Prepare & Consecrate 2 | Seven Challenges of Your Anointing | Steven Francis

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[Music] while we were praying the holy spirit showed me a vision the vision was the tutoring of the holy spirit how does he teach us the bible says jesus taught his disciples collectively you'll find all the time they are together peter james john they were time to time thought privately the lord will extract them john had the privilege of all the time more personal other than that you can't find at least to what we know through scripture that the lord personally spent individual time they he could have done it but it's not given to us to understand can we grow corporately together when we are learning together or we only will learn specifically god chose us how he wants to teach us amen that path is not given to us to choose he can teach us today together corporately we can learn through books through people whom god has anointed and those who are willing to pursue god in a personal way and say god show me personally and you take personal time to wait with god and then the lord began to teach us now then there are people who are pursuing god only for experiences and not the world and so that's what you get there are people who say god teach me your word show me by your spirit encounters which is word-based god will show and we find it very difficult or frightened to say word-based encounters oh that means you just get limited are you sure the word of god has empowered 6 000 years if your lifespan is hundred years you divide by six thousand equals to how much how many yeah use calculator now you're allowed to use six hundred right six thousand divide hundred what six thousand years let's say one person's lifetime is hundred years so you divide that how many sixty how can it be sixty that means sixty times hundred is something six thousand okay that means it takes your 60 lifetime to be reborn 60 times for you to complete the story so is the word of god enough absolutely do you think you need word-based encounters more than ever hello are you with me you got to get your head straight if not you'll be very wish to wash very easily think that this word is not really enough if it was enough for moses it's enough for you if it's enough for john when he was taken up in the island of patmos to heaven and he wrote that it is not for you the truth about what john wrote he wrote but he was not he was not there to see the fulfillment of it are you with me so there are many things god can show you because he loves you you may or may not be alive to see the fulfillment of that story and that's how much god is willing to teach us so therefore especially in this end times as we are living together for god the word of god is to be enjoyed enjoy it for what just for a treat just for ice cream no it is given to obey amen to the obedient god will keep giving us more truth and that's something that we have to learn keep obeying god's word fulfill what god wants you to do he shows us the next part so i mean encouraging all of us about from last week when the lord spoke to about the higher level of being prepared and consecrated the life of john the baptist and the first scripture that we took there are more things to talk about how god designed the church in this end time to be great before the lord and the word great doesn't mean just famous it's not just i want to be known by people because after a while if you have time interview the ones who are very famous you find that being fame has become like an issue where they can handle publicity anymore when you're not famous you want to be when you are famous you wish you are not because god has given every mankind a balance of life are you with me so when you have a overdose of something it becomes a stigma it becomes a parasite you will be running away from by then is too late so there is always an issue of being hidden by god and being used by god we have to enjoy both aspects of it are you with me there will be a time when we are serving god and the other time we are sitting and learning hidden and serving if we keep that position healthy with god then we are growing healthily serving god and that's why jesus kept his disciples all the time he didn't release them even though there were others who was doing ministry with jesus acknowledge the others are doing it don't worry about them you just follow me and he kept with them and of course the disciples over time did not move out from jerusalem eventually they did when they saw what paul was doing and when the day of pentecost came now here something very important that is going to take place in the coming days the question is not what god is doing god is always doing things and he's always moving amen is whether you and i have the strength to pursue god or are we overly going to confuse god's direction with our personal weaknesses with our personal lacks or confusion are you with me now one of the things that i was trained when i was running for long distance races in school one of the trainings that we had was in the pull of the gunshot where you're supposed to run you know because some people by the time the gunshot is being pulled and when you are running the laps you can lose that starting point and so every time we will be trained with the timer you know our our coach we have to go to the stadium because these are all the school long distance runners right the issue is not your timing anymore you are good in your timing but your starting point can be wrong because you're not used to the startling fact boom because sometimes by the time you boom by the time you hear could be a distance your reaction time you can lose seconds of it and then i saw a a program and how they train horses to run it's the same thing when they pull the ringing thing when it rings where the door opens when the races start even horses can get startled they are not ready when it suddenly snaps and open so instead of running they will startle themselves so they have to be trained in the same way they are people of god we are being trained in quiet times are you with me we are trained in quiet times when god has given the world the space of being trained in the spirit sharpen your sword if you are waiting for startling effects to then to take up your sword sometimes we are not that good to learn how to snap the sword very quick you may be that good to snap your sword but your sword can be blunt and kenneth hagin said this when everything is good in your life grow to become stronger in him so that when your strength is needed on that day of your challenge and your test you are already strong you won't be then only pray in tongues then only start fasting then only start seeking and then start looking at the scriptures our circumstances and challenges of the day will fight against us to bring confusion amen and so i want to encourage us god is preparing us right now through the spirit and through the word sharpen yourself in the world spend time in the world you got to know what you can and what you can't become skillful in the word of god not necessarily you need to become a preacher but at least you know what you're studying are you with me the more the word of god comes in the more our reasoning ability loses to the power of god's word and that's what paul said he said to bring our thoughts under captivity under the subjection of the holy spirit now why did he keep saying that why did he say that because it has such a power to overrun the word of god our mind has such a powerful capacity to overrun the word of god i i don't have the freedom to share some parts of what the lord showed me how the the soul can create duplicate anointing sounds like almost the original another day god willing will share but i want to bring you before the same thing that the lord shared about the fact that we studied together uh last sunday how our soul can sabotage our own destiny how the measure is not what god is speaking to you you see when the fruit of the spirit doesn't balance out will still be a stagnant point are you with me let me ask you a question is jesus impressed by the tree or the tree that gave fruits which one he said you cannot be a tree for sure you know you're not a bluff christmas tree even a christmas tree it's only during christmas time no one watches the christmas tree if you don't put lights greg you got to put lights ornaments and wow when people come inside you just put it ordinary nobody bothers it you see so the fruit is the one that people are attracted it balances your life in what we are doing focus on that fruit is the hardest to get by anointing comes because god gives the fruit sustains the anointing of god and all of us have to go through this and so i want seven things i shared with you and uh november 24th at 2 30 in the morning i had a revelation i could not sleep i i just woke up for a while and i just waited and pondered for a minute and the lord showed me something you see we are going to have different anointings that coming on our lives some of us will pray lord i need elijah's anointing now remember every anointing has their own challenge correct if you ask for elijah anointing who will chase you oh please please please be very generous to say the word it's not your mother-in-law you know [Laughter] please please generous who will chase you we have elijah's anointing oh miss jessie bell of course miss jezebel will chase you if you have you pray for moses anointing who will chase you ah mr pharaoh will save you if you have a esther's anointing who will chase you amen he goes up to your head everybody runs up to your head you pray for david's worship anointing who you have to confront goliath who will chase you mr saul [Laughter] do you see that the anointing that is not verified in your life will not stay and you must be willing to allow god to verify you so that the anointing that is given to you is certified and verified that means it belongs to you it is yours and you are using it amen are you allowed to say amen oh amen i