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to my bedroom we finally made it to Preston's house after a really long time of searching Preston he's not home you know that means we can start our first prank they were breaking Preston five times maybe ten times we're just gonna prank him until he gets fed up and leaves this house so I can move in we have thousands of photos of my ugly face we're gonna tape them all to the walls with all this tape yeah that's the most important part honestly if we didn't have the tape we could make this happen I mean we have your face right here all the time yeah but don't always have tape you hear all that turn it very very right so I think the switches are labeled let me just point that out and that's nice all right this room we have papers let's start taping them to the walls cause this is gonna it's gonna take a while this is gonna take a really long time [Applause] this is only like five of them leave a like on this video guys because this is not the only way we're gonna prank press in this video we have many other pranks in store hopefully does it come home soon yeah it'll be a little bit awkward he'd probably be like what is it dudes doing on my house [Music] can I just go ahead and say we've only used half a box of papers you have a whole nother woman this is art honestly I feel like this should be his new wallpaper and I really like these ones how the light kind of comes through my face it just makes me look beautiful oh oh you put some nice touches you're doing I'm sideways now I guess the you know normal way just got boring there we go look at that production speed oh yeah put a piece of tape every single paper how many foreheads of tape dude I'm trying to do the ceiling next are you down I mean can you reach it alright retreat instead of your watch news video I'm sorry this is hilarious I just like surprised in about 10 minutes ago prescient does know I'm coming to South sedate however he has the whole idea that I'm doing this I texted Emma hey bro just made it to your place when are you arriving so we can film these videos and he said he's gonna be there soon I don't know if that means like 5 minutes 30 I don't know usually when Preston says soon it's a pretty wide range it could be 1 minute or 13 hours anyways let me show you guys this room right before pressing arrives we're gonna go plan to go from there as well we got leading up all the way to his room he's probably gonna walk into the house and be like what are these and then this is where the madness starts now everyone please take off your shoes yes only socks on my face thank you this is a couple thousand photos of my face [Music] and here we are that was still miss Ealing I don't know how it's right in front of the air van I don't know how it hasn't blown away we're gonna go for a right yeah I got another one mounted over there then we got this camera recording hopefully the GoPros will be kind of low-key I think he's gonna be focused on the pictures more than that camera sitting there but then again he's probably gonna know we're filming anyways because well yeah we were actually thinking though what if we just did this and just left because we scheduled the film with them today what if we just didn't film it and just did this and just left and drove all the way bit no this is too good we have to share this with you guys we're gonna wait pretzels should be here any second we'll pick up the cameras when you say preston also said just don't touch Briana's rooster it's her favorite I want you to find every single rooster in this house I'm gonna touch it with you hey there's one right here last time we were Preston's house we came out as sinks now we're gonna count this roosters that's three more roosters in here let's go upstairs hey we could have used that dude okay this is the last movie Shack we've got there every room in the house and we've only found three years which is kind of sad cuz there's 14 sinks the Stuart has more sinks than chickens any clips of Texas close enough I'll give that half a point you mean have we also decided to put some more around the house they're just really really random spots it's number one out of 45 we're just waiting on okay oh the car just pulled up he's pulling in the garage hey dude what are you doing in my house I mean I know you were here but like why I am I don't work why I'm creeping all these random people in my house and Nathan boy yeah why are you anxious of you on the floor call okay I'll follow your face we're only on one condition people have to leave a like on this video yeah yeah and also by the step we made a rule that you gotta take off your shoes why do I have to take my shoes off oh you're just stepping on my face disrespectful we're in my house or I get to make the rules okay fine no you know what fine I don't want to be a part of this role if you have to take my socks off no socks are cool you know is that actually it kind of depends did you shower yesterday I gonna think about you no it's fine it's fine it's fine I did yeah okay okay Nick did I'm sorry I just I don't remember if I she called yesterday all right Nathan Nathan oh no oh no what'd you do to my bedroom Nathan so very very impressive that looks actually pretty much Preston you're gonna be haunted a couple thousand hey then how much did this cost couple of hundred dollars in printer ink oh and I used all your printer ink my printer ink and wait is that why I got a fraudulent credit card to use my credit card to Nathan I mean I found a card on the counter so I was like okay we can start our workday now we can go from other videos I just had to do this cuz you know well yeah this is your device he's angry know if you guys can see but Preston is outside right there reading a book and playing on his phone alright team a symbol we're gonna set up our next prank right now this prank is simple we have a pole a ladder and a couple on it there we go okay I got the couple water boys so you let go of that pole put in the water's gonna fall alright give it a lot it okay thanks I need you to go grab Preston just go tell Preston be like hey man come here I don't know I got got this babe cut his arm his bad he cut his arm with Krantz I'm beating about nearly we need band-aids there's blood everywhere everywhere he's bleeding out I'm dying I need a blood transfusion that's if you're looking in the door that is a cup of water now we are gonna go get some tacos so have fun he was in danger that white feed here danger of losing his heart rate because he hasn't had any sugar and the joke's on you because I can still read my book yeah well let's sell well yeah let's joke's on you and I'm getting a workout isometric lifting yes baby you like that you know something epic happens on this get run out of battery before I do you're probably right considering my book yeah we should take some more stuff yeah didn't you say BRE like these roosters don't take breeze rooster you the Roosters like in the Legend of Zelda you all come and attack you we touched every roost in your house you have more sinks than roosters it doesn't make any sense if you're gonna go tacos get tacos and leave