Funny Tik Tok Accidents Caught on Camera

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happy damn remember the time when the only way you could watch people instantly regret things is by watching america's funniest home videos this is like the world's funniest home videos this is instant regrets do you think my grandma noticed i dyed my hair do you think my grandma my grandma would notice i dyed my hair do you think my grandmother noticed i dyed my hair oh no you can't blame her usually you take the tub or the removable shower head and you wash it upside down but this girl had no option she had no option she had to just stand there and go like this and then she put shampoo in it and then it drips down it got everywhere i wonder how long it took for that to come out did you guys see that video of that girl who like gorilla glued her hair my hair has been like this for about a month now when i do my hair i like to you know finish it off with a little got the big glue spray you know just to keep it in place well i didn't have any more that to be displaced so i use this i can't i can't i can't i can't we use gorilla glue to glue things together that will never ever fall apart is there an update is she okay like i just feel bad like it's not even funny okay finally able to cut it off i guess your hair would like they would grow out eventually especially if it's been there for a month you'd probably have to like wait till the root comes out a little bit and then shave it off oh that's so bad we thought getting lice was bad no gorilla gluing your hair that's the new wave i'm about to show you something and ask you an ethical question if you were this girl's sister would you post this today my little sister is going to be asking her crush to be her valentine i'm hoping this is fake and i think it is i hope yeah i'm hoping for the sake of humanity bird poop do not please it's so funny how do you not post it she literally has bird poop on her lips yeah she regretted that she was just trying to do a little cute like like with her tongue under it and then the sister had to wind the window down what okay i just the big sister was picking the little sister up in the first place because the little sister wants to ask her crush out right i feel like if i had this video i would show it to everybody i know but i wouldn't post it on tick tock but it'd be so hard not to this is why i can't make a value judgment on this big sister because how do you not post a moment this amazing she might have trouble finding dates in the future but how do you not post it like she had no choice big talk interior design trends that i think are ugly and people should stop doing part six worse is when people clip them onto string if i ever see this i'm going to immediately hi my name is it's a really cute idea it's so fun to like make fun of people for doing something that's really basic but like poor mckenna she's just trying to make her room look cute and unique unbreakable places go on okay so what i think is i think that that plate was unbreakable but sometimes if something hits something else at a perfect angle it breaks perfectly i took anthropology once and like if you like carved a rock in a certain way if you hit it in a certain direction like the end of it would just pop off like nothing even though it was like solid rock i feel like that's what happened to this plate and maybe it is unbreakable it was just a one in a million angle puff i meant to send this to my group chat and accidentally sent it to the cute man's snapping what it's okay though it could be so much worse okay so if he already likes you he's gonna find that endearing if he doesn't like you you were out anyway so it doesn't really matter it's just kind of funny the only thing that would have actually been really really bad like instant regret worthy is if she sent a snap of herself singing like hard singing like get out right now like that this it was okay it's only a mild burn you don't wait let me see your hands it's it's not washing starting it's not washing so off only a certain percentage of people are capable of making this face but this is one of the finest i regret this faces i don't know i just think it's the pinnacle of comedy and i wish i could do it i just i don't have the bone structure what could go wrong if you're trying to do something nice for your girlfriend my girlfriend was trying to clean up her makeup brushes i decided to help her out by putting them in the dishwasher i've never done this and i think like there has to be a reason why no one's ever recommended this being done because it's actually a pretty smart idea oh yeah i learned how to clean my makeup brushes in like 2009 or something i've never thought to do the dishwasher but i feel like it's something i would do so this is good to know my mom hired a woman to clean up the house because my mom was overwhelmed and my dad was out of the country she just wanted a woman to come in for an hour and clean this woman walks in and she's like to my brother why are you sleeping in the middle of the day that is very unbecoming of a young man and then she looks at me and my sister and she's like you better clean those makeup brushes and we got her the hell out of our house so fast this random woman i've never met screaming at me about my makeup brush it was really awkward okay oh no oh my i mean that wasn't his fault maybe he's just really strong there's no sound more unsettling than glass breaking particularly a lot of glass breaking it gets everyone going and i don't like at restaurants when it happens and everyone's like oppa it's like no i mean they're trying to make a light of it trying to make a light of it they're trying to make light of a dark situation i've been telling my husband for like three days like i want to get up at five in the morning and i want to go run well this morning my alarm went off and i got up just to go pee and he turns over this i am so proud of you for your hand it's like how could i not now you know and like i get up i'm going to go ride and i make it out of the driveway and i'm like i can't do this anymore this is why you never tell your significant other anything that you plan on doing because they will they will say i thought you were said you were going to do that or oh you should do it you should do what you said you do it never talk about something until you're actually doing it because it's a good way to get in a quick fight this is dying your eyebrows and leaving it on for too long i'm actually quite good at dyeing my eyebrows i haven't done it in a long time but oh my goodness this is why i always go lighter and not darker oh my goodness no please no please no that is the what did she use gorilla glue it's coming off a little oh there has to be some sort of hack to get this off the key here is to only dye your eyebrows if you're trying to dye them lighter because no matter how much you bleach them off you can like fill them in and make them as dark as you want doing it darker it scares me it's workout time and everyone's been taking a pre-workout on my for you page so pre-workout without water why why would you do that is this the new cinnamon challenge i wonder if the first guy faked it just to get the second guy to do it all right worst fear when i was a kid getting a tattoo and not knowing