Prepare & Consecrate 5 | Seven Challenges of Your Anointing | Steven Francis

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[Music] i want to thank the lord for the people who are watching online may god bless you and strengthen you as every time we come together in the presence of god that is always a strength that god gives amen so we have to keep our hearts encouraged all the time that i'm not coming to a physical so to speak a church as per say i'm coming into the spiritual temple of god where i'm meeting jesus when i was 15 and a half i read the scripture where it says when two or three are gathered jesus is there i was wondering you know if jesus is there even though i can't sing why i'm not acknowledging him he's there and behaving myself that he's there worshiping him not that he is in heaven but in front of me praying to him in front of me and not there and that my worship must be so real and so active and that 15 and a half when i started praying that way it became a life of encounters now if all of us can have that conviction that jesus is there right in front of us he's participating he's with us he's watching over us imagine the impact that will come to our spiritual lives amen so sometimes whether you like it or not do you realize that we have not migrated out we are still thinking god is far off we are still behaving or praying or worshiping like he's somewhere there reach out as hard as you can and the signal goes up and then his presence is sent down but the truth is when we are gathered he is already right refreshes whether he manifests his presence or not that depends on our worship the openly presence of god is with us his attention is of god is with us while we gather together but the manifest presence of god only manifests when we ask him lord this is your church manifest speak to us amen and i pray that god will do something special to us today and uh the jmk usa this sunday which is for us tonight today there it will be the first christmas service we are inviting a lot of people the church is fully excited and uh doing that so i want to remind us today actually usually this sunday is our christmas series usually isn't it so i want to encourage you don't give up your joy yeah you look very joyful at the moment when i say that life don't give up your joy don't give up the peace of the season don't give up your testimony of the season don't give up your message of the season and what's that jesus don't forget that you need to spread the joy of the lord to others during this time so you see without realizing without realizing do you realize that we have been psychologically altered we are wandering and waiting and fearing the chip of the mark of the beast before the chip can come the mind is already so altered remember the enemies attack will come on the mind first before the physical chip is implanted if the mind is steadfast in jesus no chip can come in but if your mind is already changed by the moods of the day circumstances of the day the weakness of the day then for to put a chip is just a an extension of what the mind has already accepted are you with me amen so we got to be watchful in this end times and i pray that god will anoint this time as we are looking into god's word on friday angeline and i we we were just she was worshiping at home and a very unusual presence of god entered the house unusual like a person was come and he's standing on the walkway so i told angeline okay let's keep going something is about to happen we began to pray and seek the lord and the fire of god came into the house and we were worshiping [Music] and the lord said about some things for next year but one of the things that the lord said i've already spoken to you when i told you to speak about john the baptist and all the things that i've been speaking to you is a forerunner sermon of next year what is going to happen i saw a very large demonic principality called the spirit of deception it will come as a white lies it will have a principle work around the nations of the world deceiving do you remember what jesus said even the very elect can be deceived do you remember that now the word very elect is not for the general assembly of the body of christ we all are called but among those who are called to be followers of jesus christ believers and call to serve there will be a handful or elected for certain specific roles in this end time now the lord was specifically pointing even them can be deceived that's how powerful these principalities and powers are going to be at work if there is a time for you to trust one another the word of god simple things so that we will not be deceived by ourselves the first level of deception is always self-deception is the easiest you don't have to go through hard times to let someone deceive you the self-deception the empowerment of self is the highest from worshiping god it will become worshiping self what i think what i do what i feel everything you know all this time when we accepted jesus we learned how to surrender to god and the eye must decrease and christ increase correct hello are you following yes so we prayed all the time like let this i die lord let this me die alone we prayed all this right and then suddenly it's all about what i and me and you what i receive and no one else is involved you see how the eye resurrects itself when it's empowered and then we wonder which part of the eye is dying to the lordship of christ which part of the eye which is decreasing so that christ can increase it do you agree with me that every charge that was brought against jesus was false accusation do you agree with me okay three five seven [Music] hey i'll church now at the moment what 50 is very easy for me to count no it's not like big deal you agree it means false accusation and did jesus overly react to false accusation now how do you react the enemy can use that to resurrect yourself by creating false accusation that's all he needs at the time that you and i are to demonstrate the work of christ remember he cannot no countries in this world can kill anybody without reason as long as there's some kind of democracy right so in order to put down the children of god prison pastors they have to create a false accusation of some kind and just charge them and then put them behind prison and so if we are not accustomed to such things some people i find it so amusing talk about church no effect talk about leaders no problem talk about their selves when you accuse them finish man the dragon comes up they watch over their self that high and the integrity of the house of god means nothing you know the whole process of the bible why david was an exceptional man and god chose david and he said there is no one like him you know why for one simple reason david was quiet when goliath was insulting because in those days when the war is going on their contest is going on they will insult each other you know it is normal that's the way it was done so it was okay he was just listening like everybody else the line that triggered david was when he defied the god of israel that triggered him and then he asked who which philistine swine that's the word being used can defy the living god of israel you see god saw a young boy was there to defend the integrity of god while everybody else the whole nation per se including the king kept quiet you see there are special graces given when you stand for the integrity of god and i saw these kind of virtues i devoted my life for that reason defend the integrity of god doesn't mean you need to argue but you need to fight for the house of god you believe in something you're giving your life for it then stand all the way and for the people that god has given to us amen my brothers and sisters certain things we have to be thought certain things has to be caught inside your heart it hasn't need to be said it over and over again once it is right there inside your spirit hold on to it because god will honor you no matter what it is and these are the times that i found even when you don't pray about your personal needs god answers you he becomes the father who defends the integrity of your family the integrity of your person he speaks up for you because you spoke for him the bible says if you and i will confess jesus in the public he jesus will confess your name to the father and the father who sees you will reward you openly amen how important nowadays especially kobe is just the beginning your mask doesn't mean i find people very amusing don't talk to anybody hello listen at least the governments you say don't talk nonsense speak right things like you know spend all our life talking about kobe when he can talk about god meet all for the wrong reason why not pray and encourage one another in the name of jesus amen amen because if there is a time where the world