Pricing Pottery and Ceramics: Vases, Bowls, Figurines and more by Dr. Lori

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pick the most valuable this particular piece made in Japan it's Satsuma where the wet slip where that's textural this particular piece is a floor or heart vase this particular piece is unglazed on the interior and glazed on the exterior and value on this piece is about 75 dollars it dates to the turn of the 20th century Oshkosh Germany this place that plays Scotland with Patty's family I don't know you know Mike in Ohio none of that it's Japanese let's continue and the state sale it says France on it it's a Rococo revival image right [Music] and it's a trinket box I can't open it now I had it open before porcelain hand-painted hand gilded hand beaded hand wrote so the robe is actually brass the beading here and the gilding is gold gold lease this is hand painted not transferred image it's hand painted and the inside is glazed as well and there's a mark on the bottom that indicates it's made in Limoges France this particular piece is very large for scale and it's late 19th early 20th century and you acquired it how so you bought into the states hell did you get a bargain did you negotiate for it what do you mean they wouldn't negotiate they wanted no negotiation what did you pay 44 zero well okay they didn't know what they had so you didn't really have to negotiate because 40 is pretty darn good for this oh hey the beers here great yeah I'll take the light whose is it oh it's yours I love that that's priceless that was great I could not have done that if I actually did that my plan that I could have done it it's his really hilarious [Music] so he's funded dr. Lurie show that was great I owe you a beer nice [Music] I'm glad is not Corona right damn Club for now because see my mother's gone you shouldn't have done that loriann anyway did I tell you what your pieces words you've got a very good deal at forty dollars it's worth about three hundred yeah I always tell people to negotiate you know I want to help sellers to I want to help the estate sale people to they got to know what they're giving away what they're trying to sell $40 for this is really quite fine it's beautifully made it's well executed your beer just messed up my lipstick please go ahead he said value on it again about three hundred dollars it's quite beautiful you got it as a college graduation gift you didn't get jewelry either deal do you like it do you buy your own I buy my own I buy my own please you did it why not okay so you like this gift and it was nice and someone was heartfelt to give it to you that was nice how old is it do you think it was made in the 1980s it has a mark on the bottom of it this mark means that it's an Asian mark okay it's a chop mark is what it's called thread this piece was probably made in the 1980s so it's not an antique Asian vase and if you had an antique Gaugin vase it would not have this sort of brown off-white color okay nice value on that I don't know I'd probably put thirty to fifty bucks on it but still a nice gift and you've got the degree which is worth more anyway how do we acquire this that's nice Oh Oh Uncle Louie just fell out and David where are you David what's the deal David you don't clean out the vases before Ohr fault you're all bunch of wimps mm it's my wives 37 years of wedded bliss he's sitting five rows away from Hirata huh how'd you queer it oh man it was its transferware this image is not in painting on it's transferred on so it's a print that's been transferred and glazed over and then of course in that after the kiln they put the gilding on the top it's nice and it's for a bouquet I was appearing with the White House florist recently she's a lovely woman who did all the flower arrangements for the presidents and she always says you know remember the mouth matters the mouth of the vase matters so when we were talking about objects I said well yeah it's not a tulip burry that would have little indentations where the tulip stems stand straight up this one is for flowers that go all the way around so the flowers would go like that like a fan and it's based on the mouth piece dates the early years of the 20th century value on this piece about $75 that's nice and then Uncle Louie he's priceless nice I'm glad you're having fun II having fun e learning things I'm dr. Laurie it's fun to be with all of you thank you what do we got here hi Rebecca vase with cherubs it's so ugly it's beautiful she says how'd you acquire this heirloom from your mother your mother was a keeper of the heirlooms [Music] nobody else wanted the cherubs who are playing music here singing are they cherubs are they poutine do you know the difference 3 degrees here I know the difference these Angels have wings they're like they're like adolescents cherubs look like this they're little toddlers kind of fat chubby thighs and such with the wings pootie is a head with wings that's how you know 3 degrees for that he's 3 jump through the hoops I had to stock my thesis advisor to get him to read the dissertation that's what I know here's what else I know it's made in Germany it's Bavarian it's German he's value on this piece of Chase to the early years of the 20th century about $75 can we find something worth some money how come this is here with this why is this with this thing from a Jim Beam bottle that doesn't go with this piece at all is together where you drinking and you forgot which just do wear it when are you doing that's a piece of junk crap even you put it in here like it belonged in here men so Pete tell me about this do you know what she is she is very famous she's one of the mistress what you say you tried to her how did you try this'll be good how'd you try you know many years I had to study all these people all these people Louis the 15th Napoleon Alexander the Great the Czar Nicholas all these people in history I tried to research it with my hat what did you do did you ask a librarian you brought it to me yeah I love that hi dr. Lurie I was just checking you have time to research all this stuff for me and then just get back to me like at your convenience and I'll make you dinner seriously mm-hmm you should see the emails I guess she's it was your great-grandmother's in New York City was she French I'll say slurring okay