don't know whether it's one of those safety quotes so john the baptist had his own challenge and we talk about number one and for those of us who are just tuning for the first time watching this broadcast please watch the last week one when the holy spirit showed us a lot more about the test of seduction and manipulation now all the seven tests will manifest the seven different negative spirits on the 24th of november at 2 30 in the morning the lord showed me something now all these different anointings that comes from different men of god and it's nothing wrong if the lord someone says you'll have anointing of elijah i just want to encourage you listen in order to be stable in your heart and your mind whenever you receive a prophecy from anybody under the sun anybody under the sun or you're going to receive a double portion anointing like elijah you better wait for mrs jezebel times 2 square please don't get flattered by the prophecy the question is are you ready to face the challenge in 1991 like everybody growing up i admired the healing evangelists the oral roberts the willian brahams and all of that and i prayed god gave me that kind of anointing not because i want to be known but i could be effective in serving god but in 91 when i did my 40 days fasting on the last week the lord jesus was very gracious to come into the room on that saturday with a big sword he said this is a present that i'm going to give you that was the i think the very first time like an encounter i was having where jesus giving the sword all the other times were encounters of different kind but this was very personal very direct and very special that i could remember and i was finishing the army just before i had my rod i started 40 days so that when the rod comes i will know what god is directing me you see many people now you say ord last time you used to say run off date and now you say what what is worthy operational ready date so for those who are watching we are talking about singapore military and how we have to live the military after two years and we call it ord uh nowadays and those days we call rudy but anyway so i was fasting you see there are people who after living army they kind of hang around for a while for one month relax and then they go to job i leave the army on friday my job started on monday my weekend was in church i did not have the luxury to wait and see what's going to happen because god just one by one at that time when i was fasting the the lord gave me a asked me a question and that day i decided to think about it do you want the anointings of these different men and women that you are asking for like you look at catherine kulman you won the kind of anointing where the holy spirit came and that moses anointing there are different anointings and the lord asked me a question are you able to pay the price that they paid but some of them fell they didn't really complete their journey and the lord said i have an anointing for you i need to grow and the hardest anointing to grow into and to be complete is the anointing of our lord jesus christ amen in our pursuit of different anointings do we admire any less about our lord jesus christ if the lord says i'm going to give my anointing to you is that sufficient think about it that is the greatest in heaven you know i want to bring you back into jesus are you with me i want to bring you back into jesus don't admire a man and a woman to such a point that you are praying that anointing you want no that an anointing that is resting on a man and a woman it was not on sale from robinson they paid a price of lifetime of obedience a lifetime of being broken by jesus a lifetime of tears controversies and they earn it it's so easy lord i want that why do you want to be broken like someone else when god has enough story for you to be broken by yourself so ask the lord frame yourself back lord give me the anointing that you see i'm ready for in my stage of life and as we grow we mature god will give what is more one of the lessons that we learn in this story is that the lord jesus showed me many of the men and the women in the bible now we are talking about the heroes of the bible right somewhere along the line they failed their stories it was either taken away from them like martyrdom or they gave up or whatever else that happened in their story or it's not revealed to us what happened to them but you'll find all the negatives which god humbles every one of us that no matter how anointed we are there will be certain processes in our life to remind us that we are a human hello are you with me you see when we keep judging others we forget that you are a human yourself we forget that processes the word the lord showed me is in the end times if god has given you a very important assignment now i want to tell you my ladies and gentlemen i want to tell you something the church of jesus christ is the greatest assignment god has given to the body of christ are you with me please don't even wonder what is my calling and what's my ministry to be part of the body of christ but god is release you to do whatever god will because when you are faithful in the little then god gives you all god gives you much amen and so i don't understand why we are chasing the wind paul said i am fighting but i don't fight against the wind you know because there's no enemy to win so if you want to fight fight against the real enemy we're not fighting against flesh and blood we are fighting against what principalities and powers not your school principles principalities and powers pull it down that is holding your destiny from being fulfilled by god now out of this group there will always be people who are exceptionally called by god to live in a full-time scale god will call them for different options but all of them are offshoot of the body of christ which is the example that been set for us by paul that all the fivefold grew out of the church of ephesus and that is why the fivefold teachings are being taught to us okay are you following okay the test of seduction and manipulation is the first test all of us have to go through now do you realize a mother can discourage all the children from serving god by using love in a positive way but losing love in a manipulative way as well a husband can discourage the wife and the wife can discourage her husband all by using the soulish realm of love instead of understanding what god has given to us so please do not think the power of manipulation can only happen from people of our enemy or demonic spirit it can happen even from well deserving people in your life and you got to discern that you find that peter loved jesus so much he tried to stop jesus from going and he tried to counsel jesus and all that jesus have to say get thee behind me satan now can i ask you with too many leaders who are sitting with us different kinds of teams and members and all matured and grown up i just have to say that once publicly when you're talking i'm just giving you an example if i would rebuke someone and they are my close leadership team get the behind me satan do you think you will remain in that church you are the first one to live right because being offended personally look at peter did he leave you want to talk about your reputation if you are telling me you are full of the word of god then show me by your fruit that you are full you see our reputation god will send paper it until it's no longer existing it's not easy please do not say pastor you know this and that if you can oh if jesus is my pastor i think you'll die the next sunday if moses tell you the earth will swallow up freshly swallow you up joshua no worry i won't kill you the enemies will kill you there go and fight come on decide it is important for us to understand do you know you can listen carefully are you are you listening i wanted to listen to what the holy spirit is saying that is why in the book of revelation seven times he that hears what the spirit is saying because your soul can speak to you your loved one can speak to you other than the lord's destiny you know so listen to what the holy spirit is saying it is possible if you love your life more than jesus your own self will manipulate you from fulfilling the call of god your own self don't lie did god tell you did god say now did god say later why must we do this why don't we do it the other way if if the lord has shown you clearly then you don't have to re-explain it if god has shown you things in the spirit don't lose use your soul to butter and kaya it sorry for those who are watching from the america it's called butter and peanut okay peanut butter yeah that's what it is that's true because i'm using local slangs here are you following and that is why we misunderstand what god is trying to say god is never late are you with me why i don't struggle do you see our church struggling to fulfill what god told us to do in the last seven or eight years we have never struggled you know why because god is so clear when he speaks he doesn't have a speech problem you don't need to give he doesn't need to go for speech therapy he's so clear he doesn't whisper he's not frightened when he wants to be loud he is as loud as a thunder the bible says in the book of psalms chapter 29 and 30 the voice of god is carried by the many waters so therefore you see the ocean you see the waves it carries the vibration of the voice of god when god commands that waves to carry the voice of god that voice the water becomes a carrier of the voice of jesus can you believe all this you don't have to but that's what happens do you understand what i'm saying and that is why when god releases a judgment or a blessing the natural elements becomes a carrier of the power of god nothing can stop even the wind will respond to the directions of god when the bible says in the book of revelation there comes the wind from the north you see even the wind can respond the very weather and the elements can respond to the voice of god so it is important and critical that we learn how to take directions from the holy