must see there is a tribe that has more confidence than the other it must be now where the tribe of jesus christ is believing that god's hand is over their lives yeah of course we cannot do border traveling but it can travel among one another and don't let this mask take away your joy hello i want you to think about it carefully and we have to conduct our life that god's hand is upon our life now you can gather eight people right so for christmas gather all your non-christian friends and gather them and tell them about jesus don't talk about kobe there's you're not a scientist to talk about kobe no or can take i cannot take but if you are wondering just for the record for those who are watching in the international community and those who are watching online and around the world if you are wondering is this is this the mark of the beast then as a prophet of god i tell you this is not the mark of the beast it is not and this is not going to alter anything if there is only one thing that can alter is your own hate altering your own hate we don't want to bother when we have teachings that is not even this one we let those parasites live inside our mind but we are so bothered about an injection they remember the first dna alteration will be your own thoughts that is why god's word is given paul kept on saying do not be deceived do not let yourself be deceived and what was the clue and this is what i'm telling you because i'm going to say certain things at the prayer time he says pulling down all the strongholds every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of jesus christ every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of jesus christ that means your thought patterns and your reasoning patterns when it goes beyond the scriptures that god has given to you that means the infestation has started you need to deal with it it's easy sometimes to allow this white spots without realizing what is going on are you with me and so we pray in the name of jesus that god will unite our hearts to watch over one another watch over the scriptures now what is the role of the holy spirit what is the role of god before the mark of the antichrist will come what is the role of god don't forget don't you cannot eliminate the work of the holy spirit from that event when the mark of the beast is going to come when jezebel is coming when the antichrist shows up there will be a trumpet that will be blown around the world regardless of denomination as long that person is a child of god the lord will warn everyone don't cross that line he will not leave us to a child play knowing that the fire is going to burn his own family do you understand what i'm saying hello are you listening would you allow your child to cross the main street i mean even an empty street you don't allow what about a street full of cars and just hope and pray that the child will know how to look back and run towards you even look back and run also volcano so when there is a major event and now that is the event that is going to take place where the mark of the beast is going to come the lord will raise an alarm in all of our spirit those who are born again in spirit and in truth and the lord will speak to you this is it don't touch it that's the work of god if we think that only the pentecostal community will be safe because they are the ones who are listening to the prophets sometimes they are a little bit more worse than the others left the others when they listen they'll follow the pentagon everybody i can hear myself what who easy to tell then this is the other subdivision that will take place and we die first speaking in tongues they will sing first because what happens the owner has gone the honor that god speaks the reverence has gone whether they are charismatics where they are pending uh they are matters or lutherans or you name all the denomination whoever who call upon the name of christ and there are children of god this voice of the holy spirit will raise an alarm in each one of their hearts and then the choice will be given either to keep going through or to deny do you understand what i'm saying then it's a fair judgment when you stand before the judgment seat of christ you cannot say that i was tricked because the bible says another sign of the second coming is that the whole world will hear the gospel of jesus christ it will be given to them then he will come are you with me and so these are biblical frameworks please do not become like lost ducks who don't know what's going on oh as though god has deserted us and took off now we have to think for ourselves and be bogged down and hit left and right by every wave of teaching that is going on god is warning us sometimes you can be overly conscious and you doubt the every person who's standing beside you thinking that guy is the mark of the beast i tell you before the mark of the beast can come on you you carry the seal and the mark of our lord jesus christ on your forehead ephesians says that you are sealed by the lord the book of ephesians says that the holy spirit is given as a guarantee it's a deposit of that which is meant for you amen with all the richest deposit placed on your life and washed by the very blood of jesus christ when the bible says you are the temple of the holy spirit and the bible says you are the priceless possession of god do you think god will give up on you so easily for a stupid deception no he will not give up without a fight and that is why how the enemy works on an empower is to self-empower people and that's exactly what happened in the book of genesis it happened in the book before the tower came about when they said we can build up a tower and god has to disperse the people and then right on from then on you'll find whenever the self is so empowered without god these problems can crop up and i pray in the name of jesus hide yourself in the safety net of our lord jesus christ amen hide yourself the enemy is looking who to deceive hide yourself in the secret of his prevalence psalms 18 1-2 says you are my rock you are my king you are my shield you are my shelter you are my butler i will run into you and be safe now all these are not just cliches things that is going to happen in the end time and god will cover you up amen miracles of translations miracles of invisibility the enemy cannot trace you they think you are here and think you think singapore is so closely connected nothing can happen god is much more stronger than any other cameras can put together hello are you with me or not god is as powerful he can shut down and wipe out anything he wants when he stands up and watches are you with me trust on the name of the living god so be encouraged during these times let the lord now if you have fear about the vaccination then it is your fear don't make a doctrine out of that fear oh you know the holy spirit tells me not to do then you don't do la don't say antichrist mark of the beast why are you smoking everybody if you don't like injection then it is your thing deal with that but don't go and bring this fear unnecessarily into other people and formulate a scripture out of everything and it doesn't make sense anymore then my question is what happened to father god has father god taken a break father god doesn't he never forgets he's still sitting on the throne amen don't think that father god doesn't know what is kobe he knows it because he allowed it and the problem is we have made everything under the devil and god is wow really our devil okay let me do something about it no no nothing goes without the knowledge of jesus christ amen and so we are his children the bible says god will not turn away the prayers of his people and that is why this fasting and prayer are very sacred every year for us this is like going to jerusalem i don't know what more is that more more than going to jerusalem in these seven days for us before entering into the mountain with god everything that you want to ask that's the day to us you go there and the lord will analyze you know i saw in the bible that god one of the things is an abomination to god when we have multiple weights and measures that creates injustice we judge person this way we judge the other person that way we say this one we you keep on using different multiple ways but god weighs the hearts of men and he is a god of justice amen and so bring our hearts before the presence of god and the lord said remember i encouraged you one of the things about the demonic spirit again the anointing of john the baptist is the spirit of manipulation and and all kinds of issues that is going to do you remember that and i pray in jesus name that not only we must save ourselves but we must save others we must become the change agent if not it's so easily distracting so easily distracting you know when i have nobody to prophesy you