue a new subject another night the priest is talking about how merry you can pray to Mary we're going to know you can and st. Joseph we ain't got no st. Joseph were Protestants and we got to talk about God and who is God Catholic said the priest said the Trinity the church he said teaches the Trinity one God how's that work I'm saying one God but I don't know about the Trinity we got really stuck on that one so I went to my friend with the cross again I went back to his place looked him up and say how's it going I want to ask you a question I'm getting stuck on the Trinity thing I always get stuck on that one help me out because the Bible everywhere it says 100 Israel the Lord thy God is one Lord then you have to worship Him with all your heart and all your mind and all yours drink that's New Testament mark chapter 12 verse 29 and then Old Testament you know no other God beside me beside me there's no Savior and who is that that's the God of Israel the God of Egypt don't want to brought them out of Egypt the land of the oppression where they were that's in Hosea chapter 16 verse 4 how am I going to explain three I don't get that my friend with the cross to the rescue he said it's like an apple an apple the Apple has the skin inside the Apple is the meat inside it out of the seeds three things one Apple there you go that works now you know what happened by the time I sit with my friend were driving along we're debating again in the car you don't say there we go and I brought up apple skin meat seeds he said how many seeds arrow it's more than three in it he said oh what if what if there's a worm in the Apple stretch that I went back to my friend again another dumb I said okay the Apple forget it he said yeah forget that I told him what happened he said forget the Apple the egg baby egg so how is the egg eight you have the shell inside the shell is the white inside of the white is the yellow three things one egg that's it let's go get wait get back over there you know we're going along can't wait to open it up or drive another this okay God is one but it's like an egg you said really she'll white/yellow he smiled he said what if it's a double yolk and what if it's rotten well now where am I to go with that well help is near by the way and I made a gentleman well I'm out doing some business he knows me as a preacher I guess and I tell him I'm having a problem with the Trinity he said you how could you have a problem I mean look at you you're the one telling it he said the easiest example is me and my family here I said how he said look at me I'm one man right yes my wife is one person yes yes and my son a little boy in a stroller it's one yeah one one one one family three people ah it's the family of God works let's try that one we didn't get very far with that one what happens if they have another kid twins oh I'm worse they get a divorce hmm I don't know how it is in Australia but in Texas if you get a divorce the wife gets the car the house the bank account the Keogh plan your retirement program any benefits your computer and all of your email now I don't want a god that can have worm in it I don't want a god that can be rotten and I sure don't want a god that can die because people can die so now I'm asking the Muslim finally I asked him you didn't offer anything unless I ask then push what do you guys say about God is he 1 or 3 or too hot what do you guys say and listen what he said bismillah Allahu Ahad a la semaine Lam your live will love you like well then your cooler who won I had the translation say o Muhammad they're asking you about God say he is Allah the unique the eternally sought after by all creation for sustenance yet he is not sustained as somehow somebody's big big name Lam your lid well then you not he's not the father of anything he's not the son of anybody he has no genealogy well let me a call who coup for one ahead and he doesn't compare to anything anywhere anytime cuz he's so unique oh well what's he like leisa commit me he say anyone who is Semyon bus here he's not like anything in his creation yet he is all-hearing all see he's all knowledgeable he's all merciful he's all loving Allah dude he's all praiseworthy and he is the peace a sit down and he is the light and he's the only one that you can turn to and ask for any help and get it and when I'm hearing these words I'm thinking that's what I already believe that's in the Bible I saw that in the book of this book that book I remember the New Testament said this is it this is the god man how did we come up with three Catholic priests provided an answer for us oh yeah he was very knowledgeable in the history of the church I got it on my website just in case you want to check it out it's live tomorrow dot-com slash Bible I put my commercial in the middle so when they try to edit it out they can't you know slander Morecambe slash Bible I took it from the Catholic website so you could see it for yourself they say that the church started in the year 325 AD after Jesus hello and that's when they held the council to establish God could be three-in-one at the same time that's also when they decided how many books need to be in the Bible and how many don't need to be they also decided to change Jesus birthday to be December 25th for some other God they already had in room they also added Easter the Feast of Ishtar all at that at the same time now I'm hearing this coming from the Catholic right they're telling me that's how it happened I happen to know little bit about the Protestant religion it's a break off from the Catholic and then when the Protestants broke off from the Catholic they tossed out seven books of the Bible that's why they're 76-73 in the Catholic in 66 and