Story of Yusuf Estes - From darkness to light

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they should help us laughs emitting meaningful to you know my on the Toyota line my name is Yusuf Estes and originally I'm from Texas I live now in Washington DC area and I came to aslam about 20 years ago because of something very special before I came to Islam I used to call people to Christianity everywhere I went I would be carrying my Bible with me I would have my Salib or cross and I even had a cap a hat and it said Jesus you know Issa Jesus is Lord do you know I didn't realize then how funny I must have looked I didn't realize it but in those days I was very passionate about communicating the message that I felt people needed to know the message about love a message about peace and a message about being a good person so that when the last day comes the yellow lacquer that would be prepared for that the daily life that I had before coming to Islam was filled with two things working hard to make business make money to Jarra and working hard to tell people about Jesus and the message of peace it surprised me to find out that in Islam I could work more and communicate more that's for sure before I met the person that helped me to know more about Islam I used to have a very bad picture about Islam and Muslims in fact I was so afraid to even need a Muslim that when my father told me we'd be doing business with a Muslim I said no no way no these guys Muslims they are terrorists they are hijackers they are kidnappers and they don't believe in God in fact they're worshipping a black box in the desert and they kissed the ground five times a day that was the way I understood Islam a very bad opinion and a bad idea of how they treated women and how they treated children I thought that really it was almost like they want to put everybody in prison this was the idea that I had but then I had never really met a Muslim until we started doing business with a man from Egypt when I first met this Egyptian gentleman I was surprised because I was expecting to see some man wearing a long dress and a black robe over it and the big turbine or ammama on his head and he has one eyebrow goes all the way across like this maybe carrying a sword you know it's safe for some like this and maybe you know something like Ayatollah Khomeini I don't know but then when I met this man I was so surprised he was wearing normal clothes and he looked as normal as anybody he didn't even have a big beard in fact he didn't have any hair because he was even bothered it was nice a really nice person and I thought right away hey I bet I can convert him to become a Christian that was my idea I'll make him become a Christian but Allah had other plans one of the things that really amazed me you say in Arabic I G by G bond amazing astonishing was the way this man although very quiet gentle kind but what's amazing was the way that he every day he would do the salawatu pumps every every day he would pray five times a day on time he would say excuse me I'll be right back he would go and make whoo-whoo then Allah would do his Salah some dhikr dua and come back to us then start working again every day except one day a week llamo Juma he stops everything he said I will be back in two hours he would get ready and drive to the Masjid do his Salah there and come back and it took almost a half hour almost a half hour just to get there so that's why he had to take two hours off but he would still come back and go right back to work again so the man would work seven days a week but he would stop for his worship another thing that he did he liked to fast some on Mondays and also on Thursdays and you would go to me say would you like this who wants some of their so and so he'd say no no it's okay I'm fasting one amazing thing about him that even my father talked about was how honest he was in business any time there was any business transaction whatsoever he always made sure the customer got full value for whatever it was they were doing and to be sure that they got the product that they were promised and then the follow-up to be sure that they were happy that was another thing that we really were amazed about you know I thought if we make this man a Christian we could make him a saint maybe even an angel because he's so sweet so nice but do you know what happened one day while I was trying to convert him he asked us about the Bible and so I said yes I have a Catholic priest who will come over to my house I was a Protestant this is two different religions and my father would be there with his Bible so I have my Bible my father has a different Bible the Catholic has another Bible and will sit there and try to talk to him about all this but then we begin saying which Bible which Bible you know between us all the time the Muslim he's sitting there quiet so we asked him well how many versions you know of that Quran do you have still one just one and it's still in Arabic the way it came it's perfect nothing's missing no words are missing no pages are missing not even a dot it's missing hmm so then we had another idea let's talk to him about God but when we start to talk about God he said can you explain Trinity well we try to explain how three could be one will get many examples but none of them really hold up very good do you know that when we asked him what do you guys say about God he said well it's pretty simple and he said what Allah said in the Quran are oh the valeri many shaytani regime bismillah he wrought manner again call who Allah who had Allah who some had let me live well damn you like well let me a cool hook of one I had and do you know his argument was so strong we just sat there like this no expression imagine what a beautiful meaning this has when somebody knows when they really know Allah he is a had unique one no partners and he takes care of everything and he has no father he has no sons he has no relatives no daughters no cousins no uncles and he is not like anything he is a hide you need amazing many people ask me how did you