Priests & Preachers Entering Islam - Questions & Answers - Yusuf Estes

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you Saddam Eric I have a microphone you don't Salam alaikum whoa I'm the left smilla smell alhamdulillah or salat for summer so long for in a stuff of Aditya travelogue Hokkaido hati hati mohammad sallalahu salam washer or morning mom - Tata hopefully multi-talented on hopefully bittitan de la la something on my bye praises to Allah and we thank him and we ask for his peace and blessings to be upon Muhammad the best speeches in the Book of Allah the best following is to follow Muhammad the last and final prophet and the worst of all things that anybody could come up with is to invent something in Islam that doesn't belong there because those inventions are misleading misguiding lalala and all of that misguidance winds up going into the fire and that's exactly what we don't want we seek refuge with the love from that on me and having said that I would like to address a few questions and then assure you that there's a way for you to get answers to all your questions but in the interest of time many of you have things that you need to do and also have another program tomorrow night anyway didn't you heard about that one maybe you'll come be with us over there what I'll do is answer a few and then try to give the ones that I usually get then you can go to our website and find so many answers to questions there that Islam always this time yesterday it's not tomorrow first question here it says what advice do you give us to bring people to Islam we have a brand new CD that we put together based on many programs just like this where I explain to the people what Islam is the words what they mean and then a radio show though a Christian radio show where they interviewed me and asked me questions I explained Islam and jihad in about four minutes and they loved it so much that they broadcast it and put it up on the Internet I said hey wait a minute we need that for us so that's there then about eight minutes explaining the word along the explanation I gave you tonight only a lot more because I took it from some of the textbooks and then what is the Shahada we broke that down to talk about it and then we get an example you can hear a man walk up on the stage and make his Shahada or enter into Islam then we put another one there which was a lady who also and another occasion wanted to come to Islam and then the audio track of a video we have called 135 people makes Shahada or 135 people enter Islam and that was in a university in pure Sal a couple of years ago 135 people in the audience stood up and said it said Allah he let a little moolah on blew up then after that we have another section of the CD that talks about how to help the people after their getting through a slam which I think maybe it's as important as the rest of the whole subject and then we summed it all up and talked about how to use our internet websites for Dawa all of this is free there's no price tag on what I do because I want to be paid by a lot I need that I don't need you I need you I love you for Allah did you notice that but not instead of Allah I pray to Him to take care of what we need to do to spread this message because if he gives us the success everything we find but if he doesn't all the money in the world is not gonna help us there's too many people today from all religions even Muslims running around collecting money and then doing nothing with it but at least nothing to help promote the Dean and I don't need to join that group so that's my advice don't look at the dower as the commercial enterprise don't try to treat it like a business because it isn't its dejar with the law yes you're making business with the law but don't try to commercialize on it because we don't work next question how did your family react when you went to Islam whoa well I already told you my dad accepted Islam but the rest of my family lived down in Houston and my mom did not go for that my mom is a schoolteacher for 40 years she taught the special ed Department mentally they used to call she wrote curriculum she's a very educated person very educated but she looked me in the face and she said God is three it's like that said really Bible said one she said yes God is one and God is three I said mom you're an educated person you know math and you know English mathematically one can never equal three and three four equal one I've never seen any equation where a number changes without something happening to it one is 1 3 is 3 grammatically it's incorrect to have a plural for the subject but the verb is singular these are these are those are this is so when you say God you have to say is right but then the nominative can't be plural because it's singular God is one that works but if you're gonna say God is 3 you have to say God are 3 then you have to go back and say gods are three if you want to be correct in English you know what she said you just don't understand you just have to have faith just had to have faith and then numbers don't matter anymore and language doesn't matter anymore and common sense doesn't matter anymore as long as you have faith huh their reaction was very negative but good news after time I stopped arguing I started out debating I had seen some debate tapes and I thought that's the way to call the people to Islam and how many of you seen any debate tapes you've seen them everybody saw them right tell you what you do go out memorize this case then go out here and try it yourself and see what happens it's negative or you're just gonna make an argument and another argument and another argument and another argument and another argument if you like to argue go to pal talk those are what they do all the time home they argue argue argue why did I slam him boy did I put him down have you