Last To Say NO Challenge! *EXTREME*

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today's challenge is last to say no it's super simple you have to say yes to everything today and if you say no to something you lose there's absolutely no limits to today's vlog so it gets pretty crazy so grab some popcorn and watch to leave the video and see what happens now before the vlog starts I need you guys to click that big red subscribe button if you don't you're gonna miss out on all our future gods in so click the red subscribe button and let's hop into today's vlog yo you got like two shades that could I take one sure take a bluer you want the white I know know I what I'm wearing the blue shorts okay yeah okay so childish simple you just can't say no you have to say yes to everything today sir ever 24 hours you guys gotta watch something in this video because he's gonna get crazy everyone in this house for 24 hours has to say yes to everything last one to say no losses what do you say don't say no I can't say no you can't say no I don't have to say yes to everything including you the challenge to this is rediculous Doodlebops where are you going we're change that by the way James fishing season is over it's not really James you're not running from this challenge you're gonna be in today's video everyone in this house including you cameramen in games pick my booger no no one day stop that's the stuff hey let me wipe your waffles yeah here we go do you think I'm glass what'd you find out building Legos I mean you haven't really said no and now crawl across them what does it crawl across them but you just told us to build something yeah but now I want for all across new one no you hang it I can't say no so I guess we crawl across the Legos think of the turtle on concrete okay you got this taking a living I know okay I'll put some wheels on it you've gone no it's not on this part yes we're just getting ready for your birthday party birthday party Hey bulu you're turning 20 did you get me a cake no 52 did you get me a cake wait you say 50 to see what I'm doing yeah sorry you got us phone oh yeah of course right here in the trash can what's it in the trash kid I don't really know a little split it and his phone's trash so let's be honest he's an icon so so ladies and gentlemen Gabe we're tying all these balloons because we're gonna tie its phone around it and send it to space yo and these balloons get here you've been holding them for like five minutes you should let those balloons go with Gabe's phone no in there you can't say no you have to do it yo I wanted to see about he's gonna watch it selfie first no don't take a selfie hey Gabe we got your phone no I did not expect it to go up that back all right get in the car boys your skin they're gonna know where to go get in the car sit down somewhere no no oh I see it all that boy gone it's gone it's not gonna stop until it it's an instant one I want you to build this puzzle for me because I like the picture but I don't really want to do it it's only hundred pieces it's not too bad yes 100 pieces are that's six mm-hmm 100 piece phony puzzle do nope you don't with this thing in like five minutes too bad they're all spray painted the same color ha ha ha ha you've gotta be well you spray-painted all the puzzle pieces and look now you have two puzzles you have a pink London blue leather dude this is gonna take out or settle just start with the corners okay look I'll figure this out Matt oh my gosh [Music] oh I got what I get no oh oh that's my third piece I'm going to build this puzzle and when I'm done go to this puzzle I am going to burn it [Music] eighty-three pieces to go we got a James much a you are going to cut along okay I mean I do it every but not with a lawnmower we gotta get out of a scissors and I'll be like I'll give you a choice of scissors for the sins that scissors give you a choice of scissors good night mr. Doodlebops I did want one more corner piece right there do you see it it's to the right wait wait wait wait wait Oh Oh help me yeah yes I will help you clean up the confetti [Music] it's going on hang on Sam I see that I see that no how's the puzzle going it's it's going it's kind of ain't got the border Helen you got the border I mean I know I know it's really slow being in a really long time look the inside of the puzzle is ten times I wish you would be done with it already did you just snap my chair now we got fixed up roast marshmallows go back to my post while you were inside I started cutting the bush I think I'm doing a pretty good job so far I mean look oh this ain't the bush this is the weeds here in Texas everything's bigger weeds that are usually the smaller the size of your bush in the backyard got keep up got maintenance called a long crew give it a little haircut world's greatest barber here yes your past height requirement sir I don't have this grass cut in no time double scissors you got keep everything nice and safe around here oh my gosh it's strong boy kids you're gonna trim your bushes always wear eye protection and also don't use scissors I'm starving oh you brought me cool no no no no no these are my tricks oh wait wait uh-huh and I have a fry [Music] okay place speaking of place you should go do the dishes and you know I hate doing the dishes come on ya know it's the point that's why I said it literally like five cups oh my gosh who didn't take out the clean dishes nice cheesy fries okay homey nice I'll put two eggs on this but actually no I'm just gonna dig it okay I'm almost mr. plate a couple dishes not a big deal dude leave down with us in five minutes get back to my puzzle and then I got one more got one more time take your dirty papers in there away they get my plates dirty oh come on dude so I already got thirty do we have any of that I need food all right you didn't even play your fries on your plate oh you're right oh so many dishes yeah this is just too much wing for a small fleet another one yeah you just want use this one my hands are dirty so I'm sorry it's such