Al Qur'an - A Miracle of Miracles - Sheikh Ahmed Deedat

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[Music] smear layer of mother him LAN you are a photographer you're highly - a career as a hobby that [Applause] because my mistress I will depreciate and redeem a smell of money rahim la la vida in villa dei admirabie in Malaya in the law when nama another movie availa yet for him an angelic alcazaba you cloudy in the fever the color of madam will vikre the only human sadaqa sadaqa lama receive mr. chairman my dear brothers and sisters the subject is al-quran a miracle of miracles I have written a voice from the Holy Quran as we proceed I will explain the verse and what Allah valid Allah says about the subject of miracles but let me explain to you what a miracle is what is a miracle mo jiza a miracle is an impossibility something beyond human endeavor human effort for example one of us while this meeting is carrying on he falls unconscious and he expires the doctor is called up and the doctor certifies that the person is dead another doctor is brought forward to give his opinion and he also certifies that the man is dead take the body away prepare for barrier but they comes along a man of God sees this dead person dead body and he says he commands plane bismillah wake up get up in the name of Allah and the person gets up alive and well we say it's a miracle because it was an impossibility fired by two doctors and yet the person has come back to life but suppose the man was dead for three days put in a matcha tea in a morgue and after three days somebody comes along the man is gone as hard as rock and he shouts at the cops could be is nila horizon in the name of Allah and the man comes back from the dead from the mortuary from the morgue we say that is a greater miracle because it's a greater impossibility but after the person is dead and buried his bones have rotted in the grave and somebody Christ whom bismillah and the person gets out of the grave alive breathing well we say that is still a greater miracle so greater the impossibility the greater the miracle I hope this definition you know is simple enough for everybody to grasp now in that sense the quran is a miracle of eloquence in the first instance you see nations before islam we send prophets and mankind had a tendency to demand proof by some supernatural acts has a new solid salam the holy prophet moses he was given a type of miracle which was akin to magic he was among the magicians in egypt so he had to contend with these magicians and Allah gave him a miracle to confound these magicians fear on thinking that moosa aleihsalaam was another magician he brought what his own musicians to play the part and the magicians the Egyptian magicians they had little little magic sticks one of magic ones and they threw them on the ground and all these little sticks became little little snakes serpents Allah Bharat Allah had already given her that moosa aleihsalaam an experience with his rod on the mount now he knew what he was to do so he threw his rod and the rod turned into a serpent and this serpent swallowed up all the little snakes of the Egyptians and hazard Musa al-salaam picked up the serpent and it turned back once more into a rod and the Egyptian magicians they realized that this is no magic this is not hypnotism this is not mesmerism because to hypnotize a person you cast a spell you make the person to see what is really not there it's an illusion is created the sticks you can make it appear like snakes by casting a spell but here all the little sticks had vanished 2d mesmerize it would have been to make this snakes to appear a sticks no no no but these sticks had vanished into the serpent and the serpent was a rod and the rod was more thicker than what it was before they create a miracle and the Egyptian magicians they confessed that this is no magic this is something beyond it was a miracle a real miracle not magic so Allah gives miracles according to the mentality the needs of the people people with magical minds they were confounded with magic superior magic real magic has an ISA Islam Jesus Christ when he appears on the scene he comes among a people who were steeped in Greek medicine they were performing wonders with medicine so Allah gives in healing powers healing those born blind a person who goes blind by shock oh my son damn it infection is quite a different thing from one who's born blind and Allah but Allah gave him those powers of healing those were born blind and the lepers and he gave life back to the dead revive the dead bismillah type of miracle to convince the people I wanna be a Kareem Salah al salam he comes among my people who are boasting about the language the language was the boast their eloquence the poetry they said we are and eloquent people we are the Arabs and the rest of the world is a jump bum compared to us they boasted they would ask this is you in your language you Ajami how many words have you got for a horse in your language synonyms for a horse a man said maybe half a dozen he said you see we can give you a hundred in our language this is how many word synonyms you have for a sword Oh anybody would say half a dozen I said you see in my language I can give you 100 so you see we are the eloquent people and you people are all dumb a jump so among such a people when he comes along the greatest miracle that he gave was the Quran that the language of the Quran in the first instance was beating the people and they realized people with sense that this is not poetry this is not prose this is something beyond our understanding and people accepted the faith but let me tell you what a non-muslim non-muslims they have to say about the Quran and its eloquence AJ are very an English man who translated the Holy Quran into English in his preface he says whenever I hear the Quran enchanted is a forum she had just learned Arabic Arabic is not his mother tongue and he says whenever I hear the Quran chanted meaning beautifully recited it is as though I am listening to music underneath the flowing melody there is sounding all the time the insistent beat of a drum it is like the beating of my heart you can't help vibrating on the wavelength of the Quran then Reverend boss wordsmith the Christian he wrote a book on Mohammed and Mohammedanism in this book he says about I wanna be a crimson lil Absalom and the Holy Quran is illiterate himself and in me scarcely able to read or write he was yet the author of a book which we do not agree that Muhammad sallallaahu Selim was not the author of the book she says according to his belief understanding that mohammed sallu Allison is the author of this book see he is yet the author of a book which is a poem the code of laws a book of common prayer and a Bible all in one and is reverence to this day by a six of the whole human race as a miracle as a miracle of purity of style of wisdom and of truth it is the one miracle claimed by Muhammad his standing miracles we called it miracle indeed it is without doubt it is a mo jiza and enemy testifies that this is a miracle indeed and Allah draws our attention to this in the verse i directly from the holy quran from surah and Kabuto chapter 29 I am coming late Allah says Rock Allah and they say who the machines they say la-la-la-la-lee hiya tumor Bobby so why is not a sign a miracle emojis are given to him by his Lord this is Adam and they had heard about the miracles of Moses they had heard about the miracles of Jesus now they want some similar performance from the Prophet of Islam like for example they were asking this is look o Muhammad they were trying to humor him they were trying to make a mockery of him so he said look o Muhammad you say you're a prophet of God why don't you perform some miracles like the prophets of old like this ohad mount had outside matka why don't you turn it into gold then we will know that you are a true man of God Oh put up a ladder up into heaven go up that ladder and bring a book down then we will believe that you are a true Messenger of God or make rivers to gush out in the desert then we will know that you are somebody secretin huh country folk are low and they say la la in Villa Lehigh Optima rabbit in answer to that Allah makes him to say hey pelvin in Malaya in the law the most certainly signs miracles are in the hands of my lord he's in the hands of Allah innama ana zero means I am only a one a clear-cut straightforward plain simple Warner have a lamb yuk field is this not enough for you our lamb yet for him and anzala awake al-kitab ax you play him say is this not enough for them that you rehearsed with them that you read to them a book which we have revealed to you O Muhammad this book we have revealed to you O Muhammad is that not enough for them to you and me a