approximately comparing book to book God's to gods it just was mathematically a lot easier for me but that's not why I went to Islam I'd like to tell you that it was because of all the rationality behind it but it wasn't it was something else it's because when I thought about it I realized that there's something inside an e that likes to do what I want to do regardless of what anybody else says but there's also a side of me that knows that this is wrong I need to do what he wants me to do and now I'm in a fight inside of myself between submitting to him as we already mentioned that means Islam or doing what I want to do guess what while all of this was going on I'm not the only person in this story I'm the only one telling it today but the real people of this story don't get out and tell all about it so I'm telling their story for them it was the priest who had the biggest job of all not me because he was dedicated to his religion for so many years he had been a missionary going into South America Central America Mexico learning their languages and speaking their dialect yet he was from New York it was an Irish priest from New York he gave up everything to be a priest he can't get married he can't have any children of course no grandchildren no intimate relationship he gave it all up for the Lord that's an important concession for a person to do we don't want to make fun of that this man has given up more than any of us who really think about doing for our way but hunger Allah didn't ask us that but this man asked our friend because now we're calling my friend he's no longer a infidel anymore our Egyptian friend he said can I go to your church can I go out there to your wherever you worship he said sure took him to the MAS didn't during the week they came back that night we said what happened so what do you mean come here what did they do they like slaughter animals or something said no he said they stand the same way that monks stand in a monastery like this silently worshipping God but then they do something that only the priest gets to do which is the suggester they bow and do such but he just mentioned inside Judah he said it's so peaceful there's no sound it's so sweet I said what that's not the kind of religion I grew up in right I said okay what kind of music did they play he said there wasn't any music I said what how you going to worship God without music they didn't have any instruments so I went to my friend the Egyptian I said is that true you guys don't have any music in your worship service he said no no organs oh no pianist uh-huh and we were in that business as this organ and piano company that's us hmm how many mosque are there on the earth today he said millions I said hmm do you think the Muslims would like to start music in their services I see opportunity here he said I don't think so and then a few days later the priest asked if he could go again to the mosque because the Muslim regularly would go he would say I need to go visit the mosque even though they drove some like 25 miles they would go and come back that night they didn't come back and we were scared we thought something happened to him it got later in later and later and later they missed supper everything finally they come up the driveway we could see him coming in the driveway saw him get out of the car start to come up to the porch and I looked out right away I neck recognized the shiny spot on the Egyptian you have it here but who is this with him who is this guy I see standing with him I was wearing a white dress and got up one of these things on his head and I loved I said that's father Peter Jacobs I said pee did you become a Muslim he said he said earlier yello-ha in the law I said O Muhammad on sunrise I was shocked how could this be a priest became a Muslim I went and got my County serve a TV show that's this music Jamboree got the cameras out I was going to do a interview with him right then and there why did you priest become a Muslim by the time I got everything hooked up got the lights all turned on he fell asleep Dinka task so I went upstairs he's still running through my head it must be after midnight I'm upstairs talking to my wife I'm saying my god what's going on a priest becomes a Muslim what is this is this amazing look thick one God they got the firaon so-and-so and she said all of a sudden I want a divorce huh she said I want to get her divorce oh hey what happened she said all this talk about Muslim Islam everything you know doesn't work I said okay we don't have to talk about this she said no we do need to talk about it I want to get a divorce because you see I can see what's going on here and I'm going to tell you I remember what he said talking about Mohammed the Egyptian he said a Muslim can't be married to a Christian I said whoa-ho-ho I didn't say I did I say want to be a Muslim I didn't say that I did not say I wanted to be a Muslim I'm talking about a priest sorry drop the subject forget the whole things she said no I want a divorce I said what she said because I want to be a Muslim huh ah not being married or seven half years I got a couple of kids here and I'm thinking no no I don't want to go through that don't want to lose everything including my email we didn't have email back and any ham well I thought about it I said okay okay think think think okay the good news is the good news is I'll do it I knew I need to do it anyway let me just do it get it over with I too want to become a Muslim she said I don't believe you so no one serious I do I really do uh I just I didn't know how to say it before but hey I want to be a Muslim she said no I want a divorce and you're a liar I said no huh how do you say that she said either you're