seen that you know I'm talking about we said the best guidance is to follow Muhammad yes summarize something did he do that did he cut people down make fun of him ridicule them condescend yes or no you know he never did that even when they attacked him abused him threw stones on him at diet he prayed for them yes or no and this was the way of all the prophets even when their people turned against them they would be amazed how can you turn against me I'm coming to you with a message of salvation but they still prayed for them yes so why are we taking this attitude of I have to smash these people huh and what is what if that Christian that you're out here picking on today insulting today cutting down his Bible trying to make fun of it try and do find something wrong with what he says what if we made it Shahada how will you embrace him tomorrow is your brother huh won't you be a little bit shy to realize how you talked to him did you forget that a lot of told us that he made all of us from the same person did you forget that all of us came from Adam and Eve did you know that Allah said that nobody knows for sure who's going and who ain't people go through their whole life acting like somebody of the Hellfire but at the last minute they become believers and they go to paradise and vice versa people act like somebody's going to paradise at the last minute they blow it and they go to hell is that summation I know it says they are make your way but you know I'm talking about mmm you want to keep debating them I'll tell what you're gonna do you're gonna ruin your opportunity here in Australia you're gonna make this unfit for your children to live in don't do it Islam is not about with nothing right it never was it's not about debate Islam it's about what conveying your message and praying for the people and ask yourself with these people who debate did they tell you to get up in the night and cry and pray for the person no there won't but that's exactly what prophet Solomon is that's exactly what I do and that's exactly what the man did for me who was giving me down because I caught him one night yes I've been up for something and I went downstairs and I saw him in a living room in the dark and I could tell he was doing something and I asked him later what was that I thought you guys only pray five times a day was that a prayer he said yeah it's a nice prayer but I'll tell you later after I got to Islam I remembered it and I want your mat said were you praying for me to come to Islam than Allah would guide me that night I caught you down there he said every night every night do you get up and do that for somebody to get to someone maybe that's why you didn't seem they make sure the people of Dawa real dower taught me this you make your dower in the day and you make your God in the night like a farmer plants the seeds in the day and then you water it with your tears at night and maybe Allah have mercy and let them come to spawn and maybe Allah have mercy and free for not doing a better job next question how many priests become Muslims in the United States oh and another one how many leave Islam okay now that's fair that's very fair I don't know how many priests put Islam but I do know a lot of them that I talked to that didn't go but they said Islam was the right religion father John in Arlington Texas he's the chaplain for the Catholics on campus at the Texas University he loves to come around the Muslims every event we had he was coming around being with us helping they've lead the usher maybe a move chairs he was just there he's like you know what time I called him up I said father John it just seems to me like you like his lamb and said yes and you like the Muslims he said yes I said can I ask you a question I didn't know anything about Dawa I just asked him straight out why don't you become a Muslim he said and lose my job how many leave Islam I don't know about the priest leave in Islam I don't think I heard any of them they left but I do know that some people go in Islam and they leave some of them they get the wrong notion they go in for one reason it's not the right reasons where they go back out other people get turned off by the things they see us do as Muslims and they leave yeah I saw that but some people enter with an agenda and planned when they came in just to make trouble for everybody that happened to me when I was in Virginia after a speech like this I had the microphone and a man said let me have the microphone I want to say something I said okay I gave him the microphone it was Egyptian I could tell by his face everything look Egyptian he was speaking with Arabic accent he even said to Sokolov hair which means a lot increase you and all it's good and then he said it's you know good for you the jeweler in the country meaning America where you can be a preacher a priest and then switch over to become a Muslim and nobody will say anything and you can even preach about it but in my country in Egypt he says he's got the microphone he's walking away now shouting at the people I used to be a scholar of Islam he says and I'm the kind of Christian then they want to kill me they're gonna cut my head off he says I'm shocked how could this guy do this we got it on videotape if you doubt what I'm telling you watch it for yourself amazing I'm what you do see I go he said I got it all on tape it's all here I've got my tapes or five dollars three four ten and we got I'm going what's this [Music] there was some people who had come that night to enter to Islam we had a lot of people at the University who had planned on going into Islam and here's this guy putting on a road show here and I'm thinking my god and he's got the microphone you know what it's like not to have it try it like this and see what happens now you see the difference I look down on the stage and I saw