person who doesn't know how to read or write you are rehearsing this book to them is that not enough in itself and it should be America you know this human child this little child Muhammad he grew grew up in front of your eyes and after the age of 40 he was like your own child you know every move he made every things that he did you know everything about him and this man who hadn't had no schooling now he's coming along and rehearsing the book to them is that not enough as a miracle the book itself Allah says is a miracle and in miracle indeed it is a miracle in the first instance we Muslims we believe that this book is a La Scala Allah but Allah revealed it to the holy prophet muhammad's allah allah the enemies of islam they agree that this is the book that Muhammad left friends and for a lie they say this is the book that Muhammad left but they say that this is not a las column this is not much cleverness very clever man so we say look he was an enemy and I learn a person said yes but wasn't he a very clever man wasn't he a great speaker wasn't he a great thinker ah we would have to agree that he was he was exceptionally good in all these two qualities then he said look why would he not have rehashed into a beautiful language what he heard from his environment and dished it off has a revelation it's his handiwork Allah testifies against that he says what my antigua nil hawa is he does not speak from his own desire in while la Ruffa it is no less than an inspiration sent down to him a lama who Shadid Alois is taught by one mighty in power we believe that this is Allah Allah Allah testifies and we testify but the outside he says no this is Muhammad's handiwork so I am Telling You my brothers and sisters let us for a moment agree with the skeptic with the cynic with the critic let's agree with him and admit that this is Muhammad's book that he is the author though we know he is not so he said all right so you say this is Muhammad's production he says yes so now I want you to agree with me that this is a one-man job one man effort if he did it this is Muhammad's own handiwork so well there's no hesitation in accepting that that this is his handiwork that's all right in that case I said now I present to you this book his material magnitude in its eyes this is one-man job you have here another job which you claim to be a La Scala the Bible this Bible consists of the Old Testament which is actually the book of the Jews and the New Testament Holden you put together the Christians have inherited it old and new put together in this encyclopedia called the Bible there are 66 books inside what we might call surah in the Quran we are 114 surahs' they have 66 books big and small but these 66 books are authored by 40 different persons this is what they tell us 40 different people the writings lying around manuscript form whatever form that they got them together into one book 40 different people wrote went together to produce this one book this is a one-man production if at all [Applause] out of those 40 different authors of the Bible the greatest writer the most voluminous writer of all is a person called Saint Paul the real founder of Christianity st. for this Saint Paul wrote more than 50% of the books of the New Testament there are 27 books in the New Testament out of the 27 Paul wrote 14 more than 50% but those 14 books put together they don't consist more than this what I'm showing that not more than this 14 put together the greatest writer the most learner writer that's 14 books this is one man job on the physical magnitude of it we say it's a mirror and this book the Quran is not talking anything everything filling up is a filler no no no it's a very very concentrated stuff guiding mankind into all aspects of life solving all use problem for eternity billion will be honor so Allah says is this not enough for you that this book we have given to this man and me then the contents of the book you see in this book the Quran some of these things I am demonstrating to you the subject is so fast voila it takes it will take a number of talks to deal with the whole subject and I do not want to hold you people up here till midnight or till early morning I can just on this subject alone I can keep you all here till one o'clock two o'clock in the morning but I do not think it's fair adjust to you or to me to do such a thing so I will have to curtail a lot of things because I as the layman I can give you a dozen different miracles in the Quran the learn at man purse you can give you a hundred miraculous nature the Quran I myself as a lay man I can give you a decimal which we will not be able to touch tonight but I give you a few number one the concept of a la barra Tala you see we know Allah by his attributes and Allah gives us his attributes in his book we do not have to create these attributes we have not to concoct them as to what Allah is so he tells us what he is he is a Rothman he's a Rahim he's al Malik his alpha dues is a Salam his alma mean his alma Hyman hill al Aziz is al Jabar his alma mater Kabir and on and on and on he gives us Allah gives us in his book 99 beautiful attributes like a necklace of pearls 99 attributes with the crowning glory Allah a big pendant Allah proper noun Allah 99 attributes and one proper name Allah makes it 100 and I'm asking limit people doctors lawyers philosophers when I meet them ascend to tell me now I would like to know from you how many attributes can you imagine that you can attribute to God how many contract wrap this is well he's the father in heaven yes he's God is love yes and tell us whatever come on he's just as yes he's holiest yes he's merciful I see yes come on come on you know the cleverest of us the cleverest of mankind the most learner of us he can't go beyond a desert he can't imagine with all his learning more than that doesn't attributes from his knowledge he can't I said you see this me if he did this work he gives you 99 he say well you see Mohammad was a genius and a genius can do 10 times better than us he admits he's a genius still is this not a Las Kalam the genius can do ten times better than what I can I concede that I take off my hat to Mohammed he is great but he is no prophet he is not a man sent by God I said all right all right but now look in the names that you mentioned in the first six the first one was the Father in heaven but let's say in a number of tries in the first half a dozen you can't help using the word father this is a bona to our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom whoever father the loving father in heaven the first half a dozen you must come out with the word father he said yes anybody if you try the father his day is dangling before everybody because the Christians have made it famous the Jews were calling him the Father in heaven and the Christians called him the father in heaven the communist this word father I said you know what in the list of 99 this is what father is not there that is a miracle see the miracle is that the thing that is being dangled before him for 23 years people are talking about the father in heaven the father in heaven easiest to take he doesn't take it he doesn't catch it either consciously or unconsciously we know it's not his work his elaborate Allah he is making not to use the word a book in Arabic is easier than rub his al hamdulillah rabbi l-'alameen is the lord cherisher sustainer of the world's his rub rub rub and rub is hotter than a bird in Hebrew as well as in Arabic [Applause] it's a beautiful expression the father in heaven is a beautiful expression why would mom at have it why would Allah allow it you know why because this world this name this attribute beautiful attribute has been a truth it's a beautiful attribute words have a tendency to change the meanings good words beautiful words innocent words like the word comrade you see this what comedy is like Sahab my friend my companion companion means in French person who break bread together that we eat together he is my companion company Spanish means bread when we break bread together we are like one brotherhood beautiful word companion comrade beautiful but you know in the United States if you address me as comedy that you know this is a CIA or the FBI will have you checked out straight away they'll take me away you know to find out what are my philosophy is what am i preaching about do you know that I hope you don't use such a word on me look the word is beautiful look at the dictionary dictionary meaning is innocent good but it has as a associations in people's mind commonly associated with communism so we as to it we won't use it there are other words like gay GA why gay beautiful would see when I was going to school when as a young boy I was teaching as poetry poetry English poetry I