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today could we be messing with your porch for the car bro stop today today I'm giving lies today I'm giving my life away because I have a remote I have a remote and we're gonna be doing the paws challenge I'm giving you my life right now you're controlling me for 24 hours so here you go alright so you can pause me and mute me at any time of the day for the next 24 hours I'm scared I'm nervous I don't know what's gonna happen but leave a like on this video guys and this is ready yeah here we go oh we're doing that now yeah okay what do we pause let's do this real quick right there oh yeah wow that's how it's gonna be huh yep I'm gonna have a terrible day just like that unpossible thank you you know today's gonna be a good day and everyone control in unspeakable this is great I don't like this this is perfect new I think I'm gonna go uh go play some video games upstairs go play with the Lego house or something see you later have fun by yourself pause bro are you serious are you kidding me man that's gonna get everywhere are you kidding me uh yeah bro you're gonna have oh this is a gallop looks like a guy go to the store after this are you know this is great bro I'm pausing what is gonna be great look at this oh no joy a bowl of cereal in the morning now I got this what is this what am I supposed to do with this I mean you can still eat it I mean I wasted you got a drink your milk got calcium hey Nathan pause bro not only small my cereal unpause [Music] Wow about to run what are you doing here we go what are you doing dude hope you gotta wait why you done hand name why are you duct taping me you'll find out we're at bunch today Nathan what you're gonna do like roll me down the street and be kind of fun nope not yet maybe but I do have a surprise for ya that's wonderful news at least it's a surprise you know it could be worse right yep you know where are we going are we going around about Rick we're gonna go smell the flowers outside oh okay I'm okay with that you having a good day yeah thanks oh jeez okay uh yeah this is good a little bit of a problem I don't think I don't think you can get outside dude no we're going outside now we're got what do you we're going outside don't worry about if you follow your paw that's not cool okay okay over my very expensive charity I hate this challenge this is a great chance we're not going with your horse what do you mean whoa what do you mean you're just got to find out and watch what are you gonna do we're gonna drive it even better you're gonna do a Burnout nope all right I love this thing this means yeah I hate it I have a surprise for you I'm gonna kill this dude we're gonna have one it's very faint you're lying yeah I thought I'd gone to the car no you're lying stop you're lying no you're not you're not oh yeah you're gonna no you're not yep buddy not you ready no you're not ready you're lying don't do it don't do it bro stop are you serious turn that frown upside bro now everyone knows who you are stop or you T so subscribe everyone people like as well roll when you unpause news you know that that's a thumbs-up no you're dead I swear this is this is great you like yellow I like yellow oh my got something to say no I'm you I love yellow yeah do some more oh you want more you're paying for it no no not you are huh bro I have video proof you literally have me tick bar I might show this to the cops you have any idea what this would look like slick it's an egg for Easter did you want yellow rims no you wanted yell little wrists stop will do this higher this is great you know I'm glad I thought of this it's a race car this is my car you know I expensive this car is it's about to be a lot more with this no we're about to be a lot less did that better be washable that baby would be washable I swear if that's not washable you're done yeah you're done if you wanna but not washable you've done you've done you're literally down dude I apologize when I get inside no no this is this is this thing that went too far I understand what you were supposed to do the pawn shops but this bro this is way too far this is done okay I get it how long are you gonna do this okay I get it they run men on positive I love them [Music] I'm sorry I've done a the ship son it's better come off I'm not even playing it comes up it's just shock it's washable no it's okay Colleen is supposed to get in the door I got paint all over me it's alright man it's okay calm down calm down just back up the car and everything will be alright alright guys what he doesn't know is I'm a pawn [Music] all right everyone let's have some fun now I think we need another smiley face right here did you say something I will hit you get your paws you can't do nothing you can't do nothing and be alright that looks beautiful now it looks beautiful feel like we're in business let's unpause them real quick and come on you missed the spotlight brother working on it okay I enjoy my cereal it's soggy why don't you go make yourself another one what you got there I got my plaque what yeah what yeah I don't know I think it's for the vlog Joe think it's for this channel but I'm not sure who oh it's the gold one Oh like a photo shoot or something you gotta take like pictures with it Oh that'd be great pose real quick pose for photo pause all right yeah let me let me take that out of your hands for you what are you doing nothing guys nothing oh