it look like a snake moving it was the wire for the microphone I stomped on it and when I did he went oh you only I reach down grab the cable start pulling it back like a fish you know now got him right up to the edge of the stage every stem took the microphone I say you a bad boy I had no clue but I asked the people as anybody here with this man there was a certain group all raised their hand they said there were Coptic Christians they were with him I said does this man's behavior represent your religion they said well no so how many of you support the way he just did that they said we don't I said what I want to ask you guys you want him to stay or go they said go so I told him you better behave or else I'm gonna take your friend's suggestion I didn't know really what to say to this man but I I just knew that didn't sound right the way he did it the way he came across good especially because he's out here selling his tapes it our event but I got the chance a year later to go to Cairo Egypt so I went to the very University that he claimed that he was a professor act a scholar of his slamming said and I asked the scholars there and I got the video camera out and I asked them on tape to tell us about this situation immediately they knew who we were talking about they said he uses the name Mustafa doesn't he I said yeah that's him they said yes we know all about him yes he was a professor of history and yes he was here but he knew nothing about Islam he accepted Islam right here at this university and he had a certificate that said so in Arabic and that's what he was showing the people in the United States he was a scholar it was actually his Shahada and then he left this lama because they gave him money from one of the churches there to do it and the government of Egypt doesn't support that kind of activity and yes they want to kick him out because that makes trouble people kill each other over that kind of stuff they're sold they didn't want him back his government didn't kick him out true but then they said next time you see him shake hands with him and while you've got his hand just slide his shirt back a little bit and look right here on his wrist anybody here have been in Egypt no any Coptic Christians you know I'm talking about what's on his wrist Sulli the cross you know he said because he was born as a Christian raised as a Christian and did it as a trick just to upset the Muslims and I said a hundred I love John Thomas to me because in our religion in Islam there's no room for that kind of activity we cannot play games like that and some people have gone to the extent to go to Muslim countries and tell little children if you need something why don't you ask Mohammad they do that to these little kids and of course they say you want candy you see yeah say o Muhammad o Muhammad nothing happens now say Jesus say Jesus Jesus and they say Jesus and they throw candy through the windows of the school so they can't see the kid coming I heard about that is that the way you sell your religion now to be fair Christians don't do that that's just a few missionaries but still it shows that some people misrepresented their religion really back because the Bible doesn't give them permission to do that Christianity doesn't allow people to act like that but you know something else to be fair again there are some people out there claiming to represent Islam and they sure don't represent us true but still we have to let a lot to deal with these people when did I enter Islam next question July 15 1991 Holy Love and second question with it and how do you find this lamb hum-hum did a lot of the l-'alameen I'm reminded at one time when I was in Hajj with one of the big scholars of hadith from Egypt his name is Muhammad Husain it has big huge appeared we were in Hajj he said about Hajj that it was beautiful like the flowers I said that's the way is Lama is to me beautiful like the flowers of love it I'm doing last question that was it Oh gets more oh oh they're asking advice for somebody not Muslim that's seeking the truth but is is hesitant the same thing I always tell everybody take everything one step at a time don't get in a hurry don't get in a hurry be sure you're right be sure you understand what you're doing if you have a reservation if something's bothering you ask like I asked that guide me if you want you to know he'll guide you to the truth you'll know and you'll be fine that's what you got to do you cannot force Islam on somebody else and you can't force it on yourself do we have any tonight here who accepted Islam you made a conscious decision at some point you're like you said I want to be a Muslim and you started practicing Islam please raise your hands hum Dalila March all along that's great one of the things that happens to us though when we get into Islam when you have a chance you try to go too fast do too much too soon happens you want to do everything we're so excited you know it's like you've been starving all your life and somebody turns you loose and it can be sharp you know but that's dangerous you had but one step at a time because Allah doesn't get interested and excited about you coming to a slam with a whole bunch of stuff and then leaving tomorrow do what you can do do the minimum step by step as you understand practice that this is the way the process along you sis when he sent Morgan jumbo to Yemen he told him I'm sending you to a landed the Christians teach him tell he he also said in another hadith teach them about by let alone if they accept that then teach him about Mohammed or school in other words step by step and then teach him Salah and then teach him Zeca the worship the church step by step next question is the Egyptians still around he went back to Upper Egypt I'm Zilla oh this one is a question from paltalk they said that the non-muslims often