lying right now or you were lying five minutes ago when you said you didn't want to be a Muslim make up your mind and get out so I walking down the steps and I started thinking where am I going this is my father's house I just got through it wait a minute now it's really late but I went and I woke up the Egyptian and I said I talked to you I talked to you so what's the matter - step outside we step outside I said a lot of stuff is happening in my life and I need to talk to you and I began to explain and explain and tell him everything what's going on in my head things happen in my whole life just like you know I gotta tell somebody I probably made him crazy but you know what the best kind of friend isn't the one that really tries to understand you he's the one that just stands beside you no matter what happens and he did that not only stand beside me he walked beside me because we walked those country roads all night long we continued doing until Hydra and when the Sun started coming up I'm telling him oh it's time for you to pray look look he said I'll be all right no no it's okay I said whether the Sun is you know there's light he said with there's time don't know pattern and while he was doing that I realized it's time for me to stop trying to push on other people what I think or what I feel it's time for me to deal with it inside and this is the key my dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam this is the key the most out is inside not outside and when I went behind my father's house and I found a piece of board back there big board you know a little shelter over it nobody could see me the loft I put my head down on that board the same way I had seen the Muslim place his head the same direction toward the east and in that position with my head on the ground I said these words Oh God if you're there guide me I couldn't think of anything else to say you said here tonight you know this is not a guy that has a problem coming up with words yet on that occasion that's all I could say nothing else came in my mind but those words echoed and echoed and echoed through my heart even till today guide me and Allah said in the Quran Adina so often once Bucky when I raised up my head I knew what I had to do I knew exactly what I needed to do I needed to declare publicly that I believed there really is only one God he has no partners and the Mohammed had been of the law is his last in his final messenger to deliver that message and that ISA Jesus was also the Messiah the CIHI messenger and prophet of the law so I went in to my Egyptian plan and the new Muslim ex-priest obviously the church didn't need him anymore and in front of those two I swallowed and I tried to say the words in Arabic and I was shaking and as I was saying it I could feel the tears starting to run down my face because I knew what it meant understood shed with I let it move our shuttle Amaterasu back immediately immediately after that my wife took her Shahada - and entered Islam I won't give you the whole story just sum it up a little bit later on my father also entered into Islam my stepmother followed just before she died she said there can only be one God Jesus can't be a god or a son of a God has to be a messenger so therefore Muhammad must be a messenger she said that in July died knocked-over Allah accepted from around me and since then I've seen many priests even bishop archbishop ministers pastors reverence elders nuns and even one called decipher from the Methodist Church enter into Islam many of their stories are on our website you can see them we have videos there you can listen to them tell their story it's called Islam yesterday you heard me mention one website Islam tomorrow I liked it so much I decided to get it slim yesterday and that's where we put all the programs we did before Islam yesterday calm but then I needed something a little bit more inclusive so I also have Islam always calm really and we just opened the new one called chat Islam calm you can go there 24 hours a day our web sites are open 24 hours a day and always plenty of free parking haha before I leave the stage tonight I would like to just give some naseeha or advice to us and I hope Allah will accept this he says in his book you don't guide whom you love but Allah guides who He wills he asked us to deliver a message he told us to go out and give dower to the people to invite them with a message of what worship God without partners yes is that the message try to keep that in mind when we deliver it because he also said la illaha feeding we can't force anybody Islam never spread by the sword and it doesn't spread by any other weapon either it spreads by truth if you consider truth to be a weapon then consider what Allah said about it while Kuja oh this is insert al-assad and say the truth has come and destroyed all the falsehood because it will always destroy the falsehood so let us work together my advice suggestion naseeha let us work together to live as Muslims to be all we can be let that be an example for the people and then when we talk to them we can be proud to say come be like us can be like us may Allah accept your Islam may allah accept from me from all of us in all the people may he save all the people from the Hellfire on me now hamdulillah he rabbul aalameen who already John Anderson for said I'm not a coming on to a library
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 183,958
Rating: 4.8597598 out of 5
Keywords: priests, preachers, christianity, islam, muslim, yusuf, estes, iisna
Id: POBnRsu_QgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 16sec (4936 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2009
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.