CANNING 101 | The Basics for Beginners

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I can can can you yes I can can thank you it so can you next on Tim Palmer's country kitchen they say y'all watching so I don't you chicken feet put a lovely summer grandma's pickled beets well cut it up put it in the pan throw it over your shoulders see where it lands right here in my kitchen mater's Taylor's beans corn the cows of the barn of the sheep's been shorn kids in the barnyard chasing grandpa's chicken spices slices cut slices gonna slash your grocery prices right here help you grow your garden good with recipes to suit your mood try some good you've never tried before smash it with a wooden mallet Golda educate your palate right here Farms kitchen until cricketer we all cook some good now funding for Tim farmers Country Kitchen brought to you by L eight one bottling company taste love and share the tradition harvests energy solutions harvest cabins when you absolutely have to get away housewarmings meeting all of your outdoor living and fireplace needs kentucky sheep and goat development office try something different tonight Rose farm supply family farming and commitment to our customers since 1982 salt rocks the flavor of life Woods equipment company has every tool you need to make working the land as rewarding as hunting it Chrisman mill vineyards good foods co-op kentucky beer cheese Weisenberger mill hello and welcome to Tim farmers country kitchen today we're canning and that's what we've been doing I mean for real and we're going to talk about different ways to can different products that we've tried things that we like things that we don't like actually there's not too much that we don't like here but there are different methods a lot of people are really scared of canning because they don't know what to do they think it's hard and they think that also that are scared the very word pressure cooker how you know they think a bomb is gonna go off and we're all gonna die but let's let's talk about our grandparents our grandparents all candor stuff our great-grandparents you know and they're afraid that foods gonna go bad let me give you a real quick tip if on the occasion that you have a jar that goes bad it will let you know gasses and bacteria buildup in there it will let you know your smeller is your best friend if you have something to go bad you open it up and it's going to kind of jump out on you so that doesn't happen very often at all if you follow the procedures that are very cutting dry very simple and we're gonna believe it or not we're gonna do all these things tonight plus we're going to visit Lois and she's going to show us how to pickle some green beans Bobby Jo gruesome Hulk and big green beans this year that absolutely taste wonderful and he's going to show us how to cut those off and put them in a quart jar and make some fantastic pickle green bean but first let's talk about the basics okay when it comes to canning some things you can get by with a hot bath or hot packing some people call them generally we do most of our Tomatoes like this that's my favorite way that you actually and he'll was it take depends on half hour or 45 minutes some 10 minutes not that long it's not that long we'll explain that process as we go along if you are going to use your old-fashioned pressure cooker there's a few things you have to remember here there are things that are very vital before you get started one of them is this is your vent you got to make sure your event is not clogged you can do that by holding it up to light or blowing through it make sure your seal which comes in here is not cracked or dried that you rubber seal that goes around the edge and guess what you're way ahead of the game now do you remember if you've ever been around the old fashioned can of the jiggling sound that's when you know your pressure cooker is working that means there's pressure behind this and a lot of people are so thrown off by the 10 pounds the 15 pounds so on and so forth that has to do with elevation check your own area to see what your elevation is and make sure that you have a good canning book to help step you through this now that is five pounds that's ten and most things we do here in Kentucky are 10 pounds for X amount of time for instant green beans go about a half an hour generally now we're also going to talk about this newfangled canner that I recently bought because I tried it out at a seminar and I liked it now this doesn't hold as much it's not say an industrial canner you can't do a whole lot of stuff you can't do green beans after means after green beans but if you're the beginning canner this is something you might want to consider now let's talk about cost the pan ten fifteen dollars a Bunyan this is a presto and I think we got what 70 bucks in there maybe now if you move up to this this is a ball canner about it's very costly it's about two hundred and ninety-nine dollars and you can find those cheaper sometimes but if you have that kind of money and want to spend on this and do small batches and a lot of people want to do small batches as things come along such as strawberries strawberry jam is absolutely wonderful we just made some of the other day you need your little jars for that and the first thing that you have to do always is sterilize your jar that's the first step before you do anything you can boil those with this canner it actually has a process a preheat process where you set your jars in there and it sterilizes them for you I like that like this unless miss there's a lot of things about this that I like and we'll show you that in a minute tonight we're going to make strawberry jam we're going to show you how to can green tomatoes we're gonna make some zucchini sweet pickles we're gonna touch base with Lois and she's gonna pickle