say we worship a God a moon God is this something spread among the Christians in general not really what happened there was one person in California dr. Robert Maury who wrote a book the name of it the moon-god called allah he refers and do some archeological findings and the reference to some anthropologists who haven't discovered some things in yemen and other places in arabia that indicate that people long long ago had a god that they worship the moon God and and all of us know from what we just said tonight that the word in Arabic for the one God has always been a law anyway the people of Muhammad's time peace be upon him even before message came they said a law even the Christians said a law even the Jews said a law and even the mushrikeen said a law the people who were the pagans idolaters basically non-believers still used the word along to associate that word a law with the moon God is something that they may have done but it's clear from the Quran itself that you can't even worship anything that makes you think of something in the creation this is very clear in Islam that what that is the key that makes the monotheism of Islam so distinct and different from any other religion on earth today even the Christians and Jews who say we believe God is one still don't have the monotheistic opinion of his is now or sapphire or his character mystics which is his names and so on his attributes nor in his bahia the worship to him along nor in his Rubio or his lordship so if you know that you understand right away this no heat or oneness one attention in slamming so you need it's impossible that anybody is saying I believe in Allah in the moon at the same time just doesn't work by the way we sent email to dr. Robert Maury some years ago he said I don't debate with anybody except with scholarly background and their credentials so I something my credentials I never do that because I don't want people calling me by doctor or anything like that because it's not why I'm here I didn't come out here to sell you anything and I didn't come out here to get a job in a university it's come out to tell a little story about researchers come to Islam well when I provided the credentials needing answers then he opened up the website he's got a website out there it's really bad attacking Islam horrible his whole website is not about what he believes it's about what he doesn't believe about Islam wait I'm just attacking sentence there's only purpose beautiful-looking website put together really nice spend a lot of money on it keep it up constantly attacking amazing so I sent that they give a list of all these people there that you could send email to so I sent each one of them in an email offering an opportunity that we'd like to discuss with him is opinion help us to understand a little better some things we don't know about our religion his daughter responded and I actually got to open up a conversation with her she agreed that ya might gather do that no problem he'll come there he'll t actually help us it was set for February year 2000 he was supposed to come to Georgetown University a very prestigious University in Washington DC mm yeah hindi was made aware of it dr. John Esposito was made aware they both worked at that University and they have the big dialogue center there for this and I said this is perfect bring him in dr. John Esposito has written a lot of books about his name although he's a Christian and I said this is great come on I won't even do it it won't even be me okay sit with another Christian who's an expert in Christianity and you can do that guess what February came and went March came and went and basically every month since then came and went and we never heard from him again but he still sells his books it borders books and music Barnes and Noble they still sell the book they make money out of it we've tried to offer a challenge to at least show us any proof besides that one book that he has but today many many people attacking Islam take his book and want to go out there and use it as a reference and they do even though it's riddled with all kinds of mistakes errors in accuracy and bald-faced lies Allah guide him we pray for our enemies in Islam it's not nice I bet he didn't pray for us but we pray from him hello Caillou good question what's my opinion about Paul did he believe in the true way or was he trying to distort the message of Jesus preached according to Bible Paul's real name was Saul he was a Pharisee according to other stories Christian history he was engaged to the daughter of the high priest another Pharisee her name was Pope a historically we know about her because she's mentioned in the works of Josephus and she couldn't stand this man he was an ugly looking person according to the Bible - he was not attractive so she left she broke off the engagement by leaving she left her dad or she left her house she left her religion she became an actress a stage person I don't know if they were really acting or dancing what she did but Caesar married her she married Caesar and it was right after this that the father her father gave Paul his last papers and said this is it his final papers were given to him to go to the match Damascus in Syria where he was going to persecute again the people of the way along the way he said he had a blinding light experience Jesus talked to him and he became Paul and began getting all kinds of spiritual revelation through dreams visions etc and everything he had was from that never knew Jesus other than through these blinding light experiences all over the world this is all narrated in the book of the Acts of the Apostles it's interesting according I did a little bit of research with some materials from Amanda doctor Jamal Beverley some of the others or still new to Islam when I was looking at this is that was a stumbling block