know what i do naturally who can i be a blessing to so don't let your gift distract the love that you must have for the work of god if not we build a pinnacle around our gifting but it goes to no end are you with me so luke chapter 1 80 and then we will wrap it up in the major three things now as i said if i'm here for the next three weeks then i'll talk about the three things slowly without rushing up we will put this thing up please meditate and luke chapter 1 verse 77 to 80. the anointing of john the baptist when the birth was given to give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins to give knowledge of salvation because of the tender mercy of our god whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high look at that verse 79 to give light to those who sit in darkness in the shadow of death to guide our feet into the way of peace in verse 80 and the child grew and became strong in the spirit and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to israel there are three lessons that we're going to learn and the church must anchor on the three lessons now and this is going to be the things that we got to do before the coming of jesus christ now this applies to all of us across the board please don't say i'm just starting my life or i just got married oh i just had a baby oh i'm just too old i'm just too young it applies to everybody do something for jesus in this part of your life amen because those are the ones that's going to earn you some credits before the work of god i've invested so much into you what did you do for me we can be so distracted by our friends all by our problems partying away and then we forget this mission that is given to us and i pray in the name of jesus none of us will be lost on that day now i'm not saying we were lost because god will let go no the bible says we can be lost by ourselves amen now what we need to pray and i've been praying for jmk and for the churches we pray for a renewed grace for the passion of the lost souls one of the curse i believe that has split the body of christ people they lose the passion for souls the moment you lose the anointing for souls do you realize that everything we do is just a motion and then there's another problem and this this disguise of the enemy you know now i cannot take the passion from souls away from you right so next thing to do is to commercialize it organizationalize it there's no word but i'm just using a new word because doctorate means you can create new things organizationalize it as a doctor john is there such a word a new one why because they we think souls are a commercial product we think souls can only become because we need to engineer the event say the right story play the right song create the right mood and then before they can change they believe in christ yes okay done you're safe the whole motion and the exercise goes in the organization of the event and you can measure the amount of hours or days that has been spent on fasting and prayer will not match for the amount of time that is put in organizing the event now not everybody can pray and agonize and the truth is the agonizer and the prayer warriors are not good in organizing it correct there are different gifts for the different reason are you with me are you following so if that is true then let's be fair for these groups of people but the point being as all the people and the committee involved my question is which is the committee that is going to agonize in prayer fast for the event it cannot be overlooked whoever whom god used today for saving souls around the world and god used different men and women of god reinhardt bonke t.l osborn and all the old-timers the pioneers of faith always has been agonizes in prayer if we talk about the recent passing of uh dr reynard bonke before he goes two weeks before he goes the prayer coordinator will come and train the local people one year before the event they will come and speak to the churches after that the local churches will coordinate two weeks before the one month before the event the local the pastor in charge of souls and intercession will come and train the prayer warriors two weeks before the event they'll have ready arrangements on the actual crusade when the stage is being built below the intercession is going on throughout the service you talk about billy graham supported by prayer you talk about reynard bank is supported by prayer you can talk about any big group where thousands of souls were saved because prayer was the undergirding strength and no one says thank you to the prayer warrior because the parabola is hidden in the arms of christ he intercedes if we need to streamline ourselves in these end times and have a heart which is right before the lord and then we have to cry out for this passion because passion of souls is the only thing that money cannot buy no bible school can graduate you from it cannot be just bored in any way you cannot beg god but i've cried and cried and cried said god give me your passion what's the point that you can be so anointed so accurate in prophesying when you don't have a passion for that soul [Music] do you realize that do you realize that sometimes when you look at the person straight away your mind is thinking okay what's the word for the lord for them instead of thinking what are they going through god what is your love for them to demonstrate our gifts takes over more than demonstrating the love of jesus and the church has been sidetracked our strength will become our weakness you have a church can be so organized and the power will be lacking or a church can be full of power and don't know how to organize and the fruits are not measured and then the evangelism goes down the drain do you understand what i'm saying so we need both the skills nevertheless the anointing of the holy spirit only comes when we cry and pray before god that cannot be bought and that is why today without realizing we are producing more and more people from the bible college who are graduated with flying colors but whether their passion for souls are measured or not we don't know whether they know how to touch the heart of god or not we don't know whether when they pray god is hearing their prayer or not we also don't know we are teaching them religious activities we are qualifying them mother are they men and women who are called by god we don't know and so we need to come back for the passion of souls you see this kind of books nowadays you can't get you see you can't get any books which is about passion for souls are written more than 30 years ago when i was 15 and a half the first book that i ever got i don't know how it bums into mila by oswald j smith and the title of the book was the passion for souls you will cry and you'll cry because as a preacher i can tell you it is so easy to stand in front of thousands of people without passion for souls you are so in your mind you want to be accurate in your preaching you want to be accurate to flow in the holy spirit and then you are hurry buddy to dress up well and you forget whether do you have the passion compassion for the souls who are right in front of you then you realize preaching is not a mechanical thing it must come from the heart amen and then i found the passion for souls only can come from jesus you can't come you can't buy it from anybody but if you speak to people who carry a passion for souls that passion they carry can be wrapped on it can come on to us and i pray that it will come on to us david shibley dr david shibley was one of the man of god use in still in america is still there but he came to singaporean and uh he did many conferences um he said the church that doesn't reach out to the laws is lost by itself and one of the things that dave uh this uh osmo smith says we talk about the second coming of jesus while some have never even heard about the first coming and he said the church that does not evangelize will fossilize do you realize what's that and then you have churches which talk about evangelism as though they are buying ships and buying toto you know lucky draw there's such a stress of working working working the church grows in thousands they get new souls but the members will die overworking because it looks like numbers game we have to grow we have to grow we have to push and so we are afraid of organizing then we drop into follow smaller churches where we love one another don't care about anybody anymore and then you die inside like a a dinosaur that will be admired do you realize every fossil is just skeleton and bones no flesh to admire even the non-smiling dinosaur will smile when it's skeleton think about that for a minute it is so easy to be distracted by what i have better don't use so that i don't lose what i have and exactly what jesus said when he comes and he asks and the