Pregnant Woman Reacts to Funny Pregnancy Situations ...but They're Not Relatable

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i think my baby's getting thirsty here's some water oh no it's raining oh is that what happens there's some fizzy rain for you baby stinks to be you baby okay so last week as you guys may remember i reacted to some pregnancy related tick tocks because i wanted to feel relatable to some other people who are going through what i'm going through being pragate progernent pregnant and that video did super super well i guess you guys care about my opinions on pregnancy related content so because i only have about three more months or less actually left of being pregnant i might as well try to watch all of the content that i can now a lot of people have asked me if i'm gonna do pregnancy life hacks from troom troom and yes i will be but all of their life hacks have to do with a woman that's like almost nine months pregnant like really big so i'm waiting waiting till we get closer to that but in the meantime i figured we could still watch some trim trim related content or in this case the channel called woohoo which is definitely a troop troop channel they just named it something else same people same logo colors i'm confused why this exists but it does but anyway i came across a series that they do called i am pregnant funny pregnancy situations they have a couple videos about this and some of them have like over 10 million views i don't know how or who but yeah so with 10 million views this video has to be very relatable right relatable funny pregnancy situations that any pregnant person would go through right no the answer is no this is not going to be relatable at all it's going to be very weird as it always is oh she see see every pregnant person that they use is like ready to pop pregnant i'm not there yet thank god what should i eat bacon or nutella i can't choose it's all because of these twins oh she's pregnant with twins okay better explanation of why she's so big but still mom i want bacon oh no nutella oh god they're giving a baby's perspective i do like that they went through the effort of making everything like red so it looks like the inside of you this is what your insides look like while you're pregnant super comfortable couch even get a bookcase it's nice there's a gnome it's great bacon nutella calm down babies bacon with nutella what are you doing what are you doing um i don't know why that grossed me out so much i mean i know why it grossed me out it was she just ate raw bacon raw raw bacon i'm not even 25 seconds into this video and i'm already dissecting it you can't eat raw meat while you're pregnant you can't eat raw anything you can't even have cold cuts well you just you just poisoned your baby i hope you're happy delicious are pregnant women really that high maintenance no no i feel like if you're a high maintenance person you will be a high maintenance pregnant person i am a pretty low maintenance person i literally have a problem asking people for help with things so i'm a low maintenance pregnant person oh god what are you fresh dirt delicious i just need a little water jenna are you okay yep no no jenna's not okay this isn't relatable pregnancy situations this is situations that should tell you that somebody is not mentally okay grabbing and eating dirt out of a plant not mentally okay then grabbing a watering can and drinking from it instead of going to the kitchen to get water not mentally okay please check on your friends if they are doing this whoa the baby's kicking so much oh my god good boy oh that's so sweet can i listen hey little guy what's up wait what happened to your other two kids did your one twin eat your other twin and then turn into a completely different baby okay left hook and what is happening who does this nobody does this who's interrupting my workout take that ouch your baby punched me in the eye oh damn gonna be a boxer for sure oh yeah definitely can relate to this one i hate when my baby assaults people through my stomach it happens all the time wow she's gorgeous later she's gorgeous never mind oops just keep switching oops just a reminder if you're pregnant nobody will love you nobody will think you are attractive by the way that's not coming from me it's coming from what i just learned god thank you choob troom i think my baby's getting thirsty here's some water oh no it's raining oh is that what happens no oh i have some sparkling water right here there's some fizzy rain for you baby stinks to be you baby this is so terrible to my future child watching this i'm sorry i love you [Music] mmm ice cream does my baby want sugar mama will feed you oh god what's gonna happen now i'm nearly dry what no it's snowing oh no cause of the ice cream no i'm freezing yes yes mama here's you baby an exercise ball is great for moms and babies she's so excited to be on this ball oh my god i had no idea this is what happens in there i had no idea i'm sorry baby is it a literal nightmare in there i didn't know thank you for letting me know oops oh build it jenna what is this the floor is wet your water broke don't worry don't panic breathe oh my god what's happening drink some water drink more water oh jesus girl it's just i'm getting beat up by oh god it was just regular water no you idiot i'm sleepy i'll take a little nap hi baby why are you all riled up yay the baby's raving the fun finally begins baby party oh my god i hate it i hate it okay this one though is actually true the second you go to lay down at night and like start calming down and wanting to go to sleep is when the baby starts moving the most because you're still in quiet so then they wake up and start doing everything hi how's the baby hi little one um this girl's face hold on i love your baby bump my precious oh my god this girl is so scary don't let this lady near your babies hi little one hi little one who's bothering me the creepiest lady ever oh i like you hello you shouldn't you shouldn't he moved oh my god hi baby who's that i don't like you okay you have terrible terrible decision-making skills anything sorry he's picky i will say the one silver lining of being pregnant during a pandemic is that i don't have to worry about strangers coming over and trying to touch my stomach i always thought that was weird that people would do that to pregnant women but now with the pandemic i'm just like nope nope you gotta be six feet away you can't come near me moving on to some new moms crazy mommy lucille crazy mommy lucille all right wild mama maria oh wow you oh girl you so wild she's at a party and normal mom bella completely normal she's having a cookie sandwich cookie sandwich with a hot dog and a piece of cheese and i don't even know that it's not even lettuce ferns ferns from outside that's her sandwich and together they are the pregnancy squad woo responsible pregnant women only eat healthy food responsible are a mom's best friend responsible pregnant women only eat fruits and vegetables i don't think you're getting everything you need from just fruits and vegetables but sure but some cruel heartless person left a pack of chips in the kitchen oh god oh no it's calling me i need to