feel about being a Christian what was it like to be a Christian did you ever have any doubts about Christianity well actually at one point in my life I was so involved in Christianity believing in it that I thought it was everything until I began to find mistakes in the Bible serious mistakes in the Bible and then it made me begin to doubt not doubt about God know but to doubt about the Bible and what about Christianity some of the things that we think about when we talk about this subject is why is it called Christianity because if it's called Christianity it means you have to follow Jesus Christ but what about all the people before that they couldn't have known about him because he wasn't here what about Adam Abraham Moses David Suleiman all the prophets and then what about Jesus himself did he say I'm a Christian actually I found in the Bible it says that they were never called Christians until they took their message to Antioch long long after Jesus was gone long after Paul came into the religion and started changing things even then he said we were never called Christians until after Antioch then I started thinking if the name is not right the book has some mistakes I don't know but when I looked at other options other religions I wasn't very impressed that really wasn't and I had not really heard anything about Islam and I never met any Muslims not until my Egyptian friend but then I began to observe some things that really made me see a beautiful connection one of the things that my Egyptian friend told me is that we Muslims believe in Jesus I said what because I know Jewish you know the yahoodi they believed in Adam and Abraham Isaac is hot it's my LLL Ishmael they believe in Suleiman and David and all these prophets they believe in the Old Testament but they do not believe in Jesus not as a prophet not as the son of a god not as a miracle work or nothing so how could a Muslim believe in Jesus and he said yes we call him Lisa I said okay that's all right it's similar to Jewish Yeshua he son Yeshua okay he said then do you know what we know he's a miracle birth oh the Immaculate Conception watches are from Allah so okay and we know that he did miracles even when he was born he could speak he said I Salaam he could speak when he was born and he told the people he was a prophet and he had a mission I wasn't like really I don't know that and he did miracles people that had skin disease they were cured people who couldn't walk lame they were cured people that were blind and they were cured even a dead man was brought back to life story is in the Bible Azeris but you're telling me some believes this huh yeah I said okay well what do you believe about Jesus we say is the Son of God what do you say he said we say he's the son of Mary oh yeah that makes sense he is the son of Mary he said this way we don't have to try to resolve the issue of son of God he'd been along I would love a stop for Allah Allah has a son I older build up so this is where it really starts making you think Muslims do believe so much almost you know it's almost exactly almost but maybe a little bit different because when we came to the subject of son of God he said no son of Mary yes Raja's it yes even the kalamata law the Word of God the locals when Allah wants anything he just says kun fire cool be and it is and that's how he created Jesus and I thought oh it's in the Bible the kid mm up distance what it says be and it is and that's how he made him so Miriam is the mother God is the Creator exactly what my Muslim friend told me I thought oh if this is the case what else do you believe he said we believe he's not dead he's with a law and he will come in the last day oh my god so this man is going to be easy I can convert him right now this is almost the same thing but then it happened the big event happened the Catholic priest friend of mine said I want to go to the mosque I want to see what did they do and he went to the mosque when he came back we said come here what are they doing there do they like you know slaughter animals you know Videha or do they make bombs something he said he said they line up stuff then they stand like this he said like a monk or priest when they worship in silent he said they were silent stood like this she really said then they bow rakul then such death then sitting Santa not talking to each other nothing son the whole time until said ah Molly said our mother come around that's it then he said they left I said what kind of music did they have he said they don't have any music what how do you worship God with no music I was a music minister I'm wondering how no music he said no no I got to know more about this well I did I learned a lot more about it do you know what happened next it came my turn I became very curious so I began asking some hard questions to the Muslim what do you say about this what about so-and-so I heard Muslims you know they do so and such every time I ask him a question he smile and he would tell me so many nice things and I would think huh this is not the image I had in my mind in fact when I think about Issa Ali Sonam what was his character like how did he act how did he treat people how and I said to myself this man this Muslim is acting more like Jesus than the Christians he never drinks alcohol he never smoked cigarettes he never lies he never cheats he doesn't chase the women if you know what I mean no in fact when ladies come close he puts his eyes down I said if Jesus was here hi Sarah this is what he would do it would be like this man I still wondered how can I get him to be a Christian it was still in my mind how can I get him to be a Christian but all along I was wishing I could be more like this man because he was at peace inside no matter what happened if we have a flat tire on the road he's at peace with it it's I'm the luck under Allah I don't know what he meant he said cutter Allah Masha Allah I don't know what it meant but he would say that and he would smile if we ran out of gasoline no fuel Hamdi like utter Allah if I didn't have the money