spirit in your life don't keep on listening to the soul because the enemy can use the very soul to manipulate now in order for you to get out of the manipulation listen to the word of god be tuted by the word of god and if you are still not sure take counsel from men and women of god in your life not from another fellow person who is equally confused that remain doesn't make sense right are you with me okay so the test of seduction in manipulation number one and we saw in mark chapter 6 14 to 29 how heredia's daughter manipulated the entire situation or rather heredius the mother manipulated the entire situation and asked for the hate of john the baptist and we talked about it why the second test we talked about is the test of who can you trust now all of us in the end time will have to work through now if you have trust issues man that's going to be the greatest fight you're going to go some people don't trust themselves they don't trust others for everything now how are you going to trust god how could you how are you going to trust the people whom god has sent over your life he cannot forever remain in trust issues you got to come to a point where god brings about trustworthy you see listen to me carefully if you have trust issues you yourself cannot become trustworthy because your issues are working against you against what god is trying to establish in your life to bring about you to become a trustworthy person somebody say amen and the bible says god is saying you cannot give the work of the ministry to people who are not trustworthy and you get upset about those commandments how come you don't trust me because you're not trustworthy straightforward one line how come you say that bible says that the are you trustworthy is the question for us to us because god wants to raise an army of trustworthy people in the end time we are not being prepared right only for today can god give you an exciting assignment even now amen can god give an assignment even now every word that you are having in your life please don't enjoy it for yourself and then you have when i you know some people are prophecy hoarders you know you know hoarding huh you know prophecy hoarding open the hou cupboard too many prophecies line up everywhere but don't know what to do with it every prophecy that you have not used it as a timeline it disappears it boom is gone there are certain timelines in life so don't hold prophecy everything god gives obey now why we are not struggling because when god doesn't when god tells us what to do we use the word of god to obey throughout the year what god is speaking to us and the church is not designed to be static it is designed for function it is created for movement and if you don't have movement you die so if your life doesn't have movement what is movement reaching out to the laws telling people about jesus when you find people who are needy discouraged who needs your love and encouragement reach out to them being what jesus would do somebody say because if we fail in the action part of jesus there is no reason why god need to speak to you anything further unless you just want to remain in the cradle please tell me you love me quicera yeah i forgot of this song for a long time let's all do it together chris eraser whatever will be will be you see your life will always remain whatever instead of the destiny because you're such a baby you just don't want destiny either whatever is that what you want no i want to grow up hello and so the test of who you can trust the lord showed me the first is called the spirit of seduction and manipulation the second issue of uh the test of who you can trust is the the effect of the spirit of betrayal that will come against the body of christ the end time the brother will betray a brother the sister will betray a sister because that's the antichrist strategy look at the spirit of balaam in the book of numbers when he was trying to be bribed by barak the king balaam said you know no one can curse a nation whom god is watching over are you are you with me can anybody curse you if you are following god can anybody listen for those who are watching you're so uptight about satanic witchcraft and that fellow watching and this warlord is cursing you can anybody curse you or any curse come to pass when you're walking under the shadow of the almighty now why are you wasting time talking about them satan will remain satan please don't pray for him he won't change the warlords and the sorceress will keep cursing people that's what they are given to your job is to walk under the shadow of the almighty and accomplish the task that is given unto you amen you can be chasing the wind when god did not tell you know sometimes god will he he is not even going to ask you to pull down the principality say walk in my authority they will just follow up by themselves somebody say what okay five people said bg say yes the other person are lost are you still with me right i wanted to understand the power and the authority that god wants to give us during these times the church i think is in a very protective position that you want the enemy to be so cleared out before you enter in hello if you say you are an army and there is no enemy to fight then you're gonna fight who why are you an army you might shall be a scout team i just go you know are you with me so army the reason we call the iran army is because there will be enemies around you and your job is called to fight them and clear it out somebody say amen and so let's not overlook the purpose of what god is doing in our lives during this time so we need to work on the issue of trust to know who god is teaching us what god is doing through us and what the church is called to work to work against the spirit of betrayal and to grow against the spirit of betrayal is to have trust now later after i finish the seven i tell you i will tell you what was the revelation on november 24th now the third thing that we're going to work is the area the test of conspiracy and falsehood it's a spirit of conspiracy and falsehood that will work against the house of god what is the test where you see the test of being wrongly accused we find in mark chapter 6 how many of you are learning something today for it was herod who sent and sees john and bound him in prison for what mark mark chapter 6 and verse 17. it was herod who had sent and seized john and bound him in prison for the sake of herodias his brother philip's wife because he had married her for john had been saying to herod did you see what i just read john had private time to speak to herod you know so there was a very kind of a private friends you know even herod was publicly a known god following guy he still had a private access door where he allowed john the baptist to speak into his life so john whenever he came to herod he was saying what he did was wrong my heaven knew it but he didn't do anything about it why disturbed heredius because she could not get rich enough from herod because this guy is protecting a prophet always protects you in the kingdom of god somebody say you gotta understand that when you walk under the council of god when you walk under the council of men and women who walk with god they will protect you under the council of god one of the things that jezebel will try to do when it get to you is to cut off that channel by using the very natural elements of offense betrayal and trust issues he will have to dig up all the past hurts to create enough issues to cut you out from that circle and the moment you are cut in that's it and then the false things will start coming in so you gotta watch the third area that we need to watch is against the spirit of conspiracy and the spirit of falsehood because here the bible says verse 19 heredius had a grudge against him and wanted to put him to death but she could not you see she could not so she had to work against this now allow me to share with you this story in a way that we all of us could understand that god if i will use a government term imagine if this is a classified document of how the roman government was operating in those days and this is a classified document that we really don't know why john the baptist was killed are you following my train of thoughts so in order for me to make you believe that i am right to be hate john the baptist i'm going to create a conspiracy theory against him defame him put him down publicly falsely charge him and accuse him that this is why he did in the private therefore i herod have charged a murder charge against him so that he will be beheaded now people who are not strong in god will think oh maybe john the baptist really did something wrong i could have said he stole from the armory i could say he stole money from the kingdom i could say he john the baptist had tried to sexually assault herodia's daughter you can come up with any charges you want are you following but what we did not know that satan was at play and so this document that god has revealed to us it's almost like a declassified document for us to know what really happened in the background that caused john the baptist said to roll and i believe that this is because god wants to defend john the baptist the man of god publicly for the entire world to know that this man is god's man god revealed to us what happened in the secret whatever she was whispering out there that means over time this story came out because ladies and gentlemen the gospel of mark was the first gospel to be written in the 1869 about the life of christ that means by then these inner stories already came out everybody came to know why john the baptist really was beheaded there was nothing wrong with that man he was a man who walked with god he did what god told him to do there's nothing that he offended no one it was actually haradius somebody said amen you see everything done in the secret will be revealed openly and so this is a declassified information now today can i ask you if the enemy works against you to bring about the spirit of conspiracy and falsehood you may not be alive