still remember I am 70 years and four days old now I still remember this is gentle lords and ladies gay on the mountain downs the day gentle lords and ladies gay on the mountain downs a beautiful world you know happy and gay says happy and gay is a jovial person ladies gentlemen and men men and women always all they are very very happy people happy and gay jolly people jovial people beautiful world but it has acquired other connotations now as I was growing up I am reading the newspapers and I read this word gay India and it creates an fishy smell and I don't know what they are talking about gay gay he's not the gay that I learned at school there are something fishy about it I didn't catch it for a long time I couldn't catch it you know whenever the word gay occurred in the newspapers I couldn't catch such a beautiful word what is this what they're talking about it smells but what the smell is about because I was using it gay I would say I'm happy and gay today if you say that our Chairman is happy I'm gay is the innocent world beautiful world but has it has acquired other connotations Allah tells in the Quran say well otaku Lorena Vakula missoula the verse the Jews were using this word Ryan innocent word is a look at us pay attention to us but they had other meanings attached to it at the back of the mind as if the one of the track salah says don't use words of biggest and biggest import see you using the word Vanina but at the back of your mind you're trying to say something else is that you have gone in the their own language to say that you are drifting off you know you've gone off the track just don't talk like that since or nah don't use words like that similarly words they change the meaning the Father in heaven is a beautiful world but now it has other connotations in Christendom they tell us that Jesus is the only begotten Son begotten not made this is in their catechism the Roman Catholics the Anglican the Presbyterians the Lutheran's Methodists all in that in the Catechism the religious principles that they expound in the churches teach their children they say that Jesus is the only begotten Son begotten not made don't make a mistake he's not like Adam Adam aleihsalaam he was made by God every dog Pig and donkey was made by God as such Allah is the creator sustainer Evolver his rabbul aalameen but Jesus is not like that he was begotten not made and if words have any meaning what does it mean they're attributing to Alaba rotala an animal nature the lower animal functions of sex so Allah reacts very strongly in surah Maryam he says Wakata Hazara mono wa la da and they say that ar-rahman the merciful god has begotten a son unless is legitimacy and EDA is one of the most abominable assertion one can make the will Sweden given lies this the worst early Eunice wave him this is the worst thing that you can take that Allah begat a son you are attributing to him an animal nature the lower animal functions of sex setec artists Tama Huata is a fatahna min-woo at it the skies are ready to burst button shocked al are due and the earth to split asunder but the federal jabal hot bath and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin and the allure of money Weleda that they should say that ar-rahman the merciful God has begotten a son the worst feeling you can give and life this that if the heavens feelings like you o Muslims and Muslim ah if the heavens had feeling emotions like you to hear such words being uttered is that the heavens would have fallen if the earth had feelings like you it would have split asunder and the mountains fallen down in utter ruin such horrible swearing they give a lava Ratana does it move the Muslim not at all he's not moving anybody it's an amazing thing in an amazing situation you see the non Arab world then Muslims are the non Arab world 90% of the Muslim of the world are non Arabs they don't know Arabic we have been taught the Quran to read parrot fashion we read it sometimes we read far more beautiful than many Arabs some of our Hafiz and curries but we don't understand a world so we need these beautiful verses we don't know what Allah is saying but the Arab world more than 100 million of you you understand what Allah is saying what is kind about and it doesn't know anybody this is an amazing situation amazing thing if any of you my brother's you go home and your mother tells you he says you know this guy next door he was swearing me like this I won't use the words you know what the other guy was swearing your mother or your wife says you know this guy next door you know he was calling me names I'm asking can you eat can you sleep now what do you do is have a newborn break his jaw shut him up for good and if I'm too weak as a higher again somebody to do the dénouement cost me ten thousand dirhams I'll do the job shut him up for good no that's what how much you feel for your mother your sister your wife your daughter and yet we say that we love Allah more than all these things and yet when they showed him they abused him what happened nothing no reaction you know why the spirit is gone out of us we are the Living Dead The Living Dead we on the sirat al-mustaqim we are but we are at bad people we have we are dead on the right Road the outsider the enemy he is on the wrong road but he's alive he's alive on the wrong road we are dead on the right Road so Allah VX olivia's the worst feeling you can give me is this what are we to do I said talk to them reason I don't even take the jaws others Irwin should them kill them cut the throats no no no Allah says who do we love superior a big ability invite all to the ways of their Lord with wisdom well know as the tell Hassan attend with beautiful preaching Vijaya del whom will let the Aston and reason with them in the ways that are based on most glaciers and ice will show you some little ways little ways I go to the west a good England I go to America I talk to them as as you know English is a foreign language to me which it is it's a foreign language I acquired this you know from because they conquered my country and I went to a British colony so they taught me English so I learn English if the French had conquered my country I'll be speaking French if the Spanish had conquered my country already speaking Spanish but you British you english-speaking people conquered my country so you thought will to speak English and speak English to you but look it's a foreign language to me I want you to help me with your language you say you say eh you say in your catechism the Jesus is the only begotten son begotten not made as I will you please explain to me what you are trying to emphasize you are trying to tell you something special see I can call any young man here my son my son and I'm sure you won't mind child won't mind it nor will the father in the mother mind it calling your child my son but if some person not knowing our relationship once no is he really your son then I have to tell you no oh you see this young man I like this little child he reminds me of my son at home my grandchild at home so I call him my son and he loves me like a father like a grandfather like an old uncle so he calls me uncle or he calls me grandpa whatever that is a relationship but instead if I said yes he is my big garden son you know what I'm saying what I'm insinuating Horeb I'm insinuating is the chassis legitimate he's not his father son his mind I'm responsible for his birth the worst setting I can give him is that if you know the meaning so I just want to know what you are trying to emphasize that's all what you're trying to tell me please explain and what la I tell you you won't come across an english-speaking person who will explain to you there is no harder blow you can give him that to plead with him please explain what are you trying to tell me what do you mean when you say begotten not me what are you trying to tell me how did it come about tell me the nearest in all my experience the nearest to an explanation came from an American see the American is very militant please we must give him credit he is a fighter and a fighter is good material he's the best material to deal with not diplomats you know beating around the bush in Kenya and carrying favor with you and patting me on the back hypocrites no no no let's have it straight forward and fight in intellectual battle and the American was good for that he's a man so an American I had him you know with some people as visitors to the Masjid I am I happen to be one of the guides to the largest mosque in the southern hemisphere in my town in Durban and while I was guiding him this subject cropped up and I asked him the question this question because I'm asking everybody nobody answers it I am asking him this American I said what do you mean this is when you