for me by the way and I realized here is an I read it all my life and didn't catch it until I read somebody else telling me about it so in this way I do appreciate the work that some of these scholars have done because it helps you to see Paul told the story three times in the book of Acts and not one of them is the same as the other reading he says in the first instance he's the only one that hears or sees anything the next instance they hear it they don't see it or they see it and they don't hear it but he's the only one fallen to the ground they're just standing there and he gets blind twice but in the third time he doesn't get blind everybody sees it and hears that everybody falls down and here's his message etcetera etcetera so the story is not the same according to the Bible it says that Paul said that he's dead to the ball he said because of the law I sin for weren't for the law I wouldn't sin therefore I'm getting to the law and the law is dead to me he also broke the commandments and taught that you could break the commandments because he said you don't have to circumcise anymore you don't have to do the cutting you don't do that cutting any more you just have circumcision of the heart well that has a lot of problems I don't wonder right now but that's kind of strange because this is just a question/answer thing I'll refer to one thing and get off the subject Jesus told them according to what we have in the Bible if you want to believe the Bible it says in Matthew 5:17 1819 Jesus told them don't think I came to destroy the law in the prophets I did not come to destroy but rather to fulfill and not until all things are accomplished cell as a single dot John iota tickled being any wise lesson can't change any word in that strange you know what I just read to you those are five words that are in five different versions and have changed the word itself amazing but he continues and he says whoever breaks the least commandment and teaches this will be the least in the commitment Kingdom but whoever keeps the commandments and teaches this will be the highest in the kingdom and look at the next statement unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees the religious people you will never enter paradise Paul was a Pharisee next question why do I wear arabic clothing well for one thing this is kind of heavy and it's warm it's cold today I like people to know I'm a Muslim I'm not ashamed of it I'm very very proud of it if they don't like it a lot guys the only time that I will compromise because I don't have to compromise how I wear is if there'll be a benefit when I ride in an airplane today most people are terrified already to get in the airplane before any Muslim ever gets in it but they see a Muslim in an airplane they start shaking and you see them when we get on the ground and they're going but just walking down the street there may come a day maybe when we can't be safe just to wear our clothes anymore I don't know the second question why the beard that's funny why do you have eyebrows a la put it there are you asking me why I don't shave it off why don't you shave off your eyebrows what if you're gonna say well because everybody does it well now that's always a good reason to do something didn't it if everybody else does it that's your Excuse huh what do the majority of the people of Melbourne do on Friday night they don't come to religious lectures do they know the majority of people in this room are Muslim the majority of the people that we invited to come the non-muslims saw fit to do something else and most of them are gonna have a hangover tomorrow because of it am I right or wrong so the most of the people in the world today the free world that I know about get drunk waste their money and act like fools on Friday and Saturday night so is that an excuse that I can go do it too is it so when you cut your beard off why'd you do it one did resource Aslam tell you to cut it or let it grow sahih bukhari volume I think is volume 8 page number 7 198 I think that's where it is we can find it for you though let it grow leave it alone let it grow out and cut this that's what it says in hood but brother comes to me and he says Amen please make dua for me I said ok for what he said make dua I can grow my beard make me go I'll grow my beard I said I can't do that he said what I said that shirt he's a jerk how is it shirt did you make go out for me to grow my beard shirt means to make partners with the law you want me to make partners with all I just asked you to make the other no I want to grow my beard just just make do our grow my beard I said I can't because it is Allah who grows your beard not you but I will make sure that you quit cutting it off how many love one brother he said yeah but you know my wife she she said you know she really likes me to shave it off and keep it smooth I said you got to wonder about a woman who wants her husband to look like another woman do you know they never invited me back to that community again when we preach is land to people what should we talk about Allah what should we talk about Allah what was the first thing I talked about when I came on stage you remember I said I might tell you about a word the word is a walk why we use the word because it means the only one worthy to be worshiped he has no partners he's one unique the creator of the sustainer of the universe there's nothing that happens except by his command he is the owner he's the ruler on the day of judgment he's the only one that you can turn to for your needs the only one that really cares the only one that you should care about pleasing him that's what you're talking about sometimes that quote hadith that the Prophet SAW sallam said about a law I like this one whoever tries to please the people at the experience of displeasing the law Allah is displeased