to even defend your name so you got to watch out if the enemy is creating conspiracy theories against you against the house of god against your ministry against what god has called you to do and you conspire against one another you lose the game because that's what the enemy wants he creates a spirit of falsehood instead of the real thing people could have said all the things look at the life of joseph joseph when he was in potiphar's a prisoner he became like a slave in charge and the bible says potiphar's wife wanted to sleep with him but when she was found out she pulled the mantle and joseph took off and he ran away and she brought the false charges against joseph that he tried to sleep with her or molested then god that the integrity of joseph was privately defended by potiphar he did not believe what his wife said and he believed what joseph was but however he still have to protect joseph in a way to put him back into the prison at least the wife is not bothering him anymore how's that god has his ways to protect his sons and daughters amen it's almost like a house arrest now who will you believe you see who do you really believe if the enemy will rise against you to create falsehood and conspiracy against the people you trust against the people you love who will you believe oh i deserved sometimes your discernment can be questioned ask yourself this question how long do you know this person is this person known for these kind of problems if they are not then please don't waste time discerning stand with that integrity of what god has shown you amen this is what jesus said at least believe me for what i'm saying or believe the works that i've done you have seen what are works i've done believe me and you know what paul david begin to pray god i pray i bring before you the integrity of my hands would you even dare to say and he said to david prays to god lord if you have found my hands dirty then judge me but if it's not then vindicate my righteousness oh a very scary prayer you know his righteousness with god was that clean and clear for him to pray out in that way how when we pray lord you know this problem sixty percent is my problem forty percent is the ass how to vindicate you slap you first then vindicate them but there are will be situations in the end time where god where the enemy will raise up conspiracy theories against the house of god to discredit the anointing and then god will vindicate you are you with me so you see all of us must pass the test of wrongly being accused but i've seen a lot of people over time when they are wrongly accuses then their flesh all will start coming out like a seven headed monster you know because they are the moment people talk about jesus they will be quiet oh yeah i forgive you lord never mind now talk about pastor also can forgive you no problem talk about the leaders also can talk about themselves seven heated monster will come up manifesting how can you talk about me why not who are you in the first place you know what's the lesson we are learning in philippians chapter 2 jesus made himself of no reputation are you with me my my loving brothers and sisters i'm teaching you the ways of god if you start fighting for your own then you will not be fighting for the lord so don't let the enemy trigger those things in your life and i'm not saying it is easy it is hurtful you live your life of integrity it takes one foolish remark one foolish person sent by the enemy to poke a hole and every other clown will start believing it and then we will go through a time where you are broken you are quiet no one trusts you and i believe god will always raise up people around you who walked with you in transparency who will stand and defend you because they know who you are really in the closed doors not who you are in the public you know but who you are when the doors are closed and that is why it is important to have trustworthy people inside your inner circle that you allow people to see you who you are don't just hide behind your spirituality all the time and if you don't open it up then you become an easy target for the enemy are you with me it's a lesson where we have to go through this test is the third test because all the seven things that i mentioned about is going to come to pass during the times of tribulation when the antichrist is going to come when his regimen and his kingdom will come through and you know when he releases the listen carefully when he releases the seven spirits out you know there are seven spirits of the lord these are the seven spirits of the enemy world when he releases the seven spirit out and he doesn't have to really fight the everybody in the church you know because half of them will fight among each other and they will die he only really have to fight against the real warriors who will walk in the spirit of love and willing to fight for one another because they love jesus and they love the brethren now they are the true worthy warriors that the enemy have to fight through isn't it why fight against unworthy warriors i want to ask yourself a question which part of the game are you standing on which part of the fence are you in are you are you a worthy opponent for the enemy and i mentioned to you many times what god has been investing into our lives the privilege that we have heard we had by god to be trained in in our church by prophetic anointing prophets and apostles and the grace of god an average person in in our church has grown so much in the lord that means you are becoming a worthy opponent for the enemy somebody say what is whether you want to face your goliath or not whether you're hurt by test number three oh you're repetition oh you know what how can you talk about me oh can you talk about me who will talk about you i talk about you is easier than satan talk about you right and so our reputation will be sand paper it's very simple those we cannot trust today will not be trusted on that day simple as i don't know no need to work too much unless your fruit is so different that you have changed that much and so we want to pray that god will help us to become a such a strong cluster of people who are trustworthy somebody say amen because when if we can be trusted by god then we are going to be a blessing in the end time to everybody who's going to come into the in the days of god i want to listen carefully there's going to be come a strong wave of evangelism a strong wave of lost souls are going to be saved in the end time people are going to come like hers they're going to come like flock of you know they're going to come in the groups and they get saved just like on the days of the book of acts where household people were getting saved because of the power of god i mean it's not we have seen it before but we're going to see it again you see some of you are older guys older people in the lord you have seen that wave in singapore that took place but the younger ones have really not seen tangible move of revival in this nation so we will have an opportunity to see it somebody say amen you see right in front of my eyes i've seen broken bones backbone standing up and walking right in front of the wheelchair my eyes my eyeball just came out you know honestly i was 16 years old man when i was praying for this person in a crusade i did not have enough faith but you see miracle means it's not based on your faith it's a miracle that god took god will come on and boom they walk out in faith so we are going to see such power miracles that our sons and daughters will have faith in our almighty god amen it has to come that you are willing to trust and number four the test of anxiety look at mark chapter 6 and verse 17 again here this question but an opportunity came oh sorry in verse 17 for it was herod who has sent and sees john and bound him in prison it was herod come on man john the baptist was walking around the day doing his own business and ministry and all the time eating a grasshopper and honey and and scolding people in the water repent repent repent harrod send the soldiers capture him put him in the prison now there's he doesn't know what's going on you know i mean herod is my friend what did i say wrong in fact i didn't say anything wrong i've always been saying he's wrong from day one nothing different ever said right so now is a test of anxiety why am i in prison is it a natural feeling you know what is the natural response in psychology we have seen it you know the natural response of a human being when they go through problem is the question when they ask why am i going through this it's very interesting question either that question why am i can put you as a slave or it will be the very door that opens you opens the door of breakthrough in your life and you ask the why questions why am i going through this if you can't figure those things out you'll get trapped inside some people ask especially i don't know why whenever cancer strikes their door they'll ask god why me and not others i find it the most strangest selfish way of talking why me why me others are available what hello so god has to die see this kind of things reveals how much of the self has been hidden inside the the the the unchallenged monsters that are living inside our soul it comes out and those are the points where we we bring it before jesus and we deal with this because these are the very monsters that will steal your potential in the end time army for god amen and i'm not certain really i i want to be certain today as a man of god as a pastor and for those that we are responsible who are watching the telecast because there are hundreds of people who are writing to us uh in our u.s office that you are our unseen pastor not personal pastor you are mentoring us and people are writing for us from africa and from switzerland from germany from south america people are writing from uh to us to from india and from malaysia from philippines and and and from uh i had a very unusual from iceland can you believe this one guy wrote from to us from iceland that you are mentoring as i'm