Goodwill Shopping! Depression & Crackle Glass, Anchor Hocking, Crystal, Book - Thrift with Dr. Lori

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it's Dr Lori I'm in Goodwill in Avon Connecticut let's see what we find separated dishes like this of pink depression glass that glass of course is uh made famous in the Depression era but is made as late as the late 1950s that's what you have here it's a 1950s piece but pink depression glass very desirable and of course you could have you know a little crud so you can have a little con carrots and some celery and maybe something to dip it in and that kind of thing that's a nice piece for three bucks that piece is worth 35 this particular piece is a loaf dish that's an anchor Hawking so we know about we know all about Pyrex anchor Hawking or anchor as they're known um is also one of the Premier American manufacturers of these baking wees so these are popular these are important pieces you have a mark right here with the anchor on the back I don't know if that helps or not with the anchor on the back for anchor also known as anchor Hawking um but this piece I like I don't see oh $3 for that I would say $3 you can get 12 so four times what it's priced at that's a bargain too I like that piece and remember I'm not competing with every with you guys I want you to come I'm showing you what you should find I'm showing you what's valuable and I'm putting it back for you know come and get it and you know folks are coming up to me going hey Dr Lori you know um I I didn't realize that you're actually putting these things back as you're helping us so that's what I want to do um and a lot of you in the comments will say oh do people come up to you while you're filming yes they do they come up to me and some people interrupt completely some people are just trying to get information and can't believe I'm here so I am here out with all of you trying to help way down here you see this a little later than mid-century modern right so you're at the 1970s early '70s it's sculptural and it's functional so a lot of people will be looking for it so you can put decorative elements in either side flowers whatever you want you could also of course just use it as a sculpture itself clear glass beautiful and it's Crystal so Crystal Clear heavy in weight um a nice design a couple of issues with respect to scratches but very minor I would definitely take this $5 right so you're thinking oh okay so this is now you're into the interest of glass art you're not just dealing with a piece that's a that's basically a vase or just a piece of glass this piece is the 70s typically you're going to see them made in Italy you're going to see them made in parts of Spain value on this piece $275 for a $5 investment I look through all the books I'm not going to waste your time going through individual books uh but I want to tell you this is the one you should have looked for found $1 here it is it's Bruno munari's Zoo from 1963 it is a premier design book in children's literature and it's basically one of the early picture books of animals look at how beautiful the artwork is in this and there there we go at that love it love it how much can you get for it $25 is what it's worth for your $1 investment so there's your bargain in children's books I always tell you to look for children's books little mason jars but those are the Repros here's a basket broken look at that crack that you got to leave there don't try to save it you got to leave it there so that's unfortunate cuz that was a big that's a very big crack on that piece what are they going to want for that even cracked see this is when I remember when I I don't know if you guys were watching when I slit my finger open that's what I was doing I was pulling something off a high shelf and it cracked so they want five for this cracked so that's staying here so don't do what I just did so get your hand underneath it grab the handle and then bring it down otherwise you're going to rip your finger open and go to the emergency room and meet the doctors you don't want to do any of that oh here you go yeah I was like Yay this is what this is but this particular piece from the 1960s you probably have seen this this golden decal of the of the leaves uh this of course the larger scale pieces there are smaller tumblers too you got a lot of different ones in this set um from the 1960s but very poor condition so I'd probably say leave this here let me see how much it is before I say that yeah $2 I definitely leave that there in good condition yes they sell they sell pretty well in that $10 to $15 range depending on which ones you have because they're mid-century modern they're barware people like to collect that yeah but this damage I probably leave that for $2 now I wouldn't leave these these I would basically say depending on it this still a little bit High these are also a decal oh these are like the the um the the uh wagons the horong carriages so kind of victoriana Revival again 1960s era um but but the blue and the white is very popular and there's a set of four so that's really the desired of this piece these pieces a set of four so you've got $2 each for those good condition and I think for the set of four you'd pay $8 and I think you could get 60 we have four of these I like these I don't see four of those too bad not too much sort of everyday glass wear these are from Ikea those are not that expensive at all those were a key of the 1990s kind of pieces so you've got the