CATHOLIC REACTS TO Christian Bursted In Tears After Yusuf Estes Answered His Question!

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what's our family welcome back to the channel mansion boy mr. with twice in today today today nobody get into the videos called Christian burst into tears after Yousef Estate's answers what this is his questions ok english subtitle let's get into it now remember the district first I'm going to miss you go ahead and subscribe and join it with 12 family before you start started put a like on the video remember you got a video woman react to get down the comment section let me know and I will get to it man yeah but why family y'all been asking me about this video for almost like a month now so I finally got it to somebody get to it for you guys man why because I I love you I'm a let's get to the tree already let's get to it and the occupation is well teasing I'm a business person okay I was invited to this piece confession by a friend and I came here because it was called a peace confession what's hi I found this catalog I think a booklet that said something about yourself it was written done raised as a strong Christian educated in Texas duty it became very successful owning music stalls television shows and was the music minister and pressure of the Bible so one who acts use her as a preacher of the Bible what was there what was the reason of the point or the truth that you found in Islam that led to your compassion as a strong Christian and we show of the Bible as a beautiful question yeah because there's lights in my eyes I don't know exactly where you are can you hold up your hand where is here so there you are I'm sorry now I see your name is gabriel in arabic is Jabril that's the angel i was talking about so we're very happy to have you with us today it's a pleasure to have you with us and it's a pleasure for you to ask such a question in such a nice way I'm privileged to ask you that question I wish I was there I could give you a big hug thank you sir because when I was the Christian see I wasn't nice like you you're nice oh it's tough you know because I thought I had to save the world I'm gonna go out and preach a message and you know I'm still a little wacko don't get me wrong but yeah not near as bad as I was what I found and this is important to know what I found was in my Bible first what I found was in my Bible first because I used to travel with a lot of the so-called preachers of Christianity and some of the ones that I traveled with they don't represent real Christianity by the way but I traveled with them and I learned that I couldn't trust them especially when they would pick up the Bible and say the Bible says the Bible says and afterwards I would say it didn't say that they say who cares as long as the people think so and so it bothered me so much that I started trying to really read and understand many different translations of the Bible but they didn't match so I said obviously you know translation is not the real thing I need to learn Konig Greek I knew that the Latin I had already studied Latin and I knew that the Vulgate was only a translation of : a Greek anyway so when I went to the cony Greek it was hard that was really hard because those characters there they're confusing you know I don't know if you know Greek but it's weird Greek to me anyway then I come to know that oh by the way actually Jesus language was a form of Hebrew called Aramaic a form of Semitic language called Aramaic and I had no clue what that was so I tried to learn the Hebrew now all along the way I'm taking ok interlinear Bible I don't know if you know what that is that's when you have the word in English and under it'll have the word in Konya Greek and you can look it up now people like Ahmed Deedat Rahim along in dr. zakir naik they have these giant computer brains ok I don't have that giant computer brains they can process all this stuff in their head and I traveled with Zakhar many times and I have to tell you he can really do that any time but this is not my subject when I was studying it I came to realize that there was a book called Strong's Concordance of the Bible my father had a copy so I would sit there as big it's a very big book and I would go through and look for these words and then it will tell you in Koine Greek what's the root what it comes from and what it's related to and where it's in the Bible and then all of a sudden I started discovering something really big there's a whole lot of interpolation because if you look over here those same exact word means one thing but over here it means something else and then statements that people say about the Bible are not true if I quote to you from what we have in the Quran I can quote it to you in the Arabic language but how many people do you know that can quote the Bible in the original Aramaic of the New Testament or ancient Hebrew the Old Testament not very many people write but I want you to look while you're standing right there Gabriel look around this room right here now I don't know most of these people some of them know me from TV or something like that but they don't really know me but if I open this book on any page and I start quoting out of this thing believe it or not they will know if I'm making mistakes there'll be somebody in this room and couldn't tell you know it's a mistake you said it wrong but I'm just going to go to the first page there we go this is the first page hold it so the cameras can get a shot hi guys all right what's the first letter first letter and the first page anybody