me alone wait is this your company no don't take my community how much I mean the best thing I'm going to throw this book at you Nathan if you don't run I drop my plan you didn't throw it because I'm hiding I hide it we all hide it yeah Preston where's your Tesla keys I want to take the test look where'd you put your keys this is not what I signed up for I'm looking fine where's your Tesla keys I gotta be somewhere around here up well on the car waste the keys though did you say don't touch your car everyone come touch the car yeah touch it Nathan I could get out of this sticky situation just have to get a chair he's gonna try to get out of it we're still getting talking up nice no you done oh I can sit here all day joke's on you Nathaniel joke's on you bro you think you've got what it takes hey tacos yeah we randomly just happen to have 2,000 colored plastic balls and I'm whispering right now because Preston's downstairs we are going to put 2,000 of these in his car first we need to go downstairs find his keys because the cars locked [Music] there's this car let's fill up Oh boys Oh boys thousands of pictures on my face thousands of bees alright before we do this I think we should close all the doors and do it through the sunroof Wow all right let's get to whatever we're doing [Music] so we're just gonna wait until preston needs to go somewhere has this is the only car so yeah I just I feel like these are some of the best pranks we've filmed nothing tops that base bang dude like how can you top that guys let us know the competition below how can we talk that how could I prank you worse than that do the whole house I mean like too much let me know who should be pranked next guys in the comment section below we're gonna wait so Preston grab your skis so let's go come back breathe decorated you impress this room so yeah honestly I want to know what's from I don't even know what videos from still angry about it I thought you were pressing person a guys are orange shirts I actually thought it was kind of impressive just continue don't look at me I didn't pull the brake on all I'm gonna say there's gonna be one that awkwardly doesn't get found and I'm gonna be losing and then you're gonna just awkwardly be like hanging yeah I am yeah there's one day from the ceiling good I'm just gonna leave we got no hungry Nathan I want to go get food by myself [Music] how am I supposed to go get food when there is nothing but bull if I you can easily fit there guys I don't think I'm gonna be able to go drive anything oh wait don't open this door oh jeez no do it Nathan I'm gonna take each one of these balls you go run your hands have some fun what do you mean run my errands there's no way I'm gonna be able to run errands Nathan do you see the predicament I'm in right now you're right you're not gonna be able to run errands you got to clean your car first so have fun and what you mean you're not gonna clean it no so Preston just went to okay because that gave a good demonstration of what we're about to do we're gonna fill his entire kitchen with Red Solo cups every single cup is gonna be full of water I think this is pretty savage we need to get started guys this is a lot of cops [Music] voice what have we done so this is great but the bad thing is none of them have water in them right now so we kind of gotta go through all of them and yeah we'll be right back how's it goin it's fantastic is it tastic h2o tastic i think i'm slowly breaking your mind all right so so far wait are you filling it cuffs up the teapot we couldn't find any like vases or things that fill up water or making the best out of there we can't but so far we've done almost the whole table almost all these cups now we going to do all of these and then we're still working on this counter over there we're just waiting on Preston to get home so what nothing what are you doing here Eloise did you do this I think my cat though they just put a thousand Red Solo cups all over the place wait was it you or was it Eloise she was there looking there I don't think your cat can really now I don't think the time oh and also I just want to say that James is eating all your food in the pantry so you know what that's fine those aren't even key to know what's even better about this a default filled with water how am I going to clean this up Nathan I'm gonna be here for the rest of my life clicking I was thinking you could just like install a drain and like your floor and just like knock them all over and I can't install a drain on my fork that is not how this works I'd be careful there's a lot of water right there yeah we spilled it on yeah I know there's a lot of water there beware it oh yeah I know the Sun k9 I'm going to bed wait wait Preston let's be realistic here are you sure you don't want to go to bed you know you bet you know your bedroom looks like yeah let me let me remind this man while his bedroom looks like no you know what your bedroom looks like all right good night I'll turn off the lights up there's still some more lights on you we impress this closet right now this is his whole closet are you kidding me what we're gonna do is well I was kind of expecting him to have more closed I guess Bree probably took the entire master bedroom closet so he's stuck with that with this this dude only has two pairs of shorts plus the ones he's wearing and every single shirt is merchandise gonna get rid of all his shirts and we're gonna replace it with a pretty cool costume so this is Preston's new outfit it's uh he's a centipede I'm just gonna hang this where it is all those other clothes are in my car he'll never wait huh oh my gosh don't you ready you're ready yeah I'm ready oh okay I'm good all right so we're gonna plan a secret camera somewhere maybe we'll like do a little bit of this plants a secret camera right here wait for him to come into his closet and see that well this is nothing what we're do Mike where did all of my Preston Stiles clothes go and what is this abomination what the heck is this how am I supposed to wear this to a state dinner tonight what in God's green earth have going on here I don't even know where to put my face [Music] [Applause] I'm not trying to make it you can put your hands and anything I think great oh you're really still yeah I'm really stuck the Casey's business you're like close get rid of all your come here you kind of like Frank aside guys don't get to wrap it up thankfully press oh no no no you can hate me but you can also bake me because that was the last print so you're not gonna get pregnant anymore into body get me out of this I'm not moving I'm gonna stay like this forever Nathan and I finally become one I just farted still one thank you guys so much for watching hope you guys enjoy this video hopefully Preston doesn't hate me too too much but if you guys really like it maybe we're gonna do a part two a part one now I didn't say that they were like yeah [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 6,253,691
Rating: 4.9106607 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: F4czG-sAVhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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