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clean it up right now yeah we should make Nathan do the crunchiest fortnight he owes me one shopping cart of whatever I want you don't believe it but I found Nathan the other day I think it was last night in the woods here in Dallas Texas and when I found him I got this it's a remote control to control his life for 24 hours and so I didn't know what to do with Nathan because like her happy room in my house so you put him here in the prison what this does you look great if you didn't know this is in our warehouse right now if you can use it fresh so why am I on you you wanna let me out buddy I mean I don't really want to let you out Nathan you don't if you don't litter well I mean if you don't get your hey you'll maybe use this controller okay that's right the power of the remote so for the next 24 hours I am going to be able to control Nathan's life and he will not be able to do a single thing do it just so many minecraft maps I get it I know I deserve it it's not only just been bad but you might have one time we have burrito-eating contest and you literally left me there hanging you were supposed to finish your half and you're like I'm full and you just let it it was awful I'll finish the whole thing good sleep for weeks so this is your payback in your punishment okay fine would you be careful with these powerful okay oh yeah what about what about if I type in the passcode of two three two three oh that's wrong passcode what's the passcode listen if you tell me the past or I'll let you out I'll consider letting you out one two three four five six it's not one two things are really dude I'm a simply higher I named it come on out but this is less around doesn't mean I'm gonna take it easy on you what does that mean you know my bathroom really could be like clean I got a lot of people working in the warehouse and it's getting kind of filthy go ahead and go over there right now they start cleaning up it doesn't really work like that you got to turn it off first see now it's on okay see now you can go I forgot I don't have a mouth but I don't have a broom so you can just use your hands you can use his tongue too I don't go waste in the water what are you different that's like it all right well first thing can you take the toilet paper off the creeper and throw it away I think we have bigger problems why is there a creeper I'm controlling your life for 24 hours now the other way around so take the paper off the paper what Mike don't do do you really want me to figure out what this controller does and its true power potential that's right but also don't tell me you're doing a great job I'm gonna take yourself okay I clean and I clean the creeper it looks great Nathan thank things you're doing a nice job so there is a lot of stuff on the ground as you can see here this is boxer crap so I think that is an underwear plan so if you wouldn't mind clean that up and the paper - it's gonna take them a little bit to get used to this you know boys used to controlling my line for 24 hours but now the remotes in my court all right so here's the deal Nathan I'm feeling really like I'm talking about real hungry so I'm thinking like I don't want really to person oh well you're not gonna get to eat anything because I'm controlling your life name and that's how this works so we're at the Caesars yes it is you know let me have a slice maybe one slice if you're good and obey my commands and don't try to fight back I will give you one slice okay so you want me to grab a pizza no no no no not when pizza what thirty thirty pizzas and if there's one a pizza box missing so help me I will make yeah I will use this to make you stick your head in the toilets then you're gonna eat all that pizza oh no I might make you eat it all later I haven't decided yet so go get the pizza come on you're gonna give me your credit card time is money Oh No your goodies yours yeah yeah Gerty thirty if there's twenty nine you're jumping in my pool and it's 40 degrees right now anything dude is he really gonna get on thirty pick the big thing is I don't even know if they have 30 pizza's ready that's a lot of pizzas Little Caesars usually has like a couple of pizzas ready to go but not thirty oh I forgot I'm what breadsticks let me go tell Nathan I think the man getting battered up or something he's talking the two people at once I walk in there I go you neither we also want some breadsticks he turns around like this okay just one second it's like so serious right I wonder what's happening in there I hope we didn't just get trampled by the way Little Caesars pizzas $5.99 thirty of them we might be looking at a two hundred dollar bill of pizza's here guys so I'm talking about these pieces of my freezers and have food for months let's go I don't have you guys can see this but Nathan's only got a few pizzas unless somehow he's hiding 30 pizzas underneath that hoodie of his I see like seven pizzas seven think that's gonna fill me up eight seven pizzas for breakfast please tell me he didn't forget the breadsticks hold you so mad oh he's coming out he's coming out there's no way that flirty beat says door shut good yeah yeah not too bright seems to your breadsticks there's not thirty pizzas but this is every pizza they had Nathan Allah let me count these pizzas one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve you are eighteen pizzas short you talk does every pizza they had in the store eighteen short I bought the entire store do you think I care I said thirty pizzas no excuses Nathan you know what because you didn't buy me all the pizzas I wanted no no this look at this melon but it's not I said thirty or bust Nathan and if you didn't buy me all thirty pizzas I'm just gonna make him buy me something else no go did you just try to give me instructions this is my video I'm controlling your life Nathan take me to the toilet section I found only one okay so Nathan fails to get all 30 pizzas which means he owes me one shopping cart of whatever I once Oh Nathan hey ki turn left be careful me that wasn't me by the way that was totally Nathan are you think rebellious because I'm making you mind me a full cart of things we don't one hold on Lego eggs yes dude you can't go wrong with eggs in general especially Lego eggs oh wait wait anything we don't go too fast oh and oh dude wait a second