say begotten not made will you please explain he said yes it means sired by God so what he said no no I don't mean that but you asked me what it means I'm telling you what it means now you see why Allah react now you see why DX scient is an L term using animal husbandry you see they keep pedigrees or fossils and they tell you the father of this horse and the mother was one so and the great-grandmother of this horse was soon signed a great-grandfather was soon so and on and on pedigrees of fossils pedigrees of cows moon their pedigree where they originated who was the great-grandfather of that bull where did it come from the Bronfman bull it came from India you know 100 years ago and from that grandfather we've got less than an hour and this is his great granddad child physically they use this term in animal husbandry sired this bill was this cow was sired by a certain bull that's what it means this is actually what it means now it is the Julia Sena that term father is not in the quran beautiful word but it's not there I said that is a miracle the 99 names a miracle but you say look if you want to discount them discounters the miracle is that the commonest the most readily available available the one that is being dangled before him for 23 years he doesn't catch it and he makes us chew that word don't use it we see verbal on him his rub his rub rub is not AB AB AB miracle [Music] substance of the message Allah says another example I give you our mural is in a kafir this is do not the unbeliever see these atheists this agnostics the people who deny the existence of God can't they see in other words Allah expects them to see to be able to see to witness a well Amir unless in a tougher and NASA Marathi well our de Canada that can that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one unit of creation for fat economy ma and he split the messenger is he talking to who is he addressing cafe miss cafe the Bedouins of 1400 years ago no what can the poor man understand but what did he know about the universe about the creation of the heavens and the earth what did he know he only accepted whatever was said if this was a La Scala Amman Mossad Dogma we here and we accept we believe this was Iman that they had they didn't have a grass Allah is not reducing those unbelievers of the times of Mohammed or the unbelievers in the congo or among the Eskimos who might not believe in God no no no he's talking to the men of science men of learning who are now expounding to the world the theory of creation that these astronomers with the mighty telescopes I mean they're looking into space and they analyzing that the movements in the heavens and they telling you as if they did it if they are the ones were were making these things this machine this clock to work this clock of the universe the way they explained as if they are doing it such a person with his great learning he says that this universe came into being with a big bang billions of years ago because he's watching the universe and he's noticing that these heavenly bodies are receding from a central place somewhere is all going out in all directions moving away away away like a balloon when you blow it gets bigger and bigger something like that is happening in the skies in the heavens these galaxies the receding from us at a faster and faster speed at a faster and faster speed and once they reach the speed of light 186,000 miles per second once they reach that speed we won't be able to see it anymore because the light that is coming from there it won't be coming any more it's going away so we must discover bigger and better telescopes to see the sights the wonders otherwise we'll miss the bus so they say this universe came into being with a Big Bang the Big Bang Theory who says that the most learned men of science astronomers say we do you get this funny ideas from this fairy tale about a Big Bang so no no no no it is not fairy tale these are facts demonstratable facts we can demonstrate it show you what is happening and from that we can conclude if we had a film and put in reverse gear I said you could see what is happening is all coming back again with the way it's going out that balloon if we can deflate it you'll see it all coming back to one central point and there was a big bang when did you discover this you say yesterday because 50 years is yesterday in the history of man what is 50 years nothing as an an illiterate man in the desert a person who didn't know how to read or write a person who couldn't sign his own name she could have could me have known this curry this is no never impossible man doesn't know astronomy he hasn't got the instruments he hasn't got a telescope nothing in the desert and among an only people he looked at people and he is now telling who this man in the desert 1,400 years ago fine African for fat Oklahoma and he split them Ascenta a new biologist people who study minutely micro plot ISM the amoeba he says you know life or the inlet in the sea water without this water no life and they tell you look we look back in time in space this is how life originated there was a time when this earth was a molten mass nothing could have survived here everything boiling boiling and over a period of billions of years you know the vapors went up and came down and the vapors went up and came down and start cooling this earth took a billions of years and then started life germs plant life and all these things started at one time there was nothing and then it started where did life come from he says from the sea certain chemical actions the Sun playing its part and life started from there mm-hmm when did you find this out see yesterday because 50 years is yesterday in the history of man and illiterate men in the desert he could have known that grave this is known well listen so what y'all nominal Michael Lachey in height and is made from water every living thing Apollo moon me you cannot believe who human of science human of learning you kafir you atheist or agnostic why can't you believe that this is not his handiwork as Allah said well a McFee an angelic al khattab illallah him in the field Ali Colorama Thomas Vikram be coming on in these are signs blessings and a remembrance for a people who believe that he might have written this universe preceding this verse 48 of Karanka boot chapter 29 is rama Kunta that lumen come demon kitab in he say you were not in the habit Oh Muhammad you were not in the habit of reading as if out of a book while a Tejada who be aminika nor were you able to transcribe it with your right hand he's a lovable balloon in that case the sprockets of vanity this babbles the marketplaces they might have had some reason to doubt Muhammad Allah not man he says you see he was in the certain university and you know now he's telling you these things his theories yes they might have some reason to doubt if he had been through that schooling if the Arabs had some knowledge or understanding of science learning nothing Allah shows you that he sends you and and leap prophet when people amazing he chooses a mission steeped in ignorance the whole of Arabia they will no more than half a dozen people that could read or write in the whole of Arabia the nation is only to the core and he chooses an Ummah prophet you know what to prove to you that this is my world this is I am Dean Thomas Keller describes the people and what the Quran did to them this is a poor Shepherd people these Arabs a poor Shepherd people roaming and notice in his deserts in the creation of the world when the time Allah body Tala created since then roaming unnoticed nobody gives you a second look nobody gave the Arabs a second loop you know there's some interesting people here they would be will women there nothing nothing they won't give you a second look a liability to anybody will take you on your reliability what they're gonna do with this people who made this pit mothers who buried the daughters alive fratricidal Wars over little things killing one another cannibals Alexander the Great passed you by the portions passed you by the Romans passed you by nobody interested in this human rubbish they said a poor Shepherd people Thomas colonists they poor Shepherd people roaming and notice in his deserts in the creation of the world see the unnoticed becomes world notable the small has grown world's great within one century afterwards within one century afterwards Arabia is that Granada on this hand in a billion that glancing in valor and splendor and the light of genius Arabia shines over a great section of the world this belief is great life-giving the history of a nation becomes fruitful Sol elevating great so soon as it believes is it not as if a spark had fallen one spark on a world of what seemed black and noticeable sand but lo the