these that look like Ralph Lauren pieces but I think they're knockoffs and not the actual Ral Ralph Lauren um pattern so that's what you have here so um for a dollar each yeah they're the they're knockoffs obviously well how do you tell see the grayish color see how gray the glass is Ralph Lauren it would be the crystal it would be very very sharp it sharp in here and it would be um very very light and color very clear color set so um I'd leave those there for a dollar each unless you need you know a set but they're not Ralph Lauren which would be like $20 each so we'll leave those there these glasses are nice these glasses are nice and you know they've got a little they've got a little uh decoration on them they're not high quality but they do look nice and if they're a buck a piece they're going to be worth it yeah they're $2 a piece at a buck a piece I'd say yes at $2 a piece I'd probably leave them there they're about $3 a piece and there's looks like there's six I'm seeing at least 1 two 3 four 5 six yeah so you do have a set you do have a set with of course the silver plating over the clear glass but it's not Crystal there is clear glass so uh let's see what we got oh look there's an L it's always good to have your own initial right so and those are very popular in the 1970s and 80s too uh Machu Picchu so something to really see a lot of walking bring your best sneakers if you decide to go to Peru of course you have to see that that amazing Place uh let's see if we can find some amazing things oh here these are nice only two of them though so here's where these are these are interesting so you've got the Frosted here now I don't like to drink with the Frosted like I don't like that feeling if I'm drinking out of a glass I don't like a frosted glass but a lot of people do and in terms of being attractive they're very attractive then look at the Crackle then the Frosted again and then it's plain so this is difficult to do so you have to be doing this in terms of manufacturer this is a lot to do there's only two of them I think and here's two more okay so now this is where when you put them together it really will help people so now you have a set of four they're $3 each and I think they're $3 each because of the different the fact that they are a set of four because when they came in they knew they were a set of four and then they get onto the shelves and they it just end up anywhere people move them they don't realize um so that's why I think they're priced so high I would try a coupon day if you could you know oh is there a coupon is there some kind of special red coupon day or something like that um value uh they're easily worth $8 each so8 and 86 $32 and these are 369 so 12 to make 32 that's a pretty good deal and they're very good they're nice and attractive and they're attractive because of the crackle glass the frosted glass the Frosted stem and of course the pl plain base um but again they're relatively new within the last 25 years oh I should take my my Lorie cup my L cup look how cool that is my mother used to make her L's like this this is a very early 20th century kind of thing she was born in 1922 so she would make an L like that not an L like I make them incursive and nobody writes incursive like my little nieces and younger family members they don't write incursive so this was seen as a uh a nice mid 20th L I like that how much is that $2 well I think $2 is worth it but I leave all of them there for you all the treasures I leave for you I don't want to compete with you and I don't need to be you know going on Google Images because you don't know what anything is or looking up um Val looking up prices on other platforms I know what the market is so all these So-Cal you know folks who are just doing this on Google Images and maybe getting the right information or maybe not getting the right information I want you to understand and know what the markets are and I'm telling you what I know what the markets are and that means who actually paid the bill not just what somebody lists something at a price but what they actually paid okay let's keep going oh see there's the there's another l so you could have matching L's what's over on this side the gold okay so traditional and you can see there's lots of them so to me there's a bargain happening there because of volume right any time you have a set and when it comes to glasses sets are two 6 10 12 so there's a lot of glasses there I see 12 I see 16 glasses there to me in that condition that they're only a couple bucks a piece they probably say take all of those and the reason for it is the set now I would tell them when I got up there if you can negotiate a lot of you go you can't negotiate you can't give it a try be polite try it I would say hey look I'm taking 16 of them can you give me any kind of deal you know even a little bit of a of a bargain would be helpful but those I think are very nice and they look like they're in good condition they're functional and they haven't really been used you can see they haven't been used by the fact that the guilt is still in very good condition and intact and there's more to come from Avon Connecticut
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 115,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: collectable (Industry), collectibles, dr. lori, Antique (Taxonomy Subject), Appraiser (Profession)
Id: kn04Y5qcXc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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