green beans so it's all about canning tonight alright let's talk about our traditional pressure cooker this is a presto think he's already put two quarts of water in here we're going to put one more this is your rack to set your jars on then put that last chord and we're going to get this water boiling that starts the process the Nikki if you like grab ahold of that the whole process is fairly simple obviously we have to get this boiling we're going to set that aside but let's talk about this little outfit right here now this guy right here looks like r2d2 it's absolutely foolproof this is just a cool little machine for those of you who are just beginning it's just basically touch this touch that touch to the other here's what's great about this this comes out your waterline is in there it's foolproof your rack is in here it's got a setting when you begin it sterilizes your jars it's called preheat you put your jars and you don't have to worry about you know boiling these there's a preset for everything on here now another great thing about this particular can of the thing I like almost the best about it it has its own heat source its self standing so you can take it on the back porch you can take it out wherever and use it now in that process plug it in if you look on here it's very simple preheat jams and jellies fruits tomatoes sauces pickles and salsas so let's go ahead and fill this up to the watermark your watermark is just right here okay now you simply take this over here and set it in here Nikki if you give me some small jars okay now we're going to do six jars in here so we're going to put those in there and close the top twist the top and we're going to hit preheat and start all right let's catch up we got a lot going on here big show a lot of information our jars over here are heating up sterilizing we've only got a few minutes left to go our water is now boiling back here sure your vent is clear and seal once that steam is coming out and you have the vent coming up and you let that go in for 10 minutes then you set only then do you set your jiggler on top now we're starting our zucchini pickle slices and we need two and a half cups of zucchini about two two and a half cups of an onion two so we're just going to go ahead and cut up whatever we like we'll probably layer on the onion this is what you call the hot bath or hot pack it's so simple and the jars seal after that so you cut those up what about a quarter of an inch yeah whatever size you like and we could even cut them in half if we want depends the size you want now if you want to compare these to something these are going to be more like bread and butter so in June I imagine alright yeah we're going from here well you know usually you could use the smaller zucchini bean this was a little bit bigger we're gonna go ahead and cut these down a little smaller so that they'll fit in our pint jars better I'm actually gonna quarter them if you're ok with that they'll be our level it's almost like a bread and butter pickle but made out of zucchini so if you're trying to get rid of your zucchini now we have too much zucchini don't let anything go to waste now we've shown our mock apple pie in the past may have a zucchini take a look at this look at the shot that's not apple pie that's mock apple pie out of zucchini now this is a good time right here to tell you if you have missed any shows in the past got at em farmer's country kitchen comp check out our recipes check out our canning check out old-time hog killings rabbit butcher and whatever we might have done and we got a lot of great stuff coming up we got a lot of good stuff coming out of garden steel and our sheep should be here shortly yay let's go ahead and throw all these in all right I'm gonna move this aside a minute cut up an onion and it calls for an equal amount of onion but I might go a little lighter an onion I'm just gonna leave these in pieces for us too so when that pickles it really likes to eat an onion you can't pin can't champion you know can you anything you want really our ancestors canned their own stuff they had root cellars where they had you know consistent temperature that's one thing I'd like to do would you like to put a big root shell inside here someone's starting to cry bunion O's we're gonna go ahead and set this aside make our hot mixture and we all have you read that off to me and then we'll make you pour that over that right we let it sit for an hour huh while we make your damn yeah sounds like a plan all right now we have jiggle action on the top now is when we start our timer all right it's been 25 minutes let's turn this guy off and now that will cool down little by little all right now you hear it slowing down and stuffing the jiggle don't try to get that top off let it cool down in its own time when it's done that little pressure valve on the side and drop down you'll know when it's done let it cool let it be it'll be fine all right back to the update jars sterilized the jam okay our cabbage and beans are cooling off and you're making the zucchini pickle slice sauce we are gonna add two cups of cider vinegar got you one cup of sugar four to five tablespoons of salt okay one and a half teaspoons of celery seed and 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of ground turmeric you can follow this little recipe it's not just little changes here and there and you can basically make just about anything pick a wise brand better type so you gonna bring it to a boil and then pour it over and then let it set for an hour we're gonna set it aside alright once you get this boiling you just add these together put a top on him let him stand for an hour all right now Bobby Jo earlier this spring told me about his big green beans he does exaggerate he grows big Tomatoes big green beans and I'm last summer over there