son with the one gift said i don't know i know you are a difficult master to please so the one thing i have i go and hide it i better don't use it and he said how unfaithful you have been instead of multiplying the gifts and the talents i've given to you you have hidden your task and the souls are perishing because of us are you with me and i pray in the name of jesus my brothers and sisters that god will visit us with a new anointing for the passion of souls it has always been my mark to see the guy who's saying that he's been called by god whether he has a love for the passion for souls or not because that's how we say no i have anointing to teach i have an anointing to worship i have an anointing to do this do that do this do that do you have an anointing to touch souls if you can answer that question then we have to invest on that individual to fulfill the great commission amen but sadly it's not this term is going away when i was younger we had prayer sessions and you know what's the praise session cry for passion for souls how to cry so just start crying talk about all the anti and aso ape all that as though they are my brothers and sisters because you don't know how to do that only god can give and then god will become very merciful and he will release the anointing of travailing an intercession you will be so merciful since you're crying so much let me give you the anointing and you'll start crying now that is the only reason till today thousands of souls are safe when we are doing ministry give me a choice now i am telling you publicly people are watching and i've said it many times i get tired sometimes of conferences where there are no souls to reach out to all are just babies and babies pray for me pray for me pray for me pray for me pray for me pray for me can we stop praying for you and pray for the people who really need that prayer souls conferences are full of christians we are priding ourselves there are 15 000 people came how many of them are people who needed jesus are you with me so we need evangelistical meetings do not undermine yourself church that we are small if you can bring one soul at a time we are still doing the work of christ amen so that is why there are three goals that we're going to move the church towards next year which i'm very amazed when pastor barnabas and the team has already mentioned those things and therefore i want to reaffirm what god has placed in your heart and what you guys have been mooting about it is none other than the work of the holy spirit that is stirring us to that this is the right direction to take there are three things that the lord said we must do now john the baptist himself we have no clue now i'm just saying that we have no clue in scriptures doesn't mean that he did not do it i don't know but i'm saying john the baptist baptized thousands of people out of that he had disciples we have no clue whether he'd had individual evangelism which jesus did he disciple people individually he called people individually we have no clue whether john the baptist healed the sick but jesus healed the sick we have no clue whether john the baptist cast out demons but jesus did the only message that was given to john the baptist was to preach about the first coming of christ and identify the son of god are you with me and he did he did that and his ministry was done and this is exactly what the lord jesus showed me the other day and i realized that this is the message that fulfills that purpose is that we start off the anointing of john the baptist but we have to complete the mission with the anointing of our lord jesus christ because jesus did it the bible tells us let me give you the three outlines very quickly and then we talk about it a little bit more there are three things that you find in luke chapter 1 7 [Music] to give knowledge of salvation to his people number two verse 79 to give light to those who sit in darkness number three to guide our feet in the way of peace now this is what the lord showed me that three areas of focus of ministry for the end time church focus we have to streamline [Music] do what is necessary use all the tools that is given to us at this moment that this end time generation is more of a visual generation so a lot of investment is going into visualizing media so on and so forth okay now that's the reason the days of giving trek one by one read those things are gone nowadays you send them one whatsapp with some video they are going to listen to you today the most effective uh ministry is telling us something in three minutes they listen better than me one and a half hours one lady told me the other day i love to hear you you know but it's just too long [Laughter] so i told her listen to how many minutes you like then stop la at least you love the first anoint so the bible says in acts chapter 10 38 now church this is what i want to do i want to bring jesus as the center of our cornerstone how is that amen who is the center of the church three people are saying okay it's a good evangelism day who is the center of the church who's the king who's the chief cornerstone then why are we distracted with human personalities bible says in acts chapter 10 38 how god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and with power the statement is a statement of admiration a statement where you will make this person as your role model that if i want to ever serve jesus i must be like him and that was my role model how god anointed jesus of nazareth why we don't have that conviction because we read how god knowing the jews are the holy spirit power he went about doing good okay good luck [Music] no that's not how it says he's supposed to speak with venma you know he oh you know jesus how god anointed jesus of nazareth you know with the holy spirit and with what with what with power he went about doing good he went about doing what exactly what i'm telling you about that do good to the people of god go about doing good you don't have to have specific under god go about doing good because when god anoints you when god touches you when you are bringing the work of god to others is always good amen now good doesn't mean you always have to preach you can be buying vegetables for someone you can be carrying someone's back you just don't know what good means to someone else because you are demonstrating the goodness of christ in you it says healing all were oppressed by the devil look at the the choice of ministry he has chosen not the easy one not preaching christ to the easy non-resistant people some of us we can't handle no when they push you you cannot handle when they curse you you cannot handle when when they say something against you also cannot handle everything start reacting crying and rejection but jesus look he's specific he chose those who are oppressed by the devil very specific group very interesting huh specialize in those who are oppressed by the devil someone says something in church cannot handle because everybody must make a temple out of your gift are you really well look at the mission so if we could bite one another bite each other still get distracted polish each other's gift get distracted no one is going to reach out to the people who are oppressed by the devil do you understand what i'm saying somebody say why was he able to do because god was with him i wish i could have journal how many years i prayed for this anointing i wish i could tell you how i would have fasted over how many days over every line and say god i need this if you are not with me all this exercise is futile all this crying and praying is futile all these desiring because i have chosen you i need to know whether you chose me or not i know i am one to be with you but i want to know whether you are with me or not of course it was a very childish prayer but moses asked the same thing you are telling me to go is your presence going to come with me so in the new testament the presence of god is always reversed so we have taken that for granted we don't want to ask anymore djs tina grant doctor jesus djs tonight he was the billy graham of india and i remember the lord call him to for a life of service for 40 years he served god in a very powerful way millions of people got touched and these are all giants of faith you know they have made a legacy uh in the walk with god and one of the things when he was taken up to heaven he said i will only preach the gospel if you promise to follow me you see the type of prayer he prays all very scary if you promise to follow me everywhere i go and you will do everything i ask you to do why because i'm praying that you'll heal the sick make sure you're healing them if i'm asking you to touch the person make sure you are touching them you say you wonder who's the boss but god comes to the level of his servants because he wants