surprised i've got nothing to mentor but this what they are saying is the word of god that they are preaching is mentoring us amen so therefore today we are not speaking for today as it is we are speaking for the days that is to come what god is doing in our lives i wanted to pray i pray in the name of jesus the test of anxiety all of us will have to go through that why me god and the test of anxiety is very natural our natural problems sometimes as you get older our physical challenges why me challenges my will to go through our children circumstantial challenges economy challenges why me why not them the test of anxiety and today i cannot help but to think of the many men and women who was beheaded in iraq during isis thrown into prison because of being a christian during world war one in communist regimes burn alive just for quoting the word of god falsely accused even in some of the nations and we know all these kind of nations and these are public knowledge nothing personal imagine when you are thrown into a prison just for being a christian it happened in china and everybody know about it the test of anxiety when god delays an answer in your life when someone becomes sick and you don't have an answer for that what is the test of anxiety achieving do you know what spirit behind it's called the spirit of fear the bible says for god has not given me a spirit of fear but he has given me the spirit of work love power and work you see it takes three components to defeat the spirit of fear you know how powerful that is the spirit of fear that entered into the garden of eden did god really say he look after you did god really say did god really say that's all and some people i admire some people because the enemy opened one door they will open 25 doors instead of spirit of fear the whole cousin and the family every grandfather all will come in spirit of fear spirit of anxieties depression counseling all the spiritual coming why they they just open everybody's door are you with me don't open the door of the demonic spirit that you overcame in jesus name if you have overcome some spirit some demonic problems in your family and your lineage they have no power to show up again in your life that's how powerful the weapons of our warfare is the problem is we are thinking and i preached about this many times before in a vision that i had in jmk when i preached about this we are thinking demonic spirits are like tom and jerry the more you fight the more alive they will become and the story never stops you will be a tom hey who's tom and who's jerry i forgot the mouse is who jerry and then tom is the cat right so you're always thinking your life is like a cartoon always running around fighting it never stops and you wonder why these demonic spirits don't die listen the demonic spirits that you have done with in your life and overcame they will not manifest in your lineage again amen and if they do you have the weapons and you have fought them before it'd be so easy for you to beat them down in just round one somebody say what i gotta have possess that level of authority in your life you are not a bunch of punching bags god has raised us as warriors for this end time in jesus name and warriors are warriors only when the challenge are coming otherwise you are training yourself in are you with me and so this test of anxiety we all have to go through my brothers and sisters today i can sit here and be strong and to speak to you about the test of anxiety but the truth is every one of us will go through the challenge and there are many times i've cried in the sacred place of the most high god why all these things i'm going through how much can i go through how long can i endure it was the father's love he said and his voice and his spirit that sustains you while you're walking through it silently and there will be more challenges that may come i'm not sure so therefore we pray for one another that god will sustain us that god will strengthen us no matter what the challenge is are you with me you see when god allows you to walk through a challenge he will cut of all human supply he will cut off all human health he will cut off all human strength everybody who is your friend will just turn away they'll kind of forget you for a while and you think oh everybody will betray me no you are just being cocooned by god it's something that is difficult to understand because you have to pass through the test of anxiety you know what david when he went through the test of anxiety this is what he did he said oh my soul why are you discouraged within me now david is speaking to his soul hope thou in god from whence comes your help somebody say what can you believe this he's speaking to his soul since you are so upset you're so discouraged hope in god only through god your help is going to come when i saw that when i discovered that i began to speak into my soul when the anxieties mount up over your heart speak into your soul hope in god your help will come somebody say amen so the fifth test that we have to go through how many of you are still following the fifth test remember the test number four is the spirit of fear anxieties all the challenge will come now how the anxiety will come different kind you know sometimes may come through our sons and our daughters the things that they go through some people when it comes to them they know how to pray when they come to the children they freak out and go upside down the same theory even if it comes to your children you learn how to pray and overcome the same way you did amen don't let the enemy poke a hole into your soul overcome the same way present your case before god and fight for them as much as you would amen the test number five the test of doubting god and his face in your life what is that spirit is a spirit of unstable mind a double-mindedness that's a spirit that will come against us it will be unstable we'll double mind did god really say god sure not sure yes no yes no you are fumbling and tumbling yourself down in between why am i creating this point now matthew chapter 11 you need to look at matthew chapter 11 it's not found in mark matthew chapter 11 you'll find this clue and now when jesus had finished instructing his 12 disciples he went on from there to teach and preach in their cities now when john heard in prison about the deeds of christ he sent word by his disciples and said to him which is jesus are you the one who is to come or shall we look for another you know john the baptist had no trouble believing jesus is the son of god but while he was in prison and the moment of anxiety the moment of doubt that doubt came into him so that's test number five the test of doubting god and his ways in your life and that what is the spirit behind it's creating an unstable mind that double-mindedness why why why double-mindedness because the bible says in the book of james let not a double-minded man think that he will get anything from god so if the enemy can tempt us to become minded our prayers will be automatically cancelled you know you know how is it you put your petition you take your petition away you put your petition you take your petition away you put your petition you take your variation away you'll never get through because once you have faith tomorrow you're doubting so it comes back to you tomorrow you have faith the third day you're doubting it never comes back to you you see this is what i want to tell you about the integrity of god do you know god will even answer your prayer when you are 50 years old a prayer that you pray when you are five years old hallelujah and the problem is this even you can't remember what you say but god remembers i have prayed for so many people when i have laid hands god has brought me back into their childhood days where they went into sunday school because of their neighborhood you know and they received something about jesus and god planted a seed of the kingdom in their life and and then they just grow different ways and in their different age group they accepted jesus and all because there was a seed that was planted in their life in their childhood days so i want to encourage all sunday school teachers those who are serving here you know deborah and all the team that is there and those who are watching even jmk usa the sunday school teachers and all the sunday school who are watching around the world your ministry is very critical very critical the seed that you sow in the child of this young children will bear fruit in the kingdom and they will become a harvest of righteousness in the end time i mean never get discouraged being a sunday school child the child may not be as responsible or responsive the parents may not appreciate you enough but i want to know in the kingdom you are that important amen never look beyond that point and so i've seen many times that god brought me into the spirit to see those things there now here john the baptist asked this question now are you really the one because if you are really the one you should have helped me right i'm in prison you're my cousin hello brother come on give me a five you should have just come and helped me but i'm now starting to doubt because i'm the one who kind of appointed you or anointed you or acknowledge you in the public you know what i also gave my disciples away to you no brother but i'm in prison and kind of you really didn't do anything about it are you really the one supposed to come or am i supposed to look for another person it is the test of the unstable mind that will come into any one of us it is possible sometimes the enemy comes and injects a venom into our soul that we doubt am i really called by god how come i'm losing all the time you know sometimes warriors are made when they lose it's because they are losing they learn to train themselves more to fight the opponent isn't it hello am i speaking to a bunch of warriors not warriors warriors are we bunch of if we are warriors then we are trained in some of the games that god allows us to be trained when we lose certain of our battles