the meaning cheesy chips that's actually kind of cute i wouldn't mind that i would just be upset if it says something like like [ __ ] or something do you ever just put your hands in things at the store this guy did they're trying to move him out of it why would he put it that deep in it's not your property just laughed don't break the vase please is it vase or boss how is this woman like a phd at getting people's hands out of voz she's like relax relax calm down it's not gonna come out unless you're calm i know i do this every week that was very cute very charming very stunning i appreciate it some of you may have known but the pepperoni hot pockets have actually been recalled because they could have like chunks of metal in them or something but i don't think they actually do okay so i'm putting the hot pocket in now two minutes like normal see there's nothing wrong with that oh my goodness it scared me i don't think it was recalled because there were like big chunks of metal that would ignite your microwave i think it was recalled because there's like traces of metal that could probably give you uh a health issue cutting holes in ice [Music] what's gonna happen your balls why would you do it when i was in high school there were a lot of guys who like thought it was really fun to kick each other in the balls and like i don't understand how you could be really into doing something that really hurts terry have you ever like had somebody kick you in the balls why did you do it oh i didn't ask them to oh have you ever asked somebody to no oh maybe the guys at high school were built different or something so this is a proposal gone wrong [Music] no no oh my goodness i mean i would never ask again if i got down on one knee and the person was like no what are you doing i'd be like okay this whole thing's canceled we should probably break up i'll keep the big dog you keep the small one and i guess i'll be on my way this is put a finger down stupid edition are you stupid let's find out [Laughter] that's really funny i was actually quite tempted to put a finger down and i don't remember if it's because he did it or because i thought that was the first question this is wearing the wrong shoes on a hike in canada these are the same terry she's wearing the exact same shoes that i wear on every single walk and i literally i almost fall and die every time for some reason these are perfect for the winter they keep your feet warm i can't imagine a better shoe like they're lined with really warm cotton but they do not stick to ice they do not and this is how i walk what's even worse i'm wearing a backpack with a long line that engine is attached to so if anjing runs around a tree i have to chase him and it's just it's so dangerous why wouldn't they make them for winter you wouldn't wear these in summer it's okay girl we all got baited she's just not stopping he's going for the long jump here we go get it get it man this is your chance i believe in you we hit his head hard my chest like constricts when i see people fall like that because i've done it so many times and i know how it feels and everybody laughs and you want to laugh with them but you can't because you're winded it's the worst never record yourself yawning from the side profile ever in your life it can't be that bad let me try oh my god i look like a lopsided llama how did that look you have to pause it because i don't know [Music] i love phones because back in the day when you know you decided that you're going to try a dance you decided that you were going to try a trend you decided that you were going to join the basketball team you just did it in your room and nobody saw how hilarious you actually trying was whereas now we have a window open to all of these regrets and i love it so much filming a horror audition at home without telling the neighbors that it's what you're doing hello oh my god you're so nice i'm filming a selfie video i wish my neighbors cared about me that much like i feel like if i did that my neighbors would be like good riddance like i hope he actually killed her a cute photo shoot idea we've seen it before how could it go wrong [Laughter] i feel like she was memeing she had to have been meaning nobody comes out of the water like this at most it'd be like this would be like how it turned out if you weren't a model going skiing for the first time [Music] put your legs a little closer together kid oh that looks really fun i've never been skiing and i've always wanted to go so badly and i've always wanted to be that kid and i've always wanted to go on a chair lift and it's just canadian things that i've never done for some reason my boyfriend took a video of me sleeping and now i will never be sleeping this is toxic terry's done this to me before and i didn't like it at all it's just it happens to the best of us personally i don't snore but i do make the ugliest faces ever when i'm sleeping opening a college acceptance with your friend see this is not something you do in front of a friend you don't do it i got in oh congrats holy [ __ ] oh wait i got the trusty scholarship for 32 grand a year how much 32 grand a year [Music] okay well i thought that he was going to be really excited and she was going to be like here it is here it is oh i got rejected but this is even worse he's like i got deferred and she's like i got scholarships on scholarships i'm not gonna have to pay a dime got into my reach school look at me i'm the best you know you should probably be a little happier for her but that's unfortunate for you all right so this is the tutorial and you wanna yeah you want to do it too i've seen this guy before all right that's cute i personally i don't find it that appetizing but it's an idea [Music] yeah it hurts he's not faking it that's not the kind of chocolate you use but i just i don't even know what to tell you why would you use chocolate syrup okay i can't i think that he's making just like a parody though i hope oh yes there's too much see when you have to help him yes oh my god he's stuck the way that people don't put their phone down instantly when something like this happens it's very concerning to me if he's swimming in the same spot because he can't move like there is some seaweed holding him down you gotta help immediately well that was some instant regrets uh there there was some good there was some good bangers in here it was kind of a gold mine i feel like tick tock is just really serving a purpose and it's bringing all of us so much okay tic toc if you pay me i will say these i'll finish my scent and i'm just kidding tick tock is just it's just it's really cool to be able to see so many different videos so many different varieties on one little app you know what i mean it's just cool please sponsor me tick tock i hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 2,870,597
Rating: 4.9559302 out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, tik tok, funny videos, try not to laugh, tik tok video, funny tik tok videos, meme compilation, tik tok compilation, funny moments, caught on camera funny, instant regrets, accidents caught on camera, mistakes on camera, funny accidents, regrets, mistakes, fails, fails caught on camera
Id: LgrUtMjpl_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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