you to become part of his life amen and he said yes i will when i saw this type of lives they took this scripture to heart unless god is with him unless god is with you unless the anointing is on you unless the holy spirit is upon you unless the power of god is upon you so we spend a lot of time organizing almost everything and we forget whether the power of god is there or not whether god has anxiously did not do whatever we need to do which is right thing to do but then bring it before the lord and say father now you got to show up one of the things we cried and prayed for this morning service and for jmk usa and for all those who are watching i said god you need to show up in every service it is not the clever preaching of a sermon it is for you to show up so what are we doing while we are preaching we are waiting upon god so while we are waiting we are talking about the word how is that are you with me because the word prepares your heart for jesus to show up the word is not a flimsy talk you know i don't know what others are preaching or how they do i i don't want to know and i don't wish to know and i have never want to be like that at the end of that sermon if jesus doesn't show up then i failed that day and for thirty five years i walk with that conviction people are not inviting stephen francis they're inviting the jesus i'm carrying they are not here excitingly to hear me speak because i've got nothing to say but when jesus speaks there's got a lot more things to say amen i will not i must not fail the mission i'm just a dummy cut out for advertisement but the real one who speaks through is our lord jesus christ and the church is the place when jesus is being worshiped and on it and so let us not lose those process that we can only do such a ministry when the holy spirit is upon us and when the power of god comes upon us and that we must go about doing good healing all who are oppressed by the devil because god is with you the first thing that i want to encourage you in verse 77 it says give knowledge of salvation to his people the first anointing of john the baptist that will come upon the end time church that we need to focus streamlining number one let's be busy to discover jesus if i want to give three words discovering jesus that means the church must again once again must have a strong evangelistic trust our job is to give the knowledge of salvation to everybody around us look at the the anointing when this anointing is not fulfilling this purpose then why are we asking god to anoint you for all it's not to have a shower it's not just to be blessed but to let others know jesus is lord amen and all those who are watching up in the roof your amen must be louder that i should be able to hear this side okay god has anointed us so we what can we do to let others discover jesus the church must have evangelistic service now we only can organize evangelistic service in the ability that we have isn't it now fantastic the church cannot gather more than how many people house can only gather eight people you can meet less than five do something about you because this is our calling for these days let people know jesus now of course it's always been the mission but now it's a very specific when the anointing of john the baptist comes to prepare the second coming of jesus and that's what the church is called to but you cannot afford not to talk about jesus and it's very unfair like oswald smith says if they don't even know the first coming you're telling them about the second coming because they don't know who jesus is maurice cerullo went to the darkest part of uh africa the most remotest area he went and their vehicles stopped for a a drink because they were so thirsty yeah it was a summer and then right out of nowhere there were bottles of coke called coca-cola so when he was given that bottle he asked the guy who was selling do you know who's jesus he was thinking who is jesus he said that day he broke and he cried and he said he will make his life mission to preach jesus crucified around the nations of the world and dr mauriciolo is a legend he just passed away also many of you know how god worked through miracles now we don't have to be the biggest church in this country but we have received the same commission by jesus christ nevertheless and thank god he did not give us a number of souls we must say before we go to jesus he said as much as you can do the work of the lord amen well what can we do no point having so many conferences when we are not achieving salvation of souls the four track gospel track may not be as popular today but we still have to get the job done whichever way we can amen imagine if the church will stop entertaining itself but to touch souls use the tools that have been given to us the ability that we have the cameras that we have the intelligence that we have the creative skills that we have imagine we can put up a drama five minutes of encouragement just to touch someone who needs jesus are you with me t.l osborne said you have only one job jesus one job evangelism how was he safe when was a little kid he bought peanuts do you remember we used to buy peanuts with the cone thai band-aid you know usually the indian men [Music] sellers from india kacham bhuti i can't say that because there are international community watching so i i'm trying not to say and i didn't so peanuts that we used to sell in case of a down the street you know where you choose the bottle which one you want and they'll roll up the newspaper for the day usually it'll be yellow pages tear the page make it into a cone and he uses his hand forget about hygiene like you know he'll just scoop your hair and put it as much as he can and if he sees that you are a little kid he will make the cone little bit bigger so you get more even though it will be titled a little bit you know remember those days and people used to buy those things before watching a movie everybody will have a paper corn paper cone i'll be full of peanuts you know so when he was a little kid after eating peanuts he opened up that cone and there was a small note about jesus he cried he believed and he accepted jesus because of that little paper which probably would not have any value but the message of jesus was there and that one young man became a world time evangelist he is the senior of reynard bonke who did extensive evangelism in africa healings of miracles people walking up from wheelchair blind eyes seeing death it's like it happens like drinking water now all of them did not know how god anointed them you know it's just that god selected them for the task and filled them with the power of the holy spirit but they cultivated the passion for souls in my younger days when i was fasting and praying for one week how to make decisions where to go which invitation to go which country to pray for i didn't know i was asking god please help me father you told me give me some kind of guidance i went to a friend's house he insisted that i come for tea i went to the friend's house and this tl osborne's video was playing he played that video so happened when i entered the video was playing now this is what he was saying and that set me free i felt that that was my answer tl osborne said now i'm serving god and i'm reaching out with the passion for souls i have planned to reach out the entire africa if the lord doesn't tell me which city to go next in my mind whichever city i want to go i will just go because i have to go around doing the good things preaching the gospel of jesus christ but there are times god will specifically tell me go to that city but if he tells me i will go there if he doesn't tell me i will go to the next city anyway are you listening that means he said you don't need a specific guidance for god to tell you what to do because he has already called you to reach out to the laws but the charismatic church spends three years wondering what is god's will for me if i'm god thank god i'm not god i'll throw lightning when some people say it stop reaching out to yourself and reach out to others it's all about god what about me the whole problem started because it's all about you start reaching out to people are you with me cultivate this passion for souls see people beyond i'm not easy it's not easy no we are not people who just go and talk to people there are some people who is that gift you know who has that gift their sister linda is here linda has this gift this whole tagalog ministry in our church grew simply because she will just talk to the foreign workers who are working here in the mrt and just bring them here that's it one by one so now they are going to go back to philippines i was praying for both of them and this is what i'm going to miss soul winners we cry over people who are leaving the church you know who you should be crying