and we learn how to win we learn how to fight we learn how to be sharper when we are facing the enemy again and god by his mercy i tell you until you graduate from that school it will keep repeating in your life and some way or rather if you feel that you're going through a test over and over and over again stop blaming others and overcome it yourself because there is something that you are not doing to overcome that point because it keeps on bouncing back to you and so the spirit of double minded minds now you can i ask you ladies and gentlemen is it okay for john to ask the question is it okay is it fair as a human man huh it's okay isn't it okay a lot of people do say that too i mean god will understand what god will forgive me what god will know even if you all don't understand that's true as a human your talking is true but then listen carefully there are levels of faith you have rich in the kingdom certain things which are permissible for them are no longer permissible in your level of understanding of god and so you want to be excusing yourself like a little child and pretend like a phony i don't know but god knows he records things down he judges the motives of our heart the pretentious of our soul doesn't really count because god has a way to measure our our soul are you with me i want to show you in the scripture you please don't take it personal go with me to verse 11. okay now verse 11 now i show you a mystery today i want to tell you a mystery are you learning something verse 9 what then did you go out to see now after answering this question jesus comes out of the game and then he's talking about john the baptist he's giving a character reference about john the baptist he says what then did you go out to see a prophet yes i tell you and more than what more than what more than what so you may think prophet is the highest of the game but jesus says there are certain anointings and callings which are more than a prophet but the more than a prophet callings and anointings are not revealed to the body of christ only the fivefold is revealed to us the apostle the prophet what is the third one come on yeah you know the third one not not not goring bison and chicken rice you know evangelists teachers and pastors the fivefold only revealed to us there are callings which are more than that more than are not revealed to us that's god's mystery so john the baptist he fell into a category of the old covenant not within the new scope he operated in the anointing of word elijah and then jesus give a mystery look at verse 14 and if you are willing to accept it are you ready or not are you ready okay jesus is telling now if you are willing to really accept it he is elijah to come your heart stops you know that means elijah is he going to come again he would but the way he was doing that ministry he was fulfilling the elijah to come he was as though if i can for the lack of better word since i'm preaching at the moment real time he's almost he's kind of a personified he's a man living through elijah came to live through the ministry at the life of john the baptist and he was doing and jesus was just directly saying it this elijah to come if you really can take it because jesus could see who who john the baptist was but you know what that means john the baptist was carrying the ministry of elijah yes yes are you following elijah was cut short in his ministry by jezebel john the baptist was fulfilling the life and the minister of elijah in many sense was also cut off by another jezebel called heredius correct so you see when we carry those anointings in the last days god is going to release the anointing of elijah upon the body of christ and we have to go through the test of manipulation seduction family challenges you think jezebel was very happy with ahab no she kept her not as a husband but as a slave and so as wives we have to watch over such weaknesses when you don't honor your husband that's the first open door any wives who don't honor the husband because of your nature with your character with your personality if you are on it and you are under the covenant of jesus christ honor your husband full stop husbands honor your wives full stop we find it difficult you know the moment you are willing to bless the whole world bless the whole husband and wife you find it difficult so let's deal with the demons that are in the house first don't talk about the world to me now deal with this you can't honor one another because god is using us as a family amen hello unless you want your husband to die in the field [Music] remember the lady who told me pastor i'm praying like abraham but god is not speaking to me i was very shocked what do you mean god is not speaking to you god i i've been asking god ask me the sacrifice and i will give it to you i said what is that my husband [Laughter] wow why i get to hear all these i don't know [Laughter] i'm so privileged i don't have to read a joke book to tell jokes you know the real life testimony every day that come towards me she said god told abraham to offer isaac i am waiting when he will tell me so i wanted to realize husband and wife god has given one uh each of you together in this end time so the spirit of jezebel when the spirit of jezebel is fighting it will break the family structure of honor and covenant jezebel used ahab to gain the kingdom using him as a forefront and that's what happens in the end time as well are you are you following so now we focus on john the baptist i want you to pay attention to the spirit of doubts and what doubts will do it will downgrade your anointing okay for those all the time i've been saying god will understand oh god will forgive me i'll give you a break here now then you will get confused now but but we are all forgiven by the blood of the lamb we are walking by grace absolutely you will not lose your salvation but you'll use lose your spiritual authority please do not con confuse yourself with what grace has done for you grace has bought the kingdom for you nothing can change that kingdom that kingdom is assured it is guaranteed as long as you declare jesus as the lord of your life no one can take away the kingdom from you amen we are talking about the authority now now what happened to john the baptist he is more than a prophet this is he whom it is written behold i send my messenger before your face will prepare your way before you verse 11 truly i say to you among those born of a woman there has arisen no one greater than john the baptist can you handle this now who's saying this who's saying this jesus so when jesus says it he doesn't flatter he says it the truth way now he is saying whoever that is born of a woman no one has been greater than john the baptist can you handle this kind of statement imagine moses mother is standing there hey hello you're okay brother i i are you what you are in drugs what do you mean there's no woman you know the history of a jewish history of moses no one was humble like moses you know no one is faithful to the house of god like moses god is the one who said david no one has been so obedient karaka this one is he in fact abraham what no one has been such a friend like abraham this one no one born of a woman has been greater than john the baptist that was the credit that was the rating that was the authority in which john the baptist was living are you with me it was not a certificate of a moment it was a certificate of a lifetime are you ready are you listening listen to the next line yet the one who is less in the kingdom is now greater than john the baptist what happened to that how come the second line is different from the first line the first line says no one is greater than john the baptist the second line says even the least person in the kingdom is greater than john the baptist what happened to the change i wanted to look at the change of authority the this change of status that took place now i want to be fair please that he is a saint in heaven man i'm not talking about his status in heaven now you know i'm just quoting to you what jesus is saying i've had encounters in heaven i know somebody are going to freak out and you're going to see mickey mouse now i've had encounters in heaven that i've seen john the baptist i've heard his voice i've seen him one of the very first voice that i heard when i was 15 and a half years old was a john the baptist where god says he will anoint me to speak the word of god and he told me one of the anointings that god will give me is the spirit of boldness to speak the word of god so he's a saint he's still a prophet he's one of the very very highly esteemed men who prepared the first coming of jesus in heaven so we are not talking about that position we are talking about the position in the eyes of men but you see the moment he allowed doubt and anxiety to doubt on the son of god that position was knocked out and now jesus is saying the one who's listened the kingdom is now greater than him you see what doubts will allow you doubts will drag you down again anxiety will just when you open that spirit the door of double-mindedness you become unstable at the point and you doubt the very son of god now i'm not talking about human anxiety where we tend to question because it's painful it's a very serious question he asked to jesus through his disciple are you the real son of god or is there another one to come that question was unacceptable quote unquote from john the baptist who saw remember what was the criteria the father told john the baptist on whom you see the spirit of god will come like a dove that is the man correct that means he has never seen another type of encounter anyone on whoever is anointing he has never seen the dove coming upon on any man ever so for him to question that is unacceptable my brothers and sisters if god will put you on the weighing machine on the weighing scale how many things that you excuse yourself to look nice in front of others but god can say it is unexcusable it's inexcusable how will your weighing machine scale against you or for you we can