Thrift Shop! Costume Jewelry, Madame Alexander Dolls, Scarfs, Crystal, Glass - Thrift with Dr. Lori

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I'm Dr Lori I'm at the Russell home thrift store in Orlando Florida I'm finding real Bargains On The Road come Thrift with me whenever I see this I get mad at my sisters you know why they threw this away when we were cleaning up my mother's house I wasn't there but this is the devil egg dish I love this dish nice and thick hob nail design I really love this dish it's nice and thick and it should it's going to remind you of a couple things but I want to show you that so anyway my sisters oh I get so annoyed with this anyway I hate when people throw away stuff they shouldn't throw away let me put that there that's a nice piece but these are the two pieces because they're side by side I want to talk to you about them one is Crystal one is not do you know which one that's Crystal how do you tell weight Clarity it's really clear this one is really clear and boy is it heavy it has a decoration on the bottom right it's pressed into the crystal right and the weight is from lead lead weight right that's what crystal is made of more than 24% % lead that's a nice piece of Crystal this happens to be a similar shaped bowl this piece is Pressed Glass Pressed Glass when you rub your finger up against it you're not going to get cut cut glass you would get cut but this piece isn't very clear it actually has kind of a gray color to it and of course it's lighter in weight you can even see the weight between the two you can see how much heavier this one is the piece of Crystal so let's see how much they are priced at right here it's says small candy bowls I guess they're small candy bowls for $2 they're $2 each they're not both created equal but they're both the same price so this piece worth about $25 it's a nice piece this piece worth about four so there's your difference so if you're going to you're going to be thrifting take this one and then remember to take this if your sisters are going to throw it away let's fix some mistakes this is not a punch bowl this is not a punch bowl this is not a punch bowl you can put cups in in it you can put a ladle in it but it's still not a punch bowl here's why this is too short for a punch bowl it's too shallow for a punch bowl these are punch these These are actually you know footed dishes and other things they put in the punch bowl but this particular piece not a punch bowl so that's a starburst pattern cut glass decorative Bowl okay these are chip and dip bowls now this one has a ladle this is a ladle with some glass cups in it but this is not a punch bowl these people can put them together but it's the shape of this that says it's not a punch bowl punch bowls are more rounded at the bottom this one has a nice flare that tapers inside that's a chip and dip bowl without the bowl for the dip this one is the right one so first of all you're going to take out these glasses because they don't go with this so let's move those and do you see you have to see beyond the actual what everything's thrown in together this bowl matches this there was a stand in metal that would sit here would hold this and it would attach to this and this particular piece would be the chip and dip bowl we don't use chip and dip bowls now we get the dip we open up the top we move it we take the chips and we eat them out with the dip and that's what we do but this is the way it was done in the 1950s and 60s and that's a real nice frosted etched glass etched and frosted glass decorated 19 60s chip and dip bowl let's see how much do they want for that let me put this down here so I don't hurt myself and then this is large Bowls large bowls and cups I guess this is a large bowl so they want $3 for this and maybe they want another two for the for this piece I would say value on the group about 45 so for the two pieces it doesn't have the stand remember with the stand they're like $65 so I was looking at jewelry earlier my cameraman was getting set up and some of the pieces that I saw that were Bargains were already purchased so I can't talk to you about them and that's the thing all of you go oh there's nothing left there's nothing left you have to come back to these places and look again because they keep putting out new inventory so we lost it on those but I do want to show you some of the things that I did find and they're right here in the blue aisle I like that they do colors colors works out nicely or similar metals like the brass right or the silver or beads or brown but the colors works out well a lot of people of course put together outfits by color um but these are some of the ones that I want to look at no no no no these okay I want to talk to you about these first of all this bracelet this bracelet is beads they are glass beads in a teal turquoise color and well they are not turquoise they are small glass beads beads do very very well in the resale Market a lot of people like them these particular pieces are $10 to $15 each if I've got this right no I'm wrong bracelets and earrings are $3 each I don't know why I thought it was1 $3 each so these would be $3 for each bracelet so let's talk about the beads first the blue teal breed bead bracelet value on this one in the retail market for $3 value on that you're going to easily get 20 for this so that's a $20 piece it dates to the 1990s and it's a nice shape a lot of them the circle is gone see how the circle is almost perfect sometimes the circle gets bent and then you don't have a perfect circle so that's what you're looking for in terms of quality look for the small beads and look for them to be very tightly strung and then they're actually wrapped around the piece of the circle so that's what you're looking for there that's nice at 20 this is caledoni caldon is a stone a lot of people look for it for the color caledoni is very popular and this is chunky big Caledon Stones um the bracelet is a stretch bracelet so it even would fit on my big wrist and it looks great and that particular piece is another $30 so this one is 30 for three that means you're getting it at 10% when I talk about real Bargains 10% is what you're looking for right because if you can get it for three and resell it for 30 you're doing great so that's a beautiful piece of caledoni if you haven't heard of it look it up it's a nice blue colored Stone the next piece I want you to look