he's still kind of French Hitler liked alsace-lorraine and then I guess you remember World War two this is Madame brake commie a Madame rate came--a is one of the many mistresses of King Louie the fifteenth to arrange from 1715 to 1774 in France he had a great time they party through the whole 18th century mistresses hunting lodges Louie the 15th boy he took the crown at five I mean he was he was fun after us the deluge right after us the French Revolution off with your heads Marie Antoinette this not married not Madame de Pompadour this is Madame Raycom ei a later one of his many mistresses that's who she is this is known as rate cami a where you see her with that nice headband in the empire style before push-up bras the Empire style they had them in the 18th century value on this piece which is mori eyes wet slip where this particular piece is an earner would be just sitting on a mantel somewhere the flowers on the back usually red roses relate to passionate love value on this piece about 150 dollars nice now you know who she is who is she Pete Madame I just taught this to you it's like the Penn State linebackers 5 minute they forget they can remember every play in the book they're very smart on the field one thing they forgot Madame raqami a French eighteenth-century your piece is in French 18th century your piece of course is early 20th century late 19th early 20th century but this the story is of course mid 18th century mom or grandma it's from the 1940s is that mom or grandma all right probably your grandma so Hall art pottery pretty well-known American pottery so the whole company makes all kinds of functional objects and it also makes whole art pottery art pottery of course is like oh it's for you no it's for nice it's more decorative kinds of pottery and that's what the whole art pottery is here this particular piece is a low-fired ceramic that means it's fired at a low temperature it's glazed and highlighted with pigment and this particular piece stands ah you know I don't know somewhere around five inches six inches tall value on that piece about $40 and we've got this piece speaking of ceramics Linda how'd you acquire this piece Linda this is so thin so lightweight so thin where are you Linda hi on how did you acquire this made in Germany very lightweight it's molded right ceramic is porcelain its luster ware that's what this purple looks like it's called luster ware with gilding that's gold leaf it says Made in Germany which means it's made prior to 1945 and after 1921 so right there in the 20s to the 40's and this particular piece value transfer where this piece has of course the flowers which are transferred on this is actually a stencil which is stenciled on in the guild work two handles right and then you have the back piece here that says made in Germany not Western Germany it doesn't have no it has it has a mark it is not free of a mark or lacks a mark that's important as well and the entire piece is glazed on this side it's very thin you can see how thin it is and it's more difficult of course and has to be a fire quality when it's so thin because it can easily crack in the kiln value on this piece about $70 it's very nice this particular piece is made between 1920 and about 1945 this particular piece is marked with the goebel company mark it also has a mark on the back that says mi Hummel which is for the nun who was drawing images pictures of these particular figures that were then made in hand-painted earthenware ceramic Hummel figurines so she's not making the figurines she's drawing pictures so they can make the figurines you follow me any time you see a Hummel figurine if you have multiple figures on the same base value goes up this particular one is in very good condition and was in a smoke-free home it's in very good shape you can tell by you the condition value on this piece about one hundred and fifty dollars very nice tell me about this for the thrift store so you bought these in a thrift store you like them because they have teeth 15 okay these little dragons if you can see them have teeth here and teeth here okay what are they used for they're teapots water matching water teapots how do you get the water in so you put the bought water in the bottom hole now what do you do you hold it there flip it over and the water will not come out you've tried it so water has gone in you tip it over and it doesn't come out you brought them here because I love them so get out the water put it in turn it over how do you get the tea in ah now we got a little problem now we're putting a little bit of bits of tea inside right but it did not come out when you did this right okay all right when you poured the tea out was there a sieve or did you get all the little tea leaves the teeth are not the sieve but about back here is probably the sieve okay so this is celadon glaze it's hard paste porcelain right very very durable and value on these I wish you had another one you need another one value on this one I would say $40 value on this one I would say 55 what did you pay 69 cents each okay well that's a bargain too but what you want to do is if they had more of them the small ones usually there are two small and one large okay there usually are threes nice he had an antique shop okay so this particular piece is here it's trying to look Asian but it's actually American okay so it's in a period we know of as the early years of the 20th century the Orientalist period its earthenware ceramic it's very thick and heavy fired at a low temperature it's glazed all the way through value on in about sixty dollars
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 96,820
Rating: 4.9028859 out of 5
Keywords: collectable (Industry), antiques, dr. lori, Antique (Taxonomy Subject), Appraiser (Profession), Oak Island, Appraiser, satsuma, vase, ceramic, japanese, estate sale, thrift store, france, rococo, box, porcelain, hand painted, guilded, gilded, gold, limoges, bargain, Chinese, asian, chop, mark, transferware, florist, tulip, cherub, Bavarian, german, Madame RĂ©camier, empire, urn, pottery, flowers, hull, art, lusterware, bowl, figurine, hummel, goebel, tea, pot, dragons, dynasty, orientalist, earthenware, value, trinket
Id: JZPLe-_sHpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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