pretend and smoke people in front to look nice and gain sympathy and get everybody's understanding and get a pity party together to make it sound right but in the eyes of god when god declassified the documents you'll get to see what's the spirit working behind and that is why god has given us the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of wisdom it will expose the hidden things and the hidden secrets what god people plan in the secret god will reveal in the present and this the challenge at the moment the president of united states is going through all the conspiracy the confusion he's strong now he's vulnerable every point of attack i was brought into the spirit you know the white house when i was praying now usually i won't say it today i just want to say for the sake of these things why i saw a very large demonic spirit call wearing a white dressing business suit which i shared with our church in usa and it's called the spirit of lie it was written there tall it's called the spirit of lies i have to pronounce it properly anna because dr ly is sitting here this lie is l i that one is l i e he's the truthful one that one is a different one it's called the spirit of lie and the lord showed me the precedent will become vulnerable to the spirit of life and so we have to pray for the stability of the kingdom are you with me my brothers and sisters god will allow us to go through that but don't question remember god has created certain frameworks in your life never question the fundamental things that god is doing in your life never question or did god call me don't be a fool speaking like that don't ask this kind of foolish question don't act smart in your flesh and so foolish in this spirit are you with me i don't remember how educated you are no matter how sympathetic you are no matter how many bottles of tears you have you act like a fool and you've got a fool in the kingdom god wants us to be wise i gotta watch don't give room for the soul and especially for those of us who know your calling who has god has given you a commission you know what you're doing and you ask stupid questions at the wrong time it will downgrade your authority you know what this means can i tell you what it means that means when you walk in the midst of demons the demons won't even move because you have no power anymore as a child of god they can't touch you but when you command and bind rebuke nothing works you can bind and bind as long as you are a child of god you will be protected but when you pray for others that ministry wise it won't work to come under back into the kingdom of god it is important that we get our framework right you got to see this as the word of god and i'm not trying to reinterpret to you right in front of you the warning of doubt now i am telling you this what i saw in the year 19 in 1986 i'm just sharing with you today because the lord allowed me to speak even i wouldn't have said it are you with me walk in this there are certain parameters you don't question no one question is this the real husband i put my ring on hello were you in drugs when you put in the ring you saw this guy right that's the guy don't question the callings of god don't question the anointings of god don't question the covenants you have made with god amen okay point number six how many we go six and seven two more to go point number six is this test of hiddenness john chapter 1 go to john chapter 1. the test of hiddenness now why was the test of hiddenness john the baptist was hidden all his life until he was told to come out in the open and preach about it and then while his ministry was speech preaching when was did his ministry stop when he pointed jesus finish ministry stop after a point his disciples went to jesus he was arrested his ministry in the plan of god finished it's something that we cannot accept the finishing part of oklahoma but the way he has to die that's really not okay isn't it but look at john chapter 1 yesterday i had a holy spirit revelation but it was so real as a visitation and so i want to show you john chapter 1 and verse 36 the book of john okay verse 36 now let's go 35 the next day again john was standing with two of his disciples and he looked at jesus as he walked by and he said as he walked by was jesus as jesus walked by and he said behold the lamb of god the two disciples heard him say that i mean the two disciples of john the baptist heard him saying that jesus is the lamb of god and the two disciples left john the baptist and followed jesus you see one of the things that we have to go through is the test of being hidden by god when god say do do when god say don't don't when god say release release and we we can't accept that we always want to sit on the throne but sometimes god will say release it for someone else and that's the ministry of the fivefold ministry they are supposed to equip the body of christ and to raise other people up are you with me and the test of leadership is when we release when god tells us you see the dynamic you can see even in families when you raise up our children and when the children grown up to a point they are the leaders of the family father and mother is actually listening to the children because children have grown up enough to guide them look after them and they just listen it is a very fabric of society and family which is also designed in the body of christ when you grow up it's time to release and when you see your sons and daughters growing up you see the people whom you have raised up and thought coming up in the ministry as a leader release bless watch and walk with them don't fight against them you need to know when is the time to come and do and when's the time to hide and sit and to watch and mentor what happens when you're mentoring is you may not get the attention that you used to get before but you are doing the service which god wants you to do amen hello people admired that jesus was walking on water raising the dead up jesus told his disciples you are admiring me i'm admiring you why because you are going to do greater works than this hello you see god has given us what happened at the visitation that i saw are you ready for the visitation the visitation that i saw the test of hiddenness is called the spirit of wisdom you see there are different spirits we talk about now one of the tests point number six that we will be tested is whether you have the wisdom of god to execute when to do and when not to do when to speak and what not to speak when to say it out and when not to say it out you say the right things at the wrong time it will kill you faster god has a time of hiding you first you don't have to say it out don't don't be foolish enough to say every opinion that you think many of us are getting into trouble because of that we all have our own fair share you know over time in life as you grow you learn wisdom when not to say and when to say and i find it this theory very easy in families husbands and wives the wives know the husband so well when to say and when not to say some wives know the entrance of wisdom to my husband is through his belly [Laughter] so whenever she wants to have him make big decisions in the family where must be a favorable decision she will cook all the nice fantastic food and keep him under the flow where everything she says he will say yes if your belly becomes your monster you die the test of the spirit of wisdom and the lord showed me listen very powerful statement but i'm not going to teach about it today i'm waiting on that the spirit of wisdom will be the daw of translation of the end time when to go and when not to go where to go and where not to go it's a spirit of wisdom today if we allow the spirit of god and the spirit of wisdom to mold us and teach us on that end time god will use us for greater purposes that is why the spirit of wisdom is one of the basic areas the child of god must pray lord i pray that the eyes and your god will fill you with the spirit of wisdom and word understanding now wisdom is something that you may not know and god will supernaturally show you understanding is the develop of your natural orderly mind so there are two levels of growth where paul was praying over you over us that we should also pray over not just spirit of wisdom wisdom means i have thought maximum i still don't know what to do the spirit of god comes in and tell you what to do but the spirit of understanding is the tutorship and the conditioning of our natural order of thoughts that you have employed god's word to become your tutor god's view of the world has become your view what you think about the world does not matter anymore because god's word overwrites what we think amen that means the natural order of mind has surrendered to the wisdom of god then when the moment the wisdom of god is surrendered the spirit of wisdom releases understanding and the greek word for the word understanding is daya knowya mean that means your mind is now being transformed metaphors translation transformed so if you are not transformed in your mind please don't even imagine you'll be translated in the end time some of us just don't want to buy mrt tickets anymore you are praying for translation free rights not because you're really on an assignment with god you won free rights and free tickets okay the spirit of wisdom is the door of translation in the matter of jesus do you remember in luke chapter 4 verse 29 and verse 30 when jesus said the spirit of the lord is upon me and he said today this scripture is fulfilled you know what he did they pushed him out of the synagogue they brought him to the edge of the cliff in which the temple was built the city was built and they tried to push him out right what happened in that scripture the bible says and jesus walked right through the crowd and came out no one was able to see him or touch him i had two revelations which was two years ago that the lord showed me the mystery of the invisible angels there are angels which can't be seen of course angels can be seen to us but when they manifest they