how many RC cars can be fit inside of this basket soon only - no no no but get that way more than we got one right here do I want Don's Dodge Charger thank you no oh I'll take two more no no Elite only dude we've got four RC cars yes I'll take one of these too Nathan this what's almost a hundred bucks for it doesn't water didn't okay now I don't think we can fit any more RC cars actually I think you can look this is why Nathan gets the big news hold on I've always wanted one of these this box search it'll be damaged it's okay Thank You Spain I'll take one of those and why are all these boxes so damaged wait a second I want the Barbie oh dude and the spooderman okay I think it's a busy now our court is it's pretty full in my opinion you can fit a Cobb home water like um let's be honest okay I'm not even controlling him to do this he's doing this on is free but you can do something okay this is a couple are you sure about this yeah I got ice cream cookies I don't know what Nathan's up to this is a lot of artists wait hold on I need my remote can't leave this I lose all my power over Nathan yeah we're going to check a tile I was within the budget okay I was only trying to make him spend a couple hundred dollars he by his own will spent 600 that's not my fault I don't know what you're talking about I also got a water for some you need at least the car works listen listen [Music] [Music] [Applause] playing my piano [Music] you to my house you know who was I could tell in Athens Isis this guy knew who that guy was and I don't know who that guy was look I've seen him at the movies before it was a weird guy comes around wait he loved us impossible they sit in the other I can't believe we just lost 10 pizzas time to pay respects to the pizzas they're stolen it makes everything so much more intense don't try to get your way I'm tired of that I've got a cover that would fit you much better but I like this with me this is my god I'm gonna shatter him follow me hey you you care the pizzas I shouldn't carry anything all right do we do we go with fire are there you go in fire which one's your favorite Nathan no no how do these two out of these two you have to choose between these two ladies no I said to why is he not talking I didn't meet him to resent you like this again this is almost as weird as that young healer a guy who just stole my pizza take that one too loose anymore Josh Josh just shout it smells nice you know what Haven you get this one I say he'll make the fire was go but I'm actually Jen oh it's your - whoa yo fire looks good on you man yeah I got am indeed I might but you know what you know what you can't get at wws be cool calm is fire hoodies ready get back in my house I swear I locked every torque this guy's like a ninja you check out those your pizzas right there second time around stealing my pizzas second time second time anyways this isn't about pizzas okay no this is about the next thing we have to make Nathan do I possibly just threw me back here the thing is Haven I think for this next one you might need to go into my study I'll meet you there I'll check Google oh okay you need to come with me so I found this this is the Webster's third not the second not the first international dictionary oh it's big boy like UCLA pages this is two thousand six hundred and sixty-one pages I think we need to make Nathan read this over Oh before the end of tonight's and what you read this whole thing and you know why I got you the unabridged version there's an agent like the British version I fell leech it's okay that's what this is for that's why I bought this for you great I think I have a disease well that's probably true Natan but all the more reason to study up on all the diseases that are in the dictionary get to it there you go that's what I'm talking about don't you just have all the words and the big book but your favorite one name I don't know my favorite word is pants actually no my favorite what does I have fun it's such a weird word right like we have the one silent loan for a musical instrument what letter does not have phone start with W although do you want me to look at it I think you might do you might look at that yeah you give my cat via the word science I love phone wait what life is so what is the proper definition of spoon twenty different definitions of the word spoon this is why you're the dictionary I can feel myself getting smarter our first definition is a splinter chip of wood it's like a stick or wooden eating or cooking implements I consisting of a small oval or round shallow bowl with a handle often used in a combination of maker or eighty sustaining something that resembles a starter in shape don't like where we're going right now why don't you leave I have a lot of studying to you okay I mean you said it on me again let's who gets a beat set the definition of a talk the act of talking speech I'm starting to feel kind of bad about Nathan we have a chat time in awhile and I do give him an entire hitter dictionary but you should probably see what he's up with you oh I saw Swift's cushy substance mmm Jesus goo is guaranteed this is guaranteed for success good boo hey Bella do you like just GU gu problems can't be real why do you like to start stripping this so beautiful yeah this mustache that's baby my group you can actually learn anything he was in here for hours the read one page of the dictionary I found the school honking stairs oh that's a bicycle helmet and why is it up to you to look up the definition of ice boy it finally was down what is it no Nathan honestly like it was something that you ride like it's got wheels it's all I can remember I'm sorry I just okay I can say listen looks like to go back no no no no I have valuable time ride enjoy your life and it's for a very small portion of time I really like you is making sure Martin this $20 I'm keeping this it tastes us a hold it I used for credit card makes neighbors are you enriched yeah do we help him yeah he's lucky my buddies are Kerbal why is there a tank in my house - I can never love together this would happen but over Hubel here der and this is perfect okay so don't tell Nathan guys you'd be so mad the remote control has been on a bad like the last six hours it ran out almost of the beginning of the challenge just to tow them here it's gonna get so mad I can't turn the sink on Nathan what so this