my god all right sure you can car in the garage you can buy another one I don't want to but you can I can't buy another one of those I'm cost where's you of it I don't know you gotta find it maybe we'll never find it again mm-hmm really getting warmer do nothing to you know look where it's like hiding go seek I think go outside but you can look come on now dude all right I can't even see that don't push me in don't pause me don't pause me next to the boys no I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do that again warmer yeah that's what I thought don't make me use this again I'll do a photo shoot another day why not today I'm gonna go lock this in a safe pause no yeah oh hey you're getting water everywhere I know yeah are you kidding me wow you were really thirsty so I was in the middle of going to a meeting oh my god now I'm doing this oh well it looks like you're not Thursday anymore you could unpause yeah and what you doing Nathan so boss what's a Grimm this one right here but stop no stop this is not funny this is this will actually break my hand bro stop stop you ready no stop gritty stop unpause be me my fuzzy fuzzy bro [Music] oh I'm gonna pull my hand away it's okay man funny it's not like gonna die today your hand could be replaceable that's something to replace on a Thursday afternoon all right everyone I just bought this awesome little dunk tank it's filled with water already I'm gonna go mess with Nathan and have them stand under to this and then we're gonna pause them underneath and we're gonna get them soaking wet it's gonna be awesome get ready let's go see what he's doing now hey Nathan what you doing no I'm just seeing what you were doing what's gonna happen now what you in there chocolate chocolate chocolate all right yeah have a little fun here let me let me take your phone from you get some of those all right hold that camera right there for my big gun I'm gonna hold this right here honey came about to do are you taking me outside we're going outside you're taking the entire chair oh my gosh she's taking the entire chair my god before games really strong I'm scared what are you taking me I'm taking you to that I don't think over there bro come on come on please don't drop me please don't drop me oh my god are you serious well I guess you failed I guess you failed didn't you what I'm not done yet what do you mean you're not done you know what just because of that field I got an eruption come on no come on where are we going on right here what are you doing you're gonna right yeah right there right there yeah let's know what are you doing dude hold on give me one sec this is not cool what counts dirty this pool is how about holding this hold your pump okay don't push me in are you ready I have my phone on hold your breath I have my [Music] phone it's my phone are you kidding me you're fine but that chairs not my folks are worse hey you have to jump back in and get the chair no I'm not doing the chair what oh you get the check your what already it's thinking it's my kitchen chair dude come on you could do it here I'll help what a great day I'm so happy okay you got dressing yeah yeah yeah you want to go to lunch I would love to go to lunch but not driving my car why not good something's probably gonna happen on the way there so we're gonna take your car all right I'll Drive yeah you drive problem you're driving put me in the I don't know put me in the trunk so you can't pause me hey James guess what there's someone behind us too ah come on the light you know the lights are red sweet so it turns green buddy it's so much trouble oh it's green for the cars are already at the other light all the way up there alright everyone I got Nathan filling up the gas tank right now but what he doesn't know is I got a full tank he doesn't know that right now I'm a pause hey Nathan pause seeing my guys here we're gonna leave them there [Music] I'm boss you mean you need gas right you're filling up I'm not doing it no not really I got I got gas I'm I already showed him the old tank take again why did we come here what do you mean I can leave you just wait there I've got a very interesting thing for you don't go anywhere I want ha [Applause] I'm coming Nathan black marker Safari I don't know let's go to the couch where's this one going he's wrapping around my neck you might have a snake living here oh my gosh I see you know what mute what a pretty snake um well you don't like snakes Nathan I'm you okay okay see here's the thing this is really messed up you know right now I'm pretty chill because oh stop this was so big scary movies were snakes on people's mouths that's what I'm thinking about right now pause me Nathan come back under control yes though why there's a little out of control I don't know I can't see okay so I think this is the time where we wrap up the video because I'm 100% this trying to stuff dude like stay over there stop getting so close to it stop drive out of Texas because I'm done with this challenge thank you guys so much I hope you guys appreciate it if you want to see a part to leave a like dude stop getting so close thank you guys so much for watching I'm gonna I don't know where I'm gonna I'm I'm done [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 28,632,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: bHIsx552lUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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