same proves explosive powder this is heaven high from Chile to Granada what did it this book of God that shepherds and camel drivers one of our cousins a Jew writing a book on medicine he is having a dig at his Arab cousins the Jew he's writing about medicine but he's having his own he's having a dig at us you know what he says he says goat herds and camel drivers sitting on the throne of the Caesars this is what these Arabs both words and camel drivers sitting on the throne of the Caesars this is a Las work you see not you you couldn't have done it last showing you said look this is what I can do he's having a big but I said they can't be a greater tribute than that that from that goat herds and camel drivers Allah made you supreme made you to rule half the known world this is his book this is what he did and it can do the same once more again it's a book a miracle of miracles another example in surah yaseen chapter 36 verse 36 allah describes about sexes in the vegetable kingdom in animal kingdom and of things that we don't know which are all recent discoveries he says Suba hana levy halacha as radical aha he says glory be to him who has created mates of everything Mima tomba 2 our dough of that which the earth produces the vegetable kingdom women and fuzzy comb and from among yourselves the animal kingdom and worm in Malayalam and of things that you do know mates of everything he said ease and discovery that even plants flowers have sexes there are some flowers they have male and female in itself there are other plants and trees they are separate sexes like the date-palm the main tree is different from the female tree I'm sure you ever know that see we didn't know that mankind didn't know that in the time of the Prophet they didn't do that I wanna be a crimson Lala Salama in Medina he saw some Arab see some of his children the Arabs little children we were taking some flowers from the male tree and they were hitting on the female plant so when I be asked them as the people say why they bring that say we don't know he said no he says before solve our fathers doing it now this was the pit explanation for all the superstitions the worshipping idols and images of I say we found our fathers doing that when you do such and such a thing you know and horrible things you say why is that we saw our fathers doing that so Allah says even if your father's with ignorant fools so now it seems like superstition you're taking one plant and beating on to the other plant it looks like superstition so it's a stop it see the same type of argument which you use for your idols your idol worship now using for this stop it so they stopped it and there was a crop that year in Medinah midi mega crop so they came complaining to him is the whole mom look what you told us to do I look as a result look at our dates so when idea Kareem Salaam Salaam he said he said look you carry on with your beating of the plants he didn't know I don't know whether he knew that this is a male plant and this is a female plant they have somehow they discovered by accident that sometimes when our children with that and that tree bear fruit in abundance Sisera height is very good so very good they started doing it keeping it weighing now they discovered says no if you don't do that because they didn't know about pollination that the insects and the bees and the wind was doing the job but it's not as good as you really physically bring them together because the male plant can come and walk and meet the female plant same thing in the purple is a papaya purple beautiful fruit see I planted I love this fruit I at one day and very tasty so I took the season I threw in my garden and two purple trees they started papaya started growing I don't know what you call it po PO's is it understood Papa this a papaya started gray and in time they bore fruit delicious fruit very tasty so I took the seed and I planted again nothing and I keep on planting the season nothing is happening then I dried them up in ashes and planted nothing happened then different different ways of treating the seed I tried and tried and tried nothing happens and I can understand why what's happening when I threw the thing first and it grew and nothing is growing out of these seeds the seeds looks perfect and it took me a long time to discover what when Allah says subhanAllah see helical as logical AHA mimic to metal our dough of the vegetable kingdom then I found that the popo trees this papaya there is a male and a female tree like in the dates the female tree has big big flowers growing around the trunk the female the male tree has a small sparks and at the end of it have small small flowers bees and the wind that's the job of pollination if there is a male tree around it will be fertile if there's no male tree you can have a hundred female trees you'll get the fruit but the seeds are all useless worthless you can't plant the seeds you can't have any more popos once they're old and they're gone finishes the first fourteen hundred years ago a la batalla through his Umi profit is telling us subhanAllah glory bit helical as well jack pool miracle miracle of knowledge I think I will end with this one last example for this evening as I say there are endless world like there are endless and illiterate person laymen like me I can give you a dozen I give you this book of Allah is a miracle of journalism journalism is a miracle valla of embryology what information it gives you psychology look each and every min of science I said go to the book and look at the book analyze it from your particular form of knowledge that Allah gave you and look at it it's a miracle from every point of view Allah knows this is a miracle of miracles so I say journalism you see I discovered this by accident most of these things I'm discovering by accident but accidents are no accidents Allah by little eyes know some people as Bob he creates opportunities if your eyes are open somebody speaking and he gives you a cue and you discover something and somebody shows you something and you discover something because we are in the field I live outside there about 20 miles out and every morning I was traveling at a road in the roads we call the beach road like the corniche you know on the seaside in to Durban now they have a freeway so I don't use that cornish road anymore the beach road anymore I take the freeway because it's faster quicker no obstruction to get to my work so on the old road I remember very very distinctly that a certain intersection there was a news vendor early morning newspaper and he had a placard every morning a new placard trying to sell his newspaper so while I was driving I read the placard and I make up my mind hmm the newspaper is not worth buying today I don't want to buy the newspaper according to the placard what they are offering me the news inside I am NOT interested so I parked my car in durban in the city this is just on the outskirts of the city in the city apart makai take a walk to my office and on the way another intersection I see the same newspaper seller not the same man but for the same newspaper but there's a plaque ad is different I read the placard and I buy the paper the same morning paper the placard is different again it happens and again it happens I don't want to buy an i buy I don't want to buy an i buy and I'm trying to think why does it happen like that I didn't want to buy an abort why so I said yeah right but I got the joke the joke was that the place way at the intersection I'm talking about on the corniche is a white area Europeans they live see has separated into races and they that placard is catering for white readership they are trying to bait the white man to buy the paper placard that will appeal to him the white man it doesn't interest me in talking about Zola Budd you know one of our goal Venice I'm not interested in Salah but since when she warned so what something else about some white a sense of carry player you know he won the million dollars what is God so what I'm not interested but as soon as I come into town the Indian area see we are separated into races and the placard there same morning paper but the plaque are there is something that appeals to me so I buy the newspaper is the same not two different newspapers but within it there are different different articles different subjects different topics so they are now fishing for the whites a different black card for the Indians different placard for the Africans different placard for the colors different placard what the fish will bite they know how to catch fish so I survived that is the day why I am getting caught out I don't want it in a bite so the best journalist the master journalist is a journalist who can give you a placard that everybody will buy not for different