no tell us Bob everybody knows it's Bob so what's the word bismillah deserve it and keeping a keep in mind this is the English program we're doing I'm speaking some form of English right now right yeah okay bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim next words al rahman al rahim yet the na'budu wa iyyaka nastain sirata al-ladhina and I'm tal 18 I mean you don't have to say I mean except in the slot but you know anyway no you could say Gabriel oh well I mean you know that could be a rehearsal thing that people do every day and guess what you'd be right we do say that we'd say it every day five times a day we pray but there are a total of seven King times we say it so you could say I had they just know that but by the way how about if I mispronounce something with a catcher hi Roma doobie la boum well adore him oops whoo yeah are they him huh actually it's both because there is another pronunciation but the common one no I want to go to the other side though I'm gonna go to the back I'll go through the back that was the front this is the back I was able a minute on the regime bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim who Allah Allah then well and well then that's in the back whoops how about the middle so it's not actually dead middle okay but it's close to the middle in Edina all about that let's chapter 3 verse 19 otherwise Klayton hiya Oh Martin that's chapter 3 verse a hundred and ten now what I'm showing you is that we know this in Arabic every Muslim on the earth knows this book in the Arabic language n' know that it's in arabic and we have some of them memorized and all of us know it's only in arabic no wait this is where it gets good how many in this room you know somebody who memorized the whole entire Quran cover to cover raise your hand in Arabic you met somebody you know somebody somebody in your family raise your hand well I did this in the university in the United States I said now for the Christians raise your hand if you ever met anybody in your life who memorized the whole Bible in Hebrew and Konya Greek and they just went what is that the language my point is not to put down the Bible my point is to put down the people who lie about it because the more I studied the Hebrew and the cone a Greek the more I began to realize that what I was learning from the Quran in English I was reading English uses value remember it was the same thing especially the one I read to you just now and they helped me with lemy eliris when I'm you're like listen to this I'm gonna give you a translation of Scripture God is not a man and God is not the son of man is this in the Quran is it in the Quran yes but I didn't quote it from the Quran I quoted it from the Bible that's in The Book of Numbers chapter 23 verse 19 God is not a man that he should sin and God is not the Son of man that he'll repent and when I read that I said now wait a minute if it says here that God is not a son of man then how is it in the New Testament it's saying Jesus is Son of Man how could he be of God I took it to one of my preacher friends and I said hey look at this what do you say about this you know what he said he said that's a big s son of man the other ones a little s son of man no I think I think you already know as most the audience knows there's no such thing as upper and lowercase letters in Aramaic Hebrew or Arabic means they lied again and then another subject another subject saying it's lamb spread by the sword Islam spread by the sword I heard chili preachers telling me get away from these Muslims this lamb spread by the sword 604 pages 114 chapters 6666 verses the pen and I you count them up guess what and many words in Arabic for swords say Muhammad Hassan I think 16 words for sword guess how many times have found the any of those words in Arabic zero not once in the Bible just the word soared over 200 times oops wait you asked me I'm just telling you so when I take my Bible to the preacher and I said excuse me it says here that Jesus said I did not come with peace I came with a sword and it's time to sell your coat and buy a sword what did that mean you know what he said listen to this you'll never believe how people can lie he said don't you know this was done in Italy where they transcribed this stuff the Latin you know it was in Italy Rome is in Italy don't you know that I said yeah he said then they would work by candlelight at night and it was hard to see yeah and while they were trying to translate you know put this down in the Latin language you know what happened they were eating spaghetti the Italians they like spaghetti and spaghetti fell down and it was made s it was word it wasn't sword it was word he said I came with the word wouldn't you know what's wrong with that the word for word in Konya Greek is logos now how did they turn the logos in the sword by dropping spaghetti on it and here excuse me but what does it mean sell your coat and buy a word what is it a game show on TV I'd like to buy that word right there for $100 please what is this and the more I talk to them the more I could see lie after lie after lie and finally I said you know what I don't need to be in a religion full of liars but it didn't convince me about Islam yet where I got convinced about Islam is over a separate subject and then the Quran and the Bible backed it up right there buddy in the heart because nobody can play with your heart that's yours you own it it's yours you can do whatever you want with it it is yours right yes that's the one thing nobody can imprison they can lock me in a prison put