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normally bream surprises me every time we pull these awesome things so it's time to get paid back and by pay back I mean we need to treat my wife well seriously I'm not been super nice to her lately okay guys we got to go and breeze off this we've got a blind don't worry about it don't ask any questions breathe anyone else in here no it's just me um and Beaupre hi yeah yeah come on come on let's go let's go let's go you're gonna be fine why did you worry it's gonna be great I bring you trust me right yeah okay just just don't worry about it okay okay what's happening nothing not very I just put my wife in the trunk I never thought I'd get to do that today's an awesome day sure I'm going to take off my blindfold guys I'm gonna look around in the trunk I feel like there has to be a reason that I'm in here right or he's just a bully I'm not quite sure wait what is this one the number one Congrats he's actually being nice to me Oh No head on across the atlantic sea to be greeted by the people who love drinking tea so I think Preston got this idea from when I keep surprising him do I have to fly to the UK I don't care with this I love British people now I'm really confused on where I need to go next Barney first of all president just locked me in a car I know that was a little weird okay hey I had nothing to do with that I promise you well second of all do on my plane ticket please take it for what it doesn't have to go across the Atlantic see Atlantic sea yeah free no way he's sending you that far away you're his wife he doesn't want you that far away you're coming with me right well if I need to film it I will but this is nothing to look we're a tree to find coffee this has nothing to do lady we have to drink tea what Britain Britain that's across the Atlantic see this is LA burger who likes tea it says you have to fly across the Atlantic seat to people who like drinking tea so I thought about British people but maybe it's dr. British people is a good place to start we know they love tea not there anything related to British people around here I have an idea hold on I said welcome welcome to the British Emporium don't I look like you I can't look British with my hat like this that's not British at all that's just a regular you have to have like a fluffy hat no I think I look kind of bridge to eat a bridge or any action I've always wanted to go to the British Emporia that's too bad we're not going to bring stuff in there president I literally have the next clue and Breanna's more worried about looking at some British stuff what's more important you breathe you have to decide right now about print harrion okay but rethink about this okay if we go through all the clues we're gonna find something really awesome at the end that's true I'll look at clue - I just rhymed like dr. Seuss oh and don't forget oh I get a prize no I'm pretty much like the best husband ever I know I know you did just kidnap your wife I don't know if that's really likely yeah but I whoa whoa well I kidnapped her so I could give her gifts okay I think that's pretty noble if I do say so myself I'm gonna take my present hey can I get kidnapped for gifts okay that's coming in and YouTube channel in the future Bree what'd you get maybe a British persons in here I love British people you didn't kidnap two people for this oh that's related to the clue okay okay so the reason why I got bring a teacup don't break it she she loves that tea cuts we actually got one on our honeymoon special one we were in the UK so I figured she loved my teacups it I collect tea cups and teapots and now I expect tea every single day I have a lot of teas I'm layered and sweet and love to make your day hurry and blow out the candles before they melt away mmm what could that be ice cream it's not ice cream sir where am I supposed to go breathe that's a statue all these clothes are turning you crazy you're not making any sense he looks like he knows where he's supposed to go so I'm just gonna I'm gonna look that direction he's a statue that's true he's also not responding so maybe I should move on yeah we're supposed to go find cake windmills are blowing the wind so obviously it's going to blow out the cake I think those teacups got you too excited and you know I mean thinking straight when has a windmill ever blown out of candle the answer never I guess that's true Barney I figured it out he's probably in there waiting for a table at cotton patch what does God match have to do anything with clues why don't we start with cake and candles fine finally Bree I told you it was the cake shop I told you this was really weird but I could see y'all down the street talking to a man made stone we thought it was a windmill actually okay so Bri now that we're here at the Kate store of legacies are you ready for your amazing no this time you're gonna open up the gift first wow you're so lucky Bri I am I know she's so lucky gosh I'm handsome this was a very morally conflict and gift because you guys know I might not be the biggest fan of cats but I am the biggest fan of my wife thank you now when it's done you deserve to kick up your feet in her lap however I may have beaten you to it hurry up no turning back what's that mean this sounds like a dr. Seuss rhyme or am I going to the doctor you have to relax and the doctor what if it's the spa oh I think I started something oh I heard Brees comment about the doctor and the old tree said she'd be going to the doctor his spot could check and see you guys some screws loose you know I'm saying I told we forgot the check on that for murder he said kick your feet up and relax and this is a horse kicking his feet up but that's not relaxing that horse is doing a big neigh but if it was the horse then where's Preston where's my clue I guess I'll keep looking Barney pizza is so relaxing when I eat pizza I kick my feet up I relax I take a nap it's obviously where Mike Lewis okay breathe this is something that I totally agree with you all but what if it's not things that like what if it's not ideas or foods that make you relax but what if it's actually just him relaxing like the park a bench literally just laying somewhere relaxing that's kind of precedent isn't it that's pretty Preston I guess so breathe I don't even in here yeah of course he's not in there what does that is not real boxing what do you really be laying this Clues of guy you going crazy hit me in here you could be in the flower bed he's where is he he's not here okay relaxing think relaxing grieve I'm relaxing he could be at the park he could be at Oh what is this behind you that is definitely looking relaxing to me that's super relaxing alright let's go check it out okay resting I told you Brie he's gonna be laying down relaxing who was right yeah alright let's go see what your clue Andrew yeah I think you got a present so here's the deal I've been just giving you these clues of presents brie and this time I'm gonna make you work for it so go find it I'm too busy relaxing I'm