placards he writes articles he writes about topics and if he advertises that one placard he says the Pakistani will buy the Bangladeshi will buy the Arab will buy the American will buy everybody buys if you can have a journalist like that in the whole each times or in the Gulf News Shh the newspaper owners will never let the man go you know that every day a placard which makes his paper everybody to by the master journalist and Mohamed Salah is such a journalist it's not him he's a master journalist about the omnipotent omniscient knowing his creation knowing how to how to build you how to catch you how to get people be attracted to his book he's showing you I wanna be a cream seller son is in Medina he surrounded by mushriks his own people mushriks he's surrounded by munafiqs he's surrounded by Muslims he's surrounded by Jews he's surrounded by Christians five different groups of people and you want to sell you newspaper the idea of proclamation' how do you catch fish like that by different groups of people listen he says not he and lies through him using as a mouthpiece he says wahala taka hadees of moosa has the story of moses reach you think think a proclamation has the story of Moses reached you the Jew wants to know when he is dead mahalo taka Hadees of Moosa what this is know about Moosa what see how he makes a fool of himself and the Christian he says look man he's now dabbling into ants unknown ground now and they the machinery he said will watch the fun now with the Jews and the Christians do to him now and the Muslim hungry is he as we want to know what about Moosa everybody is a god everybody wants to know what say Israel najran when he saw a fire dramatization visualization you can visualize the scene kakuzu in Anniston our ally at a home in ha the Kaaba scene as you do Alan our Buddha says behold it tells his family I see a fire and perhaps I'll get a burning brand from there or some guidance at the fire delusions giving ideas he's talking about fire he's talking about guidance Allah Barret Allah is building him he's actually building him because he's hungry for fire he's hungry for guidance do you see after the mishap in Egypt when he had killed an Egyptian in trying to defend a Jew he slept in Egyptian too hard and was a mighty strong man has no solace Allah he was no weakling he gave this man a slap and the man fell and he died and he had to flee from the country he killed an Egyptian and forgivable crime he goes into media and there he helps to girls in distress we were trying to water the sheep and goats and the other men folk we're taking unfair advantage over the because of the weakness and hazard musa alehsalaam goes to the rescue and he helps them to what are their sheep and goats they won't tell the father says you know it is a young man at the well and he's a very young very handsome fellow and he's very good-hearted and you know that if you can have him with us you know it will be a great asset second William so they bring him and jetrel Shuaib he makes a contract with Musa al-salaam he says look my son you know we need a hand somebody to help us and if you will stay with us it's a look you work for me for seven years and I'll give you my daughter in marriage hands in marriage you can have as a wife ah the bargain is struck and he fulfills his seven years and he gets his wife and maybe another seven years and he's got quarter dozen children or half a dozen children now he's getting bored a man who lived in the city in royalty now he is now in the desert looking after the sheep and goats for ten years 14 years he's born she wants to get out so he tells his father-in-law says look daddy I would like to go into the world and make way for myself sit look my son your wife is your wife your children are your children and here is your share of your sheep and goats you're welcome to leave so he goes into the Sinai is moving from one place to another one Oasis to another and he supposedly runs out of meat he's got those dry bread but the Jews eat mass pasta quality no unleavened bread of the Jews new yeast and that remains you know even it's hard as rock but it's there you can chew and chew and chew it won't rot in a hurry he's got that but his thing about slaughtering a sheep or a goat and start a fire braise it dry it up and carry on but now he's procrastinating we all do ladies lazy today tomorrow today tomorrow I'll do today I'll be tomorrow because his hard job studying a fire he'll take half a day a piece of wood and a rock rubbing half a day so he's procrastinating today tomorrow I am his towards evening and he sees on the pile is breathing a lies catching fish do they show you what you want salute come come how else could he columns come away I want to talk to you but he knows that this man at the back of his mind is still your fire and he's also thinking what is the next best place Oh a says that he can go too so he's building with that what he wants he's hungry for he's baiting with that so he says to his family behold I see a fire perhaps I'll get a burning brand from there a burning coal and then very easy to start a path and no time firestarter easy it's easy fire and some guidance at the path to the next best choices Raymond good habitation good people hospitable people say you go three three days this way two days that side and you'll come across people very good people allowance to give him a fire and a guidance but he's thinking of other fire and other guidance illusion fulamatu ha muji a young saw and when he came to the fire a voice was heard Oh Moses in me an Arab Bucca fakhla na'layk says I'm your Lord and think of your shoes in Mecca Belvoir dilamuca the situa for thou art in the sacred valley of tuwa for versus Hawaiians and what what you've told you a miracle of journalism how to attract people to listen to the message a placard ability halla taka hadees of moosa and illusion - fire fire that burns in the hearts of man for 3000 years a guidance which is guiding mankind for thousands of years Allah this is how this is the miracle of miracles now what does it hold for us this book is a La Scala without God and Allah Allah Tala is challenging mankind spoon tell them these people the skeptics this unbelievers tell them cold line is a tomatillo in Seoul Jin mu allowed to be mister hosel Quran that is the gatherings of jinns and men if they were to gather together to produce the like of this Quran say la puna be miss Li well okay and about the homely bharden Zahira it says you will never be able to produce the like thereof even if you help one another that one another with help and support this is the book allah says this is my book what does it mean for us it means that this book has an eternal book of guidance for you and for me for the whole of mankind is the solution to the problems of mankind but we are all sitting on this book like a cobra on a pile of wealth we won't have access to it we are reading it we are reciting it for beautification for Salam Salam Salam blessings blessings I see you will get yourself there's no doubt about that the holy prophet muhammad sallallahu sallam he said that when you recite the Quran and when you say Alif LAAM Meem say Alif LAAM Meem is not a word there are three letters Alif LAAM Meem Alif LAAM Meem he says you get ten ten ten salams thirty salat well I'm a curried I got it so many times already and you listening you caught it already I said Alif LAAM Meem 3032 ten ten ten if I say the hundred times 100 times him you got it so easy I believe in that Sahab is their blessings benefits are there but is that the purpose of the Quran just cheap Sahab you want to get look you can get a million for reward this is ten to one you but you want to do business ten to what we do million to one the higher hissa without accounting has I do business with him Allah I like to do business with him be a very very son I don't want ten ten ten you be satisfied with the ten ten ten you will get it I do business with my lord he is prepared to give you be hiring Assad if you will only take it accept it and implement it in your life he is a book of instructions is instructing you what to do he's telling you this honor he has given you share it with people don't be selfish we had a selfish lot of people Muslim we are selfish what Lobby are very selfish everywhere I asked my brother he are very regular in your salat mashallah I want to know who you making salat for say for my benefit for your benefit my son I say you fast for one whole month Sidious as if of whose benefit is that my benefit yes yes your benefit he says you give zakaat I said yes but who's better my benefit you go for Hajj say yes what will be my benefit everything you're doing for my benefit my benefit my benefit I said what are you doing for other