to pay for some federal on my shoulder no matter what happened he was ok I'm wondering how how can this man be in such peace all the time I wish I would be like that you know when I think about my friend the Muslim I almost laughed now to remember how patient he was with me because I would be telling him you know this and so and so and come on and be a Christian and he would smile finally one day he said to me you know I will go to your religion if your religion is better than my religion but you need proof proof what we know in Islam that DeLillo is something very important if somebody tells you anything on a daylily ahi right but never in Christianity anybody said this to me what is your proof proof I even said to him proof religion is not about proof it's about faith all about faith and no proof he said in Islam we have both we have faith but we have proof and when he said that it came in my mind and I said to him do you mean to sit there and tell me as the Muslim you can prove there's God then he said to me do you mean to sit there as a preacher for Christians and you can't now what could I say because I want to know what's his proof because I never thought about proof for anything just you hear somebody say it you believe it and they said in the Bible it says so and so you look and read and read you never find it where does it say it he said it okay I believe it no in Islam every single word you must be able to prove or you don't say it Allah said caller Allah what color rasuu this is the hakka of Islam caller Allah the poor and vocal Arasu the hadith sahih hadith Bukhari Muslim and when he would explain my Muslim friend he would explain Islam to me he would tell me in court on of laws said and he would say the arabiya I don't know where of it zero no Arabic in those days I didn't know one word not even Salaam alaikum nothing but he would still recite the Quran in Arabic and then he would say more or less the English could be like this and he would tell me and he would say Rasul saw the light of a Salam Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him who Alcala he said for instance hi Roku Monta Alama al quran wa allama and this in english he would say would mean the best of you are those who learn the quran and then you teach the Quran so he would give me the Arabic he would give me the English sometimes listen to this sometimes he would recite the Quran quickly quickly like for instance he might say bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim who Allah who I had Allah who cement I'd say no no no stop they say one said go slow he said why I said I like to listen to it he said but you don't know it I said but I like and sometime when he would recite I would feel like I want to cry I don't know why like when he was reciting I would even let him initiate on your regime allahu la ilaha illa Allah yokai you let a hold of holes in it and wala know who my fists mo whatever mother one month over the years for window illa be hidden e yellow mama been eighty him on my oven well Laurie tuna say ME ME illa bima Shah was he of course he whose summer whatever party well yeah who if the home Allah Allah Allah well fine you know for you let you Mussina the whom I feel somehow what um I feel all men that love us for I know who a lovey is me yeah I'm gonna faint I am one of all of them what I wanna be shaming me now me he loved me Masha watch er como si no mas a Marathi well of Obama well who a non-eu lovely when he got to this part when he said wha CI policy yahoo Sumati what I think that's why I told him no no oh slow slow what is this what is this any explain about the courtesy of a law the arsh of a law so much details and I'm thinking oh this man knows more about his religion as a geologist then I do as a preacher how come the preachers of Christianity don't know about Christianity as much as some Muslims some Muslims know more about Christianity than some of the Christian preachers and especially how come nobody knows about Islam in the West nobody yet it's the most beautiful logical way to explain the hawk the proof la ilaha illa-llah when you look to the mountains you look to the oceans you look to the Stars the moon the Sun and you realize this cannot come by an accident this has to be from somewhere where did you come from what did you get your brains who takes care of you every day who wakes you up who let you go to sleep who gave you life who replaces the skin when you get hurt who is doing this anybody could say God does it but not anybody has the proof of the Quran and the Sunnah which clearly shows these proofs again and again every ayah of Quran showing these proofs so look at the combination we have a man living the example with the aah clock he has the behavior the characteristic of Islam and he has the basic knowledge the simple knowledge of what what are the five pillars of Islam Shahada Salah Sam Ramadan zakat Imam and Hajj fuel baked Allah explain that that's all he did he just explained the basics and what do we believe a man of allah we believe in allah will Malaya cut me he and the angels well kotoba he and the books all the books all the way back from the beginning until now of all of the prophets well recently all of the prophets and we make no separation between any of those and we believe in the Day of Resurrection llamó qiyamah the day of standing literally in Arabic the day of standing and he explained this very simple we're all gonna be brought back everybody I said wait just muslims right he said no everybody everybody is coming back i said what all the muslims all the christians all the dear hoodie all of the buddhists all of the hindus all the mulehead all the people will be brought back on the ELMO camel the sixth point in islam he told us is the color of allah now in this case I could actually see somebody accepting the cutter of a law but how do you explain that to somebody it means that Allah has already predestined everything it's already known to Allah what's gonna happen and it's in his control now some people might say well how is