they had the jar of pickled green beans and we're gaining I would crunchy Bobby's gonna pick them Louis is gonna make them let's go visit the Ellis's right now we're back at Secret Garden Bobby Joe Ellis now you talked earlier this year about your big green beans right now I didn't doubt you because everything he says been true but man I couldn't imagine when you said big green bean these are big green beans I tell folks again what what brand now for Tex or tax fo RT e ex for Tex now it's cannon town everybody's cannon and last year you said try some of these hey Louis makes a pickled green bean right which is delicious so first of all if you don't mind Bobby just pick us some of these monster green beans and then we'll go inside and talk to Louis and see about getting a batch of these look at that and the taste tastes real tastes real good now that I've seen some in here 12 13 inches long one thing about there no no problem to pick either well they need to be about what five and a half inches to go in a quart jar yeah five half inch is the length for a quart jar for Tex vortex without stout beans we're gonna cut these up then all right right now we took a detour a quick detour on the way in with the beans I wanna show you what kind of Tomatoes Bobby Joe gross big as my head look at that that's a Bobby Joe tomato that's why we visit with Bobby Joe because he probably Joe knows gardening mama Sears um how green is it it's pretty green let's go cut them needs up hey what I have to do to get sliced off on those Tomatoes gonna have to get this on I'll get the me this is your outdoor gazebo office that's right this is where all the fun stuff happens you've got this thing set up just for this right yeah don't have could each one individually cut them all at once so you know that you need a five and a half inch beam which measures right here now who eats all the pickle beans as most of you or some other people the grandkids the grandkids like them so we call this a lot fit I just called a jig a jig Matthew said that everything you do you have to make a jig you dude there you go let's move this operation inside back in the kitchen of Louis Ellis Bobby's done the outside stuff as usual he does good job I like this delicate you've got a thing going on here just like last time mm-hmm now you do something else that I really like last year we were sent here maybe it may have been earlier this year but I was overhearing it was snack time and you handed out these pickled green beads which I've had before but yours I got to say you're really good let's talk about that how that process worked obviously he's just cut him he's been 45 inches to pedes he's cut them down into five inch groups and where's it go from here okay I'm going to place them in the jars I'll put them in as tight as I possibly can and keep them as straight as I can then I have a solution of vinegar two cups of sugar two sticks of cinnamon 1 tablespoon of pickling spice 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of canning salt three and a half cups of water boil that for 15 minutes and then let it simmer and pour that hot solution over them and then a Powerball them in in hot water for about 15 minutes just let them ball give them a good hot bath there you have your pickled things all right now this is how they look after they've said a while the other color you won't see as much color mm-hmm obviously a lot of people are going to ask the question how long you have till that said and you say soon as I cool down the ready to go mm-hmm and you can put them in the fridge mm-hmm love to stay nice and person yeah when you open them after you had your feel put them in the fridge still try one yeah I can tell by looking at now see you only cook it that long they don't they retain some of the crunch yeah that's what looks like oh man listen this Lois's pickle betta thank you very much well again I was talking about the fresh tech and this is let's call this our gadget day let me try this out for the beginning canner it's absolutely wonderful you don't have to worry about jigglers you don't have to worry about how to set your pressure you push buttons it has the recipe for you boom boom boom lock away walk away come back when it's done now here's what we need jams and jellies are easy they're absolutely easy as a lot sugar and the obvious question that some people have asked can you substitute a you know a artificial you can't because you have to have the bulk that's required and the sugar has to boil down accordingly for that thickness you have to use conventional sugar here we have taken our strawberries we're going to be about 4 cups they're nice aren't they with cool instruments aggregate nice and cleaned off already we're going to cut the tops off and cut them in half and again we need about 4 cups for this particular recipe this book that comes with it make sure when you buy your canner whatever type of cannon is you keep your books because it has very important information about that particular canner and with this particular outfit it's a little bit more costly this is going to be above $200 for this outfit but if you do small batches and you don't like the idea of the jiggler and all that complicated stuff which is actually not that complicated you can't go this route and it does take a lot of the guesswork out for you now something you have to think about when you're making jams and jellies is pectin now pectin is a natural part of any fruit but when you use it like we're using it and boil it in here it's a thickening agent it gives it that consistency that you want in your jellies and jams hey wait a minute I just thought something you know what this is Tim farmers homemade jam oh wait a minute let's not heard that somewhere before season keep going couple more we're getting a list let's load it up