man what you doing for him for the unbeliever you believe is going to hell the mushi like he said yes David Icke this is definite Allah says so one thing he will not forgive his ship and they are going to go to hell say yes what you trying what you doing to save them nothing sadder will be very happy with you they are not his much look not his creation and I will be happy you allow them to go to hell and you did nothing you know he gave us a slogan 1400 years ago he gave the Muslims a slogan we call it talbiya in Arabic I don't know literally what it means but this is what I learned when I came when I went for Hajj in 1983 I was hearing words you know what people do when they go around the Kaaba they read labbayk allahumma labbayk lebesgue I was a Siri and I more or less I've learned that but I didn't see the import the implication of that I didn't see it until when I started going around myself Labe allahumma labbaik labbaik la sharika laka labbayk in al Honda when Mata laka wal mulk la sharika lah and I found that by the time I finished off and the people finished off that Vegas Dallas of us the people with little intelligence the least of us everyone by the time he finishes he knows the words la sharika lak la sharika lak la sharika lak so what is that you telling Allah then his new associates he has no partners he has no equals he has no compares that's what you say la sharika lak la sharika lak but this is not true this is not true because as soon as you return from will you come there are motion except on me there are more people on God's good earth were worshipping men and monkeys elephants and snakes today worshipping Shaytan today then the worshippers of Allah and you said lash addict Allah we all take from makkah medina we take with us samsung water from makkah we take dates from makkah and we buy a lot of things very cheap in makkah and we load ourselves and we take them home and we take the title we are the I did Hajj [Applause] I said you know this title I was thinking it was easy you know you were in a plane comfortable air-conditioned planes and you have everything provider and air-conditioned hotels and you become a so what but wallah I tell you I can testify that if you've been through the process you deserve the title you deserve it it's an ordeal one lights an audience we are doing it for Allah say if a man a million to go through that again with my wife and child I will never do it but for Allah sake I will do it what you have to go the jump but you called the place very stone I tell you someone hit me with the stone on her forehead bleeding I lost my watch my watch came off I lost my shoes I fell down had it no dream for some Pakistanis I tell you Allah would have been a dead man you would have seen here today because once you fall this finish you can't get up I'm physically quite a feat follow but once you are down there you are finished some Pakistan is healthy alfrid I lost a thousand dollars it was wrong the big belt I had it was all cash and that thing came out once before the day before or that morning I went and I saw I saw something there we were wanting to go my wife and my daughter and myself and I saw people as if they were on fire people you know that they're making a charge charge you know like it says charge of the Light Brigade in order to people they gather trigger than they're charging through people and so what you want to reach Shaitaan you're human shake hands all abounding well not shake hands all over so we retreated but now we have to go through the process as I'm not a so we make this second attempt and at the second attend all these things happen not for a million but for Allah say we do it I say I deserve the title okay but don't waste it on me this is what we take some some water dates goods and title but that'll be our the talbiya you said la sharika lak this is the slogan the united needs nation they have the different commissions and every year they come out with the slogan this is what are your save it use it don't abuse it this is the a this is the year for the ages it says an old-age home is not her destiny your mother when she grows old won't put her in an old-age home this is here for planting trees wherever they pass a resolution the whole world of the United Nations wherever they are they talk about the same thing water water water trees trees trees old age people hold it this is the purpose of a slogan carried out 1,400 years we are crying la sharika lak la sharika lak and we leave it behind the thing that we are supposed to take away we are supposed to bring with we leave that behind and we bring baits and some some water is because wherever you go in India the Hajis you Pakistanis you go to West you wherever you go in South Africa the people doing in all directions ship ship you and I are supposed to find them say la sharika lak do you're supposed to tell them la sharika lak Allah has no associates don't associate anybody be any being with him this is your job we supposed to do we are supposed to stand in a marketplace doing unless work I wanna be a cream sellers look at the example he used to retire po Herrera mm ooh before you move on he is to go there sometimes alone sometimes with his dear wife Alma meaning a digital Cobra he used to spend days in weeks there are times to commune with the Almighty what was actually happening the details I do not know what was the details about that experience of his it's only after new Buddha we have a detailed record of what transpired what was happening between him and his Lord I don't know but on the 27th of them the Ramadan don't start questioning me about the 27th this is generally accepted on the 27th of the month of Ramadan when he was 40 years old Allah Bharat Allah sends his angel a Fiji Braille to him in the cave and commands him in his mother tongue Petra which means read or recited hers repeat and I wanna be a Korean cellular slambien on me he says mama Bakari there's a testimony that he can't breathe he's telling he's a look man avatar and said I'm not learning so the angel of God commands him a second time Etra again he plead this is Mawlana bukharin is terrified the third time the angel of God says dyspeptic Allah the halacha so read in the name of the Lord and Cherisher who created none he grasps that what he was required to do was to repeat because this Arabic word etre I'm given to understand means to read to resize to repeat to rehearse to repeat and he repeated the words the Torah bismi rabbika la sala read in the name of the lord and cherisher who created Holika linson I mean alik say he who created man from a mere clot of congealed blood she's a helical in Sangamon allah say arabic al Akram so read and the Lord is most bountiful so he said a crabber Ibuka Akram so Allah say Allah 'mobile column is he who taught the use of the pin Allah the Allah may will column Solomon in sana ma lam ya'lam says thought man that which he knew not cease allama l-insana ma lam yasha as soon as the angel departed he's terrified sweating all over he runs home some three miles out to his dear wife mumumu meaning Khadijah al-kubra and says cover me up cover me up when he gets out of his excitement he explains to her what he had seen and what he had heard but from that day onwards he didn't go back to the moment this is his example he didn't go back anymore no more finished with Haru Hara mum Giovanna mu finished what is he doing he's in the marketplace he's in the bath so he's in the bazaars what is doing is a costing people slowly girl wailing Salam sake will you come from it's a young man he says you know Allah has revealed to me that he's but one Allah and His Messenger another man la allakum assalaam sake where you come from it's a Yathrib old medina you know Allah has revealed to me that is born a lion I'm his messenger like a madman little wonder they call him much moon Allah had to testify ma anta be not matter Abeka be Majnoon say by the grace of the Lord your companion is not made or possessed they think he's mad but he's doing the job is masters job this is where you and I supposed to be a lot tells us like at kainalu confit rasul allah was rockin husana say most certainly in the apostle of Allah the best example this is the example he set us you and I are supposed to stand in the marketplace proclaiming the unity of God all the musics are over a bounding around you call them he said Rama is God is Allah surely luck say Krishna is God is Allah surely Allah the Jesus is God is a la sharika lah it's a good dodgeballs Allah surely Allah this is your job my job but I know you are terrified [Applause] you are terrified me too I'm telling you is a terrifying thing you know today nobody will stone you Paulo if you did that nobody will hurt you physically then what I