thing huh yeah yeah come on what I need to wash my hands hey you publish soap from soap pump this home is getting more and easy okay thank you yeah let's do I need way too hot turn it to the lights much better you were trying to hurt my hips maybe I need you to turn the seat off Oh paper towels paper towels losing color it them no I want paper which house you don't have any favorite song yes I do over there favor now but you just walk past them it's a fresh one you know okay okay I've never seen a human being Tara paper towel like this look look look deck think you'd be difficult I'm just sure that I'm sure even justice how he has so many views okay can you drive I am these no so long back try my hands in dry my hands like the Sahara Desert in Dubai is the Sahara in the bud hey you've Nathan and read his dictionary you could tell me you blow on them you get a hair dryer I felt nasty I feel used wait name it actually I do need some water though still talk they're pretty dry oh wait this candle Nathan keep those hands up thank you guy need some water it's enough Nathan you're getting water ever look you don't anyone who actually walk one is my little flip the cup no there's a waste of a cops come on like you're gonna put this right on dishwasher and I mean we wash it and I don't even get a sip no that waters for me I don't trust them you know I feed you I'm not thirsty that's too bad it's rebuilt deep keep going he hasn't had a lot of water today feel like I'm feeding a camel it's like back in the biblical days draw some water up to my cave those young squatted the whole God there is no ice in this your fringe is cold wheat white easily caught a frigerator you only bought the definition of wait wait you just pour that cup out by yourself and do that that wasn't me mmm wait David I do need you to help us something very important go into my pantry I need you to grab this egg no through the door through the door get the door don't screw seeds okay oh that's a shame I'm gonna drop it don't drop the end I'm gonna drop maybe if you drop the egg so help me eat all of your eggs I told you you look like hold on there's like 10 seconds before Trumpy fingers got sword clean it up right now oh yeah oh yeah look please everyone all paper towel roll so hard to find good help these days [Music] really really doing very very very very very to me also did the starbursting son doing doing doing like you what why because it needs to be tired you're not even going anywhere because I'm not going any what you've done okay well I'm gonna tie your shoes which I both thank you listen what's your shoes together love you now I talk to you guys definitely no no no no he's either he's trying to do he's trying a title for my shoes together and I won't allow this you are totally gonna do it you're probably gonna tie them together I need to tighten to tighten it again do it again Lisa Sorrentino much as I like them like that I like them like that to style just at you I make you sure you're doing it right I like the two loops one loop and the one goes around it yeah Brett rave this shoot I I would rate this subpar we don't mess up on this one I'm watching look so much alesse I this is what I can rough do you have I don't know about like two centimetres on the laces if the fire department came back don't think it's a pass inspection there you go look at that that's beautiful you know I think I like it better on time thanks Nathan it's a thought that counts [Music] no say 100 the TV won't work Nathan yeah a great idea we should make Nathan do the crunchiest for tonight it's like you forget couture hi 300,000 you gonna be that it doesn't matter it's time for you to dance wait a minute you're gonna perform a series of dances from I can't dance hall I'm very good I am genius or the high standards dude I'm a Minecraft youtuber I can't dance right now let's see your own justice or injustice yes do you need a sample look I can show the sample can i have a sample look I can't even count up one and I understand I understand it's quite it's quite difficult how do you even do that like this like you can use your watch like maybe the dudes like it's more like a it's more like a it's like a you know it's like a you don't I mean I should be dancing I'm the judge hi I wonder guys at the comments are rainy it's orange justices I guess we call them morons just eyes because there's like so many of them going on right now I'm really your timing of it yes dude I don't know right give it I give it a pass we're gonna move on to another couldn't you take it oh this is it Nathan you know how much I love the dad oh not just the dad what the gentleman's dad oh I don't want alone oh do it again no no no he never touches his hands his hands never touch I just I don't know I feel like something is missing because that's something missing in Nathan's dance it just doesn't look like the gentleman stabbed I get up okay bye bye I'll give you one more yes this is the one this is what is going to make Nathan probably lose all the visib scribers it might be the cringy stance and all the land Nathan you gotta try this there you go probably went with one who's EO and took my pizzas again hey let's say bliss of what trying to take that foot turn it off because I know where I once become that's people so I need you to turn over the deed the title whatever you have turn it over to me you want to become one speaker yes are you ready I want to be Preston and unspeakable I want to be pre couples or unspecified like that I don't know or nested or pay then I'm gonna go check my info chest and blow my nose I'll be right you gotta just where they sell on her chest they sold on Amazon is it prime oh yes still upon me they're not on me on me i'ma go change here unbreakable limbs the best of all terms a fraud who also has fire is pretty cool dude it's really cool I went with nothing ladies know that I have been dethroned I'm moving to Antarctica and but make sure we stated context lightly every now and then right like like an impound they make sure you said one letter I know bees yappin about I am now Preston and unspeakable at the same time
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 13,146,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: GOdXJMpvcTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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