about soul winners when they leave not the ones who talk about their gifts the ones who evangelize people that are the one we should be crying about another friend pastor friend's uh wife you know whenever we wait for parking this lady will wait for parking and you see another one waiting she'll go towards the car talk to the other lady about jesus and get them safe right there in the car can you believe these are and then bring them to church i can't believe this but they have this gift we asking for so many anointing from jesus why not for one sense of god help me to be a soul winner and then even then we have so many courses and some are overly educated you know they have doctorate triple degree and all that uh in about bible knowledge but never brought one soul to jesus so far you ask bible theology even moses will take notes when the way they explain because they say things which moses never said but then to bring one person to the lord we just can't do it the church must be filled with the passion for souls are you with me because jesus is now saying we need to do that so all of us must cry for these seven days lord give me this heart the passion for souls parents please don't forget not only your child is a child to you he is a potential soul that needs to be saved if he is not safe are you with me sometime our children don't need more parenting they need more of jesus we focus on they have everything we provide almost everything the best of everything but when it comes to bible knowledge it becomes zero we refuse to even buy new bibles for our children as they grow up we don't think that they meet the knowledge of christ what about sending them for some causes do you understand i'm saying i'm not saying you don't but sometimes it's being overplayed the knowledge of jesus christ i was so touched by this evangelism for the first few years all that i read is all about evangelism all about passion for souls i majored or mastered in how to fast and pray for souls so when i got married with the umpire or love offering you get for your wedding right i took a thighs and i wrote to t.l osborne i said brother i was so touched by your tracks and 12 different types of colors tracks one color paper a5 size double-sided printed about jesus can i i don't have money to buy your tracks from america if you will send me a sample will you allow me to print it in singapore and they said okay and they sent me 12 leaflets i brought it to tin challenge they had a printing press i said can you i'll pay this money i got this permission i showed the letter and i need 2 000 copies divided by 12. in the summer they work it out or 1 200 i can't remember how much was and i i i had this money and they were so impressed say you're an individual you're taking all your money i say yes i printed it me and a few of us i think could be my sisters i can't remember at the time this was 1991 at that time mrt was still very new okay so we stood at the mrt tracks we put there that those who respond to this track you will receive a free bible study of jesus correspondence course all the 1000 were given away no one responded every weekend fast and pray that this tracks will speak to somebody and one filipino foreign worker she was working as a domestic helper she wrote in letter to me i mean those days later i read your track and i accepted cries i was with tears i didn't know what to do and i saw jesus my savior accepted christ can you please send me the correspondent cause i'm so excited i tell you i sent her and the end of that correspondent you must recommend three people to do the second there are six courses six levels the first level you send three you get the second level and so she sent three the three century the three other ones and three three became three and then at the end of the day i had 200 over people who accepted jesus because of that one person and all are asking for correspondent courses and marking and now i don't have time to mark and guess what i was crying now i said god i don't have money to buy stamps you know i don't have money i need money how am i going to buy stamps for all these 200 people every person sending the course six times 200 times six when i cried and prayed to god now these are domestic helpers one lady wrote to me god asked me to send you five dollars god told me to send you ten dollars god send me ask you to send two dollars and the money for the stamps came are you with me my brothers and sisters the little tracks if we could just i know that god anointed just a small boy crying out to be used by god and and and that was enough to kick start that if you pray for the passion for allah souls god will give you that opportunity to be used by him and i hear very a lot of people young people when they come to serve god their passion is what to work in that church to work in this church to work for that man of god to work for this man of god what about crying out work for jesus work for this promotion must be qualified in that bible school what about in the street corner getting people saved and let your works speak for yourself are you with me now i'm not saying all these are wrong but i'm just pointing out a very important task what makes a man and a woman of god and so is jesus just into mass evangelism in john chapter 4 jesus went to this one woman he diverted himself 40 miles everybody was hungry he tells his disciples you go and buy lunch i need to go for this assignment and jesus the father did not send an assignment three weeks ago by email on the spot while walking towards sorry now i gotta walk this way your continue can god tell us things in the last minute then why are we offended all the time oh how can how can you never prepare never hello hello what's wrong with you prepare your what you mean devil tell me email versa i'm going to trouble you you're ready he doesn't prepare you are ready but god must send you one year ahead of time you know what the bible says when god redeems the time it's called cairo's that means god can speak to you now and the presence of god come amen it is time that we are prepared ladies and gentlemen god is not preparing you for today he's preparing you for the things that is to come and so we are touched by god that as skill as we can be in having many people safe you see what we are doing in church we are bringing people to church and tell the church to get them safe and then tell the church please don't offend the people i bring what you should do is to get them safe before you even bring them to church because that's your job one the job of evangelism is everybody's responsibility you know why sometimes we don't know how to reach out to our friends because our friends only see our flesh and you never took the time to show the devotion you have for jesus you are too embarrassed because they know everything about us and they find it difficult to believe that you follow jesus that much so we live a dual life we can't believe that if you tell about jesus are you sure the way you do things you're are christian are you with me and i pray that god will convict our hearts today that this anointing to discover jesus is the call that is resting upon the body of christ to prepare the way of the lord and the second area is the word deliverance because here you find just now to give light to those who sit in darkness the words sit in darkness is important word they're not trapped in darkness now why are people sitting in darkness for any reason number one they are tired of trying to get out of darkness sometimes when people are tired of trying to get out of darkness they will take that as their permanent position and they will stop struggling and they will sit inside when they sit inside the possession is stronger the obsession is stronger they don't want to fight against their troubles they don't want to alter their mind they don't want to change their thinking never mind sit and so the bible says that god has anointed this generation to give light to those who sit in darkness and somebody say what and then in the shadow of death it could be demonic problems it could be disease and it could be sicknesses whatever it is if they are sitting there your job is to bring the power of god and speak to them now why we are afraid to pray for people in case they are not healed that's not your job the healing job is god's your job is to have the faith to pray amen not everybody can cast out the demons but everybody can pray for the sick now when i say let me qualify the statement for those who are watching what do you mean not everybody can cast our demons everybody can cast the anointing is on you but you must have the maturity to handle that level of anointing because when our soul areas are not handled when certain the demons have a way when you are casting out demons you know what they