pretty good now the next part is so easy old potato masher watch what we do with that oh good yeah now here you go just like that no food processor nothing teas fancy just keep working them now somebody might ask what's the difference between jam and jelly jelly is clear and it's made from the juice of the fruit jams which I prefer has actual pieces in it this is Dean this is Jane this is strawberry jam alright now we're going to take our berries we're going to put them in the saucepan let's go ahead and bring that to a boil constantly stirring it smells good ya know already now as you stir that once it gets to boiling I'm going to add in the pectin we need four and a half tablespoons of that as it begins to boil and again pectin is a natural part of fruit now we're also going to add just a tiny bit of butter my body this adds flavor it gives it that nice buttery finish and we're going to boil that or just for a few minutes then we're gonna come back with all of our sugar stirring that in no wonder it's so good now we're going to stir this until it gets to a rolling boil then we're gonna once it gets there we're gonna let it go for about a minute we'll release the pressure I'm gonna come around on your other side and I'm gonna go head and take these jars out now we're going to take our little canning funnel we're going to set inside of there and we're just going to ladle this into each jar and we've about a half-inch headspace in there tops on hand-tighten only I'm gonna have to get them super tight long as your jar is sealed properly make sure you go rented your jar wipe it off make sure there's no broken pieces of glass or anything like that's gonna prevent sealing okay now just like that take your jars lock them around the area take the top close it press jams and jellies thin recipe one and then start this is done we've let it set for a while too little that little pressure gauge drop pop this open we have our jars you alright man we got stuff going on we got water bowling back here for your hot bath we got the pressure cookers going over here this man this has been going for about a minute and a half I got another minute and a half to go now it's wintertime and you're craving a green tomato slice green tomato it's not gonna happen unless you can and it's a very simple recipe let's go ahead and tell people what that is while this is still going slice green tomatoes right what else boiling water on top and some canning salt about a teaspoon now you can use canned salt and just a touch of alum if you want to do that that makes it crisper right and I just put a tiny bit of vinegar drop a vinegar as a preservative now I think that's ready all right that's ready let's turn that off and I'm gonna go ahead and sneak in here right in a can those already smell I'm telling you what I could eat terrorists I believe I could eat that right now that's not been done it absolutely most of our grandparents and great-grandparents this is what they did this is how they preserve their food over the winter time and those are ready those are ready 15:01 set these aside they're gonna be hot baths for 15 minutes now we're hot baths in right now so you're just putting your future fried green tomatoes still on our piece Oh Joanne we're just gonna do one jar just to show me how it's done there you go you're gonna take boiling water tad vinegar just a ten teaspoon of canning or pickling salt you so now remember when you put that in here when it cooks it's gonna boil and mix all up in there I got the easiest cannon you're visualizing the world that that's it yeah look what she just did absolutely easy time we made all right sing a little song boo now the great thing about this is you don't have to wait pop it right up now to obviously stand back here all right all right you have Jam we have Jam when you hear that little pop that's the noise you want to hear when you're canning let's let you know that it's sealed ready for storage our water is boiling our hot bath is ready so these are still a little bit hot I'm gonna go ahead and pack these over here and goes in a hot bath this goes in a hot bath in eight minutes we take the tomatoes out then we let your pickles go for 15 just boiling that's the whole process a little bit warm yes sweating a little bit but look in front of us what we've done in just a short amount of time a lot of work let me see here I'm so happy we can't look we can't look at that stuff what's it all about good times good friends and good eats right here in 10 farmers country kitchen see you next week with a brand new show to order a cookbook or DVD of the show please call five oh two three one nine zero 487 our email Tim farmer CK at Kymco farm fence supplies polecat custom smokers tater Knob pottery and farm and Tim Farmer productions funding for Tim farmers country kitchen brought to you by L 8:1 bottling company taste love and share the tradition harvests energy solutions harvest cabins when you absolutely have to get away housewarmings meeting all of your outdoor living and fireplace needs kentucky sheep and goat development office try something different tonight Rose farm supply family farming and commitment to our customers since 1982 salt rocks the flavor of life woods equipment company has every tool you need to make working the land as rewarding as hunting it chrisman mill vineyards good foods co-op kentucky beer cheese Weisenberger mill
Channel: Tim Farmer's Country Kitchen
Views: 188,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canning, pickles, jam, how to can, canning 101, basics, kentucky, tim farmer, country kitchen, can, strawberry jam, green beans, pickled, help, tips, tutorial, zucchini, hot pack, hot bath, pressure can
Id: NPAUnhEPqoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2016
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