Price & Identify Valuable Ceramics & Pottery Antiques by Dr. Lori

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pick the most valuable I still haven't figured out how to lose weight so we all have to learn something extant gross what do you know about this that's about the extent of it okay well what does that mean I try to do some research on it okay what did you do you went to Google and what did you put in Multi multi spout vessel okay what's it gonna be used for a water jug so you're gonna put the water in how do you notice that there's a hole all the way through the bottom it's going to have a hard time having water actually be held in this or it could be wetting and these can be phallic images or maybe like breast nipple images well I mean tea pots were done like that in the 18th century the 1700s the idea of the top spout of a teapot if you read the book by Jules crown from the Yale art gallery who I studied under those teapots actually referred to the idea of suckling at a woman's breasts and that little finial at the top had a little point as if you were going to have tea to suckle at Mom's breasts oh you know you'd be surprised at what kind of relationships and symbolism there is so you're thinking maybe it has something to do with weddings or children maybe there's a mark on it do you know did you notice the mark idea okay so this particular mark is how you started to research it okay what kind of material is it made of play terracotta clay terracotta type clay this particular piece dates when probably 1900 to 1925 trying to look like a piece from the 1450s okay okay where did you buy it free box of yard sale let's just get rid of it this particular piece is a tourist item and value on that piece probably about 10 bucks all right not bad this particular piece is a stoneware jug vessel right what's it used for Wow I don't know what what do you think it's used for liquid yeah you're gonna put something in it and you're gonna hold this in your a pour it right okay how old unmarked well take a guess so you have no guess he staged any time to to well wait a minute now you're going to tell me everything all right so you think it's old or not how old I think it yeah how old do you think it is well we're not gonna get into trouble I want to see where you are I know I'm the expert we've established that before I met you we established I was the expert how many you know I want to know what you think I think it's value I think it's dates to about 1920 and I think it's valued about 60 bucks no it was its from 1820 at least and it was unlike ever go back and again I find that very hard to believe do you know why it also do you know why this piece can't be there might be one in your life like it but this one can't be from 1820 because what it was actually mixed with the mixture to make this particular stoneware isn't invented until about 1875 no it is it is I I know pottery if it's from the 1820 okay all right how much you think it's worth I don't it's not you know it doesn't matter what it's worth it I don't really care I just want to know if you know what it was it I don't think you do okay well it's nice to meet you too yes do you want to take this here you go people have different opinions and sometimes the opinions are oh I've seen it here and I've seen it there and sometimes the opinions don't always mesh and I always think that it's just respectful of me to allow her to have her opinion and that's fine but I think 1820 it's difficult when the materials don't speak to those dates there's lots of different things out there and there's lots of different ways to evaluate pieces so I'll be respectful of her and I think she is being respectful of me right well I hope so you don't think so okay well I try how did we acquire this hi Terry it is alright there's two of them okay all right there's a big crack on it see the big crack they're all saying where's your trash these people over here want to come digging in your trash you did say that you did say that right hey guys hi so this particular piece has a big crack in it which in Craig impact value on the bottom it says Nippon so everybody who knows pottery knows when this is from right okay well she does when's this from turn-of-the-century 1900 is it from 1900 a particular date when they 1910 when did I start when did I stop marking things Nippon I'm gonna ask the person who's the expert in pottery over here before which war World War one when day stop marking it nippon this is world war two they stop marketing pieces nippon in 1891 which is just about the spanish-american war which was set over here not by the expert over here now I want to be respectful right so I'm gonna continue to be respectful no you're not the problem but what I want to say is this particular piece and people who know ceramics will know that there is a McKinley tariff mark that is indicated on pieces which are coming in for export so this piece is Nippon which means this piece has to be made prior to 1891 when President McKinley enacts the McKinley tariff act which has anything that comes into the United States must be marked with its country of origin in English this does not say Japan if it were made after nine 1891 or around the world war two as this expert over here in pottery is maintaining I do this a lot and I don't take it because I know what I've done and I've know what I've sacrificed to be able to do this this particular piece is a very good example of early 20th century right ceramics this piece has to date prior to 1891 it dates between 1875 and 1891 okay not after that I know this crack is a problem but it's stable so all of you that want it it's stable right in a minute hand-painted hand gilded hand formed and it's a vessel right what do you put in it uncle Larry's ashes that's what it's for it's an urn made in Japan it does not have a lid it's not supposed to have a lid well the ashes aren't gonna go shaking the thing but most people will use these as urns value on this piece about five hundred dollars with the crack without the crack you're looking at seven hundred and fifty dollars retail value it's not stoneware it's porcelain bright white clay made in Japan at that time okay you happy you came I'm going to make one of you happy you McCain hi Jackie how'd you acquire this Asian floral vase you're saying it's Asian friend of yours that you went to high school with bought at an auction all right she told it auction