have body they have human form they can be seen they can be touched you can feel them but there is another category of angels that can't be seen translucent you can see their frame but they are translucent it's like glass there is something in between as you can see through that translucent that's the the lord showed me that is the work of the work of the spirit of invisible angels when they come you can't be seen many testimonies we have heard in china in russia during the times when people are persecuted they will be right in front but yet they can't be seen angels will come and block you you are seeing through them and you can't see them amen a lot of the i've heard testimonies where missionaries has been fired upon but the bullets have never touched them it just is as though someone is holding a shield you know and it just drops right in front and the missionaries don't even know what happened how come i'm alive there's an invisible shield that is protected and somebody says amen so in the end time we are going to see a lot more revelations and miracles of god that we have not seen before we must be hungry and thirsty for the move of god you see if god is going to do surprising things things have not heard and thought about what are you wasting time trying to think about your own future why why you wasting your brain juice for what everything you want to know god is going to do surprising things more than what you know so i've decided to celebrate what god is doing and be surprised by the goodness of god i say god i don't have to do anything i don't have to know everything surprise me you know what god is full of surprises all the time every day the mercies of the lord are new this is something that i've cried over for the last 35 years i can't handle that the mercies of the lord are new every morning angeline and i whenever we get to go out in the morning when we go early morning drive for church for ministry whatever the first thing that we sing when we are in the car together the steadfast love of the lord never sees us his mercies never comes to an end they are new every morning new every morning great is thy fateful nurse oh god great is thy faithfulness even if i don't know a thousand or millions later songs this one song is enough to bring me to the throne of grace it never fails me to bring tears every time we sing the steadfast isn't that powerful miracle and that steadfast love of god is one of the miracles of the spirit of wisdom and the seventh point the seventh point is the spirit of sacrifice the sacrifice of martyrdom mark chapter 6 27. now not everybody's hate has to roll on a platter i don't want to have dinner sing different hates on my table so please don't think that if you sacrifice for jesus like john the baptist your head must be presented on a buffet i don't think i want to go for that kind of a banqueting table eat all that you can but it does mean the spirit of sacrifice in the end time some will be called or many can be called to be martyrs for the kingdom we don't know who and what and why but one thing is for sure god will not give you an ultimate calling if he has not trained you enough for that day are you with me so please don't think god will call all kinds of tom dick jerry jeremiah and all that group of people who are so doubting in every way because your sacrifice doesn't really matter martyrdom are a group of people who have sacrificed their life for jesus their sacrifices matters in the kingdom of heaven not those who are accidentally killed are you with me so please don't think i am not willing to die i cannot but i gotta go put my head back yeah it all meant to be true you know no one is going to be kill me touch me no one can do that we are as human as possible because at that one second of your life your entire history is going to come before you right but you see for those who are called by god the ultimate sacrifice you will surrender that point because now your history is with jesus your time is done and my brothers and sisters i don't think so i think next week we will complete the seven the other mysteries of the kingdom that i said that i had because it's just another whole process of teaching this thing is that i'm going you and i need to be anchored in what jesus is doing in our lives amen you see the one word i will raise you up as great before the lord includes the undercurrents of the natures and the attitudes of the kingdom the traits and the attributes of the kingdom has to go inside i mean we all admire doctors i have in my doctor lie he's a consultant but he's beginning sorry i went the other day to check what year you graduated then i realized the first graduation of seven years is just a basic basic uh uh medicine but then over years of accumulation to become a consultant to be precise and to get to be known by the grace of god it takes an accumulation of years of discipline and the magic word called practice are you with me so if you don't practice your anointing you're no longer current in what god is doing please don't stop the anointing which is not useful practitioners are useful in the end time and that is why don't get distracted by how much of oil you are storing in the house it doesn't really matter because the enemy is afraid of those who are practicing the anointing amen because those who are practicing the anointing are dangerous in the hand of god let me finish uh this morning's session by uh this scripture in matthew chapter in matthew chapter 11. we talked about john the baptist and jesus commented something i think it will be a great scripture to close if you are blessed say amen jesus asked the question remember he said uh yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he okay after finishing that now he gives us a clue in verse 12 from the days now matthew chapter 11 verse 12 from the days of john the baptist until now which is the now of that day the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence and the violent will take it by force and somebody say so in other words right now if you're going to take the kingdom which god has given to you there needs to be a certain strength in your spirit man you need to have a certain boldness now of course the word violence carries a negative connotation but that's not what jesus meant those people of those days understood that statement now you have to use the word the courageous is a more polite word to use more stable word to use the bowl the courages will take the the kingdom by false in other words the the enemy is holding that kingdom away from you you want your freedom take it by false what he is trying to hold you back he's trying to cheat you what god has already given to you the kingdom of god belongs to you not to the enemy somebody say what it belongs to you so in order for you to exercise what god has given to you this the wisdom that god has given to you the the anointings the breakthrough the destinies which god has given to you you need to exercise courage hope and strength to pull back what the enemy is trying to lie you got to use the kingdom are you with me and so god i pray in the name of jesus in 1986 right in front of my big study bible i i pasted a poster now when i open my bible the first page the poster will be there and that is a picture of a sword i wish i could have brought the bible to show you a picture of a sword and these words were inscribed in 1986 i wrote in the front page of my bible the kingdom of god suffereth violence and if you have to have victory the violence shall take it by force and i pray for that anointing that god will give it to me i pray for anointing that god give me that force to take it back give me the force to take what god has given to you so that you can become a blessing to the kingdom amen so today we want to pray that all the destruction the enemy is trying to bring the focus back on self will be again flattened back into glorifying jesus amen are you ready seven types of challenges that i want to recap number one the spirit of seduction and manipulation number two the spirit of betrayal that will work against you against us and number three the spirit of conspiracy and falsehood number four the spirit of fear number five the spirit of unstable mind or devil mindedness number six the spirit of wisdom that we need to tell us when to and when not to when you do things at the wrong time you'll die early and number seven the spirit of sacrifice that god is looking so that we can mature in the calling of god if not that process is not completed sacrifice is the ultimate part where we are living like jesus he calls us to be amen let's pray father we pray in the name of jesus that your presence and your anointing will come through the word of god there will be a boldness there will be a courage there will be destiny which are stolen by the enemy will be revealed in the name of jesus father we thank you that the holy spirit is doing a good job in our lives removing the dirt removing the hiccups showing the areas that we have lost it and we pray father you we will come again under the protective custody of the holy spirit again hide us in the secret prevalence of your presence of god hide us in the shadow of the almighty that father that your power and your spirit will work through us teach us your word that we can mature in you for the days that is to come so we are trustworthy father i pray for god's protection upon just my king and all the brothers and sisters who are watching these programs around the world may their families be protected may the grace of god come over them father and i thank you that he who has begun a good work in us will accomplish it until the day of jesus christ hallelujah and everybody say amen amen god bless you you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 2,420
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Id: 4dq448oZkHc
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Length: 99min 2sec (5942 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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