UNSPEAKABLE Trapped Me In 100 Layers of ICE!

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we're trapped in a hundred layers of unspeakable's most popular videos with unspeakable oh by the way you've got two minutes to escape out of this room or i'm gonna light up this fire where can shoot it at you timer starts now oh wow that worked way too well thanks for the sharp knife nathan oh it's a good idea to put these bubble wraps did you do 100 layers of bubble wrap i did all this but did you do this it's not that easy boom whoa oh my god oh my gosh they went down hey i thought you lit it i'm getting out of here boys where's that going did you see that oh my god why is it going directly into this hole preston your next weapon is in the balls what what are you doing here james you my weapon no but i have something for you a necklace i got your necklace oh my god he is putting on a shock collar wait wait wait wait wait i heard it let me turn it up a little bit did you feel that one what do you think i did a back flip yes i felt it okay wait wait wait this game is a little different red light don't move green light wait is it actually in the balls yeah hurry up green light whoa oh okay i was like i was like i thought like maybe you like made it like what made it like what i think he moved a little bit there green light i do not green light green light green light green light go go he's got a condom on grandma hey mike i got a mouth full of balls there's so many balls i haven't seen this since high school locker rooms wait what oh this whole mini keep going is that a slide red light oh the balls are moving i was on the front of my neck hey let me do that vibrate how does that one feel oh really nice how am i supposed to fit in this booty too big have mercy what are you doing i'm gonna let him stay there like that they're stay still pressing that shock collar is right on the throat green light oh that's some abs right there green light yes oh he did it now what is this challenge mr nathan it's a giant unspeakable cookie made out of concrete don't crack it you don't want this next punishment bro nathan your brows are so thick my eyebrows are very thick preston i would uh hurry up the clock is indeed ticking i'm trying wait whoa come on give me a chance let me at least get a dent he messed up my eyeball david i can see your hole come on preston hurry up why'd you compliment my accuracy my accuracy that's a pretty good one let me ask you a question okay nathan let's see you come up with a better joke you want to see a better joke yeah i do actually kristen there's some smoke no no no why why would you put this in here i don't want it take it [Applause] wait hold on ready it's still smoking you don't do that we'll be right back after this commercial break we're back whoa whoa did you hear some off-camera mining james did i do off-camera mine it wasn't paying attention i've never used creative mode in videos yo that is the biggest lie i've ever heard and you're really sick yeah i know i'm sick boy go in bro die well peacefully no hey all right oh no whoa what is that you know what oh i hate you no you're ugly see you on the other side boys and now we're trapped in a hundred layers of minecraft nathan what's the camera whoa whoa whoa let's play some rock paper scissors bro rock paper scissors shoot oh give me your tools your toilet's right next to you why don't you give them our tools i'm just gonna cover your tools in syrup what is this the canadian punishment thanks have fun with that oh my gosh it would be such a sweet surprise if you would subscribe to the channel i can't even hit that hard because i'm worried it's gonna slip out of my hands oh nice what is this wax yeah come on keep going this is kind of satisfying it kind of is isn't it this is for all the moms out there oh wow why are you in there i was playing with the titan tube it's been a long time since i've killed a jedi why were you in there i've been waiting nathan is this a hundred layers of orbeez it is indeed all right nathan watch i got a little surprise for you reverse what the heck this is so nice i only get one reverse card per video and why am i trying to hey gabe scream him creamy lady let's do your biggest swing he didn't even make a dent oh bro you better give me a better weapon i recall nathan putting syrup on my weapons in the last hundred lures you want to see the silliest thing on youtube this is like spider-man's a white blaster bro not the eye shot yeah it's not so easy as a big guy it's not so easy bro i need to take a break i'll take stuff just tell me when i'll just keep going i think that'll help hurry up hurry up hurry up nathan i can feel your vibrations hey buddy i need i need to stop shooting my blubber here you want to give it a swing uh why didn't it oh i made it through whoa give this camera man a raise oh boy oh thanks dad wow nathan you made so much progress and they didn't take a job to the next layer why are you always here why do you ask questions what do we got over here i'm gonna move each one of these are 300 pounds so this is just a casual 1200 pounds of ice this is my survival training yo you're doing pretty well i'm not gonna lie right second i thought the sword wasn't cutting it i'd much rather have this layer than the other layer you put me on bro he's making progress no he's making good progress you know he doesn't compliment me enough no hey hey hey let me know oh you're making my fireworks wet oh i can get them more what you should at least let me get a cup so i can get some ice you want to make a snow cone hey i'm not getting cold feet yet oh i got your joke cold feet because it's ice wait preston what we're not cavemen we have technology technology hey thank you wait it's a snow cone that's my favorite flavor that's not lemon baby wait it's not lemons now give it a lick if you don't make it through i'm going to plug my merch for 10 minutes no and i'm just going to upload it to your channel a 10 minute straight plug think about the avd i might need some safety glasses up here ted oh what happens when you break through that layer and all the other ones fall and break us yo how you gonna fit through that hole think about that dieting and exercise yeah this might actually be harder than the concrete i take it back i want you to do this one i don't want to do this one oh that's nice now you don't have this weapon anymore oh i stole it oh you're almost breaking through no you're not so what's your strategy the strategy is i'm higher in the food chain than ice 30 seconds or the roman candles gonna go time out t for time time i got some new weapons oh dude i would love a new weapon i got that i get it for the fireworks hey i came close oh wait is he coming through dude i know i'm actually through you are through but can you fit through oh hey bri just called me and she told me she's waiting for you to get home with eloise's food wait my wife is home and her parents right there yeah yeah free i need like an avalanche we need an avalanche of likes so guys i just want to go ahead and say that is always funny because our editor censored what he's saying so it sounds like he's swearing and they are why they're big pieces oh he's through preston this is the final wall five minutes and the time is ticking now oh my god why did it have to be legos oh my god by the way i got watermelon what was that wait dude you came here with glass what are you doing you got four minutes now oh all right preston you know what happens if you don't make it through just gotta stop pick it up yo yo preston preston press impressive press and press what i want to tell you a story about how the little boy was walking through a park he just went down the slide yeah and after he went down the slide he uh he got a mcdonald's hamburger and that's the end of the story yes
Channel: Preston
Views: 21,834,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: 6rpZH-3j8kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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