gonna say he has a striking resemblance to the man in the statue I feel like everyone should see he even had that hat they're the same person Bree did they make the statue because it was you oh yeah they modeled after me of course I mean come on I'm queston yeah anyway I have to find my clue in my present okay where is the clue easy Preston what is this it is fresh and handmade you know but the waves bath ponds is you just take it anyone know what you're supposed to do with a bath moment everybody knows is that you don't have to take a bath right so if you're on the airplane you know if you're on the airplane and you're kind of gross you're smelling bad you just take this out put it in a cup of water and throw it all over yourself it's bad mom listen I don't think that's how they allow you to take bath bombs on planes taste it taste it cause I can't believe you did that oh really salty I'm offended put it in the bag no no he bit into it let me see you ruined it and you're going okay I put it in the bag okay my kid but we have now the clue number four number four whoa whoa let me read this clue I mean let me wrap this clean toilets are really good let's see if you can get this one Bri it's almost certain Kurt and Preston contracted breathe you know it's almost curtain call you don't want to miss the show we brought her so many times now and we'd love for you to go you only get it once it's a one-time usually okay you've really got it on camera we're not gonna forget it going to take a shower curtain call that shows theatres what are you thinking about that are the clean showers BRE nobody wants to take a shower we need me back on some thinking back I'm on that new movement where I only shower once a week and you on no one approves of the new movement Preston they didn't smell brothers I don't know way to be so bad with these clues only made three feel like making five might be putting a little bit of stress on her brain if you know what I'm saying okay Barney I know it said something about a curtain call and I used to do theater so I know what that means a show is about the star felt like we have to take the train cause it's that it's about to go wait so you're telling me this clue is linking to taking the train all to the feeder yeah breathe you are going so extravagant here it's not making any sense yeah cuz sometimes they have shows on trains we've got to think inside the box this isn't so difficult we keep thinking so far out of the box but inside the box it's like looking inside the Train that's not what I'm talking next next option fine so I found it free this is an ice company what I'm talking about ice Cup rhymes with show free Co is short for company not show so the whole theater that I grew up in when I was younger and stuff it was in an old ice house so here it is here's a here this is the theater that you grew up doing theater in no it's not felt like it wasn't an old ice it doesn't even make sense look right how about we just go to a theater or a movie okay okay let's go to the theater I knew there was a theater here how could I forget I know finally we found the right place you went everywhere except for the theater I've been expecting you guys for at least 30 minutes where have you been we wanted to go everywhere except for the defeater she checked the Train she checked the ice company rain or the ice company show that took way too long look how long my hair grew at in the meantime oh you need a haircut yeah I don't look great I look awful anyways present present buying it open the present you guys are like kids on Christmas Eve man presents Oh Preston you're spoiling her I know I'm just the best husband ever you guys can go and comment down below Preston is the best husband thank you call me beautiful I'm so beautiful guys but wait breathe this clue leads to the final gift you are not gonna want to miss it this final clue is everything it is your life it is your childhood in fact it may be the death of you that is a lottery the clues have been greed so far but the best has been saved for last hurry to your place of work to be greeted by something cute okay what do you thinks cute and pass breathe Lightning McQueen Lightning McQueen let's go search around the TVs are in the lounge area let's go to the lounge area do it is no that's a strike tailed cat to Madagascar this is not a cat this is a lemur and it's one of my favorite animals I am freaking out right now what's his name Dave his name is suka suka means spirit or ghost that these guys are known as the ghost of Madagascar lemurs are very territorial they choose like family members as their troops so don't take it personally if he's not like it's gonna be a big fan of anybody today just be happy that he's not trying to kill anyone basically I don't want to die I've seen his fangs you know there's actually two ways of lemur can fight biting is not like the world's best way of fighting right on the inside of his arm there that black circle yeah as a sync plant so when they're threatened with danger what they'll do is they'll take their hand and squeeze out some of the sticky smelly do a lot of times look kind of white foot on the tail and everything they'll mix it with something I don't really like to talk about and basically they throw it at you I think we think fight so he actually has hands and doesn't that have fun you gotta scoops things up and is like you got it so Preston quick how many thumbs yeah no no you have to check the other hand yeah they have four thumbs they have one thumb on each hand and one thumb on each foot how many thumbs you have in your feet you almost said two so you found about yeah zero thumbs would be the correct answer that's right so all these sums help them to climb so Dave are there tail the rings are they distinct like a zebra where they're not all the same yeah they are distinct it's like one of the original barcode they actually identify each other in the troop from that you know these lemurs are actually helping to protect the forests of Madagascar because they're famous a lot of zoos and everything got involved in planting trees in Madagascar yeah and that's one of the things that we work with this conservation organizations like that that are planting trees in Madagascar ecotourism you all just went to Hawaii and you saw some animal mongoose a mongoose there you go we'll see when people go to natural places like that spend money they're actually helping to protect animals like this because it creates jobs and opportunity for the people that live where these animals live well you guys considering I got to see my favorite childhood animal today and Preston surprised me which was super sweet I could definitely get used to this thank you so much for watching be sure to subscribe y'all have an awesome day
Channel: Brianna
Views: 4,447,446
Rating: 4.8446274 out of 5
Keywords: kids, challenge, surprise, funny, comedy, preston, prestonplayz
Id: WvZrgrARD04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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