days yeah you go be given you just take this one take this one this one's clean no what you need to use the dishwasher better they're spooked on this still do a clean plate I do have a clean plate there you go I appreciate oh no heads ranch on it bro get that oh sorry now you're just being honored good luck I just didn't know you got the floor - oh my gosh dude the floor got ranch that is officially a single plate in the house what about all these wrong 30 there's like five bowls over here in like three plays we need get him out of the challenge Oh to buy a Lambo Oh Ricky smiley hey bud what's up you should buy a Lamborghini I should violate a what a Lamborghini a full-size drivable car one that like you're really kind of gas so I can't buy like the little Hot Wheels no you have to buy a real gas-powered lame flaming fire who can drive rubba driver's seat the passenger seat polyurethane thing carbon-fiber you're gonna say yes you're gonna say the other words I don't know if I can say yes I don't know you mean you have to say yes it's like hundreds of thousands of dollars or wait hold on I just got an incoming message Oh Nathan's gonna be able to challenge if he doesn't say fine let's go yes [Applause] [Music] her [Music] yeah it looks like unspeakable what have I gotten myself into we got blue and yellow just in case you can't decide if you are yellow let's change this orange to red so it's like the town of unspeakable rule Christmas - all I see is expensive sweet choices do - kind of like the orange they have SUVs - how I really doing this right Nick you're a pretty baller my favorite color I don't know I like red screams Rick SUV in a red Lambo over there nothing like a wedding right now is this actually happening this one's pretty this is the new merch man bro if you might a car just to sell more merchants people that come back for this color okay boys I'm really not one that one that one this one this one this one is six so this one's an Aventador so it's a v12 that means has big big 700 horsepower wait is there a vent on the door it said on the door they call it a vintage the doors go up why don't you just call it like a window door because it's like windows this is why you don't have a Lamborghini Jen you don't either oh hey there's a red one right here I can match your other McLaren $100,000 oh that's hot wheels price right there bro 400,000 hot wheels you could buy with that if you get a whole class to store all the hot wheels poops right now yeah listen performers well it's like you're right this is McLaren if you said I couldn't buy on McLaren it's a little I mean there's a green level there there it is oh wait it's a suitcase no no that's the wheels actually turn though this thing is $200 okay okay how do you make a decision I'll be here all day zero chance he's gonna buy a Lambo today like something looks like a desert a ship Lambo you're right it's the wrong car there yeah I'm gonna pick a car Lamborghini there was one green one convertible back there and then over here there's all these colors dude what are you doing why are you rocking on the floor rocking your new Lamborghini you're gonna buy I am overwhelmed you help me up you guys pick me a car are you sure yeah I take that back so we both get to pick one oh you just said you got that's how I said that didn't say that don't pull that question I'm the new guy Coogan and we should have set boundaries before he did this video pic okay all right you know it's just a car it's not like you're gonna drive it every day boys I'm gonna spin around I'm gonna point at a car and whatever one I appointed I want to buy this menu are you just gonna do the hives of every car in this wing was then away from our car in case you get dizzy you got we're taking the red one oh you're gonna get this now are you sure yeah bro do you know how much monopoly money I have saved up so you've been the one stealing this monopoly money mean gave try to play every bit of it there was only all the big ones were gone only the white ones the one how's it going sir very good so your decision I know I'm really nervous honestly you ready to kind of do it let's do it let's do it before I do give the keys to the inside inside you don't drive inside the car anymore mean no sir car doors don't go that way Pro is a cardinal it's a spacecraft it matches your shirt just gonna match my shirt boys I think I've fallen into this is it let's go sign the papers just like that yep wait let me think about again yep lay hold on one more time yep fun I this is the only thing I can't afford here everybody and it's free you know maybe if we put two water bottles together then it's more than that car let's just double free oh snap you're double free equals he just bought it done no heat actions whoever is next to me you can say buy me Lamborghini or buy you Italy or buy both of us Linda did you actually just buy that Gonzaga yeah let's go how do we get it out I don't know oh I totally forgot we were vinyl and go today check it out you know what hi there you guys my plane oh yeah you're out you're mine don't you have a license oh look how far had the squat down just to look at first of all where we go put the place we don't have enough money device yeah I wanna drove me are completely but you're leaving us here [Music] listen for the sound of this engine oh oh it sounds like a thunderstorm back there this thing literally sounds like a like a fighter jet like if you take the fighter jet engine and attach wheels to it you have this your boy speakable has won this challenge there are so many people looking at this car I feel like I'm in a UFO all I gotta say is there's any type of videos you want to see with a Lamborghini let me know in the comment section below till then I'll see you guys later let's go take that doodle Bob
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 20,713,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: KRctehCCxkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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