usually do they will reveal your sins publicly and embarrass you now if you don't know how to overcome all these areas they will remind you of rejection at that moment while you are praying for another person to be healed i remember one guy one young man now i'm talking about i say i tell you in the initial days i went to reach out so there was a boy was admitted indian boy possessed by demons he was admitted for psychiatric problems in mount elizabeth orchard road they asked me to come and pray so i fasted for a day and i went to pray now that boy has never read the bible before when i stepped into the world he was quoting the book of revelation to me he told me where my father came from that he was possessed by lucifer this boy was possessed by lucifer he was telling me where my father came from india which town how old is my father what is he doing present and who am i what is my name can you believe that i mean it's not a contest or who can prophesy better right i almost wanted to prophesy you want mount elizabeth you are an indian you are possessed i wanted to say all these things but i don't waste time like you know by now you already know that he already said i'm filled with lucifer right so i prayed for deliverance i said after finishing everything okay you finished you're happy now you know my father you know where he come from oh finish the idea my turn can i pray say sure you pray so i pray what happened to him i don't know was he set free on the spot no he was not but my job is to sow the seed when the seed was given to me are you listening but it's very easy to be intimidated by the enemy the enemy has the power and there are many many instances where demonic spirits can can knock you out by revealing your sexual sins you're done man publicly they will can show you they can deceive you so that is the reason i say it though you are anointed to pray for deliverance not everybody are trained in that and if you are not trained please don't engage that one at least get someone else who knows to engage not the basic level of deliverance those are deeper dynamics but praying for the sick all of us should pray no matter who the person is are you with me in those days we can freely go into hospital and pray for people now you can't do that so when they discharge you wait for them at the taxi stand how's that [Laughter] pray for the sick bring deliverance the bible says that we will become bring give light to those who sit in darkness that means we will bring the light of jesus to the nations the second area is to bring deliverance means first one discover jesus second one bring deliverance means demonstrate the power of the holy spirit we can lack anything in the church but we cannot like the power of the holy spirit we may not have the money needed we may not have the tools we may not have the video cameras and lights and whatever else you can even think about but we cannot like the power of the holy spirit acts chapter 3 verse 6 do you remember what peter said the guy came and asked for money and he said silver and gold i don't have what i have i want to give it to you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk amen the fella rosa but today's church is very different a lot of silver and a lot of gold all property everywhere in singapore but don't have the power to say rise up and walk we have the rich oh they have so many properties still i have to keep asking money for missions you know why don't you sell one of your properties and reach some souls like why keep asking money for what no reason and yet people keep giving you know when a small church asks how come you are asking for money the one who has a lot you keep giving the one who doesn't you ask a question you know what the church says oh prudence investment prudent if you want to be prudent then you start a property company don't start a church i'm not talking about having properties i'm talking about overly doing it not using your investment overly asking for people for almost every single thing and then sometimes you know what churches have seafood dinner they call you seafood means you die because the table is 100 you end up paying 3000. [Music] the prawn can speak korean english japanese deliverance is the power of the holy spirit that we need so the second area we want to focus in this year that is ahead of us in 2021 is number one remember discover jesus we want to pray and reach out to souls from the house level from an individual level from a ministry level and then second area we want to focus on is to demonstrate the power of the holy spirit how much more jesus do i need how much must i fast and pray all the ministries that we're doing are we reaching out to people what are the souls being touched can we do something that we can demonstrate the power of the holy spirit and the third area we want to focus you'll find in verse 79 the second part verse 79 says to give light to those who sit in darkness in the shadow of death and to guide our feet in the way of peace now the word guide our feet is that's where we talk about discipleship the first discover jesus the second deliver people in the power of the holy spirit and the third is disciple the first ministry has to do with jesus the second deliverance is through the power of the holy spirit and the third word discipleship has to do with aligning people to the father's will that's our job to align people to the father's will that is the work of discipleship now discipleship by itself is not to become a good christian not just to become a moral christian not to become a nice citizen but to align people to the father's will that is our objective are you with me are you following so then we need to have discipleship classes we need to go back discipleship classes now some of us are rambo i come from rainbow group don't have discipleship model just grow up some people have followed models pastor barnabas as the wee one and some of the older guys here you have done it the churches have been very faithful using the navigator's model they have followed the youth of a mission model and you know what the truth i you want to hear me the truth you want to hear the truth and those who have established in the foundations of faith model they are still standing up today those who have la lang one you know grow up in the wild unless they are very solidly growing in jesus they're all gone without proper foundations that is why today we need to go back and lay the foundation and where it starts it starts with me no matter how old you are in the lord if you don't know how to do those things you cannot lay another person's foundation and worst of all if you can't do it for your own children parents don't think that is how responsible you think it's church responsibility oh the church don't have a youth ministry church don't have a youth children's ministry so why don't you have children after asking what the church can do come on that's silly no god gave the children to you and you are the primary disciple you are the primary caregiver you are the primary person you have more authority before the throne room of christ than even the pastor can the pastor is a secondary spiritual parent you are the primary are you not [Music] then if you don't know your foundations and you react all the time when we oh why do we must do all these costs this is the reason why because it is mandated by god that we disciple people into the light that jesus has for us so let me wrap it up and in verse 80 that we read luke chapter 1 verse 80 and the child grew and became strong in the spirit and he was in the wilderness until the day of his public appearance to israel the child grew and became strong the word guru in greek means axona simply means listen very interesting greek word simply that we don't have the time to enjoy how this greek word word interprets itself in the new testament very powerful word but can i say this way the word greek word exona simply means a growth which comes by divine influence of the holy spirit a growth which is not independent by itself it comes with a divine influence only and that exoner is a very powerful greek word and god not only jesus uh john the baptist grew in that even it speaks of same as jesus he grew in favor with god and man exonera comes into play and the word exoner greek you know what it means that means everything that comes in front of me that blocks my growth you will chop it down block every cut off everything and create an excess path because when you know how to grow you will know how to point others to grow in the same way somebody say amen that's the work of discipleship you are not only you got to pay attention to the books you are attending the conference what are you how much are you growing you know one of the measurements i'm doing right now and i've taught our