at is a fake and I want to show you what the fake looks like here's the caledoni right this is trying to look like trying to look like turquoise they put the veins in they actually draw the veins in to make it look like turquoise and it's not turquoise turquoise has a much more shiny color almost like the glass beads it should look like this it should be hard like the Caledon Stone it's neither it's actually very soft it's very soft when you kind of touch it and it also doesn't sort of push back at you when you touch it and the veins look like they're actually pen marked so this is a cheapy this is a fake and this one is probably not even worth the $3 probably only worth a buck or so because it is a fake piece of turquoise hard to tell the difference but you want to compare and contrast with real turquoise speaking of real Stones this part these particular pieces are lapis laale and lap is a very desirable Stone now these are cut directly from the mine so these have not been tumbled these have not been prepared in any way this is just lapis but lapis can be really expensive a small little stretch bracelet like this also about $25 for a piece of lapis they want three so terrific bracelets and we just looked at Blue imagine if you was looked at all the colors so there's some great scarves here and I've looked through all of them individually and that's how you have to do it um some Blends some oh I'm trying to look like a Ralph Lauren but not um some that are trying to look more like berbery and others but are not um nice materials so you want to look for that I always like the teacher right so you like the Apple for the teacher this is your winner so they are very inexpensive this one's still in very good condition with the tassels on it they love X's and O's um this is a style very indicative of the 19 early 198 80s and it looks like it's in great shape uh they want a couple bucks for it and value on it on the market well from the 1980s think uh think Princess Diana value on this scarf is going to be about $50 on the retail market and some other ones are nice but again not the same quality as this dolls are always fun they are collectible you shouldn't walk by if you see a characteristic face of a doll right certain doll manufacturers have characteristic faces and here they are the big eyes of Madam Alexander these are unusual because they have their original tags so they're they're The Madame Alexander dolls the portraits of History doll this is Napoleon and you can see him in his uniform they have the original tags on them not the original boxes but the original tags um you can see again some of the more popular ones but their faces are very characteristic she's a Madam Al alander doll too so face is characteristic really big eyes large cheeks um accentuated very small mouths and small pug noses really beautiful condition all of these this one's not in great shape look at the eye so you probably would take that one but hopefully uh you can get a maybe her eyes will open up yeah they don't seem to open completely like the others but um I would say maybe a discount on that you might ask for but this is is a beautiful doll they're beautiful heads they're really nicely um designed they have a nice uniform clean very clean dolls so individually gosh I should have looked for a price beforehand I don't see a price here of course is the other original tag the Napoleon Madam Alexander New York New York tag from the 1940s through the 1960s these dolls are highly desirable and you have um rat from of course going with the wind in the back you have Napoleon two napoleons actually and then you have one two three more and then this small one so I don't see hunting hunting don't see it dolls don't see it throw pillows oh gosh I don't know how much these are so I asked because it says towels $3 each but they came over and they told me that the dolls are $3 each too which is wonderful so let's go through and so $3 for $40 $3 for $40 $3 for 40 that's right these are worth 40 each that's based on actual sales records that someone has paid for similar dolls recently remember appraisals are based on actual sales records it's not oh you can't get that for it oh there's nothing in the thrift stores everything is priced too high it's $3 to make $40 and then Napoleon the Napoleon dolls what happened to Napoleon the Napoleon doll there he is his Hat's in the way Napoleon doll is 40 Napo I40 I would say because of her eye you're going to see that doll going to come in probably at 35 and the little tiny one is 20 bucks so 80 and 80s W 60 and 80 more and another 20 got a couple hundred dollars worth of Madame Alexander dolls here for $3 each and they sell very well on the platforms that of course see the dolls you know moving very high so those are nice these other dolls are not Madame Alexander um but they are also collectible dolls made of course they're called China dolls or porcelain dolls and these dolls with their porcelain faces you can see them there and then these three little angel dolls as well these are $25 each these are $50 each so they're very nice for of course thrift store dolls this is a big corner for dolls I think somebody's trying to tell me something because I see these everywhere so here they are the super huge remote controls I'm going to have to get one of these at one point I'm in the toy room that's right so we've got a little bit of Mickey cuz we are in Orlando uh actually right little bit of Mickey and water toys do you ever see water toys so here's some goggles you don't see this in Minnesota you know not a lot of goggles and pales and stuff the water toys you know you're in Florida I have my magic wand and let me tell you that I've been looking for my favorite princess and my favorite princess is the brunette that is Snow White she's nowhere I looked all over and she's not in a lot of places it's always the blondes or the other browned of course um princesses but here it is here's a table a nice Disney table for your favorite little one and there is my favorite snow whiteing more to come from the Russell thrift store
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 96,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: collectable (Industry), collectibles, dr. lori, Antique (Taxonomy Subject), Appraiser (Profession)
Id: 5z2ypCiNGRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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