be afraid of of ridicule what will people say so did that is gone off his rocker he that is mad the is mad dr. Billa is mad yes we are afraid of that you know that we have tell about people who call his my head there you maybe you had a little tipsy you might have taken something to drink I had taken some drugs look at him listen and stand in the marketplace in the street corner shouting Allahu Akbar shouting la sharika lah his man we are terrified of that I said you know there is another way you can get out of the difficulty we discovered it we say necessity is the mother of invention necessity you want to do something then you find ways and means you know I can't do it I can't stand in the marketplace the nearest I got to that was in Mombasa at a place called muah-muah tre people who know Mombasa they might remember there is a bus stop I went and Deloitte lectures in the in the marketing in the bus stop on a drum I stood on a drum and with a mic in my hand I started lecturing because the people did they were doing that that kind of thing it encouraged me but in Durban hi I can in London I can't do it I did it there because it looked like everybody was mad like me so it didn't matter I say the second best thing I said necessity is the mother of invention we invented an idea he said look you know today we are able of capturing this Jim Jim you know people they talk about you know making this a hobby you know controlling genes that you can call them and make them to do things like Aladeen is wonderful lamb you rub the lamb and the Jim comes along and you tell him what to do for you that kind of people you know this Jim under your control these modern jeans TV stations radios TVs TVs monitors VCR there are genes and they're your control I said use them man you can't do it yourself so listen look I'll show you it is so easy look in Durban a country in South Africa you know the land of apartheid a racist country very oppressive the whole world is like the polecat of the world's pinching that nation stinks my mission stinks but that nation gives me this freedom look at this he's given me that freedom in the streets in the shots in the bazaar look what I'm doing up with the monitor in the window you know 24 hours a day I can make it to do the work me that is talking 10 hours a day 20 hours a day that machine I make the machine to do the job the gin under our control say use him man we are using him and nobody objects nobody says B that is mad no reason because I'm not there but I'm doing the job in the marketplace that's outside his outside because inside the place is full this is another picture of the outside Muslims and non-muslims are listening to the message the message them is they're getting entertained and they receive the message inside the shock inside people sit in comfort because sit in comfort and watch inside the same thing we have a monitor inside the shop we are monitor outside when the pace inside this hole is a let them watch outside look there's so many ways of killing a cat if you want to then in that color conscious country racist country we use the masjid as a bait you know allah baited has at moosa listen with the fire so we bake these people to come to the mosque what for they think they'll see come and see something nice and funny in the mosque they don't know the difference between a mosque and a temple so when we say visit the largest mosque in the southern hemisphere they think it's a temple this is another name for a temple as seen on his term for a temple a hindu temple so they think they'll see all the monkey cause an elephant was and snake goes all lined up one english lady on a world tour when she came into the Masjid and when they explain to her things she said you know I expected to find a funny oriental Museum ellicott meaning that a monkey bought for Monday and elephant got for Tuesday is snake got for Wednesday all the gods lined up but instead she says I found the truth another African a lady the ruling race she brings her daughters during the school holidays and she looks around the mosque and she is disappointed when she came looking for she says where are the cows cows baqara looting cows cows as a madam have you lost your cows she said no no no I promised to show them through my daughters as a madam you have come to the wrong place so sure but I promised them as the matter is that my fault you promised to show calls in the mosque I said no no no you can see how my people my people voila they are my people a cinema he wrote a little life a couple of kilometers away from the massive Hinnom Guinea rule is the largest temple in South Africa and you'll see everything that you want to see cows monkeys elephants snakes everything my people they look like me speak the same language they have the same surnames like me you know that nor RG decide you had the name he was the prime minister of the largest democracy in the world he is my maternal uncle mom we call him he drinks his own urine six to eight hours every day that's my nation I'm not ashamed say I'd love to me out of it I'm proud of that some Arabs you know al from the village they came to my part of the country and they spoke to my people they came to do business and in the process my ancestors they said these are good people we also like to be one of you they said very easy give your hand so my ancestors gave the head and they became Muslim had it not been for the Arabs the urine of the cow I would still be springing on myself yes ice is there for my father every time we met an Arab as a young boy he shook hands and he kissed the hands and I also kissed every Arabs hand my father was reminding me says look had it not been for these people we would be wherever cousins are still so they're looking for cows in the mosque they looking for stretches in the mosque is an opportunity godsend opportunity to explain to them there is no better place than to deliver the message than in the Masjid so we make the mercy there's an attraction here an African a man was looked down upon in South Africa at the bottom most rung of the ladder an applicant this African is talking to European children White's Jews and Christians he's talking to them about the unity of God look they have come there not for that for a lesson in theology they have come there to be entertained some superficial knowledge of Islam and we are doing the job look if you want to do the job voila I tell you there are endless opportunities it's for you my dear brothers and sisters and we need your help in this that you also take this up start opening your mouth share what knowledge Allah has given you and in that you don't have to be an expert if you have one fact I wanna be a crimson lalala salami said badly honey well oh aiiah I said deliver the message regarding me even if you know one verse one fact deliver it just top that one ha ha ha and Allah will give you more this is the secret of learning give what you have and Allah will fill you up it more with these words mr. chairman and my dear brothers and sisters I am very very grateful to the Department of Information for creating such such wonderful opportunities for me to come along and talk to you I had actually come to this part of the world to thank the people who had helped me in projecting me to America rocketing into America to give battle to the great giant salute Jimmy Swaggart I had come along [Applause] that was not that was my real purpose in coming to this part of the world but as soon as I arrived there are hazards dangers in every job and my job you know because you're a trucker as soon as you come is it now mr. D dad we want you in the radio now Mr D dad we want to own TV now Mr D dad come and talk to us these are the hazards of my occupation I just can't help it and so therefore now you see I had to plan this lecture I said now as soon as I talk I must run from here to Dubai get away from here because you people won't give me peace in the hotel where I am so immediately after this if people will allow me to get out as quick as possible there's a murder car waiting outside to drop me I don't know how many miles from here to Dubai and there if I deliver a lecture again I must run I have to run away from my pens you know I like it I enjoy it but it's bit too much for this old machine you know it's 70 70 and 4 days 70 years and 4 days old now so I hope you'll have a little extra mercy on me kindness on me to allow me to go out peacefully who are predominantly like
Channel: soukISLAM
Views: 143,984
Rating: 4.7887516 out of 5
Keywords: ahmed deedat, quran, qur'an, miracle, أحمد ديدات
Id: AGg67jv6igo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 39sec (5499 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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