church in america and i've told you this before when you want to sign up for a conference ask yourself how many percentage of jesus is present there if it's only 10 or 20 it's not worth even going please don't waste time if it's not worth your money please don't go but people go for the person it's not the jesus being manifested and some conferences are full of themselves when they talk about it and then they will give a lip service to jesus at the end they wonder what this guy really spoke about are you with me i'm telling you honestly don't be sidetracked by conference after conference we need to go but if god has meant for you to go and you know that the speaker and this conference are full of the fear of god that the men who and the woman who come and speak they are full of god conscious people that when they stand on the stage only god will start manifesting attend those terror conferences because you'll have so much of god and this is where the greek word will manifest exoner that means whenever you are going through personal problems when you are attending those kind of conference the power of god will manifest and cut off the hindrances and you will start growing up again amen and that's what it is and then the word he grew up strong those what's strong in greek is kratha simply meaning to say to be strengthened in the spirit look at the focus how john the baptist grew how the father guided him to grow he need to be strong in the spirit not just in the mind and that amazes me people grow up learning how to argue so much their spirit is weak as a duck they know how to pull down principality and when you look at their spirit it looks like a duck struggling all the time whenever you say you are growing the measurement is you are strengthened in the spirit i have seen visions of many times of people you know when they walk past they look like a bodybuilder in the spirit i can see their spirit many times and i've seen many times of people who talk too much the spirit is like taught hey how do you say taught in english bean sprout but the way they talk wow amazing even demons will have coffee together with them no problem the bible says you've got to focus yourself when you've got to grow and you're fulfilling the works of christ you are discovering jesus you are demonstrating the power of the holy spirit you are aligning yourself with the father's will you will start growing inside and you will become strong in your spirit in your spirit man and ephesians 3 16 paul prayed i pray that you will be strengthened in the spirit do you remember that the word strengthen is the same greek word you'll be strengthened to a point where you're conditioned by the holy spirit in other words ladies and gentlemen we are very precise in our discipleship program a program that strengthens your spirit man and not just your head because there are too many discipleship programs everywhere everybody's selling their ideas everybody's selling a program but we want to be careful to choose that which strengthens your spirit man and that is why we are carefully navigating the end time ministry no one man can build a church it requires a team it requires a team of speakers who are being invited and we are carefully looking through all of that for every different discipline but you know what we sometimes we want charisma we want them to smile and tell a joke i remember when i brought our children for the first year injection you know the pediatrician and this doctor is so skillful every time i end up talking to him you know because i marvel how he's going to give the injection and the baby will look up and he will put the thing you know they have the thing they will just twinkle around they said and the cry will come about one minute later hey hello doctor finish ready you mean when did you do that when i was doing that asaper i get distracted wow i think that's a skill many other nurses don't have you know what they do before then be careful [Laughter] what a skill what a skill to bring about an injection that is needed yet later can be overcome are you with me my brothers and sisters i want to bless you today i want to pray that jesus will show up every sunday i pray that every time you cry out to jesus there is no reason to cry to any man but to god because men will not come and you cry but jesus does he shows up he's not afraid of kovit and i want to tell you what jesus never wears a mask he never wears a mask you don't have to be socially distance of him give him a hug as close as you can [Music] roll out all your burdens unto the lord and those who are watching in jmk usa you're going to be having your evangelistic service and people are going to be touched just like how the star guided in the darkness and how the shepherds who are looking out for a messiah they saw a star and i pray that all those who are stuck in darkness man all in fear this year has not been a good year for anybody except for the church jesus is still the law this year is a year of gloom for everybody but for the church of jesus christ the bible says look at that oh this scripture is very important verse 78 because of the tender mercy of our god whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on eyes somebody say and that's what we are crying out for and i pray in the name of jesus that before we leave in this wednesday the presence and the grace of god will come if there is one thing on the left behind have always left behind is jesus and nothing more than jesus because jesus will guide you into all the truth he will lead you he will anoint you he will tell you what to do you will not have to be afraid because jesus is pastoring the church jesus will teach the leaders the elders what to do but the only thing that no one can teach you is how to order and walk in line do you realize when you were in school that's the only thing the principal cannot do so he will tell you to do stand in line everything else is his job the standing in line is your job and that's what the church needs to do stand in line with the father's will and god will lead us amen come on let's stand up together and pray father i want to praise you god i praise you for a minute just for a minute would you ask god to release a fresh anointing from on high let the sun rise of the presence of god come upon you in a fresh way cry out to jesus lord in these times of fasting and prayer i mean lack anything in life but i should not like the power of the holy spirit anoint me in a fresh way anoint my family in a fresh way might let my business be anointed by the fire of the holy spirit let my children be anointed by the fire of the holy spirit let the church ministries be anointed by the fire of the holy spirit no matter what we are doing oh god let the fire of god and the testimony for god is with him let it become the signature of jesus my king i pray father for the pastors who are watching i pray for the intercessors from the different nations who are watching i pray all those who are don't have a church to go because they are in an area where there are no churches of god we pray in the name of jesus there will be a new visitations of god in that little town churches will be born god will send sons and daughters to plan a work in jesus name for all those who are crying that they do not have a visitation of the holy spirit visit them in a fresh way pour your spirit upon them oh god father we praise you you died for each one of your children your blood is upon each one of our children your holy spirit is in with each one of us we pray in jesus name [Music] hide each one of us from that evil one when the spirit of deception will come the spirit of truth will become our defender and so establish us in your truth oh god in a new powerful way release the healing anointing upon your people that when they pray for the sick they shall be healed in jesus name the demons will run in jesus name the word of the lord will become present in jesus name [Music] that your people will not be embarrassed [Music] there is only one faith that we have that you will never leave for us no forsake us that you will go with us no matter where we go i commit everybody into your precious sense of god prepare our hearts to meet up with you in these seven days of fasting and praying prepare our hearts the holy spirit the sacredness of your moments i want to thank you the bible says he that has begun a good work in you will accomplish it until the day of jesus christ we thank you father [Music] in jesus name we all pray amen [Music] amen
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 1,145
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Id: z6zjpAv-Bqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 6sec (5406 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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