with that person and he makes the people displeased but whoever tries to please the law even if the expense of displacing the people Allah is pleased with them and he'll make the people eventually this is a good hadith he said that and so many times the numbers insisted me that makes sense we should do what we do for God not for showing off to say all right make sense talk about the law Oh hat hat I thought it said but what does the HUD hat and dress have to do with conversion to Islam and relevant is the dress I guess I don't understand question if you ask them about my clothes I didn't know you guys are so fascinated in clothing but just if they tell you that I like it I really like it I used to wear suits I was in business suits which had belts that were real real tight you know and a vest and you know what when you gonna go eat with Muslims they're gonna force food on you am i right you better have some place to put it and having that belt around you ain't where it's at so you just I gained 100 pounds okay somebody said I read that there are some differences between one Bible and another tell us some of these differences I'll do better than that because if I tell you something tonight you're not going to remember tomorrow I tell you you're not gonna remember you won't but I'll tell you what you can do go to the website because I wrote all of it down and put it on the website go to a slam tomorrow calm slash Bible and read every chapter of the book that I wrote all our stuff is free I didn't make it as a book so you could buy it I made it as a book on the internet so you could just have it free and that's one of the books Bible a closer look reading enjoy it print it out go sell it have a good time I like you guys she left my silly jokes said I also read the Bible doesn't discuss all the life issues but the Quran discussed everything for example something about money of the prophets after the death - okay inheritance etc actually I don't know you may know more about this than me what I know is pretty limited I'm just the new guy on the Block set with people of knowledge but not much of it rubbed off on me I tried what I learned was that the Quran and something like it complete the Dean for us the Quran and something like it complete the Dean for us it's a hadith Mohamed Salah sallam said I've been sent with a fur on and something like it meaning what his pseudonym we know that his Sunna explains Islam so Quran tells us for instance economist alam established the worship but where the quran doesn't say that you pray uh sir whenever the shadow is twice the length of the object where does it say in the quran did you pray pleasure just as soon as the light first starts from the day where does it say in the quran that door is right after the Sun hits the median and starts to move on what does it say any of that it doesn't does it how do you know in fact how do you know it's five times a day salah whathe humps is not in the Quran you know it from the Sun so when you mentioned the Quran the Quran tells us to look to the Sun to obey Allah's messenger because obedience to him is obedience to Allah and allow also use this Ray's in the Quran when he said if you really love a long coolin coolin to hebrew non-operatively only you can come along if you say if you really love Allah then follow me then and only then will Allah love you and I'll forgive your sins he's to forgive her the merciful so we know that between the two the sooner the hadith the stories the narrations and the Quran it is completely everything is there and within that it covers everything not just about inheritance by the way check this out tell me any religion that has documentation from their prophet showing you how to go to the toilet correctly huh nobody in fact they don't even tell you how to eat the Prophet sighs mom taught us when you eat or drink sit down a few years ago I was coming back from a program late at night and I was so tired I couldn't drive and I put my head down on the steering wheel at the red light and my little daughter was with me she said daddy wake up wake up I said I can't I'm just falling asleep I put my head back on the steering wheel the light turned green she said daddy wake up she turned the radio all the way up and it wasn't music because I listened to those talk shows right guess what first words come out of that radio always sit down when you eat or drink never stand up when you eat or drink what's up what's that who's this Jamaat tube leak isn't down mrs. Suman hello I thought and the guy continues and he's saying that the damage that's caused to the esophagus the stomach the bowel the this and that and he's going on and on and all the damage done just cuz you're standing up when you're eating and drinking half our program I was home by the time it was over and I'm thinking wow now if I stand up or sit down based on what I heard from this man it won't be from Allah will it if I sit there now because I know my health will benefit from it because the doctor said so that means I didn't except for Mohammed Salim I accepted it from somebody some non-muslim tell me make sense amazing huh we have a program many years ago we did called justice suna it deals with so many of the things in the Sun that we wouldn't know without this food is one how to sit when you eat how you hold your hand which handy with which hand you clean with all of that we know from the Sunnah but there's more so much more and I heard so many Muslims say something like this it really hurt me when I got in Islam I heard some Muslims attack in our own religion then you'd say brother how come you do so-and-so and you don't do such as Bravo that's just too fun no Bravo that's just fun Josefa no just so not so that's why we called it justice in DES and we gave all the proofs of the beauty of Islam to the sunnah of