me in a box throw me in the ocean but they can't control this that's mine that's yours you own it so if you get inside of that heart like I did and clean it out and throw all the trash in the garbage out of there throw the lies out of there the misconceptions of prejudice and just give it all up and say you know what I belong to God I just long to God God guide me and that's what I did and when I did that I had this strange impression I need to put my head on the ground and so I did that [Applause] and with my head on the ground I said these words Gabriel Oh God if you're there guide me and when I got up I realized something I'm the one with the problem the world's not the problem I was the problem and from that day to this day 19 years I'm saying the same thing every day 17 times a day hit Deena suratha mustaqim guide us to the straight path at Deena sirat al-mustaqim guide us to the straight path and I'm gonna tell you something I'm not psychic we don't believe in psychics and magic and all that stuff we don't but I'm gonna tell you something and now your new brothers and sisters is gonna see something strange because Gabriel and I never met we're not setting this up what he doesn't even know what I'm gonna say but Gabriel you've been praying in your heart asking God to get you or you wouldn't be standing there right now is that true or false there you go there's your verification he said that's true and I know it because I've been through this again and again and again thousands of people I watched come to Islam again and again just like Gabriel they're looking for truth they're not looking for Islam they're not looking for the Quran they're just looking for truth real truth and because there's only one God and only one way to get to God it has to be on his terms and there's only one way and we said it in Adina in the LA hey it's now the only thing the law wants from you is this simple thing your heart that's what he wants give him your heart and everything else will be fine and how you do that I'm gonna give you five words in the English language they have to be all at the same time surrender submission obedience sincerity and peace do you want those things in your life it's up I do to everybody in this room wants those things all at the same time though surrender submission obedience to His commandments you know the ten commandments we got the same thing the same thing is not a new religion and then sincerity to be sincere no lies no showing off no react for Allah only and finally to be in peace with whatever he gives you say okay thank you even if you like it thank you if you don't like it thank you anyway because it's from him be in peace with it this word in Arabic is one takes five words in English you know what the word is in Arabic no it's now it's really that's the word yeah what we [Music] [Music] first thing I just asked him privately I just want to ask again just confirm that you believe that God is really only one God I do believe there was only one God so now say after me I swear Heights water there's no God to worship except Allah there was no God to worship except Allah and I swear in the ice water that Muhammad is His Prophet but more on that he sees his perfect [Applause] this next part is Arabic it means the same thing but when you say it you're gonna be saying the language that God sent it down you the same language similar to Jesus and Abraham and Muhammad ready I'll help you ash hadu an la ilaha illa Allah la la la la la ashadu ashadu anna muhammad ali muhammad rasoolullah bismillah ya Rasul Allah Rasulullah perfect [Applause] revenge take care of it masha'Allah this is exactly what Islam is once you present the truth the truth is accepted shall we take the next question from the sister side and preferably we have non-muslim guests here that we would like to have a question from the sister side from look how happy he is just relieve me now from the love slap just in this Allah said I'm gonna come knocking for law well we're getting a question up I wanted to say something to you I want you to listen carefully Gabriel has just entered Islam a lot of us need to do the same thing and you know what I meant by that we have Muslim names but do we really really put it into practice my new brother and I were just crying holding each other and I was reliving the experience of 19 years ago and I needed to me to hold me then and cry with me because what's happening the reason we cry you don't know this we do because we feel this Rama of allah the mercy of allah coming over us which is washing away the sins since the day we were born it's the message jesus preached it's the message John the Baptist preached it's the message that muhammad sallah salam preached that if you accept God as the one and only Savior all your sins are forgiven in your new born just like you came out of your mother this man Jabril Gabriel has no sins at all he is pure in front of a law his prayers are being accepted right now whatever he prays for and Gabriel I'm gonna ask you with me right now and pray with me just say I mean I say allahumma oh Allah give Hidayah to use the best this say I mean I mean and for all of us I mean I was collecting my commission check up front just before that question even we have Islamic Affairs saw in the bazaar and the zoo where you can meet Javed Ahmed khateeb was the official from the Islamic Affairs and charitable activities department for us of the formalities all the paperwork in sha Allah okay know one other thing do we have anybody else who is with us that's not Muslim anybody