it with Satsuma okay it is more eons more iaj I don't have an example of Satsuma for you here now they usually have images of scholars and gisha girls and such on them this is mori I sweat slipware so when you close your eyes and you filled your hand you go around and around and around you're gonna actually feel the applied wet slip wear on the piece okay that's what you're looking at it's a ginger jar you see the lid this is a food dog fo oh like Foo Fighters the food dog and there are usually two of these okay do you have the other do you have a sister who might have the other all right this particular piece is a hand-built piece so built by hand probably thrown on a wheel ceramic wheel more iaj slipware and then it is painted over value Oh time period for your piece unmarked so it's Asian and design it dates between 1895 and nineteen five value on it about $200 so what brought you here today Jason my lord really she said Jason one free per person you've got to come right okay how'd you acquire this she did your wife really interesting where's the wife all right so you hate it really you're the only one that likes into the family well maybe you're the stylish one and they're all wrong what do you think what I thought it was true right all right let's take a look you want to learn for it when you came in you said you thought it was what majolica right porcelain earthenware majolica all right we move this over here so you can get this good view porcelain bright white clay sometimes it's gonna have a green undertone sometimes it's gonna have a red undertone sometimes it's gonna be bright white like Clorox white okay earthenware usually heavy durable if you drop it it'll crack probably won't chip earthenware fired at a low temperature porcelain fired at a high temperature it's easy to paint on it's easy to glazed earthenware harder to paint on depending on the texture of it and also the size of it so we oftentimes mix up some wet slipware or wet clay and then we paint to get mori eyes okay majolica based on the Renaissance era or 1450s 2:15 80s era of ceramic design and lead glaze so this particular glaze is MIT is made with a lead base okay so now you have something called majolica very brightened colors starts with the Italian Renaissance in the era of nickel Angelo and Leonardo and those guys the surrett Serra mists or potters of that time period are basically creating majolica in the late 1800s the English like the Minton's people revived fit your piece is completely unmarked where was it made Italy no England no America yes this is a piece of American majolica this particular piece dates anytime between 1890 and about 1920 I'd put it somewhere around 1905 to 1910 it is the prosperity piece the fact that around that time period we have great prosperity look at all we have on our table it usually is sea creatures because it looks back to the Mediterranean specific places in the Mediterranean if you've been to the the bottom portion or the southern part of Italy you will actually find lots of references to lemons in places like Naples and amalfi along the amalfi coastline you're still with me the great fishes any of you Italian you know it's it's Christmas Eve and you have the dinner of the Seven Fishes you have all different fish for dinner that's a very very typical Mediterranean thing it's an Italian thing been going gone back to the centuries to celebrate all of the good things that you have in your life for me like this show it's a good thing I have in my life this particular piece has wonderful forms all hand sculpted and then hand glazed and then put together are you liking it any more Jason you better start liking it it's a relatively rare piece because oftentimes parts are broken off like these little things would be broken off over time because it's so old value on your piece what do you think it's worth jason maurio she spent 30 bucks on it where'd you spend 30 bucks on it where did you spend 30 bucks on it take a microphone to your mouth and this tape no I got a half so they wanted $60 and you ask them if they take 30 and they took 30 for this item okay okay so your bunch bought a bunch other stuff that you bought too but for 30 bucks your husband is complaining yes because he doesn't like and it doesn't think it's worth 30 bucks right that true Jason so you'd rather see the 30 bucks in the gas tank right if she can flip this piece for $1500 because that's what it's worth now how do you feel Jason yeah it's pretty good now you like it a lot more all right and estate sales there are lots of people who are running authentic good upstanding estate sales and there are a lot of people who aren't the same way there's a good dentist and there's not a good dentist not everybody's bad but not everybody's good I've had many people say to me Oh have the estate sale and the folks didn't know what they were doing I think you might have met one of those folks $60 for this retail value what other people are paying for it about 1500 Jason you over dinner and probably some jewelry and a big I'm sorry I was right thank you honey that's a beautiful piece it's beautiful in a lot of ways so if you look at it it's beautiful for this particular form it's beautiful for gradation or different coloration on this particular piece it's beautiful for the way the red actually just comes to life it's beautiful for the fact that you've got both lemons on each side you know so it balances the composition you could put it any way on a centerpiece and you will actually see that this particular piece is really beautiful from every angle me I'm not good looking from every angle kind of okay this way don't get a look over this neck of the woods but basically this piece is beautiful and it shows you all the diversity of what's in the sea it's gorgeous gorgeous
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 283,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: collectable (Industry), collectibles, antiques, dr. lori, Auction Kings (TV Program), Antique (Taxonomy Subject), Appraiser (Profession), Oak Island, Appraiser, value, price, pottery, vessel, ceramic, vase, spout, estate sale, auction, thrift store, clay, stoneware, urn, nippon, mark, gold, painted, gilded, porcelain, asian, moriage, satsuma, dogs, earthenware, majolica, glaze, fish, lemon, identify
Id: NmH1UYOKgoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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