that fair I mean if Allah made me do it why would I get a reward or a punishment it's not my fault but in Islam he explained it to me clearly in Islam we know that everything is a result of our intention the NIA and then he said cholera Sol Sol illallah wa sallam our Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he said in the mall of India that everything is by urine tension but then whatever comes from a law this is the law is cutter and that's when you can live as a muscle and I said how and look what he said he said you have to know what's Islam and he explained in a way that I understood later I took a dictionary and found the words in Arabic that it's this lamb to surrender to give up and to submit and to obey and to be sincere well wait a minute if you're gonna be sincere this means what you cannot force anybody to be sincere it's impossible if you force them they're not sincere and this is required in Islam so never get Islam spread by the sword and Islam doesn't spread with a gun he slammed spreads with the heart and this man touched our hearts with his behavior with his kindness with his generosity with his good advice that he gave all of us but especially the way that he was so devoted to his God when he would stand over in the corner of the house and we would see him praying and he would look up like this and you would see tears in his eyes and you would wonder what is he crying for I later came to know that he was crying for us he was asking a lawyer a lawyer Latif yadi yadi yadi the one who guides guide these people guide these people they're nice people all along guide them and tears coming down his face Allah do you know he said to me the key words he said to me I will go to your religion as a Christian if your religion is better than my religion I said okay hey we got him now because in Christianity I know you don't have to pray you don't have to fast you don't have to make Hajj you don't have to pay the car you don't even have to be nice if you don't want to you just believe Jesus died for your sins yay he said no I mean I will be in your religion if your religion is better but you need proof I said again with the proof he said yes because there's nothing we doing Islam except we know there's a proof whether we know the reason or not that's another subject why we don't eat pork why women should cover themselves up why men don't go out here touching other women and why we must never cheat or must never lie the reasons are with the law but we know the proof is from the Quran and the Sunna this is what we live by and again no matter what happened he would say the same thing Kagura law mashallah I realized he was right I didn't have any proof I was just talking but then one night when I was really thinking about Islam so much I found that the Catholic priest accepted Islam the Catholic priest became Muslim a shadow a lalalaura thermometer so I couldn't believe it I started to tell my wife then I found that she also is interested to be a Muslim I'm shocked so I wanted to talk to him again one more time so we were walking around in the night outside our house I asked him about something about my business my family the people I know congregation I used to go with the Bible the Quran many questions many questions many questions because I didn't know what to do I wanted him to tell me why don't you be a Muslim I wanted him to say that why don't you be a Muslim but look at the hikmah look at the wisdom he said this is not about you and me this is not about you and your wife or you and your father or you and the congregation of your people if this is about you and him so you need to talk to him no look at this man he's crying oh I'll guide them but he doesn't say I want you to be guided by me no he let a law do what Allah does and he cried for us he went and prayed and while he was praying I went and put my head on the ground and I said God if you're there guide me and when I raised up my head I knew I knew there really is God he's one la sharika lah he has no partners and I knew Mohamed Salah life Salaam is his last his final messenger and I had to follow it I have to follow it there's no option there is no other way there's B's messenger let me lay low a mile or so lower there's no Daniel I am I am I am most often what Matt is His Messenger there's no column I have my pal most of my buddies his messenger there's no let me know and I also knew immediately I had to tell the other people I have to tell everybody that's why I'm here with you today to tell you this story the importance of you yes I'm talking to you to be the person Allah wanted you to be to follow that Dean and show other people by example let them see the beauty of Islam the truthfulness Allah says yea alladhina amanu attack Allah or Kulu kaolin sadita the truthfulness let them see the integrity let them see the honesty let the people see that we are normal people we want good for everybody we don't hate we don't hate we love we love Allah we love his messenger we love this Deen the thing that we avoid and stay away from other things that will take us away from that let them just see it show them Islam with the Aqua that character and then maybe you'll hear somebody say eyeshadow a like that long may Allah guide all of us may Allah guide the people may Allah make it easy for you to share this message until next time this is Yusuf Estes making drama Adeena survival mr. Kyle I should have at last seemed in me--not her hanging about on the toy Robin I am and II wouldn't - it - oh hey was foreign
Channel: قناة مكة Makkah TV
Views: 2,847,481
Rating: 4.8606229 out of 5
Keywords: Lights, Quran, Light, Story, For, the, first, time, full, story, of, Yusuf, Estes, Muhammad, Koran, interview, islam, muslim, dark, Christian, priest, Prophet, Sheikh, من الظلمات إلى النور, من, الظلمات, إلى, النور, ظلمة, يوسف, استس, يوسف استس, قصة, إسلام, الإسلام, مكة, قناة, قناة مكة الفضائية, القصة الكاملة, الكاملة
Id: LEKgxZbFG_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2012
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