muhammad saw or whatever so it's also in the sunnah resource of the line wa salaam that after the salat I shall not to have any program but to go take some rest so you can get up in the night and worship Allah so with that in mind I want to end this little bar knowledge this little program so I can try to follow that soon and ask that all of us will be successful in doing the same thing I'm happy to be here with my brothers and sisters and I thank Allah for letting me come here to Australia and I thank all of you for your attendance and your patience in our program tonight I have only one request from all of you I'm gonna make a tool request can I do that too first this first request make draw second request see if we can come back and do it again still a money I didn't get very far did I but I don't mind my paychecks coming I'll wait I'll be patient you see what I want from a law you can't give me I want to watch people when they make their show harder so I can remember how much I really really felt the day I made sure Hutta so anytime somebody wants to enter Islam I don't mind waiting take your time come on over here okay right over here what do you think about is that thing is the truth okay didn't see if this yeah you can get up close that tell me your name my name is Yousef what we're gonna do right now is go over a couple of points with you and see if you agree where is Muslims believe there really is a God so much so that we think about him a lot all day long and we try our best to do what he wants us to do we know we're gonna mess up but we always ask him to forgive us and we try again the next day we believe he's won and he doesn't have partners and we believe his message came as the Quran do you believe that okay and we believe that he sent a lot of messengers with this message Adam and Noah and Abraham and Moses Solomon David and Jesus and Muhammad do you believe that okay there's a lot of things as you go to life you learn more and more you never learn everything but each day's a new experience take one step at a time so today is your first step and this step is the easiest step but it has the most profound effect on your life right now in English I will say it and then we can do it in Arabic is that fair okay just repeat after me I bear witness and open testimony there's no God to worship except the one true God Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His Messenger and Jesus this is messenger now we'll do the Arabic it's real simple not do it slow you just say what I said means exactly the same thing a shadow Allah Allah la ilaha illa allah wa ashadu anna muhammad rasool ullah what ISA Rasulullah but Sulu la la [Applause] before you leave I want to tell you that this is the best day of your life because what just happened on this stage right here is an amazing thing that was described by John the Baptist and Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon him because what they said was when a person entered into the right belief into the way of Islam Allah forgives all of your sins since the day you were born restores you now to the original condition as a new born virgin baby and where he removed all the sins he replaced it with mountains and mountains of good deeds so you're the richest person in all of Melbourne right now because you have all these mountains of good deeds no sins and your prayers are accepted immediately from him now and the first prayer from you I hope you'll make for me and for us that Allah forgive us and make us quit Muslims I mean ok and now you will be responsible to take care of her and help her step by step in sha Allah you have a big job but you have big reward because just teaching somebody missed me long we'll get you a reward for that forever and ever because she said there's so many times and her children and grandchildren and so you have a great opportunity with Allah just up from Allah here [Applause] I remember something about the Sahabi that whenever something like this happened they didn't copy the way of the perform by clapping they used to say Allah ho Akbar and I like that so if you want to say that it's good keep saying it it's good for us I feel good I like it yeah Allahu Akbar I gotta take if I got time to tell them a funny story we got time for a funny story some of you know that work is the national chaplain I'm really retired now but I work harder now than when I was getting paid but I had the opportunity and I grabbed it in a minute to be the Muslim delegate as the chaplain to the United Nations World Peace summit for religious leaders and the year 2000 and it was an amazing thing amazing but one of the things that happened when I was there for that week at the United Nations building the only by the way when more people than this okay only religious leaders from around the world Muslims Hindus lots of Christians Orthodox Catholics Jews of all kinds and the one who put up all the money for this event because it costs money to do it he put up 1 billion dollars yes his name is Ted Turner yet Allah heard of CNN yeah but he wanted to broadcast it on his network so he put up a billion oh yeah plus he wanted to be the keynote speaker ok plus he wanted to tell everybody about his new religion because he became a journalist one of the Hindus religions they have many religions and from the Hindus break off and he was a Genest and he wanted to talk about it okay I'm sitting in the story up because you got to see what happened through the whole thing people gave speeches after speeches and I was supposed to give a speech that's why I was there I'm denying it didn't work out they didn't let me give it but I'll tell you what did happen Muslims were clapping right along with everybody else for each thing that happened somebody say anything and they get ready to go you know and I didn't want to do that