hear them now girls listen they are telling me eat us lucille crunch on our chemicals and preservatives eat our chemicals and preservatives yes god it's like a horror movie no i won't give in wait is this the crazy one [Music] what my diet is making me hallucinate yeah this is this is the crazy one oh god who are you this hot momma doesn't want to quit working she's the normal she's pregnant after all her doctors didn't say she should i mean i do this why are they looking at her so look at the girl on the floor she's like how you're pregnant though how are you picking that up it's fine to strength train while you're pregnant you actually should it helps a lot with the pregnancy and the birth don't judge pregnant people that are strength training but not everyone at the gym is used to seeing a pregnant woman lifting weights are you all right what if she gives birth on the workout machine oh my god yeah especially if you've been lifting weights prior to getting pregnant you're allowed to like continue doing what you're doing all the way to like the end you just can't pick up anything that like is strenuouting like you shouldn't be like trying to lift more and more weight you should just be doing like what you can handle basically this mom wants to write down the whole timeline of her pregnancy for future generations oh my god i've tried to i i'm doing this but i'm way behind it always seems like a good idea until you forget week by week by week let's see how much i weigh today oh i'll write that down now let's see how much my baby weighs i have a special scale just for her what oh my god oh my god no my little pearl is getting so big not how that works girl congratulations you're pregnant what congratulations you're pregnant what oh this is the wild one oh no now i just need to answer that one little question who's the dad my boyfriend or my ex i need to do a scientific comparison oh girl oh girl hey there it's been a while don't move i need to see your profile phew the nose is different lucky me again this is just funny pregnancy situations that we all go through and he looks exactly like my current boyfriend i'm so happy by the way honey you are gonna be a dad soon wait it she said that's her current boyfriend who was the other guy did you cheat on your boyfriend girl time for gender reveals oh no this is so exciting pink confetti it's a girl like a girl what's the normal one bella's having a boy blue confetti i'm like yay it's okay i think this is definitely my favorite couple the dad's face i can't oh my god all right this makes it all worth it i love this couple i hope the confetti comes out black that would be hilarious it's ready went to a gender reveal party and somebody did this and they poked it but it came out like black or green like a color nobody knew and they just got really excited and everybody's like what is it what does it mean we're having a demon it's genderless and evil congratulations oh my god i swear to god i did not watch this video before reacting to it what does gold mean i mean i guess has anybody tried to make the statement that they're gonna raise their kid as non-binary or like gender neutral by putting like white or gray in there i mean but then they wouldn't have a gender reveal at all just thinking just thinking out loud what does gold mean and maria maria is just having someone pregnant women have a very interesting relationship to food yeah something is wrong with this croissant oh ketchup perfect that'll be the ideal filling for my sweet why nobody nobody's commenting on the fact that her baby daddy just put ketchup on pizza and now he's judging her he put ketchup on his pizza that already has tomato sauce on it but he's judging her for putting it on a croissant makes sense delicious this is the perfect flavor combination how can she eat that oh right she's pregnant what's your excuse then you just put ketchup on pizza it's common knowledge that pregnant women have a lot of intense mood swings it's common knowledge ah he's so silly i love videos like this huh what he found poor baby why are they torturing their kids i'll never treat you like that my future youtube star my future youtube star yes you're gonna get me views i mean i mean is it is it hypocritical for me to say that when i've been using pregnancy for video ideas no because it's still me i'm the pregnant one i'm not gonna be using my baby for views but could you imagine like just a pregnant woman's just like yes i will make a youtube channel for you and we will we will raise you as a youtuber and that will be your life that's even scary to think about them i'm sure there's people that are doing that my husband isn't paying any attention to me that's it honey you asked for it i'll play dirty and spill a little water on the floor ah your water broke quick call the doctor okay this is the second time that somebody just noticed there was something wet on the floor and immediately thought that the woman was going into labor without asking or anything and now my husband's attention is hundred percent on me excellent excellent pregnancy is no excuse to get that's right i knew it was her i knew it was her i have a new accessory an oversized tummy isn't it cool my baby better get used to turning up okay i'd love to get to know you whoops okay i think i missed my chance same with the same situation can't be bothered can't be bothered with the pregnant lady just no my bad i'm gonna go my baby better be ready to turn up my brother is taking all the food for himself and putting his bowl on his beer belly that's so rude i need to get pregnant stab then i can do the same thing with my tummy that's why i got pregnant only reason it's been working out fantastic when i'm pregnant i'll eat as much as i want i'll just put the bowl of food on my belly and my hands will be free you know what else you can use a table you could use a table i just went back to look at this guy's face one more time but otherwise that was it for funny pregnancy situations did these situations make me feel relatable and not alone no not at all not even a little bit did i learn anything no not at all not even a little bit that's what i expected from true slash but once again if you made it this far in the video and you want me to react to any other ridiculous pregnancy videos then make sure to leave a like and also let me know in the comments below if there's any specific ones you know about that you want me to check out that i don't maybe know about also before you go you could just go right over here to the things that are popping up where you can subscribe so that when i do do the pregnancy life hack video eventually you will be notified or check out some of my other videos or check out some of the new merch and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 3,336,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, weird, weirdest, pregnant, pregnancy, i tried, tiktok, tik tok, tik toks, pregnant tik tok, pregnancy tik toks, funny, react, react to, reacting, trying, troom troom, woohoo, 123 go, 5 minute crafts, funny pregnancy situations, i am pregnant
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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