else today not a Muslim raise your hand walaikum Salaam Salaam brother there's a sister Yas non-muslim my name is Saul and she wants to take Shahada to be in China oh okay because we like to give special privacy consideration and the sisters I'm not gonna go back there I'll do it from here okay yes brother but go slow because she's very nervous and shy she wants you to just stay slowly she will inshallah repeat after you I swear us I swear there's no God to worship there's no God or she except Allah except Allah and I swear and he swore Muhammad is His Messenger Muhammad is His Messenger beloved now we'll do that Arabic real slow ash hadu an la ilaha illa Allah Allah Allah Allah wah wah ash hadu ash hadu anna muhammad personally la Washington lovely [Applause] a long life rather useful I would like to tell you that she has chosen a name for herself she wants to be called eyes I sure yes that's my daughter's name blessed you know what when I was in Germany with our brothers there they brought one up on the stage and he made Shahada and then another one came on this stage and each time I would say is there anybody else is there anybody else you know and they kept coming yes oh honey and she wants to also did Shahada and Sharla hello okay just repeat after me sister okay I swear I see here there's no God to worship there's no God the worship except one God and see what Allah and I swear Hamid is His Messenger well things like okay know the Arabic if you say it slow after me it'll be easy for you ready okay ash hadu an la illaha why I said it based on a Muhammad and Noble Russell below [Music] a lot like what that was for I was telling you about happened in Germany I kept saying who's next who's next and they went over finish that would say okay let's go I said no no ask who's next finally because almost everybody there is not Muslim I said who in the audience would like to be a Muslim and they all stood up 1,250 people took shot all at the same time Aloha and just like today and since the time of our results are less alone it has never been by us it's been by Allah Allah is the one who guides not me not you not even Muhammad's rice alone because because the Prophet SAW i Salaam once his uncle Abu Talib to accept Islam and he didn't and what did Allah say he's talking to her suicide somebody's talking to us - verily you do not guide the one you love rather it is Allah who guides to his straight path today you and I have witnessed three people enter into this guidance the guidance of a law while we were talking about his habib the rasul allah sallallahu Lewis oh what a beautiful gift that allow let us be a part of to see it because whoever is in such a German as this insha Allah is also receiving the Rahman the Mugler of allah as well so this is more important for us than anything else because this is the salvation is there time for any more questions he's staying time out either there he wants me to play a soccer game with him I'm not sure do you know something I wish right now I could hug all of you really oh well uh I'm hugging you get ready because I love all of you so much Gabriel you'll be with me later they're gonna bring you back to where we're gonna be we'll talk some more have some things to give you the sisters please also bring the sisters over to the same place so that they can we can visit with them we need to give them something you understand what I said we have no sin I'm Monique I'm sorry brother again there is another one so panel [Applause] what our family this has been the best video to this date that you guys have recommended I counted at least and there was about to do another like kinda at least weather four or five so how does that take place just now in this video and he said that he - he he went somewhere I think I'm not too sure he said he was somewhere around the coast of Germany and he and and and over 1200 people took Shahada at the same time could you imagine all of the energy all of the suspects all of the just being able to know that everyone says was being watched that same day it's just too much talk I can't even sit in a chair right man it's our family this was a strong video like I've been sitting down and I feel like I matter brands videos like this is it's powerful well family please the next time y'all recommend videos please warn me before we can't see reactions because videos like these are too this real strong you can you can fill it it's not like something that's fabricated this is real oh man what's why family please get down the comment section let me know if you think about the video also if you have a video you want me to react to get down the comment section let me know what's wrong if this is your first time gonna channel please go ahead and subscribe and join it with to our family and before we leave the channel please put a like on this video we'll talk family I'll see you tomorrow why because I post videos every day so please take care stay safe [Music]
Channel: Mr Whaatwaa
Views: 1,192,171
Rating: 4.9239507 out of 5
Keywords: estest, islam, christian, Christianity (Religion), Quran, After, Bus, Religion (Literary Genre), Session, Answer, Ask, Answers, Sessions, Bus (RATP), preacher, bible, interpolations, wrong, Jihad, muslims, Religion (album), Muhammad, Koran, Q\u0026a, Prophet, Jam Session, Sessions (Descendents EP), Ahmed, Practice, Episode, Effect, Effects, Sub, Valentine, Mass, Special, After Effects, Anime, Mass Effect, Sound
Id: d_s3D4u_47o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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