because I said I'm a Muslim now I have to do what the mushrooms do so most of the stuff people said I didn't believe it anyway a lot of weird stuff they were talking about but sometimes it doesn't matter if they're Christian or Jew they said good things that we should really acknowledge so I'm the second day I said now I'm not gonna play this game I'm not gonna clap and I don't wanna sit still so I'm gonna do it oh and the people looked at me they were clapping all and they didn't know where it came from and then somebody said something a little later on it was really great everybody jumped to their feet standing ovations I jumped up oh now they know it's that guy over there the one in the weird clothes Oh as the the guard security guards are looking me like 61 year-old man they're afraid I didn't even have a briefcase goofy a nun came gave a speech then they introduced Ted Turner and he came out and they it's a weird deal by the way like this is a podium on a stage in the United Nations the podium is up real high and they have to climb up there it's like a membe are in Reverse you know and he hangs off the end of it and he said up you know but I happened to be sitting up like that even with him okay Ted Turner got up there and they didn't like what I was saying you know so before he started no dink in front of all the people on television he paid a billion dollars to tell his story but before he started his story he pointed right at me and he said are you gonna say that again the cameras go right onto me and I go it all depends on what you say he was so frustrated he couldn't think what to say they had introduced him as the world's most wealthy man in real estate they said nobody owns more real estate property housing than this man number one besides his interest that he has in broadcasting he's number one in real estate property Wow and his speech starts like this you know I'm really worried about people of the world today so many people are homeless they have no place to go and nowhere to live when he backed up from the microphones guess what I said from the man who has the most real estate they can take care everybody it was nobody there that could keep from laughing on that one but it cost me I didn't get to give the speech but I said you know what I'll take those two words right there on yellow camera over any speech that was given Allah Akbar Allah Akbar I'm gonna leave in sha Allah but I don't want you to stop saying it till I get out of here so our mommy said that mati come at the local better care to all right he's gone now it's my turn now lover would you Allah Micah but always a charmer I lost the greatest my dear brother and sisters last night we were stunned amazed by what we saw on television obviously this is something that is upsetting and frustrating and we as Muslims would like to pay our involve masses to those who've suffered through this we dislike terror regardless where it comes from him ever was behind this whether they're Jews Christian Buddhist monks Muslims we as Muslims condemn direction as we condemn the action of the Americans in Iraq and the Zionists in Palestine and the Russians in Chechnya and the Indians in Kashmir we condemn these actions and we dislike any person or any group that causes terror we had the clarify this we dislike them because Allah dislodge them Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala has said in al-quran in Allah her ladyship will Martha Dean Allah does Allah dislikes the transgressors so this is something that we need to clarify we've had many questions that I just thought I'd clarify this my dear brothers this is tomorrow a lecturer malar brother use of stairs he'll be given another talk in Charlotte in Copeland Fiona Melbourne University and gate 12 and the talk will be the lecture of it will be who is going to paradise so it's a very very interesting talking Charlotte and I hope that he'll recover insha'Allah by tomorrow fully may Allah reward each one of you for attending here you have inspired us and you've encouraged us and I ask Allah the Almighty to keep the Muslims steadfast on Islam and I ask Allah to guide the non-muslims they snap well love the greatest asset that we have the greatest privilege that we have is Islam and we as Muslims should not be mais as in greedy and selfish we should share this beauty of Islam with our actions and our behavior many of us speak about Islam but unfortunately when when it comes to practical action they seem to be far away from it let us leave Islam my dear brothers and sisters so we can show it to others because the others are stumbling in the dark there are a need to give nutrition to their soul they are giving it with football they are given it with drugs with alcohol with gambling and it's not satisfying the real nutrition for the soul is an Islam the religion of God the Ridgid the religion of all the prophets please as you're walking out there's a lot of videos DVDs audio and also there's a forum which is called a dollar a day this helps us continue on bringing quality speakers as you can see please may Allah reward you I ask Allah Subhanahu WA Diana to bless each one of you and would really appreciate if you can donate generously so we can maintain inshallah this good work I would like to thank every one of you here I'd like to thank our sponsors may Allah reward you and our special guest was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi is drive safely barakallahu FIFA match mine was cinema
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 50,287
Rating: 4.8273811 out of 5
Keywords: priests, preachers, christianity, islam, muslim, yusuf, estes, iisna
Id: wk1cOOPQSZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 7sec (4027 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2009
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